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Thermodynamics Assignment: EOS for Liquids & Gases

For acetone, find;
(a) The value of (эP/эT)V at 20 C and 1 bar
(b) The pressure generated by heating at constant V from 20 C
and 1 bar to 30oC.
The change in volume for a change from 20oC and 1 bar to 0oC
and 10 bar.
(d) The saturate liquid phase molar volume for at 30 C (Hint: Obtain
critical values form web sources).
For Liquid acetone at 20oC and 1 bar,
ɴ = 1.487 x 10-3 oC-1 , ʃ = 62 x 10-6 bar-1 and V = 1.287 cm3 g-1
P1: Using EOS for Liquids
Assignment-I: P1
For n-butane
Tc= 425.1 K, Pc= 37.96 bar, ʘ = 0.2
Calculate the molar volume of n-butane at 510K, 25bar, using the
(a) ideal-gas law,
(b) the truncated virial equation, and
(c) the Pitzer correlation with the Lee-Kesler values for Z0 and Z1
P2: Comparison of EOS methods for gases
Assignment-I: P2
Calculate V for sulfur hexafluoride at 75o C and 15 bar by the
following equations:
(a) The van der waals equation
(b) The Redlich/Kwong equation
(c) The Soave/Redlich/Kwong equation
(d) The Peng/Robinson equation.
For sulfur hexafluoride, Tc = 318.7 K, Pc = 37.6 bar, Vc = 198 cm3 mol-1 ,
and ʘ= 0.286.
P3: Comparison of cubic EOS
Assignment-I: P3
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