Metabolism I. 1. 2. Assessment of digestive and gastrointestinal system Made up of GI tract, live, pancreas and gallbladder Includes mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus, salivary gland, liver, gallbladder and pancreas which make digestive juices and enzymes that help the body digest the food. Gastrointestinal System mouth or oral cavity First part of the digestive tract Ingestion Adapted to receive food by Mechanical Process ingestion, break into small Digestion pieces Secretion the boundaries of the Absorption mouth hold food in place for chewing and allow to form sounds and words Cheeks, palate, lips Lips and cheeks Helps hold food in mouth and keep it in place for chewing Palate Teeth Uvula 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Folds to cover the entrance of the larynx so food and liquid do not enter the windpipe and lungs Breathing Chewing Digesting foods and drinks Talking Drinking Swallowing Esophagus Muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach 25cm(10inch) Stomach Roof of the mouth Salivary glands Lubricate the mouth Help the swallow Aid in digestion Help protect teeth against harmful bacteria Types of salivary glands: sublingual, submandibular and parotid Entrance of digestive and respiratory tracks. Plays a key role in immune system Mouth involved in several essential bodily functions: Oral mucosa: lining all over the inside of mouth Tongue Flesh hanging in the back of the palate. Helps move food from mouth to throat. Throat includes: esophagus, windpipe(trachea), voice box(larynx) Epiglottis Gums: tissue that anchor the teeth in place 32teeth that crush and tear food Tonsils Includes salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Function Muscle that contains taste buds. Moves food around mouth. Left upper portion of abdomen under the left lobe of liver and diaphragm 1. Hallow muscular organs 2. Capacity of 1500 3. Stores food during eating 4. Secrete digestive fluids 5. Propels the partially digested food 6. Chime into the small intestine Small intestine Longest segment of GI tract About 2/3 of the total length Folds back and forth on itself Secretion Absorption 3 secretion: 1. Duodenum: proximal secretion 2. 3. Jejunum: middle secretion Ileum: distal secretion Large intestine Ascending colon segment on the right side of the abdomen. A transverse segment that extends from the right to the left of upper abdomen. Descending segment on the left side of the abdomen. Sigmoid colon, rectum and anus. Functions of GI Tract 1. 2. 3. Breakdown of food Absorption in the bloodstream Elimination of undigested unabsorbed food stuff 2. Small intestine (2 contractions in small intestine) 1. 2. Process of Ingestion Food – ingested – propelled through the GI tract in contract with secretion Function of Digestive System Chewing Food is broken into small particles that can be swallowed Causes of reflex salvation 1. 2. 3. Sight Smell Taste of food Parotid, submaxillary and sublingual glands 1. Secrete approximately 1.5L of saliva daily Esophagus 1. Smooth muscle in the wall contracts in systematic. Medulla oblongata of CNS 1. Swallowing center Stomach 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fats Protein CHO CHON Sodium Chloride Small intestine 1. 2. 3. Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Colonic function – 4hrs after eating, residual waste material passes into the terminal ileum and right colon through the ileocecal valve Function: 1. Assist in competing the breakdown of waste material 2 chronic secretions added to residual material: Stores and mixes with secretions Breakdown food in absorbable component Aid in the distinction of most ingested bacteria Respin 1. Segmentation contractions - Produce mixing waves that moves the intestinal contents back and forth into chumming motion Intestinal peristalsis - Propels the contents of small intestine towards the colon Breakdown food into absorbable particles CHO – broken down into disaccharides Glucose – major CHO used by cells as fuel CHON – source of energy Chime stays at intestine for 3-6hrs for continued breakdown and absorption of nutrients Villi – small finger like projections line the entire intestine Designed for absorption of nutrients(vitamins and minerals) Jejunum – absorption begins by: active transport, diffusion across the intestinal wall into the circulation 1. Gastric function 1. 2. Most important digestive juice Enzymes for protein digestion 2. Electrolyte solution – bicarbonate solution that acts to neutralize the end products formed by the colonic bacrelal action Mucus – protect the colonic mucosa from intraluminal contents and provide adherence from the fecal mass Large intestine – slow the transport for efficient absorption of water and electrolyte Rectum – elimination of stool. Begins with distention of the rectum. Initiates reflex contraction of the rectal musculature and relaxes the normally closed internal and sphincter.