CD 0> O z n m H CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Second Edition Arthur Beiser r o m TO < CO n (A CO ft o 3 m Q5: o CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS McGRAW-HILL SERIES IN FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS: AN UNDERGRADUATE TEXTBOOK PROGRAM E. CONDON, EDITOR, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO U. MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY BOARD D. Allan Bromley, Arthur F. Kip, ! Hugh D. Young, CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Oiiirp.sili/ Ytilc Second Edition nittmity of California, Berkeley f?rmwfftf ftftiBrwn t 'niversity INTRODUCTORY TEXTS Beiscr Kip • Concepts of Modem luiHilmm-nliils of Young Arthur Beiser Physics I'.teitriciti/ and Magnetism Young Fundamentals of Mechanics and Seal • Fuiuliiuieiiliilfi of Optics tint! Modem I'liysics UPPER-DIVISION TEXTS Burger :mil ObsOfl Beiser . Cohen Longn Trail! Modem INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITION A Modern Perspective I'lit/xin CoRetpti of \tolror Physics frmilitiw . . . Physics of - i'.tcments (f Waves Mathenuitical Physics nliit.i t>! fundamentals of Meyerhof Rcif Ctas&oal Mechanics: Pnsperiirr.s of Elmore and llculd kraut . tllementtiry Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Fundamentals of Statistical ami Thermal Physics and Potuilla Atomic Theory: An Introduction to Wave McGRAW-HILL KOGAKUSHA, LTD. Mec.hnoii.-i Tokyo New Delhi IXisseldorf Panama Johannesburg Rio de Janeiro London Singapore Mexico Sydney CONTENTS Preface ix Chapter 3 List of Abbreviations PART ONE Chapter 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS The Michelson-Morlcy 3 Experi- ment Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 1.2 The Concepts of modern physics. (McGraw-Hill series I. in Matter-Constitution, fundamentals of physics) 2. 1973 530.1 72-7089 CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Copyright © 1963, 1967, 1973 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. may be reproduced, stored in a All rights reserved. No part retrieval system, or transmitted, in of any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. IN JAPAN 82 Diffraction of Particles 3.6 The Uncertainty 3.7 Applications of the Uncertainty Principle 91 g 3.8 The Wave-particle Duality 93 Principle 17 20 formation 27 4.1 Velocity Addition 28 •4.2 Alpha-particle Scattering 30 •4.3 The Rutherford 12 1.11 Mass and Energy Mass and Energy: Alternative 35 Derivation Mass Waves Atomic Structure 101 101 105 Scattering rn 37 4.5 Electron Orbits 113 39 4.6 Atomic Spectra in 4.7 The Bohr Atom 121 4.8 Energy levels and Spectra 125 4.9 Nuclear Motion 129 2.3 X 2.4 X-Ray 2.5 The Compton 2.6 Pair Production 63 Gravitational Red Shift 68 •2.7 4 Atomic Models wa- The Photoelectric Effect The Quantum TTiaory of 43 4.10 Atomic Excitation 47 4.11 The Correspondence 51 Effect Chapter Nuclear Dimensions 2.2 Diffraction TWO THE ATOM Formula 43 light PART 4.4 Particle Properties of Rays 96 22 The Chapter 2 Problems 16 I.JO Relativity of 76 3 Meson Decay The Lorentz Transformation The Inverse Lorentj; Trans- Problems PRINTED The length Contraction 2.1 this publication 79 3.5 Velocity 1.6 Dilation Problems Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw-Hill. Phase and Croup Velocities 1.5 1.12 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITION 3.4 73 74 The Twin Paradox •1.9 ISBN 0-07-004363-4 3.3 Wave Function De Broglie Wave Waves Time Title. QC173.B413 3.2 Broglie 1.4 "1.8 1. De 1.3 •1.7 Quantum theory, 73 3.1 Special Theory of Relativity Beiser, Arthur, Properties of Particles Special Relativity I Wave 131 Principle Problems 133 135 56 60 70 Chapter 5 Quantum Mechanics 139 5.1 Introduction to Qiuui turn Mechanics 139 5.2 The Wave Equation 140 5.3 1.4 5.5 df|H'tnlcnt Fortn 143 Expect sit ion Values 145 Sehrodinger'i Equation: Steady Form statc 5.8 Time- Schrodingrr"-, Equation: Tin 1 The Particle in u Bus: Wave 153 Particle in a '['In' •5.10 156 1 1. milium ()s t The Harmonic ill, 158 ilni Oscillator: Solu- tion of Schrddioger's Equation Problems £43 Molecular Fun nation I 163 Fleet ron Sharing 245 8.3 The 247 The Molecular Ion 6V 252 Molecule llj 8.5 Molecular Mi Hybrid 254 Orliitals 261 Orliitals 8.7 Carbon-carbon Bonds 265 8.8 Rotational Energy Levels 269 Vibrational Energy Levels 8.9 169 243 8.2 8.4 Nan rigid Box 5.0 S. Quantum Theory Hydrogen Atom of the Chapter 9 173 6.1 Schrodinger's Equation Hydrogen Atom 173 °(j.2 Separation of Variables 176 178 6.4 Quantum Numbers Principal Quantum Number 6.5 Orbital Quantum Number Magnetic Quantuiii Number ISO "6.3 I'd 6.7 1 !n- Normal Zeeman for the Effect £81 Mechanics Statistical DfetrflnitfOQ 8.2 Phase Space M ax well-Bol nim n •ft3 t "9.4 \m Statistical 9,1 184 9.6 187 "9.7 Electron Probability Density 169 9.8 6.9 Radiative Transitions im •9.9 6. t() Selection Rules 198 I Uws Many-electron Atoms 9.11 Rotutional Spectra 298 Rose-Einstein Distribution 300 Rluck-hody RadUlimi 3tM Fcnni-Dirac Distribution M) The Laser VI Syn in let lies 327 222 10.5 331 2-2-2 10.6 226 •10.7 The Metallic Braid The Rand Theory of The Fermi Bong 228 •10.8 Electron-energy Distribution *7.10 One-electron Spectra 229 •10.9 Rrtllouin *7.1 232 "10.11) Origin y( 1 of Alpha Decay 1 1.- 1 10 The Crystalline 10.11 237 Problems Conservation 447 Theories of Elementary Particles •151 404 Answers to Odd-numliercd Problems 457 481 Solid State Effect ive 317 and Amorphous Solids 1 235 10 id Principles 314 Hund's Rule CONTENTS 13.8 +14 448 310 7.6 Problems Isotoptc Spin 439 Number 311 325 7.12 X-ray Spectra 13.7 412 Van Dcr Waals Forces i.i Nuclear Transformations Camma Decay 111.4 ' Chapter 12 12.8 295 215 Two-electron Spectra 389 Particles 411 The 1 Strangeness Inverse Reta Decay 7.5 Coupling 13.6 438 397 12.7 318 ft Systematic* of Elementary 293 Covalent Crystals •7.9 Kaons and Ilyperons 13.5 Evaluation of Constant^ an Ideal 436 13.4 408 in 433 and Muons 383 Reta Decay 10.3 Coupling 380 Piraiv Theory 213 1.S 13.3 12.8 El eel n )i •7.8 Prohlems 379 *12.5 Gas 431 of Nuclear Forces Singlet States The Liquid-drop Model The Shell Model Problems 7.1 Momentum and Meson Theory 431 377 399 317 Total Angular 11.10 Triplet 13.2 374 the Dculcrun Barrier Penetration Ionic Crystals °7.7 1.8 Antiparticlcs "12.4 Solids Periodic Table 11.8 1 The Dcuteron Ground Stale of Elementary Particles 13.1 288 10.2 is •1 1.7 Chapter 13 13.9 210 >i 372 "11.8 396 207 i i Binding Energy 127 Alpha Decay Spin -orbit Coupling rat 370 11.5 424 12.3 The 1 1 Nuclear Sizes and Shapes 12.13 Thermonuclear Energy Prohlems 287 7.3 lii> 11.4 423 393 7.2 i 386 420 12.12 Trausuranic Elements 389 10.1 in Stable Nuclei \lk [ear Fivsion Radioactive Scries < '. 11.3 117 12.1 Radioactive Decay 203 ( 384 413 The Compound Nucleus 12.2 203 i 361 Cross Section 12.10 12.1 Electron Spin Exclusion Principle Atomic Masses The Neutron 289 Problems 7.1 361 12.9 287 >isl ri 1 1 1 1 9.10 Comparison of Results 200 Chapter 7 The Atomic Nucleus lion Molecular Energies 9.5 fl.8 Problems 272 1.1 11.2 1 1 THE NUCLEUS 8.10 Electronic Spectra of Molecules Chapter 6 1 of Mole- cules 140 Functions The 5.8 The Physics Chapter 8 Energy Quantization 5.7 Chapter 146 Particle in » Box; PART FOUR PART THREE PROPERTIES OF MATTER 333 339 342 Zones 344 Forhiddcn Bands 346 Mass 355 355 CONTENTS VII PREFACE This book that is intended for use with one-semester courses in modern physics have elementary and calculus classical physics and quantum theory are considered first standing the physics of atoms and nuclei. as prerequisites. Kelativity framework for under- to provide a The theory of the veloped with emphasis on quantum-mechanical notions, and discussion of the properties of aggregates of atoms. atom is is then de- followed by a Finally atomic nuclei and elementary particles are examined. The balance here more toward deliberately leans mental methods and practical applicatioas. because student is of individual details. However, all physical theories by the sword of experiment, and a nmnlier of extended derivations live or die are included in order lo demonstrate exactly related to actual measurements. students responsible for the Many can be passed over how an abstract concept can I have indicated with lightly without on the contents of these sections are lie instructors will prefer not to hold their more complicated (though not matically difficult) discussions, and that modern physics by a conceptual better served in his introduction to framework than by a mass ideas than toward experi- believe that the beginning I also loss necessarily matheasterisks sections of continuity; problems based marked with asterisks. Other omis- may well have teen may be skipped when its contents sions are also passible, of course. Relativity, For example, covered and Part 3 earlier, will lie the subject of later ion the type of course into selected subjects, in its entirety work. Thus there is scope for an instructor to fash- he wishes, whether a general survey or a deeper inquiry and to choose the level of treatment appropriate to his audience. An expanded this series; version of this book requiring no higher degree of mathematical my Perspectives of Modern Physics, an Upper Division Text in other Upper Division Texts carry forward specific aspects of modem preparation is physics in detail. In preparing this edition of Concepts of text has Modern Physics much of the original LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS been reorganized and rewritten, the coverage of a number of topics has been broadened, and some material of peripheral interest has been dropped. I am grateful to Y. Beers and T. Satoh for their helpful suggestions j n this regard. Arthur Beiser k amp angstrom atm atmosphere b barn C coulomb Ci cmie d day eV F fm electron volt g h Hz ampere farad fermi gram hour hertz joule ] K degree Kelvin m meter mi mile miri minute mol mole N newton s seeond T tesla u atomic mass unit V volt W watt yr year xi PREFACE SPECIAL RELATIVITY i Our modern physics begins with study of This of relativity. is a consideration of the special theory a logical starting point, since concerned with measmeinent and all physics is urements depend upon the observer as weD as upon what is ultimately how meas- observed. From relativity involves an analysis of there are intimate relationships emerges a new mechanics in which Iretween space and time, mass and energy. Without these relationships relativity to understand the microscopic be impossible elucidation LI is modem the central problem of it would world within the atom whose physics. THE fJIICHELSONMORLEY EXPERIMENT The wave theory of light was devised and perfected several decades before the electromagnetic nature of the waves became known. It was reasonable for the pioneers in optics to regard light waves as undulations in an all-pervading elastic medium called the ether, and their successful explanation of diffraction interference phenomena so familial- that its in existence and terms Gf ether waves made was accepted without question. Maxwell's develop- the notion of the ether ment of the electromagnetic theory of light in 1864 and Hertz's experimental confirmation of it in 887 deprived the ether of most of its properties, but nobody 1 at the lime seemed willing to discard the ether: thai light propagates relative to Let us consider an example of what hmdamentai some idea represented by the sort of universal this idea frame of reference. implies with die help of a simple analogy. D which Hows with the speed v. the river with the same speed V, Boal A of one bank Two boats start out from opposite the starting point directly bank other on the crosses the river to a point the distance D and then for downstream heads B Bud then returns, white boal Figure 1-1 is a sketch of a river of width returns to the starling point. Let us calculate the time required for each round trip. — component land V as From net speed across the river. its Fig. 1-2 we see that these speeds are related by the formula river V = + V' 2 2 so that the actual v2 A speed with which boat V'= VV 2 - crosses the river is v2 rB CDCD- 4 =3 Hence the time speed V, the initial crossing for the total round-trip time tA FIGURE Boat A goes directly across the river and returns to downstream for an identical distance and then returns. 1-1 its starting point, while boat B heads We begin by considering Ixmt A. (Fig. 1-2). It it A If heads perpendicularly across Lhe downstream from its goal The river, on the opposite bank - should be exactly —v in accomplish this, its and in order to compensate upstream component of velocity order to cancel out the river current v, B case of boat relative to the shore must therefore head somewhat upstream for the current. In order to 1-2 Boat A must head upstream in divided by the is D/V\ twice or it trip, is the order to compensate for the river current. % somewhat own u of the river. It sum V to the heads downstream, t; its speed of the river (Fig. 1-3), D/(V + c). On its return own speed V minus the longer time D/{V — c) to travel in the time shoTe therefore requires the D it plus the speed D downstream travels the distance As different. speed however, B's speed relative speed leaving the v2 /V 2 is its upstream the distance FIGURE D 2.D/V l.i \/l the current will carry Lhe distance is Since the reverse crossing involves exactly die same amount of time, to its starting point. is its The total round-trip time H t is of these times, namely, .« Using the = D D V+ V-v v common denominator (V _ ' B D(V ~ ~ (V v) + + + D(V + v)(V - l)(V — v) for both terms, v) o) 2DV V* -v" •2D/V 1.2 1 which The 1.3 Jl 4 is _ oVV a greater than ratio f^, the corresponding round-trip time for the other boat. between the times = VT - i;7 V f., and tB is 2 If we know the common speed Vof the two we can determine the speed v of the river. BASIC CONCEPTS boats and measure the ratio t A /t 8 , SPECIAL RELATIVITY L — V . i mirror A B V v B v X B v parallel light from FIGURE 1-3 The speed river current while its of boat H downstream speed upstream is relative to the shore is increased mirror B single source by the speed of the reduced by the same amount. half -silvered mirror The reasoning used in problem of the passage of we move pervading space, this problem may be transferred light waves through the through with it at least the speed of the earth's orbital motion about the sun; our speed through the ether of an observer motion, is even greater on the earth, the ether we can is ether. if 3 If x From moving past the there |0* the sun (Fig. 1-4). to the analogous is m/s is 1-5). One of these light viewing screen (18.5 mi/s) also in motion, FIGURE The MichetsonMortey experiment. 1-5 the point of view To detect earth. this use the pair of light lieams formed by a half-silvered mirror instead of a pair of boats (Fig. hypothetical ether current an ether beams is directed to a mirror along a path perpendicular to the ether current, while the other goes is 1-4 Motions of the earth through a hypothetical ether optical arrangement such that both beams return to the same viewing screen. The purpose of the clear glass plate FIGURE The to a mirror along a path parallel to the ether current. is to ensure that both beams pass through the same thicknesses of air and glass. If at the path lengths of the the screen hi phase of view. and The presence of an two beams are exactly the same, they will arrive will interfere constructively to yield a bright Held ether current in the direction shown, however, would cause the beams to have different transit limes in going from the half-silvered mirror to the screen, so that they would no longer arrive at the screen in phase but would interfere destructively. performed in In essence this is the famous experiment 1887 by the American physicists Miehelson and Morley. In the actual experiment the two mirrors are not perfectly perpendicular, with the result that the viewing screen appears crossed with a series of bright and dark interference fringes due to differences in path length between adjacent light waves (Fig. 1-6). If either of the optical paths in the the fringes appear to of the ran move waves succeed one another tell us nothing about die apparatus is apparatus is across the screen as reinforcement at varied in length, and cancellation each point. The stationary apparatus, then, any time difference between die two paths. When rotated by 90", however, the two padis change their orientations beam formerly requiring now requires tB and vice versa. If these times move across the screen during the rotation. relative to the hypothetical ether stream, so that the the time t A for the round trip are different, the fringes will BASIC CONCEPTS SPECIAL RELATIVITY If d corresponds d where X FIGIWE 1-6 d we t Fringe pat- tern observed in — a fringes, to the shifting of nX the wavelength of the light used. is Equating these two formulas for find that Michel- cAt son-Morley experiment. _ Dv 2 Ac 2 In the actual experiment Michelson and Morley were able to make D about 10 m length through the use of multiple reflections, and the wavelength 10~ 10 m). The expected fringe of the light they used was about 5,000 A (1 A in effective = Let us calculate the fringe From Eqs. 1.1 ether drift and 3 X is 4 10 - B t 1 t> expected on the basis of the ether theory. each path when the apparatus 2D/V - v 2 /V 2 the ether speed, rn/s, V and is m X 10 tA "5x 2D/V y/1 - v 2/V 2 which we = 0.2 shall take as the earth's orbital the speed of light c, where c = 3x lf* w speed of m/s. Hence Mr- (3 mX T A 0.4 fringe. To everybody's much fi (3 X 10 s m/s) 2 fringe shift of this surprise, iment was performed smaller than 1. extremely small compared with According to the binomial theorem, when x shift, magnitude (l±af « 1 ± therefore express the distance The path el = to conshisions nx Af quences. to no fringe shift whatever was found. at different seasons of the a good approximation as cA(. BASIC CONCEPTS between the half-silvered mirror and each of the other d corresponding to a time difference At is difference When the exper- year and in different locations, were always identical: no motion through the ether was detected. 1, result First, it of the Michelson-Morley experiment had two conse- rendered untenable the hypothesis of the ether by demon- strating that the ether has no measurable properties what had once been a respected idea. Second, is the it — an ignominious end suggested a new for physical same everywhere, regardless any motion of source or ohserver. 1.2 is amount and when experiments of other kinds were tried for (he same purpose, the of D the total shift should readily observable, and therefore to establishing directly the existence of principle: the speed of light in free space mirrors. is is The negative Here therefore the ether. io- We may is L0 J m/s} 2 X Since both paths experience this fringe 2n or V2 is rotated by 90° time difference between the two paths owing to the Michelson and Morley looked forward which is is M= Here 1.2 the shift shift in We THE SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY mentioned earlier the role of the ether as a universal frame of reference with respect to which light waves were supposed to propagate. speak of "motion," of course, we really mean "motion Whenever we relative to a frame of SPECIAL RELATIVITY The frame reference." may be a road, the earth's we must specify it. of reference surface, the sun, the center of our galaxy; but in every case Bermuda and in in exactly both in Perth, Australia, fall Stones dropped "down," and yet the two move opposite directions relative to the earth's center. Which the correct is This postulate follows directly from the results of the Mfcbelson-Morley experi- ment and many all location of the frame of reference in this situation, the earth's surface or its center? The answer may be more pervading all is that all frames of reference are equally correct, aldiough convenient to use we space, a specific case. in could refer Bermuda and Perth would escape from then, implies that there is empty or instrument observing it. to and the inhabitants of it, their quandary. one were an ether The absence of an no universal frame of reference, since general, electromagnetic waves) transmitted through motion all // there the only is ether, light (or, in means whereby information can Ik; space. All motion exists solely relative to the person If we are in a free halloon above a uniform cloud bank and see another free balloon change its position relative to us, we have no way of knowing which balloon is "really" moving. Should we be isolated in the universe, there would be no way in which we could determine whether we were in motion or not, because without a frame of reference the concept of motion has no meaning. The theory first implied by the absence oi a universal frame of reference. The sight these postulates hardly the intuitive concepts of lime constant velocity drifts at the instant that H uniformly in all one of them went in The off. The An erated with respect to one another. changing Anybody who round can verify statement from his had a profound influence on only a brief glance The at light from the postulate of special relativity, even though with respect to the point where the observers cannot detect which of them is flare undergoing such a change position since the fog eliminates any frame of reference other than each boat itself, and so, since the speed of light is the same for both of (hem, they must hoth see the identical phenomenon. Why is the situation of Fig. 1-7 unusual? The boats are a stone into the at sea Let us consider a more familiar on a clear day and somel>ody on one water when they arc abreast of each other. A of them drops circular pattern 1-7 Relativist* phenomena differ from everyday experience. at constant general Uieory of relativity, proposed all A <3D A has been in an elevator or on a merry-go- own physics, and experience. we shall The -<jDJ special theory concentrate on it with the general theorv. special theory of relativity is based upon two postulates. The light first "CD li B emitted by flare each person sees sphere of light expand h)* about states may be expressed in equations having the same form frames of reference moving at constant velocity with respect to one that the laws of physics in all first his position observer in an isolated laboratory can detect accelerations. lias The At the flare travels problems involving frames of reference accel- later, treats this is fired. the moving one. is either boat must find a sphere of light expanding with hlmsefy according to the is and so on a low-lying fog present, directions, according to the second postulate of special relativity. An observer on at its center, FIGURE by Einstein a decade is special theurv frames of reference, which are frames of reference moving velocity with respect to one another. There abreast of A, a flare is of relativity, develo|x:d by Albert Einstein in 1905, treats problems involving inertial v. neither boat does the observer have any idea which analog. of relativity resulted from an analysis of the physical<|nenees others. seem radical. Actually they subvert almost and space we form on the basis of our daily experience. A simple example will illustrate this statement. In Fig. 1-7 we have the two boats A and B once more, with boat A at rest in the water while boat B At himself another. This postulate expresses the ahsence of a universal frame of reference, if the laws of physics had different forms for different observers in relative motion, could be determined from these differences which objects are "stationary" in space and which are "moving." But because there is no universal frame of reference, <3Dj this distinction -<3CP -»i-<3D> B does not exist in nature; hence the above pattern of ripples from postulate. The second postulate of special relativity states that the speed of light in free space has the same value for 10 A A it BASIC CONCEPTS each person sees pattern in different all observers, regardless of their state of motion. stone dropped in water place relative to himself SPECIAL RELATIVITY 11 of ripples spreads out, as at the bottom of Fig, which appears different to -7, ] observers on each boat. of tiie to the Merely by observing whether or not he is at the center pattern of ripples, each observer can tell whether he is moving relative water or not. Water on a boat moving through it a frame of reference, and an oliserver in itself is measures ripple speeds with respect to himself thai are different in different directions, in contrast to the uniform ripple speed measured by an observer on a stationary boat. It is important to recognize that motion and waves in water -are entirely different from motion and waves in space; water is in itself a frame of reference while space not, is and wave speeds water vary with the observer's motion while wave speeds of light in in recording device space do not The only way of interpreting the fact that observers in the two boats in our example perceive identical expanding spheres of light is to regard the coordinate system of each observer, from the point of view of die other, as being affected by their relative motion. When this idea is developed, using only accepted laws of physics and Einstein's postulates, predicted. One of the triumphs of we shall see that modem physics is many light pulse A peculiar effects are the experimental confirma- tion of these effects. photosensitive surface TIME DILATION 1.3 We shall first use the postulates of special relativity to investigate how relative A it clock moving with respect to an observer appears to tick does when at finds that the rest with respect to him. That time interval between two events the ground would find that the quantity which is r,„ When less someone if in the spacecraft wc is („, interval has the longer duration is called the proper time of the interval witnessed from the ground, the events and end of the time interval occur at different places, Uut mark and l-S A f. in on a photosensitive surface signal when in an see how rime dilation comes about, affects shown A pulse of light and an appropriate device 12 Fig. what we measure. This clock at each end. of in is is is how relative motion up and down between the mirrors, light strikes it. on the mirror which can be arranged to give an electric The proper time t between ticks is lt 2L If the stick is 1 m long, 3 X 2 called consists of a stick / J(1 long with a mirror reflected of the light consequence the us examine the operation of the inquire trip between attached to one of the mirrors to give a "tick" some kind each time the pulse of BASIC CONCEPTS let IS and round 1.4 time dilation. To to a the light pulse arrives,) The the beginning duration of the interval appears longer than the proper time. This effect particularly simple clock Each "tick" corresponds simple clock. rapidly than in a spacecraft determined by events dial occur at the soma place observer's frame of reference, the events. same is, FIGURE pulse from the lower mirror to the upper out and back. motion affects measurements of time intervals and lengths. (Such a device might he and there are one is 1.5 X m 10 s m/s 10s = ticks/s. 10" H s 0.67 X Two identical clocks of this kind are built, and attached to a spaceship mounted perpendicular to the direction of morion while the other remains at rest on the earth's surface. Now we ask how much time t elapses between ticks in the moving clock measured by an observer on the ground with an identical clock that is as stationary with respect to him. Each tick involves the passage of a pulse of light at speed SPECIAL RELATIVITY 13 c from the lower mirror to the upper one mid hack. passage the entire clock spaceship in the is in During this round-trip motion, which means that the pulse of light, as seen from the ground, actually follows a zigzag path (Fig, On way from its the vertical distance between the Since mirrors. same Ebtaetfy the v w) t = 24V 2 c - v2 c 2 {l the spaceship appears to tick at a slower rate than the measurements of the clock on the ground analysis holds for by the pilot of the spaceship. To him, the light pulse of the ground clock follows a zigzag path which requires a total time t per round trip, while his own clock, at rest in the spaceship, ticks at intervals (D^v + (ir 4(C * - in stationary one on the ground, as seen by an observer on the ground. 1-9). the lower mirror to the upper one in the time r/2, the pulse of light travels a horizontal distance of c(/2 and a total distance of ct/2. L,, is The moving clock of He („. too finds that Vi - f so the effect W - him tick more slowly than to Our v l /c-) when discussion has been based bouncing back and light pulse and reciprocal: every observer finds that clocks in is they are at motion relative rest. on a somewhat unusual clock that employs a between two mirrors. Do the same con- forth more conventional clocks that use machinery— spring-controlled escapements, timing forks, or whatever— to produce ticks at constant time intervals? The answer must be yes, since if a mirror clock and a conventional clock in the spaceship agree with each other on the ground hut not when in clusions apply to t 1.5 2/..A = VI But 2Lq/c is in Eq. 1.4, v 2 /c 2 the time interval * n l>etween ticks on the clock on the ground, as flight, and so the disagreement between them could used to determine the speed lie any other object—which contradicts the Detailed calculations of what happens to of the spaceship without reference to 1.6 t principle that = Vl - bVc 3 Time all motion dilation conventional clocks in For example, as we is relative. motion—as shall learn in Sec. 1.10, moving spaceship. Therefore 1-9 parallel to A light clock In a spacecraft es seen by an observer at rest on the ground. The mirrors are ground— confirm the mass of an object is this answer. greater when in motion, so that the period of an oscillating object must be greater in the it is FIGURE seen from the till clocks at rest relative to one another behave to all observers, regardless of the same the group of clocks or the observers. any motion at constant velocity of either the direction of motion of the spacecraft. The that to relative character of lime has seem implications. is, is a relative notion which require simultaneity The that the total in right? The and not an absolute one, physical events at different locations must be principle of conservation of energy in energy contenl of the universe is while an equal amount of energy AE its elementary form states constant, but out a process in which a certain amount of energy else is sees. Because simultaneity discarded. Who of course, meaningless: both observers are "right," since each simply measures what he theories For example, events one observer may not be simultaneous another observer in relative motion, and vice versa. question <^> many to take place sitnullaneously to AE it does not rule vanishes at one point spontaneously conies into being somewhere with no actual transport of energy from one place to the other. simultaneity is relative, some observers Because of the process will find energy not being conserved To rescue coaservation of energy in the light of special relativity, then, it is necessary to say that, when energy disappears somewhere and appears 14 BASIC CONCEPTS SPECIAL RELATIVITY 15 elsewhere, has actually flotced from the it first location to the second (There which a flow of energy can occur, of course.) Thus energy is conserved locally in any arbitrary region of space at any time, not merely when the universe as a whole is coasidered— a much stronger statement of this are many ways principle. is a relative quantity, not the notions of time formed by does not run backward to any olxserver, ah" everyday experience are incorrect. Time for instance: a sequence of events that occur somewhere at (,, t t , will 2 3 appear in the same order to all observers everywhere, though not necessarily with the same time intervals U - <„ t - t between each pair events. . , 3 2, . . happens— more it speed of light is finite travel a distance L. (and, as we . . of . Similarly, no distant olwerver, regardless of his state of motion, before accelerated and when at can see an event precisely, before a nearby observer sees it— since the and signals reqnire the minimum period of time L/c to is no way to peer into the future, although temporal finally it events may appear different comes its journey: it and the fact that the spaceship takes off, During each to a stop. What B measured may time. when when it of these accelerations inertia! is turns around, A was frames corresponding to and return trips were different. The earthbound twin B, on the was not accelerated and stayed in the same inertial frame all the other hand, therefore — that A lie interpreted on the basis of special — younger when he comes back is correct. Of course, A's life-span has not been extended to A hiimclf, since however long his 10 yr on the spacecraft may have seemed to his brother B, it has been only relativity, and his conclusion 10 yr as far as he is concerned. is What has happened is that A's accelerations and by applying the conclusions of general relativity accelerated clocks we find that A is younger than B on his return by the affected his for There shall see, spatial) perspectives of past various limes in not in an inertial frame of reference, the outward Although time upon the resolution of the paradox depends The in life processes, amount expected on the exact basis of fl's analysis using the formula for time dilation. to different observers. LENGTH CONTRACTION 1.5 1.4 THE TWIN PARADOX Measurements of lengths We now are in a position to .understand the famous relativist* phenomenon known as the twin paradox. This paradox involves two identical clocks, one of which remains on the earth while the other goes on a voyage into space at the speed v and returns a time t later. It is customary to replace actual clocks with a pair of identical male twins named A and B; this substitution is perfectly acceptable, because the processes of life-heartbeats, respiration, and so eonstitute biological clocks of reasonable his A takes off brother B on when he the earth, respect to him, a 20 yr old and travels at a speed of 0.99c. To seems to 1% living more slowly, in fact at a rate only We = 0.14 = B that A takes, A eats 7; for every tiiought that A thinks, eats, B For For every breath goes. yr have elapsed by B's reckoning, A B to B thinks 7. when it is is at rest The length purpose and it L,, called its projjer length. light clock of the previous section to investigate the this with we Lorentz imagine the clock oriented so that the light At ( = arrives at the front mirror at is moving the light pulse starts from the rear /,. The pulse has traveled the distance = L+ Ulj Hence Finally, after 70 1.7 returns home, a man of only 30 while B then 90 yr old. Where of twin is A the paradox? If 90 at this we examine the situation from the point of view B on the earth is in motion at 0.99c. Therefore we be 30 yr old upon the return of the spaceship while A is in the spaceship, might expect B to time— the precise opposite of what was concluded in the where L the distance l>etween the mirrors as is The at t pulse is at then reflected by the front mirror and returns to the rear mirror after traveling the distance c(< - (,), where preceding c(t BASIC CONCEPTS measured by the observer rest. paragraph. 16 length L„ Lorentz-VitzCeraUl contraction. This reach the front mirror, where from the diagram 14 percent takes 7; for every meal that frame relative to the observer (Fig. 1-10). C*, as fast as is can use the mirror, (0.99c)Vc 2 its as the pulse travels back and forth parallel to the direction in which the clock rf, VI - cVc 2 = Vl - phenomenon known of an object in its rest by relative object in motion with respect to an observer always contraction occurs only in the direction of the relative motion. contraction. is A The length L of an ap|>ears to the observer to l>e shorter than on- regularity. Twin motion. as well as of time intervals are affected - f,) =L- v(t - r,) SPECIAL RELATIVITY 17 rear (hint mirror (IS) 21^,/c = t VI - oVe* which u is terms of terms of Lq, the proper distance l>etwecn the mirrors, instead of in the distance as measured by an observer in relative motion. /-, two formulas must he equivalent, and hence ^> - L+ ~ VI - cVc- L= 1.10 ~<*H liave ILJc 2L/c 1 we - Vl 1^ v 2 /c 2 v?/c 2 Lorentz contraction Because the relative velocity appears only as o8 t>f,- in The in Eq. 1.10, the Lorentz To a man in a spacecraft, objects on the earth appear shorter than tbey did when he was on the groimd by the same factor, Vl — v s /c*, that the spacecraft appears shorter to somebody at rest. The proper contraction I. a reciprocal length of an object |/wI— - is The Dit-IJ—* to A light clock In a spacecraft as seen by an observe* on the ground. The mirrors are perpendicular to the direction of motion of the spacecraft. (, as determined from the ground, and yet us. ( = + C We eliminate / /, V 'l with the help of Eq. = + c v c = = 1.7 to find that v)(c — light is C* - I (186,000 mi/s)2 On r=A - V) = = vz - "I t-Vc* I lie The 1.9 gives the time interval t between ticb of the moving clock measured by an observer on the ground We earlier fonnd another expression for 18 motion the other band, a body traveling at 0.9 the speed of (0.9tf 0.436 43.6 percent 2L/c 19 Equation results in a shortening in the direction of shortened to 2Lc = it is of 1,000 mi/s 99,9985 percent of the length at rest. V it A speed 0.9«W985 L 2Lc + (c negligible for ordinary speeds, but (],(HK)mi/s) 2 is / + is only = ./!1.8 length any observer will find. an important effect at speeds close to the speed of light. FIGURE 1-10 the entire lime interval maximum relativistk' length contraction seems enormous to Hence the is effect. as il is length at ratio rest, Iwtwccu a significant change. /- and L„ in Eq. 1.10 is when we might the same as that in Eq, 1.3 applied to the times of travel of the two light beams, so that be k-mpted to consider the Miehelson-Morley result solely as evidence for the t, contraction of the length of their apparatus in the direction of the earth's motion. BASIC CONCEPTS SPECIAL RELATIVITY 19 This interpretation was tested by Kennedy and Thorndike using an interferometer with arms of unequal length. which means shift, that these experiments absence of an ether with this all must lie experiment in a similar They also found no fringe considered evidence for the implies and not only for contractions of the We can resolve the meson paradox by using the of relativity. meson, in meson which to the results of the special theory examine the problem from the frame of reference of the I<et us lifetime its is 2 10~ fi x s. In this case the distance from the ground appears shortened by the factor apparatus. An a actual photograph of somewhat object is an object different distortion, viewed and the very rapid relative motion would reveal in The reason for this effect is that light reaching more distant parts of the object ratio o/e. the camera (or eye, for that matter) from the was emitted when is actually a composite, since the object parts; the was camera "sees" at different locations the various elements of the single image that reaches the film left it. This supplements the Lorentz contraction by extending the apparent length effect of a from the nearer earlier than that corning a picture that moving object in the direction of body, such as a cube, in shape, may be £« depending upon the direction from which the - VI v s /c* is, while we, on the ground, measure the altitude at which the meson is produced as yn the meson "sees" it as y. If we let y be 600 m, the maximum distance the meson can go in its own frame of reference at the speed 0.998c That , we before decaying, frame find that the phenomenon. \/T= -cVe" 600 of a moving body would lie itself, which were no Lorentz contraction, the appearance different from what it is at rest, but in another in (0.998c) 2 there If also our reference orientation as well as changed in again depending upon the position of the observer and the value of a physical in motion. As a result, a three-dimensional seen as rotated e/c. This result must be distinguished from the Lorentz contraction is corresponding distance y„ is f- way. c* 600 It is rapidly interesting to note that the moving objects above approach was not made until 1959, to the visual 54 years appearance of \/T- 0.996 - after the publication Will of the special theory of relativity. m 0.063 a 1.6 MESON DECAY in greater detail later. Now For the moment our into an electron X an average of 2 n mesons are created high in the interest lies in the fact that 10 -8 s after atmosphere by fast it comes a ft into being. have a typical speed of 2.994 But in t n , = X 2 -8 10 s, X 10 s m/s, which the meson's mean is Now let y at possible for the mesons to reach the which they are actually formed. OS examine the problem from the frame of reference of an observer on the ground. From the ground the altitude at which the meson is (/,„ but its lifetime in our reference frame has l>een extended, is produced owing to the relative motion, to the value / \/l can travel a distance - Dt/c* 2X of only = = = is it cosmic-ray particles 0.998 of the velocity of tight lifetime, they life-spans, ground from the considerable altitudes arriving at the earth from space, and reach sea level in profusion. Such mesons c. m Hence, despite their brief A striking illustration of both time dilation and length contraction occurs in the decay of unstable particles called a mesons, whose properties we shall discuss meson decays 9,500 1 - 10- 8 (0.998c) 2 ««o 2.994 600 x 10" m/s x 2 X I0" 6 s 2 in X IP" 6 S 0.063 while they are actually created at altitudes more than JO times greater than 20 BASIC CONCEPTS this. = 31.7X 10-* s SPECIAL RELATIVITY 21 almost 16 times greater than a meson whose speed Vn = = = is when it is at rest with respect to as. In 31.7 X I0" 6 s 0.998e can travel a distance S coincided, measurements in the x direction ' iu S' bv the amount x direction. That X 9,500 m 10 H m/s X 31.7 X 10" 6 s moved that S' has in the — X vt 1.12 if = tj 1.13 z' = z in the and ;/ and so z directions, THE IORENTZ TRANSFORMATION Let us suppose that some event different we are in a frame of reference S that occurs at the time frame of reference velocity o will find that the nates x\ +x y', z'. S' time is t are ,t\ (In order to simplify How and y, z. find that the coordinates An observer located in a moving with respect the absence of any indication to the contrary in our everyday experience, at the our work, we time shall f and has the coordi- assume that v are the measurements we further assume that = (' 1,14 * to S at the constant *, y, z, is in the related to t W s'. we which same event occurs direction, as in Fig. 1-11.) f. If If exceed those made in S will is no relative motion is identical results. In x', = x' 1.11 same distance obtained before. The two points of view give *1.7 of made which represents the distance i" 2.994 There the vt, The set of Eqs. 1.11 to 1.14 is known as the Galilean transformation. To convert velocity components measured in the S frame to their equivalents in the S' frame according to the Galilean transformation, ij\ .r' : and z' both systems is measured from the instant when i. simply differentiate with respect to time: are unaware of special relativity, the answer seems obvious enough. in we »». — 6 is the origins of S and dt' dy' 1.16 = t>„ dt' i FIGURE I- 11 tion with the Frame v moves In the speed a relative to frame r direc- i o; 1.17 dz' = dt' S. While the Galilean transformation and the velocity transformation il leads to are both in accord with our intuitive expectations, they violate Irath of the V n postulates of special relativity. of physics in both the of electricity light e The second whether determined light in the x direction in the = c — in S or l>e S'. a, If the Galilean one frame into postulate calls for the S system to their same value of the we measure however, the speed of in the S' Clearly a different transformation postulates of special relativity are to BASIC CONCEPTS in system it v according to Eq. 1.15. 22 when different forms be c' »' postulate calls for identical equations used to convert quantities measured is equivalents in the other. will first and magnetism assume very transformation speed of The S and S' frames of reference, but the fundamental equations dilation be satisfied. We and length contraction to follow naturally from is required if the would expect Iwth time this new transformation. SPECIAL RELATIVITY 23 A reasonable guess as to the nature of the correct relationship between x and x' is The second postulate of relativity enables us to evaluate according to our 1.18 k(x k vt) is a factor of proportionality that is may be a but - common set off at the and conditions, initial /' and origin of S — S' at k. function of o. The does not depend upon either x or choice of Eq. [18 follows from several out. in Both observers must find the At the instant S" are in the same ( = 0, place, then also. Suppose that a flare / = I' = (), each system proceed to measure the speed with which the wham t = x' two frames of reference S and ihe origins of the same speed c (Fig. and the oKservers light 1-7), from it in spreads which means that the S frame considerations: 1.23 1- It a single 2. linear in is ,v and event in frame It is so that a single event in frame S corresponds to as it must. X = Ct .v', S', simple, and a simple solution to a problem should always be explored ' while in the S' frame 1.24 x' — ct' first. 3. U has the possibility of reducing to Eq. 1. 11, which we know to be correct Substituting For .v' and /' Eq. 1.24 with the help of Eqs. I.IK and 1.22, in in ordinary mechanics. Jt(jr Because the equations of physics must have the same form in both S and we need only change the sign of o (in order to take into account the terms of in = x 1.19 and .v' motionl to write the corresponding equation for x ami solving for k(x' + same ,S" in both frames of reference since there other than in the sign of case of the Galilean transformation, there i.s nu is k = nothing to indicate that + -k c *-<4*W y = + .2, ct -tt-W The time coordinates t and f, however, are not equal. sulMtituting the value of x' given x = from which we 1.22 <' 2 k (x - vt) + by Eq. LIS We can see this We obtain by into Eq. 1.19. the i expression for x will be the (^)> postulate of special relativity. BASIC CONCEPTS same as that given provided that the quantity in the brackets equals c find that =" + first II is by Eq. 1. 1.23, namely .v = ct, Therefore kvt' Equations 1.18 and 1.20 to 1.22 constitute a coordinate transformation that 24 cx ) vkt 1 = ki - \~ ( c( z, 1.21 satisfies + i there might be differences Ixstween the corresponding coordinates y, tf and which are normal to the direction of r. Hence we again take >j' + -(^)< vt') z' 1.20 ckt x, ckt difference between S and in the = /': ITie factor k must be the As tr) S', difference in the direction of relative - = 1 -fe-')f and 1.25 k = VI - »Vc2 SPECIAL RELATIVITY 25 Inserting the above value of k in Eqs. 1.18 and transformation of measurements of an event measurements made 1.26 have, for the complete in S to the S\ the equations in THE INVERSE LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION •1.8 corresponding In the — vt Vl - v2/c* previous section the coordinates of the ends of the moving rod were measured x = X" we 1.22, made L though, Eq. 1.29 1.27 y = y 1.28 z' = z chosen Lorentz transformation frame S in the stationary Eq. 1.26 to find in is at the terms of Lq and v. same time r, and it was easy to use we want to examine time dilation, If not convenient, because (, and f 2, the start and must be measured when the moving clock time interval, tive different positioas x l and x2 In situations of this kind . it is is finish of the at the respec- easier to use the inverse Lorentz transformation, which converts measurements made in the moving frame S' to their equivalents in S. To obtain the inverse transformation, r = 1.29 primed and unprimed quantities Vl - dVc ! replaced by These equations comprise the lorentz transformation. They were first obtained by the Dutch physicist H. A. lorentz, who showed that the basic formulas of etectromagneh'sm are the same in all number of years diat the The and is small compared with the velocity of light relativists length contraction follows directly An x'3 , was not is Let us consider a rod lying along the observer in = + vt' Vi - v2 /!? 1.31 y = y until a x' axis in the and so the proper length of the rod its ~ x2 Inverse Lorentz transformation 1.32 trans- moving frame ends to be 1.33 = t 2 V\ - vVc x\ is xt observer in S' finds that the time In order to find L = x2 — frame S time we make at the t, x v the length of the rod as measured in the stationary use of Eq. 1.26. We = have 1 VI - n v -/c* ~ vt Vl v*/c 2 *2 and so x? — *j = (4~*.)Vi-t>7c* = L Vl- oVc 2 which 26 is the same BASIC CONCEPTS as Eq. 1.10. x' in the moving frame S'. an observer in S will find it When an be *,, to vx ~ Vl - eVc2 After a time interval of the time is now t L = is l'Y , where, from Eq. 1.33, t x; is x' I«t us consider a clock at the point = Ml and v ft from the Lorentz frame determines the coordinates of this r obvious Lorentz transformation reduces to the Galilean transformation when formation. S'. It later that Einstein discovered their full significance. It the relative velocity c 1.30 frames of reference in uniform relative motion only when these transformation equations are used. in Eqs. 1.26 to 1.29 are exchanged, — <: The observer = f (to him), the observer in the moving system finds that t' according to his clock. That t — 2 2 f is, j however, measures the end of the same time interval to be in S, J l > + vx c* Vl - dVc2 SPECIAL RELATIVITY 27 him the duration of the so to interval / dt = 1,-1, ~ 'i VI - i'7r 2 1 Vl - *~ or we found 2 v /c 2 dt + dx' 6. = - H<* v'l as tr = and so t'a / sM. df + is (If earlier with the help of a light-pulse clock. v (If dx' + 1 dx + v dt' 1 dx o 1+^r •1.9 + v; One of the postulates of special relativity stales thai the speed of light c in free space has the same value for Bill "common moving a car sum a sense" at 80 tells ft/s, all us that, we throw if the direction of in another frame S will have a speed of r above it is a hall forward at the hall's speed relative to the ground "Common postulate, elsewhere, and sense" we must that a ray of light motion at velocity c as measured in no more 130 reliable as S, + i the emitted Similarly in c relative to v„ 1.35 = v'iVt in science + i contradicting the a guide vr = 1.36 S measures its three velocity components An + If • while to an observer v: » dt in S' dY_ K= df = c, that is, if = dz' differentiating the inverse Lorentz transformation equations for we dy dz 28 x, y, and l obtain dx dx' = = = is emitted S, in the an observer moving reference frame in frame S will measure + D •9 df c t, light the velocity (It V' v: a ray of motion relative to S' in its direction of dz df c2 _zl they are — = dt V^ 2 2 v /c vV't observer in to l»e V — • ~ ov; v;VT 1 S'. v 2 /c 2 than addition. Let us consider something moving relative to both S and RelatMstic velocity transformation vV' from ft/s, turn to the Lorentz transformation equations for scheme of velocity the correct is + its 5ft ft/s is i> 1.34 observers, regardless of their relative motion. two speeds. Hence we would expect of the frame of reference H' By dt' VELOCITY ADDITION + v + Jf tr c{c 4- v) 4 odf C = 4 c ihj' dz' BASIC CONCEPTS Both observers determine the same value for the speed of light, as they must. SPECIAL RELATIVITY 29 The relativistic velocity iastance, we might imagine wishing to the earth in 0.9c at a relative to pass a space ship whose speed with respect speed of 0.5c. According to conventional mechanics our required speed relative to the earth would have than the velocity of v = V. + v; = speed = which is less .34, be 1.4c, = however, with V^ kit more 0.5c and only is s » ff 0.5c + k- 0.9c (0.9c){0.5e) + 1 1 to vV> + 1 According to Eq. light. 0.9c, the necessary y transformation has other peculiar consequences. For 0.9655c than We c. need go traveling at 0.9c in order to pass less it at than percent faster than a space ship 1 a relative speed of 0.5c. THE RELATIVITY OF MASS 1.10 collision as seen now we have been considering only the purely kinematical aspects The dynamical consequences of relativity are at least Until special relativity. from frame S of as remarkable, including as they do the variation of mass with velocity and the equivalence of mass and energy. We begin by considering an elastic collision (that energy is conserved) between two particles in the reference frames S and S' which are properties of A and they are in the at rest. +1 frame the speed S', A VA B as seen at the while B was thrown . If from A as When of §', which kinetic by observers uniform relative motion. The $' are oriented as in Fig. 1-12, in which with S' moving had been instant, in the at rest in A was — if thrown frame S and particle B in the +y collision as seen from frame S': direction at direction at the speed V^, where V seen from S is exactly the the two particles collide, same A as die behavior rebounds in the —y FIGURE 1-12 An elastic cplllslon is observed In two different frames of reference, A while B rebounds in the +y' direction at the speed the particles are thrown from positions Y apart, an observer in S finds , that the collision occurs at y 30 in vB direction at the speed V'B same Then, Hence the behavior of a collision B, as witnessed direction with respect to S at the velocity v. vA = 1.37 in is, B are identical when determined in reference frames The frames S and Before the collision, particle in A and BASIC CONCEPTS = /2 Y and one l in S' finds that it occurs at y' = %Y. SPECIAL RELATIVITY 31 The round-trip time Tn for A measured as in frame S is In the above example both therefore m formula giving the mass *"*V 1,38 and it is same the H v moving in S. in S', In order to obtain a body measured while in motion in terms of rest, we need only consider a similar example m„ when measured at which V", and V^ are very small. In this case an observer A with Hie velocity v. make a glancing collision (since V'B in S will see < v), its in B approach and then continue In S on. 'it- are of a mass for A and 8 mA = , irtf, and If momentum is conserved in the S frame, must be true it mn = m that and so mA VA = mB VB 1.39 where mA mB and a* measured in the S /ra»i«. A and In S the B, speed and V^ and V' w is VB their velocities found from Relattvistic Vl - This mass increase where T H the time required for is to make In S', however, B's trip requires the time '/;,, its round trip as measured m, in S. is mass v 2 /c* The mass of a body moving at than its mass when at rest relative =i V. 1.40 m= 1.43 are the tnasses of the speed v relative to an observer to the observer by the factor 1/ is larger Vl - o'/c*. reciprocal; to an observer in S' =m and where m„ = m„ r= 1.41 /I - Measured from the d»/c the ground and according to our previous same event, they disagree other frame requires to Replacing T B Prom in both frames see the as to the length of time the particle make thrown from the the collision and return. Eq. 1.40 with in Although observers results. its T we , have ryi - dVc2 T = mass its h rocket ship is To somebody momentum is \/l VA and VB in Eq. 1.39, we see that - momentum = m K Vl - ~ tt T rfiL \/l »2 /c This still OB v 2 /c* is valid in special relativity just as in classical physics. is correct only in the form is ma v 1 2 - dVc -! not equivalent to saying that original hypothesis l>etween an observer and whatever he 32 _ us was that A and B are identical when at rest with respect to an observer; the difference between m and m therefore means thai measureA B ments of mass, like of space and time, depend upon the relative speed Our twin on the rocket ship in Hight rQ conserved provided that 1.42 its 14 conservation of momentum Inserting these expressions for is shorter than defined as However, Newton's second law of motion A is plotted in Fig. 1-13. Provided that ] Eq. 1.38 greater. in night the ship on the ground also appears shorter and to have a greater mass. (The 1.43 effect is, of course, unobservably small for actual rocket speeds.) Equation is equivalent in terms of earth, BASIC CONCEPTS is observing. F= ina dt SPECIAL RELATIVITY 33 l.U MASS AND ENERGY relationship Einstein obtained from the postulates of special mass and energy. This relationship can be derived directly The most famous concerns done from the definition of the kinetic energy T of a moving body as the work That is, in bringing it from rest to its state of motion. relativity -£** component of the applied force in the direction of the displacement ds and s is the distance over which the force acts. Using the relativistic where F is the form of the second law of motion F= rf(fflli) ~dT becomes the expression for kinetic energy d(mv) -[ FIGURE 1-13 The relativity of mm. da dt hib i; J even with m given by Eq. 1.43, because d \ and dm/elt does not vanish resultant force on a lx>dy is if \y/l- { dm dv d{mc) dy Integrating by parts (/* the speed of the body varies with lime. T The always equal to the time rate of change of = light. mass increases are significant only at speeds At a speed one-tenth that of percent, but this increase Only atomic is approaching that of and on have so in ratio e/m this its mass is smaller for fast electrons than equation, like the others of special relativity, has been verified by so many experiments of physics. 34 BASIC CONCEPTS that it is now - oVc 2 = mc 2 - m^c 2 suffi- of the electron's charge to slow ones; v 2/c2 + in^Vl - i> 2 /c 2 - "hc dealing with these particles the "ordinary" laws of physics cannot be used. Historically, the first confirmation of Eq. 1.43 was the discovery by Bucherer in 1908 that the for He 2 t/1 1.46 and vdv Vl VI - mass increase amounts to only (1.5 over 100 percent at a speed nine-tenths that of light. particles such as electrons, protons, mesons, - fy dx), its light the ciently high speeds for relativistic effects to be measurable, xy m„v £ = momentum. Relativistic v 2 /c 2 I Equation 1.46 states that the kinetic energy of a body in its mass consequent upon speed of 1A7 relative is equal to the increase motion multiplied by the square of the light. Eq nation recognized as one of the basic formulas its 1.46 may mc 1 = be rewritten T+ m„c 2 SPECIAL RELATIVITY 35 If we body mn c 2 interpret is is mc 2 as the total energy = and T at rest 0. it E of the body, it follows that, nevertheless possesses the energy jn c a (1 called the rest energy E of a l»dy whose mass at rest is . when m„. In the foregoing calculation relativity has the Accordingly Equation 1.17 therefore Ixscomes it where we know by experience speeds, nevertheless important to keep in iormulation of mechanics has mna E = 1.48 In addition to between the It is 2 Rest energy kinetic, potential, electromagnetic, its familial- guises, then, energy can manifest itself as mass, unit of above thermal, and other :ire The conversion factor is c\ so 1 kg of matter 1.49 mass (kg) and the unit of energy (J) has an energy content of 9 X 10«J. Even a minute hit of matter represents a vast amount of energy, and, in fact, the conversion of matter into energy is the source of the power liberated in all the exothermic reactions of physics and chemistry. its that the latter are perfectly valid. mind happens an equivalent amount of energy simultaneously vanishes or comes into being, and vice versa. Mass and energy are different aspects of die same thing. the relative speed v is small compared with c, energy must reduce to the familiar Y,m v 2 which has been verified by experiment low speeds. Let us see whether this is true. The binomial theorem of algebra () us that if (1 basis in relativity, with classical forms somewhat different from their original ones. The some quantity x is much we so easy to derive thai shall £ = Vm^V' + (' mnc 2 ( i- Ac V 1.52 smaller than 1 . = 1.54 \/l - physics, is i ;/ is directly with d*/«* < T 1 first I [1 + (T/nw*)] 2 + t: from T/m lt is formula with the help of the binomial theorem, much less than c, 36 BASIC CONCEPTS permits us to find r, i: c 2 the ratio between the kinetic and rest energies of a particle. , The Tl*c equivalence of * An mass and energy can be demonstrated interesting derivation that + %m v v2 is somewhat in a numlicr of different from the given above, but also suggested by Einstein, makes use of the basic notion owl the center of mass of an isolated system (one that does not Interact with total 'Is energy of a moving energy of such a particle surroundings) cannot be changed by any process occurring within the system, hi this derivation we imagine a closed box from one end of which a burst of is "ferromagnetic radiation c2 particles are customarily specified, 1.52, for Instance, MASS AND ENERGY: ALTERNATIVE DERIVATION different ways. relativistic expression for the kinetic particle reduces to the classical one. E= m Equation this = (1 + %^/c 2 )m v c 2 - m a c 2 = %m v 2 low speeds the where the kinetic energies of moving momentum mv. nuclear and elementary-particle in — nup term of since l) b=/c» 1.12 Expanding the =r - used for the magnitude of the linear rather than their velocities. 2 m,,r"~ 1 1.53 The symbol formula for kinetic energy T = mc - m^c - 1, 1 2 equations 2 p c- 1.50 T= new , ± *)» =; ± nx relativistic terice at mechanics no simply state them without proof: These formulas are particularly useful 1 It is known, the correct is the formula for kinetic at The that, so far as often convenient to express several of the relativistic formulas obtained in 1.51 Since mass and energy are not independent entities, the separate conservation principles of energy and mass are properly a single one, the principle of conservation of mass energy. Mass can lie created or destroyed but when this tells test; more than an approximation correct only under certain circumstances. where When once again met an important has yielded exactly the same results as those of ordinary mechanics at low aiMl is momentum, and when emitted, as in Fig. 1-14. This radiation carries energy the emission occurs, the lx>x recoils in order that the SPECIAL RELATIVITY 37 center of mass initial — L s 7burst of radiation 1 is m since J- much is L away; lwx, a distance emitted s when true is = in < = EL/Mc 2 vt The time smaller than M. M). means this that t During the lime is '/ issDciated with the energy i, of in same place the it (%M - new that v < which c, displaced to the is is end of the left In . right-hand end its L/c (assuming the box moves Ixjx to reach the opposite = t After the box has stopped, the mass of mass of during which the / by the radiation to the time required ,'((iial was 2 M+m its left-hand owing end is '/ :V/ 2 — m to the transfer of the the radiation. II the renter of BOBS! and the mass li to m be originally, + m)(%I. s) = /M + m){%L l ( a) or center of mass m = Ms •— radiation is L absorbed and box stops Inserting the value of the displacement Radiant energy possesses inertial mass. FIGURE 1-14 total momentum at the opposite end of the box, transit, the to be comes compute of the system the shall l ends to have the mass /3 ixjx. a distance is to the end E M each. %L The center of mass from each end. carries the A if We the center of mass is lie inassless and its it is the principle of conservation (M - Pbox m)v =^ starts to when move when the radiation which the the box same an amount of mass m. When now M — m, recoils with of momentum, the ' A does is t; = box BASIC CONCEPTS example, the When the finite speed of elastic- result that in = E/c 2 is obtained. An go Ixrfore decaying airplane is Hying at if its speed is 7 s when measured at rest. How when it is created? How fast far 0.99c 300 m/s {672 mi/h). How much time must elapse must a spacecraft travel relative to the earth for 1 s? each day on the d on the earth? is " take 35 38 this specification; for taken into account in a more elaborate calculation, however, certain particle has a lifetime of 10 it A E emitted and the entire absorbed. Actually, of course, diere Problems *! „ is . a perfectly rigid body: travels witii the speed of light, will arrive at the right-hand spacecraft to correspond to 2 E is before a clock in the airplane and one on the ground differ by Pr«tl»Uon recoil velocity of the box according to electromagnetic c and so the is end of the box before that end begins to move! in equal to E/c2 the radiation no such thing as a rigid body that meets radiation, 2- = box Uiat the is therefore at the center burst of electromagnetic radiation momentum E/c emitted, the box, whose mass From was absorbed. it consider the sides of the box to by hypothesis, has associated with v. which that the entire box comes to a stop is we assumed above derivation In the waves theory, and, velocity at must have transferred mass of mass that must be transferred The mass associated with an amount of energy £ of the in energy is momentum the center of mass of the system that has the the radiation absorbed remain unchanged For simplicity we of the If is which the radiation was in in space, the radiation was emitted it amount to is s. the radiation cancels the During the time to rest. same location from the end at which shall its momentum box has moved a distance in the When of the system remain constant. box, which then still s. rocket ship leaves the earth at a speed of 0.98c. for the How much time does minute hand of a clock in the ship to make a complete revolution measured by an observer on the earth? SPECIAL RELATIVITY 39 An 5. whose height on the earth astronaut exactly 6 is as measured by an observer in the A meter slick 6. is A rocket ship 7. is ' 99 m An 8. of 2.9 ' 10 s x m s finds H m fits! is it the going What is sees it is moving spacecraft, A and H, the speed with which he for the speed with which he for the the lalwratory system) in the approaching B? is speed with which he is —x direction to coming toward him from What (a) approaching the is 0.9r. A gains of What does a man on II measure moon? For the speed with which Dynamite is It is possible for the electron beam X does this A man in Bight, his is When mass is 101 kg as he is How fast in a rocket ship Win determined by an observer on the ground. in order that its mass equal the rest mass Find the speed of a 0. '/ »ii(3 energy of 500 15. 1-MeV electron according to classical and A man energy of 500 16. mass docs a proton gain when it is it is so doing in explodes. What fraction .-100 \V"/m 2 of surface By how much does the mass mean (The 1 radius of the of the orbit earth's is m. = m<,/ vl— vr/i", does not equal the kinetic F = d(mv)/dt, tit/ tit. than his twin brother Ins return a year. the distance light travels in 25. makes a round trip to (he How much younger is he who remained behind? (A light-year is Light of frequency P is It is emitted by equal to 9.46 An a source. accelerated to a kinetic accelerated to a kinetic MeV? 10 15 m.) X observer moving away By considering the v'. source as a clock that ticks p times per second and gives off a pulse of light show that r + 1 t/ c/c This constitutes the longitudinal do/ipler effect in light. (If the observer ti'utiul ™ mass does an electron gain when The total energy of a it leaves the earth in a rocket ship that relativist ic MeV? How much where , and v, v, V How much z 2 mechanics. 14. J/kg when Express the relativistic form of the second law of motion, terms of m„, with each tick, of the proton? 13. 10" from the source at the speed D measures a frequency of must an electron move 0°C and mass? nearest star, 4 light-years distant, at a speed of 0.9c. the speed of the rocket ship? 12. the relative velocity energy of a particle moving at relativistic speeds. upon has a mass of KM) kg on the ground. X when this? not contradict special relativity? 1 1 is speed relative I0 11 m.) Prove diat 22. 24. Why liberates about 5.4 energy content density at a g/cnr1 when the sample melts into water at its initial decrease in each second? move tube to in a television picture 0°C is its perpendicular to the direction of the sun. sun in 10. What 19.3 Solar energy reaches the earth at the rate of about 2). approaching A? across the screen at a speed faster than the speed of light. total its 23. he certain quantity of ice at kg of mass. What was 1 moving the $' frame in Cold has a density oF (/») at rest relative to the observer. does a (b) would determine. is 1.5 approaching the moon? Pea is to S of c 20. the speed of the object in the laboratory system? two Find the density p' that an observer 19. in flight, its leogtfe opposite directions at the respective speeds of 0.8c and 0,9c. man on A measure length appears speed? its + x direction at a speed (in (he speed of an object moon When is its per second? in miles long on the ground. What 10 m/s. A man on 9, 1(H) observer moving in the x 2,998 lie is low I his height is same spacecraft? By an observer on the earth? an observer on the ground. to What projected into space at so great a speed that contracted to only 50 cm. lying parallel to ft is the axis of a spacecraft moving at 0.9c relative to the earth. the the source at the relative speed o, the above formula are interchanged.) """spending one for sound waves Why + and does — is moving signs in the radical this result differ from the in air? 2 "particle is exactly twice its rest energy. Find its spee< The transverse doppler effect, which has no nonrelativislic counterpart, a pplies to measurements of light waves made by an observer in relative motion f^rpendit'ular to the direction of propagation of the waves. from How much work must lie done in order 1.2 X 10 s m/s to 2.4 X 10 s m/s? 18. (a) 17. 40 The density of a substance BASIC CONCEPTS is p in to increase the speed of an electron (In the preceding problem the observer moves parallel to the direction of propagation.) Show that '" the transverse the S frame in which it is at rest. p' = doppler effect c\/l - v 2 /c 2 SPECIAL RELATIVITY 41 27. Twin A makes while twin B How many analyze stays behind own a year by his a round Irip at a speed of 0,8c to a star 4 light-years away, does reckoning, B earth. Each twin sends the other a {a) How many signals does A signal PARTICLE PROPERTIES once OF WAVES send during the trip? 2 send? (h) Use the doppler effect formula of Prob. 25 to this situation. many does 8 on the receive? How many Are these signals does A receive during the trip? results consistent with those of part How (a)? In our everyday experience there concepts of particle and wave. spread out from its A is nothing mysterious or ambiguous about the stone dropped into a lake and the ripples that point of impact apparently have in common only the ability carry energy and momentum from one place to another. which mirrors the "physical reality" of our sense impressions, treats particles and waves as separate components of that reality. The mechanics of particles Classical physics, to and the optics of waves are traditionally independent disciplines, each with Own chain of experiments and hypotheses. The physical reality we perceive arises from phenomena occur that microscopic world of atoms and molecules, electrons and nuclei, but there are neither particles nor waves in to in the in this world We regard our sense of these terms. electrons as particles because they possess charge and mass its and behave according the laws of particle mechanics in such familiar devices as television picture tubes. We shall see, however, that there wave preting a moving electron preting as a particle manifestation. it as a is as much evidence manifestation as there is in favor of inter- in favor of inter- We regard electromagnetic waves as waves because under suitable circumstances they exhibit diffraction, interference, and polarization. Similarly, we shall see that under other circumstances electro- magnetic waves behave as though they consist of streams of particles. Together witli special relativity, of modern the wave-parttcle duality physics, and in this liook there are is central to an understanding few arguments that do not draw upon one or the other of these fundamental principles. 2.1 THE PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT Late in the nineteenth century a series of experiments revealed that electrons are emitted from a metal surface when (ultraviolet light phenomenon 42 BASIC CONCEPTS is is required for known all light of sufficiently high but the alkali metals) falls frequency upon it. This as the photoelectric effect. Figure 2-1 illustrates the type 43 Let us consider violet light falling on a sodium surface, 10~ n W/m* of electromagnetic energy is absorbed by beam than Now is apparatus that was employed in the more precise of these experiments. a good reflector of sodium atom 1 that the incident light '' \\ in'-' is is " eV/s. It absorbed in if FIGURE 2-2 is to voltage call .. Is the same in~ the 10 among 10"-" 10"*" W, which distributed 1 eV or maximum so of energy that the photo- possible time of I0" upon some kind of resonance process Photoelectron current V i. 1 receives energy at the average rate of should therefore lake more than 10" s. or almost a year, any single electron to accumulate the we light thick and !i s, an average is proportional to light Intensify lor all for all intensities of light of i given frequency to explain J0""; eV. why some retarding voltages The eitinc- ft An circuit like that frequency = V = constant he irradiated as of the photoelcetrons that emerge from the irradiated surface energy to reach the cathode despite they constitute the current that the retarding potential V is its negative polarity, and measured by the ammeter in the circuit. As increased, fewer and fewer electrons get to the is cathode and the currcul drops. Ultimately, when V equals or exceeds a certain value V„, of the order of a few volts, no further electrons strike the cathode The than 10 Even lion Shown schematically, with the metal plate whose surface and the current we assume in a layer of electron, according to electromagnetic theory, will have gained only evacuated Lube contains two electrodes connected to an external Some less for Experimental observation of the photoelectric effect. sufficient atoms electrons are found to have! In the rAVWW the anode. -' an apparatus like the surface (a more intense is Hence each atom :itoms. — have if 1 uppermost layers of sodium atoms, the 10 o— ni required) of course, since sodium there are about lu area, so that, in evacuated tjuartz tube 2-1 is electrons ^ FIGURE this in be a detectable photoelectric current when will of Fig. light ^ There 2-1. that 5 I ceases. existence of the photoelectric effect ought not to l>e surprising; after all, waves carry energy, and some of the energy absorbed by the metal may somehow concentrate on individual electrons and reappear as kinetic energy. light When we effect look more closely at the data, however, we find that the photoelectric can hardly he interpreted so simply. One of the features of the photoelectric effect that particularly puzzled its discoverers etectmns) is ts that the energy distribution in the emitted electrons (called phato- independent of the intensity of the more photoelcetrons than electron energy accuracy (about is a weak one the same (Fig, 2-2). 10" s), of the light, A strong light Ixmrn yields same frequency, but the average Also, within the limits of experimental no time lag between the arrival of light at a metal surface and the emission of photoelcetrons. These observations cannot be understood from the electromagnetic theory of light. 44 BASIC CONCEPTS there is RETARDING POTENTIAL PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 45 electrons acquire mare energy than have more than 10" l " others, the fortunate electrons could hardly of the observed energy. Equally odd from the point of view of the wave theory the fact that the is photoelectron energy depends upon the frequency of the light employed At frequencies below a certain (Fig. 2-3). aacfe pint ict ilar metal, critical frequency characteristic of no electrons whatever are emitted. Above this threshold frequency the photoelectrons have a range of energies from maximum value, and this maximum energy to a certain increases linearly with increasing frequency. High frequencies result in high-maximum photoelectron energies, low low-maximum photoelectron frequencies in energies. Thus a faint blue light produces electrons with more energy than those produced by a bright red although the Figure 2-4 quency is a plot of It is light, of them. maximum v of the incident light in surface. number latter yields a greater photoelectron energy TmKX versus the frea particular experiment that employed a sodium clear that the relationship we can involves a proportionality, which between Tmtx and the frequency c express in the Form = hv — Maximum photoelectron energy as a function ot the frequency of the incident light lor a sodium surface. where k 2.1 2a FIGURE the threshold frequency below which no photocmission occurs •>„ is a constant. Significantly, the value of is h> = h 6.626 X 10- 34 and li J-s \aahwttj$ the same, although v a varies with the particular metal being illuminated. FIGURE 2-3 potential is The V a II, extinction! voltage V'„ depends upon the frequency the photoelectric current is the same 9 of the light. When the retarding for light of a given Intensity regardless of its frequency. THE QUANTUM THEORY OF LIGHT 2.2 light intensity = constant 'Hit 1 electromagnetic theory of light accounts so well for such a variety of phenomena theory is that it must contain some measure of Einstein found that the paradox presented 3 truth. completely at odds with the photoelectric theoretical physicist Max Planck, t problem notorious at the time to derive a for its five Planck was seeking to explain the resistance to solution. formula for the spectrum of effect could l>e years earlier by the by bodies hot enough characteristics of the radiation emitted In JH05 Albert by the photoelectric understood only by taking seriously a notion proposed German Yet this well-founded effect. this radiation (that to be luminous, Planck was able is, the relative brightness of the various colors present) as a function of the temperature of the "°&y that was in agreement radiation V„ (3) V ^wgy (2) V„ RETAROING POTENTIAL 46 BASIC CONCEPTS is %vith are called quanta. particular frequency v of light is directly proportional to little bursts of energy. These bursts of Planck found that the quanta associated with a (J) £ experiment provided he assumed that the emitted disconttrwouahj as v. all have the same energy and that That this energy is. PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 47 E = 2.2 Quantum energy /if to be the emission of electrons from such an object. Thermionic emission makes possible the operation of such devices as television picture lubes, in where K today m h Wa in known X 6.626 utewsUng problem and L its that tlie electromagnetic assume to W emitted a quantum at a time, ii empirical formula Eq. 2,1 light may be while in thermionic emission heat does not '"' " + I'm™ ft, means Einstein's proposal is rewritten When 2.2 eV. = 10~ ,0 m) as follows: /ii' u *» Tual ht>„ a = = quantum of the the energy content of each maximum the minimum energy needed To convert I surface called is its this u.oi-tl 1 [unction. energy .5.7 It is easy to sec all energies to not Tmax all : electron work function + eV= hv X through the metal surface from the just work that in beneath it, and mora work is validity of this interpretation of the photoelectric effect studies of thermionic emission. required when I Long ago it became known is confirmed by '''„,« 48 late in the nineteenth century the reason for this BASIC CONCEPTS I that the presents of a very hot object increases the electrical conductivity of the surrounding and always to escape, function of potassium is the A = angstrom maximum energy in ( t 1 Eq. 2.3, electron volts, M J-s X 10 3 X we need only compute the is HI- 10" m/s X 10 10 A/m A |W J X 10 5.7 x X IP" '"J 1.6 3.6 eV < volts, we recall that 3 1.6 J = 10 1B J Hence the maximum photoelectron energy must he done to take an electron the electron originates deeper in the metal. The x of surface photoelectrons have the same energy, hut emerg hi>„ is is and energy why up what energy from joules to electron = with From 3.500 = maximum by an electron The work surface, of 3,500- A light. This _ 6.63 an electron from the There must he a mininmm energy required by an electron in order to escape rum a metal surface, or else elect runs would pour out even in the absence a it '»() metal surface being ilhiiiiiuatcd Quantum e In photoelectric A to dislodge oi a particular and surfaces. = ?£ photoelectron energy The energy /w„ characteristic Hence Eq. 2.3 states that surfaces, same incident light h» the ~ already expressed is quantum energy /» hv on a potassium falls rm™ = be interpreted that the three terms of Eq. 2.3 are to many wavelength 3,500 A ultraviolet light of electron volts of the photoelectrons? Photoelectric effect 'ti expect order to escape. both cases the physical processes so: in Let us apply Eq. 2.3 to a specific situation. be readily explained. Since light. for for the in involved in the emergence of an electron from a metal surface arc the same. unit 2.3 work function we should metal, and emission, photons of light provide the energy required propagates continu- Imt also propagates as individual quanta. In terms of this hypothesis the photoelectric effect can The minimum energy can be determined close to the photoelectric energy radiated by a hot ously through space as electromagnetic waves. Einstein proposed that is solution tin- must acquire a certain minimum energy thai the electrons This UOtgOg intermittently. Planck did nol doubt that met;)] electrons evidently obtain their energy from the thermal agitation of the particles constituting 9. While he had only The emitted of electrons. details of this which filaments or specially coated cathodes at high temperature supply dense streams 10 •" J-s examine BOOM uf the shall Chap, object as Planck's constant, has the value air, phenomenon was found! The view = a = "" - 3.6 eV 1.4 eV is '»'„ - 2.2 eV that light propagates as a series of called photons) is directly little packets of energy (usually opposed to the wave theory of light. provides the sole means of explaining a host of optical effects The latter, — notably diffi which action PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 49 — one of the most securely established of physical theories. Planck's suggestion that a hot object emits light in separate quanta was nol incompatible with the propagation of light as a wave, Einstein's suggestion in and interference is 1905 that Ught travels through space in the form of distinct photons, however, elicited incredulity from his contemporaries. According to the wave theory, light way ripples spread out on the surface of a lake when a stone falls into it. The energy carried by the light, in Ibis analogv. is distr ibuted continWHBry tkrou^jhoat she- wave pattern. Accowbng to waves spread out from a source scries of localized concentrations of energy, Of absorption treats j», it each phenomenon, be capable sufficiently small to by a single electron. Curiously, the quantum theory of strictly as a particle light, which explicitly involves the light frequency a wave concept. strictly The quantum theory of electric effect. It is strikingly successful in explaining the photo- predicts correctly that the wave theory contrary to what the the feeblest light can lead to the wave contrary to the maximum photoclectron energy and suggests, it its part or As it all and the inverse process also possible? That Is is, can moving electron be converted into a photon? of the kinetic energy of a happens, the inverse photoelectric effect not only does occur, but had been discovered (though not at all understood) prior to the theoretical work of Planck Einstein. In 1 895 Wilhelm Roentgen made the unknown nature trating radiation of on matter. These electric A' classic observation that a highly produced when is were soon fomid rays and magnetic fields, to pene- impinge fast electrons to travel in straight lines, even through pass readily through opaque materials, to cause able to explain is why even immediate emission of photoeleetrons, again The wave theory can give no reason why there frequency such that, when light of tower frequency is employed, no photoeleetrons are observed no matter how strong the light beam, more penetrating the original electrons, the the intensity, theory. should be a threshold photoelectric effect provides convincing evidence that photons of light can transfer energy to electrons. phosphorescent substances to glow, and to expose photographic plates. The faster light should depend upon the frequency of the incident light and not upon number of Not long the resulting after this discovery magnetic wav&s. After all, it began to lie suspected that suddenly brought to The absence is rest given the beam. X rays are electro- and a rapidly moving electron certainly accelerated. Radiation is and the greater electromagnetic theory predicts that an accelerated electric charge will radiate electromagnetic waves, circumstances X rays, electrons, the greater the intensity of die X-ray produced under these German name bremsntrahhing ("braking radiation"). of any perceptible X-ray refraction in the early work could be Something that follows naturally from the quantum theory. Which theory are we to believe? A great many physical hypotheses have had attributed to very short wavelengdis, below those in the ultraviolet range, since be altered or discarded when they were found to disagree with experiment, but never before have we had to devise two totally different theories to account line to for a single physical from what it is, phenomenon. The situation here say, in the ease of relativistic versus the tatter turns out to lie is fundamentally different Newtonian mechanics, where an approximation of the former. There is no way of wave dicory of light or vice versa. wave or a particle nature, never both a deriving the quantum theory of light from the In a specific event light exhibits either simultaneously. The same light ljeam that is diffracted by a grating can cause the emission of photoeleetrons from a suitable surface, but these processes occur and the quantum theory of light account for the observed manwaves complement each other. Electromagnetic for the observed manner photons account ner in which light propagates, while independently. The wave theory of light transferred between light and matter. in which energy to regarding light as something that manifests on occasion and is is as a wave no longer something and we must as the closest 50 The theory, on the other hand, light spreads out from a source as a quantum the in the X RAYS 2.3 itself as train the rest of the time. that can be visualized in We have iio alternative a stream of discrete photons The "true nature'' of light terms of everyday experience, accept both wave and quantum theories, contradictions and we can BASIC CONCEPTS get to a complete description of light. all, the refractive index of a substance decreases to unity (corresponding to straight- propagation) with decreasing wavelength. The wave nature of X rays was first established in 1906 by Bark la, who was able to exhibit their polarization. Barkk's experimental arrangement in Fig. 2-5. X We analyze shall this classic rays are electromagnetic waves. heading in the —z are scattered by the carbon; this set in vibration by the of unpolarized X rays X rays the xy plane only. electric vectors of the xy plane. A The scattered electric vector in the beam The of X and not X rays and then wave is carbon atoms are reradiate. perpendicular to its Because direction rays contains electric vectors that X ray that proceeds in the y direction only, and so carbon block lie in it is is +x direction can have an plane-polarized. placed in the To demon- path of die ray, electrons in diis block are restricted to vibrate in the direction and therefore reradiate sively, X in the target electrons dierefore are induced to vibrate in die strate this polarization, another as at the right. beam a left means that electrons the electric vector in an electromagnetic of propagation, the initial sketched on a small block of carbon. These At the direction impinges is experiment under the assumption that X t/ rays that propagate in the xz plane exclu- at all in the y direction. rays outside the xz plane confirms die The observed absence of wave character of X rays. scattered PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 51 zero intensity * evacuated -v maximum first polarized scattcrer scattered ray \ tube intensity second r^ scattcrer uupolarizcd larKt-l Xray FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2-5 In Barilla's An Xray tube 1912 a method was devised for measuring the wavelengths of X rays. A had been recognized as ideal, but. as we recall from As was said earlier, classical electromagnetic theory predicts the production when electrons are accelerated, thereby apparently accounting emitted when fast electrons are stopped by the target of an X-ray diffraction experiment of bremsstrahlung physical optics, the spacing between adjacent lines on a diffraction grating must be of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the for the and gratings cannot be ruled with the minute spacing required by \ rays. In 1912. however. Max von Laue recognized that the wavelengths hypothesized for X rays were about the same order of magnitude as the spacing between adjacent atoms in crystals, which is alwut A. He therefore proposed lhat crystals be used to diffract X rays, with their regular lattices acting as a data barded by electrons at several different accelerating kind of three-dimensional grating. Suitable experiments were performed in the next year, and the wave nature of X rays was successfully demonstrated. In these experiments wavelengths from 1.3 X 10" 11 to4.8 X 10" n were found, 0.13 to 0.48 A, 10-1 of those in visible light and hence having quanta 10' times wavelengths, indicating the enhanced production of light tor satisfactory results, tiilw. m as energetic. We shall consider X-ray diffraction in Sec. 2.4. For purposes of classification, electromagnetic radiations with wavelengths fa approximate interval from 1(1 " to 10 * m (0.1 to 1«H> A) are today X is exhibit a diagram of an X-ray lul>e. filament through which an electric current is A cathode, healed by an adjacent passed, supplies electrons copiously by thermionic emission. fa The X is The high potential difference V maintained between cathode and a metallic target accelerates the electrons toward the latter. face of the target rays that is at emerge from the an angle relative to the electron evacuated to permit the electrons BASIC CONCEPTS lieain, target pass through the side of the tulie. to get to the target unimpeded two when tungsten and molybdenum targets are The potentials. bom- curves distinctive features not explainable in terms of electromagnetic theory: 1. In the case of at various specific molybdenum there are pronounced intensity peaks at certain X rays. These peaks occur wavelengths for each target material and originate in re- arrangements of the electron structures of the target atoms after having been is The important thing to note at this point the production of X rays of specific wavelengths, a decidedly nonclassical effect, in addition to the rays. is not satisfactory in certain important respects. Figures 2-7 and 2-8 show the X-ray spectra that result 2. Figure 2-6 rays disturbed by the bombarding electrons. in con- sidered as X However, the agreement between the classical theory and the experimental I 52 6 Biperfnwnt to demonstrate Xray polarization. The X production of a continuous X-ray spectrum. rays produced at a given accelerating potential V vary bul none has a wavelength shorter than a certain value A llUn decreases X m)[1 molybdenum . At a particular targets. V, A mln is the same Duane and Hunt have found tional to V; their precise relationship , in wavelength, Increasing V for both the tungsten and that A m[n is inversely propor- is and the The tube 2.4 \ rt ni!n _ — 1.24 X 10- 6 V-m X-ray production PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 53 The second observation is quantum theory readily understood in terms of the Most of the electrons incident upon the target lose their kinetic energy gradually in niurreroiLS collisions, their energy going simply into heat. of radiation. (This is the reason that the targets in X-ray tubes are normally of high-melting- point metals, and an efficient A few electrons, though, lose target atoms; this FIGURE 2-7 X-ray spectra of tungsten at various accelerating potentials means of cooling the most or the energy that is is all evolved as except for the peaks mentioned in observation A photon energy 0,6 0.8 hr. It is X 1 rays. X-ray production, then, above, represents an inverse ''"max is being transformed into photon energy. therefore logical to interpret the short wavelength limit of Eq. 2.4 as corresponding to a 2.S 1.0 often employed.) means a high frequency, and a high frequency means a high short wavelength \ min O.i) is photoelectric effect. Instead of photon energy being transformed into electron kinetic energy, electron kinetic energy 0.2 target of their energy in single collisions with = maximum photon energy hv mux , where he WAVELENGTH. A Since work functions are only several electron volts while the accelerating potentials in X-ray tubes are tens or hundreds of thousands of volts, assume that the kinetic energy 7* of the bombarding electrons we may is 7"=eV 2.6 When the entire kinetic energy of an electron is lost to create a single photon, then hv„,„ 2.7 = T Substituting Eqs. 2.5 and 2.6 into 2.7, Kmix iw FIGURE 2-e X-ray spectra of tungsten and molybdenum at 35 kV accel- rt erating potential. X = = eV mln — he X IP 1.6 = is see that T 6.63 which we just the 1.24 X V -34 J-s X lO- 8 I0 X 3 X H)a m/s C X V ,9 „ V-m experimental relationship of Eq. 2.4. It is therefore correct to regard X-ray production as the inverse of the photoelectric effect. 0.2 0.4 0.6 WAVELENGTH. 8 54 BASIC CONCEPTS 0.8 1.0 A conventional X-ray machine might have an accelerating potential of 50,000 V. To find the shortest wavelength present in its radiation, we use PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 55 Eq. 2.4, with the result that scattered waves A This — ,,,,,, X 5 X 1.24 = 2.5x = 0.25 10- 6 V-m V 10* "m 10 incident waves unscattcred waves A wavelength corresponds to the frequency => ^> p~„ = A n.ln 3 X 10" m/s ~ 2.5 X 10 _ »m = 1.2 X 10 1B Hz FIGURE 2.4 of electromagnetic radiation by > group ol atoms. Incident plane waves are as spherical waves. X-RAY DIFFRACTION now Lei us another while return to the question of of electromagnetic waves. of The scattering 2-9 re emitted A how X rays may he demonstrated to consist crystal consists of a regular array of atoms, each which is able to scatter any electromagnetic waves that happen to strike it. The mechanism of scattering is straightforward. An atom in a constant eleetric field becomes polarized since its negatively charged electrons and positively charged nucleus experience forces in opposite directions; these forces arc small compared with the forces holding the atom together, and so the result is a distorted charge distribution equivalent to an electric dipole. In the presence the alternating electric field of an electromagnetic polarization changes back and forth with the same ol wave of frequency frequency electric dipole is dius created at the expense of incoming wave, whose amplitude in turn radiates electromagnetic proceed in all directions exposed to is some accordingly decreased. waves of frequency », v. An e, may lie in others they will destructively interfere. The atoms thought of a* defining families of parallel planes, as each family having a characteristic separation between This analysis was suggested in 1913 by W. L. Bragg, in its scattered FIGURE 2- by 10 crystal Two atoms sett ol to component honor of planes are called Bragg planes. Tin- conditions that must he in a crystal in Fig. 2-10, whom with planes. the above fulfilled for radiation undergo constructive interference may be obtained Bragg planes In a NaCI crystal. the oscillating of the energy of the The oscillating (Spate and these secondary waves except along the dipole axis. In an assembly of atoms unpolarized radiation, the secondary radiation is isotropic since the contributions of the individual atoms are random. In wave terminology, the secondary waves have spherical wavefronts in place of the plane wavefronts of the incoming waves (Fig. 2-9). The scattering process, then, involves an atom absorbing incident plane waves and reemitting spherical waves of the same frequency. A monochromatic team in 56 of X rays that falls upon a crystal will !>e scattered owing to the regular arrangement of the atoms, certain directions die scattered waves will constructively interfere with one in all directions within BASIC CONCEPTS it, but, PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 57 from a diagram A is incident spacing next, is crystal at The beam goes rf. A beam like that in Fig. 2-11. upon a and each of them an angle past atom and whose paths parallel differ and B for which condition upon I this and is is 2dsin0 = nA n = 1, 2, 3, since ray II must travel the distance n is in random in the Con- directions. A, 2\, 3A, and so on. That is, the 2d I and II in Fig. 2-11. The first scattering angle be equal to the The second condition is that . sin 6 farther than ray 1. The integer the order of the scattered l>eam. The schematic is detector an integer. The only rays scattered by common that their rays of wavelength between those scattered rays diat are angle of incidence & of the original beam. 2.8 beam true are those labeled II is X plane and atom 8 in the first by exactly path difference mast be nA, where n A A scatters part of the structive interference takes place only containing with a family of Bragg planes whose shown A in Fig. 2-12. angle &, and a detector angle is also 0. condition. As Any X is we can collimated beam placed so that in of X is by Eq. 2,8. upon a crystal at an first FIGURE If the spacing d between adjacent Bragg determine the value of d? This in Fig. 2-10, in cubic lattices similar to that of rock As an example, of adjacent atoms in a crystal of NaCl. let us ,V„ = 6.02 X ber), a simple task in the case of is X ray spectrometer. 2 12 Bragg known, the X-ray wavelength A may he calculated. whose atoms are arranged (NaCl), illustrated rays falls records those rays whose scattering varied, the detector will record intensity peaks corresponding planes in the crystal How is rays reaching the detector therefore obey the to the orders predicted crystals collimators design of an X-ray spectrometer based upon Bragg's analysis of NaCl is atoms — is salt 58.5 = 9.72 I m of NaCl „ = 2d sin 8 If d is X 6,02 two atoms X 10 2(i molecules/kmol 10" 2a kg/molecule in each X 10 3 kg/m 3 and , so. taking into account NaCl "molecule," the number of atoms in is = = path difference kmol NaCl has a density of 2.16 the presence of 3 kg mKtC] - 58.5, Crystalline X-ray scattering front cubic crystal. — given by which means there are 58.5 kg of NaCl per kilomole (kmol). Since there are FIGURE 2-11 kmol of any substance (N is Avogadro's numNaCl "molecule" that is, of each Na + CI pair of the mass of each compute the separation The molecular weight 10 2a molecules in a atoms 2 .-- molecule 4.45 x „.„,„, 10 3 -%X X2.I6X 3 kg m 1 9.72 X 10-- 6 kg/ molecule 10™ atoms/m 3 the distance between adjacent atoms in a crystal, there are along any of the crystal axes and d~ d 3 = d = = = n' 3 3 d l atoms/m atoms/m;' in the entire crystal. Hence n and 58 BASIC CONCEPTS = {4.45 x lO 28)" 3 m 2.82 X l(r 10 m 2.82 A PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 59 2.5 THE COMPTON EFFECT The quantum theory for the its rest mass. If this is tnie, between photons and, as billiard-ball collisions are treated in Figure 2-13 shows how such then it should lie say, electrons in the possible for same manner a collision might to be !>e represented, with an X-ray initially at rest in (he laboratory coordinate system) and being scattered away from its original direction of motion while the electron receives an impulse and begins to move. In the collision the photon may l>e regarded as having lost an amount of energy that is the same are involved. energy the If T gained by initial the electron, though actually separate photons photon has the frequency scattered photon has the lower frequency v\ Loss in photon energy 29 hv From is - the previous chapter hv' we = 2.10 c elementary mechanics. photon striking an electron {assumed as the kinetic momentum its of light postulates that photons behave like particles except absence of any to treat collisions for a photon, » associated with where it, the Momentum, unlike energy, is a vector quantity, incorporating direction as well + momentum must a collision, of course, photon and one perpendicular to it the scattered photon (Fig. 2-13), The momentum scattered photon and hv'/c, is Initial recall that momentum = —+ 2.11 2 2 p c and perpendicular to its total energy is = initial and the photon initial momentum and final momentum final — + cos n costf momentum = (! momentum final = sin $ — p sin (i hv is between the directions of the that between the directions of the andff is From Ekjs. 2.9, 2.11, that and 2.12 we shall initial now initial and scattered photons, photon and the recoil electron. obtain a formula relating the wave- length difference between initial and scattered photons with the angle their directions, The Compton .Heel. ^r^ incident photon p = »*oc i, = The first step pc hv'/c is sin BASIC CONCEPTS = = hv — hv' cos hv' sin is eliminated, leaving 2.13 pV = {hv? 1 hetween and 2.12 by c and rewrite them - $ (hv') equate the two expressions for the total -f as $ + K = T scattered electron to multiply Eqs. 2.1 By squaring each of these equations and adding the new ones we 4> Iwth of which are readily measurable quantities. pc cos Next 60 momenta photon direction this direction 2.12 The angle § FIGURE Z-13 hv/c, the is electron c pc Since E— here are that of the original plane containing the electron and gain in electron energy =T Initial = we choose in the In the original p. be conserved in each of two than two Inxlics participate in be conserved in each of three mutually perpendicular directions.) The directions are respectively so that, since the photon has no rest mass, £ {When more mutually perpendicular directions. c £= Vm„V momentum must as magnitude, and in the collision 2(hv)(lu>')cos<!> together, the angle 2 energy of a particle m^c* E= Vm^V + p V PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 61 from the previous chapter +m {T c 2) 2 p 2 c2 FIGURE 2-14 Experimenlal demonstration of tho Compton effect- give to V = wi + p 2c 2 = T2 + Sm^T X-ray spectrometer'' Since T= - hv fw' we have 2-W p V = faf _ + 2{lw)(h»') {hv'f + 2m c 2 (/i* - hr') unscattered Substituting this value of 2ma c-(hv - 2.1S This relationship frequency. is ™ c/ = 2(h>>)(hr'){l 1/A and v'/c - (1 we - cos Xray obtain finally expressed terms of wavelength rather than in (1 - X ravs path patn oi of -% spectrometer = 1/A', and the wavelengths of the scattered at a target, angles cos $) 0. by Eq. The results, shown 2.16, but at each angle the scattered proportion having the Com p ton Equation 2.16 was derived by Arthur H. Cotnpton describes, It which he was the first the early 1920s, in to observe, is effect and the known constitutes very strong evidence in support of the as the quantum initial Equation 2.16 gives the change in wavelength expected for a photon that 4> by a particle of of the wavelength A of the incident photon. Cwnpton wavelength 10 _lz m). (2.4 X that can occur lie of twice die of the scattering particle, From Eq. 2.16 is 0.024 A, while to their larger rest masses, the in 62 X is <f> Compton wavelength an electron effect we will take place for it is rest The mass m quantity which for it ; h/m is c is is predicted not hard to understand. that the scattering particle many shift is able to move In freely, of the electroas in matter are only loosely lx»und to their parent atoms. Other electrons, however, are very tightly Iwund and, when electron. struck In this the resulting is by a photon, the entire atom recoils instead of the single to use in Eq. 2,16 event the value of »» is that of the entire tens of thousands of times greater than that of Compton shift is an electron, and accordingly so minute as to be undetec table. is an electron called the is 0.024 A 2.6 PAIR PRODUCTION note that the greatest wavelength change = 180°, h/niff. when the wavelength change will Because the Compton wavelength considerably less for other particles owing maximum wavelength change wavelength for visible light in die Compton X The experimental demonstration As in Fig. 2-14, a beam of X rays of the rays of A of a is less than 0.0 1 percent = 1 A it is several percent. Compton effect is straightforward. single, known wavelength is directed of the initial wavelength, while for BASIC CONCEPTS wavelength rays also include a substantial independent 0.048 A. Changes of this magnitude or less are readily observable only rays, since the shift in X wavelength. This we assumerl deriving Eq. 2.16, atom, which theory of radiation. scattered through the angle / ,/ X rays are determined at various in Fig. 2-15. exhibit the a reasonable assumption since phenomenon it Compton effect. \ cos* -\=-2-(\ -COS*) \' / , AV X'l i collimators source of <j>) / monochrnmntii when = 1\ _ 1 U h 2.16 = simpler ) since v/c so, hv') in Eq. 2.13, Dividing Eq. 2,15 by 2h 2 c 2 -r-( and 2 2 p c As It we have is seen, a photon can give up also possible for a photon (positive electron), a process in all or part of its energy hv to an electron. to materialize into an electron which electromagnetic energy rest energy. No conservation principles are violated when an pair is created near an atomic nucleus (Fig. 2-16). The sum the electron (o = -e) and of the positron (<7 = +e) is is and a positron converted into electron-posit run of the charges of zero, as is the charge of the photon; the total energy, including mass energy, of the electron and positron equals the photon energy; and linear momentum is help of the nucleus, which carries away enough photon conserved with the momentum for the PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 63 <t> = 0° / —jf electron photon WAVELENGTH positron X FIGURE 216 Pair production. process to occur but, because of conserved relatively enormous mass, only a negligible photon energy. (Energy and linear fraction of the !>e its if pair production were to occur in momentum empty space, could not so Ixith does not it occur there.) WAVELENGTH The energy «j u c 2 of an electron or positron rest production requires a photon energy of at least 1 .02 is 0.51 MeV, and so pair MeV. Any additional photon energy hecomes kinetic energy of the electron and positron. The corresponding = 90" maximum photon wavelength is 0.012 A. wavelengths are called gamma rays, and Electromagnetic waves with such are found in nature as one of the emissions from radioactive nuclei and in cosmic rays. The inverse of pair production occurs when an electron and positron together and are annihilated to create a pair of photons. photons are such as to conserve both energy and linear WAVELENGTH nucleus or other particle Three processes gamma -AX- * At low photon energies rays in matter. (several cV) Compton scattering is X and the sole definite thresholds for both the photoelectric effect and electron pair production ( 1 .02 MeV). Both Compton scattering and the photoelectric effect decrease in importance with increasing energy, as shown in Fig. 2-17 for the case of a lead absorber, while the likelihood of pair production increases. At high photon energies the dominant mechanism of z UJ > P 5 energy UJ a: t / 2- 15 Compton loss lead has WAVELENGTH FIGURE 135° required for annihilation to take place. in all are therefore responsible for the absorption of mechanism, since there are = I LU is come The directions of the momentum, and so no its is pair production. minimum absorption coefficient decrease at /i, The curve representing the total absorption in about 2 MeV. The ordinate of the graph which in radiation intensity is is the linear equal to the ratio between the fractional —dl/I and the absorber thickness tlx. That is, scattering. d± = —fidx i 64 BASIC CONCEPTS PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 65 Does a photon possess gravitational mass as well? Since the inertial and gravita- experimentally to be equal (this tional masses of all material bodies are found points of Einstein's general theory starting of the is one equivalence principle of of relativity), it would seem worth looking have the same Let us consider a photon of frequency of mass star's M and radius surface The potential energy of the photon its total , _ 4 e 10 PHOTON ENERGY, MeV FIGURE 2-17 lion, Linear absorption coefficients for photons not to the likelihood of Interactions in the in lead. These curves refer to energy absorp- / The = is accordingly c*R V and the quantum energy hv, is = hv- GMhf the photon is beyond At a large distance from the star, for instance at the earth, same. The photon's the remains energy total its the star's gravitational field but energy now is entirely electromagnetic, and medium. £ 2.20 whose solution emitted from the surface of a star m on the -4 -SB) 2.19 pl^ojoclectric effect v potential energy of a mass GMhp energy E, the sum of E 2>^^Z. R The (Fig. 2-18). - CMm V= and whether photons is v= 2.18 into the question of gravitational behavior as other particles. = hv 1 is v- FIGURE 2-18 from the The frequency ot a photon emitted from the surf»ee of a iter decreases as It moves away star. intensity of the radiation decreases exponentially with the thickness of the absorber. 2.7 GRAVITATIONAL RED SHIFT Although a photon has no rest mass, it nevertheless behaves as though it possesses the inertia! mass 2.17 66 he BASIC CONCEPTS Photon "mass" PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 67 where ,' Is photon m stars the frequency of the arriving photon. (The potential energy of the the earth's gravitational field is negligible compared with that — _=~ CMR = "41 X A,> c Hence field.) 10 -177T 2 in the m 1.2 kg 9 X lO^kf X 10 B m Zz 10"^ »-»(i-£) I lere the gravitational ret! shift which is dwarf Sirius ~ 5.9 x 2.21 in the A would 1« :=0.5 wavelength 5,000 A for light of measurable under favorable circumstances. In the case of the white B "companion of (the M/R predicted red Sirius"), the 10~ 5 and the observed shift X 6.C is ratio for Sirius B, these figures !0~ 5 in ; would seem shift is Ac/k view of the uncertainty to confirm the attribution of gravitational mass to photons. I he photon has a lower frequency as >s .t leaves the field of the star. at the earth, A photon in thus shifted toward the red end, and this corresponding to its loss in phenomenon is accordingly as the gravitational red shift. It observed energy the visible region of the spectrum known must 1* distinguished from the doppler'red afaifl the spectra of distant galaxies due to their apparent recession from in the earth, a recession attributed to a general expansion of the universe As we shall learn in Chap. 4, the atoms of every element, when suitablv excited cunt photons of certain specific frequencies only. The validity of 21 can therefore Ik checked by comparing the frequencies found in stellar spectra with those in spectra obtained in the lalwratory. .Since C/r- is only Eq2 G _ c 1 6.67 ~ X 10" N-mVkg2 = (3xl0«m/f If 7Al X " 10 28 m/k S Mm C ' = S r Q ^ about 0.01 2.12 X ^ Ar^"' for green x 10-2" HL x kg not actually a black hole in about is 1, we see from Eq. 2.10 that no photon and would be invisible— a "Made and itself: the mass and 10 2a in 10 53 kg why black holes should should be possible to detect them by virtue of the it and ability their gravitational effects known universe and radius of the universe are believed respectively and, since on may be to be G/c* Si 10 -i" m/kg, (CM/ C *fl) unlver8e =l. Recently a gravitational frequency v is has been detected in a laboratory shift frequency of in gamma rays after they had A body of mass m that a height It undetectable due to gains mgh the change in mass ht>' For h = may be hv + If a falling photon of original frequency = = its final energy hv' shift is is so small that given by hi"'h 1— hv H 20 m, A* gn = shift ingh neglected), -4+£) _ _ ~~1?~ A of energy. taken to have the ccaslaut mass hv/c- (the frequency *» ^ solar radiation amounts to onlv wavelength 5,000 A and stages of their evolution called while dwarfs that are composed of atoms whose electron structures have "collapsed, and such stars have quite enonnous densities-lvpicallv ~5 tons/in * A white dwarf might have a radte of 9 X 10" m, about' 0.01 that of the sun and a mass of 1.2 X 10* kg, about 0.6 that of the sun. so that BASIC CONCEPTS CM/c-R > star could not radiate astronomical objects in their vicinity. Curiously, the x 1U k g em x m 8 m the doppler broadening of the spectral lines. Ho«,v,.,, lhore is a class of stars in the final 68 exist, 2.22 S raviEationaI red Such a combination of their light-alworhin;4 '•-' J 10-° light of it. "fallen" through a height h near the earth's surface. m 7.41 a star for which hole" in space. There seems to be no fundamental reason falls ' is experiment by measuring the change the gravitational red shift can be observed only in radiation from very dense stars. In the ease of the sun, a more or less ordinary star, R = 6 9f> y Iff" and LSQ X Hr 3n kg, and — = t~R = there can ever leave 2.2 x 9.8 in/s 2 (3 X X 10 8 20 m m/sf 10- I5 of Uiis magnitude is just and the detectable,- results confirm Eq. 2.22. PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 69 Problems What X 1. The threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission in tungsten is 2,300 A. What wavelength of light must be used in order for electrons with a maximum 2. The 1.1 x eV to be ejected? threshold frequency energy of 1.5 10 15 Hz. Find the electron volts) when A 13. for emission photoelectric frequency 1 .5 copper in is of the photoelectrons (in jotiles and x 10 15 Hz is a What 2.3 eV. is What maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons maximum wavelength from sodium? What will be if A 2,000 light falls on a sodium surface? Find the wavelength and frequency of a 100-MeV photon. 4. energy must a photon have frequency the is Prove that 16. Find the energy of a 7,000-A photon. 6. Under favorable circumstances the human eye can detect 10" IH How many of it How many momentum only when photons 17. A beam of strike X rays X bound is monochromatic with a wavelength is of area perpendicular to the direction of the light, (a) Find the (in lb/in. 2 ) this light can exert on the earth s surface. How many consists exclusively of 6,000-A photons. that part of the earth directly facing the sun in radius of the earth's orbit sun in watts, and photons per m3 a is how many 1.5 X 10" in. (Assume (6) 1 ,400 maximum Assume W/m 2 that sunlight photons per m- arrive at (c) The average power output of the each second? What is the photons per second does What is the wavelength of the X target? What is their frequency? 11. it emit? (d) How many X An X-ray machine produces 0.1-A X initial 70 distance BASIC CONCEPTS beam is the X H) in Hz emerges from 19 1.2 X 10 Hz. How much frequency was 1.5 to the electron? and rays. of initial scattered through 90°. Find is x frequency 3 its new 0''' 1 1 \v cull ides with an electron frequency. 20. Find the energy of an X-ray photon which can impart a of keV .50 when 100-keV What 21. A monochromatic electrons strike accelerating voltage does in calcite is 3 X energy X-ray beam whose wavelength 10 8 cm. is 0.558 A is scattered through 46". Find the wavelength of the scattered beam. 22. In Sec. 2.4 the X rays scattered by a crystal were assumed to undergo no change in wavelength. Show that this assumption is reasonable by calculating the Compton wavelength of a Na atom and comparing it with the typical X-ray 23. 1 A, As discussed in Chap. 1 2, certain atomic nuclei emit photons in undergoing from "excited" energy photons constitute gamma the opposite direction, (a) between adjacent atomic planes maximum to an electron. rays. states to their When The ||Co "ground" or normal a 5gFe atom is 9.5 X I0" 26 kg. states. a nucleus emits a photon, nucleus decays by then emits a photon in losing 14.4 keV to reach The What rays in the direct Ijcam? An X-ray photon wavelength of rays emitted employ? 12. At 45° from the rays have a wavelength of 0.022 A. was imparted kinetic energy transitions it energy and its pressure are there near the earth? 10. all of 6,(KX) A.) Light from the sun arrives at the earth at the rate of about 9. is electrons. scattered by free electrons. An X-ray photon whose 18. 19. the light whose momentum emit? How many photons per second are emitted by a 10-W yellow lamp? 8. of to a free electron, so that the photoelectric effect can take place wavelength of the J of electro6,000-A photons does this represent? radio transmitter operates at a frequency of 880 kHz. photons per second does momentum have the photon X-ray an a collision with an electron with a frequency of A 1,000-W 7. lo if it is impossible for a photon to give up is it direction the scattered 5. magnetic energy. 74.55. the is of light that will cause photoelectrons to be emitted the The . X lO-^kg-m/s? 1.1 function of sodium kg/m 3 Find the distance between adjacent atoms. 10-MeV proton? 15. The work 10 3 X potassium chloride crystal has a density of 1.98 is 0.3- be detected? rays can directed on a topper surface. 3. X which scattered How much 14. between these planes and an incident beam of the smallest angle molecular weight of KC1 maximum energy light of is rays at By how much is its K capture ground it to jSgFe, state. These recoils in which The mass of the photon energy reduced from PARTICLE PROPERTIES OF WAVES 71 the full 14.4 atom? (ft) keV available as a result of In certain crystals the having atoms are so to share energy with the recoiling WAVE PROPERTIES OF tightly Itound that the entire crystal PARTICLES when a gamma- ray photon is emitted, instead of the individual atom. This phenomenon is known as the Mfcshauer effect. By how much is the photon recoils energy reduced '(c) (ft) in this situation if the excited -iJ-Fe The essentially means (hat it is recoil-free emission of nucleus gamma is 3 part of a I-g crystal? rays in situations like that of possible to construct a source of essentially monoencrgetic and hence monochromatic photons. Such a source was used in the experiment paragraph of Sec. 2.7. What is the original frequency and frequency of a 14.4-keV gamma-ray photon after it has fallen 20 described in the the change in last m near the earth's surface? A positron collides head on with an electron and both are annihilated. Each particle had a kinetic energy of I MeV. Find the wavelength of the resulting photons. 24. In retrospect it may seem odd that two decades passed between the discovery 1905 of the particle properties of waves and the speculation in particles might exhibit wave behavior. It is one thing, in 1924 that however, to suggest a revolutionary hypothesis to explain Otherwise mysterious data and quite another advance an equally revolutionary hypothesis to experimental mandate. The latter is just in the absence of a strong what Louts de Broglie did in H)24 when he proposed that matter possesses wave as well as particle characteristics. So different was the intellectual climate at the lime from that prevailing tion, whereas the hardly any earlier stir quantum theory of despite de Broglie waves was its striking light of empirical demonstrated by 1927, at the turn and respectful atten- of the century that de Broglie's notion received immediate Planck and Einstein created support. The existence of and the duality principle they represent provided the starting point for Schrodinger's successful development of quantum mechanics 3.1 in the previous year. OE BROGLIE WAVES A photon of light of frequency v has the which can be expressed P= since A v = c. in momentum terms of wavelength A as \ The wavelength of a photon is therefore specified by its momentum according to the relation 3.1 72 A =A BASIC CONCEPTS 73 Drawing upon an intuitive expectation that nature is symmetric, de Brogiie a completely general formula that applies to material particles as well as to photons. The momentum of a particle of mass asserted that Eq. 3.1 m velocity v function + there at (. and is = mis and consequently A 3.2 = its Born is itself, De tin: The greater in is the particle's momentum, Brogiie waves as the shorter its wavelength. In Eq. 3.2 is we speak of the wave function shall When an and experiment made by Max first * that describes a particle does not mean that the particle is performed to detect electrons, either foimd at a certain time is and place or time t |4M not; there it is time and at that 2 . wave function +, all the actual density of bodies at x, y, z 2 proportional to the corresponding value of |^| is thus an experiment involves a great many identical bodies if described by the same at the by itself is for instance, entirely possible it is 20 percent chance that the electron be found . While the wavelength of the de Brogiie waves associated with a moving body is given by the simple formula me determining their amplitude + We a formidable problem. WAVE FUNCTION this this likelihood that is specified it is Alternatively, 3.2 presence. its a definite chance, is was no such thing as 20 percent of an electron. However, place, Equation 3.2 has been amply verified by experiments involving the diffraction of fast electrons by crystals, experiments analogous to those that showed X rays to be electromagnetic waves. Before we consider these experiments, it is appropriate to look into the question of what kind of wave phenomenon Is involved in the matter waves of de Brogiie. In a light wave the electromagnetic field varies in space and lime, in a sound wave pressure varies in space and time; what is it whose variations constitute de Brogiie waves? there. This interpretation it being spread out in space, for there to lie a VI - oVc* possibility of the body's a big difference between the probability of an event and the event is Although a whole electron is m= proportional to the value of l+l* somewhere, however, there not actually small, of delecting spread out. the relativistic mass is in 1926. There h / means the strong 2 presence, while a small value of t+l means the slight possibility of however de Brogiie wavelength z at the time x, y, 2 large value of l+l A As long as |+| 2 p point at the is as a function of position and time usually presents shall discuss the calculation of + in Chap. 5 and then go on to apply the ideas developed there to the structure of the atom in The variable quantity characterizing de Brogiie waves is called the wave Chap. func- by the symbol + (die Greek letter psl). The value of the wave function associated with a moving body at the particular point x, y. z in space at the time ( is related to the likelihood of finding the body there at the time. + conjugate tion, denoted however, has no direct physical significance. There is a simple reason interpreted in terms of an experiment. The probability P that something be somewhere at a given time can have any value between two itself, why + cannot he we Until then 6. shall In the event that a wave function parts, the probability density i { * assume that we have whatever knowledge of * required by the situation at hand. is V. = \/— 1) by + is complex, with both real and given by the product is ^° "V of + and i in aginary its complex obtained by replacing The complex conjugate of any function is — in the function. Every complex function i can be written wherever in the appears it form limits: 0, corresponding to the certainty of certainty of its absence, and J, corresponding presence. (A probability of 0.2, for instance, signifies 20 a percent chance of finding the body.) But the amplitude of any wave may be negative as well as positive, and a negative probability is meaningless. Hence * itself =A + iB its cannot be an observable quantity. This objection does not apply to |*J* the square of the absolute value of the wave function. For this and other reasons 2 |+j is known as probability density. The probability of experimentally finding the laxly described by the wave 74 + to the A where and B are real functions. ** = A - The complex conjugate S* * of ^ is iB and so *•* = A 2 since 2 i = — 1. Hence i 2 B* "fr* 4* = A2 f is B- always a positive real quantity. BASIC CONCEPTS WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 75 DE BROGUE WAVE VELOCITY 3.3 ( = 1 = With what velocity do de Broglie waves travel? Since- we associate a tie Broglie wave with a moving tody, it is reasonable to expect that this wave travels at the same velocity D as [hat of the tody. If we call the de Broglie wave velocity w, we may w= to apply the usual formula vibrating string p\ determine the value of .«. The wavelength A FIGURE is just the - Wave motion. 3-1 de Broglie wavelength III! We shall take the E= frequency , to be that specified by the quantum equation lw Hence y = A cos 2w vt h where or, since E = me 2 A is the amplitude of the vibrations {that on either side of the x we have Equation 3.4 — v mc- is as 3.3 i, _ velocity is therefore such a formula, ,.,\ _ mc2 h so that a wave A complete r. however, should What we want c their is, iheir maximum tell us what y description of is at wave motion any point on the let us imagine that starts to travel we down shake the string the string in the + x at ,% in a stretched any time. To obtain when t = 0, string at a formula giving y as a function of both x is displacement frequency. us what the displacement of a single point on the string a function of time string, The de Broglie wave tells and axis) and = t. direction (Fig. 3-2). This wave has some speed w that depends upon the properties of the string. The wave travels the distance x = wt in the time f; hence the time interval between the formation of the wave at x = (I and its arrival at the point x is h me x/w. Accordingly the displacement y of the string at v at any time t is exactly he same as the value of y at x = at the earlier time t — x/w. By simply I Since the particle velocity v must be less than the velocity of light c the de Broglie wave velocity w is always greater than d Clearly v and w are never equal for a moving body. In order to understand this digress briefly to consider the notions of plutse velocity velocity is sometimes called wave unexpected zndgnmp result, we replacing t/ in Eq. 3.4 with in t terms of both ,v and t — x/w, then, we have the desired formula giving /: shall velocity. (Phase y 3.5 = A cos2wclr - —1 velocity.) Let us begin by reviewing elanty we shall consider how waves are described mathematically a string stretched along the x For whose vibrations are m the y direction, as in Fig. 3-1, and are simple harmonic in character. If we choose | = when the displacement „ of the string at x = is a maximum its displacement at any future time t at the same place is given by the formula 3.4 76 y = A axis As a check, we Equation 3.5 y note that Eq. 3.5 reduces to Eq, 3.4 at x may be =A = 0. rewritten cas2fflcf — —J Since cos 2-xt't w= v BASIC CONCEPTS WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 77 becomes a vector k normal In three dimensions k * t replaced by the radius vector = r. The to the scalar product k • wave r is fronts and x is then used instead of far in Eq. 3.10. 3.4 PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITIES The amplitude of the de Broglie waves that correspond to a the probability that it moving body reflects be found at a particular place at a particular time. It formula reis clear that de Broglie waves cannot lw represented simply by a the same waves with all of sembling Eq. 3.10, which describes an indefinite series amplitude A. Instead, we expect the wave representation of a a wave packet, or wn\:e group, like that shown correspond to constituent waves have amplitudes upon which the likelihood of detecting the Iwdy depends, A familiar example of how wave groups come into being When two cies, FIGURE 3-2 Wave propagation sound waves of the same amplitude, but of 3.6 the average of the two =A COs27r(j't sounds have frequencies - ij of frequency Equation 3.6 is often more convenient to apply then Eq. 3.5. 3.5. We define the quantities angular frequency u and is still another wove- number k by the Formulas fluctuations occur a of, say, amplitude = to Angular frequency 2trv Wave number 3.S is the wave group wave speed number of 2ir rad in one complete wave. In y 2.<nv radians corresponding to a = A cos (at — BASIC CONCEPTS kx) the original is waves are the same, the speed with which common wave speed. However, identical with the waves do not proceed together, and the wave group has a speed different from that of the it. compute the speed tt with which a wave group travels, a wave group arises from the combination of two waves not difficult to FIGURE 3-3 A wave group. The wave number is equal to wave train m long, since there are terms of a and k, Eq. 3,5 becomes per second sweeps out the If hear a fluctuating sound varies with wavelength, the different individual I«t us suppose that circle v times falls illustrated in Fig. 3-4. travels the It is The unit of w is the rad/s and that of k is the rad/m. Angular frequency gets its name from uniform circular motion, where a particle thai moves around a and interference with one another results in the variation in amplitude that defines waves that compose 3.9 will rises of times per second A way of mathematically describing a wave group, then, is in terms of a superposition of individual wave patterns, each of different wavelength, whose if 78 its number 440 and 442 Hz, we the group shape. If the speeds of the 3.10 slightly different frequen- 441 Hz with two loudness peaks, called heats, per second. The production of l>eats Perhaps the most widely used description of a wave, however, 3.7 the case of beats. hear has a frequency equal to and original frequencies The amplitude is equal to the difference Iwtween the two original frequencies. <j form of Eq. we are produced simultaneously, the sound periodically. we have moving body to whose in Fig. 3-3, rad/s. I wave group WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 79 MVWWVWV vwwwwwv and 3.11 y = 2A cos (w( — A-*) cos (f-f') Equation 3.11 represents a wave of angular frequency + that lias superimposed upon wave number groups, as in 3.12 l it The effect of the modulation 3-4. The phase velocity w is /2 dk. I'ig. o: and wave number k a modulation of angular frequency '/U/w is to •-I while die velocity u of the wave groups Phase velocity Group velocity is do 3.13 and of produce successive wave dk In general, number depending upon the manner in a particular in which phase velocity varies with wave medium, the group velocity may be greater than or less than the phase velocity. FIGURE The production 3-4 If the phase velocity w is the same for all wavelengths, of beaiv. the group and phase velocities are the same. The angular frequency and wave number with the same amplitude and amount dk aii in A with a body of rest = 2,xt> but differing by an amount <iw in angular frequency We may wave number. represent the original waves by a 3.14 mass mu of the de Broglie waves associated moving with the velocity v are the formulas ;/! j/jj h = A eos (oil — = A cos [(« + kx) (/w)( - dk)x] -f (/c 11 The and resultant displacement ij t . ij With the help of the at any time and any position * ( is the sum of y l identity 3.15 cos a + cos ft = 2 cos %{a + cos %(a ft) vl - V 2 /r- and k- 2* — ft) Qmnv and die relation cos{ — 9) we 'Zirm^ti eostf find that ¥ Since «*« and Both - 9i + A = 2A tik cos &(&> + f/«)f - (2fc are small compared with 2w + rfu 2* + d* 80 = BASIC CONCEPTS + t> (tk)x\ and fe cos w </ (rf 2 f - respectively, found « and k are functions of the velocity o. The phase velocity w is, as we earlier, ilk x) w =— k ~ 2u sr 2k WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 81 which exceeds l! < Ixrth the velocity of the lxidy v and the velocity of light c, since C. The group velocity u of the de Broglie waves associated with the body electron gun is tha elk electron detector dw/dt dk/dv FIGURE 35 Tha Damson Germer experiment. \V,\\ dw 2itm ' dv v> - &f<?fn ft(l and scattered dk dv ft(l - oVc2 3' 2 ) and so the group velocity = U 3.16 The de beam 2irm u is was returned to the apparatus and the measurements resumed. V were very Broglie wave group associated with a moving body travels with the same The phase velocity tt> of the de Broglie waves evidently velocity as the body. has no simple physical significance in itself. manifestation having no analog in the behavior of Newtonian particles diffraction. Thomson in In 1927 Davisson and Germer in the United States and G. P. England independently confirmed de Broglie's hypothesis by dem- onstrating that electrons exhibit diffraction when they are scattered from crystals whose atoms are spaced appropriately. We shall consider the experiment of Davisson and Germer because its interpretation is more direct. Davisson and Germer were studying the scattering of electrons from a solid, using an apparatus like that sketched in Fig. in .3-5. The energy the primary beam, the angle at which they are incident the position of the detector can the scattered electrons will dependence of their intensity of the primary electrons. Germer I r> all emerge method of plotting to the distance of the Two is the results maxima and minima were observed whose positions depended upon the electron energy! Typical polar graphs of electron intensity after the accident are THE DIFFRACTION OF PARTICLES A wave Now from what had been found before the accident: instead of a continuous variation of scattered electron intensity with angle, distinct 3-6; the 3.5 different it such that the intensity at any angle to mind immediately: what is much as X This interpretation received support R*»ultt ol the Damson- Germer waves were rays are diffracted by planes of atoms effect of heating a block of iiieke! at high 3-6 new was baked? Broglie's hypothesis suggested the interpretation that electron in a crystal. in Fig. proportional the reason for this not appear until after the nickel target being diffracted by the target, FIGURC shown is curve at that angle from the point of scattering. come and why did effect, De questions is when it temperature was realized is that the to cause the many experiment. of the electrons upon the target, and be varied. Classical physics predicts that in all directions with only a upon scattering angle and even less moderate upon the energy Using a block of nickel as the target, Davisson and verified these predictions. the midst of their work there occurred an accident that allowed air to enter and oxidize the metal surface. To reduce the oxide to pure nickel, the target was baked in a high-temperature oven. After this treatment, the target their apparatus 82 BASIC CONCEPTS 10 V 44 V 48 V 54 V 60 V 64 V 68 V WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 83 smalt individual crystals of which targe crystal, all of normally composed to form into a single it is whose atoms are arranged Let ns sec whether we In target, and a sharp Bragg planes shown which can in this family, equation for in Fig. 3-7 will maxima 1m; X \/2 40 measured by X-ray The electron wavelength diffraction, Here d = 0,9 1 A and 6 is 0.91 A. The Bragg n\ 85°; assuming that n = 1, the de Broglie wavelength (i 1 Now we X = 1.66 X = 1.66 A is = 2d sin = 2 X 0.9 A X = 1.65 A 54 eV X 1-6 10~ X li, J/eV 1 therefore is me 4.0 = X is i) X of die diffracted electrons ' both be 65°. The spacing of the planes in the diffraction pattern '2d sin lO" 31 kg X 9.1 lO" 2 kg-m/s X 6.63 = n\ is occurred at any angle of 50° with the beam. Tile angles of incidence and scattering relative to the family of original = = a particular determination, a beam of 54-eV elections was directed perpendicularly at the nickel in die electron distribution momentum mr me = ^2mT can verify that de Broglie waves arc responsible for the findings of Davisson and Cermer. maximum the electron in a regular lattice. in excellent 65" x lO"* 1 J-s 10-- kg-m/s ' 10- u 'm agreement with the observed wavelength. The Davisson-Cenner experiment dins provides direct verification of de Broglie's li\ wave poliosis ol the nature of moving bodies. The analysis of the Davisson -Germer experiment use de Broglie's formula actually less straightforward is than indicated above, since the energy of an electron increases when it enters a crystal by an amount equal to the work function of the surface. Hence the electron speeds in the experiment were greater inside the crystal and the correto calculate the energy of 54 eV expected wavelength of the electrons. is small and so we can ignore compared with its rest relalivistic considerations. The mnc energy 2 electron kinetic of 5.1 X 10* eV, sponding de Broglie wavelength shorter than the corresponding values outside. \n additional complication arises from interference between waves diffracted by different families of Bragg planes, which Since occurrence of maxima restricts the to certain combinations of electron energy and angle of incidence rather than merely to any combination that obeys the Bragg equation. Electrons arc not the only bodies whoso wave behavior can be demonstrated. The di (fraction of neutrons and of whole atoms when scattered by suitable crystals has liccn observed, and in fact neutron diffvaclion, like X-ray and electron diffraction, As is today a widely used tool for Investigating crystal structures, in the case of electromagnetic waves, the wave and moving bodies can never be simultaneously observed, so mine which FIGURE is 3-7 The diffraction of de Broglie waves by the target a is moving body responsible for the results of Davisson and Germer. properties. die "correct" description. All exhibits Which wave we can say particle aspects of that is properties and in other respects set of properties is we cannot thai in it deter- some respects exhibits particle most conspicuous depends upon how the de Broglie wavelength compares with the dimensions of the bodies involved; the 1.66 single crystal ol nickel 84 BASIC CONCEPTS A wavelength of a 54-eV electron is of the as the lattice spacing in a nickel crystal, but the moving at 60 mi h is about 5 X 10 ;is ft, same order of magnitude wavelength of an automobile far loo small to manifest itself. WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 85 THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE 3.6 The fact that a moving body must Ik; regarded as a de Broglie wave group rather than as a localized entity suggests that there accuracy with which a de Broglie If the group we can measure wave group: is the particle very narrow, as found, hut the wavelength wide group, is as in its is a fundamental particle properties. may Imj limit to iho Figure 3-Ha show s anywhere within the wave group. in Fig. 3-8/j, the position of the particle is readily impossible to establish. At the other extreme, a Fig. 3-Kc. permits a saHsfac lory wavelength estimate, but where is A FIGURE groups that result from the interference of wave trains hiving the same amplitudes 39 Wave but different frequencies. the particle located? straightforward argument based upon the nature of wave groups permits us to relate the inherent uncertainty A* with the inherent uncertainty simultaneous measurement of Ap in a in a measurement of particle position its momen- From are combined. Eq. 3.11, we a calculation identical with the one used in obtaining find that tum. The simplest example of the formation of Sec. 3.4, where two wave wave groups trains slightly different in areolar is that given frequency w in 3.17 waves which + 2A cos (wt is plotted in Fig. 3-9. &k)x\ of the same FIGURE 3-8 represents. The width of a wave group is a measure of the uncertainty in the The narrower the wave group, (he greater the uncertainty In the The width 348 / - %\k x) of each group It is is evidently equal to half reasonable to suppose that this width Ax = is, '/jA,, The modulation wavelength It kx) cos ('/2 Aw order of magnitude as the inherent uncertainty A.t in the position of the group, that *, - the wavelength X m of the modulation. is = A cos (wf - far) * 2 = A [cos \*s + lu)t -(k + *, zz and propagation constant k were superposed to yield the series of groups shown in Fig. 3-4. Here let us consider the wave groups that arise when the de Brogfie % += location of the particle is related to its propagation constant k m by m wavelength. From Eq, 3.17 km we see that the propagation constant of the modulation is = %\k with the result that A,„ — 2*f %M and lx ~Tk 3.19 A moving body but a single corresponds to a single wave group can of trains of harmonic waves. 86 BASIC CONCEPTS also wave group, be thought of However, an in infinite not a succession of them, terms of the superposition number of wave trains of WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 87 wave numbers, and amplitudes different frequencies, is required for an isolated The de momentum p Broglie wavelength of a particle of is group of arbitrary shape. At a certain time the I, wave group * = A *(*) can be represented by the Fourier integral The wave number corresponding 3.20 *(*) aa where the function to *{.r) vary with g(k) cos f g(fc) kx describes how the amplitudes of the wave number k. This fimetion specifies the wave group just is waves that contribute waves is also included: only a single wave uumlier wave numbers needed Strictly speaking, the A- = to k amplitudes g(ftj interval Afc. As of wave m oo, is is 2rrp ~h~ Hence an uncertainty At with in the the particle results in wave number of the de Broglie an uncertainly Ap waves associated in the particle's momentum ac- cording to the formula present in this ease, of course. to represent a but for a group whose length A.* are appreciable have = called the Fourier transform harmonic Irani wavelength (Ik and it as completely as (*) does. Figure 3-10 contains graphs of the Fourier transforms of a pulse and of a wave group. For comparison, the Fourier transform of an infinite train of of +(x), to diis wave numbers wave group extend Skat the waves lie within a 2iT whose finite Since A.vAfc Afc I, , ' is finite, a 1. AA:« Fig. 3- 10 indicates, the shorter die group, the broader the range numbers needed to describe it, and vice versa. The relationship between wave-number spread \k depends upon the shape of the wave group and upon how Aa and AA are defined. The minimum value of die Ap A.v 3.22 > I and /A.v — Uncertainty principle Uie distance A.r anil the product Ax A* which ease and its Afc are occurs the group has the form of a gaussian fimetion. in Fourier transform happens to be a gaussian function also. taken as the standard deviations of the respective functions gikl [hen A.v Afc 3.21 when = IxSk^ >/,. In general, A.v Afc has I lie If -ffcc) order of magnitude of A* and I: The sign > is Equation 3.22 is one form of the 1927. unci-rtointij principle first obtained by Werner states that the product of the uncertainty ft neously both position anil Fourier transforms for (a) a puis*, (b) a wa¥e gfmpi and {c , 3n requires a broader range of frequencies to describe it than a dis- matters so dial A.v is the •n A.v in the small, corresponding to we reduce Ap If 3-fic, If we arrange the narrow wave group of in some way, corresponding to A.t will be large. These uncertainties are due quantities involved. The quantity /i/2w appears quite often in modern physics because, besides connection with the uncertainty principle, Ii/2t also turns out to unit of angular " symbol (b) with perfect accuracy. not to inadequate apparatus but to the imprecise character in nature of the WWWh JL_ momentum Ap will lw large. wide wave group of Fig. Fig. 3-SrJ, A BASIC CONCEPTS that are conse- position of a body at some instant and the uncertainty Ap in its momentum at the same instant is equal to or greater dian ft/2w. We cannot measure simulta- « 88 minima the product A.v Ap. ITeisenberg in turbance of greater duration. (a) are irreducible quences of the wave natures of mooing luufiea; any instrumental or statistical uncertainties dial arise in the actual conduct of the measurement only augment I FIGURE 3-10 The wave functions and infinite wave tram, A briel disturbance e \x and Ap used because It is dierefore customary lo abbreviate h/2-z by the ft: ft "I momentum. its be the basic = -^- = J. 054 X 10- :il J-s 2m (c) In the remainder of this book we shall use ft in place of ft/2ir. WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTtCLES 89 it wavelength of die "The uncertainty principle can be arrived at in a variety of ways. Let us obtain L by our argument upon the particle nature of waves instead wave nature of particles as we did above. 3.Z4 liasing of upon light being used. That is, ~X A.r the Suppose that we wish at measure the position and momentum of something a certain moment. To accomplish this, we must prod it with something else that to to carry the desired information is back to us; that we have is. to touch The shorter the wavelength, the smaller the uncertainty in the position of the electron. From Ivqs. 3.23 and 3.24 if we employ light of short wavelength We be a correto improve the accuracy of the position determination, there will while light determination, momentum sponding reduction tn the accuracy of the in of long wavelength will yield an accurate with our it finger, illuminate it with light, or interact with it in some other way. might be examining an electron with the help of light of wavelength A, as Fig. 3-11. In this process photons of light strike the electron and bounce off Each photon possesses the momentum h/\, and when it. electron, the electron's original cannot be predicted, but momentum the photon it Ls h/X. momentum p likely to Hence it collides with die ehanged. The precise change is 3.25 A.v the act of measurement introduces an This result is Ap > momentum value but an inaccurate A.r into Eq, 3.23 yields h consistent with Eq. 3.22, since both Ax and Ap here were defined rather pessimistically. Arguments preceding one, though superficially attractive, must as a like the approached with caution. The above argument implies that the electron can possess a definite position and momentum at any instant, and that it is the rule be 3.23 in the momentum employ of the electron. The longer the wavelength in "seeing" the electron, the smaller the of the light consequent uncertainty in wc this trary, indeterminacy justification for the Because light has wave properties, tron's position with infinite we cannot expect An to determine the elec- accuracy mider any circumstances, but reasonably hope to keep the irreducible uncertainty FIGURE 3-11 measurement process that introduces the indeterminacy its momentum. electron cannol be observed without changing Ax in its we might position is f viewer "derivations" of this way around wave is, first, that diey the uncertainty principle, view of the principle familiar context than tiiat of kind The that can lie show it and second, appreciated in a more packets. APPLICATIONS OF THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE so is minute— only X 6.63 10~ :H J-s— that the limitations imposed by the uncertainty principle are significant only in die realm of the atom. On this microscopic scale, however, there are many phenomena that can One incidc nt reflected photon As wc in terms of this principle; interesting question is we shall consider several of whether electrons are present shall learn later, typical nuclei are less ' Ap original than If) ' 4 m in > 1 them here. atomic nuclei. in radius. electron to be confined within such a nucleus, the uncertainty in may not exceed I0-1 m. The corresponding mentum is its For an position uncertainly in the electron's mo- As momentum X 10' M J-s 10" tn 1.0,54 of electron nal momentum lenrum of electron BASIC CONCEPTS the con- to be understood X AxAp. On momentum. viewer photon in inherent in the nature of a moving body. is impossible to imagine a that they present a 3.7 rts many Planck's constant h t-j = Substituting X position value. be of the same order of magnitude as uncertainty of 90 clear that, it is \ \ > 1.1 x lO-20 kg-m/s WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 91 If this is ba at 1.1 X m the uncertainty in the electron's comparable least 10"80 kg-iu we may c 2 , and = 7* to find has s it in kinetic energy the momentum itself must An electron whose momentum 7 many limes greater than its rest The corresponding energy uncertainty is uj III T= 1.1 = 3.3 we X 10-» kg-m/s X X 10~ 12 J obtain 3 X 20 I CV = 1.6 A mure associated even with unstable atoms never have energy, and ft realistic calculation M. > It is about 5 in the position of its electron uncertainty An in = X 10 may " in in radius, and therefore the uncertainty not exceed this figure. The corresponding urement and the uncertainty is 2.1 X As an example of the significance of Eq. 3,26 of light from an "excited" atom. Such an AE = this order of magnitude is x HF" kg-in/s)3 X 9.1 X I0-" kg Another form 10 is » an |s is n a wave group = a wholly plausible figure. We might wish one wave. Since the frequency of the waves under study is equal to the number of them we count divided by the time interval, DM uncertainty Ac in our frequency measurement is II lis is Af 92 BASIC CONCEPTS radiates is 10~ s s. uncertain by an amount X ol I»- :i4 J-s 51 s X UH»J die light is uncertain by 1.6 x 10 7 Hz the irreducible limit to the accuracy with which we can determine the frequency of the radiation emitted by an atom. 3.8 is THE WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY many wave can Despite the abundance of experimental confirmation, lo A,=-L it ft measure the energy /; emitted sometime during the time interval A< ir, an atomic process. If the energy is in the form of electromagnetic waves, M». limited time available restricts the accuracy with which we can determine the frequent f of the waves. Let us assume that the uncertainty in the number of waves we OUBI excess energy AE = —r- j oj the uncertaint) principle is sometimes useful, 1.1 and the frequent) to - its f 1.054 (2.1 or about 15 eV. This consider the radiation A( nnnretativistie = X we can divests itself of between the excitation of an atom and the time •2m 2.1 atom by emitting one or more photons of characteristic frequency. The average period 10- = an energy meas- in 10 -'kg-m/s whose momentum is of behavior, and its kinetic energy is 2 AE M in the time at which the measurement was made equal to or greater than H. that elapses is electron _ this to Equation 3.26 states that the product of the uncertainty Thus the photon energy Ao changes h a fraction of this conclude that electrons cannot be present within nuclei. ask how much energy an electron needs to be confined to an atom. now The hvdmgcn atom momentum more than we 1*1 us A M x Wr* J. the kinetic energy of the electron must be well over to be a unclear constituent. Experiments indicate that the electrons MeV if it k AE = li> AEAl > IIV in/s 3.26 Since ft *> )>c c, AE = is energy accordingly ate the extreme relativists formula Substituting for p and 7". momentum, magnitude. how what we normally think how what we normally think of as a appreciate in nl of EtS a particle can also of us find also it hard be a particle be a wave. The uncertainty principle provides a valuable perspective on this question which WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 93 makes it possible lo put such statements as those at the more concrete end of Sec. detect which of the 2.2 on a Figure :3-!2 diffracted show.-, an experimental arrangement in which light that has hern by a doable ditto detected on a "screen" that consists of manv adjacent photoelectric cells. the properties we The photoelectric cells respond to photons, which have associate with particles. However, when we all is SO low that, on the average, aoiy one photon at a time The problem is, how can itself? rift? In other words, This problem does not arise out in spare, but it would seem to how in the ease of have meaning behavior suggests that thev are localized in in slits be affected can a photon interfere very small regions of whose and the screen. A photon that passes through one of the slits strikes 3-12). a particle and gives it a certain impulse which enables us to detect it (Fig. uncertainty with an Provided that we can establish the position of the particle lij that is less than half the space d between the slits, we can determine which slit the photon passed through. Therefore But we are able to limit the uncertainty in the u coordinate of the struck particle to Aw, the uncertainty 3.27 Ap v in the w component of *P» its momentum is d Aw Since the collision introduces a change of each photon contributing to a double si Ap v in the photon's momentum means a momentum, momentum. A change of in the particle's the same change must have occurred in the photon's Ap u slit if sp To have meaning, every question or statement in science must ultimately be Here the relevant experiment is one that would FIGURE to the waves, which arc spread the case of photons, reducible to an experiment. 3-1 2 Hypothetical e.periment to determine which interference pattern has passed through way in the apparatus. a photon that passes through one of the by the presence of the other mil, is we its introduce a cloud of small particles l>etween the sbts plot the rnanber of photons each cell counts in a certain period of time agdnal the location of the cell, we find the characteristic pattern produced by the interference of a pair of coherent wave trains. This pattern even occurs when the li«ht intensity a particular photon passes through on imagine that l^et us screen, oasis. slits shift of it photoelectric cells ^ in the location on the screen which the photon strikes; because p„ < p (the width is small compared with the distance L), p, p. and ~ of the diffraction pattern we can write §.4Bu p particle after i ^path of photon before collision collision with photon The photon momentum p path of photon after collision = A of the light by Eq. 3.1, x is _ ^PiM* From Eq. 3.27 we have Ap„ screen position number of photons counted BASIC CONCEPTS related to the wavelength and so uncertain 94 is ' 3.28 S = > 2H/d, which means that the shift in die photon's is — t •ad WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 95 The distance t^, between a maximum pattern and an adjacent to minimum (that is, a "bright line") ("dark line"! in the interference known from elementary is optics Derive a formula expressing the de Broglie wavelength (in A) of an electron terms of the potential difference V (in volts) through which it is accelerated. 5. in he " This distance which slit " is almost the same as the each photon passes through. and dark between the photons and the ference can lie lines minimum shift involved in establishing What would otherwise lw a pattern of becomes blurred owing to the Interaction! particles used to trace their paths. Thus no interobsenetk the price of determining the exact path of each photon the destruction of the interference pattern. If our interest is in the wave aspects phenomenon, they can lie demonstrated; if our interest is in the particle aspects of the same phenomenon, they too can be demonstrated; bul it is impos- of a sible to demonstrate Imth aspects simultaneous experiment. (Using photoelectric cells to detect an interference pattern is not a simultaneous experiment in this sense, because there through which The slit is in a no way in which a photoelectric a particular photon striking original question of out to be meaningless. 7" and its rest how it cell It is a photon can interfere with itself therefore turns oi the uncertainly principle, into the latter class in view fall whose own empirical validity has Show that been thoroughly established. that electromagnetic "'„'" bow s a photon of the same energy? waves are a special case of de Broglie waves. rest mass of the having a characteristic frequency of vibration of i\ specified by the 2 The particle travels with the speed i? relative to an relationship lit;, = m,f iii as , v ( . With the help of special relativity, show that the observer sees 2 progressive wave whose phase velocity is iv = c /t: and whose wavelength observer. h/mv, where in = m„/vl — The gravity. waves velocity of ocean . is Vg\/2w, where g a liquid surface The momentum position and termined. its \/2w/Xp, where S is the surface 1 A, what is the percentage of its ultimate resolving momentum? electron microscope uses -10-keV electrons. thai this is Find equal to the wavelength of the eleclrous. the uncertainties in the velocities of an electron Compare is of a 1-keV electron are simultaneously de- located to within If its position is uncertainly in An the acceleration of Find the group velocity of these waves. tension and p the density of the liquid. 11. is Find the group velocity of these waves. The velocity of ripples on 0. 1 v-/c 2 a is and a proton confined in a 10-A box. Find the dc Broglie wavelength of an electron whose speed is If)" 14. m% Find the de Broglie wavelength of a 1-McV proton. Nuclear dimensions are of the order of in whose de Broglie wavelength of revealing details of nuclear structure, is (h) • ' 10" m l5 Make . (a) Find the energy m and which the is in eV thus same calculation for a neutron. 1. Neutrons in equilibrium with matter at room temperature (300 Kl have average energies of about %g eV. (Such neutroas arc often called "thermal neutrons."} Find their tie Broglie wavelength. 96 T> Obtain the de Broglie wavelength of a moving particle in the following way. which parallels de Broglie's original treatment. Consider a particle of rest mass 13. of an electron If h. 12. Problems 3. nttf?. terms of tloes tne particle 0. power on the assumption 2. energy in photons mast travel with the velocity c and that the photon must be 9. has passed.) important to apart the elements of the wave-particle duality Assume T. can determine lie aware of the distinction between a legitimate question that cannot be answered because our existing knowledge is not sufficiently detailed or advanced to cope with it and a question whose very statement is in contradiction with experiment. Questions that seek to prv 1. de Broglie wavelength of a particle wavelength compare with the wavelength of 2d alternating bright is kinetic energy its 3.29 for the Derive a formula fi. BASIC CONCEPTS s What determined with accuracies of one part in 10 wavelength its when photon the position of a l-A X-ray Wavelengths can l>e . is the uncertainty in is simultaneously measured? At a certain lime 15. with an accuracy of at t is not atul. from 16. ibis the ±10-" particle as a (a) a measurement establishes the position of an electron ' ' m. Find the uncertainty uncertainty in its position m, account for the difference wave is 10 in 1 in the electron's momentum slater. If the latter uncertainly terms of the concept of a moving packet. How much whose speed t ±10 time is needed to measure the kinetic energy of an electron m/s with an uncertainty of no more than 0.1 percent? How WAVE PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES 97 far will the electron have traveled calculations for a I-g insect in this whose speed period of rime? (b) is the same. Make the same What do these sets of figures indicate? The atoms in a solid possess a certain minimum zero-point energy even at K, while no such restriction holds for the molecules in an ideal gas. Use the uncertainty principle to explain these statements. 1 . . 18. Verify M,itf 98 > that the uncertainty principle can be expressed in the form the uncertainty in the angular momentum of a Iwdy the uncertainty in its angular position. [Hint: h, where 1L and A0 is moving in a circle.) BASIC CONCEPTS is Consider a particle ATOMIC STRUCTURE Far in the past people began to suspect that matter, despite its 4 appearance of being continuous, possesses a definite structure on a microscopic level beyond the direct reach of our senses. This suspicion did not take on a form until a atoms and molecules, the ultimate particles of matter been amply demonstrated, and their own ultimate and neutrons, have been others to ihis come our structure that more concrete over a century and a half ago; since then the existence of little is identified and studied as well. In chief concern will Ik- responsible for nearly shaped the world around in its common forms, has particles, electrons, protons, chapter and this the structure of the atom, since all it in is the properties of matter that have us. Every atom consists of a small nucleus of protons and neutrons with a mnntier of electrons some distance away. circling the nucleus as planets It is templing to think of the electrons as do the sun, but classical electromagnetic theory denies the possibility of stable electron orbits. In an effort to resolve this paradox, Niels Bohr applied quantum ideas which, despite its serious to atomic structure in 1913 to obtain a model inadequacies and subsequent replacement In a quantum-mechanical description of greater accuracy and usefulness, nevertheless remains a convenient mental picture of the atom. policy of this book to we shall go deepb discuss Bohr's theory of transition to the more abstract While into hypotheses that tin: it is have had hydrogen atom hecause it not the general to In discarded, provides a valuable quantum theory of the atom. For this reason our account of the Bohr theory differs somewhat from the original one given by Uiilir, 4.1 W though all the results are identical. ATOMIC MODELS bile the scientists of the '-'leiucnts consist ol selves. nineteenth century accepted the idea that the chemical atoms, thev knew virtually nothing about the atoms them- The discovery of the electron and the realization that all atoms contain 101 electrons provided the first important insight into atomic structure. Electrons contain negative electrical charges, while atoms themselves are electrically neutral: every atom must therefore contain enough to halancc the negative charge of its thousands of times lighter than whole atoms; charged constituent of atoms When charged matter tins suggests that the positively what provide! them with nearly is Thomson proposed J, J. positively Furthermore, electrons are electrons. all their mass. 1898 that atoms are uniform spheres of posi- in tively charged matter in which electrons are embedded, his hypothesis then seemed perfectly reasonable. Thomson's plum-pudding model of the atom— so called from 4-1. its resemblance to Uiat raisin-studded delicacy -is sketched Despite the importance of the problem, experimental test we compelled the abandonment of shall see, leaving in its ].') of the plum-pudding model years p^ved before a in Fig. was made. This experiment, this radioactive definite substance that as emits alpha apparently plausible model, place a concept of atomic structure incomprehensible in particles the light The most a linger into Marsdeu in it. collimator way direct to find out what is inside a plain to find out wbaJ is inside an atom. In particles arc plunge employed FIGURE 4-2 The Rutherford ««Hering experiment. performed as prolics the spontaneously emitted by certain radioaetivc elements. Alpha helium atoms + 2r; we to is their classic experiment, 191] at the suggestion of Finest I'.titherford, the] charge of padding technique not very different from that used by Ceiger and a fast ulfilm fuirtu-Us zinc sulfide screen lead of classical physics. shall that have lost two electrons, leaving examine their origin and properties in them with more a detail later Ceiger and Marsden placed a sample of an alpha-particle-emitling substance behind a lead screen that had a small hole in it. us in Fig. 1-2. SO that a narrow Ixsam of alpha particles was produced. This beam WU directed at a thin eold foil. A moveable zinc sulfide screen, which gives off a visible flash of light by an alpha struck particle, was placed on the other side of the foil. anticipated that most of the alpha particles would go right through the the remainder would at most suffer only from the Thomson atomic model, in slight deflections. is weak correct, only through a thin metal thern through foil, its electric forces are exerted and foil, while This behavior follows which the charges within an atom are assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout model when was It their initial Thomson volume. If on alpha particles passing the momenta should be enough to carry with only minor departures from their original paths. What Geiger and Marsden particles indeed FIGURE 41 Th » Thomson model of lh« atom. large angles. A actually found was that, while most of the alpha emerged without deviation, some were scattered through very few were even scattered in the backward direction. Since alpha heavy (over more massive than electrons) and it was clear that strong be exerted upon them to cause such marked deflections. To explain particles are relatively 7,(KX1 limes those used in this experiment traveled at high speed, had forces " to the results, Rutherford tiny nucleus, in trated, with as largely fleet run a thin »" - positively charged matin foil. its which electrons empty space, When to picture an atom as being composed of a positive charge and nearly all of some distance away it is easy to see (Fig. 4-3). why most its mass are concen- Considering an atom alpha particles go right through an alpha particle approaches a nucleus, however, intense electric field The atomic was forced its and is likely to electrons, being so light, it encounters be scattered through a considerable angle. do not appreciably affect the motion of incident alpha particles. 102 THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 103 / e e X «4.2 Bnlberford arrived at a formula, describing the scattering of alpha particles by \ thin foils \ G L^-CJ , results. \ FIGURE 4-3 model oi the The Rutherford basis of his atomic model, that agreed with the experimental derivation of this formula both illustrates the application of fundatu a novel setting and introduces certain notions, such as an interaction, that are important that of the crass section for in many other atom. aspects of positive nucleus T on the The mental physical laws + _ ! electron e ALPHA-PARTICLE SCATTERING modern physics. Kntherford began by assuming that the alpha particle atal the nucleus it \ e Q \ e interacts with arc both small / / are both positively charged) is Numerical estimates of electric-field intensities within the Thomson and Rutherford models emphasize the difference between them. If we assume with Thomson that the positive charge within a gold atom u spread evenly throughout atom's surface (where at the hand, is we neglect if we assume mi Kent rated in a the electrons completely, the it is a maximum; is dec trie- field Intensity V m. On the other about I0 ,:1 with Rutherford that the positive charge within a gold atom small nucleus at its center, the elect ric-(ield intensity at the V/m— a factor of 10 greater. Such a can deflect or even reverse the direction of an energetic alpha particle that comes near the nucleus, while the feebler field of the Thomson surface of the nucleus exceeds 10 strong between alpha 21 Owing particle the only one acting; it and and nucleus (which that the nucleus does not move during to the variation of the electrostatic force with I/r-, is so their where the instantaneous separation between alpha particle and nucleus, the alpha particle"* if is be considered as point masses and charges: massive compared with the alpha particle that i volume, and to that the electrostatic repulsive force interaction. its enough path is a hyperbola with the nucleus at the outer focus (Fig. 1-1". is the minimum distance to which the alpha particle The impact parameter b would approach the nucleus scattering angle, of the alpha particle task is there were no force between them, and the and the asymptotic direction to find a relationship FIGURE 4-4 if the angle between the asymptotic direction of approach is between /; and in which it recedes. Our first (J. Rutherford scattering. s field ^ alpha particle atom cannot. The experiments of Ceiger and Marsden and later work of a similar kind also supplied information about the nuclei of the atoms thai composed the various target foils. The delleclion an alpha paiiidr experiences when it passes near a nucleus depends upon the magnitude of the nuclear charge, and so comparing the relative scattering of alpha particles by different foils provides a way of estimating the nuclear charges of the atoms involved. All of the atoms of any have the same unique nuclear charge, and this charge increased regularly from element to element in the periodic table. The nuclear charges always turned out to be multiples of + e; the number of unit positive one clement charges element. in wen found to the nuclei of an element We know now is today called the (domic number of the target nucleus that protons, each with a charge +e, are responsible charge on a nucleus, and so the atomic number of an element is the same as the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. for the 104 THE ATOM " ™ Ov SL — scattering angle = impact parameter ATOMIC STRUCTURE 105 As a result of ihe impulse f F dt given il by the nucleus, the momentum of Ap from the initial value p, to the final value p the alpha particle changes by 2 That we have momentum change for the . is, Ap 4.2 Ap = p2 - 4.1 Because the impulse J Because the nucleus remains stationary during the passage of the alpha particle, Ap, by hypothesis, the alpha-particle kinetic energy remains constant; hence the magnitude of its momentum also remains constant, and 4.3 = Here v is its From Fig. 4-5 is we =1f* 2m<;sin— between V and Ap along J.-J in Eij. tin- pall, 8 sin — f-cosCKif limits of integration will to Since sin— (tt - 8) = £ at f = — cos and I 2 sin The quantity — cos — 2 co respectively, i=/.: 2 -hr-«/2 2 drf>/d< is just the nucleus (this is / </>, - we note that the 0), corresponding and so f 2tnm sin 4.4 and = = the alpha *,, change the variable on the right-hand side from f to change to - J^w - 8) and + )&(* In - d 1.1. mo Ap 8 and -4.2 2 sin same direction as the momentum change in the the instantaneous angle Inserting Eqs. see that, according to the law of sines, sin is /F*sa/FOM*«B particle. the alpha-particle velocity far from the nucleus. df F-" magnitude U where £ = mo ft — sin Pl = JFdl Pi 2mc ae " i eos«f>— d$ U the angular velocity evident from Kiu- MS). of the alpha particle about elecAfbstatiC force exerted The (he nucleus on the alpha particle acts along the radius vector joining them, FIGURE 45 Geometrical relallonthlps in Rutherford scattering. so there is no torque on the alpha particle and its angular momentum l>\ and row*8 is constant Hence = mu'r = mr —r- M(r-ff) = from whJch W(irpath of alpha particle constant / / i-**5^-—___ S_ -^i LAj we see that r1 " ' alpha fid, 7^— particle mi h vb Substituting this expression for <*/<*$> in Eq, 4.4. \ target nucleus 106 8 4.s 2»jr-/jsiii-- 2 r - +fc I Ra co«^d^ , '-<w-«/2 THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 107 As we recall, lier Z, F the electrostatic force exerted by the nucleus on the alpha the nucleus is Ze, corresponding to the atomic man- is THE RUTHERFORD SCATTERING FORMULA *4.3 The charge on particle. and that on the alpha particle is le. Therefore Equation way 1 2Ze 2 4«? n i" F= scattering angle. and indirect strategy is required. Our first step is to no note that h will be scattered through an angle of or inure, where is given in terms b by Eq. 4.6. This means that an alpha particle that is initially directed ,ui> where within the area »fc* around a nucleus will be scattered through // or to -te-9)/2 AmMuPfa sin Ze a I = f J-fe-Sl/2 = 2 cos of cos <j> d$ more — (Fig. 4-6); the area is related to the impact parameter a cot T= —?3 more convenient and velocity it tiic- it , the era?.? xectitnt for the and so here is <r, «r&a must keep mind in that the incident alpha particle is actually scattered Ivcfore reaches the immediate vicinity of the nucleus and hence does not necessarily pass within a distance b of Now we to specify the alpha-particle energy T instead of its mass consider a I that contains The number of target nuclei per unit area incident 4m T 2=^M it. of thickness foil upon an area A section for scatterings of nt. is n atoms per unit volume. and BO alpha-particle beam therefore encounters nlA nuclei. tl or more is the number The aggregate cross of target nuclei nf.\ multiplied a liy the cross section o for such scattering per nucleus, or u/Ao. /of Figure 4-6 is a schematic representation of Eq. h increases is evident. A very near miss is; the rapid decrease in incident alpha particles scattered by (/ or more That Hence the fraction between ihe the ratio is •'g^egalc cross section ittAo lor such scattering and the as total target area A. is. required for a substantial deflection. /= FIGURE 4-6 ralleil for cross section '> .separately; with ilus substitution, rat = accordingly is b by the equation We 2m <nb'~ The general symbol interaction. 47 scattering angle $ , It is An is observed alpha particles approaching a target nucleus with an impact parameter from .ill The cannot he directly confronted with experiment since there 1.6 of measuring the impact parameter corresponding to a particular alpha particles scattered by or more incident alpha particles aggregate cross section The scattering angle decreases with imreating impact parameter. target area _ 1 1 (An A b from Eq. Substituting for m L r b THE ATOM ^Lz<y*cot*f \ — m^ target nucleus bi Ihe •lie urea 103 fS = iri» s lw„T7 above calculation it 2 was assumed thai the foil cross sections of adjacent nuclei du not overlap particle receives its entire deflection I ruin an is sufficiently thin so that and that a scattered alpha encounter with a single nucleus. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 109 beam of 7.7-MeV alpha when incident upon a Let us use Eq. 4 .8 to determine what fraction of a particles gold foil scattered through angles of more than 45° is X 3 energies and human hair 10" ~ foil is m (These values are typical of the alpha-particle thick. thicknesses used by Gciger and Marsdcn; for comparison, a about Kl We in diameter.) volume of gold atoms per unit Atoms m ' X tn the Rutherford experiment, particles 4-7 are detected that have been scattered between S and number n, the from the relationship in the foil, (atoms/kmol) begin by finding FIGURE (mass/volume) massAmol Volume \,t> it; where Since Nn is Avogadro's number, p the density of gold, and us its atomic weight. Nu = 8.03 X 10* atoms/kmol, p = 1.93 X 10* kg/m 3 and w = 197, we , have 6.03 — n X 10 2(J x 10 28 7, of gold atoms/kmol X 1.93 X 10* kg/m 3 2.9 197 kg/kmol ss 5.91 The atomic number 1.23 x vl 10 J, / = and 7 X tf = is 79, a kinetic energy of 7.7 45°; from these figures we A MeV is thin If a total is more —only 0.007 quite transparent to alpha particles. the of N t alpha particles strike the number scattered the screen at 0. an actual experiment, a detector measures alpha particles scattered between and + dO, as in Fig, 4-7. The fraction of incident alpha particles so scattered In is d equal to 10" 5 foil this i find that of the incident alpha particles are scattered through 45° or percent! 1 r "0 area as 4 irr sin ; cos atoms/m 3 found by differentiating Eq. 4.8 with respect to N(S) which is is A/, foil df. during the course of the experiment, The number N(0) per the quantity actually measured, unit area striking is = dS an operation that yields 0, into dB at NwB ,(^eLV* crt | cse8 |. d » \4m Q Tf 2 2 * 4.9 do \4wr o r/ 2 2 4-jtt 2 sin — cos — d6 2 (The minus sign expresses the fact that / decreases with increasing experiment, a fluorescent screen was placed a distance scattered alpha particles Those alpha of radius r were detected by means of the particles scattered whose width nlS. is between The zone dS of the screen struck by these f/S s= = = (2vr sin Tnr 1 THE ATOM (I is + from the foil, and the of a sphere and so the area Equation 4.10 4irra sin = is Rutherford scattering formula (oVejVT 2 dO sin* (0/2) the Rutherford scattering formula. According to Eq. 4.10, the number of alpha particles per unit area arriving at the fluorescent volume sin 6 N(0) 4.10 they caused. dO reach a zone itself is rsintf, 2 tn the screen a distance proportional to the thickness ff)(rd0) n, ( r from the scattering of the foil, foil the nuuilier of and the square of the atomic number Z of the foil should be directly foil 2 particles and to sin 4 (0/2), where 8 is atoms per unit atoms, and "6 inversely proportional to the square of the kinetic energy — cos — dO 2 110 particles and radius r scintillations 0.) T it should of the alpha the scattering angle. These predictions agreed with the measurements of Geiger and Marsden mentioned earlier, which ATOMIC STRUCTURE 111 led Rutherford lo conclude that his assumptions, chief of the nuclear atom, were correct. Rutherford "discovery" of the nucleus. Figure 4-8 shows is how among them (he hypothesis therefore credited with the ,V(ff) varies wi(h 6. minimum distance to which the incident alpha particles approach the nuclei. Rutherford scattering therefore permits us to determine an upper limit to nuclear Let us compute the distance of closest approach dimensions. employed energetic alpha particles when will liave its smallest r 4.4 NUCLEAR DIMENSIONS say that the experimental data on the scattering of alpha particles by thin foils verifies our is really meant is fltctioKiatir potential energy, and so the most part it 1b corresponding to 0, Al the instant of closest of the particle entirely converted to is at thai instant assumption Uiat atomic nuclei are point particles, what that their dimensions are insignificant compared with the r= 4.11 2Ze 2 1 \~s FIGURE 4-8 T energy initial kinetic = b is head-on approach followed by a 180° scattering. a approach the When we impact parameter its r„ of An alpha the early experiments. in ,, since the charge of the alpha particle Rutherford nattering. is 2<? and that of the nucleus 7,e. I lence IZe 1 4*e«T The maxiitniui /' 7.7 X l/4w„ Since = found 10" eV 9 x 10" 2 X ?> alpha particles of natural origin in X X 1.6 2 N-m /C X 10 9 J/eV = 1.2 X > 10 MeV, which is 2 J 2 N-mVC* X 1.2 = 3.8x ,B 10- 7.7 is X (1.6 X 10 "' QZ 2 I0-'*J 10-'«Zm The atomic number uf gold, a typical foil material, is Z = 79, so that .Y<0) r„ ( Au) = 3.0 X 10- M The radius of the gold nucleus ' n, | hi been the radius of the more recent years artificially atom m is therefore less than 3.0 10 " m, well under as a whole. particles of accelerated, X and formula does indeed eventually it much higher energies than 7.7 MeV have haslieen found that the Rutherford scattering fail to agree with experiment. We shall discuss experiments and the information (hey provide on actual nuclear dimensions hi Chap. 4-5 II. ELECTRON ORBITS :\'<l8Cn > 0° 20° 40° 60° 80" 100' 120" 140 s 160° 180° hu Rutherford model of the atom, so convincingly confirmed greai distance In 112 THE ATOM by experiment, postulates a tiny, massive, positively charged nucleus surrounded at a relatively enough electrons to render the atom, a> a whole, electrically ATOMIC STRUCTURE 113 . neutral. Thomson visualized the electrons in his the positively charged matter that The electrons in there is fills it, model atom as cml:>cddcd in electron velocity c The Rutherford's model atom, however, cannot be stationary, because 4.13 I' them therefore related to its orbit radius r by the formula e = N/4l nothing that can keep them in place against the electrostatic force attracting is and thus as being unable to move. to the nucleus. If the electrons are in motion around the nucleus, The however, dynamically stable orbits (comparable with those of the planets about total energy- of the electron in a /-.' hydrogen atom is the sum of its kinetic energy the sun) are possible (Fig. 4-9). Ijet us electron examine the makes it classical the simplest of though orbit for convenience, shape. The r = /2 mt; 2 dynamics of the hydrogen atom, whose single all it atoms. We shall l assume a circular electron might as reasonably be assumed elliptical in and potential energy its centripetal force Fc~ e2 V= — 4we The minus : holding the electron in an orbit r from the nucleus is provided by the electrostatic 1 sign signifies that the force E=T+ F.= 2 e — 2 4wc is Substituting for F =F £ ID 2 1 r 4ire «; l^f„r from J£q. 4.12, = 8we e2 4.12 — r direction.) e2 _ 2 for orbit stability in the is V nic2 r between them, and the condition on the electron Eettoe force 1 r 4TO r r r 2 4.14 8OT(/ FIGURE 4-9 Fore* balance the hydrogen atom In The total energy of an atomic electron be bound to the nucleus. much energy too to E were If 13.6 proton and an electron; that eV = 2,2 X negative; this necessary is if it is to would have remain in a closed orbit about the nucleus. Experiments indicate that 13.6 eV Into a is greater than zero, the electron 10 -1B J, we can is required to separate a hydrogen atom is, its binding energy E — is 13.6 eV, Since find the orbital radius of the electron In a hydrogen atom from Eq. 4.14; Swe^E (1.6 8w = An atomic 5.3 X X 8.85 10- X X U>- I2 10 ,!, C) F/m X (-2.2 X Id ,s j) rn radius of this order of magnitude agrees with estimates made in other Ways. 114 THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 115 The above analysis is and Coulomb's law of in il a straightforward application of Newton's laws of motion electric force — both pillars of classical physics accord with the experimental observation that atoms are no/ is in accord with electromagnetic theory physics— which predicts — another — and is However, stable. pillar of classical that accelerated electric charges radiate energy in [he form of electromagnetic waves. An electron pursuing a curved path is accelerated and therefore should continuously lose energy, rapidly spiraliug into the Whenever nucleus (Fig. 4-10), they have Iwen directly tested, the predictions of electromagnetic theory have always agreed with experiment, yet atoms not collapse. This contradiction can thai are valid in the mean only one thing: The laws macroscopic world do not hold true in do of phvsics the Microscopic world of the atom. The reason for the failure of classical physics to yield a of atomic structure is that it approaches nature exclusively concepts of "pure" particles and "pure" waves. preceding chapters, particles ami waves have many in meaningful analysis terms of the abstract As we learned properties in in two the atomic model, which combines classical and modern notions, accomplishes part from the point of view of of the latter task. Not until we consider the atom daily lives, will our iti the macroscopic world. of the phenomena under study the particle behavior of is to The full An dismal failures waves and the wave behavior of understood. In the remainder of this chapter lie we particles shall see if how thai the likelv, An atomic electron it radiates energy acceleration. due to vcrifv that a classical calculation ought to To we X 2 be at least approximately correct, note that the de Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle R' 7 m/s whose speed is is ~ h77 = X 5 X 6.63 h X ~ 6\6 X 15 m 10 Kr*« kg R) M J-s X 2 X 10 r m/s for the atom As ihe Bohr gets to a gold nucleus we saw m, which We are therefore correct matter entirely is wavelength ever this 6 de Broglie wavelengths, and in thinking of the atom in — requires a in the terms of Rutheris another nonclassical approach. ATOMIC SPECTRA 4.6 is an alpha particle with X W~ u model, though the dynamics of the atomic electrons— which ford's The is '! reasonable to regard the alpha particle as a classical particle is it in Sec. 4.4, the closest interaction. its not correct, and that the atom in reality does not is coincidence that the quantum-mechanical analysis of alpha-particle scattering From thin foils results in precisely the same formula that Rutherford obtained. should, classically, spiral rapidly Into the nucleus as formula resemble the Rutherford model of a small central nucleus surrounded by distant electrons? This question is not a trivial one, and it is, in a way, a curious so FIGURE 410 atom. we made use of the same laws of physics that proved such when applied to atomic stability. Is it not therefore possible, even common, though allowance must be made- find a really successful theory of the scattering formula validity of classical physics decreases as the scale decreases, and we interesting question arises at this point. In our derivation of the Rutherford thesnialhiess of Hanek'5 constant renders the wave-particle duality imperceptible in intuitive notions acquired quantum mechanics, which makes no compromise with ability of the among its Bohr theon ol the atom to explain the origin of spectral lines most spectacular accomplishments, and so We it is appropriate to preface atomic spectra. "in exposition of the theory itself with a look at have already incut ioued that healed solids emit radiation wavelengths are present, though with different intensities. We in which shall learn all in thai the observed features of this radiation can be explained on the basis "i the quantum theory of light independent of the details of the radiation process < 'hap. itself 9 or of the nature of the solid. we From this fact it follows that, when a solid are witnessing the collective behavior of a great is heated to incandescence, n m) interacting atoms rather than the characteristic behavior of the individual atoms of a particular element. 116 THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 117 absorption spectrum hydrogen IHIWlll FIGURE 4-13 The dark lines in of sodium vapor emission spectrum of sodium vapor the absorption spectrum of an element correspond to bright lines in its emission spactrum. Itelii spectroscopy therefore a useful tool for analyzing the composition of an is unknown substance. The spectrum of an excited molecular gas or vapor contains (Hinds which consist of many separate lines very close together (Fig. 4-12), Bands owe their origin to rotations molecule, and mercury When of the line 7,000 A 6,000 red orange FIGURE 4.11 A 5,000 green yellow PDrtions of the Bm|jskln ^^ rf nydr()gen A hcIlum 4,000 blue and vibrations of the atoms in an electronically excited shall consider their interpretation in a later chapter. light is passed through a gas, wavelengths present in found to absorb light of certain The resulting absolution missing wavelengths (Fig. 4-13); emission spectra consist of bright lines lines in the solar spectrum occur hecause the luminous part of the sun, which radiates almost exactly according and mercury. any object heated to 5800 K, is surrounded by an envelope of cooler gas which absorbs light of certain wavelengths only. At the other extreme, the atoms or molecules in a rarefied gas are so on the average that their only mutual interactions occur during far apart occasional collisions. be it is emission spectrum. on a dark background. The dark Fraunhofer violet to theoretical predictions for to its spectrum consists of a bright background crossed by dark lines corresponding to the A white we Under these circumstances we would expect any emitted radiation characteristic of the individual atoms or molecules present, an expectation hat IS realized experimentally. When an atomic gas or vapor at somewhat than atmospheric pressure is suitably "excited," usually by the passage of an dectnc current through it, the emitted radiation has a spectrum which contains <*** wavelengths only. Figure 4-1 J shows the atomic spectra of •several elements; they are called emission line ^ectra. Every dement display, a uiuque Hne spectrum when a sample of it in the vapor phase is Z to In the latter part of the nineteenth century lengths present in atomic spectra wavelengths in each series fall it was discovered that the wave- into definite sets called spectral series. The can be specified by a simple empirical formula, with remarkable similarity among the formulas for the various series that comprise the complete spectrum of an element. The by J. J. Balmer in first such spectral series was found 1885 in the course of a study of the visible part of the hydrogen spectrum. Figure 4-14 shows the Balmer FIGURE 4-14 The Balmer series of hydrogen. aeries. The tine with the longest * exdted; FIGURE 4-12 A portion of the band tpectrum ol PN. Ill I H, 118 THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 119 1 is designated H n the next, whose wavelength is 4.86.1 A, and so on. As the wavelength decreases, the lines are found closer together and weaker in intensity until the series HttiU at 3,646 A is readied, wavelength, 6,563 A, is designated H beyond which there arc no further separate lines but only a faint spectrum. Maimer's formula for the wavelengths of this series 4.1S x- The quantity R, fi - (i known R = 1.097 = 1.097 limit corresponds to as the x X = n n ^) = 3, j J Pfund series J Brackett series 50,000 k 20,000 A continuous 10,000 A r Paschen series is 5,000 A - 2,500 A Bal iner series Balmer 4. 5, Rydberg constant, has the value lOT nr tO" 3 J corresponds to n 'ITie II„ line X , , fl - A" 1 — the 3, oo, so that it H /} Hue to n = 2,000 A 4, and so on. The occurs at a wavelength of 4/8, series riGURE 4-15 The spectral series of hydrogen. agree- in ment with experiment. The Bahner series contains only those the hydrogen spectrum. infrared regions fall The wavelengths s-pectral lines of in the visible hydrogen portion of in the ultraviolet inlo several other series. In the ultraviolet the Lyman A 1 n 2 = 2, A - 1,250 A - .w rirs contains the vvavelenglhs specified by the formula 4.16 1,500 and Lyman 3, 4, n-7 Lvman series In the infrared, three spectral series have been found whose component A ,000 lines have the wavelengths specified by the formulas —***•• H i = (^-i) 17 Paschen Brackett 4.7 THE BOHR ATOM Pfund We saw The above spectral series of Fig 4-15; the Brackett The value 'ITie of R is the existence ul hydrogen are plotted series evidently overlaps the same 120 THE ATOM test for terms of wavelength Paschen and Pfund in series. in Eqs. 4.15 to 4.19. in the spectra of in Sec. 4-5 that die principles of classical physics are the observed stability of the to whir] around the nucleus hydrogen atom. The electron to keep from being pulled electromagnetic energy continuously. such remarkable regularities hi the hydrogen spectrum, together with similar regularities a definitive in more complex elements, poses any theory of atomic structure. phenomena, Uptanarkm this it atom is obliged and yet must radiate Because other apparently paradoxical like the photoelectric effect in terms of into incompatible with in this and the diffraction of electrons, quantum concepts, it is find appropriate to inquire whether might not also be true lor the atom. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 121 wave behavior of an Let us start by examining the a hydrogen nucleus. X The dc electron around in orbit Broglie wavelength of this electron is = nit where the electron speed v is that given by Eq. 1.1-3: e V5 w,,»ir Hence 4.20 m ' By substituting 5.3 X lO" 11 m for the radius r of the electron orbit, we find the electron wavelength to be _ 6.63 1.6 = 33 This wavelength X lfl- 3 " J-s 10- ,9 JO" 1 C V wave The fact joined on 8.85 X 10- 12 x 9J same F/m X 10 u as the circumference of the electron orbit, hydrogen atom corresponds to one complete that the electron orbit in a circumference provides the clue If we hydrogen atom we need is one electron wavelength to construct a theory of the atom. consider the vibrations of a wire loop (Fig, 4-17), fit X itself (Fig. 4-16). in wavelengths always 5.3 10~ 3 ' kg m 10-" orbit of the electron in a electron M* —* X m exactly the = 33 X 2wr The is X X we find that their an integral number of times into the loop's circumference wave joins smoothly with the next. If the wire were perfectly rigid, would continue indefinitely. Why are these the only vibrations a wire loop? If a fractional number of wavelengths is placed around so that each these vibrations possible in the loop, as in Fig. 4-18, destructive interference will occur as the waves travel around the bop, and the vibrations behavior of electron waves of a wire loop, then, in the we may indefinitely without radiating number of de will die out rapidly. hydrogen atom as By considering the THE ATOM electron in 1 hydrogen atom corresponds to i complete electron de analogous to the vibrations energy provided that its orbit contains an integral is the clue to understanding the atom. It combines !x>th the and wave characters of the electron into a single statement, since the electron wavelength is computed from the orbital speed required to balance the 122 FIGURE 4-16 The orbit of the Broglie wave joined en itself. postulate that an electron can circle a nucleus Broglie wavelengths. This postulate particle electron path de Broglie electron wave electrostatic attraction of the nucleus. While we can never observe these anti- thetical characters simultaneously, they are inseparable in nature. It is a simple matter AD integral number orbit of radius r of to express the condition that an electron orbit contain de Broglie wavelengths. The circumference of a is 27rr, and so we may write the condition circiilar for orbit stability as ATOMIC STRUCTURE 123 nX 4.21 where t= 2T7Tn n - 1, 2. 3, . . . r designates the radius of the orbit that contains n integer n is number called the ifuuntum of the orbit. n wavelengths. Tlie Substituting lot A, the electron wavelength given by Kq. 4.20. yields nh x /4**!?* _ 2.7TI- e and so the stable electron orbits are those whose radii are given In 2 n' h*E t> 4.22 FIGURE 4-17 n The = !, 2, 3, . . vibrations of a wire loop. FIGURE 4-18 A fractional number because destructive interference The = a( , The other = 2 wavelengths circumference — so that the - \\ 0.53 is customarily called the Bohr rmliux of the denoted by the symbol is X 5.3 10" " a,,: in A given radii are in terms of a„ by the formula »"«„ % 4 wavelengths 4.8 wavelength t cannot persist occur. radius of the innermost orbit hydrogen atom and circumference of will spacing between adjacent orbits increases progressively. ENERGY LEVELS AND SPECTRA The various permitted energy £n is given K. in orbits involve different electron energies. terms of the orbit radius rn by Eq. The electron 4. 14 as - - 8*V« Substituting for circumference 124 THE ATOM = r n from Eq. 4.22, we see that Energy levels S wavelengths ATOMIC STRUCTURE 125 The energies specified by Eq. 4,23 are called the energy The presence level's of the hydrogen atom and are plotted in Fig. 4-19. These levels are all negative, signifying thai the electron does not have enough energy to escape from the atom. The lowest energy level £, E2> &). £4* • • is called the a oe, atom. Ex - state of the atom, are called excited states. the corresponding energy n ground and the higher As the quantum number n an excited state drops to a lower state, the in in certain specific increases, En approaches closer and closer to 0; in the limit of and the electron is no longer bound to the nucleus to form an {A positive energy for a nucleus-electron combination means that the is not bound to the nucleus and has no quantum conditions to fulfill; atomic model? energy energy The jump levels. is atom suggests when an electron emitted as a single exist in an atom except of an electron from one level to another, with the difference in energy between the levels being given off once in a photon rather than in some more gradual manner, at this fits all with in well model. If the quantum number of the initial (higher energy) state is n and quantum number of the final (lower energy) state is n we are asserting that t the , f such a combination does not constitute an atom, of course.) It is now necessary for us to confront directly the equations we have developed with experiment. An especially striking experimental result is that atoms exhibit both emission and absorption; do these spectra follow from our lost photon of light. According to "ur model, electrons cannot levels electron line spectra in of definite, discrete energy levels in the hydrogen a connection with line spectra. Let as tentatively assert that, energy Initial where The » — final energy = photon energy the frequency of the emitted photon. is initial and final states of a hydrogen atom that correspond to the quantum numbers n and nf have, from Eq. ( 4.23, the energies free electron = as n = 5 n r n = 4 n = 3 excited states v. r> = — energy, J -0.87 energy, x lO" -1.36 x 10- ,B -2.42 X 10 1 *1 1!> eV -0.54 -0.85 Hence the energy difference I>etween these -1.51 states is 8*o 2 -5.43 x 10- 3.40 me4 & The frequency FIGURE 4. 19 Energy tenets of the v 2 hs \nj~~nj) ' of the photon released in this transition is K -E, hydrogen atom. 4.35 8e In terms of 3 2 /i \n/' n photon wavelength 2 { / X, since we have 4.26 ground 126 state THE ATOM n = 1 -21.76 X 10-' - me 1 n fk^ch 3 \nf _ _l n 2 t Hydrogen spectrum ) ATOMIC STRUCTURE 127 =E = Equation 4.26 states that the radiation emitted by excited hydrogen atoms should contain certain wavelengths only. These wavelengths, furthermore, fall into definite sequences that depend upon the quantum number 8. of the final energy level of the electron. Since the initial quantum number n must always 7 be greater than the final quantum number n in each case, in order that there f be an excess of energy to be given off as a photon, the calculated formulas for the first five series are 1 StjWVl1 X ' n, = 2: 1- nf = 3: I= », = 4: = 2, 3, 4, Lyman >»^ ( V J_\ n - 3, 4. 5, B aimer ( 1 J_\ n = 4, 5, 6, Paschen ti = 5, 6, 7, Brackett n = 6, 7, 8, Pfyrtd W\3 2 A 8k 1_ me A ( I 8efdfi\$ 1_ n energy me* A n2 / me'1 ( n2 I J_\ n2 / J 1 \ FIGURE 4-20 These sequences are identical earlier. to n r = The Lyman 2; form with the empirical spectral in still 4; and the Pfund series series discussed the Balmer series corresponds 1; = 3; f - however. The final step is - In the preceding analysis, 5. The value of this constant term me 4 9.1 &j,W 8 = X (8.85 1.097 X to X low energy states as proved, compare the value of the constant term in the the Rydberg constant R of the empirical equations to above equations with that of 4.15 to 4.19. from high x JO" 12 10*0! 1Q- 31 kg F/m) 2 X 3 is X X (1.6 10 s X 1(1" IB m/s X (6.63 indeed the same spectral lines are related to atomic energy levels. THE ATOM much is hydrogen nucleus (a single proton) very close to the nucleus liecause the nuclear mass is Because the nucleus and the greater than that of the electron (Fig, 4-21). electron are always on opposite sides of the center of mass, their linear momenta are in opposite directions, and linear momentum is conserved by the atom, system of this kind is equivalent tu a single particle of mass m' that revolves around the position of the heavier H)~-» J-sf that the in particle. most mechanics textbooks; see Sec. 8,8.) (This equivalence If m is is demonstrated the electron mass and M ' essentially that 128 center of mass, which A x we assumed remains stationary while the orbital electron revolves around it. What must actually happen is that both nucleus and electron revolve around their common C) 1 as fi! This theory of the hydrogen atom, which is developed by Bohr in 1913, therefore agrees both qualitatively and quantitatively with experiment. Figure 4-2(1 shows schematically how is NUCLEAR MOTION 4.9 the Brackett series corre- corresponds to n, cannot consider our assertion that the line spectrum of hydrogen originates in electron transitions which = corresponds to n f the Paschen series corresponds to n sponds to n { We series Spectral lines originate in transitions between energy levels. the nuclear mass, the m' 4.27 m + is given by iW The quantity m' is called is less than in. To correct the reduced mass of the electron because for the motion of the nucleus in the its value hydrogen atom. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 129 H a line of deuterium, gen. The that of hydrogen is for example, has a wavelength of 6,561 A, while 6.563 A: a small but definite difference, sufficient for the identification of deuterium. ATOMIC EXCITATION 4.10 There are two principal mechanisms above is Both the electron and nucleus ot a hydrogen atom revolve around a common center ol mait. to do is to — e. of mass m' and charge m'e* / 4.28 imagine that the electron The energy 1 is levels of the replaced by a particle atom therefore become \ electric discharge and atomic motion of the nucleus, all the energy levels of hydrogen are changed by the fraction = 0.99945 The use En , being smaller in absolute value, of Eq. 4.28 in place of 4,23 removes a small waveRydberg constant H to eight significant figures without nuclear motion is 1.0973731 X 10 T m -1 ; the correction lowers it The value 1.0967758 of the X lO'm" 1 . The notion of reduced mass played an important deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen whose atomic mass that of ordinary in the nucleus. rium are 130 all THE ATOM is mechanism is signs and mercury-vapor lamps are between electrodes in involved For example, a photon of wavelength in the n = = 2 state drops to the n it up when an atom absorbs a photon the right amount to raise the atom to a higher energy jnsl A by a hydrogen to the n = 2 1 ,217 A 1 state; atom is emitted when a hydrogen the absorption of a photon initially in the n = 1 state will This process explains the origin of state. lietween energy levels are absorbed spectral lines of hydrogen and the actual experimentally determined to Neon a strong electric field applied When white light, which contains all wavelengths, is passed through hydrogen gas, photons of those wavelengths that correspond to transitions less negative. correcting for by emitting one or more photons. To produce an an electric field is established which acceler- absorption spectra. 1,837 but definite discrepancy between the predicted wavelengths of the various lengths. whose energy therefore bring an increase of 0.055 percent since the energies are therefore of light of wavelength 1,217 1,836 ~ energy ground ions until their kinetic energies are sufficient to excite how different excitation atom M+m m its the case of mercury vapor. level. M joint kinetic will return to radiation of a gas-filled tube leads to the emission of the characteristic spectral bluish light and neon case of that gas, which happens to be reddish light in the A to s to collide with. familiar examples of in Owing -8 way excited in this in a rarefied gas, atoms they happen we need An atom an average of 10 ates electrons then, all can excite an atom to an energy level One mechanism is a it to radiate. with another particle during which part of their absorbed by the atom. state in FIGURE 4-21 ground its collision that thereby enabling state, hydrogen owing to the presence of part in the discovery of is almost exactly double a neutron as well as a proton Because of the greater nuclear mass, the spectral lines of deute- shifted slightly to wavelengths shorter than those of ordinary hydro- The resulting excited hydrogen atoms rcradiate their excitation energy almost at once, but these photons come off in random directions with only a few in the same direction as the original beam of while light. The dark lines in an absorption spectrum are therefore never completely black, but only appear so by contrast with the bright background. We expect the absorption spectrum of any element to be identical with its emission spectrum, then, which agrees with observation. Atomic spectra are not the only means of investigating the presence of discrete energy levels within' atoms. A series of experiments based on the first of the excitation mechanisms of the previous section was performed by Franck and Hertz starting atomic energy in 1914, levels These experiments provided a do indeed exist and, direct demonstration thai furthermore, that these levels are the same as those suggested by observations of line spectra. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 131 of Franck and Hertz bombarded the vapors of various elements with electrons known energy, using an apparatus like that shown in Fig. 4-22. A small potential difference V„ is maintained between the grid and collecting plate, so that only elections having energies greater than a certain minimum contribute to the current If kinetic atoms its energy is loses electrons arrive at the plate and conserved in a collision In the vapor, the electron original one. Because is so rises A is (Fig. 4-22). much off in a direction different from heavier than an electron, the latter in the process. After a certain critical electron reached, however, die plate current drops abruptly. The interpretation is this effect is that or all of its FIGURE 4-23 Results of the Franck-Hertz experiment, showing A / critical potentials, an electron colliding with one of the atoms gives up some kinetic energy in exciting the Such a state. / in- lwtween an electron and one of the merely lxmiices an atom i V almost no kinetic energy energy of through the ammeter. As the accelerating potential i more and more creased, collision which kinetic energy is is atom to an energy level above its ground called trtdosik, in contrast to an elastic collision in conserved. The critical electron energy corresponds to the excitation energy of the atom. Then, as die accelerating potential increases, since the electrons an Vis now have inelastic collision to reach the plate. current i occurs, which is raised further, the plate current again sufficient left after ACCELERATING POTENTIAL, V experiencing Eventually another sharp drop in plate interpreted as arising higher energy level in another atom. energy from the excitation of the same As Fig. 4-23 indicates, a potentials for a particular atomic species is obtained in this .series of critical way. Thus the highest potentials result from several inelastic collisions and are multiples of the lower ones. mercury—and a photon of 2,536-A light has an energy of just The Franck-Hertz experiments were performed shortly after llohr an- spectral line of eV. 1.9 nounced his theory of the hydrogen atom, and they provided independent confirmation of his basic ideas. To check the interpretation of critical potentials as being due to discrete atomic Frauds and Hertz observed the emission spectra of vapors (luring electron bombardment, hi die case of mercury vapor, for example, they found energy that a levels, minimum electron energy of 4.H eV was required to excite the 2,536-A 4.11 The principles of quantum in FIGURE A-22 Apparatus lor the Frant*. Hertz experiment. filament THE CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE i physics, so different from those of classical physics he microscopic world that lies beyond the reach of our senses, theless yield results identical with those of classical physics in grid plate experiment indicates the latter fundamental requirement theory of radiation, and Is satisfied also According to l is lie to be satisfied valid. We lie must never- domain where have alreadv seen that by the theory of wave theory I of matter; relativity, the we shall now show Hint it by Bohr's theory of the atom. electromagnetic theory, an electron moving radiates electromagnetic waves whose frequencies are equal in a circular orbit to its frequency of (evolution and to harmonics (that is, integral multiples) of that frequencv. a hydrogen atom die electron's; speed is V4iTC 132 this quantum In mf THE ATOM ATOMIC STRUCTURE 133 according Eq. 4.13, where r to /of of revolution _ the electron the radius of is its orbit. Hence ihe frequency so that is 4.30 electron speed orbit circumference 3 Se^h fc When p — W 3 / the frequency v of the radiation 1, exactly the is same as the frequent)' of rotation/of the orbital electron given in Eq. 4.29. Harmonics of this frequency 2wr are radiated 2-7T The radius V^wfQmr3 given in terms of is its n Eq. 4,22 as = 2, 3, 4, , . , . Hence both quantum and 2, classical pictures Eq. 4.29 predicts a radiation frequency that 10,000, the discrepancy is only about 0.01 percent. The requirement that quantum physics give the same results as = r. n 2hh n very large in the limit of from that given by Eq. 4.25 by almost 300 percent, while when differs quantum Bomber n by = When n = quantum numbers. of a stable orbit rn when p hydrogen atom make identical predictions of the classical physics quantum numbers was called by Bohr the correspondence has played an important role in the development of the quantum in the limit of large principle. It theory of matter. and so the frequency of revolution is Problems Under what circumstances should the Bohr atom behave electron orbit quantum is we might so large that classically? expect to be able to measure be entirely inconspicuous. An orbit effects should example, meets this specification; its 1 cm quantum number is very close to n it If the directly, 10,000, * and, while hydrogen atoms so grotesquely large do not actually occur because their energies would be only are not prohibited in theory. atom will radiate? What me* ( n f th energy 1 1 below the ionization energy, they does the Bohr theory predict that such an According to Eq. Hjth energy level to the ^ infinitesimal ly 4.25, a hydrogen atom dropping from the level emits a photon whose frequency X of 2.6 across, for = A 5-MeV alpha '1. 10" 13 m. particle approaches a gold nucleus with an impact parameter Through what angle will it be scattered? What is the impact parameter of a 5-MeV alpha when it approaches a gold nucleus? 2. What * 3. foil 3 x fraction of a I0" T m thick is beam of 7.7-MeV alpha particle scattered particles incident upon by 10" a gold scattered by less than 1"? is What *4. \ foil 3 X fraction of a l>eam of I0" T m thick is 7,7-MeV alpha scattered by 90° or particles incident upon a gold more? * 5. quantum number n and n — p (where p quantum number n r With this substitution, Let us write n for the initial { 3, . . .) for the final = 1, 2, Show that twice as many alpha particles are scattered by a foil through angles hetween 60 and 90° as are scattered through angles of 90° or more. A beam 6. me 4 I 8e u2n 3 me |>-p) 2 1 inp ite^h* n 2 (n of 8.3-MeV alpha angles exceeding about 60°. — pi — pf of 2 x a, 2np (n 134 THE ATOM and n, are — p'2 — pf both very 21 inp ~ n2 is directed at an aluminum foil. It is If large, n is much greater than p, and the alpha particle is assumed to have a radius 10~ 15 m, find the radius of the aluminum nucleus. Determine the distance of Now, when particles found that the Rutherford scattering formula ceases to be obeyed at scattering J closest approach of 1-MeV protons incident upon gold nuclei. 8- Find the distance of closest approach of 8-MeV protons incident upon gold nuclei. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 135 The derivation 9. was made of the Rutherford scattering formula nonrelativisti- approximation by computing the mass ratio between an 8-MeV eally. Justih this alpha particle and an alpha particle at rest. be Kind frequency of rotation of the electron iht? in the classical model The and Ii total charge Thomson model a sphere corresponds to the in this from the center of electric-field intensity at a distance r charged sphere of radius of the this H when r < /{. Such atom. Show that an electron its center and derive a motion. Evaluate the frequency of the electron the hydrogen atom and compare illations for the case of uniformly a 3 (J is ()r/45re () sphere executes simple harmonic motion about formula for the frequency of with the frequencies it A 21. hydrogen from the n = fl state to the n = 3 is from the n = HI state to How much 11. to the transition i energy its ground hydrogen atom goes a state. A 22. required to remove an electron is in the n = 2 slate a hydrogen atom? A beam ji' meson = (in 207 of the Balnier series is to bombards a sample of hydrogen. l>e A How many alum make dropping about H)~ M is = 1 it Through what A positronium atom and an electron, — 3 —» n — 2 the first is The average to the n = emits a photon 19. 20. I state? going = {a) form a Calculate the angular ol of Bohr's first THE ATOM postulate ii " momentum is Ha (b) line, is litjtlrogenic is + Ze Compare atom, which is and which contains Sketch the energy levels of the He* ion and compare them H atom, (c) An election joins a bare helium nucleus Find the wavelength of the photon emitted in ion. die electron 26'. (The average lifetime of an the atomic state ;i Find the energy state. the wavelength of the photon emitted in the or Li* + whose nuclear charge He 1 He 4 assumed to have had no kinetic energy when Use the uncertainty principle hydrogen atom is N 10 energy bytfeogep s. is If the wavelength 5.000 A, find the it this process combined with to determine ihe ground-state radius terms of the momentum r,. Add an electron must have this kinetic potential energy of an electron the distance wiih respect to by Eq. r, r, for J.22 with which E = l of r, from if confined to energy to the electrostatic a proton, and different late the resulting expression for the total electron energy it r following way. First find a formula for the electron is a minimum. Compare the result I: to liiul with that given 1. atom? about the nucleus of an electron that the angular in in Ihe a region of linear dimension the value of the binding energ) ground Derive a formula for ihe energy levels of a an ion such as 2 state of a hydrogen line. eijiial its the ionization energy in positronium with that in h dr ogen. y kinetic nth orbit of a hydrogen atom, and show from 136 in At what temperature will the average molecular kinetic energy in gaseous hydrogen of a titanium atom. the nucleus. of the spectral line associated with the decay of this state width of the form a "mesne In Bohr orbit of such an atom. transition in positronium with that of the line s.) lifetime of an excited Hn apart in wavelength will the a system consisting of a positron (positive electron) Compare (a) a single electron, (b) if state. revolutions does an electron in the n Ixjfore excited state )H, 4 stale to the n far can be captured by a proton first meson is in the n — 2 state when the mesic atom drops to emitted? Find the recoil speed of a hydrogen atom after = r) (i~ radiated to from the n m Find the radius of the atom." 25. of electrons How spectrum observed. its with the energy levels of the 17. is the two kinds of hydrogen be? lines of ii potential difference must the electrons have been accelerated HI momentum approximately three times more massive than ordinary hydrogen, b excited and 24. 15. quantization this of a system in one State. Find the wavelength of the photon emitted when 13. ron 8 that momentum mixture of ordinary hydrogen and tritium, a hydrogen isotope whose nucleus 23. Find the wavelength of the spectral line corresponding 12. I shall see in (-hap. of the angular quantized in a somewhat different way.) of the spectral lines of hydrogen. in the frequency? 11. <ist was We as yet. component particular direction, while the magnitude of the total angular of ft" had not been proposed of the hydrogen atom. In what region of the spectrum are electromagnetic waves this in units of work, since the hypothesis of de Broglie waves rule holds only for the 10. momentum (In fact, the quantization of angular nti. starting point of Bohr's original this that momentum in the an alternate expression of such an atom must ATOMIC STRUCTURE 137 QUANTUM MECHANICS The Bohr theory of the atom, discussed for certain in the previous chapter, experimental data in a convincing manner, but it is 5 able to account has a number of severe limitations. While the Bohr theory correctly predicts the spectral series of hydrogen, extended each; it hydrogen isotopes, and hydrogenic atoms, to treat the spectra of can give no explanation of why certain spectral than others (that is, why certain transitions probabilities of occurrence); and slightly. it individual These objections for the theory to the many differ it does not permit us to obtain what a atom should make an understanding of possible: endow macroscopic aggregates and chemical properties we observe. to Bohr theory are not put forward was one of those seminal achievements in an unfriendly way, that transform scientific thought, but rather to emphasize that an approach to atomic greater generality is more intense have greater whose wavelengths atoms interact with one another of matter with the physical levels cannot account for the observation that And, perhaps most important, really successful theory of the incapable of being lines are between energy spectral lines actually consist of several separate lines hew it is complex atoms having two or more electrons required. Such an approach was developed phenomena in by Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg, and others under the apt quantum to it of 1925-1926 name of quantum mechanics meclianics. By problems involving nuclei, atoms, molecules, and matter in the solid state made possible to understand a vast body of otherwise-puzzling data and a vital — attribute of 5.1 the early 1930s the application of any theory — led to predictions of remarkable accuracy. INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS Hie fundamental difference between Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics lies in what it is that they describe. Newtonian mechanics is concerned w »lh the motion of a particle under the influence of applied forces, and it takes for granted that such quantities as die particle's position, mass, velocity, acceler139 be measured. This assumption is, of course, completely valid our everyday experience, and Newtonian met banks provides the "correct" explanation far llic behavior of moving bodies in the sense that the values il ation, etc.. vim in predicts for observable magnitudes agree with the measured values of those maunitudrs. mean anything: between olwervable magni- i, defined, tudes, but tile uncertainty principle radically alters the definition of 'observable if >k is II is loo, consists of relationships magnitude" in position and momentum the atomic realm. According ol a particle to the uncertainly principle, the cannot be accurately measured tainable values at every instant. The quantities mechanics explores are probabilities. Instead of if X 10 > m, quantum mechanics we conduct the same to have definite, ascerwhose relationships quantum a suitable states that this experiment, most lie atom is experiment is a X then /' only a single sel, A wave function cerned warn function is the 3, the quantity with which interpretation, the square of its * of a body. and quantum me we bility quantum mechanics is is to + itself absolute magnitude j+[ 2 (or of experimentally finding the body there determine 'I' for a at we is ++* 140 space must be if «i' is complex) proportional to the proba- that lime. body when consider the actual calculation of +, THE ATOM finite — the body is If l^l"' its somewhere, alter 1 obeys Eq. 5.2 that The problem <>l freedom of motion how that all. If this + at all times Kverv acceptable it and its H" const. ml, done. is must be single-valued, since partial derivatives • A t, /' can have only further condition that • + *!' must obey continuous every- "\'/<)z l>e i/. - where. s equation, which same sense second law of motion equation of Newtonian mechanics, is we let tackle .Sehrodinger's equation, fcr* quantum me- the fundamental equation of is that the wave equation a ils is the fundamental in the variable +. Before review the general wave equation Wave equation ~ e» i fi wlueli governs a wave whose direction with the speed o. establish certain variable quantity In the case of a I^plaeeinenl of ibe string from the me in a stretched string, the ease ol ij is is a r/ is sound wave. the 1/ is either the electric or derived in textbooks of textbooks of electricity and magnetism electromagnetic waves. Solutions to the of axis; in thai propagates in the x ij in The wave equation mechanics for mechanical waves and •or .v is wave pressure difference; in the case of a light wave, die magnetic field magnitude. we can somewhere said to Ix: normalized. is has no physical requirements it must always fulfill, for one thing, since |*| a is proportional to the probability /'of finding the Iwdy deserifyed by +, the integral of |+ over all finding true thai one value at a particular place and lime. con- limited by the action of external forces. liven liefore P. Normalization Besides being normalizable, 5.3 is = shall shortly sec exactly v/mWtJigrr quantum mechanics While evaluated at a particular point at a particular time P of wave function can be normalized by multiplying by an appropriate it. THE WAVE EQUATION Chap. l>e the mathematical statement that the particle exists is chanics in the in to the probability (IV=l I'dV f is chanics represents our best effort to date in formulating As mentioned be equal |4'|- by +, rather than merely be proportional to must it i \^\ j HI" 11 m. individual atoms that departures from average behavior are uniiotieeable. Instead of two sets of physical principles, one for the macroscopic universe and 5.2 it integral be a finite quantity its X 5.2 many is that is awl complex because of the way to descrilx; properly a real body. a different value, found will be 5.3 tersiott of tpiantaia nirriinnies. The certainties Newtonian mechanics are illusory, and their agreement with consequence of the fact thai macroscopic bodies consist of so one lor the microscopic universe, there integral obviously cannot be oc since nothing but an approximate proclaimed In possibility left usually convenient to have equal In and the aiwavs exactly At first glance quantum mechanics seems a poor substitute for Newtonian mechanics, hut closer inspection reveals a striking fact: Xnutonuin nieehimif. It and so the only the particle described is exist, j^l- cannot be negative or the most pmbiibh- radios; is trials will yield larger or smaller, but the value most likely to example, that the asserting, for radius of the electron's orbit in a ground-state hydrogen 5,3 at Newtonian mechanics Imth are assumed time, while in does not 0, the particle is still Quantum mechanics, l+l-dV J S.1 wave equation may be of many waves thai can occur — a single traveling pulse, kinds, reflecting the variety a train of waves of constant QUANTUM MECHANICS 141 amplitude and wavelength, a train of superposed waves of the same amplitudes and wavelengths, a train of superposed waves of different amplitudes and wavelengths, a standing wave in a string fastened at both ends, and so on. AH solutions must be of the form SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION: TIMEDEPENDENT FORM 5.3 quantum mechanics the wave function * corresjionds to the wave variable tj wave motion in general. However, +, unlike t/, is not itself a measurable In of quantity and 5.4 'I where F = ''(' 4> is *i) any function that can is lie differentiated. +x represent waves traveling in the represent waves traveling in the Our interest here particle that is in the —x direction, and the solutions F(t — + x/v) x/v) When we of a "free particle," namely a This equivalent corresponds to the general undamped (that is, constant amplitude A), monochromatic (constant angular frequency w) harmonic waves in the +* replace which total a complex quantity, with both = cos — e~'* is in the and v by Xr, we obtain we already know what f and A are in terms momentum p of the particle being described by *. = he real and imaginary that of the Since 2irHp = h. = ?lEE parts. + = Ae 5,10 y 5.7 = A cos aft - — I is a mathematical description of the unrestricted particle of tola] energy iA sin ult direction, just as Eq. 5.5 - —1 is /. and wave equivalent of an p moving in the +x momentum a mathematical description of, for example, a harmonic wave moving freely along a stretched string. The expression for the wave function <fr given by Eq. 5.10 displacement real part of Eq. 5.7 has significance in the case of where <"*><£<-«"' sin i Equation 5.10 ij waves represents the displacement of the string from (Fig. 5-1); in this case the imaginary part is in a stretched freely its normal position moving particles, while motion of a particle is Wxis In the xy plane traveling (n the +1 wc is correct only for are most interested in situations where the subject to various restrictions. An important concern, discarded as irrelevant. for example, is an electron Ixmnd What we must now do FIGURE 2t,v convenient since E= Eq. 5.5 can be written in the form 5-1 assume we have 5.6 string, above formula by shall and Because Only the w energy E and \ is reason by * = Ae -3'""-"'" 5.9 direction, J»-MI~i/») — Ae = In this formula y this direction Ae- M> -* /pi * = 5.8 not under the influence of any forces and therefore pursues a is solution of Eq. 5.3 for y solutions F(t .t we For therefore be complex. direction. wave equivalent straight path at constant speed. 5.5 The may specified in the direction along a stretched string lying on the i which We we !>egin an atom by the electric field of its nucleus. obtain the fundamental differential equation for is can then solve to 4', in a specific situation. by differentiating Eq. 5.10 twice with respect to x, yielding = -£- + 5.11 ft* and once with respect to 3l ff 142 THE ATOM = Atoswll -i/o) (. yielding * ft A speeds small compared with I that of light, the total energy E of a particle QUANTUM MECHANICS 143 is the sum of its p-/2m and kinetic energy potential energy V, its general a function of position x and time in V where is t qilorcd. In other words, Schrodinger's equation cannot be derived from principles," but represents a <: In practice, 5.13 = /; + v principle first Schrodinger's equation has turned out to Iw completely accurate To be predicting the results of experiments. in sure, we must keep Eq. 5.18 can be used only for nonrelativistic problems, Multiplying both sides of this equation by the wave function formulation 'I'. FA' 5.14 From = *-— + we Kqs. 5.11 and 5.12 p»* = s.i6 -ft 2 see that is when in particle speeds comparable with accord with experiment within its that of light are range of applica- are entitled to regard Schrodinger's equation as representing a success- same sense But for all its as the postulates of special relativity or statistical mechanics: None of these can be derived from some other a fundamental generalization neither less valid principle, and each is than the empirical data it based upon. is It is more nor worth noting in this connection that .Schrodinger's equation does not represent an increase in the — < it success, this equation remains a postulate in the 3/ and required in mind that and a more elaborate postulate concerning certain aspects of the physical world. ful r we bility, \'*l' 2m is Because involved. "first itself. number of postulates required to descril>e the workings of the physical world, because Newton's second law of motion, regarded in classical mechanic] as a postulate, can be derived from Schrodinger's equation provided that the quanti- \- and p-1' Substftttting these expressions for !'A' into Eq. 5.14, we obtain ties relates are understood to it be averages rather than definite values, Time-dependent Equation 5.17 is Schrodinger's equation dx 2 2m 3< in the time-dependent form of one dimension In three Schrddktg/sr's equation. dimensions the time-dependent form of Schrodinger's equation is 5.4 EXPECTATION VALUES Once Schrodinger's equation has been solved for a particle in a given physical situation, the result Mm wave function +(x,i/ 3,r) contains all the information about the particle that is permitted by the uncertainty principle. Except for those variables that happen to be quantized in certain cases, this information is in the r 2m 9f where the < I that may be wave finiction V on present is p + + V J form of probabilities and not specific numbers. some function of the particle's Once Vis known, polential-energy tun. linn V. solved for the + dtf- energy particle's potential lions + &* x, ;/, motion ~, will and ailed Schrodinger's equation of the particle, from which its Am /. Ihe may be probability density ma) be determined lor a specified v, ;/, :, /. The manner in which Schrodinger's equation was obtained 'I'- wave Function of a freely Ncliriidingcr's equation energy that no V= vary in a priori moving particle deserves attention, to print- that = ibis V(.v,r/ .».()] extension postulate Sehriklinger's equation, solve compare The it is is entirely plausible, but there correct. All embodied in we can do the postulate must be discarded and THE ATOM is is valid: if llie) If is to and for a variety of physical Situations, Schrodinger's equation this they disagree, some other approach would have to he let the value of is us calculate the expectation value (x> of the position of 1" is Hie distribution, __ described by the if results, we shall the average position x of a such a way that there The average position in is obtain particles the procedure clear, axis in J wave function ^(x.i). we determined experimental l\ ihe described by the same wave function at some X axis that we would and then averaged the make What ( t ,v many positions of a great llie extension of the results of the calculations with the results of experiments. agree, the postulate 144 starling from from the special case of an unrestricted particle potential time and space [V an example, idsiiiin constant) to the general case of a particle subject to arbitrary forces way Ys a particle confined to the first answer number are ;V, this case a slight!) different question: of particles distributed along the particles at x,, is N2 particles at x.„ and the same as the center of mass of and SO + X2 x2 + A a + .Y, + V + N + 2 a ' ,V,x, :l S Y .v ••• r 2M QUANTUM MECHANICS 145 When we are dealing wilh a single particle, by the probability of particles at i, dx at This probability x,. = /> 2 i*,, we mnsl the particle P, that replace the numlier found Ije in N t an interval is = A e-HB/KH 5,22 dx That wave function evaluated where +, Ls the particle tution and changing the summations at to integrals, value of the position of the single particle .r = we Making .*,. this substi- see that the expectation + is, is the product of a time-dependent function e "*'* dependent function $. As particles acted happens, the time variations of it f <*> 5,19 j If + is x\*] we m and and therefore has the value = |* ; | if a |+] and the x is axis somewhere between = - oo x is and x = dH Equation 5.23 mensions Ls it as that = must be evaluated Steady -state ° Schrodinger's equation form of Schrodinger's the steady-state is Bfy 3ty 5.24 if 2m 3ty Steady-state in In general, Schrodinger's steady-state equation values of the energy E. any mathematical Expectation value at a particular obtain a What is meant by Uwt may difficulties time wave function ^ since ( + is itself a function of function— namely, that SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION: STEADY-STATE FORM A lie situations the potential energy of a particle does not In a great many upon time explicitly; the forces that act THE ATOM all upon this is true, reference to of an unrestricted particle it, and hence may l>e vary with the may be the one-dimensional wave Schrodinger's equation We note that /. V, depend written this can solved only for certain lie statement has nothing to do with present, but is something much more Schrodinger's equation for a given system means to that not only obeys the equation it and fulfills and whatever boundary the requirements for an acceptable derivatives be continuous, its finite, and wave single- If there is no such wave function, the system cannot exist in a steady Thus energy quantization appears in wave mechanics as a natural element and energy quantization phenomenon in solutions string of length /. world ts revealed as a manner in which energy quantization of Schrodinger's equal ion that propagating indefinitely and in the physical characteristic of all stable systems. familiar and quite close analogy to the occurs by removing three dimensions valued. f. state. When To "solve" conditions there are, but also of the theory, + In three di- etiuation. followed aliove can be used to obtain the ex- G(x) varies with time, because <C(*}> in any event position of the particle only. one dimension Schrodinger's equation universal 146 ^= E TF< " located at the center of mass (so to speak) of J"c(*))*|*rfx This formula holds even function 2m cut out, the balance point will he at (*>. (C{x)> simplified + is 5.21 exponential factor, is fundamental, 5.5 common in pectation value <C(x)> of any quantity [for instance, potential energy V(x}\ that by a wave function +, is a function of the position x of a particle described result dividing through by the a? fxWfdx The same procedure The so, oo, plotted versus x on a graph and the area enclosed by the curve is V dx 2 equal to Hence 1. This formula states that <x> 2 an of Eq. 5.22 into the time-dependent find that 2m the probability that the particle exists <*> functions of as that of |*|* dx a normalized wave function, the denominator of Eq. 5.19 5.20 all dx —» = * Substituting the form of Schrodinger's equation, 2 and a position- ' upon by stationary forces have the same form unrestricted particle. is 1 is in fixed at is both ends. with standing waves one direction, waves are traveling —x directions simultaneously its in both the +x subject to the condition that the displacement V always be zero at both ends of the string. the displacement must, with in a stretched Here, instead of a single wave derivatives, An acceptable function y(x,t) for obey the same requirements of QUANTUM MECHANICS 147 continuity, finiteness, ami single-valuedness as Since 1/ and, in addition, must 4- The represents a directly measurable quantity. real lie only solutions of the wave equation 1 dx come from called eigenfuiwthiiif;. (These terms E„ 3^y = 32tt% 2H 2 = n (*) which the wave- lengths arc given by An rr n + in = (), I, 2, 3, . . . is can Fig. 5-2. It is the combination of the wave equation ami on the nature of its solution that leads ps only for certain wavelengths A„. exist to I he found to in stable hydrogen atom, we systems total momentum angular is shall find that die momentum E = Vt(t+ t F1 Of energy that L. In the case eigenvalues of the magnitude of are specified by l)fi / = course, a dynamical variable urements of G made on result but instead 5-2 these wave functions hydrogen atom. be quantized die total angular why Chap, 6 shall see in are the only ones that yield acceptable conclude thai The values of energy En for which Schrodinger's steady-stale equation can be solved are called eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions ii are FIGURE 2, 3, important example of a dynamical variable other than 1 restrictions placed y(x,t) E for the electron in the 2L = particular values of of the shown 1, we are an example of a set of eigenvalues; as German Eigtmwm, meaning 2 that are in accord with these various limitations are those in <V. the "proper or characteristic value," and Eigtinfunktion, or "proper or characteristic function.") The discrete energy levels of the hydrogen atom Standing waves In a stretched siring fastened at both ends. <G> <>, (n- 2 1, G may 1) not be quantized. In this case meas- a numlier of identical systems will not yield a unique a spread of values whose average the expectation value is = f'Gh!,\?dx \=2L In the that hydrogen atom, the electron's position we must is not quantized, for instance, so think of the electron as being present in the vicinity of the nucleus with a certain probability 2 |^; per unit volume but with no predictable position or even orbit in the classical sense. This probabilistic statement does not conflict with the it fact that experiments performed on hydrogen atoms always show that contains one whole electron, not 27 percent of an electron in a certain region and 73 percent elsewhere; the probability is although space, the election itself 5,6 this probability is THE PARTICLE IN smeared nut in one of finding the electron, and in its simpler steady-state form, usually requires sophisticated mathematical techniques. traditionally reality, is the theoretical structure we must understanding of explore its modem mathematical background ri 148 THE ATOM + I whose As we this reason the studv of advanced students for results are closest to shall see, if we to its experimental are to achieve any even a relatively limited sufficient for us to follow the trains of have led quantum mechanics who However, since quantum me- mediods and applications physics. is For been reserved have the required proficiency in mathematics. chanics not. A BOX: ENERGY QUANTIZATION To solve Schrodi tiger's equation, even quantum mechanics has is thought that greatest achievements. QUANTUM MECHANICS 149 Our firsl problem using Schrodinger's equation is that of a particle bouncing back and forth l>etween the walls of a box (Fig, .5-3}. Our interest in this problem how Schrodinger's equation is solved when the motion of subject to restrictions; to learn the characteristic properties of solutions of this equation, such as the limitation of particle energy to certain specific values only; and to compare the predictions of quantum mechanics is threefold: to see a particle V = since 2 total derivative tl'^/dx' (The there. derivative d^/Sx2 because <p is same the is as the partial a function of x only in this problem.) Equation 5.25 has the two possible solutions is 5.26 =A tfr f2m~E sin 2 V with ft" those of Newtonian mechanics. We may specify the particle's motion by saying that along the x axis between x = and x = L by infinitely it is does not lose energy stays constant. potential energy is From V a constant—say have an wave infinite function when hard walls. collides with such walls, so that the formal point of view of its A for of energy, < it and x cannot > /., energy quantum mechanics, exist outside the box, Our task is to find and so what + the is its within = and x = L. Within the box Schrodinger's equation becomes the box, namely, Ixjtween x d 2^ B cos particle total is infinite on both sides of the Iwx, while V convenience— on the inside. Since the particle cannot for x 2,i,l f2m~E = y 5.27 which we can verify by substitution back into Eq. 5.25; A and solution. of the particle amount is it restricted to traveling These ii solutions are subject to the important for x = the particle because it for x = and = Since sin ^ will be = jc 2f"£ llm'E 2m V Since cost) = does not vanish at L. 0, the first solution at ft sum their /.. , L ^— 2 5.28 x boundary condition = 0. Hence we conclude always yields y only when = v, 2ff, .Jw, , = nir Eq. 5.28 it is = at (1 x = that = li 0, as required, (1. but „ it . . = . 1, 2, 3, all 0, clear that the energy of the particle can have only certain which are the eigenvalues mentioned values, = ^ that the second solution cannot describe 1, This result comes about because the sines of the angles », 2v, 3^, ... are From a also is are coast ants to be evaluated. previous in the .section. These eigenvalues, constituting the energy levels of the system, are E = 5.29 The FIGURE A 5-3 box of width I . particle confined to a A uMPs2 n 2mL' = Particle in a I, 2, 3, integer n corresponding to the energy level K„ called ts its box quantum number. Iwx cannot have an arbitrary energy: the fact of particle confined to a confinement leads to restrictioas on its wave function that permit it to its have only those energies specified by Eq. 5.29. It is significant that the particle cannot function ij, would have to the particle cannot be present there. for the energy of a trapped particle, of definite values, classical is THE ATOM if it did, the the box. and tlm exclusion of E— like the limitation of all energies, including zero, are principle provides confirmation that Because the particle 150 The in wave means that as a possible value E to a discrete set a quantum-mechanical result that has no counterpart in mechanics, where The uncertainty have zero energy; be zero everywhere is trapped in the box, the E= presumed is uncertainty in possible. not admissible. its position is QUANTUM MECHANICS 151 = Ax L, the width of the box. The uncertainty in its momentum must therefore be 700 which to /;, E = not compatible with is We note that 0. is, since the particle energy here is the momentum corresponding suo ~ ^00 — 3C0 — entirely kinetic, nh which in it Why are accord with the uncertainty principle. we not aware of energy quantization in our own experience? Surely a marble rolling hack and forth between the sides of a level box with a smooth we door can have any speed, and therefore any energy, choose to give it, including zero. In order to assure ourselves that Eq. 5.29 does not conflict with FIGURE 5-4 Energy confined to a box 1 levels of A an electron wide. our direct observations while providing unique insights on a microscopic scale, we compote shall widu and In case |2: I ;i the permitted energy levels of (1) an electron in a Ijox lOaa W 'kk-. =9.1 X W"*1 kg and L = 10-g marble m we have 1 A w !>m a in I A = 10" w m, so that the permitted electron energies are E" ~ = = n2 X X 2 6.0 iff :,1 9.1 x X (1-054 X lQ-^J-s) 2 X 10 kgX (10- ,o m) 2 2 10- 18 n z J Z 3H« eV The minimum energy the electron can have is 38 eV, corresponding to n = The sequence of energy levels continues with E^ ~ 152 eV, E, = 342 eV, E A 60S eV, and SO on make These energy (Fig. 5-4). levels are sufficiently far apart to the quantization of electron energy in such a box conspicuous box act n ally did In case 2 f = if such a so very close together, then, that there exist. we have m= 10 g = I0~s kg and L = 10 cm = 10 -1 m, so that the Hence permitted marble energies are 2 IL = 1 n %<x' 2 = 5.5 X X X X J-s)' X (lO^ni)2 (1.054 10" a kg lO-'Mfi 2 5.7 J The minimum energy the marble can have n = and 1. is A marble with this kinetic is 5.5 X -84 lO J, corresponding to X 10~ 31 m/s energy has a speed of only 3.3 therefore experimentally indistinguishable from a stationary marble. reasonable speed a marble might have energy level of quantum number n 152 this 10- 34 THE ATOM = is, say, 10 3u ! — no way to determine whether the marble in the domain of everyday experience quantum effects are imperceptible; in this domain of Newtonian mechanics. accounts for the success THE PARTICLE IN In the previous section whose energy is A /3 m/s which corresponds to the The permissible energy levels are l is can take on only those energies predicted by Eq, 5,29 or any energy whatever. V =b E A A BOX: WAVE FUNCTIONS we found that the wave function of a particle in a b is sin / V ft 2 QUANTUM MECHANICS 153 The normalized wave Since the possible energies arc densities li^l 2 \$ 2 2 , , and as well as positive, \$J- = *; \ 2mL3 at a given x case substituting E„ for E a is functions i^, |^ 3 is 2 j and ^ together with the probability While ^„ may always positive and, since ^„ equal to the probability = = if.,, are plotted in Fig. 5-5. P of is l>e normalized, finding the particle there. negative its value In every m at x and x L, the boundaries of the box. At a particular point in the box the probability of the particle being present may be verv yields ji/J quantum numbers. For instance, |^,p has its maximum middle of the box, while \^\ 2 = there: a particle in the of n = 1 is most likely to be in the middle of the box, while different for different #„ 5.30 A a* -jr- sin for the cigenfunclions value of to the corresponding energy eigenvalues En lowest energy level we easy to verify that these eigenfunctions meet all the requirements of function single-valued have discussed: for each quantum number n, & n is a over of integral ^Jand t>4> /Bx are continuous. Furthermore, the x, and $n space n finite, as is (since the particle, we can see by integrating by hypothesis, \4> nr dx from x confined within these is = to x = L limits!: _ To normalize y we must a 2 is never there! for the particle Ixn'ng Classical physics, anywhere in the box. The wave functions shown in Fig. 5-5 resemble the possible vibrations of a string fixed at both ends, such as those of the stretched string of Fig. 5-2. This is a consequence of the fact that waves in a stretched string and the wave when identical restrictions are placed same form, upon each kind of wave, the formal results are identical. farx\ FIGURE If |^„i /'. assign a value to A such that the particle between x and Pdx of finding proportional to 5.32 same probability 5-5 Wave functions and probability densities of a particle confined to a box with rigid walls. »A»f 5.31 probability . of course, predicts the so that, <-m* L a particle in the next higher state of n representing a moving particle are descriljed by equations of the f\^dx f\^?dx = in the . It is all %L 2 is to equal P, then it at + |^„i 2 is eoutif to the dk, rather than merely must be true that f$J*dx=l since j is Pdx = the mathematical Comparing 1 way Eqs. 5.31 and a box are normalized 5.33 of stating that the particle exists 5.32, wc see that the wave somewhere at all limes. functions of a particle in if -A The normalized wave /2 functions of the particle are therefore nxx * 154 THE ATOM = x =L *=0 *=L QUANTUM MECHANICS 155 THE PARTICLE 5.8 IN A NONRIGID BOX either — that As we the particle will "leak" out. Chap, shall see in the 12, quantum-mechanical prediction that particles always have some chance of It is interesting to solve the problem of the particle in a box when the walls of the box are no longer assumed to be infinitely rigid, in this case the potential energy V outside the box ease of a vibrating string at is a finite quantity; the corresponding situation in the would involve an imperfect attachment of the each end, so that the ends can move to treat, and we shall wheu we examine look at a particle in a nonrigid box in Chap. The When string shall take another are therefore the theory of the deulemn particle's energy is smaller than the value of a definite probability Chat it be found outside V outside itl the box, there In other words, even though the particle does not have enough energy to break through the walls of the box according to "common them. This peculiar situation is sense," the uncertainty Iv may nevertheless somehow penetrate readily understandable in terms of the uncertainty Because the uncertainty Sp principle. it in its position in a particle's mo men turn related to is hy the formula consequence: V. Such a to penetrate above less to V. than it is its now is V outside energy walls, energy its the kinetic energy inside, which it infinite uncertainty in particle In the optics of light waves, reaches a region where momentiuu outside infinite amount implying that of energy V = if its is never there, the box A is the price of particle requires an momentum is to have an infinite uncertainty, If V instead has a finite value outside sc outside the box. the box, then, there is some pmlrability — not necessarily great, but not zero is Wave 5-6 functions and probability densities of a particle confined to a box with nonrigid walls. and it wave its A Av it etc.) and p in The the case of sound waves, its first derivative t>e it effect is if V is, in the THE ATOM wave to is all we the reason types of waves, case of electromagnetic waves, wave height h in the case of wave we saw water waves, function \p representing reflection occurs at the boundaries \p is we in above, decreases in waveif V increases. In either between the regions. What are discussing the motion of a single related to the probability of finding the particle in a particular if is, \p means we shoot that there many is a chance that the particle particles at a box with nonrigid most will get through but some will be scattered. What we have been saying, then, is that particles with enough energy to penetrate a wall nevertheless stand some chance of bouncing off instead. This the fact that they have insufficient energy to penetrate 156 This prediction complements the "leaking" out of particles trapped =L light a Tegion of different index common decreases and increases in wavelength some be reflected. That wails, x 4- from the requirement that the to follow £ has a different potential energy, as place, the partial reflection of — so continuous at the boundary where the wavelength does "some" reflection mean when will x value always a moving particle. The wave function of a particle encountering a region particle? Since z is change takes place. length ^^-^^ V, box according when a readily observed that is may be shown mathematically situation #, in the — means longer wavelength, and wavelength changes (that variable (electric-field intensity pressure which J that exceeds may have any £ since V = just Exactly the same considerations apply to the FIGURE E levels. has another has a longer wavelength outside the box than inside. see our reflections in shop windows. definitely establishing that the particle finite always has enough energy of refraction), reflection as well as transmission occurs. an lower energy energy outside the box, E Less energy our original specification. to box be not quantized but is particle's kinetic box into the fit have an energy possible for a particle to and can of the box with rigid walls, not trapped inside the box, since However, the its in the case momenta and hence that the potential particle wave function ^ n does particle wavelengths that somewhat longer than The condition few wave hmctions for a particle in such a box are shown in The wave functions -^ n now do not equal zero outside the box. Even The corresponding to lower particle 11.) though the the confining box has nonrigid walls, the particle not equal zero at the walls. first Fig. 5-6. ts still (We simply present the result here. the fits observed behavior of those radioactive nuclei that emit alpha particles. difficult is infinite in the real world, our original rigid-walled box has no physical counterpart) exactly more This problem slightly. escaping from confinement (since potential energies are never * = x =L predictions are unique with its in walls. the box despite Both of these quantum mechanics and do not correspond to any QUANTUM MECHANICS 157 numerous atomic l>ehavior expected in classical physics. Their confirmation in and nuclear experiments supports the Fix) UL/ + 2W), / + eU-'L,,- = F^, + 1 = quantum-mechanical ap- validity of the proach. Since x = of x-, x3 , W is . . , the equilibrium position, THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR Harmonic motion occurs when a system of lie floating in a liquid, a diatomic molecule, some kind an equilib- vibrates alxmt in a crystal lattice — there are countless examples in both the macroscopic and the microscopic realms. condition for harmonic motion to occur acts to return the system to is the presence of a restoring force that equilibrium configuration its the inertia of the masses involved causes the system oscillates indefiiutely if them when it is disturbed; to overshoot equilibrium, no dissipativc processes are x from its m is linear; that is, /•' is and also present. In the special case of simple harmonic motion, the restoring force particle of mass The F on which is Hooke's law when {dF/dx)r=0 F= V(x) 5.39 = - is f plotted in Fig. 5-7. F(x) If back and forth between x law of motion, F = small is for is is negative, as of course it any According to the second E dx = kj xdx= '/aitx 2 the energy of the oscillator = —A and x == is E, the particle vibrates +A, where E and A arc related by m V2 kA-. ma, and so here rf»x 5-7 The potential enerpy of a harmonic oscillator is proportional to r, where t ment from the equilibrium position. The amplitude A of the motion Is determined by the dl 2 of the oscillator, FIGURE — kx = #+ m -*-* 5.36 is The conclusion, then, is that all oscillations are simple harmonic in character when their amplitudes are sufficiently small. The potential energy function V(x) that corresponds to a Hooke's law force may be found by calculating the work needed to bring a particle from x = to x = x against such a force. The result is and customarily called Hooke's law. is when x a proportional to the particle's displacement -far This relationship x the values restoring force. equilibrium position, so that 5.35 for small the third and higher terms of *-(£L an object supported by a spring or an atom and since Hence therefore the second one. rium configuration. The system may 8, x, 'Ihe only term of significance the series can be neglected. 5.9 Fr - Q = are very small compared with = which classically Is the displace- total energy f. can have any value. <> (It* There are various ways X 5,37 — A COS to write the solution to Eq. 5.36, (llivt + a convenient one being <M where V 5.38 is is 2w = % he' Vm the frequency of the oscillations, A is their amplitude, and the phase constant, <#>, a constant that depends upon the value of x at the time t = 0. The importance of the simple harmonic oscillator in both classical and modem physics lies not in the strict adherence of actual restoring forces to I looke's law, which is seldom true, but in the fact that these restoring forces law for small displacements which is we reduce to Hooke's note that any force a function of X can be expressed in a Maclaurin's series about the equilibrium position x 158 x. To appreciate this point THE ATOM = as QUANTUM MECHANICS 159 — Even before we make a detailed tum-mechanical modifications to we can calculation anticipate three quanFirst, there will not this classical picture. he a continuous spectrum of allowed energies hut a discrete spectrum consisting of certain specific values only. Second, the lowest allowed energy will not he E = hut will [>e some definite minimum £ = E . l) Third, there will be a certain probability that the particle can "penetrate" the potential well beyond the The —A limits of it is and go in and +A. actual results agree with these expectations. harmonic oscillator whose classical The energy frequency of oscillation is levels of s> a *=— A x=+A x=-A x=+A x=-A *=+A x=-A s=+A (given by Eq. 5.38) turn out to be given by the formula (- + n 5.40 e» The energy of a harmonic oscillator - levels here are in a D» evenly spaced Energy levels of harmonic oscillator = 0, 1, 2, is thus quantized in steps of (Fig. 5-8), unlike the box whose spacing diverges. We energy when n note that, £o which is = fJ» the lowest value the energy of the oscillator can have. Tins value surroundings would approach an energy of temperature approaches The wave shown in E — E and tt x= — A x=+A is equilibrium with not E= as the K. functions corresponding to the oscillator are ^ Zero-point energy called the sero-jwint energy because a harmonic oscillator its The energy = 0, x 5.41 ftp. levels of a particle in Fig. 5-9. In first six energy levels of a harmonic each case the range FIGURE 5-8 to which a particle Energy levels of a harmonic oscillator according to quantum mechanics. i=— A x=+A FIGURE The 5-9 first sii harmonic-oscillator wave functions. The vertical lines show the same energy would vibrate. limits —A and T.l between which a classical oscillator with the oscillating classically with the same cated; evidently the particle is regions — in total energy E„ would be confined other words, to exceed the amplitude with an exponentially decreasing probability, in a It box with is classical the 160 THE ATOM is indi- able to penetrate into classically forbidden A determined by just as tn the energy the situation of a particle rtonrigid walls. interesting harmonic and instructive to compare the probability densities of oscillator and a quantum-mechanical harmonic same energy. The upper graph of Fig. 5-10 shows a oscillator of this density for the classical QUANTUM MECHANICS 161 oscillator: The probability at the end-points of equilibrium position (x behavior state of at x = is n finding the particle at a given position = where 0), it moves slowly, and it moves = 0. As shown, the probability density less and off = this position. marked with increasing less coricsponds to n on either side of 10, and it is clear that approximately the general character of the n: <^ ln i/> has maximum this value disagreement The lower graph of Fig. 5-JO 2 when averaged over z has classical probability quantum numbers, quantum physics greatest near the lowest energy its its However, example of the correspondence principle mentioned of large 2 is least Exactly the opposite rapidly. manifested by a quantum -mechanical oscillator in and drops becomes P of motion, where its P. This is another in Sec. 4.11: In the limit yields the same results as classical physics. It *=— A might be objected although that, smoothed out, nevertheless i^ l0 However, this objection has a | meaning only if P when does indeed approach fluctuates rapidly with r the smaller the spacing of the peaks *=+A 2 l^jnl whereas P does not. the fluctuations are observable, and and hollows, the more strongly the un- certainty principle prevents their detection without altering the physical state of the oscillator. The exponential "tails" of I^kJ 2 heyond * Thus the = —A magnitude with increasing to resemble each other more and more the larger the value of n. classical also decrease and quantum pictures begin in n, in agreement with the correspondence principle, although they are radically different for small n. r *5.10 THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR: SOLUTION OF SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION In this section we shall see how the preceding conclusions are obtained, Schrodinger's equation for the harmonic oscillator It is is, with V = yz fcr 2 . convenient to simplify Eq. 5.42 by introducing the dimensionless quantities (»' 11/2 x = -A FIGURE 5 10 oscillator. The Probability densities lor the n x = probability densities for classical = +A and n = 10 stales at a quantum -mechanical harmonic harmonic oscillators with the same energies are shown » = I2mnv 5.43 In white. 162 THE ATOM QUANTUM MECHANICS 163 We and 2£ hv is able to write = f(y)e-* 1 <* 5.48 M where v now i ft 5.44 are , where the classical frequency of the oscillation given by Eq. &38. In making we have essentially clone is change the units in which and E are expressed from meters and joules, respectively, to appropriate /((/) is a function of y that remains to be found. we Eq. 5.48 in Eq. 5.45 By inserting the ^ of obtain these substitutions, what X tlimcnsionless units. which + ("-^ = " 7J dy 5.45 |^ 549 Jn terms of y and « Sehrodinger's equation becomes The 2 is 2 4 We begin the solution of Eq. 5.45 by finding the asymptotic form that £ must as y —* ±tx>. If any wave function is to represent an actual particle the differential equation that f(y) if localized in space, 5.50 that 2 J )^| be a <ii/ finite, to expanded / ol>eys. in a power series in y, is to namely + A 2 y 2 + A3 y3 + y t S A„y =» no n vanishing quantity. Let us rewrite Eq. 5.45 as and then t>e =A +A value must approach zero as y approaches infinity in order its - 1,/=n (a standard procedure for solving differential equations like Eq. 5.49 assume that /( y) can have + n determine the values of the coefficients A,. Differentiating /yields follows: = A, = 2 nKy'" | 3-(^-«»=fl dy + + 3A a ,f + 2A.z y . . SB d^j, t = (9 i£ dtj dH/dtf As y —* ^ oo, y~ SM .. hm >i wo -«K> = By multiplying 1 this 1 equation by y vve obtain « and we have d^/dy — \/ 2 = , I yty 5.51 = ^ nA a y" n-0 A unction I 5.47 t£ v that satisfies Eq. 5.46 is The second ^ = ***** derivative of / with respect to y is since rfV. lii 1 (/-•* dy 2 = lim (if - \)e-"" n = f/V : ;> x tj-ns = Equation 5.47 164 THE ATOM is the required asymptotic form of 2 "(*> - VAnl}"-- if-. QUANTUM MECHANICS 165 1 which equal to is Since d2f " J n=H e' we can (That the latter two series are indeed equal can We now terms of each.) first verified lie express e y 2 Kn + 2 substitute Eqs. 5.50 to 5.52 in Eq. 5.49 to obtain + lK*S " )(" ( 2» + ~ + ^ /2 ^n = + + ML + _JL_ 2^-2! ] it=n,2, (.... + (n and + 2}(n = l)A n+2 (2,i + - 1 2 3 -3! 2 n/2 [ — 1 G)' the condition that W X = n=Q,2,4.... «)A„ so 5.54 -^nt2 Tin's recursion of Hence we have values of n. all -1— I S = In order for this equation to hold for all values of y, the quantity in brackets must be zero for S+ a power series as in " a )A n]tf" = ° 1 + lT by working out the e 5.53 = 1+ A + 2n — {n + - 1 2)(„ The a + is find the coefficients A2 A3 A5 A7 obtain the sequence of coefficients , A2 , A.,, At , , A n and Aj here.) A 4 A e .... and , , A„ we from A we starting » solution its Starting from S (- —* oo; only if Because if/ —> f(tj) as is y —* oo n -> + 1 2 -2"«(£+l)(£)! + y , In the limit of function. 2-(f), "^rtwft+£\, necessary for us to inquire into the behavior of It is as y 2-(f)l BL ... in terms a second-order differential equation, has two arbitrary constants, winch are obtain the other sequence is ]) formula enables us to and A,. (Since Eq. 5,49 coefficients of y" here between successive ratio ) becomes oo this ratio can ifbti physically acceptable wave multiplied by e~ v/2 , f will meet this lim requirement 1+* _ ' provided that Thus successive lim /{y)<e*-' /2 those in the we (As be shall see, in the limit A suitable it is than way to express the latter in and to From examine the ' ev n it— x THE ATOM n smaller / must f{ij)e v'f- There compare the asymptotic behaviors of f(u) and e v /2 is to a power series (/ is already in the form of a power series) is series for docs not vanish as a simple way out e*'"' 1/ power -* between successive 2 coefficients of we can tell each series as n by inspection that —* oo. $ In other words, if/ is factor. of an infinite series, 2 n A" +2 ~ it is 2n (n + will all go 1 2)(n rapidly, If y —* than From A„ are zero for values oo because of the e~ v a polynomial with a finite -n + 1) tess rapidly which means that the series representing / termi- the coefficients to zero as acceptable. + / decrease more oo. of this dilemma. nates at a certain value of n, so that of n higher than this one, series for /2 instead of '~ ratio VA how much .) the recursion formula of Eq. 5.54 lim 166 unnecessary for us to specify just coefficients in the power number * n of terms Instead the recursion formula " QUANTUM MECHANICS 167 it is clear that - « 5.55 if The + 2n 1 any value of n, then A K+S = A n+Jl = A nl(i = =0, which is what we want. (Equation 5.55 lakes care of only one sequence of coefficients, either the sequence of even n starting with A„ or the sequence of odd n starting with A v If n is even, it must be true that A, = and only even powers of ij appear for - in the polynomial, while powers of polynomial if We apj>ear. ;/ « odd, is it must be true that A„ - 1. where ^= Verify that + solutions of the all wave equation n.) v2 di? dx 2 must be of the form y 2. 2n 5-9 and the 1 = in Figs. Problems and only odd The condition that a = 2ri + is a necessary and sufficient condition for the wave equation 5.45 lo have solutions that meet the various requirements that $ must fulfill. From Eq. 5.44, the definition of a, we have «. are listed in Table 5.1, and the - shall see the result later in this section, tabulated for various values of is Hn (y) Ilermite polynomials six first corresponding wave functions ^„ are those that were plotted 5-10 of the preceding section. = F(( ± x/v) as asserted in Sec. 5.2. +,(x,0 and %{x,t) are lx>th solutions of Sehrodinger's equation for a given If I potential V(x), show that the linear combination or *-(•+!)* 5.56 This is the formula that = «t 0, 1. 2, En was given as Eq. 5,40 in the preceding section. For each choice of the parameter «„ there Each function either a different wave function ^„. {called a iiennite polynomial) in -' which coefficient , and a numerical 3. ftyjdy=\ (This result also a solution. in is =0,1,2,... wave function +n = (2f.y* (2"n\)-^lUy)e-"^ a nucleus is in Chap. 3.) Ik>x 10" '"' (The in across. of this order of magnitude.) results as classical physics in the limit of large that, as » 'Hie general formula for the nth Davisson-Germer experiment discussed According to the correspondence principle, quantum theory should give the same n X 5.57 is Find the lowest energy of a neutron confined to a size of 4. - and « a are arbitrary coastants for instance in the needed for ^„ to meet the normalization condition is a, is consists of a polynomial ll (ij) n or even powers of y, the exponential factor e _,, /2 odd which accord with the empirical observation of the interference of dc Broglie waves, —* n and x + dx oo, the probability of finding a particle is independent of x, which is quantum numlsers. Show trapped in a irox Iwtween the classical expectation. is 5. Find the zero-point 6. An in pendulum whose period electron volts of a important property of the eigenfunctions of a system ttrthogpnal to is I s. that they are is one another, which means that Table 5.1. SOME HERMITE POLYNOMIALS. f "M W m dV = Q n*m K, Verify this relationship for the eigenfunelions of a particle in a onc-dimcnsional 1 3 1 Sjc 4 168 1 % 3 V-- 2 S 1 lBy* 32y s THE ATOM - 2 5 12y 7 - 4%> leOy3 + 12 + 120y 9 a &> y» y> w» w» "&h* box with the help of the relationship *7. Show that the expectation values sin = <T> and {e < energies of a harmonic oscillator are given by in the Mow n = docs state. (This this result is true for all states compare with the iB — e"'*)/2t. V) of <T) the kinetic and potential = (V) = /2 when l£t) of a harmonic oscillator, in classical values of 1* it is fact.) and V? QUANTUM MECHANICS 169 '8. ' Use the fact that « Ecj. 5.50 arc 9, Show all > E (since > (!) zero for negative values of that the first to show that the coefficients ,\„ of n. three harmonic-oscillator wave functions are normalized solutions of Sehrodinger's equation. 10. According to elementary oscillator of mass in, classical physics, the total frequency v, and amplitude A is energy of a harmonic- 2^-A'J f'-m. Use the un- certainty principle to verify that the lowest possible energy of the oscillator lw/2 by assuming that Ax 1 1 Which of the wave = is A. functions shown in Fig. 5- 1 1 might conceivably have physical significance? FIGURE 5-11 170 THE ATOM (Continued) QUANTUM MECHANICS 171 QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 6 The quantum-mechanical theory of the atom, which was developed shortly after the formulation of quantum mechanics itself, represents an epochal contribution to our knowledge of the physical universe. Besides revolutionizing our approach to atomic phenomena, related matters as this theory has how atoms made interact with it possible for us to understand such one another the origin of the periodic table of the elements, to form stable molecules, and why solids arc endowed with their characteristic electrical, magnetic, and mechanical properties, topics we on the quantum theory of the results 6.1 V may be interpreted in terms of familiar concepts. SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION FOR THE HYDROGEN ATOM hydrogen atom consists of a proton, a particle of electric charge —e which electron, a particle of charge For the sake of convenience vve the electron moving about proton's electric is Is shall consider the in its vicinity proton to lie stationary, with hut prevented from escaping by the simply a matte* of replacing the electron mass must use for the hydrogen atom, 6.2 and an (As in the Bohr theory, the correction for proton motion field. d^d. d% 2»i ox* r)j/- dz* nl V here is m liii by the reduced mass net is ions, which is in'.} what we is r^ potential energy + e. 1,836 limes lighter than the proton. Schrodinger's equation for the electron in three The all moment we shall concentrate hydrogen atom and how its lormal mathematical For the shall explore in later chapters. the electrostatic potential energy V= 4*V of a charge —e when it is the distance r from another charge +e. 173 Since V is a function of r rather than of r, y, z, we cannot substitute Eq. 6,2 There are two alternatives: we can express V in terms of the cartesian coordinates x, y, z by replacing r by y/x2 + 2 + z 2 or we can y On directly into Eq. 6.1. , express Schrodinger's equation in terms of the spherical polar coordinates r. S, defined in Fig, 6-1. As it happens, owing to the symmetry of the physical <> situation, The doing the latter makes the problem considerably easier spherical polar coordinates r. 0, ^ of the point !' shown to solve. in Fig. 6-1 whose center the surface of a sphere O, lines of constant zenith angle at is we are like parallels of latitude on a globe (but a point not the is same as the latitude of the equator = latitude; its 6°), is and note that the value of lines of constant meridians of longitude (here the definitions coincide +z taken as the have axis and the +.v of 90° at the equator, for instance, hut axis is at = <p azimuth angle if arc like <> the axis of the globe is 0°). becomes In spherical polar coordinates Schrodinger's equation the following interpretation: r (i = length of radius vector from = Vx 2 + if + z 2 = angle between radius vector = zenith angle origin O to point P 1 - 6.3 r 2 dr\ drf i s,n r-'-sinW —r +z axis r l cos" V^ + c> = y 2 + Spherical z2 2 sin = azimuth angle = tan -1 equation by r 2 sin 2 we tf, 2 vw- = o ft /y V and multiplying the entire obtain polar angle I>etween the projection of the radius vector in the xy plane and the + x axis, measured in the direction dU 2m E + <V -zr( I and Substituting Eq. 6.2 for the potential energy = I coordinates sin 6.4 2mr 2 S m 2 & f_e*_ shown H- Equation 6.4 -2- is \4<ne t) r + A, ^ Q Hydroger> atom / the partial differential equation for the wave function tf< of the electron in a hydrogen atom. TogeUier with the various conditions ^ must obey, as discussed in Chap. 5 (for instance, that ^ have just one value at each point r, 0, tj>), this what to see just When equation completely specifies the behavior of the electron. In order Eq. 6.4 this is behavior solved, it to describe the electron in is, we must solve Eq. 6.4 for ^. quantum numbers are required a hydrogen atom, in place of the single quantum I urns out that three number of the Bohr theory. (In the next chapter we shall find that a fourth quantum numlwr is needed to describe the spin of the electron.) In the Bohr RGUHE 6-1 Spherical polar coordinate!. model, the electron's motion that varies as *-y it moves THE ATOM one quantum number enough to specify the state of a particle in a one-dimensional l>ox. A particle in a three-dimensional box needs three x, y, now quantum numbers for its there are three sets of boundary conditions that the wave function i£ must obey: ^ mast to at the walls of the box in and z directions independently. In a hydrogen atom the electron's is restricted by the inverse-square electric field of by the walls of a box, but nevertheless the electron dimensions, and govern 174 One quantum number just as is motion <f> such an electron, to specify the state of the r basically one-dimensional, since the only quantity position in a definite orbit. enough particle's — s'm$cos<t> U — r sin & sin ~ — TCOS$ is is description, since i is its its wave it is is of the nucleus instead free to move in three accordingly not surprising that three quantum numbers function also. QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 175 } The three quantum numbers revealed by the solution of Eq. 6.4, together with their possible values, are as follows: Principal — Orbital =s f quantum number quantum number Magnetic quantum niimlier The = r» = 1, 2, 3, . . = n ±1, ±2, 0, . — . . , 3rV R 1 virtue of writing Schrodinger's equation in spherical polar coordinates for procedure is thai in this is to look for solutions in form it may be which the wave function form of a product of three different functions: 8(0), which depends we assume 6.5 The third term of Eq. 6.6 terms are functions of readily separated upon alone; and <1>(0), is a function of azimuth angle and 6 only. l>cl +) = dr\ dcscriljes The dr) how the 6.8 , ,,\ <£ _ n f only, while the other + 8 how i£ varies with zenith angle the nucleus, with r and with azimudi angle <J> tj> constant. and $ of the electron varies along constant. The The function 4>(<£} constant. $ = R8# write W R r2 m, 2 for the dR\, dr / dr \ more simply as V +h ) | 9^ ~*"3^ ~ am equal to the same constant, As we shall see, it is convenient is therefore ' sulwtitute ±±( 6.9 e2 \4frf. r right hand side of Eq. 6.7, divide die entire equation by sin 2 0, and rearrange the various terms, W Um 2 2 find dmt A /_e _ ft wc nr 1 function H(fl) 1 describes how i/> sin a varies at the nucleus, with Again we have call 1(1 + 1), ff 8sin0 90 H£) an equation in which different variables appear on each side, we shall once more 8 same constant. This constant for reasoas that will Ix: apparent later. The equal ions and R are therefore 6.10 sin 3r dr 7)0 80 8siuffd» Filiations 6.8, 6.10, 6,1? dt* 2 6.11 d a* 2 THE ATOM 2 for the functions see that / 2 differential equation for the function 4> reqiu'ring that Ixith sides Ix: equal to the we may 2mr2 sin* along a meridian on a sphere centered along a parallel on a sphere centered Eq. 6.5, which 30 } 30 l - m2 " * * which depends upon $ alone. That function . <*** 1 r alone; Hydrogen atom wave function wave m, 2 The to call this constant ^(r, 6, £) has the which depends upon R(r), /l(r)8(tf )*(<*.) function R(r) describes From e2 / We t 2 us rearrange Eq. 6.6 to read Thix equation can Ik correct only if both sides of it When we a radius vector from the nucleus, with 176 r ft since they are functions of different variables. that flr, 8, and 2mr z sin z g * 3^ + into three independent equations, each involving only a single coordinate. The BB + J_ * + momentum. the problem of the hydrogen atom we W\ SEPARATION OF VARIABLES The r 8 a2 R *6.2 hydrogen and the magnetic quantum number m, governs die direction of the nucleus, at + ±( quantum number n governs the total energy of the electron, and corresponds to the quantum number n of the Bohr theory. The orbital quantum number J governs the magnitude of the electron's angular momentum about the is, dr/ principal angular for the . = 0, 1, 2 m, ilence, when we substitute flQG for ^ in Schrodinger's equation atom and divide the entire equation by H8<!>, we find thai * and 6.11 arc usually wrillen 2 d4> 2 + m, 2^ a QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 177 Hence meridian plane. 6.13 Mil'/ must it true that *(£) l>e = + <l>(£ 2-a), or ,lil = Ae ,m Ae im t* ( 'lW" ' aT, 6.14 which can only happen when Each of these We variable. equation for is an ordinary differential equation for a single function of a single have therefore accomplished our task of simplifying Schrodinger's the hydrogen atom, which began as a partial differential equation for a function i£ ±3, . . .). The constant wi ( in, is or a positive or negative integer (±1, is known as the hydrogen atom. The equation 6.13 for differential Ixgmdre purpose, the important thing about these functions the constant QUANTUM NUMBERS '6.3 The first of the alwve equations, Eq. 6.15 where <t>($) A m,. = ft 12. is wave space. the constant of integration. function iff-musl olie\ From Fig. 6-2 = Nil 0, 1 We have already stated that one of the conditions a wave function— and hence *, which is a component of the complete is it is is that it evident that have a single $ and tj> + value at a given point in 2tt lx>th identify the same The constant I The solution only when £ where n and $. + known of the as the orbital is bound form in the quantum number. is of the fi(r) also complicated, l>eing in terms of poly- ,__ me* an integer. We one of the negative values En (signifying that atom) specified by to the (±\ recognize that this 2v. is precisely the same formula for both identify the Another condition that must be obeyed as the principal in quantum number, must may be order to solve Eq, 6,14 l>e ,(n- Hence we may tabulate the three is that n, equal to or greater than expressed as a condition on i=0, 1.2 / in the I + 1 form 1} quantum numbers n, /, and m together with their permissible values as follows: n 6.17 / m. It is = = 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, . . . 2 (n =0, ±1, ±2, worth noting again how - 1} inevitably Principal quantum number Orbital quantum number Magnetic quantum number :J quantum numbers appear mechanical theories of particles trapped THE ATOM ; equation, Eq. 6.14, for the radial part final positive or has is is This requirement 178 m the energy levels of the hydrogen atom that Bohr obtained known *-y absolute value of nomials called the associated Laguerre functioiu. Equation 6.14 can be solved 6.1S ?. is when that they exist only m,\, the ±1, ±2, .... ±t hydrogen-atom wave function ^ the electron FIGURE 5-2 The angles same meridian plane. is This requirement can be expressed as a condition on readily solved, with the result Ae*'"'" functions. For our present an integer equal to or greater than / is complicated solution in 0(ff) has a rather terms of polynomials called the associated of three variables. ±2, magnetic quantum number of the in quantum- in a particular region of space. QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 179 To exhibit ihc we may m, dependence of H, B, and write for the electron upon wave Function <l> the quantum numbers >i, I, 4 to n 6.18 * The wave and 2. = WlmPm, I functions H, W, and <J> together with \l are given in Table 6. 1 for n = + 8 L <*> 1 I 3. S I* I PRINCIPAL 6.4 T i QUANTUM NUMBER a ° s*^^*- k == M i interesting to consider the interpretation of the It is numbers in Chap. 4, in terms of the classical model of the atom. This model, as we saw corresponds exactly to planetary motion in the solar svstetn except that the inverse-square force M hydrogen-atom quantum holding the electron to the nucleus ft I S a" 5. — <1 M s M -.' na "c ™0 A- i- 1$ •$ L* oe 5 -= - 4 j CO 3 is electrical f Two quantities :ire conserved— \h&t is, maintain a rimes— in planetary motion, as Newton was able to slum rather than gravitational. constant value at Iron all t Kepler's three empirical laws. These are the scalar total energy and the vector angular momentum of each planet. < i SasstcaBy the total energy can have any value whatever, but it must, of course, if the planet is to be trapped permanently in the solar system. In be negative the quantum-mechanical theory of the hydrogen also a constant, but while may have any ettetg) is c i it can have are »»<•' *„ = positive value whatever, the only .specified by the formula total H * (J_\ a it yields quantum number an energy worked out from Schrocliu^i's restriction identical in form. » fur any of the planets turns out to be so the separation of permitted energy levels is far too small to immense that be observable. For reason classical physics provides an adequate description of planetary motion hut fails within the atom. The quantization of electron energy in the hydrogen atom scribed by the principal quantum number n, \is (6.14) 180 THE ATOM a * * differential j H - H s 3 is quantum nmnber o* ^ a k i« IS l» M « ee 3 is ce a •I 1 therefore de- B I a -I ? -i^ ?|- ^I« -\% "?i« ?|- ^h ?r _b _i^ ^ii| i I / * BS o i QUANTUM NUMBER Interpretation of the orbital examine the _ ^ 1a =i- o 2- The ^ ; mi UJ ORBITAL : However, the this 6.5 - a of planetary motion can also be equation, and I* # > ? „ M 1 The theory § i 1 w & VI negative vaJues (6.16) it atom the electron II a bit less obvious. Let equation for the radial part R{r) of the wave function i*„L|«i|«|i| -i| ^1' t _i|„ 3 p o z 2 o o H(*%hm&+*hm*-< MoJiMe-tnpjKesrt 'i This equation (hat is, its solely is concerned with the radial aspect of the electron's motion, motion toward or away from the nucleus; yet of E, the total electron energy, in it. The total kinetic energy of orbital motion, which should energy /-; we notice the presence includes the electron's have nothing l2 to do with its radial m(i + i) 2nir- or 6.21 = /. V/(/ + Electron angular 1) ft momentum motion. may he removed by the following argument. The kinetic two parts, TraliiHi due to its motion toward or away and TnrMM due to its motion around the nucleus. The potential Our This contradiction energy '/' of the electron has from the nucleus, V energy the electrostatic energy is Kq. 6.21. **W the total energy of the electron T + Ttitiilial = Zradial + T„nrliifjil radii nl = In the ont, last we E in 2m / ,,dfi\ two terms shall in have what we Eq. 6,14 we obtain, after a slight rearrangement. r H 2 lll + 1)1 momentum + r exclusively. We is to is I /, of the electron we may = « B»art*w' write for the orbital kinetic energy L t? 2mn 2,6 I — = is his 0, 182 THE ATOM that the separation into angular- discrete whose orbital quantum number is 2 has x l)ft" M J-s 10 p to = / (I 1 2 s p d momentum of the earth is 2.7 by a states x l() letter, ,0 J-sl with s corre- and so on according to the following scheme: 1, 3 f I 5 6, g h i. Angular-momentum states peculiar code originated in the empirical classification of spectra into series and fundamental which occurred before the theory of the atom was developed. Thus an momentum, momentum a p slate has the angular The combination of the total momentum atomic In this notation a state in slates. n state is one with no angular \/2«~, etc. quantum number with the orbital angular letter that represents provides a convenient and widely used notation for winch n = 2, I = is which n = 4, / = 2 is a 4d state. Table designations of atomic states in hydrogen through n = 6, / = 5. example, and one Hence, from Eq. 6.20, by quoit- experimentally observed. For example, an electron lie called sharp, principal, diffuse, L and momentum. customary to specify aiigular-inomeutum /a wll; "orbllal momentum specified ;i so large cannot contrast the orbital angular sponding energy of the electron /- 10- 'J-s X 1.054 = \/2(2+ s \/6ft = I Since the angular momenta hoth conserved I) 2mr- — is therefore require that ll is 'orbital momentum momentum want: a differential equation for H(r) that involves 6.20 orbital kinetic = matter, any other body) lot that (he angular B) H*K1 /i/2w tiiouieiiliiiu slates the square brackets of this equation cancel each other functions of the radius vector The 1) macroscopic planetary motion, once again, the quantum number describing L If - (n thus the natural unit of angular or, d 1,2 + v angular Inserting this expression for / The quantity is is 1 0. Like total energy K, angular ft B» quantum number that, since the orbital is the electron can have only those particular angular — tizetl. Hence = I of the electron V= interpretation of this result restricted to the values is in a 2s slate, for b'.2 gives the QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 183 Table 6.2. THE SYMBOLIC DESIGNATION OF ATOMIC STATES IN the direction of HYDROGEN. L This phenomenon i ( p = 1 = / ii 1 J = I U3 2 1 I* 2 2j %, Fl 3 3* ii =- 4 U Si 3p «d Hd •/ = S n = 8 * * 5/ % Si 6p ad 6/ (i- n n 6.6 = (" If 9 of = = = n /i 4 ; L we direction L, = The possible values of m, for a given value of in to describe it eh autiparallel to B, since completely requires that magnitude. (The vector L, we recall, which the rotational motion lakes place, and its is ils a minute current loop and lias Hence an atomic electron that is with an external magnetic field B, a +/ through to sense is /. The space quantization is shown ; is always smaller than the magnitude to the magnetic + 1 ) ft of in Fig. 6-4. We of the orbital angular momentum of the hydrogen atom must regard an atom characterized by a certain value plane given bv the right-hand field like that possesses angular \/i{l direction be specified perpendicular when the fingers of the right hand point in the direction or the motion, die thumb is in the direction of L. This rule is illustrated in Fig. 6-3.) What possible significance can a direction in space have for a hydrogen atom? The answer becomes clear when we reflect that an electron revolving about a dipole. range from momentum. FIGURE 6-4 rule: nucleus / /, The orbital quantum number / determines the magnitude of the electron's angular momentum. Angular momentum, however, like linear momentum, is a vector and so Space quantization m,fi — so that the number of possible orientations of the angular-momentum vector L in a magnetic field is 2/ + I. When / = 0, L. can have only the single value of (1; when / = I, /„. may be ii, 0, or — ft; when / = 2, Lt may lie 2ft, ft, 0, —ft, or — 2ft; and so on. We note that L can never be aligned exactly parallel or the total angular as well as its component is .V MAGNETIC QUANTUM NUMBER quantity, in the field direction. often referred to as space quantization. the magnetic-field direction be parallel to the ; axis, the let in this 6,22 by determining the component of L is Space quantization of orbital angular momentum. of a magnetic momentum The magnetic quantum number m interacts t f =2 specifies fl. thumb in direction of momentum FIGURE 6-3 The right-hand lor angular momentum. angular* vector lule = Veft hand in direction of rotational motion fingers of right 184 THE ATOM QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 185 of jii, as standing ready to L relative to assume a certain orientation of an external magnetic the event field in In the absence of an external magnetic Hence entirely arbitrary. direction we choose is m,ti; field, it angular its finds itself in momentum such a field. the direction of the t axis is must be true that the component of L in any the significance of an external magnetic field is that it provides an experimentally meaningful reference direction. A magnetic field is not the only such reference direction possible. For example, the line between the two IT atoms in the hydrogen molecule H, is just as experimentally meanit ingful as the direction of a momenta of the angular U by is magnetic L can never point out a cone in space such that phenomenon and L„ j»s is t>e in electron \s the xy plane at if is impossible since in reality only one definite values any L were all momentum component which of coarse in and |£| if it /. is ; if m,H. L were The > |L_|, r^y reason for the latter fixed in space, so that to l>e part of a L the electron lie Lt 1=2 confined to a This can occur only p. in the r direction component Lt of m, values. closely related is the z direction, the electron would in times (Fig, 6-5«). is is (he hydrogen atom. However, together with is if infinitely uncertain, its magnitude 6-5/)), The The uncertainty principal prohibit* the I. is a built-in uncertainty, as it were, L is constantly changing, as Lt and Ly are 0, although Ls always in the electron's in Fig. 6-fl, and z coordinate. so the average has the specific value mfl. L have not limited to a single plane angular-momentum vector and there direction of values of Fig. 6.7 FIGURE 6-5 axis. components specific direction z but instead traces had definite values, (he electron would For instance, definite plane. have to Lt their quantized? The answer projection its by L the uncertainty principle: well as this line the of the IT atoms are determined only one component of to the fact that and along field, The angular-momentum vector L FIGURE 6 6 processes constantly about the a from having a definite direction in space. In THE NORMAL ZEEMAN EFFECT an external magnetic Vm energy that depends and the orientation of The torque t t = field B, upon this a magnetic dipole has an amount of potential lioth the moment with on a magnetic dipole magnitude /i of its magnetic moment respect to the field (Fig. 6-7). in a magnetic field of flux density B is fiB sin L = VW + l)fi FIGURE 6 7 moment at the angle r. A magnetic a magnetic held dipole of relative to li QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 187 where is dipole to To it. the angle between perpendicular to the is p and B. The torque and zero when field, calculate the potential energy Vm we , it must maximum when is a is parallel or antiparallcl first the that establish a reference Vm is zero by definition. (Since only clianges in potential energy are ever experimentally observed, the choice of a reference configuration configuration at which is arbitrary.) It is The work to lire externa! Vm = convenient to set perpendicular to B. — when 90°, that when is, potential energy at any other orientation of must be done to rotate the dipole from that ihe angle 6 characterizing that orientation. ll, L is in the opposite direction to While the alwve expression for the magnetic moment of an orbital electron has been obtained by a classical calculation, quantum mechanics yields the same result. The magnetic potential energy of an atom in a magnetic field is therefore ,i u, is fe)'B 6 25 equal ji is - y cos 90° to which Hence is From a function of l>oth we Fig. 6-5 B and 9. see that the angle 9 Iietwcen L and the z direction can have only the values specified by the relation cosfl 8 sin = — //Bcosff 6.23 When This fi is itself points in the while the permitted values of same direction as B, then, V,,, = -fiB, its minimum with an external magnetic its respect to the field determine the extent of the magnetic contribution to the energy of the atom when total of a current loop 6.26 it a magnetic is in The magnetic moment field. v - —<£)> where icv , i in is .1 = iA the current fi The linear and A the area is ~e), and its r Is it An encloses. magnetic moment is fa a Magnetic electron which makes ) equivalent to a correal of m since me Bohr magneton; v of the electron is 2WIT, and so angular its momentum is up J**ral Hw» upon that of 0. into several subslates more or 9 27 x M 10 I/tesla when the A state of total atom is in a slightly less than the depends upon quantum number magnetic field, and energy of the state in ''"to This phenomenon leads to a "splitting" of individual separate lines when atoms radiate in a magnetic field, with of spectral lines by a magnetic 2w in t'f2 the formulas for magnetic moment — te> (i and angular momentum L Electron magnetic an orbital electron. The quantity mass of ihe electron only, 188 is then, the energy of a particular atomic state Zeeman, who first field is observed confirmation of space quantization; called the it it is in 1896. is called its {— e/2m), which gymmagnetiv moment involves the charge and ratio. The minus sign means Zm««„ field. The splitting rffhi alter the Dutch The Zeeman effect further discussed in Chap. shows that for value he spacing of the lines dependent upon the magnitude of the physicist 6.24 its tbe absence of the field. L = mcr Comparing field, their energies are slightly I = called the the value of m, as well as u breaks therefore = — evzr* speed is (T). circular nihil of radius electronic charge Magnetic energy is The quantity cti/2m /t are specified by To find the magnetic energy that an atom of magnetic quantum number m, has when it is in a magnetic field B, we insert the above expressions for cos0 and L in Eq. 6.25, which yields field. moment of the orbital electron in a hydrogen atom depends momentum L, both the magnitude of I- and its orientation with angular £i value. a natural consequence of the fact that a magnetic dipole tends to align Since the magnetic upon = dll is a vivid 7. 68 ELECTRON PROBABILITY DENSITY In Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom the electron is visualized as revolving around the nucleus in a circular path. This model is pictured in a spherical polar "ordinate system in Fig, 6-8. We see it implies that, if a suitable experiment THE ATOM QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 189 how ^ describes varies with probability density Bohr electron l+l where orbit = a 6.27 product of it lading about the FIGURE The Bohr model of the hydrogen 5-8 in a The spherical polar coordinate system. r z its probability density at all. of the hydrogen * °"> (J> This imprecision nature of the electron. Second, around die nucleus is in electron wave of course, a consequence of the wave we cannot even think of the electron as moving any conventional sense since the probability density independent of lime and The is, R — of the 2 l^l , wave describes dV there is function \p in a hydrogen atom is the orbital and total and so that, since from the nucleus how tf. *= 190 THE ATOM symmetrical as at another. ci '!>, not only varies with R versus r for while R it is Is, 2,s\ maximum a is zero at r = 2w, 3«, 3p, and 3d = 0— that at at r is, for states that possess of the electron at the point it r, 0, £ proportional to is in the infinitesimal volume element in spherical polar coordinates hydrogen atom somewhere between r and r + dr is 2:7 r2 | R \*dr f |0| 2 sin d0 f |<l> »d$ = quantum numbers have is r 2 R\-dr plotted in Fig. 6-10 for the same states whose radial functions curves are quite different as a in Fig. 6-9; the P is not a maximum at the maximum at a finite distance from We rule. immediately that nucleus for s states, as R but has it. its note itself Interestingly enough, the is, most I; probable value of r for a la electron varies with $ / is are normalized functions, the actual numerical probability <l» IWdr = electron have the values density so that the electron has it is in, function, in contrast to Evidently F[r)dr of finding the electron in a Bohr model. state electron in the describes a constant that does is <£, = r'^mOdrdOd^ </V R were shown when a measure of the likelihood given by (r) varies with r the values n and Now Ivf-j^jV. Equation 6.28 how $ state one angle but the actual probability of finding vary considerably from place to place. where = R ol at for all * states, itself 6.28 R quantum W? may is by the a complex quantity. is a different way for each combination of quantum numliers n in momentum. The pwlmhiiity density atom modifies the straightforward First, no definite values for r, 0, or S'ven, but only the relative probabilities for finding the electron at ,le various locations. The angular (where n prediction of the Bohr model in two ways. which |'l'|-, Figure 6-9 contains graphs of the nucleus is »»,. to l>e replaced is the function if Hence the electron's probability slaues of the hydrogen atom. The quantum toeory quantum number written lie electron at a particular azimuth angle radial part /. the magnetic complex conjugate axis regardless of the but does so and were performed, the electron would always be found a distance of r = n'an is the quantum number of the orbit and a,, = 0.53 A is the radius of the innermost orbit) from the nucleus and in the equatorial plane = 90°, while its azimuth angle £ changes with time. when therefore same chance of being found the atom lln-' depend upon not <J> may \Rf\&f\< and The a/imulhal i)l 2 understood that the square of any function is it |i£>| and m,; and 'KW when the magnetic and orbital quantum numbers are the is I.5« same in , is exactly «„, the orbital radios of a ground- However, die average value of which seems puzzling at first sight because the r for a Is - energy levels both the quanlum-mechanical and Bohr atomic models. This apparent discrepancy is removed when we depends upon 1/r rather than upon value of 1/r for a l.s electron is recall that r directly, and, as it the electron energy happens, the average exactly l/a^. QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 191 densities as functions of r plotted is picture of lufrj*, 2 l^l When axis. 2 not is l^f and B are shown Since dV.) 2 \$>, for several this \ we many 1 1 2p lobe patterns manner which adjacent atoms in notion once more in Chap. in a molecule H. also reveals qaairttan-mecliardcai stales wftt a to those of the tribution for a The pronounced of the stales turn out to be significant in chemistry since shall refer to this study of Fig, 6 resemblance a three-dimensional done, the probability densities for s states are evidently is these patterns help determine the interact; <;>, obtained by rotating a particular representation about a vertical spherically symmetric, while others are not. characteristic of atomic states. (The quantity independent of is remaikable Bohr model. The electron probability-density state with in, = ±1, for instance, is like a doughnut dis- in the equatorial plane centered at the nucleus, and calculation shows the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus to Bohr orbit for 3d same for the states with m, a total lie 4%— precisely the radius of the quantum number. Similar correspondences ±2, if states with m, = ±3, and exist so on: in every case the angular momentum possible for that energy level, and in every case momentum vector as near the z axis as possible so that the probability density as close as possible lo the equatorial the highest angular lx: plain- 1'hus [he Hohi model predicts the most probable location of the electron in one of the several possible states in each energy level. FIGURE 6-10 The probability of finding •>• from the nucleus for tween r and r 5"n the electron the quantum in a hydrogen atom a distance be- at states of Fig. 6-9. 15h„ 10«o FIGURE 6-9 The variation with distance from trie nucleus or ihe radial part of electron wave function In hydrogen tor various quantum states. The quantity « = IP fme' = 0.S3 A is the radius of the first Bohr orbit. the r. The function except is I = m, a constant = <% varies with zenith angle (), which are a in fact), stales. which means electron probability density \ip\ 2 for all quantum numbers The probability that, since . and m, density |9j* for an s state |<t>| 2 is also a constant, the has the same value at a given r in all directions. Electrons in other states, however, do have angular preferences, sometimes quite complicated ones. This can be seen in Fig. 6-11, in which electron probability 192 5u n 10u n 15d 20.i ( , 25,.,, THE ATOM QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 193 FIGURE 6-11 Photographic represent a lion of the electron probability density distribution \i - for several energy stares- These man be regarded as sectional views of the distributions in a plane containing the polar aiis. which is vertical and in the plane of the paper. The scale varies from figure to figure. M t » .. • t m = ±3 6.9 RADIATIVE TRANSITIONS bfcnpahtfag his We theory of the hydrogen atom, Bohr was obliged to postulate art' now state when, at nhflflghtg Inuii dih- Let ns formulate a definite problem: an atom — ( 0, an excitation process of some kind atom emits enefgy ground in its is beam (a with other particles) begins to act upon say, or collisions find that the coruddM an rlcrlnin n. a position to state to another. of radiation, Subsequently it. radiation corresponding to a transition we from an excited energy li. m to the ground state, and we conclude that at some time during the intervening period the atom existed in the state hi. What is the frequency state of of the radiation? The wave + function of an electron capable of existing in states n or m may be written - n^a, "" b constant in time doe, not radiate, whil, if it ve relative to the nucleus oscillates, electromagnetic wave* „,- recjuency the is j. a, that of the oscillation" component of electron motion The tune-dependent wave the For ^^StjX ^ ()f an e]eclr0]1 n the product of a time-independent *„ and a hme-varying function whose frequency is U) „b er n and energy ^ wham a*a b*b , is wav Z = 1. At I ft+ m the probability that the electron is probability that i„ the , direction only fiction + = «+„ + 633 cmiL w = in state is it 0, o = excited state, a — 1 is — and b and b While the electron m. Of course, = n and b*h the when = the electron and 1 // = it is + in the once more. is no radiation, but when it is in the when both a and b have uonvanishinu produced. Substituting the composite wave we obtain for the average electron position n (that rn to /-:. electromagnetic waves are function of Eq. 6.33 into Eq. 6.31, Hence by hypothesis; and ultimately a 1; state in is must always be true that a*a in eitiier state, there midst of the tratisiliun from values), it is, % = l^C^.'*" 6.29 and 6.30 +; The average v, = 6.34 ,£«.+(«,,/»» position of such an electron the expectation value (Sec. 5.4) of is namely. i Here, as before, we let a* a = constants, according to Eq. 6.32, ones capable of contributing 1 a' and b*b and to a wave <*> = functions of Eqs. 6.29 and 6.30, J x^^eiHVitl-HE./AHi 6.35 <*> = «a winch * comta* The dec ron does not in time since *„ and mechanics predicts that tins 196 agrees THE ATOM wdh oscillate, „ atom « dx are, ,) The + first and last integrals are and third integrals are the only time variation in (x). we may expand * j x^„ dx + b*af" x^;e In ibe case of a finite only. b2 so the second Willi the help of Eqs. 6.29 to 6.31 Inserting the = a'bf x4%****</ mi bound system of two 4f +t Eq. 6.34 to obtain »V' ,1 V J1 <r (,fi" / jr**J**tk + b z i states, which is what '11 ' f* dx x^m dx we have here, by definition, functions of position and no radiation occur, This in a specific quantum state docs observation, though not with classical physics "2 q!,,,,,,, „t and so we can combine the time-varying terms of Eq. 6.35 into the single term —» QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 197 1 Now *"+£-'*= 2 OOSl9 ' Hence Eq. 6.36 simplifies to —x proportional to it. Transitions not be zero, since the intensity of the radiation is Iramilions, while those for allowed for which this integral is finite are called which it is zero are called forfridden &mwi*fon#, In the case of the which contains the time- varying factor The the initial and and magnetic quantum numbers of die the V a hill final slate are n, z coordinate, the E — ±» F -iS m„ /, are n', V, m't respectively and the coordinate u represents either condition for an allowed transition is ^V, m ( >* ° example, the radiation referred to is that which would axis. Since the he produced by an ordinary dipole antenna lying along the x can be evalu6.39 known, Eq. are atom hydrogen for the wave functions'^ When expression for <x), the average position of the electron, «sS,,,.„, J* is u is taken as ii = i ated for <*>=^J xW»dx+b*fxrm t m dx 6.38 and 6.39 h and the x, y, initial state cos 2irvt electron's position therefore oscillates sinu.snidally at the frequency 6.37 to specify total, orbital, final stales involved in a radiative transition. If the and those of the = hydrogen atom, three quantum numbers are needed a x, .t, for mi = tj, and u = z for more pairs of states differing in one or all found that the only transitions that quantum numbers. When this is done, changes by + can occur are those in which the orbital quantum number or changes by change not - 1 and the magnetic quantum number m, does it is i + 2«*fc cos %m [ x^„, dx -1; or When die electron ¥ state n or state m. the probabilities or o» respecand the expectation value of the electron's position is constant the electron is undergoing a transition between these states, its position is in tively are zero, When in other words, the condition for 6.40 A/ 6.4i Am, an allowed transition is I or + 1 that = ±1 Selection rules — (1, ±1 oscillates with the frequency r. This frequency is identical with that postulated by Bohr and verified by experiment, and. as we have seen. Eq H.37 car, be derived using quantum mechanics without making any special assumptions. II is interesting to note that the frequency of the radiation as the beats we might existed in both the n tively EJh imagine and and EJh. m to l>e slates, produced whose if is The change in total quantiun number n is not restricted. Equations 6.4 are known as the selection rute.s for allowed transitions. characteristic frequencies are respec- let a us refer again to Fig. 6-11. There 2p state to a we sec thai, for instance, a transition U state involves a change from one behaves like another such that the oscillating charge during the transitions 2s state to from a transition a an electric dipole antenna. On the other hand, SELECTION RULES l.v change from a spherically symmetric probability-density another spherically symmetric distribution, which means thai the state involves a distribution to oscillations that take place are like those of a It was not necessary for us to know the values of the probabilities a factions of time, nor the electron wave functions fc, and imne v. We must know these quantities, however, if we likelihood for a given transition to occur. an atom in an excited state 198 THE ATOM from probability-density distribution to a 6.10 and selection rules, In order to get an intuitive idea of the physical basis for these the same frecmency the electron simultaneously 6.40 to radiate is * and b wish to compute the The general condition necessary that the integral as in order to deter- for expands and contracts. Oscillations of this charged sphere kind do thai alternately not lead to the radiation of rk'ctroniagnetic waves. The selection rule requiring that / change by ±1 if an atom an emitted photon carries off angular momentum between the angular momenta of the atom's initial and final lhat is to radiate means equal to the difference states. The classical QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 199 analog of a photon with angular momentum inagneric wave, so that this notion The preceding analysis is is atom is based on a mixture seen, the expectation value of the position of an atomic electron oscillates at the frequency << of Eq. 6.37 while passing from an initial eigenstate to another one of lower energy. Classically such an oscillating charge gives rise to electromagnetic waves of the same frequency and indeed v, the observed radiation has this frequency. hydrogen atom between rand that P dr has not unique with <|iianlum theory. of radiative transitions in an and quantum concepts. As we have of classical a circularly polarized elect ro- However, concepts are not always reliable guides to atomic processes, and a deeper treatment is required. Such a treatment, called quantum rkctrodtjnamics. modifies the preceding picture by showing that a single photon of energy ht> is emitted during the transition from state m to state n instead of eleetric-dipole values of r at The wave 6. r + drhom the nucleus which these P dr is value for a Is electron at maxima = r s r'^RJ" dr. Verify aa the Bohr radius. , Find the for a 2s electron. occur. function for a hydrogen atom in a with direction state varies 2p with distance from the nucleus. In the case of a 2u electron for which where does P have its maximum in the % direction? In the xy plane? as well as m = 0, , The 7. probability of finding an atomic electron outside a sphere of radius is Il(r) radiation which would be the maximum According to Fig. 6-10, Pdr has two maxima 5. classical in all directions except that of the electron's motion, its f r„ whose wave radial centered on the nucleus function is |fl(r)|V(/r classical prediction. The wave function R (r) of Prob, 3 corresponds to the groiuid state of a hydrogen state, atom, and «„ there is the radius of the Bohr orbit corresponding to that hydrogen in a electron ground-state (a) Calculate the probability of finding a 1(J quantum electrodynamics provides an explanation for the mechanism that causes the "'spontaneous" transition of an atom from one energy state to a lower one. All electric and magnetic fields turn out to fluctuate constantly In addition, E about the and B that fluctuations occur even classically, tions" E=B= and analogous oscillator) that 0. would be expected on purely when electromagnetic waves It is classical grounds. Such are absent diese fluctuations (often called and when, "vacuum fluctua- sense to the zero-point vibrations of a harmonic in a at a distance greater than «„ atom atom a ground-state hydrogen niergy. According to classical the distance 2a is from the nucleus, (b) 2«„ from the nucleus, When the electron in energy all its is potential physics, the electron therefore cannot ever exceed from the nucleus. Find the probability dial r > 2a for the electron in a ground-state hydrogen atom. induce the "spontaneous" emission of photons by atoms in exeited Unsold's theorem stales that, for any value of the orbital 8. states. L the probability densities = +/ m, summed over all possible states yield a constant independent of angles or tf>; quantum number from m, that — —/ to is, Problems 1. "2. Verify that Show Eq.t. 6.1 and V 6.3 are equivalent ]8p|«|>| 2 = constant that Ibis theorem means that every closed subshell \/io &sd0}^-~r-€iaj^9 - I) for 4 is a solution of Eq. 6.13 and that it is Show «iofo is a solution of 4, In Sec. 6.8 I an atomic electron = Im|. -r/a„ 3/2' 6.14 and that it is it is = 2 with the help of Table in p, d, and / a 6.1. L and the maximum value of Lt states. P in =s selection rule for transitions l>elween states in a ± 1 . (a) Justify this rule on of finding the electron for !>) .1 With 1. n the help of the = 2—» n = 1 wave harmonic classical grounds, (b) Verify wave functions that the transitions n = possible for a harmonic oscillator while n normalized. stated that the probability The 10. is 1 THE ATOM (),/=], and (Sec. 7.5) has Verify Unsold's theorem that ° 200 = / Find the percentage difference between 9. normalized. fur °3. atom or ion spherically symmetric distribution of electric charge. 1 -* n = 1 = -» n and n = 3 is oscillator from the relevant = 1 -» n = functions listed in Table 6.1 verify that 11 transitions in the 2 are prohibited. — ±1 hydrogen atom. QUANTUM THEORY OF THE HYDROGEN ATOM 201 MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 7 Despite the accuracy with which the quantum theory accounts for certain of and despite the elegance and the properties of the hydrogen atom, simplicity of this theory, it cannot approach a complete description of essential atom this or of other atoms without the further hypothesis of electron spin and the exclusion principle associated with principle it. In this chapter wc shall be introduced to the role atomic phenomena and to the reason why the exclusion of electron spin in the key to understanding the structures of complex atomic systems. is ELECTRON SPIN 7.1 Let us !>egin by citing two of the most conspicuous shortcomings of the theory developed in the The preceding chapter. first is spectral lines actually consist of two separate An example is which of this /me structure arises from transitions the first line of the between the n alums. Here the theoretical prediction while in reality there are two lines 1.4 = Maimer 3 and n = for a single line of is A the experi mental fact that apart many lines that are very close together. — a small series of hydrogen, 2 levels in hydrogen wavelength effect, fi.563 A, but a conspicuous failure for the theory. The second major discrepancy between the simple quantum theory of the atom in the Zceman effect. In Sec. 6.7 we saw that hydrogen atom of magnetic quantum number m, has the magnetic energy and the experimental data occurs ;i Vm = 7.1 when 21 -f I is is — it is 1 located in a magnetic field of Hux density B. values of split into 2/ in 1, m.—B a magnetic +1 through + 1 field. to — f, Now m, can have the quantum number energy by {cH/2m)B when the atom so a state of given orbital substates differing in However, because changes in m, are restricted to -im, a given spectral line that arises from a transition between two = 0, states of 203 only three components, as shown different / is Y.tnnun efftvt, then, consists into three split into in Fig. 7-1. The normal of the splitting of a spectral line of frequency no magnetic components whose frequencies are HUH s magnetic eh B 1 2m ° e h ° V 4wm Normal Zeeman 7.2 '* = "" + eH B I^T = While the normal Zeeman effect '° 4ffwi effect is indeed observed elements under certain circumstances, more often it is in the spectra of a not: four, six, few or even \ more components may appear, and even when three components are present their spacing are shown FIGURE may in Fig. not agree with Eq. 7.2. Several anomalous patterns FIGURE 7-2 magnetic Magnetic field field present no magnetic Reld magnetic field present expected splitting The normal and anomalous Zeeman effects — m,= m,= m,= = 2- pii/ K#> Zeeman Coudsmit and G. effect, S. A. the electron possesses an intrinsic angular ntf 1 expected splitting in various spectral lines. In an effort to account for Ixith fine structure in spectra! lines effect. lous No present field 7-2 together with the predictions of Eq. 7.2, The normal leeman 7>1 Zeeman field i> angular a momentum E. momentum this a certain magnetic 1 a classical picture of an electron as a charged sphere spinning i 2 hv + -?r\(*i+tf) -2n\ on in mind was The its axis. momentum, and because he electron is negatively moment u, opposite in direction to its angular The notion of electron spin proved to be successful in rotation involves angular charged, 1925 that momentum, angular moment. What GoudsmH and Uhlenbeck had l — in independent of any orbital might have and, associated with it and the anoma- Uhlenbeck proposed I has a magnetic it momentum vector L,. * hv a explaining not only line structure and the anomalous Zeeman effect but a wide variety of other atomic effects as well. (If course, the idea that electrons are spinning charged spheres is hardlv faj accord with quantum mechanics, but in 1928 Dirac was able to show on the m, = to, = m = ~I basis of a relalivistie quantum-theoretical treatment that particles having ibe charge and mass of the electron must have just the intrinsic 1 1= 1- angular momentum and magnetic moment attributed to them by Coudsmit and Uhlenbeck. ' t Am, = —1 Am — Ami = the electron. t ("°~4JFW v The quantum number S is used to describe the The only value a can have is s = %; 1 ("° + 4W Is gfoen in 204 THE ATOM Spectrum with magnetic 7.3 shall see The magnitude below, may = \A(* + momentum of this restriction follows from also lie obtained empirically from S of the angular terms of the spin quantum number S Spectrum without magnetic field we Dirac *s theory and, as spectral data. spin angular momentum due .v to electron spin by the formula \)H = -*—« field present MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 205 which the is momentum same formula in as that giving the magnitude L of the orbital angular M)iu magnetic terms of the orbital quantum number h 7 L= Vl(l + 1) + 1 momentum and m„ orientations in a magnetic field frotn vector can have the 2s = - \/2 (Fig, 7-1). %= 4 so that 'n„fr ft The space quantization of electron spin is described by the spin magnetic quantum number m„. Just as the orbital angular-momentum vector can have the 21 quantum numl)er, + I = The component St of an electron along a magnetic field in +1 to - /, the spin angular- 2 orientations specified by m, of the spin angular the z direction is = +% ratio characteristic of electron spin The gyromagnetic is almost exactly twice this ratio as equal that characteristic of electron orbital motion. Thus, taking related to its spin angular is to 2, the spin magnetic moment p,t of an electron momentum S by momentum determined by the 7.5 m The passible components any of ft along axis, say the a axis, are therefore limited to M„=^ 2m 7.6 recognize the quantity (eft/2m) as the Bohr magneton. Space quantization was first explicitly demonstrated by We W. Gertach m= They directed in 1921. through a set of collimating Vi A in Fig, 7-4. its Stern and inhomogeneous magnetic field, as shown beam after magnetic moment photographic plate recorded the configuration of the passage through the of a silver into an slits O. a Iream of neutral silver atoms from an oven atom is In field. its normal due to the spin of one of state, the entire its electrons. In a uniform magnetic such a dipole would merely experience a torque tending to align it with field. In an inhomogeneous field, however, each pole" of the dipole is subject field, * dm FIGURE 7-3 The two possibl* orienangular-momentum to , a force of different magnitude, and therefore there is a resultant force on tations of the spin vector. the dipole that varies orientations should in a with its be present broad trace on beam in m = — V4 7.2 The split into two field. distinct formed in by space quantization. SPIN-ORBIT COUPLING fine-structure doubling of spectral lines electrons. may be explained on the basis of momenta of atomic This spin-orbit coupling can be understood in terms of a straight- forward classical model. netic field because, in THE ATOM result tm-ivly Stem and Cerlaeh found, however, that the parts, corresponding to the two opposite spin I magnetic interaction between the spin and orbital angular 206 Classically, all a beam of atoms, which would orientations in the magnetic field that are permitted -Virt field. the photographic plate instead of the thin line the absence of any magnetic initial orientation relative to the its An electron revolving about a proton finds itself in a mag- own frame of reference, the proton is circling alxnit it. MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 207 quantum state (except 8 states) into two separate substates and, consequently, two component the splitting of every spectral line into assignment of s m % fine-structure doubling. The The what should fact that twin states imposes the condition that the St magnet pole spin angular-momentum vector S must + 2s To check whether the observed single states are in fact lie possible orientations of the 1 Hence total 2. fine structure in spectral lines we must compute obtain. field field A corresponds to the magnitude An the magnetic field experienced by an atomic electron. inhomogeii MBS magnetic + =2 1 the energy shifts predicted by Eq. 7.8, ** lines. the only one that conforms to the observed is estimate circular wire loop of radius r that carries the current i is B of easy to has a magnetic of (lux density field off fttrg 2r classical pattern An at its center. orbital electron, say in a hydrogen atom, "sees" by a proton of charge +e, /"times each second a resulting for itself circled flux density of -" m, so that actual photographic pattern plate B FIGURE = Hfe The SternGerlKh eiperimenl. 7-4 In the ground-state This magnetic to then acts field upon the produce a kind of internal Zeeman dipole of moment u magnetic in a Vm = —pBcos$ where the angle between u and B. is effect. density The quantity 1 = is, in general. is moment the which a very strong magnetic = ^ 2m 1« u Hence the magnetic energy Vm component of the election is X 9.27 a,. = V" 5.3 X 10 field. The value of the Bohr magneton is J/T of such an electron from Eq. is, 7.8, 2m S 9.27 X ci 2m B Hie wavelength for Depending upon the orientation of its spin vector, the energy of an election in a given atomic quantum state will he higher or lower by (eh/2m)ll than its in the THE ATOM =^-B 2m 7S 1.2 V = ± 7.8 208 = 10 15 and r B=: 1ST find that energy x lence, letting u cos we B /icostf of p parallel to B, which in the case of the spin magnetic is tisi . 6.8 electron's field of flux 7.7 own spin magnetic moment The energy Vm of a magnetic /= Bohr atom absence of spin-orbit coupling. The result is the splitting of every shift X 10 -'' J/T X 13 T 10"*"J corresponding to such a change a spectral line of unperturbed wavelength 6.5B"} A observed splitting of the line originating However, the ilux in the , n in energy is about 2 A somewhat more than the = 3 —* n — 2 transition. density of the magnetic field at orbits of higher order is less than for ground-slate orbits, which accounts for the discrepancy. MANY ELECTRON ATOMS 209 THE EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE 7.3 y(I, 2, 3, normal configuration of a hydrogen atom, the electron In the quantum Are What state. sioned perhaps as circling Many by just and 1 1 structures differ 10, 9, and the neon, controls alkali this in the hypothesis unlikely. one electron: One example for instance, the is the great elements having atomic are respectively the halogen gas fluorine, the inert gas metal sodium. Sinn- the electronic Structure of an atom interactions with other atoms, its n) of a system of n particles can l*j approximately expressed , , That particles. t£{3), of the individual >£(.'0 . • is, hard is it why understand to the = «l,2,3,...,n) 7.9 We +<l)iKS)iK3)...Mii) shall use this result to investigate the kinds of wave functions that can be used to describe a system of two identical particles. chemical behavior exhibited by certain elements whose atomic (inference in numbers lowest same quantum slate, to Im: envithe nucleus crowded together in a single Bohr orbit? evidence make lines of in its , are the normal configurations of more complex atoms? 92 electrons of a uranium atom all is . product of the wave functions *( 1 ), ^(2), as the us suppose that l^et in state h. one of the particles in is Because the particles are identical, 2 the probability density the one we require that |«^| of the system a replacing the one in state if quantum it should state a and the other make no difference in the particles are exchanged, with b and vice in state Symbolically, versa. chemical properties of the elements should change so abruptly with a small change atomic number in same quantum if all the electrons in an atom exist together in the state. the electronic configurations of atoms having more than one electron. no two electrons in an atom can exist Each electron in an atom must have a different set exclusion principle states that in quantum state. of numbers n, Pauli /, w» by a atom from possible to determine the various states of an quantum numbers of these states can be and from states number of lines are that in the element correspond to transitions to same direction Thus no in to give a total spin although transitions are observed to and from the other ground-state configuration, in which the spins are in opposite directions to give a total spin quantum numbers of hath electrons would be it — while in the slate known to exist one of the electrons other m, = — '/,. Pauli showed that every unobserved of 0. In the absent state the / = 0, m = = t has hi, 0, wi j '/j = and the atomic state involves two or mora electrons with identical quantum numbers, Before we is a statement ol this empirical finding. explore the role of the exclusion principle structures, let us look into its i" 7.11 and still l>e r, '/, 210 o. It is THE ATOM wave in the * of the electron in a hydrogen three separate wave functions, each function expressed as the product of possible = *<2 t l) = -W2) fulfill F.q. 7. quantity, and so Symmetric *(1,2) Antisymmetric it The wave function 10. can of the system is not itself a measurable altered in sign by the exchange of the particles. l>e functions that are unaffected by an exchange metric, while those that reverse sign of particles arc said to l>e upon such an exchange are Wave sym- said to be antisymmetric. If particle Hie system in state is I a and particle 2 according to Eq. is, in state b, is the wave function of 7.9, *,=WI)W2) 7.13, while if * which is a function to show in an analogous waj of one of the three coordinates lliat fcMBmplete wave particle 2 7.13b = *n is in stale a and particle 1 is in state h, at that C correct al any is function any moment whether '''(uivalently, we can say whose wave function function is *n description of . the wave function is *.(W) knowing i describing that part of *(2,1) or Because the two particles are in fact indistinguishable, determining atomic quantum-mechanical implications. \\V saw |ue\ ions chapter that the complete atom can can be particles, I '/_,, and the exclusion principle exchanged is spectrum, and the inferred. In the spectra of every miwmg It helium to or from the ground-state configuration transitions are observed in I, its having certain combinations of quantum numbers. which the spins of both electrons arc of study of atomic spectra. *(2,1), representing the given by either 7.12 led to the exclusion principle but hydrogen a 1*2(2,1) His the same quantum m,. mi,, = 1,2) Hence the wave function 1925 Wolfgang Pauli discovered the fundamental principle that governs In C-, 7.10 is moment C, or is the we have no way * u describes ihe system. The same as the likelihood that ii lr is correcl. lhat the system spends half the time in the configuration y, and the other half in the configuration Therefore a linear combination of *, and the of likelihood system. There are two whose wave u is the proper such combinations possible \fi MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 21] the symmetric one ™ = *s ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS 7.4 ~k [U]) U2) + * a{2) wl)1 Two and the antisymmetric one basic rules determine the electron structures of many-electron atoms: 1. A system 2. Only one electron can Before \/2 of particles we apply factor 1/ y2 is required to normalize and 2 leaves ^ s unaffected, while uhi-v and <frB tyA . Exchanging particles reverses the sign of it $A , Doth i£ s and $ 4 7.10. l",t|. There are a number of important distinctions between the behavior of particles systems whose wave functions are symmetric and that of particles in systems in whose wave functions arc antisymmetric. The most obvious is that, in the former case, both particles and 2 can simultaneously exist in the same state, with a = b, 1 while in the latter case, cannot be if we a set same quantum in the = b, slate. we find that Comparing s> i this = 0: the two particles conclusion with Pauli's empirical exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons in an atom can quantum While the various electrons 1 total its energy is a minimum. any particular quantum state exist in in an atom. these rules to actual atoms, let us examine the variation of electron energy with The when stable is state. in a complex atom certainly interact directly with one another, much about atomic structure can be understood by simply considering each electron as though it exists in a constant mean force field. For a given electron this field is approximately the electric field of the nuclear charge Ze decreased by the partial shielding of those other electrons that are closer to the nucleus. have the same All the electrons that total quantum number n on the average, roughly the same distance from the nucleus. These electrons are, therefore interact with virtually the same electric field and have similar energies. conventional to speak of such electrons as occupying the same atomic It is Shells are denoted by capital in the same quantum state, we conclude that systems of electrons are described by wave Functions that reverse sign upon the exchange of any pair of them. shell. according to the following scheme: letters be The of results of various Y2 have wave experiments show thai obey the exclusion principle when they are move different in a which have common quantum state. force Held, each shall in '/j, is, when of the system must be in a are often referred to as Fermi learn in Chap. statistical distribution 9, the behavior of law discovered by Fermi and Dirac. hawm gates ol them because the was discovered by Hose and and helium atoms are Base '['here wave Photons, alpha particles, is wave make it THE ATOM It useful to classify particles according to the functions rather than simply according to whether or not they oliey the exclusion principle. 5 I U V O . . . Atomic shells . . . In a complex atom the degree to which the n. full nuclear charge shielded from a given electron by intervening shells of other electrons varies with its to lie found near the nucleus (where probability-density distribution. than one of higher I (see Fig. 6-1 higher binding energy) for it. 1), The it is An electron of small / is more likely poorly shielded by the other electrons) which results in a lower total energy (that electrons in each shell accordingly increase in energy with increasing /. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 7-5, which is a plot of the binding energies of various atomic electrons as a function of atomic number. Electrons that share a certain value of mbshelt. the particles, upon that law that describes aggre- functions lwsides that expressed in the exclusion principle. these consequences that nature of their 212 Einstein. 4 The energy of an electron in a particular shell also depends to a certain extent its orbital quantum number /, though this dependence is not so great as All the electrons in a subshell / in a shell are said to occupy the same have almost identical energies, since dependence of electron energy upon m, and The occupancy are other important consequences of the symmetry or antisymmetry nl particle is statistical distribution 3 upon is, Particles whose spins are or an integer have wave functions that arc symmetric to an exchange of any pair of them. These particles do not obey the exclusion principle. Particles of or integral spin arc often referred to as Bote pitrtich's or 2 a spin as well as electrons, the saime system; that member Particles of spio fermiom because, as we aggregates of them is governed by a particles or and neutrons J K functions that are antisymmetric to an exchange of any pair of them. Such particles, which include protons they all particles n at of the various subshelts in an mt is atom is comparatively minor. usually expressed with Ihe help of the notation introduced in the previous chapter for the various quantum is states of the identified '" its orbital hydrogen atom. As indicated in Table 6.2, each subshell quantum number n followed by the letter corresponding quantum number /. A superscript after the letter indicates the by its total MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 213 r THE PERIODIC TABLE 7.5 When the elements arc listed in order of atomic number, elements with similar chemical and physical properties recur known as observation, about a century ago. the periodic law, A This empirical regular intervals. at was first formulated by Dmitri Mendeleev tabular arrangement of the elements exhibiting this recurrence of properties is called a periodic table, simplest form of periodic table; though Table 7.1 more elaborate periodic devised to exhibit the periodic law in finer detail. Table 7, 1 is is perhaps the tables have been adequate for our purposes. Kleinents with similar properties form the groups Table in Thus group 7.1. I which are extremely active chemically and Group VII of — 1 all columns of +1. nnmnetals that have valences gaseous state. Croup VIII consists in the of the inert gases, elements so inactive that not only compounds with other elements, but as vertical alkali metals, all of which have valences of consists of the halogens, volatile, active and form diatomic molecules shown hydrogen plus the consists of their do they almost never form atoms do not join together into molecules like the atoms of oilier gases. a The horizontal rows in Table 7.1 are called periods. Across each period is more or less steady transition from an active metal through less active metals and weakly active nonmetaJs to highly active nonmetals and gas. finally to an inert Within each column there are also regular changes in properties, but they are far less conspicuous than those in each period. For example, increasing atomic number in the alkali the reverse A the is metals is accompanied by greater chemical series of transition elements group II and group III ; in each period after the third between transition elements are metals with 13.6 sV The binding energies in ol atomtc electroni tn Ry, period 6 are virtually indistinguishable as the (1 Rjj =; 1 Rydberg = kmthantde elements The notion of of sodium is ls a 2s which means 2 2p 214 = 3, THE ATOM f a = 0) Let us see The V how which is just a subshell contains I one electron. contain and the similar found in period fits group of and arc known closely related 7. perfectly into the pattern of mirror of the atomic structures of the elements. this pattern arises. quantum number n and I A number of electrons that A subshell is characterized by a certain total quantum number /, where exclusion principle places definite limits on the can occupy a given subshell. = 1, = 0) and 2s (n = 2, = 0) subshells tlie 2p (n = 2,1= 1) subshell contains six electrons, that the Is (n two electroas each, 3s (n For example, the electron configuration written is in their properties, electron shells and subshells the periodic table, of electrons in that subshell. (or rare earths). metals, the actinide elements, ground-slate energy of H atom.) number one another but no pronounced resem- blance to the elements in the major groups. Fifteen of the transition elements | ATOMIC NUMBER FIGURE 7-5 while The appears elements. a considerable chemical resemblance to H Li B|N|FNe He Be C O activity, true in the halogens. t There are 21 orbital = (\l,2,...,(n-l) + 1 different values of the magnetic quantum number m, for any MANY ELECTRON ATOMS 215 E „ ... a. lj 1 i ° ? a .g — Sig n e — > = U.| "1 a g > *o| = <8 M sn S e4 «8 ££§ /, 8 -, = lJU sa| 3-g £<§ 8 since S£0 §j| 8*| and two possible values of the spin magnetic quantum number hi, + ( for any »t Hence each snbshell caj) contain a maximum of 2(2/ + a I! h »u| ,-8 EL i = a. a B * e « - »k3 3 E a. 8 1^ = ««l (9 2 maximum shell a + 2(2/ 1) g|g 1-T <i s R ^i *s| B»3 «8 ? = S 2 8 gas c *| 8-^ "5 4= a 'Be— S[S| Ml i|| 5fi| sdS ?£f x |[1+ {2» An atomic A 3 + 5 + - 1)] (/ = 1) six Rj-i closed s subshell electrons, a closed • + 2(n - 1) + lj • - + 2n - 1] since - PZ tlie * moment, readily detached. lie gases— and the _.8 "*1 l~ t. 8 if? pfi f at fc electron, B5| *8 which &£| is i i .1 * (I = quota of electrons is electrons, a closed 2) ten electrons, said to subshell p and so on. is large relative to the negative charge of the it atom containing only closed does not attract other electrons, and Such atoms we shells electrons cannot expect to be passive chemically, like the inert gases all turn out to have a single electron in their relatively far its closed-shell electron con- outermost shells tend to lose from the nucleus and all shells lack a single electron of being closed tend to acquire such an electron through the attraction of the imperfectly shielded strong nuclear charge, which accounts for the chemical behavior of the halogens. In this manner the similarities of the 1 two 0) holds . be accounted Sdg + is is shielded by the inner but an effective nuclear charge of +e. Hydrogen and the alkali metals are in this category and accordingly have valences of + 1 Atoms whose outer a, 8 x **I --* = snbshell positive nuclear charge electrons from sag %[1 is 2n* inner shielding electrons (Fig. 7-6). Since an B*| s£§ *2gj = of electrons in the nth shell The total orbital and spin angular momenta of the electrons in a closed subshell are zero, and their effective charge distributions are perfectly symmetrical (see Prob. 8 of Chap. 6). The electrons in a closed shell are all very tightly bound, 3 '- (1 </ a>38 a. members of the various groups of the periodic table may for. Table 7.2 shows the electron configurations of the elements. The origin of the transition elements evidently lies in the tighter binding of s electrons than " or / electrons in element to exhibit cn + lliis — - 2[1 figurations or their equivalents. as 1 = •if 8*!! n>3 5 + shell or subshell that contains its full Those atoms with bul - = ! 5 5? ao| **8 <m ™ + maximum number so thai the he closed. inert 3 s 3 s -8 M i «i " a I)], 2 *(;| fc t- - has no dipole (3 + quantity in the brackets contains n terms whose average value "ITie »«1 *"3 - - U. jjj a. 2[1 So| t- J« 8 *2| tflj Sfl| M _ c 3 "5 a *l s = (-0 (2n o electrons IN X 1 = 1) of sag ^ 8 $5* S*| go _ = 8 8p"| o> % and - %) . ( and each i» (9 ±1.±2,...,±( 0, complex atoms, discussed this effect is potassium, in the previous section. whose outermost electron The is first in a 4s n MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 217 Table 7.2. ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS OF THE ELEMENTS, L Z> 1 li 2 lie 3 2 1 2 K 2 2 1 6C 7N 2 2 2 2 2 3 SO 2 2 4 9P 2 2 5 2 10 Ne 2 11 Na 2 o e i 12 Mg 2 2 o 2 13 Al 2 2 6 2 1 14 Si 2 2 6 2 1 ISP 2 2 2 3 10 S 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 2 ISA 2 2 K 2 2 6 e 2 5 8 6 20 C» 2 e 2 21 19 a St- 2 22 Ti 2 2 b 2 23V 2 2 1 2 24 Cr I 2 6 2 23 \ln 2 2 6 2 26 Fe 2 2 6 Co 2 2 6 28 Ni The difference in binding energy at Fig. 7.5 will be instructive. The order which electron in Is. as we atoms 2 2 31 Ca Ce 2 2 2 2 All of 3 2 6 6 5 | 5 2 2 6 e 2 2 7 2 8 2 2 e e e 10 I 2 8 10 2 2 6 e 10 2 1 2 10 2 2 6 6 2 e 10 2 2 10 2 4 chromium 35 Br 2 2 6 2 10 2 present at 36 Kr 2 2 6 2 10 2 37 Hl> 2 2 6 2 10 2 38 Sr 2 2 e 2 10 2 5 6 e e is fip, 7s, Y 40 Zr is 6d similarities in W 1 The 2 6 6 addition of 4/ electrons has virtually no effect on the chemical properties of the lanthanide elements, THE ATOM Zn 2 2 and actinides are easy to understand i 2 the lanlhanides have the same 5s 5p configurations but have incomplete 4/ subshells. 218 30 I 2 2 The remarkable the lanthanidcs basis of this sequence. 2 39 subshells are filled in can see from Table 7.2 and Fig. 7-7. among 2 6 e 2 connection another glance 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4/, 5d, chemical behavior on the tiiis 2 Cu 2 2 and copper. In both of these elements an additional 3d electron 4/ 5j> 1 34 Se not very great, as can be seen in the configurations of 4rf 2 33 As electrons the expense of a vacancy in the 4s subshell. In 4(1 between 3d and 4s 3d is 2 29 32 4i 2 3 instead of a substate. 2 2 2 27 3,1 2 2 it Electron shielding in sodium and »rgon. Each outer electron in an Ar atom is acted upon by an effective nuclear charge 8 times greater than that acting upon the outer electron in a Na atom, 3) shell. even though the outer electrons In both cases are In the M(» 3p 1 Be .-, FIGURE 7-6 2|> 1 1 Na M 3t 2 2 6 2 a a e e e e 10 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 n 10 2 2 2 1 2 II Nb 2 2 (i 2 6 10 2 4 1 12 Mo 2 2 6 2 10 2 6 5 1 43 Tc 2 2 6 2 6 6 10 2 6 5 2 fill 2 2 G 2 6 10 2 B 7 1 45 Rh 46 Pd 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 8 1 2 2 6 2 10 2 6 in 47 Ag 2 2 a 2 10 2 1 2 2 6 2 10 2 e 6 10 CI 10 2 49 In 2 2 6 2 10 2 10 2 1 50 Sri 2 2 2 10 2 10 2 2 51 Sb 2 2 e a 6 6 6 6 6 e 10 2 10 2 3 ! 1 IS 2 6 5d 5/ 6, 6p 6il 7 {Continued) Table 7.2 K U 1. 2P 3./ 4, 4|< 4,1 b 3p 2 6 2 10 2 2 4 2 6 2 10 2 6 6 III 10 2 5 2 6 2 10 2 li 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 2 3 2 10 6 6 8 8 6 6 8 52 Te 2 53! 2 34 Xc 2 2 2 6 2 59 Pi 2 2 6 2 60 V.I 2 2 6 2 fil Pm 2 2 6 2 62 Km 2 2 6 2 6 6 6 6 e 6 6 6 6 6 6 63 l-.,i 2 2 6 2 6 64 Cd 2 2 6 2 6,5 Tb 2 2 6 66 Dy 2 2 6 55 Cs 2 2 6 2 58 ll.. 2 2 6 2 57 La 2 2 6 2 Cc P 4) 3; 2i 58 ,v 3. li «/ U 5/ 6. 6,, Q 6,1 7. )' 1 10 2 10 2 6 6 6 6 10 s 6 10 4 2 10 2 10 5 2 10 2 10 8 2 10 2 6 e 6 10 7 2 6 10 2 6 10 7 2 6 2 6 10 2 e 10 9 2 6 2 2 6 [0 2 6 10 10 2 6 2 10 2 10 11 2 6 10 2 10 12 2 6 2 10 2 8 6 8 2 10 13 2 6 2 10 2 J_ 2 2 1 2 2 )' 2 f 2 2 2 2 1 » 67 l[o 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 68 Er 69 Tin 2 2 6 2 e e 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14 2 6 2 e 10 2 8 10 14 2 6 1 2 2 6 10 2 10 14 2 6 2 2 2 e 10 2 11 2 3 2 e 10 2 8 8 10 2 10 14 2 6 4 2 5 6 2 which arc determined by the outer 2 6s 26p fi 7s 2 configurations, and differ only in the 2 Til Vh 2 2 71 Lu 2 2 72 llf 2 2 73 Ta 2 2 6 6 6 6 74 VV 2 2 6 75 Re 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14 2 a 76 Os 2 2 6 2 10 2 14 2 6 Ir 2 2 6 2 10 2 7fi PI 2 2 a 2 6 10 2 6 8 6 10 77 6 6 79 An 2 2 6 2 10 2 ll SO lig 2 2 e 2 10 2 81 Tl 2 2 6 2 10 2 82 Fh 2 2 6 2 10 2 8 8 6 S3 Bi 2 2 6 2 10 2 84 2 2 6 2 10 2 85 At 2 2 6 2 10 2 Mi Ki, 2 2 6 2 10 2 ll 87 Ft 2 2 6 2 10 2 li 88 Eta 2 2 g 2 10 2 89 Ac 2 2 6 2 10 2 91 Pa 2 2 6 2 92 2 2 6 2 Np 2 2 6 2 94 Pu 2 2 B 2 e e 6 6 e 6 6 6 6 6 6 e 6 6 6 6 1'. 90TTi !Ki 2 2 6 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 14 2 6 7 2 14 2 6 a I 10 14 2 6 10 t 10 14 2 6 10 2 10 14 2 2 t 14 2 10 2 2 e 10 14 2 10 2 3 I 8 6 10 14 2 8 6 6 6 10 10 10 2 4 3s 10 14 2 10 2 to 14 2 6 10 2 5 6 10 14 1 6 10 2 to 14 2 6 to 2 to 14 2 6 10 2 ii 10 14 2 6 to 2 2 6 2 8 10 3 2 10 14 2 8 10 4 2 8 6 10 14 2 6 to 5 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 6 2 10 14 2 6 10 7 2 8 6 10 8 2 10 10 2 6 10 11 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 2 2 B 2 10 2 97 Ilk 2 2 6 2 10 2 1 10 14 2 98 Cf 2 2 6 2 10 2 li 10 14 2 I 2 6 o 6 e 6 6 10 2 li 10 14 ft 6 2 6 10 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1(12 \„ 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 103 Lw 2 2 6 2 i; to 2 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 8 2 in 10 14 2 to 14 2 10 14 2 10 14 2 6 6 6 of quantum S states In 7 fl an atom. Not to scale. electrons. Similarly, all of the actinides 10 12 2 10 13 2 10 14 2 10 14 2 irregularities in the binding energies of = 2) and neon (Z argon (Z = 18) has only Helium (Z "it and 3p subshells. = 10) full numbers of their have 5/ and Bel the I 2 and so the 4s subshell is filled first 3d in its is 2 outer 4s electrons that 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 t 2. 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 and L shells respectively, M shell, corresponding to suhshell is not 3d filled next electrons, as make is closed simply that we have said, potassium and calcium. As the 3d subshell successively heavier transition elements, there are 2 filled in in K contain closed 8 electrons The reason atomic electrons are also re- outer shells in the heavier inert gases. 4s electrons have higher binding energies than 1 14 I 2 10 These 14 Am The sequence 4 3 sponsible for the lack of completely 10 !M> 2 (1 2 1 electrons. 10 95 2 FIGURE 7-7 10 e 6 8 8 e = n 10 8 6 6 99E 100 Fm 1111 Md 2 possible chemical activity. still Not one or two krypton another inert gas reached, and here a similarly incomplete outer shell occurs with only the 4s and 4p subshells filled. Following krypton is rubidium (Z = 36) = 37), until is which skips both the 4d and 4/ subshells to have a 5s electron. The is xenon (Z = 54), which has filled 4d, 5s, and 5p subshells, but now even the inner 4/ subshell is empty as well as the 5d and 5/ subshells. The I Z next inert gas snrne pattern recurs with the remainder of the inert gases. While we have sketched the origins of only a few of the chemical and physical 2 properties of the elements in terms of their electron configurations, 2 can be quantitatively understood by similar reasoning. many more 2 1 2 MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 221 and magnetic moment of a closed shell are ions He 4 Be + Mg + , B + \ Al ++ and so on. HUND'S RULE 7.6 , In general, the electrons spins— whenever magnetism in possible. an atom remain unpaired— that This principle is called Hund's and nickel of iron, cobalt, subshells are only partially occupied, is instance, five of the six has a large resultant magnetic moment. The origin of Hund's rule lies in lower the energy of the atom. moments We shall whose more separated ment, having less energy, In iron, for to cancel out. so that each iron atom in of the orbital angular determined by orbital quant' im l= 7.18 if off. and TOTAL ANGULAR Each electron spin angular mentum in this arrange- 7.M S, momentum L and a certain Like J of the atom. all angular momenta, J is to the total angular mo- VJ(J + 7.17 /, Mj n z component of total atomic angular 7.22 is which provides a more intuitively accessible framework for understanding angular-momentum considerations than does a purely quantummechanical approach. a single electron. Atoms of the elements in group hydrogen, lithium, sodium, and so on— are momentum I is of the periodic table- THE ATOM momentum sole value + S is determined by 1 /2 ) according to the l)ft to the is determined by the magnetic formula they must be added vectorially to yield the total S rtij for the quantum numbers that describe /( \//{/ = + 1) ft mfi numbers, it is relationships among the various angular-momentum simplest to start with the Z components of the vectors quantum J, L, and Since }t L^, and S^ are scalar quantities, S. , ffijfi = nijft ± m,h~ sad in, = m.±m. The possible values of iij, range from + / through to -/, and of m, are ~s. The quantum number J is always an integer or while s = /2 and as a r, " 'ili m, must l>e half-integral. The possible values of m also range from +/ f through to -/in integral steps, and so, for any value of i. l , electrons outside closed inner shells (except for hydrogen, which has no inner 222 determined by the magnetic for a single electron, so that 7.24 provided by of this kind since they have single and the exclusion principle assures + customary to use the symbols /and /= 7,25 consider an atom whose total angular is formula m.ft = L+ 7.23 of the atom, electrons) J To obtain the . first to the momentum where J and M j are the quantum numbers governing / and }t Our task in the remainder of this chapter is to look into the properties oF J and their effect on atomic phenomena. We shall do this in terms of the semiclassical vector model Let us along the z axis fi L and S are vectors, momentum J: momentum and a component Jt in the z direction given by = ( V«(s = S, angular It Total atomic angular 1)« L quantum number m, according J and }t /= of an atomic electron according to the formula quantized, with a magni- tude given by 7.16 = S Because both of which contribute / while the component St of S along the z axis spin MOMENTUM an atom has a certain orbital angular momentum of quantum number s (which has the 7.21 *7.7 category are the by wave Electroas with parallel spins they paired in this momentum L number Similarly the magnitude S of the spin angular formula space than m Lt = the same subshcll with the same in Lt quantum number m, according the spin Electrons its while (he component 7.19 Also Vi(iTT)H examine other consequences the more stable one. is The magnitude L apart the electrons in an atom are, the spatial distributions are different. are therefore is rule; their 3cf spin must have different m, values and accordingly are described functions ferro- the mutual repulsion of atomic electrons. this repulsion, the farther Because of parallel The connection with molecular (wilding. in i) have the electrons in these subshells do not electrons have parallel spins, 3d of Hund's rule in Chap, a consequence of Hund's and pair off to permit their spin magnetic is, rule. zero. , , that the total angular momentum i MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 223 7.26 j Like trip j is = l±S always half- integral. Because of the simultaneous quantization of certain specific relative orientations. This of a one-electron atom, there are only of these corresponds to < that J L, j = + / s, two so that / is L, and S they can have only J, a general conclusion; in the ease relative orientations possible. > «., and the other L and Figure 7-8 shows the two ways in which to / - / — One s, so S can combine to form J when / = 1 Evidently the orbital and spin angular-momentum vectors can never be exactly parallel or antiparallel to each other or to the total angular. momentum vector. as a result exert torques S interact magnetically, as on each other. momentum If there conserved is we saw magnitude and and I around the direction of B is I. and S precess about cone traced out by L J of the atom. However, if L and S there of B B is an cone traced out by what gives rise to the anomalous Zeeman effect, since different orientations the of J involve slightly different energies in the presence of B. Atomic nuclei also have intrinsic angular momenta and magnetic moments, as we shall see in Chap. II, and these contribute momenta and magnetic moments. These to the total atomic angular contributions are small because nuclear magnetic moments are 7-8 The tvro ways In which I. and S can be added to form J when I = 1, t = !*. —lO -3 atom the magnitude of electronic moments, and they lead to the hi/perfine .structure of spectra! lines with typical spacings between components of FIGURE S while present, then J precesses about the direction S continue precessing about J, as in Fig. 7-1 (J. The precession of J about external magnetic field L and their resultant J (Fig. 7-9). and direction, he effect of the internal torques can only be the precession of in orbital no external magnetic the total angular is The according to the vector model in Sec. 7.2, field, J 7-9 spin angular- momentum vectors The angular momenta L and and FIGURE — I0~ 2 A as compared with typical fine-structure spacings of several angstroms. FIGURE 7-10 In the presence ol an enter"ill magnetic tie Id B, the total angular- momentum vector J Precesses about fl according to the vector model of the atom. cone traced out by ,=! + ,= 3/2 J ,=/-»= 1/2 i- the 224 atom THE ATOM MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 225 LS COUPLING *7.8 When more momenta than one electron contributes orbital and spin angular momentum to the total angular J of an atom, J the vector is still sum of these momenta. Because the electrons involved interact with one another, the manner in which their individual momenta L, and S, add together to form follows certain definite patterns depending upon the eireum stances. The usual J individual pattern for but the heaviest atoms all momenta L that the orbital angular is s ( L and resultant the spin angular we examine the reasons shall The momenta L and S later in this section. may be summarized for this behavior This scheme, called LS J. as follows: L=2 L=3 then interact magnetically via the momentum spin-orbit effect to form a total angular coupling, together independently momenta 8, are coupled into another single resultant S; When FIGURE 7-11 combine to form I. = I, 1, i, 4 J As usual, L, S, numbers being L, 7.29 j, S Lt and S,, , \A.(L = ML M L Ms , + i) Both L and M L with = / 2 2. L These correspond 1 — l 2. The that = S 2 to 226 1. S, We spin = when values between L trito a resultant 1 and it remaias true in general that ht| to contribute / = 2 is differ- not spherically symmetric and the electron has no orbital angular anyway.) Because of the asymmetrical distributions between the electrons an atom in certain relative orientations are stable. These stable configurations correspond is is quantum numbers are involved and integral or 11 if an consider two electrons, one with in which L, and /, = and the other 1 can be combined into L*, quantized according to Eq. 7.28, as shown in Fig. 7-11, 1,2, and Sj + 3, since all values of Sa as , the vector s is always + in Fig. 7-11, that + S and L sum — to a L = L are possible from l /2 so , I, that there are correspond to S = + l^ two and is S, so 1). The quantum number here J can be 11, 1, 2, 3, J can have or 4. + \/L(L 1) momentum angular total orbital energy understand if that is quantized according to the formula is usually such that the configuration ft. The coupling between of lowest involved. quantum number sum momenta into a resultant S. vary with the relative orientations of their angular-momentum vectors, and only note that L, and Lj can never be exactly parallel to L, nor S t and except THE ATOM is to L possibilities for the momenta of their charge densities, the electrostatic forces 1) ft There are three ways a single vector f let us can The origins of these forces are interesting. The coupling Iwtwccn orbital angular momenta can be understood by reference to Fig. 6-12, which shows how the electron probability density |^| 2 varies in space for different quantum states in hydrogen. The corre- momentum an odd number of electrons if I., sponding patterns for electrons in more complex atoms will be somewhat n are always integers or 0, while the other As an example, all , 1) ft even munl>er of electrons S quantum : half-integral to quantized, with the respective and Mj. Hence which L, and in existence to the relative strengths of the electrostatic except for s states. (In the latter case 7.33 7.32 }c are s=o S=l and 1. = 2, t, = W, there are three ways which S, and Bj can combine to form S. fi = \/S(S + S, = MsR /= \/J(J + ! = Mj fi 7.31 its L=l forces that couple the individual orbital angular ent, of course, but S 7.30 in the individual spin angular L, S, J, l= 7.28 LS coupling = W, and two ways The LS scheme owes e 2S =L+ S 7.27 8 'li of the various electrons are coupled together electrostatically into a single is the various Lj the one for which we imagine two L is a maximum. This effect electrons in the same Bohr orbit. is easy to Because the electrons repel each other electrostatically, they tend to revolve around the nucleus in the same direction, which maximizes directions to minimize /,, L If they revolved the electrons would pass each other more in opposite frequently, leading to a higher energy for the system. The origin of the strong coupling because it is direct interaction he noted, is between electron spins a purely quantum-mechanical effect with no between the insignificant intrinsic electron and not responsible is harder to visualize classical analog. magnetic moments, for the coupling it (The should between electron MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 227 The spin angular momenta.) basic idea complete wave function that the is ^{1,2, ...,n) of a system of n electrons is the product of a and a spin function h{1, 2, .... n) that describes the coordinates of the electrons As n) that describes the orientations of their spins. $(1,2 7,3, the complete function ^(1, that u(l, 2 n) is 2, . . , , must n) not independent of s{l, 2, l>e . . we saw in Sec. antisymmetric, which means A change n). , . wave function to = I 1, d to accompanied by a change which means a change one total spin angular-momentum in the spatial electronic configuration of the in the atom s electrostatic potential momentum angular a weak magnetic This situation force. momenta the spin S, is what energy. To go from . . , SB which requires only , described when it is said (hat are strongly coupled together electrostatically. The S always combine into a ground-state maximum. This is an example of Hund's rule; i with parallel spins have different which means functions, is . , m that there configuration in which S as mentioned is a earlier, electrons values and are described by different t is wave a greater average separation in space of the eleclroas and accordingly a lower total energy. Although wc S that makes / a minimum S A superscript combination of 1 2 P D jj L and COUPLING — L and 1; by 2L + The the St into is accordingly slower than the precession of spin-orbit interactions comparable the L, and between the S \ similar LS coupling, in the I lie directly to situation referred to as / and S around jj effect in total angular coupling since each earlier. magnetic /... 2 the letter which is { P for instance) number the used to indicate the is of different possible orientations in = which S l /2 < = L *> P three-halves") a "d J ** % l*° r ground / = state of the outside closed n V?) momentum sodium atom 1 and n = 2 arises of this electron from a single outer used as a prefix: is described by 3 2 S t/2 since is , = an electron with n = atom of the quantum numltcr n 3, / = 0, and * For consistency shells. = '/ it is 2 only a single possibility for J since L = elec- conventional denote the above state by 3 2 S, /;! with the superscript 2 indicating is its (and hence a doublet, 0. J.) produce l>egins to break down. fields (typically — 10 T), atomic spectra. In the limit of the momenta form the angular manner described to H '7,10 ONE-ELECTRON SPECTRA magnitude to the electrostatic ones between in strong external which produces the Paschen-Back failure of in and the IS coupling scheme , f breakdown occurs add together L heavy atoms the nuclear charge becomes great enough G an electronic configuration even though there form J in light atoms, and dominate the situation even when a moderate external magnetic field is applied. (In the latter case the precession B 6... historical reasons, these designations are called term symbols. thus the to in 5 script after the letter, so that a a P3/2 state {read as "doublet L However, 4 which S > L, the multiplicity is given angular-momentum quantum number J is used as a sub- total to of J around to its total orbital so on. (In a configuration in 1.) another vector S are stronger than the magnetic spin-orbit forces that couple and S I- In the even! that the angular L and p used L and S and hence the numtwr of different possible values of J. The multiis equal to 2S + 1 in the usual situation where L > S, since J ranges from L + S through to L - S. Thus when S = 0, the multiplicity is 1 (a singlet state) and J = L; when S = y2> the multiplicity is 2 (a clotiblet state) and J = L ± %; when S = 1, the multiplicity is 3 (a triplet state) and J = L 4- 1, L, or results in the lowest energy. electrostatic forces that couple the Lj into a single vector = 0, plicity tronic configuration has The atom according I letters is of electron, the principal •7.9 3 number Iwfore multiplicity of the state, refers to shall not try to justify this conclusion, the states are corresponding to and so on. A similar scheme using capital 2, = atom, S to a different one involves altering the momenta S„ S 2 s tie structure of the atom, and therefore a strong electrostatic force, besides altering the directions of the spin angular = with letter, to designate the entire electronic state of an L orientations of the electron spin / angular-momentum that individual orbital angidar-m omen turn quantum munl>er L as follows; in the relative vectors must therefore we saw In Sec, 6.4 customarily described by a lowercase J, of the individual electrons momentum J, is J of the entire atom, a described by a quantum number We are now a position to understand the chief features of the spectra of the Before we examine some be mentioned thai further complications representative examples, exist lictween electrons and 6.10). vacuum it should which have not been considered here, for instance those that originate in relativistic effects and in the coupling fluctuations in the electromagnetic field (see Sec. These additional factors *ul .states Hence in various elements. split certain energy states into closely spaced and therefore represent other sources of fine structure in spectral lines. Figure 7-12 shows the various states of the hydrogen atom classified by their 7.34 h =U + s ( jj coupling lotal quantum number n and orbital angular-momentum quantum number selection rule for allowed transitions here 238 THE ATOM is if = ±1, which is /. The illustrated by MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 229 excitation that the lowest D eV energy, n 13.0 one correspond will exclusion principle. Figure 7-13 = o»S =3 instead of n = 1 shown, there /, that is, of fi-11 because of the indeed agreement for levels also for the states of highest angular a S n the states of highest only refer to Fig. Un= to the energy-level diagram for sodium and, by comparison with the hydrogen To understand the reason 10 is is momentum. for the discrepancies at lower values of to see how /, we need the probability for finding the electron in hydrogen atom varies with distance from the nucleus. The smaller the value / for a given n, the closer the electron gets to the nucleus on occasion. Although the sodium wave functions are not identical with those of hydrogen, their general behavior similar, is and accordingly we expect the outer electron excitation energy, D eV F hydrogen 5.13 -m 7S 7p 6p Ss / -Sp 0-" n= / 4d '*'-M — 1 FIGURE 7-12 Energy-level diagram mora prominent spectral lines. The lor hydrogen showing the origins of soma of the n = 2 and » - 3 levels and FIGURE 7-13 detailed structures of the the transitions that lead to the various components of the H . Una are pictured level In the dium. diagram Energy, 6/ 6d 5d 5/ — n " =6 =5 -»=4 4, -.=> 43 3- for so. The energy levels of hydrogen are included for com- the transitions shown. diagram of energy, but the same The indicate latter effect is The state. —> n = is "Lamb we assume +c 2 and n = different j same n and in a simple is its 3 levels are separated in /, and was rt =2 first % 2 S l/2 state relative to the 2 z Pl/2 the HB spectral line (ti = 1 shells, inner core completely shield and + \i)e so, of acted upon by an effective nuclear charge hydrogen atom. Hence sodium parison. but with different / n and has a single 3s electron outside closed inner that the 10 electrons in just as in the THE ATOM = omitted is seven closely spaced components. that the energy levels of 230 ti states of small shift" of the nuclear charge, the outer electron of of the same n and true of states of the most marked for detail that various separations eoaspire to split 2) into The sodium atom if substates of the all established in 1947 in the 3 some of the this kind, the detailed structures pictured; not only arc I. To will we expect, as a be the same as those first approximation, of hydrogen except MANY- ELECTRON ATOMS 231 in is a a sodium atom to penetrate the core oF inner electrons most often an in d s state, lass often and so on. The state, when less it in a is p state, are displaced its total it, and often less shielded an outer electron charge, the greater the average force acting on more negative) still is when from the nuclear / in is. excitation singlet states triplet states (parahelium) (orthohelium) energy, cV ~ 24.6 the sodium their equivalents in hydrogen, as in Fig. 7-13, there are pronounced differences in energy Iretween states of the different full it in is it smaller (that ilu- energy. For this reason the states of small downward from when and 1 same n but I. 20 TWO-ELECTRON SPECTRA *7.11 A single electron is responsible for the energy levels of both hydrogen and sodium. However, there are two 1$ electrons it interesting to consider the effect of is To do behavior of the helium atom. this in LS coupling on wc 15 the ground slate of helium, and first and the properties note the selection rules for allowed transitions under LS coupling: 735 AL = 7.36 AJ 7.37 AS a ±1 =0, ±1 0, to LS selection rules When only a single electron is the only possibility. J = 0, so that J The helium = is AL = involved, is -» J = is energy-level diagram an excited in shown is are coupled, it is :£l has 5 The in Fig. 7-14. is but because the angular state, = initial state AL = Af prohibited. represent configurations in which one electron is prohibited and Furthermore, J must change when the in its ground momenta state of the various levels and the other two electrons proper to consider the levels as characteristic of the entire atom. Three differences between this diagram and the corresponding ones for hydrogen and sodium are conspicuous. First, there is the division into singlet which the states in and spins of the parallel (to give transitions can occur S = 1). iparallel spins) constitute from transitions spins) constitute ortltohelium. in one and I are, respectively, lei (to AS = triplet states, set or the other. 0, give pamhelium and those in = or gaseous helium THE ATOM is in singlet triplet states (parallel lose excitation The lowest Energy-level diagram for helium showing the division Into singlet (paraheilum) and triplet (orthohelium) states. There is no 1 -'S state. no allowed and become one of orthohelium; ordinary therefore a mixture of both. FIGURE 7-14 0) and the helium Helium atoms An orthohelium atom can S energy a collision and become one of parallel ium, while a parallel ium atom can gain excitation energy in a collision 232 singlet states states in which of the selection rule between arises il triplet states, two electrons arc an ti para spectrum .in and called liecause, in the absence of collisions, an atom in one of them excitation energy for a relatively long time (a second or more) before radiating. its The second obvious Hie lowest triplet state state liquid the triplet states are metastabk can retain is peculiarity in Fig, 7-14 is 2-\S, is the absence of the although the lowest singlet state is PS". PS state. The PS missing as a consequence of the exclusion principle, since in this state two electrons would have parallel spins and therefore identical sets of MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 233 quantum numlicrs. Third, the energy difference between the ground state and _» tj> is is relatively large, which closed-shell electrons discussed earfier in this chapter. of helium atom — is binding of reflects the tight The ionization energy — the work that must be done to remove an electron from a helium 24,6 eV, the highest of any element. an example, and is ( the lowest excited state To be ultraviolet. (Table 7.2}, We is that of mercury, LS coupling is so heavy of angular which has of 78 electrons in closed shells or suljshells expect a division into singlet and triplet states as but because the atom in the shall consider W8 might also expect signs of a momenta. As Fig. 7-15 reveals, in helium, breakdown both of these expectations are realized, and several prominent lines in the mercury spectrum arise from transitions that violate the AS FIGURE 7-15 ground state, EnorgyJevel diagram for mercury. and the designation In of the levels in the = selection rule. each excited level The one outer electron transition Is In responsible for the strong 2,537-A line in the necessarily very high, since the three mean a that the transition probability P, states is are the lowest of the triplet set and therefore tend to be highly populated in excited mercury vapor. The is transitions, respectively, violate the rules that forbid 3p _> ic^ antj 3pa u _ () The last energy-level diagram we two electrons outside an inner core is sure, this does not transitions = AS from J = = to J and that and hence are considerably 0, 3 The P and P2 3 transition. an atom can of collisions, LS coupling is AJ or to ±1, as well as violating 3 occur than the P, states are therefore metastable and, in the persist in either of them also respoasible for the -» 'S absence for a relatively long time. mercury that leads spin-orbit interaction in The strong limit less likely to to the partial failure of wide spacing of the elements of the 3P triplets. the diagram corresponds to (he state of the other elec- X-RAY SPECTRA 7,12 tron. Chap. 2 we learned In electrons exhibit is fast to a minimum The continuous X-ray wavelengths down wavelength inversely proportional to the electron energy. spectrum by wavelengths characteristic of the target mate- at in addition to a continuous distribution of ria] •6/ that the X-ray spectra of targets l>onibarded narrow spikes the result of the inverse photoelectric effect, with electron kinetic Hie energy being transformed into photon energy hf. other hand, has its discrete spectrum, on the origin in electronic transitions within atoms have been that disturbed by the incident electrons. Transitions involving the outer electrons of an atom usually involve only a few electron volts of energy, and even removing an outer electron requires at most 24.6 eV (for heliiun). These transitions accordingly are associated with photons whose wavelengths spectrum, as The is lie in or near the visible part of the electromagnetic evident from the diagram in the back endpapers of this book. inner electrons of heavier elements arc a quite different matter, because these electrons experience all or much of the complete shielding by intervening electron tightly full nuclear charge without nearly shells and bound. In sodium, for example, only 5.13 eV in is consequence are very needed to remove the outermost 3s electron, while the corresponding figures for the inner ones are 3] eV for each 2p electron, 63 Is electron. eV for each 2a electron, and 1,041 eV for each Transitions that involve the inner electrons in an atom are what give rise to discrete X-ray spectra because of the high photon energies involved. Figure 7-16 shows the energy levels (not to scale) of a heavy atom classed by total quantum number states within a shell are shells. n; energy differences between angular -momentum minor compared with the energy differences between Let us consider what happens when an energetic electron strikes the atom MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 235 arising in transitions — L longer-wavelength ! from the L, , 11=4 Ma My S U n =3 series when an M spikes in the X-ray spectrum of of St its K , N, , . . electron K levels to the when an L electron is Similarly the level. knocked out of the knocked out, and so on. The two is molybdenum in Fig, 2-8 are the Ka and Kp lines series. An atom with a missing inner electron can also lose excitation energy by the Auger effect without emitting an X-ray photon. In the Auger effect an outer-shell electron is ejected from the atom at the same time that another outer-shell electron drops to the incomplete inner shell; the ejected electron carries off the Ly t« M atom, the Afcty N M series originates h atom's excitation energy instead of a photon doing h r effect represents ' n =2 actually comes an internal photoelectric into being within the atom. effect, In a sense the Auger this. although the photon never The Auger process is competitive with X-ray emission in most atoms, but the resulting electrons are usually absorbed in the target material while the X emerge rays readily to be detected. Problems 1. Ka Ky K< % If atoms could contain electrons with principal quantum numbers up to and = including n Kj 2. The 6, how many elements would there he? ionization energies of the elements of atomic are very nearly equal. Why should this numbers 2(1 through 29 be so when considerable variations exist in the ionization energies of other consecutive sequences of elements? 3. on The atomic radius of an element can be determined from measurements made which it is a constituent. The results are shown in Fig. H)-'3, crystals of Account 4. Many are given 1 I n FIGURE 7-16 The = for the general trend of the variation of radius years ago ZTNe) origin of X-ray spectra. Z{Ar) and knocks oul one of the K-shell electrons. (The K electron could also be elevated to one of the unfilled upper quantum states of the atom, but ihe Z(Xe) difference between the energy needed to Z(Rn) electron completely heavier atoms.) is the 236 K shell An atom with a missing in K in the sodium and electron gives K Z(Kr) and that needed to remove the the form of an X-ray photon drops into the "hole" series of lines in the THE ATOM this insignificant, only 11.2 percent in erable excitation energy an outer do shell. up most of when an As indicated still its less in was pointed out that the atomic numbers of the rare gases by the following scheme: Z(He) l it with atomic number. = = = = = = 2(1*) 2(I 2 2(l a 2(1* 2(1* 2(1* =2 + 2*} = 10 + 2 2 + 2 Z = 18 + 2* + 2* + 3s = 36 + 2* + 2* + 3* + 3 2 = 54 + 2* + 2* + 3* + 3* + 4 2 = Kxplain the origin of this scheme ) ) ) ) in 86 terms of atomic theory. consid- electron from in Fig, 7-36, X-ray spectrum of an element consists of wavelengths 5. A beam of electrons enters a uniform magnetic field of flux density 1.2 T. Find the energy difference between electrons whose spins are parallel and anliparallel to the field. MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 237 Mow does the agreement fi. and the theory of pendent entities within A sample 7. number Show effect I atoms? of a certain element placed in a magnetic is if CDS — the angle Zeeman effect tl occur only in atoms with an even +1) - i(j 17. The S () * Pz 'D3ri , , , and f' 5, allowed Its state corresponding to 3?3/2 18, any? state Why 2s electrons and two 2p electrons outside a Show would you think the —* its a = " Si /2 state is where R is the be regarded charge the ground state? is 3s electrons outside filled inner shells. Find state, has two 3s electrons and one 3p electron outside filled in the Zct\{Z in sodium (which gives two lines, corresponding to 3P1/2 Find the term symbol of The magnetic moment fij of an its ground sodium atom atom - its where nB = VJ(J eft"/2m is ^ =] + l)firfi fl line of an clement of atomic that each is — I) L electron in an the iMtule g factor, 2 K electrons are present, was used by Moseley numbers of the elements from J(J + 1) - L(L 2J(J (a) Derive parallel to J contribute to that is many tic t in a + 1) + + 1) this result S(S their X-ray spectra. This propor- referred to as Moseley "s law.] 20, Explain why has a Ka X-ray line of wavelength 1.785 A? Of wavelength the X-ray spectra of elements of nearby atomic numbers are may differ + 1) with the help of the law of cosines weak magnetic /z,. field (b) B components of pL and Consider an atom that obeys IS coupling in which the coupling substates are there for a given value of J? ween [The in 1913 to establish the Bohr magneton and starting from the fact that, averaged over time, only the us atom may hydrogenic atom whose effective nuclear considerably. , is . orbital motion. qualitatively very similar, while the optical spectra of these elements = A 3S 1/2 if as the single electron in a which IS coupling holds has the in as a result of K„ X-ray Rydberg constant. Assume What element A? state. magnitude ixj 5,890 —» 4 0.712 19. *14. A reduced by the presence of whatever the atomic tionality inner shells. - 3S transition given by , :i ground The aluminum atom * 13. +1) 1) 3S 1/Z and 5,896 proportionality between * and (Z the term symbol of S(S filled What are the tenn symbols of the other P would you think the P state is the ground state? The magnesium atom has two *12. 3P that the frequency of the is 3 is . Why - + lWs + spin-orbit effect splits the number Z The lithium atom has one 2s electron outside a filled inner shell. Its ground 2 is S t/:! What are the term symbols of the other allowed states, if any? *I1. 1) is 8, slates: //a/2 . ground states, if correspond to each of the following J values that The carbon atom has two 10. inner shell. + and S in Fig. 7-8 the yellow light of sodium-vapor highway lamps) into by the outer electron S, L, 1(1 L Use these wavelengths to calculate the effective magnetic induction experienced of electrons? Find the *9. between the directions of 2Vf(( rise to does the normal that, field of flux density A? Why 8, ma Zeeman How far apart are the Zeeman components of a spectral line of wavelength 0.3 T. 4,500 lierween observations of the hid tend to confirm the existence of electrons as inde- (his effect What is is preserved. How the energy difference different substates? The ground state of chlorine is z l% ri Find its magnetic moment (see previous problem). Into how many substates will the ground state split in a weak magnetic * 15. . field? 238 THE ATOM MANY- ELECTRON ATOMS 239 THE PHYSICS What ihe nature of the forces that is OF MOLECULES bond atoms together This question, of fundamental importance to the chemist, to the physicist, whose theory of the atom cannot a satisfactory answer. classical analog is to form molecules? less correct unless quantum theory do so to hardly of the important it provides atom not only partly in tonus of an effect thai has further testimony to the power of this approach. MOLECULAR FORMATION 8.1 A molecule is a stable thai a molecule up ability of the bonding but to explain chemical no The lie is 8 arrangement of two or more atoms. By "stable" must he given energy from an outside source into its constituent atoms, energy of the joint system atoms. If is the interactions less in is meant order to break in other words, a molecule exists because the than that of the system of separate noninteracting among energy, a molecule can be formed; a certain group of atoms reduce their total if the interactions increase their total energy, the atoms repel one another. Let us coasider what happens together. when two atoms are brought closer and closer Three extreme situations may occur: A covalent Ixmd is formed. One or more pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms. As these electrons circulate lw;tween the atoms, they spend more 1. the time lietween the atoms than elsewhere, which produces an attractive force. An example is two protons 2. H2 , the hydrogen molecule, whose electrons belong jointly An ionic Iwid is formed. One or more electrons from one atom may to the other, and the resulting positive and negative ions attract An example is NaCl, where the liond exists Iwtween Na* and CI between Na and CI atoms (Fig. o-lfc). 3. to the (Fig. ti-lu). No bond is formed. When the electron structures of transfer each other. ions and not two atoms overlap, they constitute a single system, and according to the exclusion principle no two 243 electrons in such a system can exist in the same quantum interacting electrons are thereby forced into higher occupied in the separate as fleeing as far To away from one another of the visualize this effect, as possible to system, which leads to a repulsive force between the exclusion principle can some may have much more energy than we may regard the electrons atoms, the system before and be unstable. If state. energy states than they lie avoid forming a single nuclei, (Even when the FIGURE 8 2 model Scale of NaCI crystal. olieyed with no increase in energy, there will be an electrostatic repulsive force between the various electrons; this significant factor than the exclusion principle in influencing a is much less bond formation, however.) A molecule Ionic tends usually do not result in the formation of molecules. is to an electrically neutral aggregate of atoms that be experimentally observable as a particle. constitute gaseous hydrogen each coasist of entitled to regard salt (N'aCl) arranged them as molecules. Thus the individual units that two hydrogen atoms, and we are the other hand, the crystals of rock in a certain definite structure (Fig. 8-2), be of almost any size. Na* ions off into discrete may ion and one CI There are always equal numbers of Na + and CI ions in rock salt, so that the formula However, these do not pair ion; rock salt crystals NaCI correctly represents form molecules rather than crystals only its in the Hj In held together strongly enough are aggregates of sodium and chlorine ions which, although invariably molecules consisting of one Fact On is 8-1 (a) (b) Ionic bonding. is purely covalent and in NaCI purely ionic, hut in is it atom An example attracts the shared electrons argument can be made more the is MCI molecule, where H atom. A strongly than the for thinking of the ionic Iwnd as gaseous state. Sodium and chlorine combine electrostatically. case of the covalent bond. 8.2 The ELECTRON SHARING simplest possible molecular system single electron a general share an electron and to is l\ 2 the hydrogen molecular ion, in ' , bonds two protons. Before in detail, let us look in why way into how we it is consider the bond possible for we Chap. 5 enough energy A\ OH + 17 cr... extends l>eyond such sharing should lead to a lower total energy phenomenon discussed the of quantum-mechanical barrier («) does exist. the its if the wall is infinitely strong held around a proton is same probability lie how is is the wave function wholly in effect to a neighboring proton more a certain proI>ability that an electron trapped in one box through the wall and get into the other box, and once there that the electron I'M Only parent proton. In quantum physics, however, such a mechanism There is for tunneling back. This situation it hie* can be described bv saving shared by the protons. sure, the likelihood that high potential PROPERTIES OF MATTER it. hydrogen atom can transfer spontaneously will tunnel To 244 does not have wave function a Ijox for an electron, and two nearby protons correspond to a pair of boxes with a wall between them (Fig. 8-3). There is no mechanism in classical physics by which the electron distant than m\ it to break through the wall because the particle's The electric inside the box. in a o in H.,~ two protons and hence to a stable system. In Na" strong no more than an extreme penetration: a particle can "leak" out of a box even though o the CI composition. chemically by the transfer of electrons from sodium atoms to chlorine atoms; the resulting Ions attract . many in Covalent bonding. The shared electrons spend more time on the average between their parent nuclei and therefore lead to an attractive force, bond electrons to an unequal extent. which a FIGURE the other molecules an intermediate type of bond occurs in which the atoms share an electron will pass through the region of energy— the "wall"— between two protons depends strongly upon far apart the protons are. If the pro ton- proton distance is 1 A, the electron THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 245 An and hence kinetic energy. electron shared by two protons than one belonging to a single proton, which means that The total energy' of the electron in 11./ + in 11 4- II is is it has H2 ought to * The preceding arguments There trostatic forces. is that both types of lh' in l)e stable. are quantum-mechanical ones, while in we normally terms of elec- a very important theorem, independently proved by Feynman and by Hellmann and named after them, approach always yield identical Feynman-IIelhnann theorem, which results. states in essence According to the the electron probability distribution if in a mole- known, the calculation of the system energy can proceed classically and lead to the same conclusions as a purely quantum-mechanical calculation. is The Fcynmati-Helhnann theorem molecule not an obvious one, because treating a is terms of electrostatic forces does not explicitly take into account in quantum treatment involves wave function i£ has electron kinetic energy, while a energy; nevertheless, once die electron way either of proceeding may be the total electron lieen determined, used. THE IV MOLECULAR ION 8.3 What we would from since separation can energy. therefore less than that of the electron tend to consider the interactions between charged particles will confined and provided the magnitude of the proton-proton repulsion , not too great, cule is less less kinetic exist, i£ know like to we wave the function $ of the electron in H2+ , can calculate the energy of the system as a function of the of the protons. ft and is we can also If we E(R) has a minimum, will know thai a bond determine the bond energy and the equilibrium spacing of the protons. FIGURE 8-3 protoni. The Instead of solving Schrodinger's equation fort£, which (i) Potential energy of an electron in the electric field o! two nearby lotal enafgy of a ground-slate electron In the hydrogen atom Is indi- (o) Two nearby protoni correspond quantum-methanfeally to a pair of boxes separated by a wall. cated, cated procedure, we predict what when with «„, the may lie regarded as going from one proton to the other about everv 10- !3 s, that we can legitimately consider the electron as being shared by Ls both. If the proton-proton distance is 10 A, however, the electron shifts across an average of only about once per second, which is practically an infinite time on an atomic scale. Since the effective radius of the Is wave function in hydrogen called we conclude that electron sharing can take place only between atoms whose wave functions overlap appreciably. Granting that two protons can share an electron, there is a simple argument shows why the energy of such a system could !>e less than that of a separate hydrogen atom and proton. According to the uncertainty principle, the smaller that the region to which we restrict a particle, die greater PROPERTIES OF MATTER must be its momentum R, the distance between the protons, Bohr is large hydrogen atom. orbit in the compared In this event l.v wave function of the hydrogen wave function around proton a is near each proton must closely rasemble the atom, as pictured 0.53 A, a lengthy and compli- is an intuitive approach. Let as begin bv trying to radiiLs of the smallest which means is 246 4> i£ shall use We know what ^ l>e the electron Ls U where the and that around proton h 4>„ also imagined to The in Fig. 8-4 fused together. now in the wave function amplitude looks like is ls called when Here the li tf- 6 . is 0, that situation is is, when the protons are that of the lie 1 ion, since presence of a single nucleus whose charge of He* has ihe same form at the origin, as in Fig. 8-4e. as that of II is + 2e but with a greater ^ is going to be something when R is comparable with a ir Evidently like the wave function sketched There an enhanced likelihood of finding the electron in the region between is the protons, in Fig. 8-4rf which we have spoken of in terms of sharing of the electron by THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 247 n contours of electron probability "0 Thus there the protons. A*. on the average an excess of negative charge between is the protons, and this attracts them the magnitude of this attraction +' We together. enough is have still to establish whether overcome the mutual repulsion to of the protons. («) The combination of ^a and ^ 6 and does not affect /; ^ in Fig. 8-4 (sec Sec. 7.3). could have an antisymmetric combination of \J/u there a node is between a and where /; symmetric, since exchanging a is However, t^ also conceivable that it is = , Now between the protons. likelihood of finding the electron we and ^6 as in Fig. 8-5, Here n 0, which implies a diminished t^ there is on the average a deficiency of negative charge between the protons, and in consequence /& With only repulsive a repulsive force. An function t^ as H R — He + when R = (6) (Fig. 8-5e), *+ However, 0. tyA does not become the Obviously 0. which has a node state while the Is state is ij> A dm® approach the ground state, it is A U— is Ha+ in the wave our inference from the shapes of the case there in the state of ll wave * 2 function of function of He' is I ie^ an excited antisymmetric state ought state, which agrees with $A and C K that in the former a repulsive force and in the latter an attractive one. line of reasoning similar to the rieal state. wave Is wave 2;j 2p symmetric functions preceding one enables us to estimate the total energy of the H;,* system varies with R. «. the at the origin. Since the have more energy than when to bonding cannot occur. forces acting, interesting question concerns the behavior of the antisymmetric When R is large, the electron energy We how consider the syitnuct first Es mast lie — 13.6-eV energy the V of the hydrogen atom, while the electrostatic potential energy of the protons. (c) 1^-1 V„ 8.1 falls to force.) *s is +• • r-*-j + Za = 4™„R R — oo. (Vp is a positive quantity, corresponding to a repulsive When R = 0, the electron energy must equal that of the He + ion, which (J as or 4 limes that of the result is Es = -54,4 eV when R = and <rf) ^,i Vj, Es can its II atom. (See Prob. 25 of Chap. 4; the same Hence obtained from the quantum theory of one-electron atoms.) when R -* 0, V,, are sketched in Fig. 8-6 as functions of /{; the shape of ihc curve for Also, 0, -» oo as l/R. only be approximated without a detailed calculation, but value for both R = t) R and = oo and, of course, V Both Es we do have <»l«ys Eq. 8.1. fi The A total energy and the potential energy which corresponds R=0 • 2+ needed to break 11./ of the hydrogen FIGURE 8-4 The combination wave (unction ^ of two hydrogen-atom 1, H2 + wave (unctions to form the symmetric H 2 is the of the protons. molecular Evidently state. -which indicate a R sum of This the electron energy Esiotai result H+H — 2.65-eV atom plus the ; is E8 has a minimum, confirmed by the bond energy of of 1,06 A. By "bond energy" + into the total energy of equilibrium separation (») Vp to a stable experimental data on I of the system /-.j,""" 1 2.(55 eV and an meant the energy H 2 + is the -13.6 eV is bond energy, or — 16.3 eV in all. + THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 249 iffn contours of electron probability _^ () 4><\ — b— * (6) FIGURE 8-6 for the Electronic, proton repulsion, and symmetric and antisymmetric states , total energy In H,' as a function of nuclear separation N The antisymmetric state has no minimum in its total en- ergy. 1 11 This energy is ft is enough —* oo, . at two hydrogen-atom 1. wave functions to form tha antisymmetric 2 ; hence with Z = 2 and n think that the electron energy a small dip at intermediate distances. to yield a that of the is of the ground-state hydrogen atom. we might minimum as indicated in Fig. 8-6, FIGURE 9-5 Tha combination wave function * A EA when R — proportional lo Z-/n — 13.6 eV to the also as there same way the case of the antisymmetric state, the analysis proceeds in the except that the electron energy in the total and so is = 2 for the no bond is state of it is just EA —* — He + . equal 13.6 eV constant, hut actually However, the dip energy curve in tins state Since 2p is not nearly antisymmetric state, formed. H* + THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 251 8,4 THE H, MOLECULE arc acceptable. The H 2 molecule According {that is, lie contains two electrons instead of the to the exclusion principle, described by the same single electron of is ) their spins are With two electrons to contribute to the bond, H ought to be more a stable than 11./— at first glance, twice as stable, with a bond energy of 53 cV compared with 2.65 eV for H»+ However, the H, orhitals arc not quite the same as those of H, + because of the electrostatic repulsion Ix;tween the two electrons in H,. a factor absent in the case of H The latter repulsion Wakens 2 the bond in H 2 so that die actual bond energy is 4,5 eV instead of 5.3 cV. For the same reason, the bond length in B, is 0.74 A, which is somewhat larger Hence must the coordinate ' . , than the use of unmodified H./ wave Functions would indicate. The general conclusion in the case of 11/ that the symmetric wave function +s leads to a hound state and the antisymmetric wave function to an unbound one remains H2 £ was formulated in terms of the symmetry and antisymmetry of wave functions, and it was concluded electrons arc always described by antisymmetric wave functions that systems of (that is, by wave I lowever, functions that reverse sign we have just On = is said that upon the exchange of any pair of electrons). the bound state in H, corresponds to Ixjth by a symmetrical wave function above conclusion. ^ which seems electrons being function we may it H./ is shown is due when for we may when parallel the electrons are exchanged. two electrons whose spins are anti- express this by writing H z molecule has no exact solution. The when In fact, only other molecular systems must be molecule are the electrons have their spins parallel The difference between their spins arc antiparallel. state in a system all results of a detailed analysis of the II Z to the exclusion principle, quantum 4- an exact solution possible, and in Fig. 8-7 for the case the case two electrons whose spins are <h Schrodinger's equation for the for for reverses sign wave function must be symmetric, and m= ^ express this by writing the spins of the two electrons are antiparallel, their spin if antisymmetric since the coordinate parallel parallel, their spin function f. the other hand, function Hence wave treated approximately. , In See. 7.3 the exclusion principle descriliod *TT two electrons are does not change sign when the electrons are exchanged. antisymmetric: lie antiparallel. valid for it 11.,". both electrons can share the same orbital wave function fntmi provided the spins of the If symmetric since the which prevents two electrons and two on v es in the same from having the same spin and therefore leads to a dominating repulsion when the spins are parallel. to contradict the A closer look shows that there is really no contradiction here. The complete wave Function +(1,2) of a system of two electrons is the product of a spatial wave function #1,2) which describes the coordinates of FIGURE 8-7 The variation of the eneigy of the system H •+ H with their distances apart when the electron spins are parallel and antiparallel. the electrons and a spin describes the orientations of their spins. The exclusion principle requires diat the complete wave function I unction 412} which +(1,2) = iHUHU) be antisymmetric to an exchange of Iwth coordinates and itself, and what we have teen calling a molecular orbital is spins, not tijl 2) the same as #| by 2) An antisymmetric complete wave function +„ can result from the combination wave function + and an antisymmetric spin function sA or from the combination of an antisymmetric coordinate wave function * of a symmetric coordinate fl and a symmetric spin function fc That and + = is, only H + II, spins antiparallel -6' **** B 1 2 NUCLEAR SEPARATION 252 3 H, A PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 253 n orbital Covalcnt bonding in molecules other than H.,, in I diatomic as well as polyatomic, more complicated story. It would be yet more complicated but for the fact that any alteration in the electronic structure of an atom clue to ihc proximity of another atom is confined to its outermost (or valence) electron shell. There are two reasoas for this. First, the inner electrons are much more tightlv bound and hence less responsive to external influences, partly because they are is I MOLECULAR ORBITALS 8.5 usually a * 1,2,3 Ps 2,3.4,.,. I ±1 Py 2,3,4,... 1 ±1 P« 2,3,4..,, 1 o closer to their parent nucleus and partly because they are shielded from the nuclear charge by fewer intervening electrons. Second, the repulsive interatomic forces in a molecule are become predominant while the inner shells of atoms its relatively far apart. Direct evidence in support of the idea that only the valence electrons are involved in chemical bonding is available from the still X-ray spectra that arise from transitions to inner-shell electron states; that these spectra are virtually independent of molecules or how the atoms are it is found combined in solids. In discussing chemical bonding il is helpful to be able to visualize the dig tributions in space of the various atomic orbitals. The those of hydrogen. which qualitatively resemble pictures in Fig. 6-11 are limited to and hence are not suitable for this purpose. It is two dimensioas more appropriate here to draw Ixmndary surfaces of constant V 2 in each case that outline the regions within which the total prol>ability of finding the electron has some definite value, say 90 or 95 percent. Further, the sign of the wave function ^ can l>e indicated each lobe of such a drawing, even though what is being represented is W*. Figure 8-8 contains boundary-surface diagrams for s, p, and d orbitals. These diagrams show |0«j 2 in each case; for the corresponding radial probability in densities )R\1 , Fig. 6-10 can lie The consulted. of coarse, equal to the product of |0«l>| a and total probability density 2 |fi| tyf is, . In a munber of cases the orbitals shown in Fig. 8-8 are derived from linear combinations of two atomic wave functions representing states of the .same energy; such combinations are also solutions of Schrodinger's equation. For example, a for iw, pt = +1 (The factor 1/ orbital and m, V§ is is the result of adding together the I = 1 wave function = — 1: required to normalize ty p,-) Similarly the p„ orbital is given by 254 PROPERTIES OF MATTER FIGURE 8 8 Boundary surface diagrams wave function In each region. sl(n of the for ( p. and d atomic orbitals. The + and - signs refer to the orbital n „i, I The p. orbital, however, is identical with the I = I,m, = wave function. The wave functions which are combined to form the (/„, d vt dlv and d,t_*« orbitais are indicated in Fig. 8-8. The interactions between two atoms that yield a , dty .1,4,5, ... i2 2 , covalent bond between them have, as a consequence, different probability-density distributions for the electrons that participate in the characteristic of the atoms when alone understand easiest to bond than those which are and these new in space, terms of the orbitais shown in When two atoms come and the together, their orbitais overlap between them either an increased electron probability density Inmding molecular orbital or a decreased concentration that <*= 3.4A... ±1 2 Ixmding molecular of In the previous section orbital. two hydrogen atoms could combine or the antibonding orbital $A he result will that signifies a an tmtt- signifies we saw how the Is orbitais form either the bonding orbital to In the terminology of molecular physics, . and $A as a lstr° are imagined to combine referred to as a Is o orbital atomic orbitais that distributions are in Fig. 8-8. The "Is" orbital. to $s is the identifies form the molecular i£ s orbital. The Creek letter o signifies that the molecular state has no angular momentum about the bond axis (which is taken to be the ; axis). This component of the angular <k 2 3,4,5,... ±1 \ti momentum = where X of a molecule 1,2 0, m those for which A 1 is quantized, and is restricted to the values Molecular states for which A by w, those for = which A order. Finally, an antibonding orbital is 2 by 6, = and are denoted by u, on so in alphabetical labeled with an asterisk, as in lso° for the antibonding II, orbital y_ r Figure 8-9 contains boundary-surface diagrams that show the formation of o and 77 molecular orbitais from molecules. s and p atomic orbitais in homonuclear diatomic Evidently a orbitais show rotational symmetry about the bond while n orbitais change sign upon a 180° rotation aliout the bond the lobes of d-,i 3,4,5. molecular A ps orbitais arc same in such molecules, so them are not equally shared by both atoms. 1J1I that the trons in is II atom that there of l.i is Is is :£S is a good example a single valence electron. form a a 1 valence electron total nuclear of this effect. and that of the Li atom is The is l.v J 2\. is The normal II 88 it is 5,4 -t-e (in charge of eV configuration in each case and the 2s orbital occupied by the two valence Li the core of + 3e), two Is electrons shields but in Li a valence electron in Li.) Hence is + 2p on a of the on the average H. (The respective ionization energies reflect this difference, with the ionization energy of while bonding elec- In both atoms the effective nuclear charge acting several times farther from the nucleus than in FIGURE orbitais. the simplest hetero- which means Is orbital of wilding orbital in Lill that electrons (Fig. 8-10). 2 form v molecular the atomic orbitais are not the of the 3,4,5,... these atomic orbitais form o axis, orbitais both heteronuclear diatomic molecule consists of two unlike atoms. In general, nuclear molecule and ds %_^ on the Iwnd The px and p v orbitais. axis, Since axis. H being 13.6 the electrons in the a bonding orbital of eV LiH (Continued.) THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 257 o Li electrons from (he In Lift occupy U of the LI jO ;iiilil)ini(liim H favor the P: nucleus, and there is a partial separation of charge If there were a complete separation of charge in LiH, as there would ionic. bond mil; when it is In a hctcroiuiclear form a example F, bonding consist of atom is called its electronegativity. In the LiH more electronegative than Li. molecule the atomic orbitals that are imagined to combine part of an H is molecular orbital IIF, is where the There are two of F each by two b may be of different character in atomic orbital of possibilities, as in Fig. h- II contain one electron (Table 8.1), and we may HF electrons, regard covalent bond. 'Hie electron structure of the FIGURE 8-11 F .in! iliunit iiij! 2P, Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals FIGURE 8-9 Boundary surface diagrams showing the formation of molecular orbitals from atomic orbitals in homonuclear diatomic molecules. The aiis is along the internuelear .- 258 p,!: and p,v* orbital* eicept that they are rotated PROPERTIES OF MATTER » and ,, axis of the through 90'. ,i,r orhHals are the i same as , II joins a bonding spo molecular the spa orbital in IIF HF molecule In An is orbital and the 2p. orbital as t>eing held together shown is occupied by a single in Fig. 8-12, HF. HF U *fw Q each atom. with the 2p. orbital of Is orbital of 11 H OO Q - O-O II p.* The ;V r and NaCl, and the hond would and an antibonding spn° orbital. Since the the nj plane. in Instead the molecule, for instance, to Is is covalent nor purely ionic are sometimes called polar covalent, since they possess electric dipole moments. The relative tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons px the an Li* ion and a H~ ion, bond is only partially ionic, with the two bonding electrons spending perhaps 80 percent of the time in the neighborhood of the H nucleus and 20 percent in the neighlwrhood of the Li nucleus. In contrast, the bonding electrons in a homonuclear molecule such as H 2 or Oa spend .50 percent of the time near each nucleus. Molecules whose bonds are neither purely the molecule r>-a ". in molecule. :iiiiiliiin<liiib: the SJK7 orbital atom. be purely cute in each case, and the plane of the paper La orbital of the H atom and the 2t *tr ''x LiH a • molecular orbital formed GO P, H The bonding FIGURE 8 10 bonding 2P, U HF spa THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 259 Table 8. 1 ATOMIC STRUCTURES OF tion, ol electrons. The AND SECOND- PED(00 ELEMENTS Hund's rule (See 76 .n.«. 1 FIRST- According to *„«. """el" B ipln » *« fine! l»ent shape of the water molecule that the U orbital can join the Atomic Element number Hydrogen 11 Helium He S Lithium l.i 3 Iti 4 Beryllium Boron The y and z Occupancy T w C e Nitrogen \ 7 Oxygen O 8 Fluorine F 9 Neon \, to : 1 plausibly -'2, 2»; Ij-2*-'2rj' ! 1 jom with . orlntals to n r n Ti Dumber Z = A sma y ' positive charge - ; « 2TS 11 P^ and 90°, respectively, which we may ascribe atoms around the larger atoms S (atomic 16) = and Se (Z 34). n t T n u r T T ti t I orbital with the Is orbital of u u U n ti H atom «*»**» —'>' , ? Ti it poarfHe h„ O-H . -O-H in I to H atom. The bonding molecular orbitals should therefore be centered along the bonds 90° apart. As in I 2 0. the actual case 107.5°, owing hydrides of the larger atoms P (Z = this x, (/, and bond angles to repulsions 15) in = NIL, N— II Nil, are somewhat greater among the H and As (Z in t axes (Fig. 8-14) with atoms. The similar 33) exhibit the smaller bond angles of 94° and 90°, respectively, again in consequence of the reduced mutual among the more distant H atoms. s be^LTH "PP-te an , accord! *E ckS «" I the two atoms. In support u u u n u and each - II the otherwise similar i linear molecule, II 1 in (Fig. 8-13), actually found U "« "»*** " are 92° bond angles is u '"" US far Rpart "6 t° In reality, however, the the O atom, water molecule O -II will, an angle of 104.5° between P form a spa landing orbital similar repulsions 2 t to the fact that the H a Se we atom of an II attributed to the mutual repulsion of the is 8.1 are only singly occupied, so that each argument explains the pyramidal shape of the ammonia molecule NIL,. From Table 8,1 we find that the Zp f 2p v and 2p„ atomic orbitals in N are singly occupied, which means that each of them can form a spa (winding form lading molecular orbitals make H*Ofe an example. Offhand we might expect a oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen From Table easy to explain. O to the greater separation of the II than 90°, in to lit' molecules II,S and Ti S Cordon may is orbitals in axes are 90° apart, and the larger 104.5° angle that of the latter idea u B of orbital; structure 2p v and 2n. 8.6 HYBRID ORBITALS sides rf to bonds. The straightforward are explained is way atom has two electrons II FIGURE 8-12 FIGURE 8-13 HF. H 0. The bond angle Valence atomic orbital* In the atomic orbitals shown as overlapping form a a bonding molecular in which the stapes of the IL.0 and NTL, molecules a conspicuous failure in the case of methane, CH,. A carbon in its 2a- orbital Valence atomic orbitals is and one each in its 2p t and 2p u orbitals. in actually 104.5'. orbrtal. 260 PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 261 The correct explanation for CH 4 which can occur when the iv and together of Imth in its energy. and 2s 2-l> more an atom in a molecule are close atom can contribute a atomic orbitals orbitals can occur follows In 2j> states of In this case the the resulting bonds are FIGURE 8-14 Valence atom!; orbilals NH The bond angle* are actually based on a phenomenon called hybridization is linear each molecular orbital to combination if in this way stable than otherwise. Thai such composite atomic from the nature of Schrodiiiger's equation, which a partial differential equation. The 2s i;> and 2p wave functions of an atom are ,. Iwth solutions of the same equation 107.5*, if the corresponding energies are the same, and a linear combination of solutions of a itself (is a solution. more In bound) than an electron in a 2p lightly no tendency for hybrid atomic atom Thus we would expect the hydride of carton to he CI I,, with two spo bonding orhitals and a hond angle of 90" or a little more. Yet CH, exists, and, furthermore, it is perfectly symmetrical in structure with tetrahedral molecules bonds are exactly equivalent whose C— We cannot consider carbon as an isolated exception, a which a fortuitous combination of circumstances leads to BFand BC1. Clearly, what is happening in carbon and toron sort of freak CH, atom in that the 2s orbitals, despite — less energy— more stability than enter into the formation of molecular orbitals and thereby permit the 2s electrons to contribute to the bonds formed by C and 2p A C atom B with other atoms. while a B atom has three n = has four n = 2 electrons 2 electrons in all is accordingly and p when an orbitals to the molec- stronger than the bonds that the s and lo, rise to is greater when than that which pure orbilals would the s and p levels of an atom are close bonding. These four orbitals are hybrids of one 2s and three 2p orbitals, and we may consider each one as a combination of combination therefore called a is :l .v/) hybrid. Its is in all and forms CH,,, and forms BF3 respectively , its ability to for the FIGURE 815 tour jjj 3 In promote a 2* electron to tji 1 and %p. This particular in Fig. 8-15, Evidently a sp 3 strongly concentrated in a single direction, which accounts for produce an exceptionally strong bond need '/,s configuration can be visualized terms of boundary-surface diagrams as shown hybrid orbital - somehow orbilals, in s and there the other hand, In CH.,, then, carbon has four equivalent hybrid orbitals which participate in in is On even though the p parts of the hybrids the isolated atom. Hybrid orbitals thus occur when the bonding energy they give CH,, instead of toing occupied by electron pairs and having the had higher energies always energy together. because the same phenomenon occurs in other atoms as well, A boron atom, for example, has the configuration \.<t*2s*2p, and it forms BF, and BC1 3 instead of may be by themselves would lead produce, which happens in practice one another. to orbitals a 2s orbital has orbital, orbitals to occur. ular orbitals, the resulting bonds p in a certain molecule contributes superposed in is less partial differential equation an isolated atom, an electron hybridization, an < orbital lo a and three 2p ,. —strong enough to compensate slate. orbitals In (he same atom combine to form hybrid orbHais. sharing four and three electrons with their partners. The easiest way two 2* electrons now one in to explain the existence of CH,, C electron each in the 2s, C (to yield atom, but CH 4 resulting molecule to the is to assume that one of the vacant 2p. orbital, so that there is 2pr %p v and 2u r orbitals and four bonds can an electron from a 2s to a 2j- state means increasing the be formed. To raise energy of the bonds "promoted" is ) in it is , , reasonable to suppose that the formation of four place of two (to yield more than enough to CH 2 ) lowers the energy of compensate for this. I he The foregoing Q «p- picture suggests that three of the bonds in CI I,, are spa bonds and one of them is a s.w bond involving the Is orbital of II and now singly occupied 2s orbital of Cj experimentally, however, 262 all four bonds are found to be identical. PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 263 It inusl mind kept in l>e even when it is in that hybrid orbitals an excited do not an isolated atom, exist in but arise while that atom state, is interacting with others to form a molecule. Figure a representation of the fi-16 is C of this molecule that consists of a has B atoms at alternate comers. A CB4 atom molecule. Also in the shown is a model center of a unit cube which .) triangle with the C atom one vertex and Bay tm II atoms at the other vertexes has sides V5/2, 1J3/2, and \/2 in length. If the angle between the H bonds is 0, from the law of cosines {tr = + er — 2hccas0) we have at C— = - COS0 FIGURE 8-17 Valence atomic orbitals in th* ammonia (NH molecule based on the assumption of -v/j hybridization in the N orbitals. One of the sp J orbitals is occupied by two N electrons and does & 1 not contribute to bonding. -iV- -c 2 a* 2bc 2- -%- 2X% = %. of which is what The bond determined experimentally. is angles of 104.5° in to lire tetrahedral 90° expected provides a if way HaO p orbitals in the to explain how O and orbitals, leaving FIGURE 8-16 atom and N the repulsions molecules that were spoken of earlier can orbital description of bonding. In NII 3 p orbitals, the system. and 107.5° angle of 109.5° that occurs in only in 1 sp- NH3 are evidently closer hybrid landing than to the atoms are involved. This among the H atoms in fact these incorporated into the molecularthere arc three doubly occupied bonding l>e one unshared pair of electrons that we earlier supposed to be Opposing The tetrahedraf methane (CHJ molecuto. The overlapping ,,-' hybrid H atoms form bonding molecular orbital*. orbitals of the this gain in molecular stability is the need to instead for the promote the pair of nonbonding 2$ electrons to the higher-energy sp 3 hybrid state without any contribution by them NH 3 angle in .vp to the bonding process (unlike the case of Cll, where four sp 3 orbitals participate in bonds). all 3 as (he result of a hybrid orbitals orbitals tn N Hence we ma)' regard the 107.5° bond compromise lietween the two extremes of four with one of them nonbondin» and three 2p bonding and one 2s nonbonding (but low-energy) orbital. Figure 8-17 is a repre- sentation of die NIL, molecule on the basis of up 3 hybridization, which compared with 1* orbitals of the lout N. If there were spP hybrid orbitals furnished by H more separated bonds would mean a lower energy in the 2s orbital of 109.5° C Fig. In H./), since there are in may lie 8-14 which was drawn on the basis of p orbitals. two Ixmding orbitals O, the tendency to form hybrid sp 3 orbitals and two nonbonding orbitals is less than in NH a where there and only one nonbonding orbital. The smaller bond agreement with this conclusion. The structure of the H a O are three bonding orbitals angle in molecule 8.7 H2 is is in further discussed in Sec. 10.4. CARBON-CARBON BONDS Two other types of hybrid orbital in addition to .sp In sp 2 a pure p orbital and the other hybridization, one valence electron three are in hybrid orbitals that are two valence electrons are orbitals that are l /2 Fthyleue, CgH*, .v and in %p is %v and %p in 3 can occur in carl>on atoms. in character. In .vp hybridization, pure p orbitals and the other two are in hybrid in character. an example of sp 2 hybridization in which the two carbon atoms are joined by two bonds. Figure 8-18 contains a boundary -surface diagram 264 PROPERTIES OF MATTER is THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 265 >^ Ethylene : Acetylene, (») C 2 U.„ is an example of sp hybridization in which the two carbon atoms are joined by three bonds. One sp hybrid orbital in each C atom forms a o bond with an H atom, and the second forms a o bond with the other atom. The 2p I and each C atoms is 2j)„ orbitals in Itonds i>etween the carbon The conventional {Fig. 8- 19). atom form v bonds, so a o. one of the three that bond and the others are struetnral formula of acetylene tt, and x^ bonds is =C— In both ethylene Acetylene and acetylene the clcctroas in the w orbitals are "exposed" on the ontsidc of the molecules. These compounds arc much more reactive chemically than molecules with only single <r bonds between carbon atoms, such m as ethane, II II H—C—C— Ethane [ H in which all II the l»onds are formed from ip8 hybrid orbitals in Carbon compounds with double and because they can add other atoms to >°\ FIGURE 8-19 FIGURE 8-18 The ethylene (C ; H.) molecule. All the atoms Ha In a plan* perpendicular to tho plane of the paper. (6) Top view, showing the 5J hybrid orbital* (hat form n bonds between the C atoms and between each C atom and two H atoms, (c) Side view, showing th* (a) between ijj The acetylene + HCI H th.- carbon atoms. be unsaturated to 11 H— C-C-ll H (C.H..) molecule. hybrid orbitals and two bonds are said their molecules in such reactions as II H (O triple CI There are three bonds between the bonds between pure p, and p, C one i bond orbitals. ; > pure i>, orbitals that form a - bond between the C atoms. showing ihe three 2 sp' hybrid orbitals, which are 120° apart in the plane of the paper, and the pure pT orbital in each C atom. Two of the y/j- orbitals in each C atom overlap s orbitals in II atoms to form o bonding orbitals, and the third s}} 2 orbital in each C atom forms a o bonding orbital with the same orbital in C atom. The p t orbitals of the C atoms form a w bond with each other, so that one of the bonds between the carbon atoms is a a bond and the the other other 266 is a it bond. The conventional structural formula of ethylene PROPERTIES OF MATTER is accordingly THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 267 ROTATIONAL ENERGY LEVELS 8.8 Molecular energy stales arise from the rotation of a molecule as a whole and from the vibrations of from changes 0> constituent atoms relative to one another as well as its electronic configuration. Rotational states are separated in its quite small energy intervals <© transitions of 0.1 mm between these to 3 eV is typical), states are in the and the spectra eV typical), is with wavelengths of 10,000 to 0.1 between the energy treatment here will The its x in, the and in., / where The overlaps between the .,,,• hybrid orbitals in .he C H atoms lead to „ bonds, <b) Each C atom electron. (e> The bonding - molecular orbitals formed by r, = and n^r, 2 t2 (a) l "'" / "'= < compound such as methane or ethane only single bonds -- ( ,;Hv ii"' sw atoms I an arranged In f| ;1 i m 8.3 = r x orbitals. Of the- one 2p, plane of the ring. orbital per The total of six atoms of The moment of inertia center of mass and perpen- is a "*j*j 1 and 2 respectively from the center in.,r., moment of inertia may be written m »u \ + m.,1 v = 8.4 llt'tt 5 ei bonding by v/r' hybrid one forms a a bonding orbital atom and the other two form a bondim- orbilals three sp» orhitab per C atom, with the I.v orbital oj aa H with the corresponding ap* orbitals of the Hits leaves + its as consisting of . \«ii ring. we conclude main ideas apply { ( are present, hexagonal the carbon-carbon bonds in the benzene ring are I20« apart, that die basic structure of the moleculeis ihe result may picture such a molecule H apart, as in Fig. S 21 are the distances of atoms by definition, the 1,1 For simplicity the bill tin: Since of mass. sl« ,,, atomic orbitals constitute a continuous electron probability distribution around the molecule that contains si* detocalized electrons. In a saturated We a distance dicular lo a line joining the atoms orbitals of the A spectra, as well. of this molecule alxiut an axis passing through 8.2 The benzene molecule. restricted to diatomic molecules, its lowest energy levels of a diatomic molecule arise from rotation about center of mass. masses w B-20 l>e more complicated ones (u £- HGURE ultraviolet regions. including bond lengths, force constants, and Iwind angles. ^— Oh atoms with each other and with the . has a pure f orbital occupied by one levels of valence electrons and detailed picture of a particular molecule can often be obtained from H 9 H in the infrared region mm. Molecular electronic states have higher of several electron volts and spectra in the visible '\Q by from microwave region with wavelengths and vibrational spectra are A energies, with typical separations w that arise cm. Vibrational slates are separated by somewhat larger energy 1 intervals (0.1 10 ( C center of moss atoms on either side (Fig 8-20) C atom, which has lobes above and below the 2», orbitals i„ the molecule combine to produce FIGURE 8 tate about 2] Its A diatomic molecule can ro- center of mass. bonding * orbitals which take the form of a continuous electron prohabihlv,. .move and below the plane of the ring. The to the molecule as a whole and not to six electrons belong any particular pair ofatoms: these electrons are debvafizetl. 268 PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 269 , . where S.5 =— in JU+ ^,= Reduced mass + m. Ht] the reduced mass of the molecule as mentioned in Sec, 4.9, states that the rotation of a diatomic molecule R = 7.61 = away. where to as we know. 8,7 !u If we denote = y/jtj momentum is always quantized in nature, rotational quantum number by /, we have here the / = 0, 1, of a rotating molecule is %/w 2 and /. + 1) ft 2,3, . , ' 21 1.46 Rotational energy levels 11 Let us see what sorts of energies and angular velocities are involved in molecThe carbon monoxide (CO) molecule has a bond length R of 1.13 A ular rotation. and the masses of the -26 kg. C and O X atoms are respectively 1.99 The reduced mass m' of the CO molecule is 10" 2S kg and I0- when AT molecule when / = 1 is The its IP' 23 ,o J kg-m 2 considering only rotation alxntt an axis perpendicular What about rotations about its whose nucleus, is that the radius principal contribution to the is as in Fig, H-21 symmetry the axis of mass of an atom only moment — 10 "' is — eud-over-end itself? The + m„ _ " = 1.99 X 2.66 1.99 + 2.66 of the radius of the atom 1.1-1 X 10 10--" kg symmetry axis theretore comes from its electrons, which are concentrated whose radius about the axis is roughly half the bond length R but a region whose only about %/Ajaoa of the total molecular mass. '/. rotation allowed rotational energy levels are proportional to total mass is symmetry a\is rotations. Hence energies this M kg itself. of inertia of a diatomic molecule about must involve energies — M)' 1 of at least several Since the a! unit the times the Ej values for end-over-end eV would be involved in any rotation Since bond energies are of about the symmetry axis of a diatomic molecule. X reason almost entirely concen- 1 Hi, C 2,6 x are in excited rotational 10" rad/s the latter can be neglected in therefore X 3.23 X we have been far trated in lfl CO ads of symmetry of a diatomic molecule, rotations. I)* 2 8.S 10 velocity of the -I so its energy levels are specified Thus 12 CO . to the + J eV * 2E = J(J «kg-m2 10" 23 10 2 J-s) the molecules in a sample of all The angular states. = y2 tu s Ej X 10- 4 2X7.61 X The energy by 2.66 5.07 X X X lO" 3-' not a great deal of energy, and at room temperature, is 10" 2 eV, nearly angular velocity. Angular is its ft* T of the molecule has the magnitude This L = S.G 1.46 HA equivalent to the rotation of is a single particle of mass m' about an axis located a distance of The angular momentum L Equation X (1.054 _ ~ is Qft- 2f order of magnitude too, the molecule would be likely to dissociate in any environment in which such a rotation could be excited. Rotational spectra arise from transit ions between rotational energy stales. Onlv and its moment / of inertia molecules that have electric dipole moments can absorb or emit electromagnetic / is = m'R 2 photons = as = 1.14 1.46 X I0-» kg X (1.13 X X 10 » kg-m 2 10-'°m) 2 (Fig. 8-16) in The lowest rotational energy level corresponds to J CO 270 PROPERTIES OF MATTER in = 1 , and for this level in such transitions, which means that nonpolar diatomic molecules such H, and symmetric polyatomic molecules such do not exhibit rotational spectra, molecules like Ha Furthermore, even transitions between , in as OOj (0=C=0) [Trausi lions and CI 1 between rotational states CO,, and CH, can take place during collisions, however.) molecules that possess permanent dipole moments, not rotational states involve radiation. As in the case of all atomic THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 271 spectra (Sec. 6.10), certain selection rules summarize the conditions for a radiative transition between %" rotational stales to tx* possible. For a rigid diatomic molecule the selection rule for rotational transitions is 1 = / =3 J = 2 l = \ 1 = 4 &J=±l s.9 In practice, rotational spectra are transition that number / in is found involves always obtained change from some a rigid molecule, the frequency of die ''j-j+l I is the 7+1. is FIGURE 8-22 U+ of inertia for end-over-end rotations. The spectrum of The lines, as in Fig. H-22, it corresponds to ascertained from the sequence of lines; from these data the of inertia of the molecule can be readily calculated, quencies of any two successive lines may be used to CO, frequency of 1.153 'r„ = for instance, the / X lit" 11/. = ^-(/+ -» / = 1 moment (Alternatively, the fre- determine trometer used does not record the lowest- frequency lines sequence.) In Energy levels and spectrum of Rotational spectra 1) frequency of each line can be measured, and the transition Ix: levels In the case of a molecular rotation. n moment energy quantum h a rigid molecule therefore consists of equally spaced can often of % *Wi h = 8.10 where IE photon absorbed rotational absorption, so that each initial state number the next higher state of tjuantum — in I if the spec- in a particular, spectral absorption line occurs at a rotational Hence I I I I spectrum I) 2ffi> 1.054 ~ - 2ir 1 X .46 X 1.153 X HI" 3 X of the ' J-s 10" minimum \/7/m' = 1.13 A. This earlier in this section CO is very nearly a parabola. In this region, then, V = V + V2 k{R - R a f 8.ii fi co is is s-' 10"10 kg-m- Since the reduced mass of the of this curve, which corresponds to the normal configuration of the molecule, the shape of the curve the way in X 2,i bead length which the bond length for CO quoted molecule is 1.14 l»"" kg, the where R {, is the equilibrium separation of the atoms. gives rise to this potential energy was determined may be found by The interatomic force that differentiating V: *~~lR 8.9 VIBRATIONAL ENERGY LEVELS When soilicicntly excited, a molecule can we shall only consider diatomic molecules. 8.12 vibrate as well as rotate. Figure 8-23 shows how As licfnre. the potential energy of a molecule varies with the mternuclear distance R. In the neighlwrhood 272 PROPERTIES OF MATTER = -k(R -R ) The force is just the restoring force that a stretched or compressed spring exerts— a Hooke's law force— and, as with a spring, a molecule suitably excited can undergo simple harmonic oscillations. THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 273 substituted for m: Two -body 8.14 2s- oscillator in When the harmonic-oscillator problem is solved quantum mechanically, as was done Chap. in energy of the oscillator 5, the found to is lie restricted to the values 8. is where u, The ((.•+ V2 = (>, 2, 3, , 1 /»<„ ) the vibrational f parabolic approximation = /-.'„ quantum number, may have . . lowest vibrational state (e = value of 0; as discussed in ("hap. principle, because to if would position its it = 5, this result is in and its be infinite— and a particle with E momentum. energy 0) has the finite ^''"o" ,mt tne classical accord with the uncertainty were stationary, the uncertainty in momentum uncertainty would then have the oscillating particle l>c the values = cannot have an infinitely uncertain view of Eq. 8.14 the vibrational energy levels of a diatomic In molecule are specified by The FIGURE 8-23 potential energy of a diatomic molecule si a function of intern uclear distance. Classically, the frequency of of force constant k a vibrating body of mass m connected to a spring 1 -et is : 187 and, as III 1.14 What we have situation of in the case of a diatomic molecule two bodies of masses m, and in., In the absence of external forces the linear constant, of their and the I mass momentum is somewhat vibrational energy levels. X we found 10 2a kg. the same times. given by Eq. S.I.'3 PROPERTIES OF MATTER CO molecule and the spacing CO force constant k of the bond in — not an exceptional figure for an ordinary spring) reduced mass of the of vibration CO molecule is m' = therefore is m' N/m X lO^kg X K> 13 Hz 187 2v V = 2.04 and both reach the extremes of The frequency 1..14 of oscillation of such with the reduced mass FIGURE 8-24 274 lb/in. The frequency cannot affect the mot ion in' of Eq. 8.5 The separation AE lietween force constant k "'o^MimmmKT 1(1 in Sec. 8.8, the 2* of the system remains M-: 1 is The different reason m, and nt, vibrate hack and forth relative in opposite directions, heir respective motions at a two-body oscillator this the Vibrational energy levels joined by a spring, as in Fig. 8,24. oscillations of the bodies therefore center of mass. For to their center of is its N/m (which k 1 8.13 + V2 )HJ— m (v us calculate the frequency of vibration of the between is = Ev A m = = /;,,,, 6M 8.44 the vibrational energy levels in - EF = hv n X 10- M J-s X X IlH eV 2.04 X 10 ,:, s CO is ' Iwo-botfy oscillator. which is Because considerably AE more than the spacing between > kf for vibrational states in a sample its at rotational energy levels. room temperature, Most THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 275 of the molecules in such a sample exist in the zero-point energies. This situation = state with (inly their very different from that diaraeterislie of is where the much smaller energies mean (hat the majority of the molecules in a room-temperature sample are excited to higher states. The higher vibrational stales of a molecule do not obey Kc|. 8.15 l>ceause the parabolic approximation to its potential-energy curve becomes less and less valid rotational states, with increasing energy. As a of high B shown levels The is less result, the spacing between adjacent energy levels than the spacing Iwtween adjacent levels of low in Fig. .S-25. This diagram also shows the finer between vibrational the harmonic oscillator approximation. oscillating dipole radiation of the whose frequency is is states is . The only emit to (c The potential energy ing vibrational and rotational energy At = ±1 easy to understand. in An y all quanta of frequency *„ have the energy of a diatomic molecule as a function of interatomic distance, levels. its energy increases from AE = + Y2 — l)hv a time, at hi> u Hence . in + {t l /2 )rW u to [v which case its = the selection rule At) between adjacent molecules AE = + %+ l)ht> inhibit rotation. , and (u + it can y»)hv„ ±1, liquids in a time, in hi\, at energy decreases from Pure vibrational spectra arc observed only where interactions Because the excitation energies involved in molecular rotation are considerably smaller than those involved moving molecules vibration, the freely in a gas in or vapor nearly always are The spectra of such molecules do show isolated lines corresponding to each vibrational transition, but instead large number of closely spaced lines due to transitions between the various rotating, regardless of their vibrational state. a rotational states of show- one vibrational level and the rotational In spectra obtained using a spectrometer states of the other. with inadequate resolution, the lines appear as a broad streak called a vibration-rotation band. To a FIGURE 8-25 oscillating dipole accordingly can only alvsorb which case not levels. can only absorb or emit electromagnetic isi' same frequency, and This rule which structure in the vibrational caused by the simultaneous excitation of rotational selection rule for transitions c, /w> first approximation, the vibrations and rotations of a molecule take place independently of each other, and we can also ignore the effects of centrifugal and anharnionicity. Under these circumstances the energy diatomic molecule arc specified by distortion a + /(/+l»|J- S.17 = Figure 8.26 shows the / the e = and o = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 levels of a diatomic A/ = — • r; - transitions 1 = - From molecule for vibrational states, together with the spectra! lines in I absorption that are consistent with the selection rules Ac lite D levels of fall into two = + categories, the and A/ = ±1. P branch in which 1 I (that is, / -> } ) and the R branch in which A/ + 1 (/ -» J I). Eq, 8.17 the frequencies of the spectral lines in each branch are given = 1 + by ''p = h = ^/5 + W- u - i f-(i,j ft '-*' + 11 Iwl ft 8. IB vibrational energy levels /= *^>-fcr 1.2,3.. I' branch and rotational energy levels 8.19 — ^IJt = i'o + I (/ '"11.,/ + !) J = 0, 1, 2, H branch 2<nl 276 PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 277 There ;=4 J 1 no line at v v = = because transitions for which SJ i>„ diatomic molecules. The spacing between the lines R branch &» is = ascertained from =3 I is in microwave hence the moment of fi/2ir/; its are forbidden f) inertia of a P and the molecule can be infrared vibration-rotation spectrum as well as from —> = Figure 8-27 shows the v pure- rotation spectrum. t its = 1 l vibration-rotation absorption band in J = both the in =2 A CO. molecule that consists of many atoms may have a large number of different 1 normal modes of vibration. Some of these modes involve the entire molecule, J=l -J ., but others involve only groups of atoms 1 1 independently of the 1 teristic vibrational rest of the whose vibrations occur more or molecule. Thus the frequency of 1.1 X 10 M Hz. The X 10 1 '1 —OH Hz and the — NH Z group has a frequency of 1 .0 carlx>n-earl>on group depends upon the number of bonds between the the —£ —C— group vibrates vibrates at about 5.0 6.7 X lO 13 Hz (Figs. X I0 13 at characteristic vibrational about 3.3 Hz, and the 8-28 and 8-29). {As X 10 13 less group has a charac- Hz, the frequency of a C U=C^ atoms: group — C^C — group vibrates we would expect, the greater the at about number of carbon -carbon bonds, the larger the value of the force constant k and the higher the frequency.) In each case the frequency docs not depend on the particular molecule or the location in the molecule of the group. This in- dependence makes vibrational spectra a valuable FIGURE 8-27 The lines are identified 1 =4 / =3 >v = J =2 J = } = 1 -J FIGURE There no Una 26 AJ = + P branch K The 8- is &} = -l rotational structure of the at r a >-„{1he t,) - r I ir 1 r = — c by the value = > tool in vibratkjnrotalion absorption band fn determining molecular CO undw high resolution. The of 1 in the Initial rotational state. [ l I :m cl> transitions In branch} because of the selection rule li • diatomic molecule. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 x 10" Hz = ^L FREQUENCY 278 PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 279 E* ' E* ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF MOLECULES 8.10 * The its D° 0.4527 eV "10.1915 eV .4658 «fV energies of rotation and vibration in a molecule are clue to the motion of atomic nuclei, since the nuclei contain essentially The molecular corresponding to levels much is all of the molecule's mass. electrons also can be excited to higher energy levels than those I In- ground state of the molecule, (hough the spacing of these greater than the spacing of rotational or vibrational levels. Electronic transitions involve radiation in the visible or ultraviolet parts of the spec t nun, with each transition appearing as a scries or closely spaced lines, called a band, due to the presence of different rotational and vibrational states electronic state (see Fig, 4-12), a dipole moment change always accompanies symmetric stretching FIGURE S-28 The normal mode* of vibration of the HX asymmetric stretching molecule and the energy levels ot each mode. each a change in the electronic con- figuration of a molecule. Therefore hoi noun clear molecules, such as symmetric bending in All molecules exhibit electronic spectra, since 1 1, and N2 , which have neither rotational nor vibrational spectra becawBB they lack permanent dipole moments, nevertheless have electronic spectra which possess rotalional and vibrational line structures that permit their moments of inertia and Ixind force constants to l>e ascertained. structures. be either An example CH 3CO— SIX is or thioaeetie acid, whose structure might conceivably CH 3CS —OH. The infrared absorption spectrum of Electronic excitation in a polyatomic molecule often leads to a change in shape, which can be determined from the rotational fine structure in spectrum. The origin of such changes lies thioacetic acid contains lines at frequencies equal to the vibrational frequencies of the or jC=0 and — SH groups, but no lines corresponding to the —OH groups, so the former alternative is /C=S the correct one. I'uiiclioiis ol electrons in different states, hinds involve sp hybrid orbitals that, in levels of each mode. band in the different characters of the wave which lead in UBTespandfogjIy different types of Ixmd. For example, a possible electronic transition in a molecule whose involve pure FIGURE 8 29 The norma! modes of vibration of the CO. molecule and the energy The symmetric bending mode can occur In two perpendicular planes. its its is p From orbitals. , p orbitals is is which the Ixmds to a higher-energy state in a molecule such as Bell 2 the Ixmd angle 180° and the molecule of pure is the sketches earlier in this chapter linear (II in the ease of we — Be — H), while the Ixmd angle bent (H — Be). 90° and the molecule can see sp hybridization in the case is 11 There arc various ways in which a molecule energy and return to its ground lose :> o£e>—r^-0« T eV c o -O- PROPERTIES OF MATTER o — c O* *~-o tile O* ground may some of downward vibrational level in the upper electronic is give up asymmetric stretching its Another it of course, simply absorl>eei. possibility is thereby fluorescence; vibrational energy in collisions with oilier radiative transition originates from a lower State (Fig. 8-30). Fluorescent radiation therefore of lower frequency than that of the absorbed radiation. In molecular spectra, as in symmetric stretching The molecule may, slate in a single step. molecules, so that the the molecule o an excited electronic state can emit a phi>ton of the same frequency as that of the photon returning to symmetric bending 280 11.2912 .0.1649 eV 0.827 cV state. in atomic spectra, radiative transitions !>elween electronic states of different total spin are prohibited (see Sec. 7-11). Figure 8-3 THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 281 ultimately reaches the v Mnglet state it is is = level. impossible to occur but that .Such transitions accordingly excited state A radiative transition "forbidden" by the selection phorescmt radiation may l>e it rules, which from a realty triplet to a means not that has only a minute likelihood of doing so. have very long half lives, and the resulting phos- emitted minutes or even hours after the initial absorption. FIGURE 8-31 vibrational transition The origin ol phosphorescence. The final transition Is delayed because ft violates the s*. lection rules lor electronic transitions. C3 singlet excited state triplet excited state ground state vibrational transition 1^^— forbidden REPRESENTATIVE COORDINATE FIGURE 8-30 The which the molecule in a photon and elevated to a singlet excited state. is can undergo radiationless and there is in its singlet (S tratisitions to a have about the same energy state, singlet ground state origin of fluorescence, shows a situation to transition as = ground state absorbs 0) In collisions the molecule lower vibrational level that one of the levels in the triplet {S then a certain probability for a shift to may happen — 1 ) excited the triplet state to occur. Further collisions in the triplet state bring the molecule's energy below that of the crossover point, so that 282 PROPERTIES OF MATTER it is now trapped in the triplet state and REPRESENTATIVE COORDINATE THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 283 Problems The bond between 11. the hydrogen N/m. has a force constant of 516 At what temperature would the average kinetic energy of the molecule* a hydrogen sample be equal to their binding energy? 1. in in 1 2. Although the molecule He 2 ion He, 1 unstable and docs not occur, the molecular and has a bond energy about equal to that of H, + stable is is . The hydrogen 2. a 'H 3S CI molecule a HCI molecule will be vibrating room temperature? isotope deuterium has an atomic mass approximately twice Does that of ordinary hydrogen. Explain How or K, ? of vibration of the molecule. does in Is it likely that excited vibrational state at its first and chlorine atoms this affect H2 or HD have the greater zero-point energy? the binding energies of the two molecules? this observation. The 13. Which would you expect 3. The lowest bond have the highest ixmd energy, to F,, ¥./, ionization energy of II, is l.->.7 eV and that of H 13.6. is Why arc they so different? I2 C 1B and = 1.1(12 X y c al The observed molar 1 rotational absorption line occurs at 1,153 16° Hz in ? C ia X 10" Hz sion) in in O. Find the mass number of the unknown a gas molecule contributes gas, this hydrogen gas curve is — is, kcal/kmol 1 volume is (The temperature scale is at constant each mode of energy posses- K to the specific heal of the interpreted as indicating thai only translalional motion, with is possible for hydrogen molecules at very low temperAt higher temperatures the specific heat rises to -~5 kcal/kmol K, atures. 6. Calculate the energies of the four lowest rotational energy states of the and D2 molecules, where The specific heat of three degrees of freedom, carbon isotope. 7. 966 N/m, Find the frequency plotted in Fig. 8-32 versus absolute temperature. logarithmic.) Since each degree of freedom (that — The/ = 5. is energy:" 14. The 4. force constant of the 'H 1!, F molecule I) represents the deuterium rotational spectrum of HCI atom H2 indicating that two more degrees temperatures the specific heat fll. is of freedom are available, —7 kcal/kmol K, indicating and two at still higher further degrees The additional pairs of degrees of freedom represent, respectively, which can take place about two independent axes perpendicular to the symmetry of the U 2 molecule, and vibration, in which the two degrees of freedom. contaias the following wavelengths: rotation, 12.(13 9.60 8.04 6.89 6.04 If 10 5 X X X x m axis of m HH m 10~ n m x 10 s m I0- S of freedom correspond to the kinetic and potential by the molecule, in is equal to the an HCI molecule. (The mass of :i3 Cl 5.81 is X W~M FIGURE 8-32 Molar specific heat of hydrogen at modes of energy possession Verify this interpretation of Fig. 8-32 by calculating the which kT temperatures the isotopes involved are }H and ffCt, find the distance between the hvdrogen and chlorine nuclei (a) minimum rotational energy and to the at constant volume. kg. c„ Calculate the classical frequency of rotation of a rigid body whose energy is given by Eq. 8.8 for states of } = / and / = / + 1, and show that the frequency 7 of the spectral line associated with a transition between these states 6 8. between the rotational frequencies of the diate 9. A ""'Hg^'CI molecule emits a 4.4-cm photon transition from / (The masses of 10 10. = " ,H, I to / Hg and = as 0. interme- states. when it undergoes a rotational Find the interatomic distance Cl are, respectively, 3,32 X in this molecule. 10 25 kg and 5.81 x ^kg.' Assume 4 I * 3 2 that the H2 1 molecule behaves exactly with a force constant of 573 N'/ni and corresponding to 284 is ,1 its - a harmonic oscillator find (he vibrational 4.5-eV dissociation energy. PROPERTIES OF MATTER like quantum number 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 -*T TEMPERATURE, K THE PHYSICS OF MOLECULES 285 minimum vibrational energy a constant of the bond in H.. is H„ molecule can have. Assume that the force N/m and that the H atoms are 7.42 X 10~" m STATISTICAL 573 MECHANICS apart. (At these temperatures, approximately half the molecules are rotating or 9 some are in higher states than J = 1 coasidering only two degrees of rotational freedom in vibrating, respectively, though in each case = I.) (b) To justify H 2 molecule, calculate the temperature at which AT is equal to the minimum rotational energy a H 2 molecule can have for rotation al>out its axis of symmetry, (c) How many rotations does a li molecule with } = 1 and t = make per 2 or v the 1 vibration? The branch of physics known as statistical mechanics attempts to relate the macroscopic properties of an assembly of particles to the microscopic properties of the particles themselves. Statistical mechanics, as its name implies, concerned with the actual motions or interactions of individual investigates instead their most probable behavior. cannot help us determine the life While is DOt particles, but statistical history of a particular particle, mechanics it is able to inform us of the likelihood that a particle (exactly which one we cannot know in advance) has a certain position and momentum at a certain instant. Because many phenomena so in the physical world involve assemblies of value oJ a Statistical rather than deterministic approach generality of its clear. particles, the Owing to the mechanics can be applied with equal problems (such as that of molecules in a gas) and qiiantum- arguments, facility to classical is statistical incchanical problems (such as those of free electrons in a metal or photons in a lx>x), 9.1 and it is one of the most powerful tools of the theoretical physicist STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION LAWS We shall use statistical mechanics to determine the most probable way in which among the various members of an assembly of identical particles; that is, how many particles are likely to have the energy e v how many to have the energy t 2 and so on. The particles are a fixed total amount of energy is distributed , assumed to interact with an extent sufficient to establish sufficient to result in We 1. 286 PROPERTIES OF MATTER (or with the walls of their container) to thermal equilibrium in the assembly but not any correlation between the motions of individual particles. shall consider assemblies of three kinds of particles: Identical particles of distinguished. u one another any spin that are The molecules eQ-Bohmatm distribution sufficiently widely separated to be of a gas are particles of this kind, and the Max- law holds for them. 287 2. Identical particles of Such from another. or integral spin that cannot be distinguished one dx dp t do not obey the exclusion principle, and the dy dp u particles Base-Einstein distribution law holds for them. bosom; and we Photons are Rose particles, or shall use the Bosc- Einstein distribution trum of radiation from a cfo we lenee I black body, we Electrons are Fermi particles, or fennions, and Fenni-Dirae distribution law to explain the dPl ft ft ft law to explain the specsee that 3. Identical particles of spin )' that cannot be distinguished one from another. 2 Such particles obey the exclusion principle, and Ihe Fermi-Dime distribution low holds for them. > > > shall use the behavior of the free electrons in a A 1 ft- "point" in phase space order of where metal. > t ft 3 . We A more PHASE SPACE volume > h3 The state of a system instant of particles is completely specified classically momentum of each of its and momentum are vectors with the position and if known. Since position we must know at a particular constituent particles are three components apiece, fc ft for each The tj, pr . Pl) , 3 position of a particle is It a point having the coordinates convenient to generalize is x, y, this imagining a six-dimensional space in which a point has the six z in ordinary conception bv coordinates z, , mechanics in a geometrical framework, thereby permitting a simpler and niore A point in phase space corresponds to a particular position momentum, while only. Thus every and a point in ordinary space corresponds to a particular position particle is completely specified by a point in phase space, and the state of a system of particles corresponds to a certain distribution of points in much precision our knowledge of its It is it among the task of how tf p? instead of being statistical mechanics to the particles constituting the cells in phase space. phase space can have no infinitesimal size in violates the uncertainty principle, the notion of momentum, and momentum space alone the position of a particle an unlimited uncertainty vice versa. what we mean by a "point" phase space. Let us divide phase space into tiny sLx-ditncnsional cells whose dpx dp y dpz As we reduce the size of die colls, we approach more and more closely to die limit of a point in phase space. However, the volume of each of these cells is t = MAXWELL-BOITZMANN DISTRIBUTION l^t us consider an assembly of e., 6o, .... tj, ... , , . dx dy dz dp x dp y dp,. cell in to PROPERTIES OF MATTER molecules whose energies are limited to These energies may represent either discrete quantum . may conespond phase space know is stales more than one a given energy. What we would like to the most probable distribution of molecules among the various possible energies. W of different in ways of statistical mechanics is that the greater the number which die molecules can be arranged among the in phase space to yield a particular distribution of molecules among cells the different more probable is the distribution. The most probable distriOur first step, then, which is a maximum. a general expression for W. We assume dial each cell in phase space energy levels, the bution is W therefore the one for is to find is equally likely to justification for and, according to the uncertainty principle, ;V or average energies within a sequence of energy intervals, and A fundamental premise sides are dx, dy, dz, 288 . we can in principle determine as we like merely by accepting perfectly acceptable: *9.3 phase space. 'Hie uncertainty principle compels us to elaborate in in , , . , straightforward method of analysis than an equivalent one wholly abstract in character. px p x. pz pv ps This combined position and momentum space is called phase space. The notion of phase space is introduced to enable us to develop statistical tj, of h k the system distribute themselves with as of the which does not contradict the uncertainty-principle argument since and determine the state of a system by investigating is three-dimensional space. x, y, z, a point of infinitesimal size in either position space or particle. is In general, each cell in a phase space consisting of k coordinates . While the notion of a point of & whose minimum volume phase space as being located some- detailed analysis shows that each cell in phase space actually has the lr\ momenta occupies a volume six quantities, z, in itself. physical significance, since x, actually a cell such a cell centered at some location in precisely at the point 9.2 is must think of a particle arrived at with it l>e (as in its occupied; this assumption is plausible, but the ultimate the case of Schrodinger's equation) help agree with experimental is that the conclusions results. STATISTICAL MECHANICS 289 If there are g with the energy f„ the number of ways cells ( molecule can have the energy molecules can have the energy umlcc nli-s can have the energy molecules ran \ all of factors of the fonn e, e{ 2 is g, , number total and the in which one in which two ways of mimlicr of ways that total among the various micrgies is [Ik- What we now mast do product most probable, that is first step is {gxTAfkTAgs)" 3 -(^"'(feNgy)"* is, determine is which just which distribution of the molecules distribution yields the largest value of to obtain a suitable analytic We number. M A'! n^btgln,! n, namely, (g,)"', w= 9.4 (&)"' Hence the number of ways in which is distributed In- The t, is g,. W. Our approximation for the factorial of a large note that, since • l)(n - the natural logarithm of n! is ti! = n(n - 2) . + In . (4) (3) (2) . subject to the condition thai = in. 9.2 n. + + Ha = + n, A' Inn! Equation 9.1 does not equal W, however, since the possible permutations of the molecules The .V total number molecules can he arranged = the different energy levels. X 4 in A'! different sequences. and a, b, c, X 3 x 2 d. = 1 Hie value of 4! = 2 In + is >V!; in other words, abdc bade cadb dacb acbd bead chad dhac tin lb beda rbdii dlmi adbc udch bdac cdtib dcab l/tlrtt alba del hi As an example, we might than one molecule is in among themselves has no significance a, b, and c happen to be in level /, it an energy level, in this situation. = n and we can = In n I In n! Equation 9.5 For instance, does not matter here whether = the fact that n } 3. Thus the n, contribute n,! irrelevant permutations. If there are if by merely integrating In is In n! become n from n — I r» is = n In known r* — dn n that — + « 1 > n 1, n we may > neglect the 1 in the above Stirling's 1 result, formula as Stirling's formula. natural logarithm of Eq. 9.4 molecules is ! . . L In W= In A'! - X In n ! ( + X n, In g, molecules in the molecules ri in level n, molecules in level 2, and so on, there are n,!n !n irrelevant permuta2 3 tions. What we want is the total number of possible permutations Ar divided 1, find Inn! area under the stepped curve we enumerate as abc, acb, bat, bat; cab, or cbtr, these six distributions are equivalent, is + tan however, permuting than all care about n In we are assuming we obtain so 9.5 them we 1) n: Because and since ith level The a plot of In n versus n. indistinguishable, to is The When more - very large, the stepped curve and the smooth curve of In n is = dahc ln{n is n In ni cnbd + + 4 When and there are indeed 24 ways of arranging them: hurt! 3 Figure 9-1 24 abctt In must take into account of permutations possible for A' molecules have four molecules, 4! among we . FIGURE 9-J The area under the stepped curve is In pit ! by the total number of irrelevant ones, or Whan ts very large, the smooth curve Is a good approx- imation of the stepped curve, V! and 9.3 «,».,! a The total number of ways the possible energy levels 290 In n! grating PROPERTIES OF MATTER in is which the .V molecules can Ik- distributed = In can be found by inten from n = 1 to n. among the product of Eqs. 9.1 and 9.3: STATISTICAL MECHANICS 291 formula enables us Stirling's W = JVln N - N - In Since write this expression as to Sn,= n, In n, + 2 n, + 2 n, ln ln.i l While we have an equation l + 2n, Ing, W rather than for W for In itself, this Is no handicap since W)'mai In W . m„ = " "max (In \ The condition for a distribution to be the mast probable one changes dn, any of the in is that small not affect the value of W. B,*s (If the n/s were continuous variables instead of being restricted to integral values, we could express this condition in the usual way as BW/Sn, = 0.) If the change in In corresponding to a change in 97 Wmla = 8 In N is since ,V In -v = n, n ,S In n S In W, from Eq. 9.6 is ( - 2 f we W see that Because changes 2 Sn, 9.11 2 rjfin, In n,&i, +2 In gjSn, tlie 8 In n =2 + «n 2 = tiSrif + Sn 3 e 2 8n,2 + + = • £ fin 3 + 3 - = t We these expressions to Eq. 9.8. 2(-ln 9.12 In n, + lngj - a obtain - = /SfJSn, 8 each of the separate equations added together to give Eq. 9.12, the variation fin, is effectively an independent variable. — In from which Sn, for lie In order for Eq. 9.12 to hold, then, each value of Hence t. we + n, In g, — o (it t = obtain the Maxwell-Bolt/.mann distribution law: = & e ~° e "i — Maxwell-Boltzmann fit, distribution law This formula gives the number of molecules n, that have the energy mimlwr of molecules is coastant, die sum 2 5Hj of all the number of molecules in each energy level must lie (1, which means total in the + Sn, = — 8n, ( of molecules in each energy level are not To incorporate the above conditions on the various 8n into Eq, 9.8 we make use of ^grange's method of undetermined multipliers, which is simply a convenient mathematical device. What we do is multiply Eq. 9.10 by -« and Eq. 9.11 by — fi, where a and (i are quantities independent of the n/s, and add 9.13 t number the the quantity in parentheses must and so 2n = 9.10 Now constant. 8 In 6n n, of Sn.,, ... in independent of one another but must obey the relationships 6 .V, liiH'=iVlnW-^n 96 2 variations Sn,, of the number a and p. We of cells in phase space g that have the energy s must now evaluate &, «, and e( e, in terms and the constants /S. that 2 Hence Eq. nfi In n, = 9.7 liecomes Energy quantization -2 In RfSn, + 9.8 2 In g,6*n, = in a gas, 1 1 While Eq. molecules must be 9.8 among distribution. fulfilled the energy levels, We must EVALUATION OF CONSTANTS *9.4 by the most probable distribution of the it does not by itself completely specify this is therefore = ri[ total n2 + n3 + ... of molecules in a sample molecules whose energies =N In n(t) de is usually very large. convenient to consider a continuous distribution of molecular more also take into account the conservation of particles + number energies rather than the discrete set 9.14 2n, (9.2) and the inconspicuous in the Iranslational motion of the molecules is = lie e,, between <? t If z , c3 and e + dr, n{()tk is the number of Eq. 9. 13 becomes g(e)e~"e~&' de terms of molecular momentum, since and the conservation of energy 2n, ej 9.9 where E 292 is = iijfj + n 2t2 + n,E, + •-=£ the total energy of the assembly of molecules. PROPERTIES OF MATTER f = 2>u we have In consequence the 9.13 n{p) dp = g(p)e •**"** dp STATISTICAL MECHANICS 293 The quantity g(p) a molecule has a volume is equal to the number of cells in phase space in which momentum between p and + u dp. Since each cell specified has the p = ffSS)'<lxdydzdpz is the phase-space <lp ll dpl we volume occupied by particles with the 2 = 2mi the total energy — m dp and of molecules. Since ffr /2lHF can write Eq. 9.18 in the form 2AyJ3/a = »1{e) ffr 9.19 E of the assembly Ve^ e - '*' df momenta. Here The fffdxdydz= V V we compute ft, , where the numerator volume occupied by the gas the is = 4*p ff P! dl\<'P: tl 2 where 4wp dp 2 is in total energy E= f ordinary position space, and ?n(f)df 2 the e^V** f" shell of radius p and thickness dp 3 JV 9.30 2 ^dp^-^pl 9,16 is <Ip volume of a spherical momentum space. Hence in find 1 ft- gp) dp where To /J where we have made use of the definite integral and n tP) dP 9.17 We are now = 4wV»V D e-'",:/2m P According able to find e~". Since x 3/2 e -** dx I <{ j£ 4a to the kinetic an ideal gas (which f We find n {p)dp by integrating N= =N teq, is 4-r»-«u -« 47re-°V E= 9.21 9,17 that *e-a9*/2m Jj, where J; is a theory of gases, the total energy what we have been considering) E of A* molecules ul at the absolute temperature £2 NkT = 1.380 X 10" 23 J/molecule-degree Equations 9.20 and 9.21 agree where we have made use of the A V Bollzmann's constant *n Jt I fn a 7/ is —-— Jr" p It" 3 = 4 V definite integral 9.22 li = if w nJ lence 9.5 MOLECULAR ENERGIES Now that the parameters « IN and lioll/.mann distribution law in AN IDEAL GAS ft have been evaluated, we can write the its final form, and ,/ 9.18 294 n(p) dp = 4ttA' PROPERTIES OF MATTER /^-V '! p2«-AP,/2-. dp 9.23 n(t) df = 2wA' VeV''""* Boltzmann distribution of energies STATISTICAL MECHANICS 295 This equation gives the in a sample of an temperature is T. many is, e anil t + tie N molecules and whose absolute The Boltzmann energy terms of kT. The curve while there number of molecules with energies between ideal gas that contains a total of is distribution is plotted in Tig. 9-2 in not symmetrica! because the lower limit to r'is e = in principle, times greater than no upper kT is According to Eq. 9.20, the This average energy limit (although the likelihood of energies small). total energy £ of an assembly of V molecules is 3 JV e- We 2/f The average energy t per molecule Ls E/N, so same for all molecules at .100 K, regardless of their l 2 dp n{p) the is P 2m 2 find that 9.25 that the = —dp = me dv m tie £= is mass. The Boltzmann distributions of molecular momenta and speeds can be obtained From Ec|. 9.23 by noting dial number Boltzmann distribution ^jfi 2e-pl/2nif dp = of momenta between p and p of molecules having + momenta dp, and 2ft .{* 9.24 At 300 K, which e = is 6.21 Average molecular energy approximately room temperature, X 10" Z1 J/molecule n(v)tlr 9.26 \/2wjYm' ,/a ., __,,.„.„ l '' 2kT v^e- mr = ' Boltzmann distribution of speeds , tk [vkTff* number the is of molecules was Formula, which The speed = 54s eV/inolecule IMS9, in is = 9. 27 yjv* = The last ft-3. %AT of a molecule with the average energy of + plotted in Fig. having speeds between p and v obtained by Maxwell first dv. is 3*f Rms speed in FIGURE 9-2 Maiwell-Bottimann enargy distribution. since %mv- = %kT. This speed is denoted r nils lweause it is the square root of the average of the squared molecular speeds— the rtnit-iiiean-xquare speed and is not the same as the simple arithmetical average speed F. The relationship between r and v ral> depends upon the distributinn law speeds being considered. rms m> \i that governs the molecular For a Bolt/.tnann distributinn, si fad the rms speed is about percent greater than the arithmetical average speed. Because the Boll/inann distribution oF speeds probable speed v p is Ls smaller than cidier F or v Tta3 . not symmetrical, the most To find c p, \vc set equal to zero the derivative of n(c) with respect to o and solve the resulting equation for v. We obtain ! 2kT Most probable speed 9.28 Molecular speeds in a gas vary considerably on either side of Dp, shows the distribution of molecular speeds 296 PROPERTIES OF MATTER in Figure 9-4 oxygen at 73 K (-200°C), in oxygen STATISTICAL MECHANICS 297 800 1.600 1.200 MOLECULAR SPEED, m/s k » * FIGURE 9-4 o L « Op FIGURE 9-3 hydrogen s_ = root-mean-square speed = average speed = = which simply Eq. 9.13 with is 273 K ~\j2kTfm bility that a factor Maxwell Boltimonn velocity distribution (0°C). and in hydrogen at increases with temperature molecular speeds at 273 K in K. The most probable molecular speed and decreases with molecular mass. oxygen at 73 molecular speeds 273 K speeds In oxygen st 73 K. In oxygen 273 at are on the whole less Accordingly than at 273 K, and hydrogen are on the whole greater than in oxygen at the same temperature. (The average molecular energy is the same in lx>lh oxygen and hydrogen at 273 K, of course.) In % replacing e -" and E^kT replacing 0w . ( quantum state of energy E be occupied at the The the multiplicity (or statistical weight) of the level, g,, have the same energy states that is the £,. relative populations of atomic energy levels can be treated in the As we know, more rotational quantum than one rotational state niimlier /. L, in any specified direction of the angular in multiples of ti from }h through is, there are 2/ + I may correspond The degeneracy in arises I to a particular momentum L may have to —Jli, for a total of 2/ possible orientations of L fence an energy level whose rotational quantum (The same way.) because the component + 1 any value possible values. relative to the specified (z) direction, with each of these orientations constituting a separate ROTATIONAL SPECTRA T. The number of temperature t Let us apply Eq, 9.29 to the rotational energy levels of a molecule. That 9.6 and K. factor e~ K,/kT, often called the liollzmonn factor, expresses the relative proba- quantum at of molecular K. \f3kTfm -ifikT/wm = most probable speed = The distribution* 273 at number is quantum state. / has a statistical weight of A continuous distribution of energies occurs only in the translational motions of molecules. As we saw in Chap. 8, quantized, with only certain specific energies £, l>eing possible. distribution 9.29 298 law n ( = for modes of energy n„ g, e-V* r gr molecular rotations and vibrations are possession of the latter sort The Bolt/.mann may !>e For a rigid = 2/+l diatomic molecule, written 4 = /(/ + % PROPERTIES OF MATTER STATISTICAL MECHANICS 299 and so the Boltzmann factor corresponding to the quantum numlicr J is e -JU+ U» V2rtr The Boltzmann distribution formula for the probabilities of occupant')' of the rotational energy levels of a rigid diatomic molecule is therefore 9.30 = Uj + (2/ Here the quantity » In Sec. 1.46 x we tt.8 is is the number found that the of molecules in the / moment = rotational state. of inertia of the CO molecule is For a sample of carbon monoxide gas at room temperature 20° C) H)-10 kg-m 2 (293 K, which HpflHW+liM/MW I) . 2 fr (1.054 2f*T ~ 2 = 0.00941 X 1.46 X 10"« kg-m* X 10-" X 1.38 X . 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ROTATIONAL QUANTUM NUMBER, / 18 20 W ,- |-s,i 10" 23 J/K X 293 K £ L0 and so >ij = (21+ J)„ 0<r o.<w!MiJtf+i> Figure 9-5 contains graphs of the statistical weight 2J e -o.omm ju* B lhc reUuivc p0p(ll uj0|1 tlj/H() for md off. The/ = and about the /= The as + I, the Boltzmann factor CQ a( 2{r(; a| n fmMam . 7 rotational energy level many molecules 29 level as are in a in the / = sample of () , evidently the most highly populated, is CO at room temperature are in level. intensities of the rotational lines in a molecular spectrum are proportional energy levels. Figure 8-27 to the relative populations of the various rotational the initial rotational level. / = *§.7 7, as The P and ft branches both have their maxima 10 8 6 shows the vibration-rotation band of CO for the o = -n> = 1 vibrational transition under high resolution; lines are identified according to the / value of 12 14 20 16 ROTATIONAL QUANTUM NUMBER,/ (h) at expected. BOSE-EINSTEIN DISTRIBUTION The basic distinction between Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics and Bosc- Einstein statistics is that the former governs identical particles which can be distinguished from one another in some way, while the latter governs identical particles which cannot be distinguished, though they can be counted. In Bose-Kimlein statistics, as before, all quantum states are assumed to have equal probabilities of occupancy, so that g, represents the numlier of states that have the same energy e Kuch quantum state corresponds to a cell in phase spaa*, and our first step is . ( to determine the number of ways in which n, indistinguishable particles can 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 ROTATIONAL QUANTUM NUMBER, / lie distributed in g cells. PROPERTIES OF MATTER 20 (c) f 300 18 FIGURE 9-5 The multiplicities (a), rotational energy levels of the CO Boltzmann factors molecule at 20' C. (bl. and relative population* (c) of the To we carry out the required enumeration, objects placed in a line (Fig. 9-6). We regarded as partitions separating a total of therefore representing n and = n, contains 20; two particles, + ". ft particles, the do not (g, - (it, 1)! In the picture 20 particles into 12 + g, - colls. The g + - ft " "t«g. = f first - and are I irrelevant. 12 partitions among them- Hence there are In 9.32 W=2 In — n r» W as + I(n, ft) As before, the condition that \n(n +&)-«, In n, - { this distribution small changes Sn, in any of the individual n YV of 8 change in In may be written W occurs when In - 1)! - ft] be the most probable one 's f In (ft not affect the value of is W. that If a changes by on,, the above condition ii, 1)! W The number of ways W in which the W particles can be distributed is the product ("i II n permits us to rewrite In Hence, W= = In nl cell possible distinguishably different arrangements of the n, indistinguishable particles among the ft cells. 3.31 formula Stirling's I l>e among among possible permutations 1)1 permutations of theft affect the distribution (n, - with the entire series g, intervals, objects, but of these the n,! permutations of the n, particles 1 themselves and the selves ft g, of the objects can 1 second none, the third one particle, the fourth three and so on. There are - - particles arranged in g, cells. t partitions separate the J 1 + consider a series of n, note thai + ft - if Wof Eq. 9.32 the 9.33 In ft Wnm = V [In (n, where we have made use of the S In n I)' = maximum, represents a + ft) - In nj Sn t = fact that - Sn n »|l(ft *" 1)' of the numbers of We now each energy. + («i so that (it, + ft ft) - arrangements of particles among the states having assume that As in Sec. 9.3 1) > 2 can be replaced by W=2 (n, + ft), and take the natural logarithm [In (n, S e, +& _ )! ra „,! _ fa ( & _ i)i] series of n, Indistinguishable particles separated by tt - 1 partitions Into g, cells. • fc 2 1 2 The Eq. 9.33. /. —a and the latter by — /? and adding is + ft) - In n, - a - fc,] Sn, in = brackets must vanish for each Hence • In 1 form = result [hi (n, in the Since the 8n,'s are indepetident. the quantity "' + fe - - a fr, = () particle partition 1 number of indistinguishable particles number of partitions = g^ — 1 == 11 number of cells = g = 12 t 302 S», by multiplying the former equation by value of I = and the conservation of energy, expressed 2 A Sn, I to FIGURE 9-6 incorporate the conservation of particles, expressed in the form of both sides of Eq, 9.31 to give In we distinct PROPERTIES OF MATTER — » = 20 . + ii- = <?«$• and ( 9.34 s*" - 1 STATISTICAL MECHANICS 303 Substituting for (9.22» we from Kq. 9.22, fi arrive Hi the liase-Kifintein tlistrifwtimi law: 935 = n. n ft e n e" nT — / A ""IF Bose-Einstein distribution taw 1 FIGURE 9-7 identical to from the ferent faces Surfaces 1! and I I' each other and are and are dif identical pair of sur- II'. BLACK-BODY RADIATION 9.8 v Every substance emits elect roinagnette radiation, the character «r upon the nature and temperature of the substanee. We which depends <d have already discussed the discrete spectra of excited gases which arise from electronic transitions within isolated atoms At the other extreme, dense lx>dics such as solids radiate cent inn all frequencies are present; the atoms in a solid are so close ous spectra in whieh together that their mutual interactions result in states indistinguishable The radiation. This the same rate as one that absorbs a body is It is it all radiation incident upon it, regardless of frequency. Such show experimentally that a black body is a twlter emitter of than anything else. The experiment, illustrated in Fig 9-7, involves identical pairs of dissimilar surfaces. 1' at the rate of g, W/ni 2 while surfaces II and, since I a., < al a faster rate No temperature difference At a given temperature the surfaces I!'. II , and IF radiate and F absorb some fraction at tin- < 1. Hence — The 1 > e%. A black body at point of introducing the idealized black lx>dy in a discussion of thermal we can now disregard the precise nature of whatever is since black ixxiics behave identically. 1ms a given temperature radiates energy all that is radiating, In the lalwratory a black body can approximated by a hollow object with a very small hole leading (Fig. 9-8). Any radiation striking the hole enters the cavity, where to it its Interior is trapped observed is and 1' different rate a, or the radiation falling 1, e, than any other Ijody. radiation called a black htuhj. and = <%, ability to absorb its between surfaces a its easy to radiation two closely related to at a constant temperature is in surroundings and must absorb energy from llieni emits energy. It b convenient to consider as an ideal body thermal equilibrium with at arc not, so that II' e, is be expected, since a body to is and from a continuous band of pennilted energies. a Ixjdy to radiate ability of II multitude of adjacent quantum radiate rz . The on them, while and IF absorb some other rate- proportion] to to 0,6,. rt,e Because F and fraction «... Hence V absorbs energy from II at and IF absorbs energy from L at a rate proportional remain at the same temperature, it must l>e true that a, 11' FIGURE 9 8 A hole the wan of a hollow object is In an excellent approximation of a black and body. a, The ability of a Ixxly to radiation. 304 «,, I>et emit radiation us suppose that PROPERTIES OF MATTER I is proportions] to and F are black its ability to absorb lx>dies, so that a, = I, while STATISTICAL MECHANICS 305 by reflection Ixick and forth until it is absorbed. emitting and absorbing radiation, and (black-body mdittliott) that we it is The are interested. Experimentally we can sample black-body radiation simply by inspecting what emerges from the hole. The results agree with our everyday experience; a black Ixxly radiates move when at hot than when and the spectrum of a hot black body has its peak a higher frequency than the peak in the spectrum of a cooler one. We recall it is it is cold, the familiar behavior of an iron bar as temperatures: at first it lxjenmes "white hot." is heated progressively higher to glows dull red, then bright orange-red, and eventually The spectrum of black-body radiation is shown in Fig. two temperatures. 9-9 for The it Our cavity walls are constantly in the properties of this radiation model of a black Ixxly theoretical some opaque version, namely, a cavity in and V, same will lx* the some volume contains a large nmnlx*r of indistinguishable photons of various it particles that follow the Bose-Einstein distribution law. The number momentum between p and p + dp which a photon can have a of states is equal may twice the number of cells in phase space within which such a photon to fre- Photons do not obey the exclusion principle, and so they are Bose quencies. g(p) in as the laboratory material. This cavity has The reason for the possible double occupancy of each cell is that photons of the same frequency can have two different directions of polarization (circularly exist. clockwise and circularly counter-clockwise). Hence, using the argument that led to Eq. 9.16, principles of classical physics are unable to account for the observed black-body spectrum. In that led Max nomenon. 1'Ianck in fact, 1900 it was this particular failure of classical phvsics to suggest that light emission is a We shall use quantum-statistical mechanics to derive the Planck radia- tion formula, which predicts the same spectrum as that g(p) = dp ^ quantum phe- momentum Since the of a photon p is = hv/c, found by experiment. '" = 2 p dp and ... 9.36 g(t') = dv 8wV — t— f We we 4 (/f cJ T=lSWt must now evaluate the I-igrangian multiplier a in Eq, 9.35, To do ma\ gas molecules or electrons, photons destrmei!. lie ere.ifci! .mil ;iitil the total radiant energy within the cavity must remain constant, the of photons that incorporate this energy can change. For instance, of energy of FIGURE tra. 9 9 The energy In hi' energy 6 x 10" Hz visible light FREQUENCY, 306 PROPERTIES OF MATTER v two photons Hence 2hi>. 2 the radiation depends on, / can express by letting « = Substituting Eq. 9.36 for g, and hi> which we between 4 x 10 M while number can be emitted simultaneously with the absorption of a single photon distribution law (Eq. 9.35), M 2 x 10 si. Black. body spec- spectral distribution of only upon the temperature at the body. this, note that the numlier of photons in the cavity need not be conserved. Unlike v and p> + we pa fo = &VV The corresponding volume t , it 2 fin, as 0. = in the Bose-Einstein multiplies and find that the T n(i') di' t letting o number of photons with frequencies dp in the radiation within a cavity of volume are at the absolute temperature 9.37 since for - between walls 1 spectral energy density viv) dv, in radiation V whose is v aixl v + dv in which frequency, is is the energy per unit given by STATISTICAL MECHANICS 307 dv f(c) /ic»j(c) = dv Both Wien's displacement law and the Stefan-Boll/.mann law are evident in qualitative fashion in Fig. 9-9; the p- fcrft 9.38 Equation 9.38 Two Planck radiation formula _ in the various curves shift to higher temperature. | the Planck radiation fannida, which agrees with experiment. is interesting results can be obtained from the Planck radiation formula. wavelength whose energy density In find the in dv e hr/kT c3 maxima frequencies and the total areas underneath them increase rapidly with rising terms of wavelength and is greatest, we FERMI-DIRAC DISTRIBUTION "9.9 express Kq. 9.3fS Fermi-Dirac set statistics apply to indistinguishable particles which are governed by the exclusion principle. Our derivation of the Fenni-Dirae distribution law = will therefore parallel that of the Base- Einstein distribution () dX = and then solve for A \ max , We each cell (that If there are obtain filled he = and g, cells — (g, ways, but the n 1.965 quantum is, The & permutations of the ! ( occupied by lie having the same energy are vacant. n,) can state) cells r, and which is more conveniently expressed among themselves as The number he n„„lT — v is law except that n, particles, in among themselves filled cells — now most one particle. can be rearranged since the particles are indistinguishable and the (g, vacant cells at n,)! ii, g i t cells are different are irrelevant permutations of the are irrelevant since the cells are not occupied. of distinguishable arrangements of the particles among the cells therefore 496Sfc = £wS98 X 9.39 10 3 ft! n>K - n l'(gi Equation 9.39 known is as Wien's displacement tan:. It quantitatively expresses the empirical fact that the peak in the black-body spectrum shifts to progressively shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies! as the temperature Another we can result the cavity. This is obtain from Eq. 9.3S the integral of the: is is all probability W of the entire distribution of particles i w thin i U' 9.41 t I f(i») frequencies, dv In _ far8** ' I5c 3/r< = -* which In where n is a universal constant. The total energy density is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the cavity walk We therefore expect that the energy a radiated by a black body per second per unit area T\ a conclusion embodied W= Stirling's al* also proportional to rtl v [In g ! - ( In n,! e=oT' The value of Stefan's constant a a 308 = 5.67 X W PROPERTIES OF MATTER * sides. - In (ft - n,)t] formula = n In n — n permits us to rewrite as 9.4 Z In W= 2 [ft Lift - n, In n, - (ft - n,) In (g, - n,)] is in the Stefun-Hultzniann late: For this distribution to represent maximum of the individual n/s must not alter 9.40 the product ft] =11 Taking the natural logarithm of both = is increased. the total energy density cnerg) tieusih over The "() ! 9.43 « 1" As before, we WBM = 2 [-In n, + probability, small changes fin, in any W. Hence In (g, - n,)] 5n, = is VV/m 2 K' take into account the conservation of particles and of energy by adding STATISTICAL MECHANICS 309 — «2 6n ( = jw-j 9.47 Occupation index and called the occupation index of a state of energy therefore the average number The occupation index docs not f,, is of particles in each of the stales of that energy. to Eq. 9.43, with the result that S — In 9.44 [ + ri( In (g ( — depend upon how the energy n t) — « — fit,] 5n, for this reason = it levels of a system of particles are distributed, provides a convenient way and of comparing the essential natures of the three distribution laws. Since the Bn,'s are independent, the quantity in brackets must vanish Tor each value of i, and so In The Maxwell-Boltzmann occupation index \/e for each increase in the factor parameter &~ "' - - fc = « !) «, the ratio energy levels t , and r^ f ( is a pure exponential, dropping by While of kT. J\t t ) depends upon the between the occupation indices/^) and /?<',-) of the two does not; n, i*- n,1 9.45 - = 1 = eV" _ e Ur r,\/kT 9,48 This formula ft eV" + is useful because distributions resemble the 1 us to Substituting when/(r)< — 1 term yields the Fermi-Dirac distribution law, causes above ft ., a 1 e e" /kT + Fermi-Dirac distribution (aw 1 The most important application free-electron theory of metals, m photon gas, a of the Fermi-Dirac distribution law which we shall examine in is in the the next chapter. it to exceed the latter. then permits it in a ( =-a e 1, signifying one = ft e « e </kT _ Bose Einstein 1 ft ffe 'i' formulas n, is of states that kr + Fermi-Dirac number of particles whose energy is have the same energy e,. The quantity the PROPERTIES OF MATTER and g, is kT, whereas when e, < kT former occupation index which is index never goes a consequence of At high rapidly near a certain critical is sufficiently small at all energies for the be unimportant, and the Fermi-Dirac dis- Maxwell-Boltzmann one. THE LASER Three kinds of transition involving electromagnetic radiation can occur between in an atom, of atom is initially in state i, light whose energy is /ic = E, If the atom If the There fi > dropping is initially in a photon of energy 1 t for the The Fermi-Dirac occupation tribution lie-comes similar to the Max welt- Boltzmann /kT e'> e energy known as the Fermi energy. two energy levels «, and the Bosc-Einstein occupation index virtually all the lower energy states are filled, with the occupation index 9.11 310 and the obedience of Fermi particles to the exclusion principle. At low temperatures three statistical distribution laws are as follows: number distribution, particle per state at most, temperatures the occupation index COMPARISON OF RESULTS n 0, denominator of the formula in the effects of the exclusion principle to In these the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac approaches the Maxwell-Boltzmann one when kT the The 1, Maxwell-Boltzmann determine the relative degrees of occupancy of two quantum states In the case of a 9.10 factor simple way. P 9.46 Bolkmann fa) is lower one it can be raised to state — hi' £,. this is i This process the upper state /, it is / / (Fig. 9-10), by absorbing a photon called induced absorption. con drop to state i by emitting spontaneous emission. also a third possibility, the of energy hi>; and an upper one a induced emission, in which an incident photon causes a transition from the upper state to the lower one. Induced STATISTICAL MECHANICS 311 ' a \. iV it iS i. J hi- AW* h» WW* hi' I 3 \AA/-»- t,r *b* ill W hf w induced spontaneous absorption emission « g S-5.9 I*?J1 ggsgs induced emission 2« 2 "3 .so. &•%! -e FIGURE 9-10 Transitions between Iwo energy (annus emission, and induced emission. atom can occur by Induced levels In an absorption, soon (0 emission involves DO novel concepts. An analogy is harmonic a instance a pendulum, which has a sinusoidal force applied to is same the as its natural period of vibration. If it oscillator, for whose period the applied force is exactly in phase with the pendulum swings, the amplitude of the latter increases; corresponds lo induced absorption of energy. However, w this the applied force if .3 > c— is &'£ 180° out of phase with the pendulum swings, the amplitude of the latter decrctiM v Since this hi- is corresponds to induced emission of energy. normally much greater than kT for atomic and molecular radiations, at thermal equilibrium the population of upper energy stales in an atomic system is considerably smaller than that of the lowest stale. of frequency state t> upon a system and an excited state will lie little in is hi>. Suppose we shim; IU —« > a U M light which the energy difference between the ground With the upper State largely unoccupied, there stimulated emission, and the chief events dial occur will he absorp- tion ot incident photons by atoms in the ground 1 - and the subsequent sponta- state .2 neous random rcradiation of photons of the same frequency, (A certain proportion of excited atoms will give up their energies in cotlisioas.) 2 g-H.1 S3 2 c II — E S ** CJ a "4 ~0 U) Certain atomic systems can sustain inverted energy populations, with an upper slale occupied three-level system in that the transition from = (E s upper — E[,)//i. state.) the ground state. which the intermediate it lo the The system can be "pumped" i'' men to a greater extenl ground lo the slate upper Atoms in slale 2 s is met as table, which means — forbidden In selection rules. 2 by radiation of frequency have lifetimes of about 10 the ground state) almost at once. I is state I % B (Electron impacts are another wa\ to raise the system to the emission via an allowed transition, so they over slale w Figure 9-11 shows a fall and against spontaneous to the metastable slate Metastable states against spontaneous emission, " s it is E may have 1 W (or to &"§ s lifetimes of well therefore possible to continue tu> pmnping until there is a higher population in state If now we direct radiation of frequency v = (£, — induced emission of pholous of 312 PROPERTIES OF MATTER this I than there £,,)/& is in slate 0. on the system, Ihe frequency will exceed their absorption since w 03 o a -O -c more atoms are in the higher state, the net result will be an output of and radiation of frequency f that exceeds the input. This (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of is the principle of the radiation) and the mascr laser (fight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). The radiated waves from spontaneous emission are, as might be expected, random phase incoherent, with and time since there relationships in space is no coordination among the atoms involved. The radiated waves from induced emission, however, are in phase with the inducing waves, which makes it possible for a is mascr or laser to produce a completely coherent beam. A typical laser a gas-filled tulic or a transparent solid that has mirrors at both ends, one of them partially transmitting to allow pumping light of frequency v some The of the light produced to emerge. directed at the active is medium from the sides of the tube, while the baek-and- forth traversal of the trapped light stimulate emissions of frequency P thai maintain the emerging beam A wide collimated. variety of outsets and lasers have been devised: usually, the required inverted energy distribution is obtained less direct 1> Can (b) = the populations of the J what temperature does The N 2 N—O bond molecule 8. is 14 N atom is The mass 2,32 10~ 26 kg. X bond length of of the 18 (a) 300 K. 9. The temperature the relative 3, numbers and 4 energy of the sun's chromosphere of levels. If so, at is is K? 1.126' 2.66 is A and X an 1CT 2G kg the quantum number (b) Plot rij/n,, versus approximately 5000 K. Find = 1, 2, to take into account the multiplicity of each hydrogen atoms Be sure atom What of the most populated rotational energy level at 3(X* J at ever be equal? states chromosphere in the in the n level. 10. the tungsten filament of a light bulb If 2900 K, light find the is equivalent to a black body at percentage of the emitted radiant energy in the form of visible with frequencies between 4 X 10 14 and 7 X 10 14 Hz. than by the straightforward meeha- sun 8 directly overhead. is of the earth's orbit is ture of the sun on the assumption that surface temperature of the sun Problems is equal The problem 2. 1 Verify that the most probable speed of a molecule of an ideal gas W/m 2 when the The sun's radias is 6.96 X 10 m and the mean radius 1.49 X 10" m. From these data find the surface tempera- Sunlight arrives at the earth at the rate of about 1,400 1. 1 msni described above. 1. =3 N— N linear with an length of 1.191 A. and that of the 2 and / occur? this is it radiates like a black body. (The actual slightly less than this value.) of the black-body spectrum was examined at die end of the nineteenth century by Rayleigh and Jeans, using classical physics, since the notion to 2. V2JtT/m. of electromagnetic quanta Verify that the average speed of a molecule of an ideal gas \/SkT/irm. e(y)dv 3. Find the average value of l/v 4. What in a gas allying Maxwell-Boltzmann proportion of the molecules of an ideal gas have components of velocity in any particular direction greater than twice the most probable speed? A flux of 10 l - neutrons/ reactor. If these neutrons sponding 6. to T = 2 emerges each second from a port have a Maxwell-Boltzmann The frequency of vibration of the = 0. v — 2 (b) Can the populations of the what temperature does 7. The moment this of inertia of the PROPERTIES OF MATTER molecule and v is in the 1.32 X I0 N Hz. and 4 vibrational = beam. states at 3 states ever be equal? to the 0, 1, 2, 3, («) Find 5000 K. If so, at is 4,64 X 10 -48 kg-nf. (a) Find and 4 rotational = Hirv'^kT unknown. They obtained the formula eb> states at 300 K. is it 13. impossible for a formula with this dependence on frequency to Show that, in the B ay leigh -Jeans formula, (fo) limit of i> —* At the same temperature, will a gas of particles that ( obey Bose-Einstein Fermi-Dirac statistics) exert statistics), 0, the Planck radiation law reduces classical molecules, a gas of bosom or a gas of fennions (particles that the greatest pressure? The least pressure? Why? 14. Derive the Stefan-Boltzmann law in the following way. Consider a Camot engine that consists of a cylinder and piston whose inside surfaces are perfect reflectors H, molecule = Why be correct? oliey occur? the relative populations of the / 314 H2 1, 2, 3, a nuclear energy distribution corre- 300 K, calculate the density of neutrons the relative populations of the v in as yet statistics. (a) 5. was equal to is and which uses electromagnetic radiation as its working substance. Hie operating cycle of this engine has four steps: an isothermal expansion at the temperature T during which the pressure remains constant at p; an adiahatic STATISTICAt MECHANICS 315 expansion during which the temperature drops by (IT and the pressure drops by dp, an isothermal compression p — al the dp; and an adiabatic compression temperature to the original T — dT and THE SOLID STATE pressure temperature, pressure, and volume. The pressure exerted by radiation of energy density u in a container with reflecting walls 1 _ dW is n/3, and the efficiency of Caraol engines — is the work done by the engine during the entire cycle. dT)/T, where Q is diagram and show = aT\ that u is dW/Q = the heat input during the isothermal expansion efficiency of this particular engine in tenns of u 15. all (7" where a In a continuous helium-neon laser. He is and Calculate the and T with the help of a p-V a constant. and Ne atoms are pumped to meta- and 20.88 eV above their ground states by electron Some of the excited Ifl atoms transfer energy to .Ne atoms in collisions, with the 0.05 eV additional energy provided by the kinetic energy of the atoms. An excited Ne atom emits a 6328- A photon in the forbidden transition that leads to laser action. Then a fifi80-A photon is emitted in an allowed transition to stable states respectively 1 impact. I another me tas table state, and the remaining excitation energy is lost in collisions with the tube walls. Find the excitation energies of the two intermediate states in Ne. Wby are He 10 A solid consists of atoms, ioas, or proximity molecules packed closely together, and their responsible for the characteristic properties of this state of matter. The covalent bonds involved in the formation of a molecule are also present in certain solids. In addition, ionic, run der Winds, and metallic bauds provide is the cohesive forces in solids whose structural elements are, respectively, ions, molecules, and metal atoms. All these Iwnds involve electric forces, so that the chief distinctions among them lie in the distribution of electrons around the various particles whose regular arrangement forms a solid. atoms needed? 10.1 CRYSTALLINE AND AMORPHOUS SOLIDS The majority of solids are crystalline, with the atoms, ions, or molecules of which they are composed falling into regular, repeated three-dimensional patterns. The presence of long-range order is thus the defining property of a crystal. Other long-range order in the arrangements of their constituent particles properly be regarded as supercooled liquids whose stiffness is due to solids lack and may an exceptionally high viscosity. Class, pitch, and many plastics are examples of such amorphous ("without form") solids. Amorphous solids do exhibit short-range order The distinction between the two kinds of order (rioxide (B 2 3 ), which can occur each case every boron atom sent a short-range order. hexagonal arrays, as is in is however. nicely exhibited in boron both crystalline and amorphous forms. In surrounded by three oxygen atoms, which repre- In a B,,0.{ crystal the in Fig. 10-1 in their structures, . which is oxygen atoms are present in a long-range ordering, while amorphous BjOg, a vitreous or "glassy" substance, lacks this additional regularity. A conspicuous example of short-range order in a liquid occurs in water just above the melting [Mint, where the result is a lower density than at higher temperatures because I UC) molecules are less tightly packed when linked in crystals than when free to a 316 PROPERTIES OF MATTER move. Ihe analogy between an amorphous means of better understanding lioth solid and a liquid states of matter. is worth pursuing as Liquids are usually 317 • respectively. boron a lorn come In an ionic crystal these ions together in an equilibrium configuration in which the attractive forces between positive and negative ions predominate over the repulsive forces lictween similar ions. As in the case of molecules, crystals of all types are prevented from collapsing under the influence oxygen atom of the cohesive forces present by the action of the exclusion principle, which occupancy of higher energy requires the when states electron shells of different atoms overlap and mesh together. Table how 10. 1 contains the ionization energies of the elements, and Fig. 10-2 shows these energies vary with atomic number. It is ionization energies of the elements vary as they do. any of the The w (a) FIGURE Two-dimensional representation of B ;0,. <a> Amorphous BjO., 10-1 (0) Crystalline order, GO. are both fluids, also have much packing is common. The in which suggests and gases ihe two liquids is become and Furthermore, X-ray diffraction indicates that at any many liquids instant, quite simitar to those of solids usually close to that the degree of an inference supported by the compressibilities of these similar, range structures critical point density of a given liquid that of the corresponding solid for instance, has a single I .s the the electron outside a closed subshell. electrons in the inner shells partially shield the outer electron from the + Ze, so that the effective charge holding the outer just +e rather than +Ze. Relatively little work must atom is electron to be done to detach an electron from such an atom, and the alkali metals form positive ions readily. The larger the atom, the farther the outer electron is from the nucleus However, from a microscopic point of view, indistinguishable. short-range eithlbrti only solids; after all, liquids and at temperatures above the metals of group why For instance, an atom of nuclear charge exhibits king-range order as well. regarded as resembling gases more closely than alkali not hard to see have stales. (Fig, 10-3) and the weaker is the electrostatic force on energy generally decreases as energy from nuclear charge while the There are two electrons this is we go down any group. The across left to right it; any period number in the is accounted why the ionization increase in ionization for by the increase in of inner shielding electrons stays constant. common inner shell of period 2 elements, and the effective nuclear charge acting on the outer electrons of these atoms is definite short- amorphous solids except that the groupings of liquid molecules are continually shifting. FIGURE 10-2 The variation of Ionization energy with atomic number, 30, Since amorphous solids are essentially liquids, they have no sharp melting points. We can interpret this behavior on a microscopic basis by noting that, since an vary amorphous in strength. solid lacks long-range order, the When the solid is bonds between its molecules heated, the weakest bonds rupture at lower temperatures than the others, so that it softens gradually. In a crystalline solid between long-range and short-range order (or no order at all) involves the breaking of bonds whose strengths are more or less identical, and the transition melting occurs at a precisely defined temperature. 10.2 IONIC CRYSTALS Covalent bonds come into being when atoms share pairs of electrons in such a way that attractive forces are produced. Ionic bonds come into being when atoms that have low ionization energies, and hence lose electrons readily, interact with other atoms that tend to acquire excess electrons. The former atoms give up electrons 318 to the latter, PROPERTIES OF MATTER and they thereupon l>ecome positive and negative ions 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ATOMIC NUMBER THE SOLID STATE 319 Table 10.1. IONIZATION ENERGIES OF THE ELEMENTS. In 2 II.- 84.6 i.'i.n 3 4 S 6 7 Li Be li f: N 5.4 0.3 N.3 113 8 * M F Mb I4.S 1.3.6 17-1 II 12 1.1 14 15 16 IT IS N» Mg Al Si P S CI! Ar 5.1 7.0 rut s.i n.o 32 io. i W i 15.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 :»0 31 33 31 35 30 K Gi & Ti V Cr Vln ft Co \i Cu Zn Ca O As So Br Kr 4.3 8.1 6.6 6.8 67 6.8 T.-l 7M 7<) 7 6 7.7 ').) fill 7.!) B.« 'is lis lio 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 17 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Kb Sr V Zt \l> Mo TV Ru Itli M tg CI l.> Si, si, IV I Xe 1.2 "7 fi.i 7.0 ff.S 7.1 7..! 7.4 7.5 8,3 7.6 9.0 5.t> 7,3 !>.!! 10,5 ' 12.1 55 50 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 80 61 82 83 84 85 88 Cs l)» 111 H, W Ha Os It Pi An lit: Tl I'h Hi I'o Al Rn 3,9 3.2 5,5 T.'i Mi 7.8 8.7 9.2 8.0 \>.2 0.1 7.4 7..1 S.4 - 10.7 87 88 Fr Ri — 5.3 III. I 20 10 58 50 00 La Co Pr Nd ">.(> (>.') is [>..) Atomic radii of (he elements. 01 Pin 02 03 04 65 67 60 68 68 70 electron. 71 SO 81 \c Hi _ 7.11 therefore 70 corresponding to different crystal +(z — 82 93 Pa I! Np — 6.1 — 2)e. etc., atoms is Kit Ccl Til l>v 11,. Ec Tin VI. I.u electron affinities 5.7 62 6.7 B.8 — 6,1 5.8 6.2 5.0 increase going from left lo right across any period. 94 90 97 98 99 Pii Am Cm HL U 5.1 6.0 ____ The outer held to US — — — 100 K* its ID! Mil I'm electron in a lithium 102 atom In general. is quite difficult, The experimental determi- and those for only a few elements are accurately known. bond between two atoms can occur when one of them has a low ionization energy, and hence a tendency to become a positive ion, while the other one has a high electron affinity, and hence a tendency to become a negative \u ionic beryllium, boron, parent atom by effective charges of + 2e, -f 3e, Table 10.2. ELECTRON AFFINITIES OF THE HALOGENS. most electrons, are halogen atoms, which tend to complete their outer p suhshells by picking up an additional electron each. defined as the energy released halogens. l.w N'n held to the atom is in 103 etc. when an element. The greater the electron PROPERTIES OF MATTER affinities of the decrease going down any group of the periodic table and 5.0 At the other extreme from alkali metal atoms, which tend to lose their outer- 320 radii, Sm by an effective charge of +e, while each outer electron is Several have two Table 10.2 shows the electron nation of electron affinities 68 +4e, 60 i tinctures. 57 carbon, 50 ATOMIC NUMBER FIGURE 103 1 40 30 affinity, The limine 3,45 electron affinity of an element Clilurmc 3.61 an atom of each Bniiiiiiii" 3.36 Iodine 3.06 electron the in electron volts. is more added tightly to bound is !') the added THE SOLID STATE 321 ion. Sodium, with an ionization energy of 5.14 eV, and chlorine, with an electron affinity of -1.61 eV, When a Na + the attractive electrostatic force i same ion and a Cl~ ion are in the nniliiion that a stable is an example of the former is an example of the fatter. and are free move, vicinity to between them brings them together. molecule of NaCI result is simply that the total The energy of the system of the two ions be less than the total energy of a system of two atoms of the same elements; otherwise the surplus electron on the Cl~ ion would transfer to the Na* ion, and the neutral Na and CI atoms would no longer be bound together. Let us sec how this criterion In general, in an ionic crystal each ion opposite sign as can fit closely, which leads sizes of the ions involved therefore Two common and is is met by NaCI. surrounded by as many ions of the to maximum shown types of structure found in ionic crystals are In a sodium chloride crystal, the ions of either kind 10-5. of as being located at the comers and with the of culies, Na + and CI The stability. relative govern the type of structure that occurs. at the in Figs. 10-4 may be Each ion thus has six nearest neighbors of the other kind, a consequence of the considerable difference in the sizes of the cubic. ion is A different + Na and CI" arrangement is ions. Such a structure found in located at the center of a cube at is cesium chloride called focfrcentered crystals, whose corners are ions of the other Each ion has eight nearest neighbors of the other land in such a Imdijcenlered vulrir structure, which results when the participating ions are compara- The is of a The body-centered cubic structure model of CsCI crystal. CsCI crystal. The coordination usually expressed in eV/atom, in eV/molecule, or in kcal/mol, where '"mole- cule" and "inol" here refer to sets of atoms specified by the formula of the compound involved (for instance NaCI even though molecules as such do not The where each kind. ble in (a) (b) Scale thought centers of the faces of an assembly assemblies interleaved. FIGURE 10-5 number is 8 NaCI. The crystal) exist in the crystal is the Na + ion principal contribution to the cohesive energy of an ionic crystal electrostatic potential in sodium chloride in the case of a Its energy KOUlomb of the ions. v* us consider an nearest neighbors are six CI" ioas, each one the distance r away. potential energy of the Na + ion due to these six CI ions is therefore size. cohesive energy of an ionic crystal by the formation of the crystal is the energy that would be tilierated 4 7rf l) r from individual neutral atoms. Cohesive energy The FIGURE 10-4 (a) The Face-centared cubic structure of 3 NaCI is 6. (6) Scale model ber of nearest neighbors about each Ion) crystal. of NaCI next nearest neighbors are 12 Na* ions, each one the distance \/2 Tha coordination number (num- since the diagonal of a square r long on a side crystal. of the Na* ion due to the 12 V, Na* ions is v2 r. The r away potential energy is 12e 2 = + 4KF a \/2r When the summation infinite size, the result Veouio ™b is continued over all the + and — ions in a crystal of is -"w( 6 "^i + '") = - 1.748 •k7f„r 10.1 =: — «- 2 Coulomb energy of ionic crystal »"<„ r (b) THE SOLID STATE 322 PROPERTIES OF MATTER 323 (This result holds for the potential energy of a Cl~ ion as well, of course.) The quantity a is called the Mtith-tun« ronslant of the crystal, and it has the same value for all crystals of the same structure. Similar calculations for other crystal varieties yield different Made) ting constants: crystals whose structures are that of cesium chloride (Fig. 10-5), for instance, have a = 1.763, structures like that of zinc blende (one form of 7.nS) have a crystal Structures The have Madelung constants that lie between m 1.638. and 1.0 A really precise n = like and those with a 9, knowledge of n V would change by In an NaCI = 1.748 and n = only 4ire r \ nf x It*" N-mVC a X 9 = = r" which corresponds positive, is and the dependence on r~ n {where n to a repulsive interaction, a large number) corresponds to a short- is range force that increases rapidly with decreasing intemuclear distance total potential ions V energy of each ion due to its interactions with all V= r. The + K, B ate' r when = r * 8 = r n- V is a minimum by definition, and the v= io.s It is = to X 10 lfl C) 2 / _ IV m more than once, only half <>1 tins potential the energy needed to transfer an electron from a CI atom to yield a Na + — CI" ion pair. This electron transfer the difference between the +5.14-eV ionization energy of is Na and Aw thus = (-3.99 + 0.77) eV/atom = -3.22 eV/atom empirical ligure for the cohesive energy of an ionic crystal can be obtained its exchange energy. The heat of vaporization, dissociation energy, and electron result for Nat Tl is :?.2-S Most ionic "' agreement with the eV. in close force varies quite sharply with to the strength of the They are I wauls between their usually brittle as well, since the slipping of atoms past one another that accounts for the ductility of is is prevented l>v the ordering of positive and negative ions imposed by the nature of the bonds. Polar liquids such as water are able to dissolve many ionic crystals, hut covalent liquids such as gasoline generally cannot. result r: owing 1 ^L(i-l) The average solids are hard, constituent ions, and have high melting points. ii energy isnsi), which means At the equilibrium ion spacing, the mutual repulsion due to the exclusion principle (as distinct 10.3 COVALENT CRYSTALS that the repulsive the ions are "hard" rather than "soft" and strongly resist (wing packed too tightly. PROPERTIES OF MATTER (1.60 1 possible to evaluate the exponent n from the observed compressibilities of ionic crystals. K)- " 1 J not count each ion I: eobetfvs metals total potential x X calculated value. r (j 10'" X 1.748 -7.97 eV from measurements of B-l r '0 •1tti is and nB B - 10.4 is Hence r„. '''r= r„ <*Ve -1.27 We must also take into account Na atom An ae- we may per atom Ai the equilibrium separation r of the ions, = 2.8J A, Since — 3,61-eV electron affinity of CI, or + 1.53 eV. Each atom therefore contributes + 0.77 eV to the cohesive energy from this source. The total cohesive energy ijmtiiH'i* 4ro r is of the crystal. energy 10.3 so (dV/dr) Because a V.CMiHiHiib ions energy, or —3.99 eV, represents the contribution per ion to the cohesive energy the other therefore is between 1.8. niniKiv.' Vrepi|hlve 11 percent. 10 instead of energy of an ion of either sign 2.S1 sign of = n Simple the form The if percent. 1 9, the potential potential energy contribution of the repulsive forces due to the action 10.2 324 evidently not essential; is crystal, the equilibrium distance ru of the exclusion principle can l)e expressed to a fair degree of approximation in by about repulsion lietweeu like ions) decreases the potential energy from the electrostatic The cohesive forces in covalent crystals arise from the presence of electrons between adjacent atoms. Each atom participating an electron to the bond and in a covalent bond contributes these electrons are shared by imth atoms rather THE SOLID STATE 325 always possible to classify a particular crystal as Ixjing AgCl, whose structure is wholly ionic or covalent: the same as that of NaCl, and CuCI, whose structure resembles that of diamond, both have bonds of intermediate character, as do a great many other solids. VAN DER WAALS FORCES 10.4 AM atoms and argon — exhibit Wauls liquids forces. molecules —even inert-gas atoms such as those of helium and weak, short-range attractions for one another due to van der These forces arc responsible and the freezing of for the condensation of gases into liquids into solids despite the absence of ionic, covalent. or metallic landing mechanisms. Such familiar aspects of the liehavior of matter in bulk as friction, surface tension, viscosity, adhesion, cohesion, and FIGURE 10-6 (a) The of diamond crystal The coordination number tetrahedral structure of diamond. is (b) Scale 4. model so on also arise two molecules from van der Waals r apart is forces. The van der Waals attraction between proportional to r~ 7 , so that it is significant only for molecules very close together. lhan being the virtually exclusive property of one of theni as in an ionic bond. Diamond is an example of a crystal whase atoms are linked by covalent bonds. Figure 10-6 shows the structure of a diamond crystal; the tetrahedral arrangement is a consequence of the ability of each carbon atom to form covalent bonds with four other atoms (sec Fig. 8-16). is silicon, germanium, and silicon carbide; in surrounded by four atoms of the other kind as that of diamond. in All covalent crystals arc permanent is the SiC each atom same tetrahedral structure hard (diamond is all (called polar molecules) possess is the H2 molecule, in which atom makes that end of the Such as in Fig. 10-7, A is and polar molecule a permanent dipole in this orientation the is molecules strongly attract each other. also able to attract molecules moment. The process is which do not normally have illustrated in Fig. 10-fS: the electric of the polar molecule causes a separation of charge in the other molecule, with the induced moment the same in direction as that of the polar molecule. ordinary liquids, behavior which reflects Cohesive energies of 3 to 5 eV/atom arc the strength of the covalent bonds. which many molecules moments. An example molecule more negative than the end where the hydrogen atoms arc. the hardest the industrial abrasive carborundum), have high melting points, and are insoluble in typical of covalent crystals, electric dtpole the concentration of electrons around the oxygen field substance known, and SiC begin by noting that molecules tend to align themselves so diat ends of opposite sign are adjacent, Purely covalent crystals are relatively few in number. In addition to diamond, some examples are We the same order of magnitude as the cohesive FIGURE 10-7 Polar molecules attract each other. energies in tonic crystals. There are several ways to ascertain whether the bonds pound of an element from group I or group VI or VII exhibits ionic bonding coordination number of in a given nonmctallic, predominantly ionic or covalent. In general, a com- iioiiiiiolecular crystal are 11 of the periodic table with one from in the solid state. the crystal, which is the Another guide is the mimtwr of nearest neighlmrs A high coordination numlier suggests an tonic how an atom can form purely covalent Irauds with about each constituent particle. crystal, since six it is other atoms eight other hard to see (as in atoms coordination a face-centered cubic structure like that of NaCl) or with (as in number of a body-centered cubic structure like that of CsCl). 4, however, as in the with an exclusively covalent character. To 326 PROPERTIES OF MATTER diamond Ix; sure, as structure, is A compatible with molecules, it is tiot THE SOLID STATE 327 key factor here the small effective size of the poorly shielded proton, since is electric forces vary as -. r Water molecules are exceptionally prone four pairs of electrons around the outward as atoms are at two of these Kach state, FIGURE 10 and large result is an attractive force. (The effect is the same as that involved in the attraction of an innnagneli/.ed piece of iron by a magnet.) at am/ average, the electrons themselves are in constant motion and tlte giiY-n instant one part or another of the (Fig. 10-10). molecule has an excess of them. Hydrogen which accordingly exhibit localized positive two vertexes exhibit somewhat more diffuse negative in two of these bonds the central molecule provides the bridging other two the attached molecules provide them. In the liquid the hydrogen bonds between adjacent H.,0 molecules are continually being to thermal agitation, but even so at any instant the in definite clusters. and stable and constitute The In the solid state, these clusters are ice crystals. characteristic hexagonal pattern (Fig. 10-1 1) of an ice crystal arises from the tetrahedral arrangement of the four hydrogen bonds each More remarkably, two nonpolar molecules can attract each other by the above mechanism. Even though the electron distribution in a nonpolar molecule is symmetric on hybrid orhitals that project in the molecules are combined The vertexes, broken and reformed owing Polar molecules attract potarizable molecules. 8 &•{)'* molecule can therefore form hydrogen bonds with four other ll 2 H a O molecules; protons, form hydrogen bonds because the though toward the vertexes of a tetrahedron charges, while the other charges. to O atom occupy crystals H2 molecule can With only four nearest neighbors around each molecule, ice have extremely open structures, which is the reason for the exceptionally participate in. low density of ice. in the liquid state, Because the molecular clusters are smaller and less stable water molecules on the average are packed more closely Instead of the fixed charge asymmetry of a polar molecule, a nonpolar molecule has a constantly shifting asymmetry. When two nonpolar molecules are close enough, their fluctuating charge distributions tend to shift together, adjacent ends rj always having opposite sign (Fig. 10-9) and so always causing an attractive force. This kind of force suggested its is named Dutch after the existence nearly a century ago to explain observed departures from the ideal-gas law; the explanation of the actual is more van der Waals, who physicist mechanism of the force, of course, recent. Van der Waals forces are much weaker than those found in ionic and covalent bonds, and as a result molecular crystals generally have low melting and Ixnling and points eV/atom little in solid hydrogen (mp - 183 An 8 o mechanical strength. argon (melting point — 25S)°C), and 0.1 Cohesive energies are low, only 0.08 — 1W)*C), eV/molecule (M)l eV/molecule in solid in solid methane, C1I, imp FIGURE 10-9 On the average, nonpolar molecules have symmetric charge distributions, but at any Instant the distributions are asymmetric. especially strong type of van der fluctua- tions in the charge distributions of nearby molecules are coordinated as shown, which leads to an between them whose magnitude 1/r. tive force tional to C). The is propor- ++ ++ - Waals l>ond called a hydrogen bond occurs between certain molecules containing hydrogen atoms. The electron distribution in such an atom is so distorted by the affinity of the "parent" atom for electrons that each hydrogen atom in essence has donated most of its negative charge to the parent atom, leaving behind a poorly shielded proton. molecule with a localized positive charge which can link tration of negative charge elsewhere in another molecule of the 328 PROPERTIES OF MATTER The result is a up with the concen- same kind. The o o THE SOUD STATE 329 together than are ice molecules, and water has the higher density: hence ice 4 "C as large floats. The density of water increases from 0°C to a maximum at clusters of in the molecules are broken up into smaller ones that occupy aggregate; only past manifest 10.5 H zO 4°C less space does the normal thermal expansion of a liquid a decreasing density with increasing temperature. itself in THE METALLIC BONO The underlying theme of the modern theory of metals is that the valence electrons 3 of the atoms comprising a metal are hybrid orbital^ common a kind of "gas" of free electrons pervades to the entire aggregate, so that it. The interaction between electron gas and the positive metal ions leads to a strong cohesive force. 3. this The presence of such free electrons accounts nicely for the high electrical and thermal conductivities, opacity, surface luster, To be sure, interior no electrons with total any in freedom. other particles present, and solid, All of when and other unique properties of metals. even a metal, are able to move about its them are influenced to some extent by the the theory of metals is refined to include these complications, there emerges a comprehensive picture that is in excellent accord with experiment. Some FIGURE 10- 10 In an HO molecule, the four pairs of valence electrons around insight into the ability of metal atom and one each by the H atoms) oc the oxygen atom (sin contributed by the cupy lour *j/ hybrid orbital* that form a tetrahedral pattern. Each H.0 molecule can form hydrogen bonds with four other HO molecules. Iwlh members of group \.i of H.O molecules. 1 of the periodic table. electrons with opposite spins, the be present. The Top view of an ice crystal, showing the open hexagonal arrangement Each molecule has four nearest neighbors to which It is attached by hydrogen bonds. to lx>nd together to form crystals covalent Irond. Let us compare the bonding processes in hydrogen and in lithium, L FIGURE 10-11 atoms can be gained by viewing the metallic bond as an unsaturated of unlimited size 1 2 molecule is of K contains two electrons that can therefore saturated, since the exclusion principle requires that any additional electrons attachment of further A H a molecule maximum number be in states of higher energy and the stable H atoms cannot occur unless their electrons are in Superficially lithium might seem obliged to behave in a similar Is states. way, having the 2 electron configuration ls 2s. There are, however, six unfilled 2j> states in every atom whose energies are only very slightly greater than those of the 2s slates. When a Li atom comes near a Li 2 molecule, it readily becomes attached with a covalent bond without violating the exclusion principle, and the resulting Li 3 molecule is stable since all its valence elections remain in L shells. There is Li no limit to the of Li atoms that can join together in this way, since number lithium forms body-centered cubic crystals (Fig, 10-5) in which each eighl nearest iit-iuhlmrs. into bonds, of each l»nd two electrons being saturated; 330 PROPERTIES OF MATTER With only one electron per atom has to enter involves one-fourth of an electron on the average instead as in ordinary covalent bonds. this atom available is true of the bonds Hence the bonds are far Iroin in other metals as well. THE SOLID STATE 331 One consequence of the unsaturated nature of the metallic that the properties of a bond on the proportion of each kind of atom, provided atomic proportions found tion, in contrast to the specific covalent solids such as the fact 13 = composi- in its in ionic solids and in SiC '- only spends a short time between it cannot remember it is move on just as likely to The valence at all. am pair fit Speak) which of the two ions (so to t E to a liond that it The Li* ions. its _c £ || = £ 1 3 = - S .= £ 11 o -s a ill -i and > parent ion manner quite electrons in a metal therefore liehave in a IS « a £ fi I B electron really belongs to, does not involve J = « 4 °& u The most striking consequence of the unsaturated bonds in a metal is the ability of the valence electrons to wander freely from atom to atom. To understand this phenomenon intuitively, we can think of each valence electron av constantly moving from bund to bond. In solid Li. each electron participates in eight bonds, so that I 1} *1 1 a Thus their sizes are similar. an alloy often vary smoothly with changes the characteristics of is mixture of different metal atoms do not depend critically a 2 similar to that of molecules in a gas. As in the case of energy any other why note that, because of the proximity of the ions, each valence electron Hence the an isolated atom. crystal than in the atom, 1 5 exist as separate and it would be if potential energy of the electron it is this it potential energy The increased. is reduced in 1 l?3 C u < = i ** w is less in i the 11E is S Whereas 5 J: "5 the electron a metallic crystal, the electron kinetic energy free electrons in U is JB is a metal constitute a single system of electrons, and the exclusion principle prohibits more than two of them one with each spin from occupying each energy level, It would seem at first glance that, again using f 2 lithium as an example, only eight valence electrons in an entire Li crystal could occupy n = 2 quantum states of such great happens are all is less states, slightly altered that consists of as with the rest being forced into higher and higher energy as to disrupt the entire structure. The valence energy dramatic. by their interactions, many valence energy levels in to The , is L l>cing a positive quantity, its I'cnni 4,72 eV, and the average kinetic energy of the free electrons in metallic lithium is 2.6 eV. Since electron increase in the metal over what it was . (V, in separate atoms leads to a repulsion. Metallic bonding occurs when the attraction between the positive metal ions ci - S3 J . -i 1 332 PROPERTIES OF MATTER a a i I atoms free electrons accord- some maximum n F called the energy; the Fermi energy in lithium, for example, is actually and an energy hand comes into the atoms in the crystal. ingly range in kinetic energy from kinetic energy What levels of the various metal closely spaced energy levels as the total muiilicr of all i '< an is decrease in potential energy that another factor to be considered, however. is - I Iwlonged responsible for the metallic Imud. There .'i 5 reduction in energy occurs in a metallic crvstal, this the average closer to one nucleus or another than to — metal atoms cohere liecause their collective lower when they are bound together than when they is atoms. To understand we solid, 5 •I •/.' 1 "3 and the electron gas exceeds the mutual repulsion of the electrons in that gas; that Ls, when the reduction in electron potential energy exceeds in magnitude the concomitant increase in electron kinetic energy. The greater the number of valence electrons per atom, the higher the average kinetic energy will be in a metallic crystal, but without a For elements are nearly this reason the metallic of the periodic table. Some elements both metallic and covalent the metal "white tin" exists crystals. whose Gray and white tin Found is groups in the first three are right on the tjordcr line Tin tin exists and may form Above 13.2°C Below same as that the a notable example. whose structure is -10 are quite different substances; they have the respective densities of 5.8 and 7.3 semiconductor whereas white all atoms each have six nearest neighbors. 13.2°C the covalent solid "gray tin" of diamond. in the potential energy. commensurate drop g/cm 3 , for instance, and gray tin is a has the typically high electric conductivity of tin a metal. 10.6 THE BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS The atoms almost every crystalline in solid, whether a metal or not, are so close together that their valence electrons constitute a single system of electrons common The to the entire crystal. exclusion principle is -20 obeyed by such an electron system because the energy slates of the outer electron shells of the atoms are all altered somewhat by their mutual interactions. In place of each precisely defined characteristic energy level of an individual atom, the entire crystal possesses an energy liand many Since there are as composed of myriad separate levels very close together. of these separate levels as there are atoms in the crystal, the band cannot be distinguished from a continuous spread of permitted energies. The presence extent to of energy bands, the gaps that which the)' are filled behavior of a solid but also There are two ways to look into to consider the origin of what happens occur between them, and the have important bearing on other of to the energy brought closer and closer together to fonn a in this may by electrons not only determine the electrical energy bands. The simplest levels of isolated solid. atoms -30- properties. its as We shall introduce is they are the subject way, and then examine some of the consequences of the notion of energy bands. t-aler in the restrict ions chapter we shall imposed by the periodicity of a crystal lattice 5 10 15 INTERMUCLEAR DISTANCE. A on the motion of electrons, a more powerful approach that provides the basis of modem 3.67 analyze energy bands in terms of the much of the FIGURE 10-12 The energy levels of sodium atoms become bands as their intemuclesr The observed internuclear distance In solid sodium is 3.67 A. distance decreases. theory of solids. Figure 10-12 shows the energy levels in sodium plotted versus intcrnuclear distance. The 3.1 into a band; the 334 level 2p is the firs! occupied level in the sodium atom to broaden level does not begin to spread out until a quite small PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE SOLID STATE 335 solid I overlapping energy bands sodium sodium atom 3a FIGURE 10-13 The energy bands ) In a solid may overlap, FIGURE 10 15 Energy levels the corresponding situation scale). See Fig. in the sodium in solid atom and sodium (not to 2p- 1012. 2s- Is inlemuclear separation. This behavior sub-shells of sodium atoms interact average energies The as actual it in the 3/j and an electron The which case in a solid in bands drop at in solid first, sodium is implying attractive indicated, and can possess only those energies that bands may may lx>th Figure 1(1-15 by its outer within these energy overlap, as in Fig. HI- 13, in The is shell. po.ssess. Such intervals electrical behavior of a crystalline solid energy-band structure and by how is these bands arc solid sodium. A sodium atom has a single 3s electron This means that the 3s band in a sodium crystal is occupied, since each level in the band, like each level in the atom, When that are onty partially filled. Figure 10-16 is a simplified diagram of the energy bands of diamond There an energy band completely filled with electrons separated by a gap of 6 eV from an empty band above it. This means that at least 6 eV of additional energy must be provided to an electron in a diamond crystal if it is to have any kinetic cannot have an energy lying in the forbidden band. An energy increment of this magnitude cannot readily be given to an electron in a crystal by an electric it field. An electron moving through an electric Held is set only half it loses undergoes a it gained from any electric intensity needed to cause and the collision. a current to flow in sodium. Diamond a very poor conductor of electricity and a gap separates the top of a solid lorbidden band in silicon, is however is only Ll'eV wide. At low temperatures if energy bands. Energy bands In therefore resembbng that of diamond, and, as in diamond, energy band from a vacant higher band. The A forbidden band separates non overlap ping FIGURE 10-16 is accordingly classed as an insulator. filled forbidden FIGURE 10-14 field in An electric-field intensity of (i X 10s V/m is necessary if an electron is to gain eV in a path length of I0" 8 m, well over 10 ln times greater than the electric able to up across a piece of of the energy collision — I0~"m, 6 licit! is much Silicon has a crystal structure band a crystal with an imperfection in the crystal lattice an average of everv a simplified diagram of the energy levels of a sodium atom contain two electrons. and the moving electrons constitute an electric current. Sodium is therefore a good conductor of electricity, as are odier crystalline solids with energy bands energy, since by electrons. and the energy bands of in its an atom, and sodium, electrons easily acquire additional energy while remaining in their original energy band. The additional energy is in the form of kinetic energy, is Ihem represent energies which their elections can not filled fall in not overlap (Fig. 10-14), and the intervals between arc called forbiiitlen bonds. normally forces. corresponds, electrons have a continuous distribution of permitted energies. In other solids the determined it The energy. a solid correspond to the energy levels various energy bands in a sobd its order in which the electron atoms are brought together. minimum average should, to a situation of The energy bands bunds. 3s intemudear distance reflects the as the - diamond li n fleV (not to scale). 28 Is 336 PROPERTIES OF MATTER THE SOLID STATE 337 silicon to jump diamond better than is little a small proportion of its conductor, but at room temperature as a 1 electrons have sufficient kinetic energy of thermal origin the forbidden hand and enter the energy band above are sufficient to permit a limited These electrons it. when an of current to flow amount J FIGURE 1018 Thus silicon has an electrical resistivity intermediate between those of conductors and those of insulators, and it is termed a semicoiuhtctar. The resistivity of semiconductors can lie altered considerably by small amounts five electrons in their atoms have few arsenic atoms outermost shells, atom replaces a silicon atom are incorporated in eovalent bonds with requires 23 and its The nearest neighbors. energy to be detached and move about little When its fifth is semiconductor. donw keels, and called an n-type semiconductor because electric current in the substance carried by is it alternatively incorporate gallium atoms in a silicon crystal, a different we effect occurs. Gallium atoms have only three electrons configuration is 2 4p, * THE FERMI ENERGY 10.7 We shall DMtal, now in their outer shells, electron structure of the crystal. enter a hole, hut as an electric electrons here is does so, it electron needs relatively leaves a new hole in its little energy to former locution. the energy 10.6 move toward the anode by successively filling holes. r.j is ", - of positive charges since they substance of as zinc, this kind is move toward termed acceptor we see flow of current is the negative electrode. letels, just holes.) In the energy-band that the presence of gallium provides energy levels, above the highest behind them, occupy these levels leave winch permit electric current to flow. in the filled baud. formerly Any filled law for the number of electrons n with t 1 more convenient to consider a continuous distribution of electron energies than the discrete distribution of Eq. 10.6, so that the distribution law becomes When called a p-type semiconductor. (Certain metals, such conduct current primarily by the motion of diagram of Fig. 10-18 metal has a Fermi -Dirac distribution of energies distribution a eV JkT + g(ej(fe n(e) dt is eV /kr + a trace of gallium, The in a The Fermi-Dirac (Sec. 9.9). 10.7 applied across a silicon crystal containing closely into the properties of the free electrons in a whose conveniently described with reference to the holes, whose behavior like that A field is it An more look Electrons are Fermi particles since they obey the exclusion principle, and hence the electron gas their presence leaves vacancies called holes in the and filled band ft is 4.v band 1 negative charges. If forbidden electron in the crystal (see Probs. provides ener^v levels conduction to take place. Such levels are termed jj-type I ^^ levels an electrons As shown in Fig. 10-17, die presence of arsenic as an impurity just below the band which electrons must occupy for 24). acceptor impurity y in Arsenic in a silicon crystal. a silicon crystal, four of in acceptor levels while silicon atoms have four, 3 1 2 {These shells have the configurations 4s 4p and Zs'^p' respectively.) arsenic trace of gallium In a the normally forbidden band, producing a field is applied. of impurity. Let us incorporate a A silicon crystal provides electric empty band electrons thai To find g(r) de, the energies between number and f + e 1 of quantum we de, gas involved in black-body radiation. are two possible spin states, tn, bling the number states available to electrons with use the same reasoning as for the photon The correspondence is exact because = +% and ms = — %, there for electrons, thus dou- of available phase-space cells just as the existence of two possible directions of polarization for otherwise identical photons doubles the number of cells for a photon gas. In terms of baud, vacancies momentum we found in Sec. 9,8 that gC») SirVp 2 dp dP = 1 empty J donor impurity ^ « FIGURE 1017 r forbidden _ , band levels f PROPERTIES OF MATTER A trace of arsenic in a silicon crystal provides donor levels p" dp In = Ji.fype semiconductor. with the result that filled bund (2m%) l/2 de the normally forbidden band, producing an ] 338 For nonrelativistic electrons band io.S g ,vj e) de = 8\/2 W Vm 3/2 - ,, hJ ,_ e 1/2 de , THE SOLID STATE 339 t>, where principle: it T>0K r = ok The next step is to evaluate the parameter «. In order to do this, we consider 9.10. the condition of the electron gas at low temperatures. As observed in Sec. 7" is small is 1 from r until near the Fermi energy the occupation index when 10 0. This situation reflects the effect of the exclusion tan contain more than one electron, and so the minimum drops rapidly to no states o.s one in which the lowest states are energy configuration of an electron gas is filled and the remaining ones are empty. If we set FIGURE 1019 10.9 kl the occupation index becomes 10.10 n in is e{ ' •&** + accord with the exclusion principle. f{t) At T= K, If when '/ 2 e = Fermi energy rf by filling up - * N C'r g(e) dt more to to the *> by free electrons, = 0. The we can calculate in its 3/i of electrons that 340 fF _ M. ( tr that have this X„ = Avogadro's number p = density of copper it = atomic mass of copper = IP 2 " atoms/kmol X energy, X 6.02 8.94 X 10-" I0 ; * atoms/kmol kg/m a kg/kmol 8.'3.5 6.02 X S-04 X I0 a kg/m 3 63.5 kg/kmol = = 8.5 X 10-* atoms 8.5 X I0- S m ; cleetrons/m 3 /<*• The corresponding Fermi energy /2 3/2 3 PROPERTIES OF MATTER = = so that _ ~ i 2m \HvVt (mass/ volume) mass/ kmol '' 3 -v \ 2/ is free iere can ''' and 10.12 It 10 13 =« 16\/2^Vw-' X (atoms/ kmol) order of highest energy state to be filled will definition. ) h3 shells. atom contributes one A> Substituting Eq. 10.8 for g(e)de yields N= electron The electron density tj = A'/V is accordingly equal number of copper atoms per unit volume, which is given by Atoms I < 10.11 1 energy states with these electrons The number number of states g(t? have the same energy is equal to the Hence electron. since each state is limited to one then have the energy f The 2p*3a i3p e3d i'>4s; Sl F its increasing energy starting from copper. la t2s each atom has a single 4s electron outside closed inner Volume i in is electron to the electron gas. a particular metal sample contains . is. atom therefore reasonable to assume that each copper fF t As the temperature increases, the occupation index changes from and more gradually, as in Fig. 10- 19. At all temperatures f(e) z= higher t F is independent of being considered. is configuration of the ground state of the copper < f > eF when when 1 at a the density of free electrons; hence is Let us use Eq, 10.12 to calculate the Fermi energy I that = = Fermi Durac distribution at absolute zero and lor a the dimensions of whatever metal sample g(t) The formula The quantity A'/V "^ t The occupation indei temperature. Fermi energy _ " = = (6.63 2 X 9.11 1.13 X 7.04 eV X X 10 10- 31 10- |S ^ is, from Eq. 10.12, l-sf /3 kg/electron I X 8.5 X 10** cleetrons/nv' V 8n ^a } J THE SOLID STATE 341 = At absolute zero, T eV By copper. in K, there would be electrons with energies of up to 7.04 contrast, all the molecules in an ideal gas al absolute zero would have zero energy. Because of electron gas in a metal is common energies of several its decidedly nnnelassical behavior, the said to l>e degenerate. Table 10.-4 gives l he Fermi metals. ELECTRON-ENERGY DISTRIBUTION *10.8 We may now substitute for a and g(c) cfe in Eq. 10.7 to obtain a formula for number of electrons in an electron gas having energies between some value and e + de. This formula is the e n{e)de 10.14 If we (SySr Vm A/ yh3 = y /s de express the numerator of Eq. 10.14 in terms of the Fermi energy <^., we obtain . . . n[e) d, 10.15 Equation 10.15 = ———-f f&ffifc,-**** - de plotted in Fig. 10-20 for the temperatures is T= 0, 300, and 1200 K. It is To do Distribution of electron energies in 3 metal at various temperatures. FIGURE 10.20 : Since at energy t T = K all the F we may let electrons have energies less than or equal to the Fermi , interacting to determine the average electron energy at absolute zero. we this, first obtain the total energy V at K, which is and I '„ = r'r I fn(e) de - 10.16 fjfc. Table 10.4. The average SOME FERMI ENERGIES. electron energy electrons present which *,, is this total energv dh ided by ihe number of yields Fermi energy, eV Metal 342 .V, 10.17 ~<> = f F Lithium Li 4.72 Sodium Na 3.12 Aluminum A] 11.8 I'cita^itim K 2.14 Cesium Ci 1.53 Copper Cu 7.04 Ziue Zti 11.0 of Silver Ag 5.51 of copper would have to Cold Au 5.54 to PROPERTIES OF MATTER ^ Since Fermi energies for metals are usually several electron volts, the average electron energy in them at K will also be of this order of magnitude. The temperature of an ideal gas whose molecules have an average kinetic energy 1 eV is 11,600 K; this means that, l>e at if free electrons Ijehaved classically, a a temperature of about 50,000 have the same average energy they actually have at K for lis sample electrons K. THE SOLID STATE 343 The considerable amount in the electron 10.5. The of kinetic energy possessed by the valence electrons gas of a metal represents a repulsive influence, as noted in Sec. act of assembling a group of metal atoms into a solid requires that additional energy be given to the valence electrons in order to elevate them to the The atoms higher energy states required by the exclusion principle. a metallic solid, in however, are closer together because of their bonds than they result the valence electrons are, on the average, closer would be otherwise. As a to an atomic nucleus in a metallic solid than they arc in an isolated metal atom. These electrons accordingly have lower potential energies in the former case than in the latter, sufficiently lower to lead the added electron kinetic energy is to a net Unbound low-energv lattice utlli u, and such electrons are (Sec. 2.4) or electrons in a «. More energetic same way diffracted in precisely the l>eani (Sec. 3.5) directed at the crystal electrons, as X ravs from the outside. {When A is near a, 2a, 3m, ... in value, Eq. 10.18 no longer holds, as discussed later.) An electron of wavelength A undergoes Bragg "reflection" from one of the atomic planes in a crystal when it approaches the plane at the angle 0, where from Eq. 2,8 10.19 »iA = 2« sin 8 it m 1,2,3, taken into account. It is customary to treat the situation of electron waves A by the wave number k introduced •10.9 spacing such as those with the Kermi energy in a metal, have wavelengths comparable when cohesive force even electrons can travel freely through a crystal since their wavelengths are long relative to the BRILLOU1N ZONES = i k 10.20 in Sec. 3,3, hv replacing in a crystal where — 25T Wave number A We now turn to a more detailed examination of how allowed and forbidden bands in a solid originate. The fundamental idea in a region of periodically is that an electron in a crystal moves varying potential (Fig. 10-21) rather than one of constant potential, and as a result diffraction effects occur that limit the electron to certain ranges of this way momenta that correspond to the allowed of thinking the interactions behavior indirectly through the among the will in Set:. An bring we can of k describe the a Figure momentum p A Free electron = A„ for The potential energy of in electron 11-22 1 sin by means of a vector the wave train as the particle, Bragg's formula in terms k. 6 shows Bragg we can equal to n-n/u. I FIGURE 10 21 train in same direction in the Similarly, reflection us consider them first in the .r direction, IL, from the horizontal rows occurs when those electrons whose to avoid diffraction. through the lattice in Uk is less any direction. wave numbers are sufficiently small move freelv than tr/o, the electron can When k = <n/a, they are prevented from The more k exceeds a/a, the more limited the possible directions of motion, until when k = ir/«sin45* = V2n/u the electrons are diffracted even when the)' move diagonally through ruining in the x or km lattice. nx/a. jet in a periodic array of positive ions. positive a two-dimensional square reflection in express the Bragg condition by saying that reflection from the rows of ions occurs when the component of k vertical is is = wave moves train = k 10,21 be used here, rather than a formal treatment based on Sehriidi tiger's Broglic wavelength of a free electron of x wave is Evidently 10.18 equal to the numlier of radians per meter is Since the describes. intuitive equation. The de it atoms influence valence-electron lattice of the crystal these interactions about, instead of directly as in the approach described approach energy bauds. In The wave number ;/ directions by diffraction. the lattice. ^nnnnr The region is in fc-spacc that low-fc electrons can occupy without teing diffracted called the first lirillauin ^i»u?and /one first is also shown; it is shown in Fig. 10-23. contains electrons with k zone yet which have sufficiently small diffraction by the diagonal sets of 344 PROPERTIES OF MATTER The second Brillouin do not into the that fit propagation constants to avoid atomic planes contains electrons with k values from <n/a to > t/u in Fig. 10-22. 2w/« The second zone moving in the for electrons THE SOLID STATE 345 E= 10.22 2»i It) the case of an electron in a crystal for which k no interaction with the positive ions and lattice, an electron depends upon 10.22 I£ci. is increasing k the constant-energy contour lines more together and also k Mr _ a K= _ sin E straightforward. 9 The in Jt-spaee, the closer more anil varies with k2 . distorted. The is to A\ as in Fig. become The reason is to die 10-25. With progressively closer for the reason for the second closer an electron it ir/a, there is practically Since the energy of such the contour lines of constant energy in a two- A-, dimensional it-space are simply circles of constant merely that < valid. boundary is first effect is almost equally of a Brillouiu being diffracted by the actual crystal zone lattice. But ksinB H7T FIGURE 10 23 a The first and second Brillouin tones of a two-dimensional square lattice. *.. r a I I. U^ FIGURE 10-22 " \ and Bragg reflection "ij directions, from the with vertical ili<- raws when A, = Further Brillouin /ones can he constructed same manner. The extension of this analysis to actual three-dimensional "10.10 The significance of the Brillouin zones its in Fig. k* =-Ia *-+f ^ 10-24. ORIGIN OF FORBIDDEN BANDS energies of the electrons in each zone. to shown ° -second Brillouin zone possible range ol k values narrowing as the structures leads to the Brilbuin zones Brillouin zone iir/n. diagonal directions arc approached. in the momentum p E= and hence 346 of ions occurs + first to its becomes apparent when we examine the The energy of a free electron is t k V — N related by 2m wave numher PROPERTIES OF MATTER k by THE SOLID STATE 347 (a) second Brillouin zone First Brillouin /xmc (b) FIGURE 10-25 10-24 First and second Brillouin zones in (a) lace-centered cubic structure and body ctniered cubic structure (tee Figs. 10-4 and 10-5) FIGURE (o) in particle Energy contours ol positive ions that occupy the lattice points, and the FIGURE 10-26 B varies wtth more stronger the interaction, the Figure 10-26 shows E increases how E the election's energy more slowly than the second zone. first There is the first and second Brillouin rones of a Electron energy E versus 2 ti' k~/2m, is a definite As the free-particle figure. first Brillouin gap between the wave number k In the k, direction. The dashed line shows how affected. varies with k in the x direction. has two values, the lower lielougiug to the to the In lor a free electron. It E electron volts terms the diffraction occurs by virtue of the interaction of the electron with the periodic arniv 17/a, in hypothetical square lattice. I; approaches At k = w/a. zone and the higher possible energies allowed energies in and second brillouin zones which corresponds to the forbidden band spoken of earlier. The same pattern continues as successively higher Brillonii, •/ones are reached. boundary of a Brillouin /one follows from the limiting values of k correspond to standing waves rather than The energy the fact that discontinuity at the traveling waves. For clarity we shall consider electrons moving in the extension of the argument to any other direction 348 PROPERTIES OF MATTER is the X direction; straightforward. When -47T -37T -27T a a a -IT a u a a a THE SOLID STATE 349 = it ±ir/fl, as we have seen, the waves are Bragg-reflected back and forth, and waves whose nCEJ so the only solutions of Sehrodinger's equation consist of standing wavelength is equal to the periodicity of the for these standing 10.3.1 jf>, waves =A sin for n a* 1, lattice. There are two possibilities namely — liirbiddcn a band 10.24 ip., = A cos — irx a The z |tf-,| probability densities has 1^1' has to its its minima maxima a |^,| and 2 |if< 2 | are plotted in Fig. 10-27. at the lattice points occupied by the positive at the lattice points. Since the an electron wave function i£> is , FIGURE 10-27 Distributions ot the probability densities V', in ' the case of while and |y, in the case of ^ it is 15 10 ions, E,eV charge density corresponding e#\ 2 the charge density concentrated between the positive ions while Evidently ^, is concentrated The distributions FIGURE 10-28 line Is o! electron energies in the Brlllouin Fig. 10-25. lones of The potential energy of an electron in midway Itctwccn each pair of ions and least at at the positive ions. '. ions The dashed the distribution predicted by the free-electron theory. is greatest so the electron energies v., are different. E and { situation for in Fig. 10-25. eV) the curve is At low energies is small and and that corresponds to (in this hypolhetical almost exactly the same as thai of Fig. 10-20 based on the free-electron theory, which energies k ^ -±^/a, and accordingly no electron can have an energy between £, and E^. Figure 10-28 shows the distribution of electron energies E < —2 the ions themselves, E, associated with the standing waves No other solutions are possible when k = die Rrillouin /.ones pictured a lattice of positive is not surprising since the electrons in a periodic lattice at tow then do behave like With increasing energy, however, the number of available energy states goes beyond that of the free-electron theory owing to the distortion of the energy contours by the lattice: there are more different k values for each free electrons. = energy. Then, when k the zone, and energies higher than about 4 first ^.v/a. I he energy contours reach the boundaries of eV (in this particular model) are forbidden for electrons in the k r and kv directions although permitted other directions. available energy states liccome restricted /one, and n{E) and n(E) m 0. falls. The more and more Finally, at approximately 6% lowest possible energy in the second /.one gap between the possible energies 350 PROPERTIES OF MATTER Italic! is to the corners of the eV, there are no more states than 10 eV, and another curve similar in shape to the forbidden in As the energy goes farther and farther lieyond 4 eV, the about -5 eV in the two zones is first is somewhat begins, less (fere the about 3 eV, and so die wide. THE SOLID STATE 351 Although there must be an energy gap between successive Brillouin zones any given direction, the various gaps may overlap directions so that there no forbidden hand is E 10-29 contains graphs of a forbidden band and in pe: nitted energies in other in the crystal as a whole. Figure versus k for three directions in a crystal that has a crystal whose allowed bands overlap sufficiently to in avoid having a forbidden band. The its electrical Ijehavior of a solid There are two available energy Structural unit in the crystal. atom in a molecular if depends upon the degree of occupancy of energy bands as well as upon the nature of the band structure, as noted states (one for each spin) (By "structural unit" in in this each band context earlier. each for meant an is metal or covalent elemental solid Such as diamond, a molecule A solid will he an must have an even number of valence and an ion pair solid, two conditions are met: per structural unit, and (1) It (2) an ionic in The reason kT. highest-energy band the electrons lie for condition (1) completely lie able to electrons the band that contains the highest-energy electrons must be separated from the allowed band above compared with in a insulator solid.) filled, cross the gap it by an energy gap large is that it and the reason for ensures that the (2) to reach unfilled slates. is that none of Thus diamond, with four valence electrons per atom, solid hydrogen, with two valence electrons CI" ion pair, per II,, molecule, and NaCI, with eight valence electrons per Ha4 — all insulators. Figure 10-30o shows violation of either (or both) of the above have wide forbidden bands in addition and are the energy contours of a hypothetical insulator. A conductor conditions. is characterized by Thus the alkali metals, its with an odd number of valence electrons per one per atom), are conductors, as are such divalent metals structural unit (namely magnesium and zinc which have overlapping energy bands. Figure lU-'Mb and c respectively show the energy contours of these two types of metal. When as the forbidden is band in an insulator is narrow or the amount of overlap in a small, the electrical conductivity falls in the semiconductor region, metal and it is not reallv correct to speak of the substance as either a metal or a nonmetal. The boundary between sional fc-space is Experiments indicate /inc. filled and empty electron energy states in three-dimen- called the Fenni surface. and cadmium is that the conductivity of the divalent metals beryllium, largely This unexpected finding is due to positive charge carriers, not to electrons. readily accounted for on the basis of the band picture by assuming that the overlap of the Fenni surface into the highest band is small, leaving vacant states which are holes in the band below it. The holes in the — — lower band carry the bulk of the current while the electrons play a minor role. 352 PROPERTIES OF MATTER in the upper band FIGURE 1029 £ versus den band, while In k curves for three directions (b) the allowed energy in two crystals. bands overlap and there Is In (a) there is a forbid- no forbidden band. THE SOLID STATE 353 EFFECTIVE MASS 10.11 An electron in a crystal interacts with the crystal lattice, and because of this interaction its response to external forces of a free electron. There 7.0nC IllHllillai icv is is same not, in general, the nothing unusual alxnit this phenomenon What subject to constraints behaves like a free particle. is as that — no particle unusual is that the deviations of an electron in a crystal from free-electron behavior under the influence of external forces can all he incorporated into the simple statement mass of such an electron that the effective The most important Sections 10,7 and 10.8 can incorporated l>e merely by replacing the electron mass m a M„ N/V where mass is = ft 2m' / 3JV in in a actual mass. its theory of metals discussed the more metal is in band theory realistic effective mass m" at given by V' WW Fermi energy the density of valence electrons. Table 10.5 m°/m ratios a not the same as by the average the Fermi surface. Thus the Fermi energy io. is results of the free-electron is a list of effective in metals. Table 10.5. EFFECTIVE MASS RATIOS »• u, AT THE IN SOME METALS. FERMI SURFACE mVm Metal Lithium J lt'T\ I 111 I Ml l.i 1.2 Ht 1.6 Sodium Va 1.2 Aluminum Al 0.97 Cnlwlt C« N Nickel Ni 28 Copper Cu 1.01 /in? Zn 0.85 Silver Ag Platinum ft 0,99 13 Problems vacant i-iuthv levels Fermi level ) . i«) What is the effect on the cohesive energy of van der Waals forces and (b) ionic and eovalent crystals of zero-point oscillations of the ions and atoms about their equilibrium positions? L occupied energy levels THE SOLID STATE FIGURE 10-30 Electron energy contours and Fermi levels in three types ot solid: (a) Insulator; (b) valent metal; (c) divalent metal. Energies are in electron votts. mono- 355 The van dor Waals 2. energy of about 6 X cV ' cannot at lie atoms leads to it binding an equilibrium separation of about 3 A, show the uncertainty principle to He between two attraction Id that, at ordinary pressures (<25 Nat are '1 Use «««--%+ atm), solid V5 exist. The Joulr- Thomson effect when it passes slowly from a refers to the 3. plug. Since the expansion F.xplain the full in effect empty one through a porous container, no mechanical work is done. terms of the van der Waals attraction in 13. temperature a gas undergoes container to an into a rigid is Joule-Thomson drop The inu spaefngs and melting points of the sodium halides are as follows: N»F Imi v|)LH'iji!;, Mult ins I" "' 1 \ 1 2.3 *C ' KG is find the in of solids: and 2.8 2.0 3.2 14. 740 060 inn spacing is On per ion pair. that obtained in in (a) eV and 4.34 sign (b) structure On 3.14 A. is the electron affinity KG constant for the is 1.74S the basis of these The observed cohesive energy the assumption that the difference l>etvveen is due to the exclusion- principle repulsion, the formula Br~" for the potential energy arising from Repeat Proh. 13 for LiCl, is in which the Madclung constant 2.57 A, and the observed cohesive energy ionization energy of Li is is 6.8 is 1.748. the eV per ion pair. 5.4 eV. these quantities with halogen atomic number. metals are opaque to light of all wavelengths, (b) light, (c) potential energy V{x) of a pair of atoms in a solid that arc displaced separation at K may be written V(*) as8 tor Most 3 — ex*, = their equilibrium 8 where the anharmonic terms —far and — ex' in diamond it is - represent, respectively, the asymmetry introduced by the repulsive forces between the atoms and the leveling off of the attractive forces at large displacements. eV and in silicon is ].] transparency of these substances to visible The by x from Semiconductors insulators are transparent lo visible tight. The energy gap vS this source, 801 arc transparent to infrared light although opaque to visible 6. eV exponent n Mat notion of energy bands to explain the lullowing optical properties (o) All 2 The Madehmg 3.61 cV. 6.42 NaBr 15. I'se the 5. V5 24 j ionization energy of potassium is NaCI The Explain the regular variation 6 data only, compute the cohesive energy of KC1. this figure The 4. S and the distance between ions of opposite of between molecules. (a) of chlorine ' At a temperature the likelihood that a displacement x will occur relative to the likelihood of no displacement is e~ v/kT so that the average displacement .vat this temperature T 6 eV. Discuss the , light. is A 7. small proportion of indium is incorporated in a germanium crystal. Is the crystal an rt-type or a jj-type semiconductor? A 8. small proportion of antimony is ineoq>orated in a germanium crystal. x What is obey Fermi the connection statistics between the and the J* fact that the free electrons in a fact that the photoelectric effect is xe- v ' kT - X metal Show virtually tem- <lx ___ Is the crystal an n-type or a jj-type semiconductor? 9. f = e- VJkT dx that, for small displacements, change when its copper is in length of a solid x =; 3hfcT/4fl a . (This temperature changes is is the reason that the proportional to AT.) po rat ii re - nde pe nden t ? i ° 10. (a) How much of these atoms? (b) if their total energy energy required to form a is What must is to K' and I ion pair from a pair the separation be lietwcen a K' and an 1" ion {a) How much pair of these atoms? (b) ion 12. 356 if their total Show energy that the is required lo form a Li' and Br" ion pair from a What must is first PROPERTIES OF MATTER iu copper are 7.04 eV. (a) Approximately what percentage in excited states at room temperature? {!>) zero? lie energy The Fermi energy At the melting point of copper, 1083"C? ' 1 1. 16. of the free electrons in to five the separation be between a l.i' and a Hi be zero? terms in the series for the Madclung constant of 17. The Fermi energy in silver * in speed of an election with this 8. The density of aluminum (a) What is the average energy of What temperature is necessary for the gas to have this value? (c) What is the 5.51 eV. (b) an ideal average molecular energy 1 is K? the free electrons in silver at energy? is 2.70 g/em 3 and its atomic weight is 26,97, The THE SOLID STATE 357 aluminum is given in Table 7,2 (note: the energy difference ween 3* and 3p electrons is very small), and the effective mass of an electron aluminum is 0.97 m r Calculate the Fermi energy in aluminum. electronic structure of lie! in . The *19. density of zinc electronic structure of zinc electron in zinc to why Kxplain 20. 0.85 is m 7.13 is r. is g/cm a and atomic weight its 65.4. is Calculate the Fermi energy in make the free electrons in a metal /.inc. only a minor contribution specific heat, its Find the ratio between the kinetic energies of an electron "21. dimensional square lattice which has = kx Draw two = = k^ it in a two- la and an electron which has whose the third Brillouin zone of the two-dimensional square lattice shown Brillouin /onus arc Phosphorus 23. Jt, s 0. 7T la, Jr„ °22. first The given in Table 7,2, and the effective mass of an present in a is 10-23. in Fig. germanium sample. Assume that one of its live valence electrons revolves in a Bohr orbit around each P" ion in the germanium lattice, in'* effective mass How 0.65 eV. 1 ft, Repeal Prob. 23 mass ol an electron is sample about 0.31 Bohr ilief-elnc orbit of the electron. germanium effective The that contains arsenic. mr , effective the dielectric constant of silicon made calculation of the Fenni energy in copper obtained was approximately correct. The H.ITm, and the in silicon is 1.1 eV. take into account the difference between 26. i< first the valence and conduction bands in for a silicon in silicon and the energy gap The "25. the electron does the ionization energy of the above electron compare with 24. 12, >! find the radius of the and with kT at room temperature? this energy' is is The energy gap l)Ctweeu '' is tile if germanium constant of mr in Sec, 10.7 did not and m°, and yet the n F value Why? mass m° of a current carrier in a semiconductor can be directly determined by means of a cyclotron resonance experiment in which the move in spiral orbits about the direction of an externally applied magnetic field B. An alternating electric field is applied perpendicular to B, and resonant absorption of energy from this field occurs when carriers (whether electrons or holes) i Is I requeue) V is an equation for equal to the frequency of tv\ olulion rr in terms of »i°, and maximum absorption (c) Find the speed 358 is 3 maximum X is e, and B. PROPERTIES OF MATTER v r of the carrier, (a) In a certain experiment, found to occur at orbital radius of a H) 4 m/s. (ft) v = 1.1 charge carrier X H) in this 1 " Hz. Derive B = 0.1 T Find m'. experiment whose THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 11 Thus far we have regarded the atomic nucleus solely as a point mass that possesses The behavior positive charge. of atomic electrons is responsible for the chief properties (except mass) of atoms, molecules, and solids, not the behavior of atomic nuclei. But the nucleus itself is far For instance, the elements of things. possess multiple electric charges, from insignificance in the grand scheme because of the ability of nuclei exist and explaining this ability is to the central problem of nuclear physics. Furthermore, the energy that powers the continuing e volut ion of the universe apparently can all be traced to nuclear reactions and trans- And, of course, the mundane applications of nuclear energy are formations. familiar enough. 11.1 ATOMIC MASSES The nucleus of an atom contains nearly on nuclear properties can lie all its mass, and a good deal of information knowledge of atomic masses. An inferred from a instrument used to measure atomic masses called a nuiits spectrometer; is spectrometers and techniques are capable of precisions of better than in modern 1 part 108. Atomic masses refer to the masses of neutral atoms, not of stripped nuclei. ThaH the masses of the orbital electrons and energies are incorporated in the figures, expressed mass units in carbon atom is, by (u) the mass equivalent of their binding Atomic masses are conventionally such that the mass of the most abundant type of definition, exactly 12.(HX) . . . u. The value of a mass unit is, to five significant figures, I and its u = l.fifiOi X energy equivalent Not long after the early in this century, is 10 "kg 931.48 MeV. development of methods it was discovered that not for determining all atomic masses of the atoms of a particular 361 element have the same mass. The different varieties of the same element called its Another widely used term, nuclide, isotopes. species of nucleus; thus each isotope of ;m clement The atomic masses stamen I, which listed in Table 7. 1 refer to the is a nuclide. murage atomic mass the quantity of primary interest to chemists. is sire refers to a particular of each Table 11.1 contains the atomic masses and relative abundances of the five stable isotopes The of zinc. relative is 65.38 individual masses range from 63.92914 u to 69.92535 abundances range from u, which The average mass Twenty elements are single nuclide each; beryllium, Huorine, sodium, and alumi- are examples. It is masses more than double that of 30 hydrogen atoms. and the percent lo 48.89 percent accordingly the atomic mass of /inc. is composed of only a num 0.fi2 ii, therefore tempting to regard all nuclei as consisting of protons somehow bound together. However, a closer look rotes out nuclei— hydrogen nuclide mass is invariably greater than the mass of a number since a this notion, equal to its atomic number Z— and the nuclear charge of atoms hydrogen of atomic number of /.inc is 30, but its isotopes all have The is -f-Ze. an atom mass. Another possibility nucleus, + 2e, whose mass would be and Mliutit respectively. (Tritium nuclei, called Iritom, are unstable and decay adioaetively into an isotope of helium.) The nucleus of the lightest isotope is may be present in nuclei some of the protons. Thus the helium to mind. Perhaps electrons four times that of the proton though is regarded as being This explanation Even hydrogen is found to have isotopes, though the two heavier ones make up only about 0.015 percent of natural hydrogen. Their atomic masses are 1.007825, 2.1H4102, and 3.01605 u; Ihe heavier isotopes are known as tUtutatjut n comes which neutralize the positive charge of composed its of four protons and charge two is only electrons. buttressed by the fact that certain radioactive nuclei sponta- is neouslv emit electrons, a easy to account for if phenomenon called Ixtta decay, whose occurence is electrons are present in nuclei. Despite the superficial attraction of the hypothesis of nuclear electrons, how- number ever, there are a of strong arguments against it: i the proton, whose mass of m„= = is, 1. X it electron also contains. The proton, like the electron, is an elemen- tary particle rather than a composite ol other particles. (The notion of elementary particle An considered in some detail in Ghap. is interesting regularity is apparent in listings 1 anSHfra .007825 .is as massive. the u. For example, the deuterium atom is approximately twice as hydrogen atom, and the tritium atom approximately three times The masses momentum of the zinc isotopes listed in Table 11.1 further illustrate must electron kinetic energy is 21 MeV. (This level of figure an electron calculation must be 13.) of nuclide masses: the values are always very close to being integral multiples of the mass of the hydrogen atom. —10 M m across. To confine an electron X 10' 27 kg within experimental error, equal to the mass of the entire atom minus the mass of the electron Nuclei are only size. in to so small a region requires, by the uncertainly principle, an uncertainty 10~*° The in Sec. 3.7. calculated was kg-m/s, as 1.1 momentum of > its \p 1.0072766 u 1.6725 Nuclear l>e at least may in a made also minimum value of Ap. The momentum of 1.1 X 10" kg-m/s as large as the that corresponds to a lw obtained by calculating the lowest energy box of nuclear dimensions; since relativistically.) beta decay have energies of only 2 or 3 T >m t) c 2 , the latter However, the electrons emitted during MeV— an order of magnitude smaller than the energies they must have had within the nucleus if they were to have existed there. might remark that the uncertainly principle yields a very different result when applied lo protons wilhin a nucleus. For a proton with a momentum of i0 kg-m/s. T < «i[,<? 2 and its kinetic energy can be calculated l.l X 10" We ' this pattern, lieing quite near to 64, 66, 67, 68, and 70 times the hydrogen-atom , classically. Table 11.1. PROPERTIES OF THE STABLE ISOTOPES OF ZINC, / = We T= Pi 2m 30. (1.1 Mass number of Isotope have Atomic mass, U Relative abundance. 64 B.1.929I4 48,89 SO 05,92005 27.81 87 00.02715 4.11 68 07.92436 70 09.92535 0.62 % X 10- 2 " kg-m/s)" X 1.67 X Hr-* 7 kg = 3.6 X 10- " j = 0.23 MeV 2 The presence of protons with such kinetic energies in a nucleus is entirely plausible. 362 THE NUCLEUS THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 363 Suclear spin. Protons and electrons are Fermi particles with spins of %, angular momenta of ,-Ji. Thus nuclei with an even iiumlrer of protons 2. that is, much through as gamma as several centimeters of lead without being absorbed suggested rays of unpreccdentedly short wavelength. ] plus electrons should have integral spins, while those with an protons plus electrons should have half-integral spias. obeyed The fact that the denteron, hydrogen, has an atomic number of 1 which is odd munlier of This prediction and a mass number of 2, would he preted as implying the presence of two protons and one electron. upon the orientations of the be %> Yf something 3. 1.5 —%. —% <" is not the nucleus of an isotope of particles, the nuclear spin of However, the observed spin '\\\ inter- Depending should therefore of the denteron is J, 10"-' that of of the the The proton has a magnetic moment only about electron, so that nuclear magnetic moments ought to Iw same order of magnitude as that of the electron if electrons are present However, the observed magnetic moments of nuclei arc comparable its piopertics in detail. In one such experiment Irene Curie and observed that when the radiation struck a slab of paraffin, a hydrogen- P. Joliot X prising: is no reason why shorter-wavelength observed that the forces that act between It is therefore hard to see why, if with its nucleus. That is, in how can an atom interact onlv elechalf the electrons in an escape the strong binding of the other half? Furthermore, are scattered by nuclei, they hehave as though acted forces, while the nuclear scattering of fast electrostatic influences that can The upon when solely fast by atom electrons electrostatic protons reveals departures from Ik ascribed only needed is a Compton effect the to a specifically nuclear force. difficulties of the nuclear electron hypothesis were no serious alternative. the proton in atomic nuclei The problem came known to light, some time but there seemed for of the mysterious ingredient Iwsides was not solved until 1932. minimum initial it was calculated not very sur- gamma-ray photon energy of 53 MeV, This seemed peculiar known at the time had more than a The peculiarity liecame even more small fraction striking nucleus to — is equivalent to only 10.7 MeV one-fifth the energy needed by a gamma-fay photon if it is to knock 5.3 MeV protons out of paraffin. In 1932 James Chadwick, an associate of Hutherford, proposed an alternative hypothesis for the now-mysterious radiation emitted by beryllium when bon barded by alpha particles. lie assumed that the radiation consisted of neutral particles whose mass approximately the same as that of the proton. is electrical neutrality of these particles, Tor their ability to one at rest penetrate matter readily. Their mass accounted nicely for whose mass is ,i moving particle colliding head-on with same can the transfer all of its kinetic energy to the A maximum proton energy of 5.3 MeV thus implies a neutron energy of 5,3 MeV, not the 53 MeV required by a gamma ray to cause the same effect. Other experiments had shown that such light nuclei as those ul helium, carbon, latter. of also be knocked mil of appropriate absorbers In the bcrvllium and the measurements tnade of the energies of these nuclei mn fact, Chadwick arrived at widi alpha particles from a sample of polonium and found that radiation was note that emitted which was able to penetrate matter readily, radioactively into a proton, an electron, and an antiueutrino: the half it consisted of gamma rays, (Camilla rays are electromagnetic waves of extremely short wavelength.) The THE NUCLEUS ability of the radiation to pass in well iiii p from an analysis of observed proton and nitrogen nuclei recoil Before free fit the neutron-mass figure energies; naturally, that The which were called iwulmws, accounted The composition of atomic nuclei was finally understood in 1932. Two years earlier the German physicists W. Bothe and II. Becker had liombarded beryllium tained that the radiation did not coasist of charged particles and assumed, quite when presumed reaction of an alpha particle and a beryllium yield a carbon nucleus would result in a mass decrease of ().(H 144 u, with the neutron hypothesis. In Bothe and Becker ascer- and there rays cannot give energy to protoas minimum gamma-ray photon energy £ = hr T lo a proton can be calculated. The result which radiation, THE NEUTRON this is collisions, that the and nitrogen could 11.2 gamma glance Compton energy to transfer the kinetic die observed proton recoil cnci»ics: Iwfore the correct explanation for nuclear masses to l>e per particle. electrons can interact strongly enough with protons to form nuclei, the orbital electrons trostatically MeV first Curie and Joliot found proton recoil energies of up to about 5.3 MeV. From Fq. 2.15 for the of this considerable energy. It is At in similar processes. with that of the proton, not with that of the electron, a discrepancy that cannot he understood if electrons arc nuclear constituents, Elect mn- nuclear interaction. out. rays can give energy to electrons in because no nuclear radiation 4. 364 were knocked rich substance, protons in nuclei. nuclear particles lead to binding energies of the order of 8 Other physicists became and a number of experiments were performed to determine cannot be reconciled with the hypothesis of unclear electrons. that MttgaeUe moment. x interested in this radiation, no other mass gave we it neutron as good agreement with the experimental consider the role of the neutron in nuclear structure, is is not a stable particle outside nuclei. The we data. should free neutron decays life of the I0A min. Immediately after its discovery the neutron was recognized as the missing ingredient in atomic nuclei. Its mass of THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 365 m = 1.0086654(1 n which is spin of % 10- 2T kg more than slightly all X 1.6748 in perfectly fit thai of the proton, assumed that nuclei are composed The its electrical neutrality, and with the observed properties of nuclei when its it is and protons. solely of neutrons Following teniis and symlrols arc widely used to describe a nucleus: Z = atomic number = number of protons = number of neutrons A = Z + .V = mass number = total number of neutrons and protons .V = neutron number The term nucleon refers to both protons and neutrons, so that the mass number Nuclides are identified is the number of nucleoos in a particular nucleus. A according to the scheme where X is Dumber 75 Mm i' the chemical symlxj] of the species. Thus the arsenic isotope of mass is denoted by the atomic gen, which is number a proton, of arsenic is is 33. Similarly a nucleus of ordinary hydro- denoted by JH Here the atomic and mass numbers are the same because no neutrons are present. lire fact that nuclei are composed of neutrons as well as protons explains die existence of isotopes: the isotopes of an element numbers charge is all of protons hut have different numl>ers of neutrons. what is immediately contain the same Since its nuclear ultimately responsible for the characteristic properties of an iitom. the isotopes of an element all have identical chemical behavior and differ conspicuously only in mass. Not 10 STABLE NUCLEI 11.3 all < 20) contain approximately equal nuclei. energy 366 is evident from Fig. 11-1, which The tendency levels, whose THE NUCLEUS for .V to equal Z is In general, numbers of neutrons and protons, while in heavier nuclei the proportion of neutrons greater. Tin's 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PROTON NUMBER (Z) combinations of neutrons and protons form stable nuclei. light nuclei (A 20 FIGURE 11-1 Neutron proton diagram for stable nuclides. There are no stable nuclides with / 43 or 61. with \ 19. 35, 39, 15. 61. 89, 115, or 126, or with I m% - .\ 5 or 8. All nuclides with / 83, \ 126, and A 209 are unstable. > • becomes progressively a plot of N versus Z for stable follows from the existence of nuclear origin and properties we shall examine shortly. Nucleons, THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 367 which have spins of V,. prim oliev the exclusion As a iplc. result, each nuclear energy level can contain two neutrons of opposite spins and two protons of opposite spins. Energy levels in nuclei are in atoms mum A nucleus with, stability. inner levels will have in the same say, three neutrons anil situation, since in the 'i(B Figure shows how 1-2 1 isotope while permitting The preceding argument more than nuclei with produce only attractive 11-1 departs nuclei .V all four nucleons energy levels therefore maxi- one proton outside tiled only part of the story. is forces, is is stability curve Z decreases by 2 into the lowest available 'jjC to exist. . 7 & UJ CD negative beta decay Protons are positively This repulsion becomes SO greai K) protons or so that A. hut fit accounts for the absence of a stable this notion an excess of neutrons, which / Z iV decreases o *- .V — 7, never smaller; line as 'j-B is 7. increases. Even N Z positive beta decreases by decreases by decay 1 t er. Z decreases required for stability; thus the curve of Fig. more and more from the may exceed just as former case one of the neutrons must go inlo charged and repel one another electrostatically in sequence, more energy than one with two neutrons and two protons a higher level while in the latter case level. filled in minimum energy and are, to achieve configurations of by 1 in light stable, for instance, but not Iff; Nuclear forces are limited in range, and as a only with Iheir nearest neighbors. This effect of nuclear forces. is referred to as the saturation Because the coulomb repulsion of the protons throughout the entire nucleus, Ihere is appreciable represented by the bismuth isotope is "gBi, which All nuclei the heaviest stable nut is a limit to the ability of neutrons to prevent the disruption of a large nucleus. This limit is nucleons interact strongly result lick*. with Z spontaneously transform themselves into lighter ones through the emission of one or more alpha FIGURE 1 1-2 ple limits the particles, which are II le Simplified energy 'evel diagrams of stable boron occupancy of each level to nuclei. PROTON NUMBER > 83 and A > 2(19 (7.) FIGURE 113 Alpha and beta decays permit en unstable nucleus to (each consists of two protons and two neutrons, an alpha decay reduces the Z and a stable configuration. Since an alpha particle and carbon Isotopes. The exclusion princi- two neutrons of opposite spin and two protons of apposite the .V of the original nucleus by two each. If the resulting daughter nucleus spin. has either too smalt or loo large a neutron/proton ratio for stability, decay to a more appropriate configuration. Q neutron m proton is In it mav beta negative beta decay, a neutron transformed into a proton and an electron: u The —* p + e~ electron leaves the nucleus and is observed as a "l>eta particle." In positive beta decay, a proton becomes a neutron and a positron is emitted: Tims negative beta decay decreases the proportion of neutrons and positive beta ?» 368 i THE NUCLEUS >>B 12, decay increases 13,. to it. Figure 1 1-3 be achieved. Kadioactivity shows how alpha and beta decays enable is considered in more detail in Chap. stability 12. THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 369 11.4 NUCLEAR SIZES AND SHAPES 1 The Rutherford scattering experiment provided the of finite size. In that experiment, as we saw in Chap. manner deflected by a target nucleus in a is evidence that nuclei an: firsl provided die distance between them exceeds about 10 " tions the predictions of Coulomb's law For smaller separa- in. Coulomb's law are not obeyed because the nucleus no = 1 fin = I()- m ls Hence we can write an incident alpha particle 4, consistent with fermi fl= l,2A 1/a 11.2 From for nuclear radii. fin this formula we find that the radius of the *|C nucleus is longer appears as a point charge to the alpha particle. Since Rutherford's time a variety of experiments have been performed to determine nuclear dimensions, with particle scattering fi with a nucleus only through electrical forces while a neutron interacts only Similarly, the radius of the 'J|Ag nucleus is a nucleus and neutron scattering provides information on the distribution of nuclear matter. In both cases the de liroglie wavelength of the particle must study {see Frob. 3 of Chap. lie smaller than the radius of the nucleus wider of nuclear matter. P number of nucleons proportional to the A. If a nuclear radius proportional R n.i lo \. it contains, R. the corresponding is T]u, relationship A tx fl r is iisualls _ is its mass number %srH 3 and so R is which volume - :l is expressed inVGtSe form as in ,/;s Nuclear of Ru radii /{„= is 1.2 x 10 2 for all nuclei. indefiniteness in fl„ We m Ls a consequence, not just of experimental error, but of die characters oi the various experiments: electrons and neutrons interact differently with nuclei. from electron scattering, The value of R„ which implies is when slightly smaller that nuclear matter it is deduced and nuclear charge are not identically distributed throughout a nucleus. As we saw is in X 10" kg/m Certain shells the earlier part of this book, the angstrom unit (1 A = "' may known as "white dwarfs," are composed of atoms have collapsed owing to enormous pressure, and the approach that of pure nuclear matter. stars, If m) a convenient unit of length for expressing distances in the atomic realm. For How can nuclear shapes the distribution of charge in a nucleus is not spherically symmetric, the nucleus will have an electric quadrupole moment. A nuclear quadrupole moment will interact with the orbital electrons of the atom, and the consequent shifts in atomic energy levels will lead to hyperfine splitting of the spectral lines. Of course, this source of hyperfine structure must guished from that due to the magnetic 10 electrons :i have been assuming that nuclei are spherical. be determined? The six 12.nuXl.66x 10-"kg/u %* X(2.7x lO^m)3 densities of such stars ls and binding energies of the This figure— equivalent to 3 billion tons per cubic inch!— is essentially the same whose electron The value we can compute the density ^C, whose atomic mass is 12.0 u, we have = MeV - 111" eV) and neutrons of MeV to over 1 CeV (1 CeV = 0<K) MeV and up. In every case it is found that the volume of a nucleus is directly J and that of the *§§U nucleus be neglected here) Actual experiments on the sizes of nuclei have employed electrons of several 20 5,7 rrn nuclear sizes as well as masses, In the case of for the nuclear density (the masses 3), hundred is 7.4 fin. Xow that we know through specifically nuclear forces. Thus election scattering provides information in X(12)" 3 fm=:2.7fm a Favored technique. still Fast electrons and neutrons are ideal for this purpose, since an electron interacts on the distribution of charge = 1.2 moment of the nucleus, but be distinwhen this done it is found that deviations from sphericity actually do occur in nuclei whose spin quantum numbers are or more. Such nuclei may be prolate or is ! example, the radius of the hydrogen atom CO molecule are 1.13 A apart, and die are 2.81 A 370 THE NUCLEUS 0.53 A, the Na + and is an appropriate unit of length: C and O atoms CI'" ions in crystalline Nuclei are so small diat the fermi apart. of the angstrom, is (fin), in a XaCI only 10 -9 the size oblate spheroids, but the difference -20 percent and is between major and minor axes never exceeds usually much less. For almost all purposes it is sufficient regard nuclei as being spherical; nevertheless the departures from sphericity, small as they are, furnish valuable information on nuclear structure. to THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 371 11.5 \ BINDING ENERGY mass than the ABU of the moans of Stable iitnni Invariably has a smaller 2.014l()2ii while the mass of T "Vd^™ + which is '»-. = = + 1-0OT825U LOOSOflSti 2.016490 V O.0023N8 n greater. Since a nucleus detiteritiin — called a deuteron—K composed of a proton and a neutron, and Iwth \U and electrons, it is of a proton its atom JH, For example, has a mass of a hydrogen atom (}ll) plus thai of a neutron is Tlic deuterium constituent purlitk-s. evident that the and a neutron to mass tiefcrt form a of 0.002388 n dci ileum. V j'H is have single orbital related to the binding mass of 0.002388 11 is equal 100 to 200 150 250 MASS NUMBER, A 0.002388 u X 931 MeV/u = 2.2.3 MeV FIGURE When a deuteron of energy is is formed from a free proton MeV liberated. Conversely, 2.23 and neutron, then, 2.23 MeV gamma-ray photon must have an energy MeV of at least 2.23 to disrupt energy and is equivalent of the mass defect in a nucleus a measure of the stability of the nucleus. from the action of the forces from them, forces. called to form binding nuclei, jusl remove electrons Binding energies range MeV for the deuteron, which is the smallest compound MeV for '-$|Bi, the heaviest stable nucleus, from 2.23 to 1,640 its Binding energies arise which must be provided from the action of electrostatic arise is that hold uucleons together to as ionization energies of atoms, mass number. The peak st V =A corresponds The binding energy per nucleoli, arrived at by dividing the total binding energy number of nucleons it contains, is a most interesting miaiitilv The binding energy per nucleon is plotted as a function of mass number A in of a nucleus by the Fig. a deuteron (Fig. 11-4). The energy Binding energy per nucleon as a function of must be supplied from an external source to break a deuteron up into a proton and a neutron. This inference is supported by experiments on the photodisiutegrulion of the deuteron, which show that u 15 1 to the !He nucleus. nucleus, up a 1-5. 1 . The curve maximum rises steeply at first MeV of 8.79 A= at and then drops slowly to about 7.6 and then more gradually until it reaches 56, corresponding lo the iron nucleus fgFc, MeV mass numbers. Evidently at the highest nuclei of intermediate mass are the most stable, since the greatest amount of energy must be supplied to liberate each of their nucleons. This fact suggests that energy will be evolved ones or if process is light nuclei known if heavy nuclei can somehow can somehow be joined as nuclear fission and the lie split into lighter form heavier ones. The former to latter as nuclear fusion, and both indeed occur under proper circumstances and do evolve energy as predicted. FIGURE 11-4 The binding energy at the deuteron is 2.23 MeV. which li confirmed by experiments that show that a gamma-ray p hoi on with a minimum energy of 2.23 MaV can split a deuteron into a tree neutron and a free proton. Nuclear binding energies are strikingly it is helpful to convert the figures from say kcal/kg. Since that 1 MeV = 3.83 and each nucleoli tic nil' /WW 2.2.1 MeV photon mi X in a 10 1.60 IT X kcal. 10- ,n J J = 2.39 is equal to 1.66 1 nucleus has a mass of very nearly X 1 MeV 1 nucleon o neutron A _ IP" 17 kcal X 10~" -i v ~ -Ail x 1.66 X 10-2- kg 3.83 u. X 10 find ^ kg, Hence U \u> kcal kg binding energy of 8 MeV/nucleon, a typical value, to 1.85 is THE NUCLEUS we 10-" kcal, x 10" kcal/kg. By is therefore equivalent contrast, the heat of vaporization of water 540 kcal/kg, and even the heat of combustion of gasoline, 1.13 372 magnitude, familiar units, unit and One mass their more to proton i ® eV = 1 To appreciate large. MeV/ nucleon x KH is a mere kcal/kg, 10 million times smaller. THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 373 THE DEUTERON •11.6 The unique short-range forces that hind nucleonsso securely into nuclei by is still and in consequence the compared with the theory oi primitive as Let us choose the particle it atomic structure. However, even without a satisfactory understanding of nuclear been made forces, considerable progress has in recent years in interpreting the we properties and behavior of nuclei in terms of detailed models, and examine some of the concepts embodied is in is 2.23 is shall what can in'. and a neutron. can be obtained either »i + m. p gamma rays and . that only can disrupt dcuterons into their constituent nucleons. If Schrodinger's equation. is known for an V can be found and a force law corresponding potential energy function or from photo- with hv > 2.23 Chap. 6 we In the deuteron in as The interaction, the much not possible to discuss it is We negative and is note from Fig. 1 1 -6 that E, the total energy of the the necessary to consider the effects of nuclear motion, and it is still Chaps. 4 and In this way center of mass tin; is by replacing the electron mass ft A similar procedure m'= hi did a common in' moving According to Kq. 4,27, the is in " in. we reduced mass even more appropriate here, since is reduced mass of a neutron-proton system we its problem of a proton and an electron moving about neutron and proton masses are almost the same. and so by replaced by the problem of a single particle of mass about a fixed point. 11.4 mf + replace the " in. m of Eq. 11.3 with in' as given alnive. FIGURE 1 1-6 The actual potential energy of either proton or neutron In a deuteron and the square-well this potential energy at functions of the distance between proton and neutron. approximation to quantitative detail as the hydrogen atom. actual potential energy V of the deuteron, that the potential energy is. of either nueleon with respect to the other, depends upon the distance the centers of the neutron and proton more or in Fig. 11-6. is substituted into Our understanding of nuclear forces is less complete than our understanding of coulomb forces, however, and so we imagine same as the binding energy of the deuteron. In analyzing the hydrogen atom, where one particle is much heavier than the neutron, The simplest nucleus containing more figure that be the neutron, so that in question tn l>c analyzed another two-body system, the hydrogen atom, with the help of quantum mechanics, but in that case the precise nature of the force between the proton and the electron was known. (-2) chapter. Before instructive to see m dcula on which show a0 of the proton. (The opposite choice would, of course, in the force field yield identical results.) this in MeV, a mass between disintegration experiments MeV it the deuteron, which consists of a proton The deuteron binding energy From the discrepancy in this moving other, revealed by even a very general approach. than one uucleoo models in these looking intq any of these theories, though, r- sin constitute as well understood as electrical forces, theory of nuclear structure i Unfortunately nuclear forces are known. far the strongest class of forces nowhere near &H9 11,3 less as (The repulsive "core" perhaps 0,4 shown by the X W~a m r between solid line in radius expresses mesh together more than a certain amount.) We by the "square well" shown as a dashed line in the the inability of nucleons to shall approximate figure. this V(r) This approximation means that neutron and proton to be zero when we consider the nuclear force between they .are more than r„ apart, a constant magnitude, leading to the constant potential energy are closer together than r„. Thus the parameters Vn and r and to - V when , have they and the square-well potential itself is A is ;si:e r alone, and therefore, easiest to examine the problem a function of it is Rg. fill nates Sehrodinger's equation for a particle of mass 374 THE NUCLEUS actual potential kinetic energy T potential energy V energy of nueleon square-well approximation V as in the case of other central-force potentials, in a spherical polar-coordinate system E MeV representative of the short-range character of the interaction. square-well potential means that energy -2.23 are representative of the strength and range, respectively, of the interaction holding the deuteron together, total In spherical polar coordi- m is, with ft = fc/2w, THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 375 We now of radial assume that the solution of Eq. 11.3 can be written as the prod net and angular 115 functions, = +</,*,) u.ii We ii fl(l)©(ff)*fc) As before, the function R(r) describes radius vector from the nucleus, with $ if, with r angle <ji coaslant; <f> <* the wave function ^ and the function wave recall that the radial must = and function inside the well «j fi discarded lie is is given by if fi is fi = which means »/r, not to be infinite at r = 0. just varies along a constant; the function 8(0 ) describes along a meridian on a sphere centered at varies with zenith angle and how and + B sin ar cos ar that the cosine solution Hence A how = A 1 = r 11.12 0, II = | B Outside the well how ^ varies with azimuth = 0, with r and 9 constant. ar '.ill = V* and so *{$>) describes along a parallel on a sphere centered at r 2 <i 2m' «„ _, 11.13 Although angular mutton can occur lor the moment in radial motion, that is proton about their center of mass. square-well potential, uur interest in a is, If there neutron and in oscillations of the is no angular motion, both constant and their derivatives are zero. With dip/riS = <-> and d^ift/d^2 = The energy total are <t> 0, 11.14 W^f)***-**-" 11.6 A further simplification can be made by is = fi* = u(r) In terms of the d 2 u, letting P. dr tR{t) new function u the The wave equation becomes «„ Because it, fi two Because different solutions to Eq. wave equation Inside the well the 2m' or, if we 1.8, ti t for r ^ ra and i/ ([ outside for r > r . o 2m' = ^-(E + VJ 2 rf 2 + (We note from can write is + De " 1 —* as r — oo, we conclude that D= 0. Hence = Ce' bf GROUND STATE OF THE DEUTERON and where 11.18 a2 "> * box of Chap. THE NUCLEUS " have expressions it remains to for u (and hence for >£) match these expressions and it is in the region for both inside and outside the their necessary that Ixith u and du/dr which they are defined. At r = first derivatives at the !>e continuous every- rn , then. 5, fi sin ara » Ce "* and Fig. 11-6 that, since |V are positive.) Equation in a 376 1.15 Ce~ bT well boundary since w, ir* a bound to becomes simply 11.10 2 1 must be true that u un We now (P it it ill? *11.7 let fl is outside the well well, 11.9 it is v )Ul = ^? + -p-<£ + 1 a negative quantity since o 2 V has two different values, V = - Vu inside the well and V = there are = we - ft* = solution of Eq. n.16 dr- is ~(-E) a positive quantity, and 11.15 11.7 of the neutron Eq. becomes 11.3 E the proton. Therefore 1 1 . 10 is the | > |£|, the quantities E + V and same as the wave equation and again the solution is hence for a particle 11.19 du, du u dr dr «Bcosflr„ = —bCe~ br > THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 377 By dh iding Eq. by Eq. 11.19 1.18 ! we eliminate the coefficients B and C and HI, obtain the transcendental equation tun 11.20 = —— rir approximation first Equation 11.20 cannot solved analytically lie . but can be solved either it graphically or numerically to any desired degree of accuracy. + \Z2m\E where VW(-E)/fi —£ the binding energy of the deuteron and is Since potential well. we might assume that tan urn a becomes Since tan j V | > a/b i is note that =m V„)/ft 11.21 h We E|, in order to obtain a V;, first the depth of the is crude approximation FIGURE 117 so large that The wave function «(r) ol either proton or neutron In a deuteron. oo and therefore representative of the range of nuclear infinite at = htt/2, in this approxi- 77/2, w, .377/2 mation the ground state of the deuteron, for which » = 1, correspond to two nucleons due 1 ; forces, Vn the depth of the , What we now to nuclear forces, and ask is whether — E, the binding energy of the deuteron. this relationship corresponds to reality in the sense leads to a reasonable value for that a reasonable choice of r„ V (There . in our simple model that can point to a unique value for either (In fact, this Is the only hound state of the deuteron.) V2m'{£ + vy °~ vSS% r ft since we are assuming that E is Hence a choice for r„ 11.22 2 fm. Substituting for the l>e and expressing energies MeV in known r () or is V nothing .) quantities in Eq. Such 1 1.23 yields * "~2 negligible compared with V , , 1.0 . X ™ MeV-m* 10 , 1.9 X HI' 14 MeV-m and and v„ ss might r n fwtween well and therefore representative of the interaction potential energy = so, for r V„ Hm'rr - The above approximation is equivalent to assuming that the function ii, inside the well is at its maximum (corresponding to or = 90*) at the boundary ol the well. Actually, h, must l>e somewhat past its maximum there in order to join smoothly with the function n u outside the well, as shown in Rg. 11-7; a more detailed calculation shows that ar zz 16° at r = r„. The difference between the two results is due to our neglect of the binding energy — E relative to V in obtaining Eq. 1.22, and when this neglect is remedied, the l>etter approximation This is 2 fm = x 2 u m, = 35 MeV a plausible figure for of our model 10 — nucleons V () that from which , we conclude that the basic features maintain their identities in the (using together, strong nuclear forces with a short range angular dependence — are nucleus instead of and relatively minor valid. 1 (, 1 11.23 V'„ = 11.8 TRIPLET AND SINGLET STATES Equation 11.23 contains all the information about the neutron- pro ton force that can be obtained from the observation that the deuteron is obtained. Equation 378 a binding energy of 1 1 THE NUCLEUS .23 is a relationship among rtl , the radius of the potential well Among — E. To go further the most significant such data we is is a stable system with require additional experimental data. that concerning angular momentum, THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 379 which was ignored in the preceding analysis of the deuteron when that the neutron-proton potential is a function of momentum correct; in general, angular dot's r was assumed it The alone. latter not is play a significant role in nuclear structure, although certain aspects of this structure are virtually independent In the case of the deuteron, for example, the proton and neutron interact of it. in such a manner that binding occurs only when their spins are parallel to produce when a triplet state, not their spins arc ant [parallel to produce a ving/*-/ State. Evidently the neutron-proton lone ilepemls on the relative orientation of the spins and The weaker when the is makes independence of nuclear a rli The forces. neutron from occurring nucleoli's in possible to see it why diprntons and di neutrons despite the observed stability of the deuteron antl the charge- exist in a triplet stale, since with parallel spins both each system would be in identical quantum distinguishable particles even with parallel spins. is in in packed together into the smallest volume, is contact with (Fig. it as we suppose is X 1 1-S). Hence each 14L7 or 6L'. If all interior nucleoli in a nucleus A has a nucleons in a nucleus were in its binding energy of the nucleus would he interior, the total EV = 6AU H.Z4 Equation 1 1 .'24 often written simply as is states. No such restriction consists are it However, while a EB = 11.25 The energy £',, a is t A called the volume energy of a nucleus and is directly propor- tional to A. Actually, of course, some nucleons are on the surface of every nucleus and The number of such nucleons depends therefore have fewer than 12 neighbors. upon the surface area of the nucleus in question. A nucleus of radius R has an area of diproton principle in a singlet state, the singlet nuclear force not sufficiently strong to produce binding — and, indeed, diprotons and dineu- Hence trons have never been found. is the THE LIQUID-DROP MODEL number of nucleons with fewer than the maximum number of bonds proportional to A'i/3 , reducing the total binding energy by E, 11.26 11.9 size binding energy of 12 exclusion principle prevents a diproton or applies to the deuteron, since the neutron and proton of which or dineutron could occur same the case of nucleons within a nucleus, each interior sphere has 12 other spheres spins are anliparallel. difference between the triplet and singlet potentials, together with the Pauli exclusion principle, do not of the The = -«jA 2/;! negative energy Et is called the surface energy of a nucleus; it is most significant for the lighter nuclei since a greater fraction of their nucleons are While the attractive forces that nucleons exert their range is so small that each particle upon one another are very in a strong, on the surface. Because natural systems always tend nucleus interacts solely with Its tions of nearest neighbors. This situation the is same as that of atoms in a solid, minimum to evolve toward configura- potential energy, nuclei lend toward configurations of maxi- which ideally vibrate about fixed positions in a crystal lattice, or that of molecules in a liquid, which ideally are free to The molecular distance. move about while maintaining a fixed inter- analog)' with a solid cannot be pursued because a ( calculation shows that the vibrations of the nucleons about their average positions would be too great for the nucleus to be stable. The analogy with a liquid, on the other hand, turns out to be extremely useful in understanding certain aspects 9> of nuclear behavior. Let us see how FIGUREll-3 the picture of a nucleus as a drop of liquid accounts for the observed variation of binding energy per nucleoli with mass number. start shall sphere li In packed assem- each Interior contact with twelve others. by assuming that the energy associated with each nucleoli- micleon bond has some value involved, but is I'; this energy is really negative, since attractive forces are usually written as positive [>ecause binding energy a positive quantity for convenience. Because each liond energy two nucleons, each has a binding energy of %['. 380 We In a lightly bly ot Identical spheres, THE NUCLEUS When V is is considered shared by an assembly of spheres THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 381 mum binding energy, {We recall that binding energy is the mass-energy difference between a nucleus and the same numbers of free neutrons and protons.) Hence a nucleus should and in exhibit the same surface-tension the absence of external forces it effects as a liquid drop, should be spherical since a sphere has the least surface area for a given volume. The electrostatic repulsion contributes toward decreasing nucleus into a Z(Z - is between each pair of protons in a nucleus also its binding energy. The coulomb energy 2*. of a the work that must be done to bring together volume equal l)/2, the number £, Z{Z = -a 1 The coulomb energy protons from infinity and co u tomb energies. is proportional to of proton pairs in a nucleus containing inversely proportional to the nuclear radius 11,27 Z Hence Ec that of the nucleus. to - = /i,,A Z protons, and 1/3 : 1) 1/3 -10 negative because is li i FIGURE 11-9 The binding energy per nucleon is ttic sum of the volume, surface, arises it from a force that opposes nuclear stability. The total binding energy Eb and coulomb energies: Efc = £v + = a,A 11.26 The binding energy + E, a 2A 2/3 E, — of a nucleus is the sum of its volume, surface, THE SHELL MODEL 11.10 The —a per nucleon is Z(Z model is that the constituents of a nucleus interact only with their nearest neighbors, like the molecules of a liquid. - 1) A 1/3 however, extensive experimental evidence for the contrary hypothesis that the nucleoli.-, a good deal of empirical support for Ibis assumption. There is in a nucleus interact primarily with a general force field raider than directly therefore with one another. This latter situation resembles that of electrons E, 11.29 Z{Z = ai " ^TTa- " "3 - A V3 1 shown in Fig. 11-5. it and in Fig. 11-9 versus A, together with close to the empirical curve ot the analogy of a nucleus with a liquid /.. \ drop has some we may nuclear reactions. Before leaving the subject of nuclear bindiog energy, it should be noted that effects other than those we have here considered also are involved. For instance, and neutrons are especially stable, as are nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons. Thus such nuclei as |He. l curve. 'gC, and gO appear as peaks on the empirical binding energy per nucleon These peaks imply that the energy states of neutrons and protons in a nucleus nuclei with equal numbers certain quantum slates are in an atom, permitted and no more than two electrons, particles, can occupy each state, N'ucleons are also Fermi and several nuclear properties vary periodically with Z and S in a manner reminiscent of the periodic variation of atomic properties with Z. The electrons in an atom may be thought of as occupying positions in "shells" which are Fermi be encouraged to see what further aspects of nuclear can illuminate. We shall do this in Chap. 12 in connection with validity at least, liehavior Hence where only 1) Each of the terms of Eq. 1.29 is plotted their sum, E^/A. The latter is reasonably There also, is 1 basic assumption of the liquid-drop of protons are almast identical and that each state can be occupied by two particles of particles, designated by the various principal quantum numlters, and the degree of occu- pancy of the outermost shell is what determines certain important aspects of an atom's liehavior. For instance, atoms with 2. 10, IS, 36, 54, and M6 electrons have all their electron shells completely filled. Such electron si met ores are stable, thereby accounting for the chemical inertness of the rare gases. The same kind is observed with respect to nuclei; nuclei having 2, H, 20, 28. 50, B2, and 120 neutrons or protons are more abondant than other nuclei of similar mass numliers, suggesting that their structures are more stable. Since complex nuclei of situation among lighter ones, the evolution of heavier and heavier became retarded when each relatively inert nucleus was formed; this arose from reactions nuclei accounts for their abundance. opposite spin, as discussed in Sec. 11.3. THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 382 THE NUCLEUS 383 Other evidence also points up the numbers significance of the spin-orbit coupling 2, 8, 20, 28, villi spin-orbit coupling and 126, which have become known as magjic numbers, in nuclear structure. An example is the observed pattern of nuclear electric qnadrupole moments, which are measures of the departures oF nuclear charge distributions 50, 82, A from sphericity. shaped spherical nucleus has no quadrupote 2j pumpkin like a are found to have zero 4s5d- quadrupole moments and hence are spherical, while other nuclei arc distorted 6g" moment. has a negative in N Nuclei of magic and Z *^ «£9/2 7i- model of the nucleus shell A used that corresponds to a square well 4p- MeV deep with rounded corners, so that there is a more realistic gradual from V = V to V = than the sudden change of the pure square-well 5i" potential energy function we potential in used in is 14 4PI/2 2 4 6 this kind is then solved, and it 12C .12 82 22 50 8 28 IS ill 8 10 system occur characterized by quantum numbers significance is same «, /, sets of states in a ""*- and m, whose atomic 3s- nucleus since 4d- as in the analogous case of stationary states of Neutrons and protons occupy separate 6ft- found that stationary is states of the electrons. 14 treating the deuteron, Schrodinger's equation for a particle a potential well of the total nucleons 6 10 *- 7i 13/2 about 50 change shell an attempt to account for the existence of is magic numbers and certain other nuclear properties in terms of interactions Iwtween an individual nuctcon and a force field produced by all the other nudeotLs. 1 12 shape. The + 16 4 2 8 moment, while one moment and one shaped like a football has a positive nutieons nucleons per per level __ 6h 11/2 Ad.3/2 AJt,-.,': „.*<•« " %7/s the latter interact electrically as well as through the specifically nuclear charge. 12 2 4 6 8 In order to obtain a series of energy levels that leads to the observed magic numbers, tude is it is merely necessary to assume a spin-orbit interaction whose magni- such that the consequent splitting of energy levels into subtevels for large I, that is, for large orbital angular momenta. coupling holds only for the very lightest nuclei, sarily small in their normal configurations. In the intrinsic spin angular momenta is which the in this It scheme, as / and the S, a total angular in values are neces- we saw in and L 6 4 -4/ 7/! total spin f \/J(J + 1) ft. holds, the heavier nuclei exhibit first _„__- 2s. 3d 3/2 1/2 3d' After a transition region of each particle are t 10 4/- 7, L; S and momentum J of magnitude In this case the S, Chap. momenta L are separately coupled L are then coupled to form momentum which an intermediate coupling scheme coupling. 3p- S ( of the particles concerned (the neutrons orbital angular together into a total orbital Sge/2 *Pl/2 4 'S/2 large assumed that L$ form one group and the protons another) are coupled together into a momentum is 3d 5/2 fj coupled to font + a J, for that particle of magnitude \/j(f 1) ft, and the various J, then couple together to form the total angular momentum J. The fj coupling scheme holds Xk 2 J>l/2 2p- 2p,V2 for the great majority of nuclei. When an appropriate strength energy levels of either The levels are designated letter that indicates I for 384 THE NUCLEUS is assumed for the spin-orbit interaction, the class of nucleoli fall into the by a sequence shown prefix equal to the total each particle in that level in Fig. 1 quantum number Is. 1/2 1-10. n, a FIGURE 1110 Sequence of nuclecn energy levels according to the shell model (not to scale). according to the usual pattern THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 385 p, d,f, g, (s, equal to . correspond respectively to . . The j. in the in . . ,). 4 allowed orientations of J 1 The number . ( and protons a nucleus with 2, (i, and 44; hence 12, 8, 22, 32, when sublevels are present filled in shells arc in sublevels liorne out is by the and thereby In essence, then, the exclusion in initially. the independent-particle approach to nuclear structure. justifies Both the liquid-drop and shell models of the nucleus much ways, able to account for that known is are, in their very different Recently of nuclear liehavior, attempts have been made to devise theories that combine tin- best features of each of these models in a consistent scheme, and some success has been achieved The the endeavor. particles (spin odd numbers of neutrons and protons ("odd-odd" nucleus) contains filled was resulting spherical shape of possibility of a nucleus model includes the The vibrating and rotating as a whole. there are even numl>ers stability it addition a nucleus ("even-even" nucleus). At the other extreme. The state I in account for several nuclear phenomena to unfilled sublevels for lx)lh kinds of particle. conferred by + same principle prevents nucleon-uucleon collisions even in a tightly packed nucleus, energy gaps 20, 28, 50, 82, or I2K neutrons or protons in a nucleus. magic numbers. Since each energy sublcvel can contain two up and spin down), only of neutrons into 2/ ; Larftic of available nuclear states in each nuclear shell ascending order of energy, filled when there arc 2, 8, The shell model is able to ami a subscript spacing of the levels at intervals that are consistent with the notion of separate shells. is. in exactly the 0, J, 2. 3, 4, spin-orbit interaction splits each state of given substates, since there are 2/ appear = / situation is complicated by the non- but even-even nuclei and the centrifugal distortion experi- all enced by a rotating nucleus; the detailed theory is consistent with the spacing of excited nuclear levels inferred from the gamma-ray spectra of nuclei and in other ways. we expect to he 160 stable even-even fact that nuclides arc known, as against only four stable odd-odd nuclides: -]\, !*Li, 'JJB, Problems and 'IN. Further evidence in favor of the shell model angidar momenta. In even-even nuclei, all is its ability to predict total nuclear the protons and neutrons should pair cancel out one another's spin and orbital angular momenta. Thus even-even nuclei ought to have zero nuclear angular momenta, as observed. In off so as to even-odd (even Z, odd N) and odd-even (odd Z, even spin of the single "extra" nucieon should be momentum jV) nuclei, the half-integral combined with the integral angular of the rest of the nucleus for a half-integral total angular momentum, 1 mass 2. is 6.01513 A beam uniform magnetic field of dux density 0.2 T. (1 3. the nuclenns in a nucleus are so close together and interact so strongly thai how can these same of each other in a common force the nucleus can be considered as analogous to a liquid drop, nucleons be regarded as moving independently field as required by die shell model? mutually exclusive, since a nucleoli would seem that the points of view are moving alxiut in a liquid-drop nucleus must It closer look shows that there is nucleus, the neutrons and protons fill ol increasing 1 1-2). energy in way such a In a collision, energy is no contradiction. In the ground the energy levels available to all them in order it is possible for if the exclusion principle is so such an energy violated. two nucleons of the same kind to merely exchange tive energies, but such a collision THE NUCLEUS filled, is (The §Li atomic in Ordinary boron is radii of the the magnetic eV enters a move perpendicular to What path of the '°B (10.013 u) and ",H field. a mixture of the u. The ions l |JB and 'JB isotopes and has a composite percentage of each isotope is present in ordinary boron? 4. Show density. that the nuclear density of [H is 10 M times greater than (Assume the atom to have the radius of the 298 MeV. Find 5. The binding energy 6. The mass 7. Find the average binding energy per nucieon as to ol>ey the exclusion principle (see Fig, transferred from one nucieon to another, leaving the available levels of lower energy are already transfer can take place only field. of ffCl is its first Bohr mass in its atomic orbit.) u. state of a the former in a state of reduced energy and the latter in one of increased energy. But 1.009 u) isotopes Find the atomic weight of 10.82 surely undergo frequent collisions with other nucleons. A the magnetic of singly charged lx>ron ions with energies of 1,000 half-integral spins should yield integral total angular It in ions u.) the field direction. momenta. Both of these The of flux density 0.08 T. Find the radius of their path direction. eV enters a uniform move perpendicular to the field of singly charged ions of § I A with energies of 4(X) field and odd-odd nuclei each have an extra neutron and an extra proton whose prediction are experimental!) confirmed 386 A lieam magnetic Of course, '|Oatom 8. 9. 19.9924 jj{]Ne is u. Find its binding energy in '!jO (the MeV. in mass of the neutral 15.9H49u). How much energy of the neutral '?N their respec- hardly significant since the system remains is of How much atom energy is is is required to remove one proton from 'fO? (The mass 15.0001 u; that of the neutral 'jjO atom required to remove one neutron from ! is 15.0030 u.) gO? THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS 387 Compare tO, minimum energy a gamma-ray photon must possess if it is an alpha particle into a triton and a proton with that it mast to disintegrate an alpha particle into a file nucleus and a neutron. the NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS to disintegrate posses; if it is (The atomic masses of fU and pie are respectively 3.01605 u and 3.01603 1 Show 1. apart is u.i that the electrostatic potential energy of two protons 1.7 X 10" l5 of the correct order of magnitude to account for the difference in binding m energy between jU and |He. How does this result l>ear upon the problem of the charge- independence of nuclear forces? (The masses of the neutral alums are, respectively, 3.(116049 and 3.016029 u.) 12. Protons, neutrons, and electrons oliey Bose-Einstein statistics while 13. is Show alx>ul 35 that the results of Sec. MeV deep and 2 fin in all have spins of l/2 Why do iHe atoms ol>ey Fermi-Dirac statistics? . |He atoms 1 1.7— a potential well for the deuteron that radius— are consistent with the uncertainty principle. 14. Calculate the approximate value of ^ Eq. 1 1.27 using whatever assump- seem appropriate. 15. According to the Fermi gas model of the nucleus, its protons and neutrons box of nuclear dimensions and fill the lowest available quantum to the extent permitted protons have spins of % formed by reactions with nucleons or other nuclei that collide with them. In fact, complex nuclei came into being in the first place through successive nuclear reactions, probably in stellar interiors. in tions exist in a Despite the strength of the forces that hold their constituent nucleons together, atomic nuclei are not immutable. Many nuclei are unstable and spontaneously alter their compositions through radioactive decay. And all nuclei can be trans- The principal aspects of radioactivity 12.1 states RADIOACTIVE DECAY by the exclusion principle. Since both neutrons and they are Fermi particles and must obey Fermi-Dirac Perhaps no single phenomenon has played so significant a role Starting from Eq. 10.12, derive an equation for the Fermi energy in a nucleus under the assumption that equal numbers of neutrons and pro- of lx>th atomic and nuclear physics as radioactivity. tons are present, (h) Find the Fermi energy for such a nucleus in which R, 1.2 fm. (beta particle), or a photon statistics, and nuclear reactions are discussed in this chapter. (a) = radioactive decay spontaneously emits a tion {gamma A ^He nucleus (alpha ray), thereby ridding energy or achieving a configuration that is in the development nucleus undergoing particle), itself an electron of nuclear excita- or will lead to one of greater stability. Tile activity of a nuclei of its a certain time 12.1 sample of any radioactive material constituent atoms decay. in the sample, its If activity X Ls R is is the rate at which the number given by the of nuclei present at R=-M dt The minus sit>n i.s inserted to make R a positive quantity, since di\/di is, of course, While the natural units for activity are disintegrations customary to express ft in terms of the curie (Ci) anil its intrinsically negative. per second, it is submultiples, the millicurie (mCi) and miaocurie Ci = 3.70 mc = H>- 3 Ci 3.70 = 10- 6 Ci = = 1 1 1 388 THE NUCLEUS fie 3.70 X X X (fiCi). By 10 10 dismtegrations/s 1<) 7 dismtegrations/s lO" disintegrations/!! definition. 12 Experimental measurements on the activities of radioactive samples Indicate Figure 12-1 is a graph that, in every ease, they fall off exponentially with time. of fi versus when icg&l dless of We for a typical radioisotope. t note that in every 5-h period, what it was of the isotope is 5 the period starts, the activity drops to half of at the start of the period. Accordingly the half Every radioisotope has a characteristic half m T life li. some have half lives of range up to billions of years. life; millionth of a second, others have half lives that the observations plotted in Fig. 12-1 began, the activity of the sample After another 3 h, fl again decreased R„. Five h later it decreased to 0.5fl When was . (( by a factor of 2 its initial That to 0.25fl„. value after an is, interval of the activity of the sample 2Tlri . of 5 h. corresponding to a total interval of 3T, illustrated in Fig. 12- The behavior 1 fl information alxiut the time variation of activity =R fl 12.2 where e became indicates that WW only 0.25 lapse of another half life With the ,j;{0.25R u ), or 0.I25R,,. l we can express our empirical in the form "" X, called the tlvanj constant, has a different value for each radioisotope. The connection between decay constant A and half life Th 2 is easy to establish. After a half life lias elapsed, that is, when t = T1/2 the activity fl drops to %R FIGURE 12. The 1 activity of a radioisotope decreases exponentially with time . (I , by If Hence definition. the .sample fraction of R '/.fl,, e^ T \/t = fl,,*-*' = /v "* =2 bility for it large is — that is, if many life 5 of — the actual to the proba- nuclei are present span will be very close any individual nucleus to decay. The statement that sotope has a half •• enough that decays in a certain time h, then, signifies that a certain radioi- every nucleus of this isotope This does not mean has a 50 percent chance of decaying in any 5-h period. a 100 percent probability of decaying in 10 h; a nucleus does not have a Taking natural logarithms of XT, /2 _ = _ ,1/2_ 12.3 lioth sides of this et|uation, and X decay probability per unit time 2 Half life X 5-h interval the probability constant of the radioisotope whose half X = life is 5 h is therefore is 20 is for the '1/2 0.693 X 3,600 s/ta = 3.85 X 10- 5 s"' h, and so on, liecause nuclei, the number dX X and nuclei VIA dN= -XXdt every that decay from the assumption dt. in a (It is If the probability that any a sample contains time dt is V uu- the product of the the probability A dt that each will decay in number of in decay of each nucleus of a given the probability per unit time, A nucleus will undergo decay in a time interval decayed memory, actually does decay. 30 percent. X per unit time of a ((instant probability isotope. Since X 0.693 it activity law of Eq. 12.2 follows directly The empirical The decay constant until to 87.3 percent in 15 h, to 93.75 percent in 0.693 " is implies a 75 percent probability of decay in 10 h, which increases A half life of 5 h ln2 In its dt. That is. 5 h The fact that radioactive evidence that this decay follows the exponential law of Eq. phenomenon is statistical in nature: 12.2 is strong every nucleus in a sample of radioactive material has a certain probability of decaying, but there is no way of knowing in advance which nuclei will actually decay in a particular time span. 390 THE NUCLEUS where the minus 12.4 can sign is required because \" decreases with increasing f. Equation rewritten lie dN = -\dt N NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 391 and each side can now be integrated: rf' f' v = lnJV— lnN A Equation 12.5 time J is and the number Nn Thus the number undecayed nuclei at = t Since the activity of a radioactive sample N of undccayed nuclei activity of the R at the and so 1 gm x 10M aloms/kmol is 0. defined as It is dt as its worth keeping mean sample 6.69 10 21 atoms x is =\N = 7.83 X = 5.23 X = 141 Ci dN = fl 6.025 = decay probability per unit time X of the isotope involved of X -At a formula that gives the in terms of the 10- 5 kmol X 1.1 1 JV=-,V e-*' 12.5 of any isotope contains Avogadro's numlier of atoms, of -$Sr contains dK V fr* One kmol TO" 10 10 12 X 6.69 X 1021 s" 1 s-' mind thai the half life of a radioisotope is not the same The mean lifetime of an isotope is the reciprocal of its in lifetime T. decay probability per unit time: we see that, from Eq. 12.5, = kN R e~ M This agrees with the empirical activity law R„ or, in general, Hence if = XNU f 1 - 12.8 if T R = KN 12.6 '-* 12.7 is half Evidently the decay constant X of a radioisotope is the same i- " Tu2 — - A 0.693 nearly half again life is 5 h is " I 447' ' Mean u2 more than 7' l/2 . The mean lifetime lifetime of an isotope whose 7.2 h. as the probability per unit lime for the decay of a nucleus of that isotope. Equation 12.6 permits if we know its its to calculate the activity of a radioisotope mass, atomic mass, and decay constant. us determine the activity of a 1-gm sample of jgSr, decay is 28 yr. The decay constant of ^Sr whose sample As an example, half life 12.2 against beta Most of the radioactive elements found is series* A = of a nucleus 0.693 X 7.83 10 T s/yr kg 90 kg/kmol A 12.9 where n THE NUCLEUS The reason by = 4. all ul- that there are exactly Thus the nuclides whose mass numl>ers are all number given by 4rj 10- 1 "*- 1 A kmol of an isotope has a mass very nearly equal to the mass number of isotope expressed in kilograms. Hence 1 gm of jgSr contains 392 members of four radioactive four such series follows from the fact that alpha decay reduces the mass 28yr X3.I6 X ltl- a in nature are with each series consisting of a succession of daughter products timately derived from a single parent nuclide. (1.693 "1/2 = RADIOACTIVE SERIES let that is an integer, can decay into one another in number. Radioactive nuclides whose mass numbers he tnemljers of the 4n scries. The members descending order of mass otiey Eq. 12.9 are said to of the 4n + I series have mass numbers specified by = 1.1 1 X H)" a kmol 12.10 A = 4n + I NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 393 Table 12.1. FOUR RADIOACTIVE SERIES. Mass numbers Thorium )M v Half life, -Vj-Tli 1.39 2.S5 X X 10'" :N> 10" H Neptunium >M'I. 4» 4- *n +1 I'rrmium ,,-,. 4.51 X 10" >gft + Actinium •go 7.07 x 10* =!gpb tn 1 3 FIGURE 12-3 decay series decay of The neptunium - 4n r 1). The i-\ '!,',B\ may proceed either by alpha emission and then beta and mcmticrs of the 4n + + 2 and 4n .1 series have mass numbers specified emission or In the reverse order. > respectively In 12.11 A = 4n + 2 12.12 ,4 =ln + 3 The meml>ers of eaeli of these series, too, can decay into one another in descend80 ing order of mass number. Table 12.1 is a list of the names with the estimated age series are not found in (— is half life of neptunium is so short They have, however, nature today. given in Sec. 12.12. compared members 10"' yr) of the universe that the the laboratory by the neutron cussion The SB 92 four important radioactive scries, their of parent nuclides and the half lives of these parents, and the stable daughters which are end products of the series, 84 f>een of this produced bombardment of other heavy nuclei; a The sequences of alpha and lieta decays in from parent to stable end product Some nuclides chain branches 12-2 sion each series are shown in Figs. 12-2 to 12-5. '^jjBi, a member "iifPo that the decav of the thorium scries, has a n'li.'S and a 33.7 percent chance of alpha that lead series {A The thorium decay either them. Tims in by beta or alpha emission, so brief dis- arias (i = 4»). The decay at may proceed at either percent chance of beta decaying into FIGURE FIGURE may decay Br by alpha emis- and then beta emission or In -'i'Bi 12-4 4n The uranium decay 2). The decay of - may proceed either by alpha , ^ >1 emission and then beta emission or In the reverse order. 130 lha reverse order. fc— — 394 THE NUCLEUS • a decay decay NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 395 nudeons for such energy to be available. To illustrate this point, we can compute, from the known masses of each particle and the parent and daughter nuclei, Q the kinetic energy This nucleus. is Qwhere m, FIGURE 12-5 The actinium decay series (\ = 4n 3). The decays of ; Ac and ^/Bi may proceed ei- I * fher by alpha emission and then beta emission or in the reverse and mn released (m, various particles are emitted bv a heaw - m, - m the mass of the is when given by initial m nucleus. We the alpha-particle mass. find that f the mass of the final nucleus. only the emission of an alpha particle is energetically possible: other decay modes would require energy to be supplied from outside the nucleus. Thus alpha decaj la ?gU is accompanied by the release of 5.4 MeV, while 6.1 order. a proton if is to MeV would somehow have MeV if a jjHc nucleus be emitted and 9.6 The observed disintegration energies in Ls to be furnished to be emitted. alpha decay agree with the corresponding predicted values based upon the nuclear masses involved. The kinetic energy Ta of the emitted alpha particle is never quite equal to the disintegration energy because, since momentum must be conserved, the Q nucleus recoils with a small amount of kinetic energy when the alpha particle emerges. It is easy to show that, as a consequence of momentum and energy conservation, 2 The beta decay is followed by a subsequent alpha decay and ihc alpha decay is followed by a subsequent beta decay, so that both branches decaying into 2 lead to ^1 J$T1. Ta related to J I». Several alpha-radioactive nuclides whose atomic numbers are less Q and Q= 5.587 MeV While a heavy nucleus can, while Because the attractive forces l)etwecu nudeons arc of short range, the approximately proportional to contains. it The its total mass number repulsive electrostatic forces lietween protons, however, are of unlimited range, and the total disruptive energy in a nucleus is approximately proportional to '/.". Nuclei which contain 210 or more uuclcons are so large that the short-range nuclear forces that hold them together are barely able to counterbalance the mutual repulsion of their protons. decay occurs in Alpha such nuclei as a means of increasing their stability by reducing Why are alpha particles almost invariably emitted rather than, say, individual protons or r]He nuclei? the alpha particle. The answer To escape from and the alpha-particle mass 396 THE NUCLEUS from the nucleus. Figure 12-6 is follows from the high binding energy of a nucleus, a particle must have kinetic energy, sufficiently smaller than that of its constituent = 5.486 MeV. how an its bulk by alpha alpha particle can actually escape energy V of an alpha from the center of a certain heaw nucleus. The height of the potential barrier is about 25 MeV, which is equal to the work particle as a function of thai its is a plot of the potential distance r must be done against the repulsive electrostatic force to bring an alpha particle from infinity to a position adjacent to the nucleus but just outside the range of its attractive forces. may therefore regard an alpha particle in such We a nucleus as being inside a box whose walls require an energy of 25 MeV to be mm 4 to their size. 7;, in principle, spontaneously reduce decay, there remains the problem of A, the number of nudeons of the original nucleus of nearly all alpha emitters exceed 210, and so most of the disintegration energy appears as the kinetic energy of the alpha particle. In the decay of 2 ^Rn. is number A The mass numbers ALPHA DECAY binding energy in a nucleus the mass v A than 82 are found in nature, though they are not very abundant. 12.3 is by mounted However, decay alpha particles have energies that range from 9 MeV, depending upon the particular nuclide involved— 16 to 21 MeV short of die energy needed for escape. Although alpha decay is quantum mechanics provides inexplicable on the basis of classical arguments, a straightforward explanation. In fact, the theory of alpha decay developed independently in 192K by Carnow and by Curney and NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 397 Condon chanics. WW greeted as an especially striking confirmation of quantum me- In the following two sections we shall show how even a treatment of the problem of the escape of an alpha particle from a nucleus gives agreement with experiment. results in The 1. 2. alpha particle Such a particle Es may in constant An 12-7 may pass through motion and is a even a perfect re- it If the surface is and suffi- cienlly thin. heavy nucleus; contained in the nucleus by the surrounding potential harrier; '3. There is a small the harrier (despite thin wave pene- incident flecting surface 'or a short distance an entity within exist as FIGURE trates the surface of basic notions of this theory are: An Thick mirror simplified Tola) reflection Partial reflection —but definite — likelihood that the particle nay pass through its height) each lime a collision with it occurs. 11ms the decay probability per unit lime \ can be expressed when- R as is i the alpha-particle velocity is when it the nuclear radius. Typical values for r eventually leaves the nucleus anil ,mt.\ B might l«2x Id 7 m/s and K)"'" 1 in respectively, so that A = vf = where i' is the number of times per second an alpha parlit strikes the potential barrier aroimd it and F is le within a nucleus the probability that the particle Id*' S- 1 The alpha particle knocks at its confining wall 10-' times per second and yet may have to wail an average of as much as 10 " yr to escape from some nuclei! Since V > /;, classical physics predicts a transnu'ssioii probability /' of zero. 1 will he transmitted through the one alpha particle exists as harrier. If such in a we suppose nucleus and that that at it any moment only moves hack and forth In ijuantuiu mechanics a along a nuclear diameter, result is a m null known: a c I lor /'. paiticlc The is regarded it ils a wave, anil the optical analog of this effect wave ondergoing reHcclion from even light theless penetrates 2H moving alpha mi definite value a perfect is well mirror never- with an exponential!) decreasing amplilude before reversing direction iFig. 12-7'. FIGURE 12-6 The potential energy of in alpha particle n a function of its distance from the center of a nucleus. •12.4 BARRIER PENETRATION ol a beam of particles of kinetic energy '/'incident from on a potential harrier of height V and width /., as in Fig 12-8. On both sides ol the barrier V = 0, which means that no forces act upon the particles Let us consider the case the potential energy of alpha particle left there 4ire i in these regions Sehrodingcr's • -V 2 . equation for the particles is m 12.13 alpha particle cannot escape alpha particle cannot enter (classical!*) "'""* (classically) T and ^%a = f "T" — 12.14 '-^ni . kinetic 2 »< energy of alpha particle r . Let us assume that K.15 12.16 398 THE NUCLEUS trV "" ^, s Ae** + Be tll = fie"" + Fe- ,ax NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 399 - []] II <h+ FIGURE 12-9 Vm+ tl/ — - *n+ Schematic representation of barrier FIGURE 12-8 A beam penetration. of particles can "leak" through — a finite barrier. , exponential * — ^u- *,_ sinusoidal * = x=L and = = ^111 ia.21 The various terms are .solutions to Eqs. 12.13 and 12.14 respectively. solutions are not hard to interpret. is wave a of amplitude A As shown schematically incident from the left on the That Ee in these in Fig. 12-8, harrier. "rSll+ iat Ae tar By and ^ lu hack into substituting ^, their respective differential equations, we find that is, ; ia.17 u/ l+ 2n,r = Ae ial 12.22 This wave corresponds to the incident is their probability density. If v is beam of particles in the sense that 2 \4>t+\ the group velocity of the wave, which equals 12.18 is I^i+I'p 12.19 ^t- = and is On ^= At x = the incident between uV, + + 12-9). Hence V L) there can be only a by hypothesis, there THE NUCLEUS is nothing 11 region /' = () solution its because the particle cannot result probability density in reexist inside the barrier; let is. Schrodinger's equation for the particles B^n ta« in AA' what the quantum-mechanical wave 12.Z5 direction, since, could reflect the wave. Hence F= 40Q +x = 2 probability density in region III and its 12.24 > IT '"' Classically In region Its III that I. ns see the far side of the barrier (x traveling in the p- Be'"" (Fig. the ratio W,! gion wave is wave partially reflected, with representing the reflected 12.20 evident that the transmission probability P for a particle to pass through 12.23 the (lux of particles that arrive at the barrier. strikes the barrier It is the barrier the particle velocity, + 2m (T - V fi*- is ^=° is <£ H = Ce ib* + De-"" where /2„,(T-V) ft 2 NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 401 > V Since we may imaginary and T. h IS = -ih Is define a new wave number V by 12.32* ^iri x V - 2tn 3* T) dx Substituting £,, lei ice C„ - Gs •* iz.28 The ^ n and ^„, from + De*< A + H=C+ D 12-33 ^„ + = Ce "-*» nonoscillatory an exponentially decreasing wave function thai corresponds to a liarricr part Within the barrier. disturbance moving to the right through the disturbance lie 12.30 is - *n reflected, is and wave thick harrier, iiifiuileb The are reflected. not at tion it originally had. P Its $ nl = 0, which implies >£,„. I. Figure 12-8 and 11, wave function where. With same value but will its *1 tyl 12.31b dx at the in visualizing the derivative same = ^u _ rty u x dx right-hand wall THE NUCLEUS probability P, is of A/E, which we require found by replacing i by - i to compute the transmission wherever it occurs in A/E: be vni an frafi Let us assume that the potential harrier wave i^,, \}> lv functions in 12.39 boundary conditions. ty/dx must be continuous every- mean thai, at each wall means high relative to (he kinetic energy is that // "> tt and ("-£) =b I V a a Let us also assume that the barrier ated (>etween .v = and x = is L; this wide enough means for t£„ to l>e severely attenu- that b'L > 1 and functions inside and outside must not only have the slope, so that they at the left-hand wall of the barrier 12.31a readily solved to yield however, certain Ixmndary conditions to a schematic representation of the both $ and The complex conjugate of an incident particle; this is also the may be with it. we must apply wave 12.36 that ail the incident particles reference to Fig. 12-H, these conditions of the harrier, the to iaEe' aI' In the limit of P, which may help 111 \$ discussed earlier, 402 its 111 left-hand wall, and a harrier of finite width therefore permits a of the initial lieain to pass through redans and and into region reflection process takes place within the barrier, In order to calculate and emerge not reflected there will continues muvitig unimpeded in the +.v direction. it Ee*' L oscillate, is T + De iL = b'D function that corresponds to the reflected | the same kinetic energy = -b'C + -aCe- b L + aDe hL a 12.36 and therefore does not represent a moving 2 zero. There particle of positive kinetic energy, the probability density |i£ n is not at the panicle A the barrier. is a Suite probability of finding a particle within end of the barrier that iaB left. Even though £„ does not as 12-35 Equations 12.33 disturbance moving to the far Ce- bL ' f>' an exponentially decreasing - iaA is I Eqs. 12.15, 12.2S, and 12.21 into the aliove , equations yields U'iui 12.29 of =L 12.32 b •>* 12.27 I = ^11 = match up perfectly, lien... 12,40 Hence e"' L > Eqs. 12.37 e- VL and 12.38 may lie approximated by 12.11 and 12.42 (*)*-(*-D*~ NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 403 (A/E) and (A/E)* yields \iultiplviiig (i)ft)'-(i**)and so tlic transmission probability = i2.4 3 [ L 4 , + /" is J «-» if,, 2 (ft'/a) 7 - J Since from the definitions of a (Eq. 12.22) and ft' (Eq. 12.27) T and V the variation in the coefficient of the exponential of Eq. 12.43 with is negligible compared with the variation in ihc exponential efficient, furthermore, a far co- From unity, and so p~ e -2bl. 12.44 is never is The itself. good approximation for the transmission probability. We shall find it conven- ient to write Eq. 12.44 as In/'- -2ft7. 12.45 FIGURE Equation 12.45 is derived for a rectangular potential barrier, while an alpha particle inside a nucleus We 7'. is = -2 = — 2ft'/., the radius of the nucleus and R Beyond R the able to I' I P move V(x) I THE NUCLEUS b'[x) t/.r = by ft'(.t) y= / kinetic energy of the alpha particle is 27,t? Now the electrostatic potential energy of an alpha particle at a distance x from the center of a nucleus of charge 7.e (that (lx its freely (Fig. 12-10). in Fig. 12-6. is Alpha decay from the point at view of wave mechanic!. the alpha-particle charge of 2e). the distance from tef rt 404 faced with a barrier of varying height, as = -2 In where R„ is is tnust therefore replace In 12.46 V= 12- 10 THEORY OF ALPHA DECAY 12.5 = center at which positive, and 2m ( v - r We is, Ze is the nuclear charge minus therefore have > L\- /|Zei _ T \ 1/2 \ ft 2 \4Tre„x / / it and, since T = V when x = R, H¥nf-')' NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 405 I To lence biP = -2 express Eq. 12,49 in terms of b'(x)dx In J* A = logi,, z 1S.47 =-(^)'""h-'(T)" Because the potential barrier is relatively wide, " logarithms, l°gu>A -®" R > fi () , = ,0 ('-^)'i and Figure 12-1 cos = loKio 1 is + (^~) + °- 4343 ( 2 - 97Z1/i! ! 29ZU2 a plot of log [0 A versus The V /2 ZT~ ,n V" ~ 3-H5Zr-"2) " for a 1.72ZT-'" number —1.72 We can use the slope predicted throughout the entire range of decay constants. what is namely, ,nP= - 2 fi (ir) U- 2 lT) The result is just about obtained from nuclear scattering experiments like that of Rutherford, —10 fm in such very heavy nuclei. independent means for determining nuclear with the result that of alpha-radio- straight line fitted to the experimental data has the position of the line to determine R„, the nuclear radius. /I note that 0.4343 g!«(2R") 2 active nuclides. Replacing we and so -fen; ("-')"** = e common This approach constitutes an sizes. J by a R = 2Ze 47r Eo we r obtain 1218 ^=f{-%Y'*"'«°"'-ik(fY' The ZT -"' result of evaluating the various constants in Eq. 12.48 is InP = 2.97Z> /2 fi ,/a - 3.95ZT 1 '* FIGURE 1211 MeV, R (the nuclear where T (the alpha-particle kinetic energy) is -13 number of the is the atomic = Z 10 m), and radius) is expressed in fm(l fin given A, by constant nucleus minus the alpha particle. The decay Experimental verifica- tion of the theory of alpha decay. expressed in A = -10 vP = -?-P w may 12.49 406 therefore be written hi A THE NUCLEUS = In(^) + 2.97Z I/2 R ,/S - 3.95Z7-" 2 Alpha decay NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 407 The quantum-mechanical analysis of alpha- particle emission, complete accord with the observed data, is significant which on two grounds. is in First, makes understandable the enormous variation in half life with disintegration The slowest decay is that of 2 g^Th, whose half life is 1.3 X 10 10 years, and the fastest decay is that of ^Po, whose half life is 3.0 X H)" T sec. While 1 1 energy. its half 10 24 greater, the disintegration energy of a HoTh (4.05 life is MeV) is only FIGURE 12-12 about half that of £fPo (8.95 MeV)—behavior predicted by Eq. 12.19. 2 electron s (mm Energy spectrum of the beta deciy of *ijBt. energy equivalent of mass lost by decaying nucleus The second significant feature of the theory of alpha decay is its explanation of this phenomenon in terms of the penetration of a potential barrier by a particle which does not have enough energy to surmount the barrier. In classical physics such penetration cannot occur: a baseball thrown against the Great Wall of China has, classically, a zero probability of getting through. the probability is much more not than zero, but it is In quantum mechanics 0.4 not identically equal to 0.6 o.s ELECTRON ENERGY. MeV zero. An experiment first performed in 1927 showed that this hypothesis In the experiment a sample of a fueta- radioactive nuclide BETA DECAY 12.6 and the heat evolved rimeter, after a given is number of decays not correct. is placed is in a calo- measured. The evolved heat divided by the number of decays gives the average energy per Beta decay, like alpha decay, a means whereby a nucleus can alter is ratio to achieve greater stability. Beta decay, problem to the physicist obvious difficulty we have is who its Z/iV however, presents a rather different seeks to understand natural phenomena. The most decay a nucleus emits an electron, while, as that in beta seen in the previous chapter, there are strong arguments against the presence of electrons in nuclei. Since beta decay is essentially the is we simply assume that the electron leaves the nucleus immediately after its creation. A more serious problem is that observations of l>eta decay reveal that three conservation principles, those of energy, momentum, and angular momentum, are apparently being violated. The electron energies observed in the beta decay of a particular nuclide are found to vary continuously from to a maximum value rmM characteristic of disposed of if the nuclide. Figure 12-12 shows the energy spectrum of the electrons emitted in the beta decay of 2|" Bi; here Tmax =1.17 MeV. In every case the maximum energy is =m c t» carried off by the decay electron equal to the energy equivalent of the mass difference l>etween the parent and daughter nuclei. an emitted electron found with an energy of Tmtx Only seldom, however, is . was suspected at one time that the "missing" energy was lost during collisions between the emitted electron and the atomic electrons surrounding the nucleus. It THE NUCLEUS be 0.35 away indeed from the Tmax value of 1.17 MeV. The conclusion is that the observed continuous spectra represent the actual energy distributions of the electrons emitted by [>eta-radioaetive nuclei. Linear and angular momenta are also found not to be conserved in beta decay. In the beta decay of certain nuclides the directions of the emitted electrons and of the recoiling nuclei can be observed; they arc almost never exactly opposite as retmired for momentum conservation. The nonconservation of angular mo- mentum follows from the known spins of '/ of the electron, proton, and neutron. 2 Beta decay involves the conversion of a nuclear neutron into a proton: n—*p + e~ Since the spin of each of the particles involved place if spin (and hence angular % is emitted in if momentum) removed. off It was supposed is is %. this reaction cannot take to be conserved. an uncharged particle of small or zero mass beta decay together with the electron, the energy, momentum, and angular-momentum is to but far and spin + 'nu was found very close to the 0,39-MeV average of the spectrum in Fig. 12-12 In 1930 Pauli proposed that ^miut 408 MeV, which spontaneous conversion of a nuclear neutron into a proton and electron, this difficulty In the case of 2 ^Bi the average evolved energy decay. discrepancies discussed above would be that this particle, later christened the neutrino, carries Tmix and the actual electron kinetic away negligible kinetic energy) and, in so doing, an energy equal to the difference between energy (the has a recoil nucleus carries momentum exactly balancing those of the electron daughter nucleus. Subsequently it was found that there are and the recoiling two kinds of neutrino NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 409 involved in beta decay, the neutrino T). We shall discuss the distinction decay an antineutrino that it is —* n 12.50 + p + e is itself (symbol and the antineutrino (symlxil w) lietween them in Chap. 13. In ordinary beta The beta decay of emitted: Beta decay v Hie neutrino hypothesis has turned out to be completely successful. The neutrino mass was not expected to be more than a small fraction of the electron Tm!a is observed to be equal (within experimental error) to the value calculated from the parent-daughter mass difference; the neutrino mass mass because is now believed to be zero. detected until recently The reason neutrinos were not experimentally that their interaction is INVERSE BETA DECAY 12.7 with matter is extremely feeble. Lacking charge and mass, and not electromagnetic in nature as is the photon, unimpeded through vast amounts of matter. A neutrino p —» n 12.53 is on the average to pass through over l(K) light-tjeurx of solid iron before interacting! The only interaction with matter a neutrino can experience through a process called inverse Ijeta decay, which Positive electrons, usually called positrons, years later were found to lie we shall consider shortly. were discovered in The properties of the positron are identical with those of the electron except that it carries a charge of +e instead of -e. Positron emission corresponds to the conversion of a nuclear proton into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino: n 12.51 + e+ + p 12.54 is + essentially the 12.55 p same is + c is equivalent to its emission c as the beta decay of Eq. 12.53. Similarly, the absorption equivalent to the emission of a neutrino, so that the reaction n also involves the + n e~ of an antineutrino + e" same physical process called inverse beta tiecaij, is as that of Eq, 12.53, interesting because it This latter reaction, provides a method for estab- lishing the actual existence of neutrinos. Starting in 1953, a series of experiments and others to detect the immense occur in A a nuclear reactor. in solution trinos. Positron emission v + Because the absorption of an electron by a nucleus 1932 and two spontaneously emitted by certain nuclei. e+ + scheme of a positron, the electron capture reaction the neutrino can pass would have a proton within a nucleus follows the were begun by flux of F. Reines, C, L. Cowan, neutrinos from the beta decays that tank of water containing a cadmium compound supplied the protons which were to interact with the incident neu- Surrounding the tank were gamma-ray detectors. Immediately after a proton absorbed a neutrino to yield a positron and a neutron, the positron encountered an electron and both were annihilated. The gamma-ray detectors While a neutron outside a nucleus can undergo negative beta decay because its mass be transformed greater than that of the proton, the lighter proton cannot into a neutron except within a nucleus. daughter nucleus of lower atomic number to a ber is A into a proton Z Positron emission leads while leaving the mass num- unchanged. is the capture. In electron capture a nucleus absorbs one of phenomenon its of electron inner orbital electrons, with the result that a nuclear proton becomes a neutron and a neutrino 12.52 Thus the hindamental reaction p + er formed neutron migrated through the solution it is n + v in electron capture is is Electron capture competitive with positron emission since both processes lead same nuclear transformation. Electron capture occurs more often than positron emission in heavy elements Ijccause the electron orbits in such elements to the released about 8 MeV of excitation energy divided among three or the positron-electron annihilation. sequence of photons at the detector is from above a sure sign that the reaction of Eq. 12.55 regarded as experimentally established. Inverse beta decay trinos interact with the nucleus. Since almost the only unstable nuclei found in nature are of n high Z, positron emission was not discovered until several decades after electron In principle, then, the arrival of the To avoid any uncertainty, the experiment was performed with the reactor alternately on and off, and the expected variation in the frequency of neutrino-capture events was observed. Thus the existence of the neutrino may p radii; the closer four photons, after those has occurred. proximity of the electrons promotes their interaction have smaller few microseconds, was captured by a cadmium nucleus. The new, heavier cadmium nucleus then l)c Electron capture Meanwhile the newly until, after a which were picked up by the detectors several microseconds Closely connected with positron emission emitted. responded to the resulting pair of 0.5I-MeV photons. The is the sole known means whereby neutrinos and antineu- with matter: + + v n c p + + e + e~ probability for these reactions is almost vanishingly small; this is why emission had been established. 410 THE NUCLEUS NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 411 liberated, incident target neutrinos travel freely through space and matter indefinitely, constituting a kind particles nucleus neutrinos are able to traverse freely such vast amounts of matter. Once geometrical of independent universe within the universe of other particles. cross section Nuclei can nucleus is its An atoms can. exist in states of definite energies, just as denoted by an asterisk after an excited in interaction cross section GAMMA DECAY 12.8 excited usual symbol; thus {JgSr* refers to ||Sr Excited nuclei return to their ground states by emitting state. photons whose energies correspond to the energy differences between the various initial and range in A is energy up to several MeV, and are traditionally called in Fig. 12-13, of the decay states of f|Al. which pictures the beta decay of and 9.5 min, is The resulting decays to reach the ground As an alternative to The photons emitted by the transitions involved. nuclei gamma rni/s. its ground aroiuid it. to it may interact ^Al" nucleus then tmdergoes one up its it is half or two gamma an excited nucleus in some cases may return excitation energy to one of the orbital electrons While we can think of by an atomic electron, The state. gamma decay, state by giving ^Mg to gAl. take place to either of the two excited this process, which is known conversion, as a kind of photoelectric effect in which a nuclear photon in better accord with experiment to as internal is absorbed regard internal conversion as representing a direct transfer of excitation energy from a nucleus to particles will simple example of the relationship between energy levels and decay schemes shown life only these final states in an electron. The emitted electron has a kinetic energy equal to the lost nuclear FIGURE 12-14 to, or larger The concept of cross faction. The interaction cross section may be smaller than, equal than the geometrical cross section. excitation energy minus the binding energy of the electron in the atom. Most excited nuclei have very short few remain excited is called an isomer of the fJSr* has a half life half lives against for as long as several hours. same nucleus of 2.8 h and is in its A ground gamma decay, but a 12.9 CROSS SECTION long-lived excited nucleus state. The excited nucleus Nuclear reactions, of utilizing accordingly an isomer of f£Sr. this like chemical reactions, provide both information and a means atomic nuclei has come from experiments in cles collide with stationary target nuclei. A probability that a particle we know about which energetic bombarding parti- information in a practical way. Most of what bombarding employs the idea of particle will way to express the interact in a certain way with a target very convenient cross section that was introduced connection with the Rutherford scattering experiment. FIGURE 12-13 1.015 MeV gamma em is lion each target particle as presenting a certain area, called Successive beta anal fn the decay of J'Mg I incident particles, as in Fig. 12-14. Any in What we do its Chap. 4 is in visualize cross section, to the incident particle that is directed at tlii* ;ai. 0.834 MeV area interacts with the target particle. greater the likelihood of an interaction. y\ \y 412 THE NUCLEUS 'I*he the greater the cross section, the interaction cross section of a target particle varies with the nature of the process involved the incident particle; s* Hence it may be greater or less and with the energy of than the geometrical cross section of the particle. NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 413 is Suppose we dx 12-15), (Fig. have a slab of some material whose area nAdx a total of If nuclei in the slab, since in a some particular the nuclei in the slab all n atoms/m A and whose thickness area is bombarding beam, the number its nAa tl.X volume Each nucleus has Adx. is interaction, so that the aggregate cross If there dx. are N incident N-dN particles that interact with nuclei in the slab is N incident particles particles emerge from slab by therefore specified aggregate cross section Interacting particles target area incident particles ,l\ nAadx _ N tr= A = 12.56 na dx cross section/atom proportion of incident particles that interact with nuclei we must thickness, is To valid only for a slab of infinitesimal thickness. is integrate tlN/N. If dN/N = no- dx Cross section we assume capable of only a single interaction, d\' particles between cross section and beam IS The relationship FIGURE 13-16 The cross section lor neutron absorption FIGURE Equation 12.56 =A the material contains n atoms per unit volume, there are a cross section of a for section of is 12- intensity. find the a stab of finite in each incident particle that may be thought of as being removed from the beam in passing through the first dx of the must introduce a minus sign in Eq. 12.56, which becomes Hence we slab. ;:Cd varies with neutron energy. 10.000 r Denoting the initial number of incident particles C -* (IN r" dN In ,V — by <VU , we have dx - = — nax In JV„ N = N e-"" 1257 The number of surviving particles N decreases exponentially with increasing stab 100 thickness jr. While cross bam The sections, and customary nient is which are to express areas, should lie expressed in irr, them in hams (b), where 1 b = it is 10~ 38 conve- m2 . The of the order of magnitude of the geometrical cross section of a nucleus. cross sections for most nuclear reactioas incident particle. Figure 12-16 shows how depend upon the energy of the the neutron-absorption cross section of '.JgCd varies with neutron energy; the narrow peak at 0.176 eV is associated 0.001 with a specific energy level in the resulting The mean can travel bility / free path 0.01 0.1 1.0 100 10 1,000 10,000 nucleus. of a particle in a material I in the material that "JCd NEUTRON ENERGY, eV is the average distance it The probaslab ir thick before interacting with a target nucleus. an incident particle will undergo an interaction in a NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 414 THE NUCLEUS 415 of the material is /= iz.58 no of times II must traverse the it slab before interacting is therefore = // on the average. unimpeded through the universe. There are already neutrinos than atoms in the universe, and their number continues to by these neutrinos carry — Many mean nuclear reactions actually involve two separate stages. nucleus, called a comjxwrul nucleus, Hence free path. -!- Mean no free path The cross section for the interaction of a neutrino with matter has been found a to be approximately 10 -47 Let us use Eq. 12.60 to find the mean free path m is, sum of their mass numbers. formed, since its brought into it of iron is 55.9, so that the mass of The compound nucleus by the incident particle this, Table 12.2 shows signifies by amounts equal mFt = 55.9 u/atom X 1.66 X = 9.3 X 10" M kg/atom 7.8 is to X 10 3 HI' 27 kg/u them.) While J original particles has no "memory" , the number of atoms per m six reactions an excited in iron is Compound re- how it was is shared among all of them. To whose product state; is compound the compound A given illustrate nucleus 'fN'. nuclei are invariably excited to at least the binding energies of the incident particles in |N and '^C that these reactions :l an and the sum of therefore be formed in a variety of ways. arc beta- radioactive with such short half lives as to preclude the detailed study of their reactions kg/m 3 first, form a new uuclcons are mixed together regardless of origin and the energy compound nucleus may (The asterisk on the average, Since the density of iron In the whose atomic and mass numbers are numbers of the of the atomic combine . The atomic mass of neutrinos in solid iron. an iron atom increase. forever in the sense of lost incident particle strikes a target nucleus and the two definition, the = flux more THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS 12.10 spectively the / — is—apparently far Accordingly the average distance the particle travels before no is, sun and other in the being unavailable for conversion into other forms. is HAx = which produced is ! MO Aa interacting neutrinos practically The energy 12.59 flux of course of the nuclear reactions that occur within them, and this A.\ moves The number An immense in solid iron' stars in the nuclei to form l |\*, there Ls no doubt can occur. have lifetimes of the order of 10~ 16 s or so, which, while so short as to prevent actually observing such nuclei directly, are nevertheless n 7.8 = X X 9.3 = X 8.4 103 long relative to the 10~ 21 3 kg/m — 10~ 2fi kg/atom 10 as of several s or so required for a nuclear particle with an energy MeV to pass through a nucleus. A given compound nucleus may decay atoms/m 3 Table 12.2. The mean free path for neutrinos in iron is therefore NUCLEAR REACTIONS WHOSE PRODUCT NUCLEU5 no A 1.2 X X If) 1 '' 1 K) 18 atoms/m 3 x lO"" m 2 1.2 = THE NUCLEUS . The exc itation e nergies IS THE COMPOUND gi ve n a re c alcu lat ed I rom incident particle will X m x H) ]a 15 m/light-year 10 add to the excitation energy of its reaction by an amount depending upon the dynamics of the reaction. m m, and so the mean free path turns out 9.46 416 10* 8 x 8.4 light-year (the distance light travels in free space in a year) 9.46 X* the masses of the particles involved; the kinetic energy of an 1 = ' ; = to is equal to be 130 light-years NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 417 in one or more different ways, depending upon with an excitation energy of, say, MeV 12 excitation energy its 1 . Thus 'jN* can decay via the reactions i\* '|C + ;n 'IC + fH = TlBh - |(.«, 12.61 or simply einit one or more gamma rays whose energies MeV, but 12 total does not have enough energy mode them. Usually a particular decay to liberate compound nucleus in a specific The formation and decay of a compound nucleus favored by a is The rH,)V liquid, Such a drop of liquid evaporate one or more molecules, thereby cooling down. when statistical fluctuations in the a compound nucleus persists in its to have a heat of to the The compound nucleus analysis of the reaction that occurs one at rest is eventually will The moving center of mass. Thus we can regard Ttm as relative motion of the particles. When the particles Similarly, interval in nicely fits when a with between the always less if a particle of mass of mass i»2 as of mass is m, and speed viewed by an observer 7j, h . Information about the excited states of nuclei can be gained from nuclear may l>e detected by The presence — V) reaction, as in the neutron-capture reaction of Fig. 12-16. FIGURE 12-17 Laboratory and center -of mi si In most nuclear reactions, c t; is incident momenta (Fig. upon a stationary system before center of moss < in the laboratory, the speed 1 2- V of the (h) Motion in the center-of-mass coordinate system before collision. center and so a nonrelalivistic treatment energy center of mass —V THE NUCLEUS \ — V ^? o A completely inelastic collision as is is satisfactory. that of the incident particle m i» seen In laboratory and center-of-mass coordinate systems. laboratory Ceater-of-mats coordinate system coordinate system o o before 2 In the center-of-mass system, lx>th particles arc 418 c collision energy: m2 /-\ ! 1 7). i«i In the laboratory system, the total kinetic total kinetic \ V= m tm l + ms f c, called collision. -r m. particle only: /2 is coordinate syitemi. (a) Motion in the laboratory coordinate (c) Tub = Such a peak = m^V \fii, l of an excited state a peak in the cross section versus energy curve of a particular moving nucleon or nucleus defined by the condition m,(« collide, the , than reactions as well as from radioactive decay. this picture. greatly simplified by the use of a coordinate system center of mass, the particles have equal and opposite Hence + the kinetic maximum amount of kinetic energy that can be compound nucleus while still conserving momentum is Tem which moving with the center of mass of the colliding particles. To an observer located at the their converted to excitation energy evaporation For escape. is sufficiently large fraction of The time the excitation energy to leave the nucleus. strikes another laboratory system minus mass the kinetic energy '/^{m, excited state until a particular nucleoli or group of nucleons momentarily happeas formation and decay of a of the in the to the center of of the resulting energy distribution within the drop cause a particular molecule to have enough energy energy of the particles relative energy energy of the is process occurs 2 has an interesting inter- with the binding energy of the emitted particles corresponding vaporization of the liquid molecules. total kinetic total kinetic analogous to a drop of hot is mi. excited state. pretation on the basis of the liquid-drop nuclear model described in Chap. 11. In terms of this model, an excited nucleus m2 )V 2 it cannot decay hy the emission of a triton (^H) or a lielium-3 (|He) particle since it + moving and contribute to the after collision o o NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 419 oCooo a resonance by analogy with ordinary acoustic or ac circuit resonances: a pound nucleus more is likely to exactly matches one of its combe formed when the excitation energy provided energy levels than if the excitation energy has some other value. The \E&t > mean tainty 12-16 has a resonance at 0.176 eV reaction of Fig. half-maximum) is r = 0.115 The uncertainty enables us to relate the level width ft The width lifetime t of the state. A£ eV. in the energy of the state, I" I" whose width principle in the (at time form of an excited state with the oscillations of a liquid drop. evidently correspond"; to die uncer- and the mean lifetime t corresponds to when the state will decay, in the present example emission of a gamma ray. The mean lifetime of an excited state is defined tension is the uncertainty At in the time it by the distortion in The FIGURE 12-18 general as adequate to do both, and the nucleus vibrates back and forth until eventually loses excitation energy its sufficiently great, is bring back together the splits into two parts. by gamma decay. however, the surface tension now widely If is the degree of not adequate to separated groups of protoas, and the nucleus This picture of fission is illustrated in Fig. 12-19, ft 12 62 Mean lifetime of excited state The new fission In the case of the above reaction, the level width of 0,1 15 lifetime for the compound eV implies a mean nucleus of UKH X UH« J-S X 1.60 X 10- ia J/eV 5.73 X 10- * fragments are of unequal size (Fig. 32-20), and, Usually because heavy nuclei have a greater neutron/proton ratio than lighter ones, they contain an excess of neutrons. To reduce fragments as this excess, two or three neutrons are emitted by the soon as they are formed, and subsequent beta decays bring their neutron/ proton ratios to stable values. O.llSeV = nuclei that result from fission are called fission fragments. A heavy s (5 MeV nucleus undergoes fission when it acquires enough excitation energy or so) to oscillate violently. Certain nuclei, notably 2 (gU, are sufficiently excited by the mere absorption of an additional neutron to split in Other two. nuclei, notably ^U (which composes 99.3 percent of natural uranium, with 12.11 NUCLEAR FISSION binding energy released when another neutron splits into two successively is fission, in becomes a prolate a prolate spheroid again, lie analyzed with the which a heavy nucleus (A When a liquid ways. A simple one lighter ones. oscillate in a variety of drop is is shown it may in Fig. 12-18: the drop suitably excited, spheroid a sphere, an oblate spheroid, and so on. The > — 230} restoring force of its a sphere, surface tension always returns the drop to spherical shape, but the inertia of the moving liquid molecules causes the drop to overshoot sphericity and go to the opposite extreme of distortion. W hile nuclei may be regarded as exhibiting surface like a liquid drop when in an excited tension, and so can vibrate only by reaction with fast neutrons whose Fission can occur after excitation absorbed, and undergo is kinetic energies exceed about by other means fission 1 MeV. besides neutron capture, for by gamma-ray or proton bombardment. Some nuclides are so unstable be capable of spontaneous fission, but they are more likely to undergo alpha instance, as to decay before The most this takes place. striking aspect of nuclear fission evolved. This energy is readily computed. the magnitude of the energy is The heavy fissionable nuclides, whose mass numbers are about 240, have binding energies of —7.6 MeV/nucleon, while fission fragments, whose mass numbers are about 120, have binding energies of —8.5 MeV/nucleon. Hence 0,9 MeV/nucleon is released during fission— over state, they also are subject lo disruptive forces due to the mutual electrostatic repulsion of their protons. is g|U composing the remainder), require more excitation energy for fission than the Another type of nuclear-reaction phenomenon that can help of the liquid-drop model a When a nucleus FIGURE 12 19 Nuclear fist ion according to the liquid drop modal. distorted from a spherical shape, the short-range restoring force of surface tension must cope with the latter long-range repulsive force as well as with the inertia of the nuclear matter. 420 THE NUCLEUS If the degree of distortion is small, the surface NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 421 sequence of the consequent evolution of additional neutrons, a self-sustaining to occur chain reaction a for such fissions is, in principle, possible. The condition in an assembly of fissionable material during each simple: at least one neutron produced must, on the average, initiate another fission neutrons initiate is fissions, the reaction will slow down and fission. stop; if If too few precisely one energy will be released at a constant the frequency of fissioas rate (which is the case in a nuclear reactor); and if will occur (which explosion increases, the energy release will be so rapid that an neutron per is causes another fission These the case in an atomic bomb). critical, critical, 12.12 and fission, situations are respectively called sub- supercritical. TRANSURANIC ELEMENTS have such Elements of atomic number greater than 98, which is that of uranium, into being, vuiiverse came the when formed been they had that, short half lives Such transuranic elements may lie by the bombardment of certain heavy nuclides with 2 2 which beta-decays neutrons. Thus $)U may absorb a neutron to become jjgU, neptunium: element transuranic the of isotope an ss 23 min) into "IJjNp, (T they would have disappeared long ago. produced in the laboratory 1/2 *gfU + «gu Jn + This neptunium isotope of 2.3 life d 110 120 130 MASS NUMBER FIGURE 12-20 200 MeV The distribution of for the mass numbers the fragments from the fission of =£U. in «gP« combustion of coal and oil, liberate only a few electron volts per individual reaction, and even nuclear reactions (other than fission) liberate that is no more than several million electron volts. Most of the energy released during fission goes into the kinetic energy of the fission fragments: the emitted neutrons, beta and gamma rays, and neutrinos carry off perhaps 20 percent of the total energy. Almost immediately rrcn^ni/ed 422 ihai, THE NUCLEUS after the discovery of nuclear fission in because a neutron can induce ^ l 8Pu + Pliitonium alpha-decays into 240 or so nucleons involved! Ordinary chemical reactioas, such as those that participate in the *IN P 170 160 150 itself radioactive, fission in ;i it was suitable nucleus WH4 1939 undergoing beta decay with a half into an isotope of the transuranic element plutoniwn: 0.001 100 is e" «r «gU with a half life of 24,000 yr: >SU a + IHe like 2 jgU, is fissionable and can be used in is chemically different from uranium; Plutonium nuclear reactors and weapons. 2 neutron irradiation is more easily after jgU its separation from the remaining "jgU from the much more abundant ^|U accomplished than the separation of It is in interesting to note that "gPu, natural uranium. = 99) have half-lives too short for can l>e identified by chemical they their isolation in weighable quantities, though number yet discovered atomic highest means. The transuranic element of the Transuranic elements past einsteinum (Z has Z = 105. NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 423 THERMONUCLEAR ENERGY 12.13 The basic exothermic reaction in stars— and hence the source of nearly all the universe— is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. This can take place under stellar conditions in two different series of processes. In energy in the one of them, the proton -proton cycle, direct collisions of protons result in the formation of heavier nuclei whose collisions in rum yield helium nuclei. The other, the carbon cycle, is a series of steps in which carlxm nuclei absorh a succession of protons until they ultimately disgorge alpha particles to become carbon nuclei once more. The initial reaction in the proton-proton cycle + }H JH -* «H e+ + + is 9 the formation of deuterons by the direct combination of two protons accompanied by the emission of a positron. A cleuteron may then join with a proton to form a ;]He nucleus: ill Finally two + *H |He £He The + -» PBe y nuclei react to produce a jjHe nucleus plus -I- |He -• ^He + + }H two protons: JH is {&m)c\ where Am is the difference between the mass and the mass of an alpha particle plus two positrons; it buns be 24.7 MeV. Figure 12-21 shows the entire sequence. total evolved energy of four protons out to The carbon cycle proceeds following way: in the FIGURE 12-21 ill fS iH i + '§C >?N fN 1C + »*N + »|C -» + »N -* l place e + + JH + i| N -» >JC y Carbon cycle is estimated to be 2 for occurrence. result again is four protons, with the evolution of 24.7 MeV; two positrons from the initial "gC acts as a kind of reappears at its end (Fig. 12-22). Self-sustaining fusion reactions can occur only under conditions of extreme temperature and pressure, to ensure that the participating nuclei have it enough energy to react despite their mutual electrostatic repulsion and that reactions occur frequently enough to counterbalance losses of energy to the surroundings. Stellar interiors 424 THE NUCLEUS is X It) 8 one of the two nuclear reaction sequences that take K, the proton-proton cycle has the greater probability meet these specifications, in the sun, whose interior temperature is more efficient at high temperamore efficient at low temperatures. Hence In general, the carbon cycle while the proton-proton cycle JHe the formation of an alpha particle and catalyst for the process, since This p shirs The net cycle. the evolution of energy. tures, + The proton-proton the sun and that involve the combination of tour hydrogen nuclei to form a helium nucleus with v p+y 'JO-* '»N + «» + in is hotter than the sun obtain their energy largely from the former cycle, while those cooler than the sun obtain the greater part of their energy from the latter cycle. The neutrinos carry away about 10 percent of the energy produced by a typical star. The energy liberated in the fusion of light nuclei into heavier ones called fliermonuclear energy, particularly control. On the earth when is often the fusion takes place under man's neither the proton-proton nor carbon cycle offers any hope of practical application, since their several steps require a great deal of time. Two fusion reactions that seem promising as terrestrial energy sources are the NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 425 Another is the direct combination of a deuteron and a Iriton to form an alpha particle, \H + JB -» |He 4- + in 17.8 MeV Capitalizing upon the above reactions requires an abundant, cheap source of contain deuterium. Such a source is the oceans and seas of the world, which 15 more about 0.015 percent deuterium— a total of perhaps 10 tons! In addition, a a target bombarding merely reactions than fusion promoting efficient means of with fast particles from an accelerator is required, since the operation of an accelerator consumes far more power than can l>e evolved by the relatively few all involve reactions that occur in the target. Current approaches to this problem mixtures deuterium-tritium or deuterium of very hot plasmas (fully ionized gases) temperature of high purpose fields. The which are contained by strong magnetic to ensure that the individual *II is together and and ?H nuclei have enough energy A react despite their electrostatic repulsion. magnetic to come field is used other material which as a container to keep the reactive gas from contacting any will cool it down or contaminate it; there is little likelihood that the wall might melt since the gas. though at a temperature of several million degrees K, actually have a high energy density. While nuclear- fusion reactors present more they severe practical difficulties than fission reactors, there is little doubt that does iidI become will eventually a reality. Problems (The masses in u of neutral atoms of nuclides mentioned below are: {H, 1.007825; m 7.0169; $B, 3.016050; ilUe, 3.01fi030; ^le, 4.002603; JLI, 7.0160; jBe, 15.9949; 'gO, 1.0031; "X, i§C, 13.0034; '? 12.0000; »gC. 10.0129; B, 12.0)44; I P The '£0, 16.9994. are listed 1. in Table neutron mass is 1.008665 u. Atomic masses of the elements 7.1.) Tritium gfij has a half life of 12.5 yr against beta decay. What fraction after 25 yr? of a sample of pure tritium "ill remain undeeayed FIGURE 12-22 The carbon cycle also Involves the combination of (out hydrogen nuclei to form a helium nucleus with the evolution of energy. The ;'C nucleus is unchanged by the series of reactions. direct combination of Ivvo deuterons in either of the following ways: fll ?H -> pie + },n ?H -* JH + {H + fH + + 3.3 MeV + 4.0 MeV 2. The half life of a sample of One g life of radium. 4. The mass of of THE NUCLEUS is 15 h. How long does it take for 93.75 percent of isotope to decay? radium has an activity of 3. a millicurie of *JJPb 1 is Ci. 3 X From this fact 10" " kg. decay constant of J|Pb. (Assume atomic mass z Probs. 4 to 426 this ffXa in determine the half From this fact find the u equal to mass number in 6.) NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 427 The half life 5. of ^U against alpha decay grations per second occur in g 1 is 4.5 X 109 yr. How many disinte- Neutron capture of 23JU? The potassium isotope JgK undergoes beta decay with a half life of .83 X 10" Find the number of licta decays that occur per second in I g of pure ^K. 6. 1 yr. A 5.78-MeV alpha particle is emitted in the decay of radium. If the diameter -M m, how many alpha-particle de Broglie is 2 X 10 7. of the radium nucleus wavelengths inside the nucleus? fit Calculate the 8. ] of maximum energy of the electrons emitted in the beta decay fB. ENERGY Why does decay by electron capture tastead of by positron emission? Note that ]Be contains one more atomic electron than does jLi. 9. .{Be invariably Neutron and proton FIGURE 12-23 capture cross section! wary differently with particle energy. Proton capture 10. Positron emission resembles electron emission in all respects except that the shapes of their respective energy spectra are different: there are many low-energy electrons emitted, but few tow-energy positrons. Thus the average electron energy in beta decay energy 11. is 0ATmhs Can about about 0.3rmax> whereas the average positron is you suggest a simple reason . Determine the ground and lowest excited with the help of Fig. 11-10. Use !I Y together with the fact, noted this states of the for this difference? 39th proton in Sec. 6.10, that radiative transitions states with very different angular in ";V information to explain the isomerism of momenta between are extremely improbable. ENERGY 12. Find the minimum energy have in in the laboratory system that a neutron must order to initiate the reaction 16. + £n Find the 13. in x $) + 2,20 MeV -» l|C + pie When nucleus Ls a neutron usually or alpha particle. minimum energy in is more absorbed by a target nucleus, the resulting compound emit a likely to gamma ray than a proton, deuteron, Why? the laboratory system that a proton must have order to initiate the reaction 17. There are approximately 6 X 10 28 atoms/m 3 in solid of 0.5-MeV neutrons is directed at an aluminum foil 0. cross section for neutrons of this energy in aluminum 1 p 14. + + 2.22 MeV -» p Find the minimum energy must have in The + p + n in the laboratory system that an alpha particle order to initiate the reaction JHc 15. (I + '{N + 1.18 cross sections for MeV - 18. + jH Why manner shown in Fig. 12-2-3. does the neutron cross section decrease with increasing energy whereas the proton cross section increases? THE NUCLEUS 2 X If 10~ 31 the capture m2 , find the density of l "B is 2.5 X I0 3 kg/m 3 The capture . about 4,<XX) b for "thermal" neutrons, that is, cross section of l |,'B neutrons in thermal equilibrium How thick a layer of 'j|B is required to absorb 99 percent of an incident beam of thermal neutrons? 19. The density of iron section of iron is 428 The with matter at room temperature. comparable neutron- and proton-induced nuclear reactions vary with energy in approximately the is fraction of incident neutrons that are captured. is >|0 aluminum. A beam mm thick. is is about 2.5 about 8 b. absorbed by a sheet of iron What 1 cm X H> 3 kg/m 3 . The neutron-capture cross beam of neutrons fraction of an incident thick? NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 429 20. The cross section of iron for neutron capture is 2.5 b. What is the mean ELEMENTARY PARTICLES free path of neutrons in iron? 21. The fission of -$|U releases approximately 200 MeV. the original mass of 22. 2 jj§U + What percentage of 13 n disappears? Certain stars obtain part of their energy by the fusion of three alpha particles to form a 'jfC nucleus. How much energy does each such reaction evolve? While nuclei are apparently composed solely of protons and neutrons, several emitted by nuclei score other elementary particles have heen observed to be under appropriate circumstances. These particles, christened "straiiijc particles" soon after their discovery about two decades ago, bring the total number merely discern order in this of relatively stable elementary particles to over .30. To multiplicity of particles has not proved to regularities in be an easy task. While certain elementary-particle properties have been established, and while well such particles as the electron, the neutrino, and the * meson arc relatively wide found lias yet particles understood, no comprehensive theory of elemental? conclude our survey of modern physics with this topic, a reminder that there remains much to Ix.' learned about the natural acceptance. then, as It is fitting to world. 13.1 The ANTI PARTICLES electron is the only elementary particle for which a satisfactory theory is )2S by P. A. M. Dirac, who obtained known. This theory was developed in particle in an electromagnetic field that incorpocharged for a equation wave a When the observed mass and charge of relativity. special of results rated the l l the intrinsic the electron are inserted in the appropriate solutions of this equation, is, spin H,< and its (that found to be Is the of electron momentum angular %H magnetic moment is found to lie efi/2in. one Bohr magneton. These predictions agree with experiment, and the agreement is strong evidence for the correctness of the Dirac theory. An unexpected result of the Dirac theory was well as negative electrons should exist. At first it its prediction that positive as was thought that the proton was the positive counterpart of the electron despite the difference in their masses, but in 1932 a positive electron was unambiguously detected in the mix of com n itradiation at the earth's surface. 430 THE NUCLEUS Positive electrons, as mentioned earlier, are 431 The usually called pttsitrom. materialization of an electron-positron pair from a photon of sufficient energy (>L02 MeV) and the annihilation of an electron and a positron that come together were described in Sec. 2.6. The is positron often spoken of as the antipartide of the electron, since is able to undergo mutual annihilation with an electron. elementary particles except for the photon and the and «r* autiparttele counterparts: the latter constitute their All other it known V mesons also have own ant part teles. i The antipartide of a particle has the same mass, spin, and lifetime if unstable, but its charge (if any) has the opposite sign and the alignment or antialignment between The spin and magnetic its distinction lietween the neutrino interesting one. of its moment The spin of the neutrino motion; viewed from behind, as clockwise. The direction as its is also opposite to that of (he particle. and the antineutrino is opposite in a particularly in Fig. 13-1, the neutrino spins spin of the antineutrino, on the other hand, direction of motion; is direction to the direction viewed from behind, it counter- in the same spins clockwise. Thus is the neutrino moves through space in the manner of a left-handed screw, while the antineutrino does so in the maimer of a right-handed screw. Prior to 1956 had been universally assumed it that neutrinos could assumption had roots going all if we is in we a mirror, cannot ideally distinguish which object or being viewed directly and which by reflection. By definition, distinc- tions in physical reality mast lie capable of discernment or they are meaningless. Now the only difference between something seen directly and the same thing seen in a mirror the interchange of right and is left, must occur with equal probability with right and doctrine is 1U56 its applicability to neutrinos and processes theoretical discrepancies would different handedness, even in a mirror. had never been l^e and C. N. Yang suggested In that year T. D. be reflected all objects interchanged. This plausible indeed experimentally valid for nuclear and electromagnetic inter- actions, but until tested. and so left l>e though removed it meant if actually that several serious neutrinos and anti neutrinos have that neither particle could therefore Experiments performed soon after their proposal showed unequivocally that neutrinos and antineutrinos are distinguishable, having handed and right-handed spins of right-left symmetry in neutrinos zero, thereby resolving We respectively. what had can occur only might note if the neutrino mass exact ly is liecn the very difficult experimental left- absence that the problem of measuring the neutrino mass. way back to Leibniz, Newton's calculus. The argument may be MESON THEORY OF NUCLEAR FORCES 13.2 the contemporary and an independent inventor of stated as follows: process be either left-handed or right-handed, implying that, since no difference was possible l>etwcen them except one of spin direction, the neutrino and antineutrino are identical. This both directly and observe an object or a physical process of some kind If nuclear forces were exclusively attractive, a nucleus would be stable only were so small (about its size all the others. 2 fm The binding energy per nucleon would then be proportional A, the uumt)cr of nuclcons present. In proportional to all nuclei; A and the binding energy per nucleoli lie component a repulsive to nuclear volumes are found to be is roughly the same for each nucleon interacts only with a small number of Thus there must bors. fact, if each nucleon interacted with in radius) that nuclei from collapsing, as indicated in Fig. 11-6, in its nearest neigh- nuclear forces that keeps which means that these forces are not analogous to the "ordinary" gravitational and electrical forces. ^^^^•^ neutrino We encountered a somewhat similar situation in Sec. 8.3, where the forces present in the H./ molecular ion can he thought of as including an exchange FIGURE 131 Neutrinos and antineutrinos have apposite elec- force which arises because of the possibility that the electron can shift trons af spin. of the protons to the other. / system force is is symmetric or antisymmetric either attractive or repulsive. between nuclcons force as well. o: antineutrino 432 THE NUCLEUS for the particle exchange, the It is to be, at least in part, wave function is of the exchange tempting to consider the interaction a consequence of some kind of exchange For instance, exchange forces provide an explanation stability of the triplet state of the deuteron, which from one Depending on whether the wave amotion since the spins are parallel, described by an antisymmetric which and the wave is descril>ed for the by a symmetric instability of the singlet state, function. Since the nudeons in ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 433 ,i nucleus are quantum different all in states (by the exclusion principle), both would occur, and a mixture of an attractive and repulsive exchange forces "ordinary" attractive nuclear force and such exchange forces way a general in The many for a great next question is, is able to account nuclear properties. what kinds of particles are exchanged between nearby nueleons? In 1932, lleisenherg suggested that electrons and positrons shift back and forth between micleons: for instance, a neutron might emit an electron and become a proton, while a proton absorbing the electron would then become However, calculations based on beta-decay data showed that the forces resulting from electron and positron exchange by micleons are too small by the huge factor of 10" to Ik- significant in nuclear structure. Then, in 1935, a neutron. the Japanese physicist llideki Yukawa proposed that particles called masons, heavier than electrons, arc involved in nuclear forces, and he was able to show that the interactions they 13-2 Attractive and repulsive forces can bath ariic From According to due to particle exchange change. produce between micleons arc of the correct order lie meson theory the of nuclear forces, all neutral or curry cither charge, and the sole difference protons The is nueleons consist of surrounded by a "cloud" of one or more mesons. identical cores supposed forces that act to lie in the composition of their respective meson clouds. result of the exchange of neutral mesons (designated between them. The force lietween a neutron and a proton exchange of charged mesons tt~ meson and ii -* is Mesons may between neutrons and between one neutron And another and between one proton and another are the ^* and 57" is rr") the result of the converted into a proton; p + attractive force yields the same effect as a repulsive force it tt by the proton the neutron was interacting with into a neutron; it p + it - -> n converts proton emits a ** meson whose absorption by a neutron into a proton: it of particles no simple mathematical way between two bodies can lead of demons! rating how the exchange to attractive and repulsive rough analogy may make the process intuitively meaningful. two boys exchanging basketballs (Fig. they each b'3-2). move backward, and when backward momentum THE NUCLEUS increases. l>e equivalent between them. of physics refer exclusively to experimentally measurable quantities, and the uncertainty principle limits the accuracy with which certain combinations of measurements can be made. The emission of a meson by a nuclcon which does not change in mass a clear violation of the law of conservation of energy— can occur provided that the nucleon absorbs a meson emitted by the neighl>oring nucleon is the boys snatch — p —* n + it* n + 7T —» p While there If A fundamental problem presents itself at this point. If nueleons constantly emit and absorb mesons, why are neutrons or protons never found with other than their usual masses? The answer is based upon the uncertainty principle. The laws In the reverse process, a between the boys. the basketballs from each other's hands, however, the result will while the absorption of the converts due to particle exchange between them. Thus a neutron emits > to an attractive force acting 434 repulsive force particle ex- magnitude. ol a FIGURE Thus If they throw the forces, a method interacting with so soon afterward that even in principle impossible to determine whether or not any mass change actually has been involved. Since the uncertainty principle may be written Let us imagine lralls at each other, they catch the balls thrown at them, their this it is it is of exchanging the basketballs 13.1 an event IE \t > in ft which an amount of energy IE is not conserved is not prohibited so long as the duration of the event does not exceed approximately fi/A£. ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 435 We know that that nuclear forces we assume if of light ft a meson have a maximum range R of about 1 .7 fm, so travels lietween nuclei at approximately the speed the time interval At during which in flight it is Tire emission of a so short, in fact, that its existence is was 7 X 10" 1T s. The lifetime of the not established until 1050, into lighter mesons called ii mesons i meson 9 of mass »i T represents the nonconservalion of These neutrinos are not the same as those involved in beta decay, which is why was estabtheir symbols are ^ and Fy The existence of two classes of neutrino protons, and high-energy lished in 1962. A metal target was bombarded with AE = m^c 2 13.3 tt" is and that of the neutral pion Charged pions almost invariably decay (or m jo m) and MllUlUMa is *«£ 11.2 X 10" s, 1.8 of energy. According to Eq. 13.1 this can occur if AE At > ft; that is, if pions were created Inverse reactions traceable to the neutrinos profusion. in Hence from the decay of these pious produced unions only, and no electrons. decay. v. h lieta these neutrinos must lie somehow different from those associated Hence the minimum meson mass is specified by The neutral pion decays into a pair of w° -> 7 + gamma rays: y 13.4 The > which is X 1.9 about 200 mg , H>- 2S kg that is, less, it* 264 and in,. rest is the antiparticle of the it shares only with the photon and the particle, a distinction 200 electron masses. masses of 273 m,, while that of the «* have tt" tr" The Whereas the existence oF pions predicted 13.3 PIONS AND MUONS Twelve years after the meson theory was formulated, particles with the predicted properties were actually found outside nuclei. Today tt mesons arc usually called many energy must be supplied to a nucleoli so that /a energy. Thus at least mTc 2 of energy, about 140 MeV, is required. To furnish MeV are I therefore required to produce free pions, and such particles are found nature only in the diffuse stream of cosmic radiation that bombards the earth. lence the discovery of the pion had to await the development of sufficiently sensitive and precise methods of investigating cosmic-ray interactions. More anti- meson. were unions even today represent —* e+ —» e~ + r. + +h + As with electrons, the particle. There is '-,- ''. positive- charge state of the union represents the anti- no neutral muon. Unlike the case of pions which, as we would expect, interact strongly with nuclei, the only interaction between muons and matter is an electric one. Accordingly muons readily penetrate considerable amounts of matter before being absorbed. The majority of cosmic-ray particles at sea level are muons from the decay of pions created in nuclear collisions caused by fast primary cosmic-ray atomic nuclei, siuce nearly all the other particles in the cosmic-ray stream either necessary particle energies, and the profusion of pions thai were created with decay or lose energy rapidly and are absorbed far above the earth's surface. The mysterious aspect of the muon is its function— or, rather, its apparent their help lack of any function. recently high-energy accelerators were placed in operation; they yielded the could be studied readily. The second reason for the lag between the prediction and experimental discovery of the pion 436 slightly own so readily understandable that they years licfore their actual discovery, emission of a pion conserves much energy in a collision, the incident particle must have considerably more kinetic energy than m v c 2 in order that momentum as well as energy be conserved. Particles with kinetic energies of several hundred in + enough a stationary nucleoli with this ij° is . ii" its tf" is its iintiiieutrino pairs: /i to the belated discovery of the free pion. First, , something of a puzzle. Their physical properties are known quite accurately. spin, Positive and negative unions have the same rest mass, 207 m„, and the same u neutrinol electrons and 10 s into 1.5 of a half life X Both decay with pious. Two factors contributed is w + and the THE NUCLEUS is its instability: the half life of the charged pion is only Only in its mass and instability muon differ muon is poet) does the from the electron, leading to the hypothesis that the a kind of "heavy electron" rather than a unique entity. Other evidence, which significantly ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 437 we shall examine later in this chapter, is less unflattering to the mnon, although mass. (A, 2, E, and not wholly clear why, for instance, pious should pre ferenti ally decay Into unions rather than directly into electrons; only about (1.0] percent of pious xi, and omega.) of all decay directly into electrons and neutrinos. half lives, it is still hyperons ft are, respectively, the Creek capital letters lambda, sigpui. mean All are unstable with extremely brief is % except that of the ft The lifetimes. hyperon, which and decay schemes of various hyperons are given is spin %. The masses, Table in 13.1, Like pions and kaons (but unlike inuons), hyperons exhibit definite interactions with nuclei. The A" hyperon 13.4 KAONS AND HYPERONS the Pions and inuons do not exhaust the list of known particles with masses interme- between those of the electron and proton. A third class of mesons, called (or toons), has Iwen discovered whose members may decay in a variety of ways. Charged kaons have rest masses of 96ftn spins of Q, and half lives A is even able to act as A" hyperon nucleus containing a bound is w meson decays, of course, with the resulting nucleoli and with the parent nucleus or emerging from A nuclear constituent. a called a hyperfragpient; eventually either reacting entirely. it diate K mesons r, of 8 X 10" 9 s. The following decay schemes are possible for K+ SYSTEMATICS OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 13.5 mesons, in order of relative probability: Despite the multiplicity of elementary particles and the diversity of their properties, ' J»* -» w~ -» JT + -* ifl -* w° -+ V+ + »V + it" + + + V~ is possible to discern an underlying order in their behavior. more than + + e* 4- + + + V° + fi but vt it may indeed be a single theoretical picture can encompass elementary-particle phenomena in the manner that the quantum theory encompasses atomic phenomena. Thus far no such picture has emerged, although some intriguing lines of approach have been proposed. In that *-„ 57° we elementary particles and their apparent significance. following decay modes are particles The known for neutral K mesons, again in order of relative probability: a listing in By + v~ + relatively stable A" meson, which we shall discuss light to travel a distance equal to the "diameter" life, Decay i 2,184 1.7 x 10-'" A —* p + T 2,328 0.6 x lO" 1 " V- 1.1 X 10 "' v- 2,342 K mesons exhibit varying degrees of specifically nuclear interactions. and K° mesons interact only weakly with nuclei, while their antiparticle » 2,334 T 2,585 they pass, counterparts are readily scattered and absorbed by nuclei in their paths. Elementary particles heavier than protons are called hijpemm. The known and ft n a 2,573 <10 " IS x 10 '" '" 2.0 X 10 3,276 vHr-w + ' if _ p + „o -» n 2- THE NUCLEUS ij that the half lives of the particles all greatly - * into four classes, A, 2, 2, meant Halt which fall is regularities observed in mass of the relatively stable elementary thus far mentioned plus the Particle In addition to their electromagnetic interaction with matter through hyperons rest examine the HYPERON PROPERTIES, ';- ir+ order of shall Table 13.1. 7T -» is we have 17* •', K+ Table 13,2 exceed the time required for +W -» n* + w° K z -* w" + e T + — IT* + e + — + M + + r. -* ff+ +r + 1 -» ** + ir + -" The the remainder of this chapter shortly. , fact the order found in atomic spectra constitutes a theory of the atom, does provide hope that there There are apparently two distinct varieties of neutral K mesons, the A", and Both have rest masses of 974 m, and spins of 0, but the former has a half life of about 7 X 10"" s, while that of the latter is about 4 X I0- R s. K< The 5T K 3°. 438 it of this order does not constitute a theory of elementary particles, however, any + v' _ „ + „2° - A + t S- -* A + w_ A + «- -» A - v~ Jr » K hyperons, in order of increasing ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 439 of an elementary particle. Tin's diameter *• probably a is the characteristic time required to traverse s 23 of the order of magnitude of 10" M all s. it Thus the at the little over 10 _ls m, and speed of light is therefore particles in Tabic 13.2 are almost capable of traveling through space as distinct entities along paths of meas- I urable length in such devices as bubble chambers. A + + considerable Isody of experimental evidence also points to the existence of 10" 23 many different "particles" whose lifetimes against decay are only about What can lie meant by a particle which exists for so brief an interval? + how can a time of JO -23 by observing s even their formation l>e s. Indeed, measured? Such particles cannot be detected and subsequent decay in a bubble chamber or other instrument, but instead appear as resonant states in the interaction of more stable {and hence more readily observable) particles. Resonant states occur in atoms i, II as 1 V energy Chap. 4 levels; in we reviewed the Franck-Hertz experiment, which showed the existence of atomic energy levels through the occurrence of inelastic An atom electron scattering from atoms at certain energies only. excited state o I I I.S s but state, a I is not the same as that atom we do -s II ground in a specific state or in another excited not usually speak of such an excited atom as though — the electromagnetic interaction — different situation holds in the case of elementary is well understood. particles, were it a memljer of a special species only because the interaction that gives the excited state g in its A rise to rather where the various interactions involved are, except for the electromagnetic one, only partially § cr I js; ;£? much understood, and «£ 2* comes from the properties of the of oiu information resonances. I^et o i>i b us see what An experiment getic » ir •I + is involved in a resonance in the case of elementary particles. performed, for instance the Ixnnbardmcul of protons by ener- + mesons, •7T+ IN is and a certain reaction p —> TT + +p+ 7T + + studied, for instance is + 1!~ ff° fe The new effect of the interaction of the -a* pions. In each such reaction the and the proton is new mesons have the creation of three a certain total energy that consists of their rest energies plus their kinetic energies relative to their If we plot the number of events ohserved versus the total energy new mesons in each event, we obtain a graph like that of Fig, 13-3, center of mass. of the Evidently there 1 is a strong tendency for the total and a somewhat weaker tendency I for it to reaction exhibits resonances at 548 and 785 meson energy be 548 MeV. MeV or, We to be 785 equivalently, we can that this reaction proceeds via the creation of an intermediate particle a can be either one whose mass ill = & X4 <F J: is 548 MeV or one whose mass is MeV can say that the say which 785 MeV, From we can even estimate the mean lifetimes of these intermediate particles, which are known as the and w mesons, respectively. According to the unthe graph jj d |2 9 certainty principle, the uncertainty in decay time of an unstable particle — which ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 441 spin. field there If is a graviton. a particle that the same sense that die photon field in meml>er of and stable, The this class. sbutild tremely weak, and its quantum or the pion the the quantum of the gravitational is the quantum of the nuclear force gravitnu, have a spin of it is of the electromagnetic field, il Us interaction with matter would be ex- 2. unlikely that present techniques are capable of verifying is existence. (The zero mass of the graviton can be inferred we saw range of gravitational forces. As two bodies can them. lie in Sec. 13.2, the from the unlimited mutual forces Ixstween regarded as transmitted by the exchange of particles Ijetween energy conservation If would be another yet undetected, should be massless and its be preserved, the uncertainly principle to is requires that the range of the force be inversely proportional to the mass of the exchanging particles, and so gravitational forces can have an only the graviton mass if A zero. is similar argument holds infinite for the range photon mass.) After the photon in Table 13.2 come the e-neutrino and u-neutrino, the with spins of /2 These particles are jointly called mesons, all widi spins of 0, are classed as mesons, electron, and the inuon, leplons. The (Despite its name, the u meson has more with the it, K, and n mesons,) The heaviest particles, namely the nuclcons and w, K, and all tj [ . in common with the other leptons than hyperons, comprise the baryons. While ts L, Af, 600 eoo EFFECTIVE MASS. MeV FIGURE 13-3 total Resonant states In the reaction »* 1.000 and B as reasonable on the basis of mass and spin alone, there is its We follows. = — favor. I + p-*w' + + /? r* IjCt new quantum numbers, us introduce three assign the number L to their auti particles; all = to the electron 1 + r- + a" The mass, significance of these = to the 1 numbers is ji meson and that, in neutrino, its its mean in Fig, tAE Hence — will give rise to is an uncertainty at half maxim tun peak == is The ij lifetime too short by many it is is sufficiently long for it i\ particles in Table 13.2 In a class 442 by itself is THE NUCLEUS classical conservation electric ss 0. I lliat and B remain constant. momentum, angular momentum, and B help us to detercapable of taking place or not. An example laws of energy, charge plus die new conservation laws of L, M, and is the decay of the neutron. to be included in Table 13.2, while orders of magnitude. We seem *>-> p + and shall return to the resonance particles later in this chapter. The L = ft the lifetimes of the resonances, or, just as well, the lifetimes of the lifetime The mine whether any given process regarded as a relatively stable particle and « the determination of is mesons, can be established. the in of die corresponding is 13.5 m lifetime t —which the width A£ 13-3 — whose relationship energy and Af every process of whatever kind involves elementary particles, die total values of L. Af, is its and the other particles have — We assign the number = = B 1 0, Finally, we assign to their autiparticles; all other particles have M = 0. to all baryons, and B = —I to all an ti baryons; all other particles have B ,V/ at effective ter of grouping e-neutrino, and L masses of 548 and 785 MeV. By effective mass is meant the energy, including mass energy, of the three new mesons relative to their cen- occur this hirther evidence in to fall naturally into four general categories. the photon, a stable particle with zero rest mass and imit While /, = + e" + »t for the neutron L = for the electron and — for L before and after the decay is 0. and proton, so that the total value of B l)efore and proton, 1 1 the antineutrino, so that the total value of Similarly, and B = after the 1 for both neutron decay is 1 . The stability of the proton is a consequence of energy and baryon-number conservation; There are no baryons of smaller mass than the proton, and so the proton cannot decay. ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 443 Despite the introduction of the quantum numbers L, M, and B, certain aspects of elementary-particle behavior why to see gamma defied explanation. For instance, it was hard Thus the S baryon decays into a n A baryon and a gamma A + fl baryon never observed + -A p' Another peculiarity to decay into a proton and a gamma is minor now perturbation that sees to it is However, many strange have relatively long number S. It is found that in all processes A These and to the various number elementary no way ij u it" over and S. Table 13.2 shows the values of S that are assigned particles. We note that L, B, and S are between them and ij" their antipartieles. mesons are regarded as their own for the For this reason antipartieles. Before consider the interpretation of the strangeness iminlwr, we shall There are apparently four types of interaction between elementary have to give rise to all the particles physical processes in the universe. the gravitational interaction. Next The weak feeblest of these is interaction that present between leptons and other leptons, mesons, or baryons is addition to any electromagnetic forces that may exist. is the so-called The weak interaction responsible for particle decays in which neutrinos are involved, notably beta decays. S all charged particles and also those with electric or magnetic moments. Finally, strongest of called simply strong forces when elementary all in observed to occur, while the superficially similar decay is 2 + -A p + + = - Y 1 high-energy nuclear collisions which involve strong interactions, and their multiple appearance results from the necessity of conserving slowness with which tj° meson decay characteristic of : : of S, is S. unstable elementary particles save the accounted for if we assume mesons and baryons that weak as well as leptons, The relative meson and ir° interactions are also though normally domi- only the weak interaction is available for processes in which the total value of S changes. Events governed by weak interactions take place slowly, as borne out by experiment. Even the weak interaction, however, is unable to permit S to change by + more than 1 or - 1 in a decay. Thus the 5" hyperon does not decay directly into a neutron since Z~ S -/* n" + 77 = -2 but instead via the two steps I- -* A S= -2 -1 A<> _> n o + 7T- + ffO : through which the corresponding forces act are very different. While the strong between nearby nucleons is all nated by strong or electromagnetic interactions. With strong or electromagnetic processes impossible except in the above cases owing to the lack of conservation between mesons, baryons, and mesons and baryons. relative strengths of the strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational -4 interactions are in the ratios 1 10 -a 10 -14 10 ". Of course, the distances THE NUCLEUS y 1 are the nuclear forces (usually particles are being discussed) that The force + A<> — 1 does not conserve S and has never been observed. Strange particles are created Stronger than gravitational and weak interactions are the electro- magnetic interactions between are found = — conserves S and at a examine the various kinds of particle interaction. that, in principle, S odd feature two or more mesons. Since these particles are also uncharged, there to distinguish the photon and is other considerations led to the introduction of a quantity still photon and w° and third number particles lifetimes, well that strange particles are never created singly, but always time. apparently inappropriate that nuclei with The decay vo -, amounts of energy take place more rapidly releases considerable energy called strangeness 444 scale, force in the structure of matter return to the strangeness based upon the general observation that physical proc- a billion limes longer than theoretical calculations predict. is t*t us conserved. y than processes that release small amounts. whose decay in weak role of the neutron/ proton ratios undergo corrective beta decays. esses in nature that release large we The involving strong and electromagnetic interactions the strangeness & is on a small action, utterly insignificant ray, y is Hence the gravitational interbecomes the dominant one on a forces are severely limited in their range. large scale. ray, is weak that of a vo _> ^+ ray while others do not undergo apparently equally pern missible decays. while the still certain heavy particles decay into lighter ones together with the emission of a between them, when they are a meter apart the proportion is the other way. The structure of nuclei is determined by the properties of the strong interaction, while the structure of atoms is determined by those of the electromagnetic interaction. Matter in bulk is electrically neutral, and the strong and tionai force STRANGENESS NUMBER 13.6 many powers of 10 greater than the gravita- S = - 1 ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 445 A quantity called hypercharge, Y, has also !>een found useful in characterizing = '/2 B = I, and S = 0, so that = e, while the = = In the ease of the w B 1, and S = 0, so that q neutron has f3 %, = = values of 7 of I, three 0, and -1 respecand the S meson multiplet, B 3 number B are conserved in = baryon Charge and e, 0, and -e. tively yield q multiplet, the proton has f 3 tf , (). particle families; sum to the it conserved is Hypercharge in strong interactions. and haryon numbers of of the strangeness equal is the particle families; V = S + B 13.6 all For mesons the hypercharge in strong The equal to the strangeness. is Thus interactions. and 7 assignments are listed in Table 13.2. /:i An additional conservation law of whose members members of the fundamental to the 3.2 that there are a 2 its * '/, + =2 1 umlliplct has I sb 1, ij There meson has / 1 and = since name occurs it + into 21 I in 1 I in '"isotopic spin space" of /., are restricted to integral if I is of the it" is substates, and momentum, and integral or zero is I a '/ 2. which means v meson, /., = = — I and I 1 The charge strangeness of a number /-, = to the ir~ and baryons are assigned mesun or S, 1 of their isotopic spin vectors, / 3 it is space we only in the orientation can say ihul the charge independence is independent of orientation momentum is likewise independent of orientation that this interaction Angular lies the difference , which might lead conserved in all interactions, conserved in strong interactions. us to surmise that isotopic spin is be correct; the isotopic spin quantum number strong, but not in weak somewhat We note that, is This surmise happens to found to be conserved We or in electromagnetic, interactions. in shall return to and invariance with respect the relation l>ctween conservation principles symmetry operations / to in the next section. although /., is conserved in electromagnetic interactions, need not be. An example of a process in which meson into two photons: is the decay of the w / changes while 73 / itself does not f> any specified direction l3 . The possible values -/, so that 1), if / space and and so means of the strong interaction Now electric charge. in isotopic spin between a proton and a neutron in real /3 I. in can be either / 3 is half- The integral. is corresponds to the tt meson. The values of in a similar '^ or isotopic - 1 /,; it" A —» w" meson has no component the with lwiryon ' /3 meson, /., = for the other its 7 ;J y / + = y 1 and 73 = 0, while / is not defined for photons; there of isotopic spin on either side of the equation, which conservation, although / is is consistent has changed. to the mesons 13.8 way. is and the component related to I, of its its haryon number isotopic spin B t In the previous section the charge independence of the strong interaction was expressed in terms of the isotropy of isotopic spin space. momentum, this symmetry was in strong interactions. It Ls said to By analogy with angular imply the conservation of isotopic spin a remarkable fact that all known symmetries in the physical world lead directly to conservation laws, so that the relationship between isotopic spin vector charge of the particle thus represented. THE NUCLEUS SYMMETRIES AND CONSERVATION PRINCIPLES its by the formula f--'MH) Each allowed orientation of the to the that - depend upon } isotopic spin can be represented -(/ (1 1 = I angular-momentum this has led to Ihe whose component Such taken to represent the proton and the latter the neutron. In the case meson, and 13.7 — half- Integra I spin of the nueleon former I I, assigned and tt" mesons. and 2 -0 + 1 = 1. only a single state governed by a quantum number customarily denoted is is the t+, v~, of iialopic spin tfuontum number for Pursuing the analogy with angular by a vector interaction itself does not such that the multiplicity and the proton. The ^ meson 1=3 states are 2*1 + its / Thus the nucleoli multiplet . states are the neutron quantum number misleading 446 by a number its from the strong interaction. result substituted for a proton or vice versa only by amounts that in isotopic spin space. exhibits it evidently an analogy here with the splitting of an is state of + is suggested by the observed charge inde- binding energy and pattern of energy levels change natural to think it is has proved useful to categorize each multiple! according It given by 2/ is of particle families each of a multiple! as representing different charge states of a single entity. interactions does the follow from purely electromagnetic considerations, implying that the strong number has essentially the same mass and interaction properties but number of charge states of the state The 1 These families are called nmltiplels. and different charge. and when a neutron is which forces, properties of a nucleus as ISOTOPIC SPIN obvious from Table In conserved, namely is weak change. pendence of nuclear It is Only electromagnetic interactions. various hypercharge total 13.7 must be conserved whenever S 3 I hence is directly connected symmetry under rotations of I and the conservation of I is wholly plausible In the case of the nucleoli ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 447 Let us survey some of these symmetry-conservation relationships conservation of system in which they are expressed, has as a consequence the beti. angular tinning our discussion of elementary particles. What that a meant by a "symmetry"? Formally, is symmetry of a when particular kind exists something unchanged. A candle is rather vaguely, if feature; lists it is also symmetric with respect in because a vertical axis (As elaborated in Table 13.3 the principal symmetry operations which leave the laws of physics un- changed under some or circumstances. all The simplest symmetry operation which means mvariaiicc of the description oi space in is which means translation in time, upon when we choose = f the conservation of energy. that the laws of physics to =Vx an j b .is l>e, that the laws of physics and B COBSe- do not depend invariance has as a consequence this Invariance under rotations space, which in A instead of in terms of means do not depend upon the orientation of the coordinate A.) of identical particles in a system The interchange is The wave function symmetry wave function a type of operation which leads to the preservation of the character of the may be symmetric under such an interchange, principle and the system in which case the particles do not ol>ey the exclusion in which case the antisymmetric, follows Bose-Einstein statistics, or it may be statisFermi-Dirac follows particles obey the exclusion principle and the system tics. statistics (or, equivalently, of Conservation of antisymmetry) signifies that statistical wave-function symmetry or no process occurring within an isolated system can behavior of that system. A system exhibiting Bose-Einstein behavior cannot spontaneously alter itself to exhibit Fermi-Dirac behavior or vice versa. This conservation principle has applications statistical in nuclear of nucleons physics, where it is found that nuclei that contain an odd number with even A obey (odd mass number A) obey Fermi-Dirac statistics while those further condition a statistics; conservation of statistics is thus a Table 13.3. PRINCIPLES. Bose-Einstein Conserved quantity Symmetry aeration and B, conservation. change the SOME SYMMETRY OPERATIONS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED CONSERVATION E leads to charge are obtained by differentiating the potentials, and this invariance of a system. lias quence the conservation of linear momentum. Another simple symmetry operation where the two and by the vector calculus formulas E = -TV leave E and B unaffected since they transformations Gauge descriptions are related that the laws of physics nature to translations V described in terms of the potentials is do not depend upon where we choose the origin of our coordinate system to be, By more advanced methods than we are employing in ibis book, it is possible to show that the translation in space, shifts in the zeros of the scalar it appearance or any other to reflection in a mirror. is related to gauge transfonnatioas, which are and vector electromagnetic potentials V and A. electromagnetic theory, the electromagnetic field can be say a certain operation leaves symmetric about can be rotated about that axis without changing we might momentum. Conservation of electric charge nuclear reaction must observe. The conservations of the baryon number B and the lepton numbers L and in having no known \1 are alone among the principal conservation principles All interactions are dejiendent of: momentum p Energy £ lobular momentum Linear Translation in space Translation in time flotation in .space Ueetroinagnctic gauge transformation Electric charge Interchange of identical particles Type Inversion nl space, time, and charge symmetries associated with them. I Apart from the charge independence of the strong interaction and its associated coascrvation of isotopic spin, which we have already mentioned, the remaining a of statistical behavior Product of charge parity, space parity, and Jhi- afmng H.I ? l/Cptnn numher f. ? I i-filim number M llllllllll'l ft spatial coordinates and -a replacing unit t'leetntma^wtie interactions only are independent ..ii Parity Table 13.3 involve purities of one kind or anotiier. all through the origin, with z. If the sign of the -x replacing x, -ij replacing y, wave function ^ does not change under P Charge parity of charge l The tlrrmg interaction only in such an inversion, of: Inversion of space ileflecl Mill ? I' symmetry operations The term parity with no qualification refers to the behavior of a wave function under an inversion in space. By inversion in space is meant the reflection of lime paril) CI' it (.'. isotypic spin component W*y,z) = M-x. -n.-z) v and strangeness S and independent if- is said to have eceri parity. If the sign of ^ changes, ofi Charge Isotopic spin I uX*,t/,~) = -tM-x. -f> --) ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 448 THE NUCLEUS 449 and ^ = cos x If said to is cos we ( have odd — x), Thus the function cos x has even parity since x has odd parity since sin x = —sin (—x). parity. while sin it meson can decay into a -n* and a jt" T. The symmetry of phenomena under status at present. The symmetry operation thus has an ambiguous was discovered 1964 that the Kg meson, which violates the conservation of time reversal write in that corresponds to the coaservation of charge parity Mx,ti,z} we can are + = P$(-x, -y, -x) which regard P as a quantum numter characterizing 1 (even parity) and - is Every elementary particle has a and the parity of a system such as an atom it, the product of the parity of the wave the replacement of every paritv C, like space parity possible values (odd parity). 1 certain parity associated with or a nucleus $ whose is function that descrilies the coordinates of its constituent particles and the intrinsic parities of the particles themselves. Since \\j/\ 2 is independent of P, the parity of a system is not a quantitv that has an obvious physical consequence. However, it is found that the initial particle in a C system by is its dmrge conjugation, antipartiele. Charge P, is not conserved in weak interactions. However, despite the limited validities of the conservation of C, P, and T, there are good and theoretical reasons for believing that die product CPT of the charge, space, means of CFF conservation The conserved. time parities of a system is invariably that for every process there place in reverse, and this an antimatter mirror-image counterpart that takes particular symmetry seems to hold even though .its is component symmetries sometimes fail individually. parity of an isolated system does not change during whatever events occur within it, which can be ascertained by comparing the parities of known final states of a reaction or transformation with die parities of equally plausible final states that are not observed to occur. A system of even parity retains even parity, a system of odd parity retains odd parity: this principle is known as eonsei-vation of parity. The conservation that is, of parity is an expression of the inversion symmetry of space, of the lack of dependence of the laws of physics upon whether a is a profound difference between die mirror image of either particle and the particle that interactions in interactions to This asymmetry implies itself. which neutrinos and antineulrinos participate— the weak — need not conserve parity, and indeed parity conservation hold true only in the strong the fact that spatial inversion and electromagnetic is interactions. is earlier, In addition to the particles listed in Table 13.2 there are, as mentioned is revealed a great many "particles" of extremely brief lifetimes whose existence found Uian Of to coasidcr the neutron, say, as it Ls course, and then it is go on to this constitutes particles. On mate, then and a theoretical other parities occur in Table 13.3, time parity T and charge parity C. wave function when t is replaced to the conservation of time parity is time reversal implies that the direction of increasing time of any process that can occur if symmetry under time is is it Is that corresponds reversal symmetry not significant, so that the reverse also a process that reversal holds, Time can occur. In other words, impossible to establish by viewing whether a motion picture of an event is being run forwards or backwards. Although time parity '/'was long considered to be conserved in every interaction, it THE NUCLEUS make possible to reso- momen- hundred one few truly elementary line of attack the other hand, is it merely an unstable stale of the proton. out an excellent case for supposing the latter, to generalize that all the various Historically v. These tum, isotopic spin, parity, strangeness, and so on, and it is no more logical to transient disqualify them as legitimate particles because their existences are so actually excited states of a very not invariably a symmetry operation was which respectively describe the l>ehavior of a by — t and when (/ is replaced by —q. The symmetry operation in interactions involving their longer-lived brethren. nant states are characterized by definite values of mass, charge, angular suggested by the failure of parity coaservation in the decay of the K+ meson, and was later confirmed by experiments showing the specific handedness of p Two 450 THEORIES OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES by resonances left- handed or a right-handed coordinate system is used to deserilx: phenomena. In Sec, 13.1 it was noted that die neutrino has a left-handed spin and the antineutrino a right-handed spin, so that there 13.9 if "elementary" particles are particles, as yet unidentified; toward a comprehensive theory of elementary we accept the particles of Table 13,2 as legiti- consistent to include the resonant states as well, and to seek framework that embraces the entire collection of well over a entities. recent proposal attempts to account for the various elementary particles in terms of another kind of particle called the quark. Three varieties of quark supposed are postulated, plus their an ti particles, and all elementary particles are A and antiquaries. The really revolutionary them should have charges of - '/3 e and the two of to consist of combinations of quarks thing about quarks ibinl should is that have a charge of +%e- According composed of three quarks, and each meson Despite much effort, is to this theory, each baryon composed of quark-antiquark no experimental evidence in Is pairs. support of the existence of ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 451 quarks has been found thus far, but the ideas that underlie their prediction are so persuasive that die hunt continues. Several interesting and suggestive classification schemes have been devised for the strongly interacting particles based upon the abstract theory of groups. One of these schemes, the so-called eightfold way, collects isotopic spin multiplets into supermuttiplers whose members have the same spin and parity but differ in charge and hypereharge (Figs. 1.3-4 and 13-5). The scheme prescribes the members each particular supermultiplet should have and also relates mass differences among these members. The great triumph of the eightfold way number was its of prediction of a previously subsequently searched for and unknown particle, the il~ discovered finally in 1 hyperon, which was 964. Other group-theoretic approaches have related the supermultiplets of the eightfold way to one another and have attempted to incorporate relativistic considerations into the hensive picture that is The success of the eightfold way in organizing interacting particles implies that the a counterpart in a more hints we compre- emerging. symmetry symmetry of in nature. The our knowledge of the strongly mathematical structure has its further we prol>e into nature, the receive of a profound order that underlies the complications and confusions of experience. lieen revealed, there still But for all the elegance of the symmetries that have %) (+1 — remaias the problem of the fundamental interactions themselves, what they signify, and how they are related to one another and to the properties of the particles through which they are manifested. —- charge, e — 1 % and (except !! ) are shortBaryon supermuttiplet whose members have spin particles; the I and 1 particles here are heavier and hane different spins Irom Table 13.2. Arrows Indicate possible transformations according to the eightfold way. FIGURE 13-5 lived resonance the ones FIGURE 13-4 Supermultiplets of sppn-Vi baryons and spin-D nuclear interaction. melons stable against decay by the strong The ti' In particle was predicted from this scheme. Arrows indicate possible transformations according to the eightfold way. Problems Find the maxim in n kinetic energy of the electron emitted in the beta that must decay of the free neutron, (b) What is the minimum binding energy not decay? docs neutron the so that nucleus a neutron to a by be contributed Compare this energy with the observed binding energies per nucleon in stable 1. (a) nuclei. Van der Waals forces arc limited to very short ranges and do not have an exchange inverse-square dependence on distance, yet nobody suggests that the 2. of a special meson-like particle 3. -1 452 What is is responsible for such forces. the energy of each of the gamma rays Why produced when a not? -n° meson decays? Must they be equal? THE NUCLEUS ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 453 How much 4. energy must a gamma-ray photon have if it is to materialize in the absence of another body without violating either the conservation of energy or momentum, the conservation of linear Why 5. long does the uncertainty principle allow a virtual electron-positron 2 2m n c 2 , (b) If hi' pair to exist if hv < 2m c , where m,, is the electron rest mass? (a) Prove that such an event cannot occur into a neutron-antineutron pair? How > can you use the notion of virtual electron-positron pairs to explain the role of a nucleus in the production of an actual pair, apart from does a free neutron not decay into an electron and a positron? Into the conservation of both energy and its function in assuring momentum? a proton-antiproton pair? A 6. •* meson whose kinetic energy is equal to rest its energy decays in flight. Find the angle helween the two gamma-ray photons that are produced. A proton of 7. TQ kinetic energy proton-antiproton pair is produced. collides with a stationary proton, If the momentum and a of the Ixjmbarding proton shared equally by the four particles that emerge from the collision, find the is minimum value of 7" . 8. Trace the decay of the Z" particle into stable 9. A it created. One 10. meson What collides with a proton, particles. and a neutron plus another particle arc- the other particle? is theory of the evolution of the universe postulates that matter sponta- neously comes into being in free space, [f this matter were in the form of neutron-antineutron pairs, what conservation laws would be violated? Which 11. of the following reactions can occur? State the conservation laws violated by the others. +p (a) j) ;/«) P + (c) e* (rf) A" -* 12, The p-* p + + it- (e) -* n e' -> + + W" p -» n + 7T w° meson has neither charge nor magnetic moment, which makes ir° hard to understand how way + p + !r + + a° + s» u + + w" it to account for this process is unclean- ant inuel eon pair, whose to assume that the jr* members then two photons whose energies yield it ean decay into a pair of electromagnetic quanta. One total the first liecoines a "virtual" interact electromagnetically to mass energy of the tt°. How long does the uncertainty principle allow the virtual nucleon-antinucleon pair to exist? 13. ts this The long enough for the process to be observed? interaction of one photon with another can that each photon can temporarily free space, 454 become a be understood by assuming "virtual" electron-positron pair in and the respective pairs can then interact electromagnetically. THE NUCLEUS ELEMENTARY PARTICLES 455 ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS Chapter II. 1.24 X 13. 3.14 A 15. 5 17. 0.015 19. 2.4 21. 0.565 A 23. («) 2 X (b) 2X10 » (c) 3.5 t. 213 m 3, 2.6 X 5. fi 7, 4.2 9. II. 13. 15. IT. 19. 21. ** 25. 10 s 2.6 ft; m/s m/s 0.988c; x 4.2 K)' x 10* m/s: H.9 X 10- M kg 0.291 MeV 2.7 X 10" kg 4.4 X 10" kg 1.H7 , - I. H-l X s 10 m/s 10' B X B.Hfi [. (de/di) .24 1 = \ results arc different because Hz lO" 3 X X 10 eV ft I2 = w/2 ti own 13. 1.18 X which 15. 1.05 X10~ M motion relative to the medium in the sound waves propagate. 1(1; 10. 6. (h) -i/a eV 'K&*')] 6.2% ured by an observer depends upon bis MeV 12.2' 11. (a) 6, 103 H/. X m whereas the speed of sound meas- of light, eV 1 K) " Hz; 7.7 GeV; 616 all observers find the same value for Ihc speed 27. Hz A Chapter 3 _ o7«yn (i The %J98Bc (lite; m/s 10* H> ,a X ft 10 7 X 08c '' V 1 mi!); (7.200 10 s m/s; the 83 m/s narrow wave original packet has spread out yes 1.16Xl0 7 m kg-m/s; in 1 to a s much wider one because the phase velocities of Chapter 2 1.800 the waves involved vary with k and a large range of wave numbers was present A MOO A] X 2.83 3.9 10 ,n (b) (<r) tons/s (d) 1.41 X 10 la Each atom 17. J x Nr* photons/* B.H2 x 10- "' lb/in. 2 4.24 x ID" photons/ m*-s 38 3.9 X UP* watts; 1.2 X 10 1.71 («) in the original packet. eV photons/m 1 i ei i. tin in a solid itofiinii- iciiiiin <>\ is limited to a space Hthamta the assembly of atoms would not he a solid. The pho- atom uncertainty in the position of each is therefore finite, and its momentum and hence energy cannot be zero. There is no restriction on the position of a mole- 457 Cute in an ideal gas, ant) so the uncertainty in its position effectively infinite i.s and Chapter 7 its energy can be zero. The alkali metals are the largest 3. in each period of the periodic table, since their Chapter 4 atomic structures consist of a single elec- 10* tron outside closed inner shells thai shield 3. 0.878 the electron from 7. 1.14 ft m/m = ]. X charge. There "in K) chugs ^T- = ^~ / ! '1 J Forlhehydro' V 4mynfl a /= 6.6 x Iff**"1 2*r gen atom, , winch is comparable with the highest frequencies V 15. 12 17. 8.2 ft 2,1 1.04 which increases, pulls the outer At the X 1.39 10-* L 112 state $. % 3tz % 2 2 3 % *«»/* 5 % 5 % = = = r. n « oo = n 4 n n = = » 3 ii = 5 2 n n n n 1 (c) 2.28 x 10- s = = = . .. t = ll There are no other SB r II 13. 4 i ijii 18,5 Cobalt 7.29 eV; n 17. 3.3 eV; = 27); others. 18.70 eV: 16.84 eV. 15. molybdenum 42) 7. V 5. eV = V= £/2, where f and are averages over an entire period of b. K 7. ft Chapter 6 3. 458 ± 7. 68%; 25% ft p, (3 29%; <f. i 5. ffig, 7. 18%; 50 A; the ionization energy of the is 0.0O9 eV, which m'/m = Because 25. 8.83 forces increase 7. 7.98 MeV ft 15.0 M>\ represent energy cohesive a mode smaller 1.01 in copper. cm the cohesive energy since they are attrac(b) The xero-piiiiit oscillations detive, the much Chapter 11 34.97 u The van der Waals is than the energy gap and not very far from the 0.025 eV value of fcT at 20°C. I of energy since llicy possession H 1 ", B" 81 percent Nnclear forces cannot be strongly II, charge-dependent. The nucleon 13. responds lo the kinetic energy thai cor- momentum implied by an uncertainty imcert:iiuiv in position of 2 The ions. heal lost by the expanding gas is work done against the attrac van der Waals forces between its o|iial to the 1 {a) 1 n! In a metal, valence electrons can unoccupied excited energy states in the 1.27 A 2.23 bo V2 MeV, which is entirely consistent is with a potential well 35 MeV deep. A 1.24 am excitation energy', i 13";, ft ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS 1 .6 (a) b\ X neutrons/m3 1.00: 1.08:0.89:0.22:0.027 yes; 15.33 K X 10* s-' 1.23 3.37 can excite valence electrons to. the (induction band although photons of in- 9. The mass of ;Be (c) I0-" 1,620 yr 7. (< 1.5 eV), and semiconductors The energy gap is so large that pho- tons of visible light cannot gravida mug) not su Hi c e n 1 y larger i 1 a positron. Hint: the 39th proton in !gY mally in a state p„2 open state, is nor- and the next higher to this proton is a &, n si alt MeV electrons in the 13. 3.33 valence band to reach the conduction band. 15. The neutron excitation energy from is ll.. in that of {LI to permit the creation of II. purpose. 2/\/™„ 1/4 so photons of visible The energy gap in liuhl llz I. 3. 5. small X 10" Chapter 12 is (b) No. for small. frared light have insufficient energy for (bis r 23. 1 5. however Chapter 9 = Ne atoms Chapter 10 1 f. 5. 1 2 which sup- the direct excitation of conduction bant! 13. tl, x 10 1 c» It. oscillation. 11 3.5 3. 2.1 f 19. 19 percent {a) m/s 21. 3. 1. 10* molecules. f. Classically in collisions, by electron impact. 5. 5. are needed to maintain an inverted energy population in the \e atoms by transferring tive in Chapter 5 MeV 2.07 X 10-'* The He atoms not eV electron Chapter 8 3. the than particles low-energy of 3. = bosun gas will exert the least pressure tocMfee the Bose distribution has a larger propor- atoms or (Z x 10"* m = 8.4 2.56 X 10* K; 1.08 X 1.9 13. tion Is eV; 7.6 II. cles than the other distributions; a and tp. energy distribution very temperature sensitive. present in a solid but not in individual T 17. tft ' 2 states. 5uB ;3 15. t-i limed \f1 6 3 al a very small fraction of is a larger proportion of high -energy parti crease He<_ fcT A. (fc) H p-tvpe 9, so the electron fermion gas will exert the greatest A 13. 7. pressure because the Fermi distribution has plement 3P 2 2 MeV X 10" ,2 ;2.3 5800 K II. energy to them eV 0.0283 A 'S A 21. 23. then a regular decrease is end of each period there is a small increase in si/.e due to the mutual repulsion of the 7. X 10° rev 1.05 X 10* K 19. nuclear of electrons in closer to the nucleus. 5. 920 A 13. +e but outer electrons. the hydrogen spectrum. in all within each period as the nuclear in size 002 1. X 10'* 182 1. momentum and hence I0- IU :6.2 X 1.00:2.3 9. cross section decreases ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS 459 with increasing energy' because Lhe hood that a neutron will likeli- be captured depends upon how much lime it spends near a particular nucleus, and this versely proportional proton crass section gies is to its speed. is in- The smaller at low ener- because of the repulsive force exerted 3. 68 VleV; yes, in order that ,5. number nor spin; 7 ,i,f«() 9. A decay conserves MeV neutrino. 11. conservation of 10" 6 this neither baryon on in her. spin, nor energy. provides a potential barrier the proton must X INDEX This decay conserves neither haryon by the positive nuclear charge, which tunnel through. momentum be conserved. (a) and can occur; (e) li conservation of /,, conservation of rJ and M, and spin; and (b) violates spin; (c) violates (d) violates 17, 1.2 19. 0.21 13. 2f. (1.1% of the micieiLS separates the electron and AUmplinxi spectrum, positron far enough so that they cannot Acceptor level recombine afterward to reconstitute the Acetylene molecule, 207 Chapter 13 1. 0.78 MeV; L29 MeV, which 6.4 spin. X HH* s; the strong electric field 119, is well photon. Actinium decay nucleon of stable nuclei. Alpha decay, 396 inverse, 4J 392 of ttdfobOtOptt, 389. theory Alpha 396 series, Wlmly Black body: properties molecule. 261, 264 Amorphous whd. 3 17 AuguLr spectrum Bohr. molecular, 2711 nuclear, 384 .pin, \iiiiiit-n(r r .:. and quantum theory of atom. 193 -149 ami divalent handing. 249, 252 Atom: momentum 182, of, of 222 1 model complex, irroclurc energy level* Thomson model vector model 221 of, of, 153 102 222 {see 311 hydrogen. 328 32 metallic 331 van tier Waals, 327 Bose-Einstcin statistical distribution law, 288, 304 of, 300 Boson, 212 1 Atomic spec rum Auger effect, 237 momenta, 297 factor, 299, derivation excitation, 131 Atomic number, 04 Atomic orhttritK. 254 Atomic rudll. 321 I Boltzmann ionic, 243, of, energies, 295 of molecular eovalent, 243, 325 213 381 Hutherbrd nodal Atomic of, (25. in I, of, distribution: molecjW Bond 113 of, Bohr radius of hydrogen atom, 125 Boltzmann Boh* model of iar Ruhr atmim model.! of, motion m. 129 Bohr magneton, 139, 207 Antisymmetric wave function, 211. mass 101 limitations of, 139 \':~ Antf particle, 112 classical .Niels. effect of miclcar 305 lingular 306, 308 Bohr atomic model. 121, 193 and correspondence principle. 133 222 IH.1. 304 of, of, Body-centered cobic crystal, 322 wave. 78 of inotneiitttm: atomic, 214 382 nuclear, 372. Angular frequency 399 I of atomic electron. particle, 102 Ammonia 157, Buttling energy: UK of, of, Baryon. 443 Benzene molecule, 26$ Beta decay, 369, 408 Wiuiidc elements, 2L5 under the observed binding energies per quantum theorv Barrier penetration, I'll semiconductor. 338 In Ikjundary- surface diagram: of atomic orbital, 255 Spectrum) of molecular orbital, 258 Braukert series in hydrogen spectrum, 120, 12S Bragg planes in crystal, 57 Bragg reflection: of de waves, Balmer s^rie* In Band theory of solids, 334, 340* 352 Bant, the, 414 460 ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS hydrogen speelmm, 119, J2H of X ILiVM, 345 V) ikemsstrahluug, 51 HriHnuui, 345 461 hybrid orbital* 285 281. In, saturated uiul uiisaturatetl, 267 of, of. 280 Dims, Donor Dopplrr 338 effect ta light, 41 llcboin, energy levek of, 275 Hole 07 of, in crystal. 338 Elooke's law. 158 Effective iua& of electron In crystal,, janies. 365 Eigcnfruiction. 149 Ethylene molecule. 205 Chain reaction, 423 rlurge 'irmigatiuu. 451 Eigenvalue. 148 Exchange Eightfold way, 452 Excitation Einstein, Albert, 10. 47 Excited state of atom, 120 specific heal of, Exclusion principle. 210 spectral series Cohesive energy of ( ."uilixmiiv crystal, and elastic Complex euiuugate 322 inelastic, of wave 132 function, 75 Elastic Compound nucleus 417 Gmupluil of, 352 number of crystal* 322 Correspondence print:lp!c. 133 of, Electron 320 affinity, tabk Electron capture by nucleus 410 437 Electron configurations of elements, &I9 rays. 20. 342 hydrogen atom. 113 energy dlslrihuliun molecule, 243 and uncertainty Electron orbits in principle, 246 Ferromagnetlsm, origin Elementary 325 329 ionic, till tic of, bidden lurid of, adiiiidc, van der WmEs, 326 Crystal types, tabic 133 EnnlxHlmu energies lulrou resonance in solid, 356 faille of. transition. DavlswnCenner experiment. 52 Bragg reflection of. 345 diffraction at, 62 group velocity In bvditrgen uf. 76, wavelength oC W in bciixenc Deuterium, 362 of, 130 INDEX of, 374 of, 372 427 iiiob'colc. 346 Ion. (IB 247 252 structure in \pettial lines, SS5, 371 Hyperon. 438 , 131 Impurity Gamma oliisni.i. ray, 05 Cravitun, 416 and Schrodingcrs equation, 147 of. S. A., Ionic crystal, I 205 352 Ionic bond. 243, 321 tafab of, 362 in or rncni its frame of reference, 10 General theory of reUUvity, 07 in crystal. . 132 Insulating solid, nature of, 318 Ionization energy. 319 320 Ivniicr. -112 shift. 60.68 13 bofupe. 362 Isolopic spin. 446 Ground state uf atom, 126 Group velocity of waves, St Gvruiuugiifltc ratio: therm unucl car, 424 uncertainty M'liiivontinL-tin c f^elgei-Mursden experiment. 102 Gravitational red of, 329 Ice, crystal structure of. Fusion, nuclear, 424 Energy: Energy fuel, Dcutcron: binding energy experiment Cuudsmit, Energy luind thermonuclear theory umletnlr. MilUU, imjiact parami^rr in utotntc M-atlcring, 105 Mat, 30 iMocoli/cd electrons in SJi £•&!•> transformation of coordinates, 23 Cumnui decay, 112 215 quantization )ecay constant of radioisotope, 390 190 i kinetic, relative to center of mass, 61 191 lypercharge. 448 Inertfal 320 216 of IiIiImii. 372, dlum, 122 in, 179 Fundamental interactions, 444 Emission spcclruin. IIS, 131 62 phase velocity spectrum of, binding: of atomic electrom, 213 of. ElydpogH rmikilk tratuunuiic, 423 dc Brugjlc waves, 73 of, 170. functions of. 176, 181 Hypadbn In crystal. 336, 219 of, lanlhanidc, 215 periodic 230 Fourier transform. 86 215 electron configurations data*, the. 3511 as 207 Elements: of. of, 125, 180. 442 Fraucli- Hertz; I lines. 203, 420 Fourier integral, 446,453 113 122 Hydrogen niolecubir 1 thcHirire of, 451 mulct idur. 326 v< 222 particles: mullkph-l* 318 metallic, 331 t. of, 259 E -'im tee, wave Hvchouru bond Electronic s|>ecimui ni molecule, 251 covaletu, of, in, and uncertainty principle, 92 Fluorescence. 261 Cryitit model (.fuuntLuu Iheorv of. 173. Fermi surface, 352 Permian. 212 atom, 213, 217 125 quantum numbers Fine rtmctlTB in spectral in 121 of. energy levels of, 3-12 Fission, nuclear, Eleciruuegulivity, of. Bohr radios probability density of electron in. Electron shells and MihvfirlK Cross section. 109,413 Hohr model classical 310 Fenni gan model of nucleus. 388 Electron "gas" in metal, 331 326 290 LIU. 128 uf. electron orbits statistical distribution law, 256. derivation ol. 308 Fermi energy. 332, 330 205 oscillator, 161 harmonic L'ovdleul bond; In spin Face-centered cubic crystal. 322 Fermi-Dime in. 285 meet rum of. 220 Hydrogen atom: Feruu, the, 370 205 166. of. mnfamnif speeds lUstribiitiun uf lines. 131 of, 4-5] muimclk moment as nuclear const! Incut. 91, 363 In crystal Hydrogen: and -meet rat Expectation value, 145 Dirac iheory 446 iMirdination 433* repulsion due to, 243 2,00, delocjli/cd. in Iw-n/cur uiulccule, 288 Conservation principle* mid symmetry o|nr;itinnv uiul fluctuations m, 229 Conduct ing wild, nature Cosmic Vicimm field, llvloui orbiiAl. 2C3, 205 60 effect. Curnpfmi wavelength. H2 < 132 ffflftfffffc Electromagnetic Korea, 260 hind's rule, 222, 228. f Center -of -noes* coordinate system, 418 < 232 polynomial. 168 lirrinite 9 Ether. 3, 355 100 of sodium atom, 230 Equivalence, principle 875 of. Itaimatag Werner. 80 und X-ray spectra. 235 279 vibrational energy levels uf, 462 I energy of rotating molecule. 269. 209 uf vibrating molecule, Doublet angular- momentum Male, £29 oscillator: 7.eru;poinl of particle in a box. 151 level in sc mi conductor. moon quantum theory of. 103 wuve functions of, hi 412. 419 motor, 366. 379, 364. 320 A. at, 205. 431 P. 1. ii 1 mercury atom, 234 of 337 of. crystal structure of, Carbon cycle of unclear rvnecious, 424 Carbon dioxide molecule, vihruliuual modes Carbon monoxide molecule: rotational energy IcveN of. 27(1. 300 spectrum Energy levcb: Diamond: bund unicture Carbon compound*: It coupbii^; ol ani;iil.o of atomic eieetrott, 188 atomic. 228 of electron spin, 207 nuclear. 364 nonMUU Ml 334, 340. 352 levels; h 69, 183 , atomic, 125. 131.221 Half of h. mi limit UM:i1|ator, LOO Harmonic life. & .438 l oscillator: 158 of helium atom, 232 classical theory of, of hydrogen atom. 125. ISO. 230 energ)' levels of, 10T) Ijigrange's I method ..nub shift in ol undetermined multipliers. 293 hydrogen spectrum. 230 INDEX 463 Landi: I Molecule, 243 £ fad or. 238 dement*. 215 LnttA ooatnetfODh rafaUvWk^ l.rptnn, rotational energy levels 17. 2fl model lid-drop < of, Mu&ftauer 1*4 2-8 wove momentum Multiplicity of angular 4-lfl. Paschen scries 452 state, hydrogen spectrum* 120, 12& uumb-cr* in nuclear structure, 384 Mngm.1lc moment; Resonance Phase velocity of wave, 8 Best energy. Phosphorescence. RociniiMi. 394 416 and 425 Lypa decay spin. 2tf7 of, 22-1 Nuclear of, 365. 443 fission, 373. 420 Nuclear forces: 433 reduced: In hydrogen atom, 129 In molecular rotation. 289 molecular vibration, £.74 33 relativity of. 30. Matti-eticrgy relatiousbip. 35. 37 368 293 Mercury, energy levoU 234 Maura decay and special relativity. of nuclear forces, Metal, electron "gas" In. 20 433 331, 342 harmonic oscillator, hydrogen niotn, 175 *talea of. energy levels of. 366 of, 366, 379, 384. 412, of, 419 ^Ill.Lllllllll drop model of. 380. 418. 420 of. 224, 364 389 371 model of. orhital. in a gas. rh'clroll spin, 205 Mzoof, 112.370,407 spin of, 364 295 Scoueornhnlor. 338. 352 nurlear. 3H4 Shell: 258 Shielding, electron, in atom, 218. spin inagcwKc, 208 Kiiuullaneity, of ii.uuiiijii 299 INDEX momentum slate: 229 helium. 232 nucleus, 379 "nxlium 1 lion] ,1 fill lure of, nui'j^ lt"*'b 47 Sodium chlnride 14H of radial vc transit urns. I of of oscillator, 163 of particle in a Lmo.. 319 relativity, 15 of alum. of hydtiii;t:n hi in i>. liJO of light. and Kinglel angular 275 of ueolerou. 374 In, 383 nHallonal. 270 Qoark. the. 451 464 closed, 217 Shell uickIcI of nucleus. HO nf harrier ptrnclralion. 157, 31)9 hybrid, 203, 265 Oxygen, distribution of molecular speeds I 278 atomic electron. 213 t8(l r^iuuilum Iheory: QrthoJidiunu 232 of, for vibrational spectra, magnetic. JS4 prlnd]wl. atomic, 254 atomic speclra. 108 272 for relational spectra, of particle in a Ixjx. 151 Orbital quantum number, 179, ISO 254 Imundary surface diagram 124 orl.ilal. 384 for UlUlilM'l Bukr orliil. of validity of. 144 Selection rules. 9li,uiIu»i [urvrnuiiCf., 130 388 magnetic moment of, lime-dependent fonu, 144 (Quanta, 47 Oii.Mihiiu eUvlrodynatiiics, 201) conditions for stability 163 steady stale form. 147 372 of, Ml 375 for particle in a boa, 150 384 molecular, 254 Molecular bund, 243 Mob:cular iniantum number, 180 for OroM 1ft morion on, 130 effect of nuclear 327 for ^ Methane molecule. 261. 2o3 Mkhelsnn Murley experiment. 3, 7» Molecular angular momctitmtu 270 the 214 Proion-proton cycle of nuclear reactions. 424 Occupation index, 31 312 Molecular energies Itydberg constant, 120. 128 Proton. 362 Mctaatablc state, 233 I.m:i. Etvillwrg. Plutonium. 423 NncleiiA. 103 Nuclide, 362 Meullfc bond 331 and the Kulhmionl scattering fonu id a. HI, 117 Planck's radiation formula. 308 Nucleon, 300 momentum 272 imilri ulf. atomic mtxlel, 103 for deotcron, diell Meson theory spectrum nf Schrodinger's equation, diupe Mewn. 443 Proper time, 12 radioactive decay of, of, cjoantum number, 270 Nuclear reactions, 417 liiiuitl free putb. 4 14 299 li' Saturated carltnn compound. 287 289 Mendeleev. Dmitri. 213 Rotaliooal energy levels uf molecule. 2WI Proper lenglh, 17 Fermi gas model of, 51 uiolecular spceti. 2SI7 Planck's constant. 47 E'riiidpal compound, 417 unit, atomic, 3d! Maxwell- Bottxmann vUtlshcal distribution law. 287, v\ illiulm, Ifll MfHM Nuclear fusion, 373, 424 binding energy Mm 36 Probability deiBily. 74 angular Mass spectrometer, 301 ftllOll 440 particle, Kuliicrfiufi aliseuce of electron* from. 91, 363 Muss defect of nucleus, 372 87 Positron, 410. 432 strong and weak, 444 333 60 438 Polar molecule. 259. saturation of, effective, of electron In crystal. 4fl of, of, relative |>opulailnns of, IT ul- "maw" Pion. IS-l ITS), atomic, 361 Mean Photon, 437 inesoii thorny of. derivation theory Normalized wave timet ton, 141 M*wr, 314 in 432 stellar energy. 2Js1 nXuOllUlfcl effect, 43 mid e,amma-rav absorption, 65 riiran free juilh of, 33 special theory of. 10 Phase space. 288 \cotron. 364 of atomic electron, 188 number, general theory l2Ji Neptunium, 423 Neptunium decay series, 3(1, Relativity; hydrogen speelrum, 120. in 274 37 Helatlvistic inass increase. 4IIU III. Relati vislu- formulas, n-tvpe tcmicnntluctor, 338 ,u id until km it ri no, Modelling constant, 324 f|UHJiluiii spectrum. IW. 128 215 Periodic I.™ molecular rolalion, 269 in in molecular vibralion, in hyiiiuj!"* 1 Putli. Mifllniitit;. 2 229 Neutrino, 4li9 Magnetic Timet inns of. 154. 138 Phuid serins nuclear. 384 pf of electron in hydrngen atom, 129 MB of. Periodic iahle. 2T6 atomic. 226* £32 deetmn midem, 151 nl, Particle diffraction. 82 72 effect, coupling of iiojTolm momenta. of bom ,i cpianlum Iheory Angular momentum) (*»* Uvea, 437 2,7 in 38'.) 393 Hare-earth elemcnLs, 215 Itatlioaclive series. 449 enerp'y levels Multiple^ of elementary parliclev Lortml** icm of coordinate*. 22, Lyman *cri« and forbidden, ISO allnsccd Kail ioai: live decay, 232 i. Particle in 277 Moseley\ law, 219 [xiicnU-FititgemltJ coutnicllon. 17 inverse* Partly. 272 mm of. Momentum, angular 380 nim! lUick'ur fission. 120 and nuclear reactions Par jlit-1 289, 299 irt L sped vibrational of nurleu*. of, vibrational energy levels of 275 3U3 of radio.* it iijh.% iLS spectrum rotational 443 lifetime, menu, of <?sdled itate. -120 1. 1 rji Pair production, polar rovalcni, 239 Laser. 311 Radiative transitions. 198 p-type semiconductor. 338 electronic spectrum of, 281 jiilluiinlc 1 06 ni 2 333 i- r crysial, Solids, cryslallioe 244 and amorphous, 317 Space rjuanti/ation of angular momentum. 185, 207 INDEX 465 Specific heal of hydrogen, 285 Time Spectral hm-v Transition elements. 215 Rue structure hypcrfiuc structure 225, 371 in, origin of, 127, 196 Zeemaii elf eel In. 189, ol 204 Wave-particle duality. 85. 93 momentum of nucleus. star, 6S. W ten's displacement state: Work 345 rays: 56 diffraction of, scattering of, 66 371 law, function of surface. 306 Yukawa, llideki, Zecman effect. 434 4ft 232 379 X-ray spectre. 235 Tritium. 362 X-ray spectrometer. 58 Twin paradox, blade -body. 306, 308 X 78 White dwarf of helium, 19 . Willi interaction, 444 Spectrum: absorptlmi, 119, 131 and forbidden, 199 iukoIht electron in crssial lattice, spontaneous and induced, 311 Triple! angular Spectral series. 119 1 Wave iniantuin theory of, 196 of atom, 229 hand, of molecule. 450 Transfllnns, radiative: allowed SOT 203. In, reversal, IS X electronic. of molecule, 231 absnrplion 189 anumalous. 204 rues, 51 of, 65 Zero-point energy of harmonic oscillator, 160 emission, 114, 131 of sun, 230 877 X-ray. 235 and resonance 44 particles, 92 Unsaturated carbon compound. 267 and time Spherical polar coordinates, 174 Spin: Intervals, mold's theorem, 201 electron. 203 l' of elementary particles. 442 Uranium decay 309 serfes, MB faatttpfcL iiiinio, 409, 432 nuclear. 364. Vacuum 386 LiuneliL' ininiihiiti Van dcr Waits Van der Waals plom. 207 in nucleus, flo'-tuatious fn electromagnetic field, 200. 229 number, £06 Spin-urhit coupling: in ISfi and meson theory of nuclear forces, 435 and particle In a box. 151. 150 and phase space. 286 llil Speed, root-mean-square. of molecule, 2M7 S|j 'IS, and covalent lauuhng. 246 and energy measurement. 02 272 vibrational, of mdeciile. ... 205 and anuulai monicllhiui. mercury. 234 rotational, of molecule, of sodium, E.. Uncertainty principle, S9 H9. 127.220 of hydrogen, of Uhlcnbcck. C. 232 »l helium. 328 327 crystal. force. Vector model of the atom. 222 384 Velocity: Stars: energy production in. group, Bl 424 Velocity addition, relatf visile. 28 Staimk'ol mechanics, 287 Vibrational energy levels of molecule, 275 weight nf energy level. 299 Statistical j phase. 81 while dwarf, 371 Stefan- Bolt /niumi law, Vibrational spectrum of molecule, 277 308 KlnrnOrluch espcrfment. 207 Mtaaaga tn inula for logarithm I Von ol a laetoria], l,uuc. Max. 52 201 Strangeness number, 44 Water molecule. 260. 264 vibrational states of, 250 Strong intcractinu, 444 Subshcll atomic ck-clrcm, 213 Water molecules, hydrogen bonds between. 329 closed, 217 Wive Wave order of (filing. 218 44fi function, 74, 140 antisymmetric. 211, 449 Symmetric wave funclion. 211, 449 and covaleni bonding, 249, 252 Symmetry operations and conservation equation. 141 complex conjugate principles, of deutcron. of, 75 379 of harmonic of hydrogen atom, oscillator, IT6, 168 IS] nonnalUcd, 141 Term symbol of atomic state. Thermonuclear energy, 424 Thomson atomic model. Thoi Emu decay lime 466 INDEX 394 14. 27 series, dilation, 12, 102 parity 229 TliciuiiDiilc emission of electrons. 46 of, 449 of particle In a box. 151. 153. 156 symmetric, 211, 440 Wjvo group, 79 and uncertainly piinuple. 66 velocity of. 81 467 ^ 8 n o n m OTHER McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITIONS IN O RELATED FIELDS PRINCIPLES OF MODERN PHYSICS PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS, 2/e Bueche: INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS Beiser: o o m Bueche: Green: Harris: AND ENGINEERS NUCLEAR PHYSICS INTRODUCTRY APPLIED PHYSICS, 73 2/e Margenau: PHYSICS, 2/e White: METHODS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Parti METHODS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Pan2 MODERN PHYSICS EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE PHYSICS, 3/e White: BASIC PHYSICS Morse: Morse: Slater: 1 m 182