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Pros and Cons of Bullying

The pros and cons of bullying, the pros of bullying is that the victims get a taste of the real world. You
learn to stand up for yourself and be individualistic, you learn how to speak up for yourself and how to
fight off negative people, that will hurt and affect your life. The tormentor may feel superior to others, a
huge self-esteem boost. The victims of bullying have to face their bullies; they learn how to deal with
their problems head-on, rather than running away from them, it shapes people into changing for the
better and it helps them fit into society.
The cons of bullying are that you hurt peoples feeling and lower their self -esteem, this might lead to
self-harm which could end up as a result of suicide. Sometimes the victim might see this as a way to do
as the perpetrator did and bully others. Most of the times bullies bully others because they have low
self-esteem or they are facing problems at home, school or they are jealous of you, the victim. The
effects of bullying can be long-lasting for victims including fear, anxiety, depression, and possible
thoughts of suicide. One major factor of bullies are they can mess up their own future