CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION CHAPTER OVERVIEW Globalization plays a vital role in the economic system of the world. The world economy is set to be a system of being globalized. What does it mean? It means that the whole world is increasingly involved as a part of a single market, with interdependent production, consuming similar goods, and responding to the same impulses. It also involves spreading ideas, practices, and technologies. It is the connectivity across the entire world of economic and cultural life that increased throughout the centuries. However, what is the real concept of globalization and when did it begin? Does the perspective of every expert differ from one another? What are some impacts of globalization on the development of the world’s economy? Do you think it is beneficial? Why or why not? This chapter outlines some of the main dimensions of globalization and indicates some ways in which they are being studied and criticized by experts. This chapter is an attempt to open more doors than it closes and to point the reader in directions that I have found fruitful. LEARNING OUTCOMES A. At the end of the unit, the students shall be able to: 1. Examine the various conceptions of globalization 2. Distinguish the different definitions from experts 3. Adopt a working definition of globalization Lesson Outline I. Introduction to Globalization 1. Concepts of Globalization 2. Definitions of Globalization from Experts 3. Attributes of Globalization REFERENCES Brazalote T., and Leomardo R. (2019). The Contemporary World. C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City DEFINITION OF TERMS: Cultural Imperialism – a conviction that there is a better culture. Introduction to Globalization 1 fmdbeldiadaria Globalism - the widespread belief among powerful people that the global integration of economic markets is beneficial for everyone since it spreads freedom and democracy across the world. Globalization - the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and world space. Globality - future social conditions characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural interconnections and global flows that make currently existing political borders and economic barriers irrelevant Global Village – through globalization and communication technology, the world has become borderless. LESSON 1 Concepts of Globalization CONCEPTS OF GLOBALIZATION DEFINITION OF GLOBALIZATION ● Globalization is comprised of multiple sameness and interconnectedness that go beyond the nation-states. McGrew (1990) ● Ohmae in 1992 stated, “Globalization means the onset of the borderless world”(p.14). ● “Globalization is a world in which societies, cultures, politics and economics have, in some sense, come closer together” – Ray Kiely and Phil Marfleet, Globalisation and the Third World (London: Routledge, 1998), p.3. ● Globalization is the intensification of economic, political, social, and cultural relations across borders. – Hans-Henrik Holm and Georg Sorensen (eds.) Globality ● Globalization as a condition; Future social condition characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural interconnections and global flows that make currently existing political borders and economic barriers irrelevant (Steger (2005). Globalism ● Steger (2014b) Globalization as an Ideology Appadurai (1996) five dimensions of global cultural flow. Introduction to Globalization 2 fmdbeldiadaria 1. Ethnoscape- a global movement of people 2. Mediascape- the flow of culture 3. Technoscape- circulation of mechanical goods and software 4. Finacescape- global circulation of money 5. Ideoscape- the realm of political ideas ➢ Windows into the broader phenomenon of globalization Globalization is also defined differently depending on someone else’s expertise, experience, and perspective. Economics expert globalization means; - fast speed of trade (importing and exporting are done in just a millisecond through technology) - global economic organizations International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), and World Trade Organization (WTO). International Labor Organization (ILO), ASEAN, etc. - multinational and transnational corporations - free trade (governments not to restrict the importation of products and the exportation of local products Culture expert globalization means; - establishment “global village” (media, Facebook has connected the world) “shrinking world” (breaking boundaries) cultural imperialism (Better Culture) borderless world adoption of other cultures (KPOP) Political science expert globalization serves as a challenge to the nation-state; - strengthening of regional blocs (ASEAN) (UN) - the emergence of global political norms (the norm that each country is entitled to the exploitation of human resources for its growth) - the emergence of corporations (businessmen and investors) - international laws (conflicts) - world governance Four Attributes of Globalization 1. Globalization occurs worldwide 2. Intensification and acceleration of social exchanges and activities Introduction to Globalization 3 fmdbeldiadaria 3. Expansion and stretching of social relations 4. Various forms of connectivity A. Globalization occurs worldwide (Every person is a global citizen because he or she thinks about the issues of the world) - Think about the world - Associate ourselves with global trends - Sense of responsibility B. Globalization Intensification & acceleration of social exchanges and activities - Door-to-door mail delivery to FB messages -IG, Snapchat, Twitter - Live TV telecast - Travel capacities brought about by low airfares C. Globalization Expansion & stretching of social relations - Regional and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Humanitarian Institutions - Government associations - multinational companies D. Globalization has Various forms of connectivity - They are diverse (economic, political, cultural, etc. SYNTHESIS: Globalization may be defined and conceptualized from different lenses, but an interdisciplinary definition is necessary. Some scholars consider it as a process, a condition, or an ideology. Experts from different fields of social sciences also define globalization based on their specialization or expertise. Every one of them talks about different networks and connections that are expanding and intensifying in the contemporary world. ➢ Insert ID Picture here NAME:____________________________________ YEAR & SECTION ___________ Date: _________________________ Score: SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS (SAC) � Introduction to Globalization 4 fmdbeldiadaria Why is it crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven? Explain with examples or real-life situations. Type your answer minimum of 300 WORDS Introduction to Globalization 5 fmdbeldiadaria