Reinforced Concrete Design of Superstructure of DALORA Hospital Bachelor’s Thesis Suysoklin UTH 2023 Reinforced Concrete Design of Superstructure of DALORA Hospital A thesis submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering by Suysoklin UTH Submitted to: Sophy CHHANG, Ph.D. Lida SORN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Date of submission: July 7th, 2023 THESIS APPROVAL This thesis has been approved by the Thesis Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Entitled “Reinforced Concrete Design of Superstructure of DALORA Hospital” Written by Suysoklin UTH (ID: 17010201) Dr. Sophy CHHANG Supervisor .................................. Date: Mr. Lida SORN First Reader .................................. Date: Presentation Date: Mr. Mengleang LAY Approved by the Dean of the Engineering Faculty July 1st, 2023 .................................. Disclaimer I hereby declare that this Bachelor’s Thesis is my own original work and has not been submitted before to any institution for assessment purposes. Further, I have acknowledged all sources used and have cited these in the reference section. …………………………….. Signature …………………………… Date Acknowledgements Foremost, I would like to express special gratitude toward my beloved family for their effort, love, and unconditional support to me. I am thankful for guiding me down the path to become the better version of myself. Besides, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Sophy CHHANG, for his helpful information, patience, insightful comments, practical advice, and unceasing ideas that have pushed me tremendously at all times in my project. His profound experience, immense knowledge, and professional expertise in structural design have enabled me to complete this thesis successfully. Without his support and guidance, this endeavor would not be possible. Last but not least, I would like to thank professors at Paragon International University for being my judges. I am genuinely grateful and appreciative for their valuable time commenting on my project and sharing good ideas for better improvement. Abstract Midrise reinforced concrete buildings are a fundamental part of the current urban environment, and their structural implementation is no easy undertaking. The burden of duty falls decisively on the shoulders of structural engineers, as the margin for error is impossible. As a result, the primary objectives that guided the work done throughout this bachelor project were extreme precision and attention to detail. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a detailed explanation of the numerous processes carried out in relation to the two main elements of the project. The first of them was the creation of structural design spreadsheets in MathCad Prime to act as manual calculations for the primary structural members of midrise structures, such as columns, beams, and slabs. These spreadsheets adhere to the ACI318-19 and ASCE7-16 codes' requirements and limit states. Also included are the necessary validity checks to ensure the spreadsheets' proper functionality and accuracy in obtaining results. The second aspect of the project, as thoroughly detailed in the thesis contents, is the use of the finite element analysis software ETABS for structural modeling, analysis, and design. ACI318-19 and ASCE7-16 are the two basic codes used for structural member design in ETABS. This branch project's featured tasks include: creating a structural plan, performing preliminary design of structural members, gathering required loads for the structural design, performing precise structural analysis, identifying design demands, designing reinforced concrete structural members, and preparing final structural drawings. Keywords: Reinforced Concrete Structure, Structural Analysis, Wind Loads, Drift Contents List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................ i List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................... iii Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Project Description ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Scope and Limitation ................................................................................................................................ 2 Chapter 2: Literature Review ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Reinforced Concrete ................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.1 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete ............................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete ........................................................................................ 3 2.2 Design Loads .............................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2.1 Dead loads ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 Live Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.3 Wind Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.4 Loads combination ......................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Structural Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.1 Participation of Structural Analysis in Structural Engineering Projects. ............................... 14 2.3.2 Slenderness effects ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 Linear Elastic Frist-order Analysis............................................................................................... 17 2.3.4 Linear Elastic Second-order Analysis .......................................................................................... 19 Chapter 3: Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Preliminary Design of Structural Members ......................................................................................... 20 3.1.1 Pre-Dimensioning of Slabs ........................................................................................................... 20 3.1.2 Pre-Dimensioning of Beams ........................................................................................................ 20 3.1.3 Pre-Dimensioning of Columns .................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Load Assumption .................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.1. Dead Load ....................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.2. Live Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.3. Wind Loads ..................................................................................................................................... 23 3.3 Rectangular Beam Design ...................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.1. Flexural Design of Rectangular Beam ......................................................................................... 25 3.3.2. Shear Design of Rectangular Beam ............................................................................................. 26 3.3.3. Torsional Design of Rectangular Beam ...................................................................................... 27 3.3.4. Deflection Check of Rectangular Beam ..................................................................................... 28 3.4 Column Design ........................................................................................................................................ 31 3.4.1. Preliminary Design of Column Cross-section and Reinforcement ........................................ 31 3.4.2. Checking for Sway or Non-sway Column .................................................................................. 32 3.4.3. Checking Strength of Column by P-M Interaction Diagram .................................................. 34 3.4.4. Shear Design for Rectangular Column ....................................................................................... 35 Chapter 4: Finding and Result ................................................................................................................................. 37 4.1. Pre-Dimension of Structural Members ................................................................................................ 37 4.1.1. Pre-Dimension of Slabs................................................................................................................. 37 4.1.2. Pre-Dimension of Beams .............................................................................................................. 37 4.1.3. Pre-Dimension of Columns.......................................................................................................... 38 4.2. Load Assumption .................................................................................................................................... 39 4.2.1. Dead Load ....................................................................................................................................... 39 4.2.2. Live Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 40 4.2.3. Wind Loads ..................................................................................................................................... 40 4.2.4. Load Combinations ........................................................................................................................ 44 4.3. Structural Modeling in ETABS ............................................................................................................. 44 4.3.1. Defining Gridline and Stories....................................................................................................... 44 4.3.2. Defining Material and Section Properties................................................................................... 46 4.3.3. Modeling of Structural Members ................................................................................................. 48 4.3.4. Stiffness Modifiers.......................................................................................................................... 49 4.3.5. Checking for Sway or Non-sway ................................................................................................. 50 4.3.6. Second-order Effects Consideration ........................................................................................... 52 4.3.7. Checking Model and Running Analysis ...................................................................................... 53 4.4. Slab Design ............................................................................................................................................... 54 4.4.1. Flexural Design of Slab ................................................................................................................. 54 4.4.2. Shear Design of Slab ...................................................................................................................... 56 4.4.3. Checking Slab Deflection .............................................................................................................. 56 4.5. Beam Design ............................................................................................................................................ 59 4.5.1. Hand Calculation Design of Beam .............................................................................................. 59 4.5.2. Beam Design in ETABS................................................................................................................ 67 4.5.3. Beam B25x50 Discussion & Summary ....................................................................................... 69 4.6. Column Design ........................................................................................................................................ 71 4.6.1. Colum Design in ETABS.............................................................................................................. 71 4.6.2. P-M Interaction Diagram .............................................................................................................. 71 4.6.3. Determining of Column Lap Splice Length............................................................................... 79 4.6.4. Colum Detailing.............................................................................................................................. 80 4.7. Checking Building and Story Drift ....................................................................................................... 81 4.7.1. Overall Building Drift .................................................................................................................... 81 4.7.2. Inter-Story Drift ............................................................................................................................. 82 Chapter 5: Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 83 APPENDIX AARCHITECTURAL PLAN OF DALORA HOSPITAL ............................................... 84 APPENDIX BFLOW CHART OF THE DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ....................... 91 APPENDIX CSTRUCTURAL DETAILING OF DALORA HOSPITAL......................................... 100 References............................................................................................................................................................. 133 List of Figures Figure 1.1 Perspective view of DALORA Hospital ............................................................................................... 1 Figure 2.1 Concrete Composition ............................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2.2 Exposure B Type 1 ................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2.3 Exposure B Type 2 ................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2. 4 Exposure B Type 3 .................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2.5 Exposure C Type 1 ................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2.6 Exposure C Type 2 ................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2.7 Exposure D ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Figure 2.8 Phases of a Typical Structural Engineering Project........................................................................... 14 Figure 2.9 Primary and secondary moment for beam-columns. ........................................................................ 15 Figure 2.10 Effective length factor k ...................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2.11 Flowchart for determining column slenderness effects (ACI 318-19, Fig. R6.2.5.3). ............... 17 Figure 3.1 P-M Interaction diagram ........................................................................................................................ 34 Figure 4.1 Grid Line system data ............................................................................................................................ 45 Figure 4.2 Story data of the building ...................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 4.3 Defined grid line of DALORA Hospital project ............................................................................... 46 Figure 4.4 Defining material properties ................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 4.5 Defining section properties in ETABS ............................................................................................... 47 Figure 4.6 Structural modeling of DALORA Hospital ....................................................................................... 48 Figure 4.7 Ground floor plan of DALORA Hospital ......................................................................................... 49 Figure 4.8 Stiffness modifier in ETABS ................................................................................................................ 49 Figure 4.9 P-Delta option in ETABS ..................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 4.10 Column meshing in ETABS ............................................................................................................... 53 Figure 4.11 Analysis messages after running analysis in ETABS ....................................................................... 53 Figure 4.12 DALORA structural mode after running analysis ........................................................................... 54 Figure 4.13 Moment’s diagram from finite element analysis. ............................................................................. 54 Figure 4.14 Shear diagram from finite element analysis ...................................................................................... 56 Figure 4.15 Beam B25x50 on First Floor............................................................................................................... 59 Figure 4.16 M3 moment of B25x50 ........................................................................................................................ 60 Figure 4.17 Tension Reinforcement of Rectangular Beam B25x50 Cross-section ......................................... 61 Figure 4.18 Beam design in ETABS ....................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 4.19 Transverse reinforcement required area in ETABS ........................................................................ 69 Figure 4.20 Detailing of beams along gird line 4 .................................................................................................. 70 Figure 4.21 Interaction diagram for section C30x40............................................................................................ 73 i Figure 4.22 P-M Interaction diagram in 2-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U7......................................... 75 Figure 4.23 P-M Interaction diagram in 3-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U7......................................... 75 Figure 4.24 P-M Interaction diagram in 2-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U11 ...................................... 77 Figure 4. 25 P-M Interaction diagram in 3-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U11 ..................................... 77 Figure 4.26 C2(300mmx400mm) column cross-section ...................................................................................... 80 Figure 4.27 Elevation detailing of C2(300mmx400mm) ..................................................................................... 80 Figure 4.28 Diagram of building drift..................................................................................................................... 81 Figure 4.29 Diagram of story drift .......................................................................................................................... 82 List of Tables Table 2.1 Minimum Floor Live Loads for Buildings ............................................................................................. 5 Table 2.2 Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures for Wind Loads .................................................... 6 Table 2.3 Basic wind speeds in Phnom Penh .......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2.4 Wind Directionality Factor ....................................................................................................................... 7 Table 2.5 Exposure Categories .................................................................................................................................. 7 Table 2.6 Internal Pressure Coefficient, GCpi, for Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, Partially Open, and Open Buildings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 2.7 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient, Kh and Kz........................................................................... 12 Table 2.8 Wall Pressure Coefficient, Cp ................................................................................................................. 12 Table 3.1 Minimum thickness of solid non-prestressed slabs. ........................................................................... 20 Table 3.2 Minimum depth of non-prestressed beams ......................................................................................... 21 Table 3.3 Maximum permissible calculated deflections....................................................................................... 29 Table 3. 4 Modular ratio for normal-weight concrete.......................................................................................... 29 Table 3. 5 Time dependent factor for sustain loads ............................................................................................. 31 Table 4.1 Beam dimensions ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Table 4.2 Column cross-section dimensions ......................................................................................................... 39 Table 4.3 Super imposed dead load for floor ........................................................................................................ 39 Table 4.4 Super imposed dead load of brick walls and curtain wall .................................................................. 40 Table 4.5 Live loads for DALORA Hospital project........................................................................................... 40 Table 4.6 Velocity pressure coefficient................................................................................................................... 41 Table 4.7 Velocity pressure ...................................................................................................................................... 41 Table 4.8 Wind pressure on windward walls ......................................................................................................... 42 Table 4.9 Ultimate limit state wind load parameters for ETABS ...................................................................... 43 Table 4.10 Serviceability limit state wind load parameter for ETABS .............................................................. 43 Table 4.11 Stiffness modifier values ....................................................................................................................... 49 Table 4.12 Stability index in X-direction ................................................................................................................ 50 Table 4.13 Stability index in Y-direction ................................................................................................................ 50 Table 4.14 Upper column and beams dimension ................................................................................................. 51 Table 4.15 Lower column and beams dimension ................................................................................................. 51 Table 4.16 Beam B25x50 cross-section .................................................................................................................. 69 Table 4.17 Column cross-section and its provided reinforcement area ............................................................ 71 Table 4.18 P-M Interaction diagram of C2 in 2-axis direction ........................................................................... 72 Table 4.19 P-M Interaction diagram of C2 in 3-axis direction ........................................................................... 72 Table 4.20 Summary of factored loads and capacity ratio of C30x40 ............................................................... 73 iii Table 4.21 Values of design axial force and moment in 2-axis direction.......................................................... 74 Table 4.22 Values of design axial force and moment in 3-axis direction.......................................................... 74 Table 4.23 Summary values of Pnx-2 and Pny-3 for combo U7 .............................................................................. 76 Table 4. 24 Summary values of Pnx-2 and Pny-3 for combo U11 ........................................................................... 78 Table 4.25 Story Response Values of building drift ............................................................................................. 81 Table 4.26 Story response values of story drifts ................................................................................................... 82 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction The Kingdom of Cambodia is a developing nation in every aspect throughout the country. The construction industry is one of those that has noticeable development recently. There are many buildings was built in the last decade such as schools, hospital, commercial buildings, hotels, apartments, industrial buildings, governmental buildings, residential buildings, etc. With the rapidly growth rate in economic movement, increasing of population and urbanization, and many investors from abroad, it led to the raise in price of land in Phnom Penh city. Due to the high price of land, all investors tend to invest more in midrise and high-rise buildings because such buildings required small area of land and produce more space for users. Nowadays, mid-rise building is a more widely utilized construction type in Cambodia. Mid-rise buildings are those that have an elevation of 4 to 8 stories or a maximum height of 25 meters. Given their established size, mid-rise structures offer a significant amount of room and are thus a practical solution to many housing issues. They are used for a variety of purposes, including as residential apartments, commercial buildings, offices, hotels, and even hospital facilities. An appropriate construction material that could enable the mid-rise structure to stand stronger for a long period of time and guarantee safety to the users was necessary for its development. Reinforced concrete is the most typical material that is frequently utilized in many different structures around the world. This highlights its importance to the field of structural engineering. 1.2 Project Description My project is a hospital building drawn by architectural design team of my company including me as well. The location of the building is at Kilometer 6, 278H, Street 201R, Kroalkor Village, Songkat Chrang Chomres 2, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh. This hospital has a width of 11.35m and length of 31.35m with total floor area of 1586 m2. It is a 4 stories building with a total height of 19.9 m. The ground floor contains important functions such as emergency room, lobby, pharmacy, scan room, x-ray room, laboratory, doctor cabin, toilets, and storages. For the mezzanine floor contains mostly the office functions such as manager room, accounting room, meeting room, medical equipment storage, medicine storage, canteen staff room, sweeper and toilets. More than half of the area of the first floor is used as ward for patients and the remaining space contains operation room, labor room, nurse station, medical equipment storage, and toilets. The second floor is used for wards with toilet separately in each ward. Lastly it is a terrace floor on the top of the buildings. For more detailed about the layout plan and elevation of the building can be found in Appendix A. 1 Figure 1.1 Perspective view of DALORA Hospital 1.3 Objective The purpose of this dissertation is to design reinforced concrete of superstructure of a hospital building by following the ACI318-19 and ASCE7-16 code and that will ensure a practical design process and methods that used in the design and analysis process. Also, this project aims to generate structural detailing of each designed structural elements of the selected building. 1.4 Scope and Limitation The scopes of this study are to design the superstructure elements of the building including slabs, beams, columns. The design can be done by producing hand calculation of each structural elements and adopting the use of finite element structural analysis software, ETABS. Then doing the comparison of hand calculation and result from software to clarify that the design is acceptable. Furthermore, the construction drawing will be generated by following the reinforcement detailing in ACI 318-19. There are also some limitations to this particular project such as the design of foundation, MEP system, cost estimation and project management which will not be included due to time restriction as well as studies that are beyond our educational profile. 2 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Reinforced Concrete In the modern construction industry, concrete is the most fundamental construction material. Concrete is a mixture of fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (gravel, crushed rock, or other aggregates) held together in a rock like mass with a paste of cement and water. Admixtures are sometimes used in the concrete mixing process to produce additional chemical properties, such as retardation and acceleration of setting time, reducing shrinkage, and corrosion prevention. Concrete is a construction material that produce highly compressive strength, but with a very low tensile strength with roughly about 8% of the available compressive strength to resist tensile stress. As a result, cracks appear if tensile stresses exceed the concrete’s tensile strength due to loads, restricted shrinkage, or temperature variations. To avoid such failure, steel Figure 2.1 Concrete Composition reinforcements must be used in the tension zones, referred to as singly reinforced concrete, and sometimes in both compression and tension zones, referred to as doubly reinforced concrete, to improve flexural and torsional strength, increase ductility, reduce deflection, and even resist the more complex seismic loading during earthquake, known as moment reverse, which is beyond the scope of the dissertation. 2.1.1 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Reinforced concrete may be the most essential construction material available. Almost all structures, large and small buildings, bridges, pavements, dams, retaining walls, tunnels, drainage and irrigation systems, tanks, and so on, utilize it in one form or another. When the multiple benefits of this universal construction material are evaluated, it is easy to see why it has been such a huge success. The following are some of the advantages of reinforced concrete: High compressive strength per unit cost Great resistance to fire and water Provide rigidity for structure Low-maintenance material Long service life with proper design The only economical material available for footing, floor slabs, basement walls, piers, and similar application Ability to be cast into an extraordinary variety of shapes 2.1.2 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete To use concrete effectively, the engineer must be thoroughly conversant with both its strength and weak characteristics. The following are some of its disadvantages: 3 Concrete has very low tensile strength (required the use of tensile reinforcement) Forms are required to hold the concrete in place until it hardens sufficiently. Formwork is also quite costly. Low strength per unit weight of concrete leads to heavy the members. Larger structural members Properties of concrete vary widely because of variation of its proportioning and mixing (quality control problems). 2.2 Design Loads Loads are commonly regarded as forces that result in stresses, deformations, or accelerations. A structural engineer's objective is to design a structure that can endure all of the loads it is subjected to while still performing its desired purpose throughout the duration of that structure's intended life. So, when designing a structure, an engineer must take into account all the loads that can be reasonably anticipated to act on the structure during the period of its intended life. Generally, the loads acting on typical civil engineering structures can be divided into three categories: (1) dead loads deriving from the weight of the structural system itself and any other material permanently attached to it; (2) live loads, which are movable or moving loads resulting from the use of the structures; and (3) environment loads due to natural effects, such as wind, snow, and earthquakes. An engineer must estimate the magnitudes of the design loads as well as the potential that some of these loads could act on the structure at the same time. Thus, the structure is designed to be capable of handling the worst load combinations that are likely to happen during the duration of its lifespan. The minimum design loads and the load combinations for which the structures must be designed can be received from ASCE STANDARD Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-16) [5]. 2.2.1 Dead loads Dead loads are the initial vertical load to be taken into account in the structural design process. They are constant magnitude and fixed position gravity loads that act on the structure permanently throughout its lifetime. These loads include all of the weights of the equipment and materials that are permanently connected to the structural system, as well as the weight of the structure system itself. Typically, the dead loads of a building structure include the weight of all building components, such as walls, floors, beams, columns, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finished, cladding, framing and bracing systems, heating and air-conditioning systems, plumbing, electrical systems, and so forth. Additionally, fixed service equipment like cranes and material handling systems are included as well. Each structure's dead loads are determined by multiplying the unit weight by the volume of each element [5]. 2.2.2 Live Loads Live loads are the dynamic forces resulting from building’s occupancy and intended use. They represent the temporary forces that might pass through the building or exert pressure on a particular structural component. The estimated weight of people, furniture, appliances, automobiles, movable equipment, and the like is included in these loads. The magnitudes of design live loads are usually specified in building codes. Each member of the structure must be designed for the location of the load that produces the most stress on that member since the position of a live load may fluctuate. Different structural members may experience their highest amounts of stress at different positions of the given load. According to ASCE 7-16 code, live loads for buildings are typically specified as uniform distributed surface loads in kilopascals. Table 2.1 below lists some minimum floor live loads for various common building types [5]. 4 Table 2.1 Minimum Floor Live Loads for Buildings Occupancy or Use Hospital patient rooms, residential dwellings, apartments, hotel guest rooms, school classrooms Library reading rooms, hospital operating rooms and laboratories Live Load (kPa) 1.92 2.87 Dance halls and ballrooms, restaurants, gymnasiums 4.79 Light manufacturing, light storage warehouses, wholesale stores 6.00 Heavy manufacturing, heavy storage warehouses 11.97 2.2.3 Wind Loads Wind loads are produced by the flow of wind around the structure. The magnitudes of wind loads that may act on a structure depend on the geographical location of the structure, obstructions in its surrounding terrain, such as nearby buildings, and the geometry and the vibrational characteristics of the structure itself. The wind speed V to be used in the determination of the design loads on a structure depends on its geographical location. The step to determine the wind loads on the Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) using directional procedure for enclosed, partially enclosed, and open buildings of all heights are provided below (ASCE 7-16, section 27.2) [5]: Step 1: Determine Risk Category of building Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, , for the applicable Risk Category Step 3: Determine the wind load parameters: Wind directionality factor, Exposure category Topographic factor, Ground elevation factor, Gust-effect factor, Enclosure classification Internal pressure coefficient, or Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, Step 5: Determine velocity pressure or Step 6: Determine external pressure coefficient, or or Step 7: Calculate wind pressure, , on each building surface a) Risk Category of Building Buildings and other structures shall be classified, based on the risk to human life, health, and welfare associated with their damage or failure by nature of their occupancy or use, according to Table 2.2 for the purposes of applying food, wind, snow, earthquake, and ice provisions. Each building or other structure shall be assigned to the highest applicable Risk Category or Categories [5]. 5 Table 2.2 Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures for Wind Loads Occupancy or use of Buildings and Structures Buildings and other structures that represent low risk to human life in the event of failure All buildings and other structures except those listed in Risk Categories I, III, and IV Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could pose a substantial risk to human life Importance Factor, Category Wind loads 0.87 for V45 m/s I 0.77 for V>45 m/s II 1.00 III 1.15 IV 1.15 Buildings and other structures, not included in Risk Category IV, with potential to cause a substantial economic impact and/or mass disruption of day-to-day civilian life in the event of failure Buildings and other structures not included in Risk Category IV (including, but not limited to, facilities that manufacture, process, handle, store, use, or dispose of such substances as hazardous fuels, hazardous chemicals, hazardous waste, or explosives) containing toxic or explosive substances where the quantity of the material exceeds a threshold quantity established by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and is sufficient to pose a threat to the public if released Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could pose a substantial hazard to the community Buildings and other structures (including, but not limited to, facilities that manufacture, process, handle, store, use, or dispose of such substances as hazardous fuels, hazardous chemicals, or hazardous waste) containing sufficient quantities of highly toxic substances where the quantity of the material exceeds a threshold quantity established by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and is sufficient to pose a threat to the public if released Buildings and other structures required to maintain the functionality of other Risk Category IV structures b) Basic wind speed According to a case study related to basic wind speed analysis and serviceability evaluation of tall reinforced concrete building in Phnom Penh [10], the basic wind speeds for various return periods are listed in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 Basic wind speeds in Phnom Penh Return Period (Year) 10 20 50 100 200 500 700 1000 Basic Wind Speed (m/s) 30.16 32.45 35.42 37.65 39.87 42.80 43.87 45.01 6 c) Wind directionality factor, The wind directionality factor, indicated in Table 2.4. , shall be determined based on the types of structure which is Table 2.4 Wind Directionality Factor Structure Type Main Wind Force Resisting System Buildings Components and Cladding Directionality Factor, 0.85 0.85 d) Exposure category The upwind exposure for each wind direction considered shall be based on ground surface roughness as determined by natural topography, vegetation, and constructed facilities. According to ASCE 7-16 (Section 26.7), the exposure category is categorized into 3 categories as shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Exposure Categories Constants Exposure B C D 365.76 274.32 213.36 7.0 9.5 11.5 Exposure B(a): Suburban residential area with mostly single-family dwellings. Lowrise building structures, less than 30 ft (9.1 m) high. Figure 2.2 Exposure B Type 1 7 Exposure B(b): Urban area with numerous closely obstructions having the size of single-dwellings or larger. Figure 2.3 Exposure B Type 2 Exposure B(c): Structures in the foreground are located in exposure B. Structures in the center of the photograph adjacent to the clearing to the left, which is greater than approximately 656 ft (200 m). Figure 2. 4 Exposure B Type 3 Exposure C(a): Flat open grassland with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 ft (9.1 m). Figure 2.5 Exposure C Type 1 8 Exposure C(b): Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 30 ft (9.1 m). for most wind directions, all one-story structures with a mean roof height less than 30 ft (9.1 m) in the photograph are less than 1,500 ft (457 m) or 10 times the height of the structure, whichever is greater, from an open field that prevents the use of exposure B. Figure 2.6 Exposure C Type 2 Exposure D: A building at the shoreline (excluding shorelines in hurricaneprone regions) with wind flowing over open water for a distance of at least one mile. Figure 2.7 Exposure D e) Topographic factor, When the site conditions and the location of buildings and other structures meet all of the 5 conditions specified in ASCE 7-16, Section 26.8.1, wind speed-up effects at isolated hills, ridges, and escarpments that represent sudden changes in the general topography and are located in any exposure category shall be included in the determination of the wind loads. The wind speed-up effect shall be included in the calculation of design wind loads by using the factor : Since the site conditions and locations of buildings in this project do not meet all those 5 conditions, then . f) Ground elevation factor, The ground elevation factor to adjust for air density, elevations. 9 , is permitted to take for all g) Gust-effect factor, or The determination of whether a building or other structure is rigid or flexible is the first procedure for identifying the gust-effect factor, or . According to ASCE 7-16 Commentary C26.2: If If , the building is rigid. , the building is flexible. The approximate lower bound natural frequency buildings, is permitted to determine as follow: , in hertz, of concrete or masonry shear wall (ASCE 7-16, Eq. 26.11-5) where where : mean roof height, (m) : number of shear walls in the building effective in resisting lateral forces in the direction under consideration. : base area of the building, (m2) : horizontal cross-sectional area of shear wall , (m2) : length of shear wall , (m) : height of shear wall , (m) For rigid buildings or other structures, the gust effect factor shall be taken as 0.85. For flexible or dynamically sensitive buildings or other structures, the gust effect factor shall be calculated by (ASCE 7-16, Eq. 26.11-10) h) Enclosure classification For the purpose of determining internal pressure coefficients, according to ASCE 7-16 section 26.12, all buildings shall be classified as enclosed, partially enclosed, partially open, or open. Enclosed building: A building that has the total area of openings in each wall, that receives positive external pressure, less than or equal to 4 sq ft (0.37 m2) or 1% of the area of that wall, whichever is smaller. This condition is expressed for each wall by the following equation: , or 4 sq ft (0.37m2), whichever is smaller, Partially enclosed building: A building that complies with both of the following conditions: - The total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds the sum of the areas of openings in the balance of the building envelope (walls and roof) by more than 10%. 10 - The total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) or 1% of the area of that wall, whichever is smaller, and the percentage of openings in the balance of the building envelope does not exceed 20%. Partially open building: A building that does not comply with the requirements for open, partially enclosed, or enclosed buildings. Open building: A building that has each wall at least 80% open. This condition is expressed for each wall by the equation . where : total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure, in m2 : the gross area of that wall in which is identified, in m2 : sum of the areas of opening in the building envelope (wall and roof) not including , in m2 : sum of the gross surface areas of the building envelope not including , in m2 i) Internal pressure coefficient, Internal pressure coefficients, ( ), shall be determined form Table 2.6 based on building enclosure classifications, (ASCE 7-16, section 26.13). Table 2.6 Internal Pressure Coefficient, GCpi, for Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, Partially Open, and Open Buildings Enclosure Classification Criteria for Enclosure Classification or 0.37 m2 Enclosed buildings is less than the smaller of and Partially enclosed buildings and the lesser of or 0.37 m2 and A building that does not comply with Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, or Open classifications Each wall is at least 80% open Partially open buildings Open buildings j) Velocity pressure exposure coefficient, Internal Pressure Internal Pressure Coefficient, ( ) Moderate +0.18 -0.18 High +0.55 -0.55 Moderate +0.18 -0.18 0.00 Negligible or According to ASCE 7-16 section 26.10.1, based on the exposure category, a velocity pressure exposure coefficient, or , as applicable shall be determined by the below equation or from Table 2.6. The velocity pressure exposure coefficient may be determined from the following formula: For , For , and are tabulated in Table 2.7. 11 Table 2.7 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient, Kh and Kz Height above Ground Level, z (m) 0-4.6 6.1 7.6 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.0 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 Exposure C 0.85 0.9 0.94 0.98 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.24 1.26 B 0.57 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.89 0.93 0.96 0.99 D 1.03 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.22 1.27 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.40 1.43 k) Velocity pressure, Velocity pressure, equation: , evaluated at height z above ground shall be calculated by the following (ASCE 7-16, Eq. l) External pressure coefficient, C p According to ASCE 7-16 (Fig. 27.3-1), the external pressure coefficient, C p can be determined based on the wall surface the building as shown in Table 2.8. Table 2.8 Wall Pressure Coefficient, Cp Cp L/B All values 0-1 2 4 All values Surface Windward wall Leeward wall Sidewall Use with 0.8 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.7 m) Wind pressure Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of buildings of all heights in (N/m2), shall be determined by the following equation, according to ASCE 7-16 (section 27.3.1): (ASCE 7-16, Eq. 27.3-1) where : for windward walls evaluated at height above the ground. : for leeward walls, sidewalls, and roofs elevated at height . : for windward walls, sidewalls, leeward walls, and roof of enclosed buildings, and for negative internal pressure elevation in partially enclosed buildings. : for positive internal pressure evaluation in partially enclosed buildings where height is defined as the level of the highest opening in the building that could affect the positive internal pressure. 12 2.2.4 Loads combination An engineer must take into account all loads that may occur simultaneously on a structure at a given time after estimating the magnitudes of the design loads for the structure. In the end, the structure is made to be able to endure the worst possible combination of loads that could happen throughout its lifetime. Based on past experience and probability analysis, the ASCE 7-16 specifies various load combinations to be considers when designing structures as shown below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. where : is dead load : is live load : is roof live load : is snow load : is rain load : is wind load : is earthquake-induced load In addition to the aforementioned strength or safety requirements, a structure must also satisfy any serviceability requirements related to its intended use. For example, a high-rise building may be perfectly safe, yet unserviceable if it deflects or vibrates excessively due to wind. The unserviceability requirements are specified in building codes for most common types of structures and usually concerned with deflections, vibrations, cracking, corrosion, and fatigue. Drifts (lateral deflections) of concern in serviceability checking arise primarily from the effects of wind. Drift limits in common usage for building design are on the order of 1/600 to 1/400 of the building or story height. Use of the nominal wind load in checking serviceability is excessively conservative. The following combination can be used to check short-term effect: D 0.5 L Wa Where Wa : is wind load based on serviceability wind speeds. 2.3 Structural Analysis A structure can be described as an assortment of interconnected components known as elements that allow for the transmission of forces. The forces are generated by loads on the structure, and the elements are designed to transfer these forces to the foundations. Furthermore, a structure will have a specific shape to enable it to perform useful functions such as providing an enclosed space. This is the function of a building's structure in general. As a structural engineer, several technical decisions about structural systems will have to be considered thoroughly while working on the design of buildings. These decisions involve choosing a strong, 13 affordable, and visually appealing structural form; assessing its safety, that is, its stiffness and strength; and organizing its erection under temporary construction loads. Structural analysis is so significant for every structural designer that they should learn how to conduct it properly. By definition, structural analysis is a mathematical algorithmic procedure used to determine how a structure will react to specified loads and actions. The generated internal forces and displacements or deformations across the entire structure are used to measure the response. 2.3.1 Participation of Structural Analysis in Structural Engineering Projects. Structural engineering is a process of planning, designing, and constructing structures that meet their desired purposes. It is an art and science that comprehends the behavior of structural components under specific loads and designs them to be cost-effective and dignified in order to provide a safe, useful, and long-lasting framework. For structural engineers, structural analysis is a crucial phase because it allows them to completely understand the specific load paths and the effects that various types of loads have on their structural design. The process of structural design involves various phases as indicated in the flowchart in Fig. 2.8. Figure 2.8 Phases of a Typical Structural Engineering Project 1. Planning Phase: The planning phase typically includes consideration of the functional requirements of the proposed structure, its layout plan and dimensions, as well as any potentially practical structures types (e.g., rigid frames or trusses) and types of materials (e.g., reinforced concrete of steel) that will be used. The primary consideration is the function of the structure. Secondary considerations such as aesthetics, sociology, law, economics and the environment impact may also be taken into account. In addition, there are structural and constructional requirements and limitations, which may affect the type 14 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. of structure to be designed. Typically, the result of this phase is a structural system that satisfies the functional requirements and is anticipated to be the most cost-effective. Preliminary Structural Design: Preliminary design is a quick, rough estimation, manual method of designing a structure. The sizes of the various structural system members chosen during the planning phase are estimated during the preliminary structural design phase. The estimation is based on an approximation of the analysis, previous experience, and code requirements. The chosen member sizes are then applied to the next step, which involves estimating the structure's self-weight. Estimation of Loads: Load estimation means the evaluation all of the loads that could potentially affect the structure. Structural Analysis: The loads' values are utilized in structural analysis to conduct the analysis of the structure and find the stresses or stress results in the members, as well as the deflection at various points of the structure. Safety and Serviceability Checks: The analysis's results are used to verify whether or not the structure complies with the design codes' standards for serviceability and safety. The design drawings and construction specifications are generated, and the construction phase starts, if these conditions are fulfilled. Revised Structural Design: If the code specifications are not fulfilled, the member sizes are revived, and phases 3 to 5 are repeated until all safety and serviceability requirements are met. 2.3.2 Slenderness effects The effect of slenderness ratio (ratio of unbraced length to radius of gyration ) must be taken into account in the design of compression members. Design moments may increase significantly as a result of increased eccentricity of the axial compressive force due to lateral deflections in compression members and, in some cases, the buckling may govern the axial compressive strength of the member. In addition, slender members will deflect more under any primary bending moment, thus having a larger secondary moment, which is the product of the axial compression and lateral deflection. Figure 2.9 Primary and secondary moment for beam-columns. Second-order effects in many structures are negligible. In some cases, it is unnecessary to consider slenderness effects, so that compression members, such as columns, walls, or braces, can be designed based on forces determined from first-order analyses. According to ACI 318-19, slenderness effects can be neglected in both braced and unbraced systems if (a) or (b) equation is satisfied: (a) For columns not braced (sway) against sidesway 15 (ACI 318-19, equation (b) For column braced (non-sway) against sidesway (ACI 318-19, equation and (ACI 318-19, equation Where : effective length factor : actual unsupported length of column. : radius of gyration; (rectangular column) : are numerically the smaller and larger first order bending moments, respectively, at the end of the member; the ratio is negative for single curvature and positive for double curvature. The effective length factor can be received from the diagram in Figure 2.10. Figure 2.10 Effective length factor k where : ratio of column of all columns to of beams in a plane at one end of a : span length of beam measured center to center of joints 16 Neglect Slenderness? Yes Only-1st-order analysis required No No Analyze columns as non-sway? Yes Slenderness effects along at column ends Slenderness effects along column length Moment magnification method – sway frames Moment magnification method – non-sway frames Or Or 2nd-order analysis 2nd-order analysis Slenderness effects along column length Moment magnification M2nd-order 1.4 M1st-order No Or 2nd-order analysis Yes Revise structural system Design column for 2nd-order moment Figure 2.11 Flowchart for determining column slenderness effects (ACI 318-19, Fig. R6.2.5.3). 2.3.3 Linear Elastic Frist-order Analysis A first-order frame analysis is an elastic analysis that excludes the internal force effects resulting from deflection. It satisfies the equilibrium equations using the structure's original undeformed geometry. Slenderness effects are neglected when only first-order results are considered. Because of the significance of these effects, the moment magnification method is used to calculate both individual member slenderness 17 effects and sidesway effects for the overall structure using first-order results. Moments calculated using a first-order frame analysis are multiplied by a moment magnifier that is a function of the factored axial load and the critical buckling load for the column. In order to find moment magnification factor, verification if the stories are sway or non-sway is needed. The method of determining if a frame is classified as non-sway or sway can be done by finding the stability index for a story, (ACI 318-19, section (ACI 318-19, equation Where : total vertical factored load in a story to be sway-resisted by the frame action : relative lateral deflection between the top and bottom of the story in question due to : factored shear in the story in question : length of the compression member in question, measure from center to center of the joints in the frame The frame is non-sway if: The frame is sway if: a) Moment magnification method: non-sway frames The factored moment used for design of columns and walls, moment amplified for the effects of member curvature. , shall be the first-order factored (ACI 318-19, Eq. which is should be at least Eq. about each axis separately. Magnification factor and in mm (ACI 318-19, shall be calculated by: (ACI 318-19. Eq. Where the critical buckling load If , shall be calculated by: , else it can be computed based on (ACI 318-19, Eq. for members with end moments only and is negative for single curvature Cm 1 for the members with transverse loads (ACI 318-19, section 18 b) Moment magnification method: Sway frames Moments and at the ends of an individual column shall be calculated by (a) and (b). (a) (b) (ACI 318-19, Eq. (ACI 318-19, Eq. The different methods are allowed for calculating the moment magnifier, include the method, the sum of concept, and second-order elastic analysis. Method: Sum of . These approaches (ACI 318-19, Eq. concept: (ACI 318-19, Eq. 2.3.4 Linear Elastic Second-order Analysis In linear elastic second order analysis, the deformed geometry of the structure is included in the equations of equilibrium so that effects are determined. The structure is assumed to remain elastic, but the effects of cracking and creep are considered by using an effective stiffness . A linear elastic second-order analysis shall consider the influence of the axial loads, presence of cracked regions along the length of the member, and effects of load duration. The stiffnesses used in an analysis for strength design should represent the stiffnesses of the members immediately to prior to failure. This is particularly true for a second-order analysis that should predict the lateral deflections at loads approaching ultimate. The values should not be based solely on the moment-curvature relationship for the most highly loaded section along the length of each member. Instead, they should correspond to the moment-end rotation relationship for a complete member. 19 Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1 Preliminary Design of Structural Members The preliminary sizing of structural components in the building is the most significant phase in the structural design process. A solid understanding of preliminary sizing enables the structural designer to become accustomed to identifying undersized structural elements and avoiding oversizing structural elements. ACI318-19 specifies minimal structural member sizes so that designers can more precisely forecast the sizing of structural elements. 3.1.1 Pre-Dimensioning of Slabs The size of slab can be easily pre-determine by know the clear span, ln , of short and long span of slab and yield strength of the selected rebar to be used in the slab. According to ACI 318-19 (Table, minimum thickness of solid slab in accordance to different support conditions with f y other than 420 MPa is indicated in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Minimum thickness of solid non-prestressed slabs. Support condition Minimum h Simply supported fy ln 0.4 20 700 One end continuous fy ln 0.4 24 700 Both end continuous fy ln 0.4 28 700 Cantilever fy ln 0.4 10 700 The preliminary sizing of the slab thickness can be accomplished by investigating the clear spans of the slabs, the support condition of the slabs, and the steel yield strength to be utilized in the slab design, as described below: - Clear span in short direction: lna - Clear span in long direction: - Yield strength of steel: lnb fy - Minimum slab thickness: tmin (Selected from Table 3.1 based on support conditions) - Selected thickness: minimum thickness) t tmin (Select the appropriate slab thickness that is bigger than 3.1.2 Pre-Dimensioning of Beams Minimum depth of beam can be determined according to ACI 318M-19 (Table, shown in Table 3.2 below: 20 Table 3.2 Minimum depth of non-prestressed beams Minimum h Support condition f y 420 MPa f y other than 420 MPa Simply supported l 16 fy ln 0.4 16 700 One end continuous l 18.5 fy ln 0.4 18.5 700 Both end continuous l 21 fy ln 0.4 21 700 Cantilever l 8 fy ln 0.4 8 700 Based on the span length, support conditions, and yield strength of reinforcement bar to be used in the beam designed, the preliminary sizing of beam can be done as indicated below with respected to the minimum h in Table 3.2. - Yield strength of steel: fy - Dimension of column: bc hc - Beam center-to-center length: L - Beam clear span: ln L bc or hc - Minimum beam depth: hmin (Selected from Table 3.2 according to support conditions of beam) Practical dimension of beam: l l h n n Beam height 15 10 h Use - Beam width Use b 0.3h 0.6h b 3.1.3 Pre-Dimensioning of Columns The initial stage in preliminary column sizing is to collect the ultimate loads acting on columns using the tributary area approach. The gross area of the column cross-section may then be calculated using the expected ultimate loads, and the column width and height can be determined using that gross area. For further clarification of the pre-dimensioning of columns, the detailed procedure is shown below: a) - Material properties of concrete Known size of column: Concrete compressive strength: b - Steel yield strength: fy - Concrete density: - Reinforcement percentage: con g fc 21 b) - Load estimation Width of tributary area: Length of tributary area: Tributary area: W L Atrib W L - Number of floors: nF - Length of beam: lb W L - Length of column: Thickness of slab: lc - Average beam size: hb hs bb - Average column size: hc bc SW hs con bb hb lb con bc hc lc c W L - Self-weight: - LL Live load: SDL Super-imposed dead load: Ultimate load per square meter: Wu 1.2(SW SDL) 1.6LL - Total ultimate load: Pu Wu Atrib nF Pre-dimension of column cross-section Strength reduction factor: c) - Pu 0.8 Ag 0.85 f c 1 g f y g - Column gross area: - Square column: hc bc Ag - Rectangular Column: hc - 3.2 Ag b Then select column width and height: bc , hc Load Assumption 3.2.1. Dead Load Dead loads refer to the weight of the structural elements themselves including slabs, beams, columns, stairs, roof, etc. The self-weight of the structure is automatically calculated by ETABS. Also, other loads that are permanently attached on the structure including brick walls, partition, tiles, ceiling, MEP systems and so on, are all need to be taken to account in the dead load consideration as well. Those nonstructural loads are called super imposed dead load. The super-imposed dead loads of floor can be input as the area loads in ETABS. For brick loads, the super-imposed dead loads are input as line load in ETABS. Values of line loads resulting from brick walls can be determine by multiplying the area loads value with the height of the wall. 3.2.2. Live Loads It is so significant to choose the live load correctly on the project as this value will have big impact on design. If overestimated, it could lead to uneconomical design and higher risk for contractors. It is assigned to each floor with varies value, depending on usage requirement. In this project, hospital building, 22 live loads are selected according to the function of each space in the building such as lobby & corridor, hospital operation room, hospital patient room, roof and stair. 3.2.3. Wind Loads Wind loads are divided into two such as wind loads for ultimate limit state (ULS) design, W, and wind loads for serviceability limit state (SLS) design, Wa. The only difference between the two wind loads is the basic wind speed corresponding to different returning periods. The procedure to determine wind load pressure on the building is shown below: a) Horizontal dimension of building measured normal to wind direction: B Horizontal dimension of building measured parallel to wind direction: L Mean height of the building: h Step1: Determine Risk Category of Building The risk category of building is chosen according to the functions and risk to human life of the building. b) Step2: Determine the basic wind speed V for the applicable Risk Category The basic wind speed can be chosen from Table 2.3 (Chapter 2) with corresponding to the different returning period for the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state design. c) Step3: Determine the Wind Load Parameter Kd Wind directionality factor: Exposure category: is based on the location of the building. K zt Topographic factor: Ground elevation factor: Ke Gust effect factor: o Natural frequency: 75 ft na h o If na 1 , thus the building is Rigid! Gust effect factor value can be taken as 0.85. o Else, the building is flexible! Gust effect factor needed to be calculated. Enclosure classification: Internal pressure coefficient: the internal pressure coefficient value that corresponding to enclosure classification of the building. d) Step4: Determine velocity pressure coefficient, Kz or Kh Due to the building is in exposure category, the value of , and zg can be determine: Velocity pressure coefficient: 2 o 4.6 If z 4.6 m K z 2.01 zg o z 4.6 m z zg K z 2.01 zg 2 23 For the value of K h , it can be found by using the z h (height of building). e) Step5: Determine velocity pressure qz or qh Velocity pressure: qz 0.613 K z K zt K d Ke V 2 The values of q z , is calculated at different height from the ground of each building story. f) Step6: Determine external pressure coefficient, Cp or Cn Wall pressure coefficient: L o Aspect ratio: B o External pressure coefficient for windward wall: o External pressure coefficient for sidewall: C p , windward C p,sidewall o External pressure coefficient for leeward wall: According to ASCE7-16 (Figure 27.3-1), the external pressure coefficient for leeward wall can be get doing linear interpolation that corresponding to the value of . C p,leeward Roof pressure coefficient (flat roof): h o Ratio: L 0 o Roof angle: h A B 2 o Reduction factor: RF , the reduction factor for roof pressure coefficient can be found by doing linear interpolation between value indicated in ASCE7-16 (Figure 27.3-1). h o From 0 , Roof pressure coefficient: C p,windwardroof 1 2 h o Form h , Roof pressure coefficient: C p, windwardroof 2 2 o C p, windwardroof 2 g) Step7: Calculate wind pressure, p, on each building surface Wind pressure on windward walls: Pz qz G C p, windward qi GC pi Wind pressure on leeward walls: Pz qh G C p,leeward qh GC pi Wind pressure on side walls: Pz qh G C p, sidewall qh GC pi 3.3 Rectangular Beam Design Flexure and shear are the two main forces that affect reinforced concrete beams. If any, axial forces are typically negligible. A reinforced concrete beam ought to be capable of experiencing substantial, obvious deformations before failing, giving occupants plenty of advance notice of the risk of a potential failure if it is appropriately designed. Thus, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of beam behavior and the variables affecting their flexural response. 24 3.3.1. Flexural Design of Rectangular Beam Rectangular beam can be designed to resist bending moment by following step: 1) Define materials properties of beam: bc - Beam dimensions: hc - Concrete compressive strength: f c - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec Steel yield strength: f y - Steel elastic modulus: Es - Deform bar diameters: DB Concrete cover for beam: c 2) Determine Bending moment resulting from external forces. With the help of ETABS, external bending moments, Mu , can be easily taken from the software after precisely modeled the structure. 3) Verification of beam to be singly-reinforced or doubly-reinforced beam. f' 4M u - Reinforcement ratio: 0.85 c 1 1 ' 2 f y 1.7 f c bd - f ' 1.4 Minimum reinforcement ratio: min max 0.25 c , fy fy - Maximum reinforcement ratio: max 0.85 1 f c ' cu f y cu y 0.05 f c ' 28 Where: 1 0.85 7 cu : crushing strain of concrete y : strain in steel reinforcement - If min and min max , beam will be designed as singly -reinforced beam. - If max , beam will be designed as doubly-reinforced beam. 4) Calculate required area of steel reinforcement in beam (for singly-reinforced beam) - Required reinforcement area: As.req max bd , min bd DB 2 - Steel area: As - Amount of rebars: n 4 As , req As 5) Verify strength of beam to be able to resist external bending moment: DB 2 - Provided reinforcement area: As. pro n 4 25 - Depth of equivalent compression stress block: As . pro f y a 0.85 f c 'b - Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis: a c 1 - Tensile strain in tension reinforcement: t dt c cu c fy - Strain in steel reinforcement: y - If t y , compression-controlled section, 0.65 - If y t 0.005 , transition-controlled section, 0.65 0.25 Es t y 0.005 y 6) - If t 0.005 , tension-controlled section, 0.9 a Design moment: M n As. pro f y d 2 If M n M u , the design is SAFE, else the design needs to be revised. Determine the rebar spacing in beam: b 2cov er 2d stirrup n DB Rebar spacing: s n 1 4 Minimum spacing: smin max DB, 25mm, d agg 3 If found that s smin , minimum spacing need to be used in the construction drawing. 3.3.2. Shear Design of Rectangular Beam Rectangular beam can be designed to resist external shear force by following step: 1) Define materials properties of beam: - Concrete compressive strength: f c - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec Stirrup yield strength: f yt - Steel elastic modulus: Es Stirrup diameters: d stirrup - Concrete cover for beam: c Amount of stirrup leg: nleg 2) Taking factored shear force, Vu , from finite element analysis in ETABS. 3) Design of shear reinforcement: - Shear strength attributable to concrete Vc 0.17 f c ' bw d 26 - If Vu , d 0.5 Vc , no shear reinforcement required! But minimum shear reinforcement is - used. If 0.5 Vc Vu ,d Vc , Minimum shear reinforcement required! - If Vu ,d Vc , shear reinforcement required! 2 d stirrup - Area of stirrup: Av , s nleg - Minimum stirrup area: Av ,min s max 0.062 f c ' 4 - b b , 0.35 f yt f yt If Av,s Av,min s OK! 4) Find spacing of stirrup: - Shear strength attributable to shear reinforcement: V Vc Vs ud - Stirrup spacing: sstirrup Av , s f yt d Vs d min 2 ,600mm , if Vs 0.33 f cbw d min d ,300mm , if V 0.33 f b d s c w 4 - Maximum spacing: smax - Taken stirrup spacing as: sstirrup min sstirrup , smax 3.3.3. Torsional Design of Rectangular Beam Rectangular beam can be designed to resist external torsion by following step: 1. Checking whether torsion can be neglected or not: - Threshold torsion: Tth 0.083 f ' c Acp2 pcp Where Acp : area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section Acp x0 y0 pcp : outside perimeter of the concrete cross section pcp 2 x0 y0 - If Tu Tth , torsion can be neglected! - If Tu Tth , design the beam to resist torsion! 2. Checking limitations on cross-sectional dimensions, if torsion needs to be taken into account in beam design: 2 Vu Tu ph Vc 0.66 f , the section has adequate size. c 2 bw d 1.7 Aoh bw d - If - Else, revise beam cross-section. 3. Determine transvers reinforcement for combined shear and torsion: 27 - Stirrup reinforcement required for shear: Av Vu Vc s df yt - Transvers torsional reinforcement requirement: At T / u tan s 2 Ao f yt Where Ao 0.85 Aoh - Aoh : is the area enclosed by the closed stirrups, measured to the centerline of the outermost hoops. : permits to be taken as 45o for non-prestressed members Transvers reinforcement for combined shear and torsion. Av 2 At s s - Minimum reinforcement: - b b s max 0.062 f c w , 0.35 w f yt f yt Transvers reinforcement should not be less than Av 2 At min s - Spacing of reinforcement: Av 2 At min s - nleg d stirrup Av 2 At s Maximum spacing of reinforcement: p smax min h ,300mm 8 Where ph : is the perimeter enclosed by the closed stirrups, measured to the centerline of the outermost hoops. - Spacing of reinforcement stirrup can be taken as: sstirrup min s, smax 4. Determine longitudinal torsional reinforcement: Al - 2 A0 f y Check minimum longitudinal reinforcement: Al ,min - Tu ph cot 0.42 f c Acp A f yt t ph fy fy s min f yt 0.42 f c Acp 0.175bw p f h f fy yt y Then Al max Al , Al ,min 3.3.4. Deflection Check of Rectangular Beam Deflection is determined by the structure's serviceability requirements, such as the amount of deformation that the structure's interacting components can tolerate. Excessive member deflection may not be harmful in and of itself, but the influence on nonstructural (and structural) components supported 28 by the deflecting member typically dictates the allowable degree of deflection. The maximum allowable deflection of flexural members is shown in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Maximum permissible calculated deflections Member Condition Not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements likely to be damaged by large deflections Immediate deflection due to L Flat roofs Floors Roof or floors Supporting or attached to nonstructural elements Likely to be damaged by large deflections Not likely to be damaged by large deflections Deflection to be considered Immediate deflection due to maximum of Lr, S, and R Deflection Limitation l 180 l 360 That part of the total deflection occurring after attachment of nonstructural elements, which is the sum of the time-dependent deflection due to all sustained loads and the immediate deflection due to any additional live load l 480 l 240 According to ACI 318M-19, deflection checks are divided between two deflection types: Immediate deflections and long-term deflections which are resulting from creep and shrinkage of flexural members. ACI-Table 24.2.2 provide maximum permissible calculated deflections as shown in Table above: 1. Checking for instantaneous deflection: The procedure of checking for instantaneous deflection can be done as the following: - Determine M DL , M LL , M DL LL , (Taken output from software) - Es Ec The values of modular ratio n for normal-weight concrete can also get from Table 3.4: Calculate values for modular ratio: n Table 3. 4 Modular ratio for normal-weight concrete - f c MPa n 20 25 30 35 40 9 8 7.5 7 6.5 Find I e,left of DL for section at left support: Gross moment of inertia: I g bh3 12 Cracking moment of inertia: I cr Modulus of concrete: f r 7.5 Cracking moment: M cr - fc ' fr I g yt 3 M 3 M I e ,left cr I g 1 cr I cr M DL M DL Find I e, mid of DL for section at left support: 29 Gross moment of inertia: I g bh3 12 Cracking moment of inertia: I cr Modulus of concrete: f r 7.5 Cracking moment: M cr fc ' fr I g yt 3 - M 3 M cr cr I e , mid I g 1 I cr M M DL DL Find I e , right of DL for section at left support: Gross moment of inertia: I g bh3 12 Cracking moment of inertia: I cr Modulus of concrete: f r 7.5 Cracking moment: M cr fc' fr I g yt 3 - M 3 M cr cr I e ,right I g 1 I cr M M DL DL Calculate I e, DL using weighted average approach: Average I e , DL 0.7 I e , mid 0.15 I e ,left I e , right for span with both ends continuous. Average I e , DL 0.85 I e , mid 0.15 I e ,left or I e , right for span with one end continuous. - - - Determine instantaneous deflection for DL: M L2 i , DL a DL E I c e , DL The procedure of determining of instantaneous deflection for DL+LL will be the same as instantaneous deflection for DL. Just replace M DL with M DL LL M L2 i , DL LL a DL LL E I c e , DL LL Determine instantaneous deflection for LL: i , LL i , DL LL i , DL - If i , LL allow , the design is SAFE - Else, revise design. Instantaneous deflection flow chart can be found in Appendix B for a better understanding. 2. Checking long term deflection: Shrinkage and creep cause time-dependent deflections in addition to the elastic deflections that occur when loads are first placed on the structure. Such deflections are influenced by temperature, humidity, curing conditions, age at time of loading, amount of compression reinforcement, and magnitude of the sustained load. Additional time-dependent deflection resulting from creep and shrinkage of flexural members shall be calculated as the product of the immediate deflection caused by sustained load and the factor . 30 (ACI 318M-19, Eq 1 50 Where : is time dependent factor for sustain loads : is ratio of compression steel - Value of time dependent factor for sustain loads, , shall be in accordance with Table 3.5: Table 3. 5 Time dependent factor for sustain loads Sustained load duration, months 3 6 12 60 or more - Time-dependent factor 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 Determine long term deflection due to creep and shrinkage: cp sh i , D Sus where i , D Sus : is immediate deflection of dead load plus the sustained life load, if part of the lived load were considered as sustained (in certain types of equipment whose placement or installation is not expected to change for a period of 5 years or more). Under ACI code, an additional effective moment of inertia Ie would be computed using Mcr Mmax , where M max is due to dead load plus sustained live load. - Total long-term deflection: total i , L cp sh - 3.4 If total allow , the beam design is SAFE. Else, revise the design. Column Design 3.4.1. Preliminary Design of Column Cross-section and Reinforcement Column cross-section and its reinforcement can be determined as follow: 1) Define materials properties for the design of column: - Concrete compressive strength: f c - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec Steel yield strength: f y - Steel elastic modulus: Es - Deform bar diameters: DB - Concrete cover for column: c 2) Estimate column cross-section: - Find gross area of concrete: Ag ,est Pu 0.4 f c 31 where ultimate axial force Pu , can be get from software - Ag h 1.5 b b Height of beam h 1.5b Find provided gross area: Ag b h Assume 3) Find steel reinforcement to be used in column: - Required reinforcement area: Pu 0.85 f cAg K As , req f y 0.85 f c Strength reduction factor , is 0.65 for tied column. The value of K , is 0.8 for tied column. DB 2 - Area of steel to be used in column: As - Amount to rebar: n - Area of provided reinforcement: As , pro n - Steel reinforcement ratio: g - If 1% g 8% , the design is acceptable! - Else, revise design! 4 As , req As DB 2 4 As , pro Ag 3.4.2. Checking for Sway or Non-sway Column It can be assumed (ACI 318M-19, Section that a story within a structure is non-sway if: Q Where P u P u Vus lc 0 0.05 and Vus are the story total factored vertical load and horizontal story shear in the story being evaluated, respectively, and 0 is the first-order relative lateral deflection between the top and bottom of the story due to . The length lc is that of the compression member in a frame, measured from center to center of the joints in the frame. Magnified Moments in Non-sway Frames The effect of the slenderness ratio klu r in a compression member of a braced frame may be ignored if: klu 34 12 M 1 M 2 r (ACI 318M-19, equation klu 40 r (ACI 318M-19, equation And 32 If klu r 34 12 M1 M 2 , then the slenderness must be considered. The procedure for determining the magnification factor ns in non-sway frames can be summarized as follows (ACI 318M-19, Section 6.6.4): 1. Determine if the frame is braced against sidesway and find the unsupported length, lu , and the effective length factor, k ( k may be assumed to be 1.0). 2. Calculate the effective member stiffness, EI eff , using the simplified approximated equation: EI eff 0.4 Ec I g 1 dns 3. Determine the buckling load, Pc : Pc 2 EI (ACI 318M-19, Eq. 2 klu Use the values of EI eff , k , and lu as calculated from step 1 and step 2. 4. Calculate the value of the factor Cm to be used in the equation of the moment-magnifier factor. For braced members without transverse loads, Cm 0.6 0.4 M 1 M2 (ACI 318M-19, Eq. 5. Calculate the moment magnifier factor ns : ns Cm 1.0 Pu 1 0.75Pc (ACI 318M-19. Eq. where Pu is the applied factored load Pc and Cm are as calculated previously. 6. Design the compression member using the axial factored load, Pu , from the conventional frame analysis and a magnified moment, M c , computed as follows: Mc ns M 2 (ACI 318M-19, Eq. where M 2 is the larger factored end moment due to loads that result in no sidesway and should be M 2 M 2,min Pu 15 0.03h . Magnified Moments in Sway Frames The effect of slenderness may be ignored in sway (unbraced) frames when klu r 22 . The procedure for determining the magnification factor, s , in sway (unbraced) frames may be summarized as follows (ACI 318M-19, Section 1. Determine if the frame is unbraced against sidesway and fine the unsupported length lu and k , which can be obtained from the alignment charts (Fig. 2. Calculate EI eff , Pc , and Cm by the same procedure from step 2-4 in section Note that the term ds is used instead of dns to calculate EI eff and is defined as the ratio of maximum factored sustained shear within a story to the total factored shear in that story. 3. Calculate the moment-magnifier factor, s using one of the following methods: a. Q-method: 33 1 1 1 Q b. Sum of P method: 1 s 1 Pu 1 0.75 Pc s (ACI 318M-19, Eq. (ACI 318M-19, Eq. 4. Calculate the magnifier end moments M 1 and M 2 at the ends of an individual compression members, as follows: M1 M1ns s M1s (ACI 318M-19, Eq. M 2 M 2ns s M 2s (ACI 318M-19, Eq. Where M1ns and M 2ns are the moments obtained from the non-sway condition, whereas M1s and M2s at the moments obtained from the sway condition. The design magnified moment M c is the larger between M 1 and M 2 . 3.4.3. Checking Strength of Column by P-M Interaction Diagram The P-M interaction diagram is a graphical representation of the interaction between axial force (P) and bending moment (M) in a structural member. It is used to design reinforced concrete members that have both axial force and bending moment acting on them at the same time. The P-M interaction curve shows how much P and M reinforced concrete can withstand. Figure 3.1 P-M Interaction diagram For combined axial force and bi-axial bending moment, the final design Pn can be determined using Reciprocal Load Method as indicated below: - Concrete compressive strength: fc - Steel yield strength: fy - Column dimension: b 34 - Gross area of column cross section: h Ag b h - Rebar diameter: Amount of rebar: DB n - Area of reinforcement bar: Ast n - Strength reduction factor: 0.65 Strength of concentrically load: P0 0.85 f c Ag Ast f y Ast - Since Pu 0.1 fc Ag , use Reciprocal Load Method! - Design strength Pn: Pn - DB 2 4 1 1 1 1 Pnx 2 Pny 3 P0 Capacity Ratio: D C Pu Pn 3.4.4. Shear Design for Rectangular Column Rectangular column can be designed to resist external shear force by following step: 1. Define materials properties of column: - Concrete compressive strength: f c - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec Stirrup yield strength: f yt - Steel elastic modulus: Es Stirrup diameters: d stirrup - Concrete cover for column: c Amount of stirrup leg: nleg 2. Ultimate shear force Vu , from external horizontal force can be get from software. 3. Design of shear reinforcement: - Shear strength attributable to concrete N Vc 0.17 1 u f c ' bw d 14 A g 0.5 Vc , no shear reinforcement required! But minimum shear reinforcement is - If Vu , d - used. If Vu ,d 0.5 Vc , shear reinforcement required! 4. Find spacing of stirrup: - Shear strength attributable to shear reinforcement: V Vc Vs u 0.66 f cbw d 35 d min 2 ,600mm , if Vs 0.33 f cbw d min d ,300mm , if V 0.33 f b d s c w 4 - Maximum spacing: smax - Used spacing as: s smin smax 5. Find required shear area: Vs s f yt d - Required shear area: Av, s - Minimum shear area: Av ,min max 0.062 f c ' - bw s b s , 0.35 w f yt f yt Take required shear area as: Av , s max Av , s , Av ,min 6. Select appropriate steel for stirrups: 2 d stirrup Av , pro nleg 4 Av , s 36 Chapter 4: Finding and Result The determination and results of the structural design of each element in this project may be proceeded more conveniently and precisely by implementing the flow of structural design procedure outlined in Chapter 3. The design process is summarized as follows: preliminary design of structural members, load assumptions, and design of each member such as slabs, beams, and columns. 4.1. Pre-Dimension of Structural Members 4.1.1. Pre-Dimension of Slabs Thickness of slab can be estimated by the following procedure: - Clear span in short direction: lna 3.3 mm - Clear span in long direction: lnb 4 mm - Yield strength of steel: f y 390 MPa - Clear span ratio: - Minimum slab thickness: - Selected thickness: lnb 4 1.21 lna 3.3 fy 0.8 1400 tmin max 90 mm, lnb 91.97 mm 36 9 t 120 mm 4.1.2. Pre-Dimension of Beams - Yield strength of steel: f y 390 MPa - Dimension of column: bc 300 mm - Beam center-to-center length: hc 300 mm L 6.05 m - Beam clear span: Minimum beam depth (ACI 318-19): For both ends continuous: - hmiin ln L bc 6.05 0.3 5.75 m f y 5.75 ln 390 0.4 0.4 262.075 mm 21 700 21 700 Practical dimension of beam: l 3.75 3.75 l h n n Beam height 383.33 mm 575 mm 10 15 10 15 Use h 500 mm Beam width Use b 0.3h 0.6h 0.3 500 0.6 500 150 300 mm b 250 mm 37 As a result, following pre-dimensioning, beam 250mm x 500mm will be used for modeling in ETABS. Two beam cross-section dimensions are chosen with varying span lengths, as illustrated in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Beam dimensions Span Length Beam Cross-section (mm) 6.05 m 250x500 7m 250x500 4.2 m 250x300 3.5 m 250x300 4.1.3. Pre-Dimension of Columns a) - Material properties of concrete Known size of column: b 350 mm - Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Steel yield strength: f y 390 MPa - Concrete density: - Reinforcement percentage: con 25 kN m3 g 0.02 b) - Load estimation Width of tributary area: Length of tributary area: W 3.4 m L 4.775 m - Tributary area: Atrib W L 3.4 4.775 16.235 m2 - Number of floors: nF 5 - Length of beam: lb W L 3.4 4.775 8.175 m - Length of column: Thickness of slab: lc 4.2 m - Average beam size: hb 0.4 m hs 0.12 m bb 0.25 m - Average column size: hc 0.35 m bc 0.35 m bb hb lb con bc hc lc c W L 2 SW 5.051kN m - Self-weight: SW hs con - Live load: LL 2.9 kN m2 - Super-imposed dead load: SDL 5 kN m2 c) - Ultimate load per square meter: Wu 1.2(SW SDL) 1.6LL 16.701 kN m2 Total ultimate load: Pu Wu Atrib nF 1355.732 kN Pre-dimension of column cross-section 0.65 Strength reduction factor: - Column gross area: - Square column: Pu 0.8 Ag 79511.343 mm2 0.85 f c 1 g f y g hc Ag 281.978 mm 300 mm 38 2.6 m 250x300 bc 300 mm - Rectangular Column: hc Ag b 79511.343 257.143 mm 350 Due to the wind effect dimension of column will be used a bit larger than the pre-dimension, which is 300mm x 400 mm. Following pre-dimensioning of all columns based on column position and span of beam and slab connected to columns, three types of column cross-sections are selected, as shown in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Column cross-section dimensions Column Cross-section (mm) 300x300 300x400 300x500 4.2. Load Assumption 4.2.1. Dead Load According to section 3.2.1 in Chapter 3, the procedure to gathering dead loads is by input in ETABS the assumption of super imposed dead loads, SDL, for floors are shown in Table 4.3. Table 4.3 Super imposed dead load for floor Story Roof terrace second floor First floor Mezzanine floor Ground Floor SDL (kN/m2) Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Ceiling MEP Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Ceiling MEP Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Ceiling MEP Minimum floor partition Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Ceiling MEP Minimum floor partition Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Ceiling MEP Minimum floor partition Floor finishes (Ceramic+tiles+mortar) Minimum floor partition Total SDL (kN/m2) 1.1 0.3 0.1 1.1 0.3 0.1 1.1 0.3 0.1 1 1.1 0.3 0.1 1 1.1 0.3 0.1 1 1.1 1 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.1 For brick loads, there are two type of wall thickness using on in this building such as 20cm thickness wall and 10cm thickness wall. The weights of each brick wall are shown as area loads, which indicated in Table 4.4. Value of line loads resulting from brick walls can be determine by multiplying the area loads value with the height of the wall. 39 Table 4.4 Super imposed dead load of brick walls and curtain wall Wall types 10 cm thickness wall with both sides plastering 20 cm thickness wall with both sides plastering Curtain Wall Weight (kN/m2) 1.8 3.2 0.5 4.2.2. Live Loads In this project, hospital building, the selected values of live load according ASCE7-16 (Table 4.31) are indicated in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 Live loads for DALORA Hospital project Live load Lobby & Corridor Hospital Operation Room Hospital Patient Room Roof Stair kN/m2 4.8 2.9 2 1 4.8 4.2.3. Wind Loads Wind Loads in Ultimate Limit State - Horizontal dimension of building measured normal to wind direction: B 31.35 m - Horizontal dimension of building measured parallel to wind direction: L 11.35 m a) Mean height of the building: h 19.4 m Step1: Determine Risk Category of Building In this project, it is the hospital building that corresponding to the risk category III. b) Step2: Determine the basic wind speed V for the applicable Risk Category For ultimate limit state design, the basic wind speed is chosen corresponding to the returning period of 700 years. The basic wind speed value is: V 43.87 m s . c) Step3: Determine the Wind Load Parameter Kd 0.85 Wind directionality factor: Exposure category: Topographic factor: Exposure B Kzt 1 Ground elevation factor: Ke 1 Gust effect factor: o Natural frequency: 75 ft 22.86 m na 1.178 Hz h 19.4 m o Since na 1.178 1 , thus the building is Rigid! o So, the gust effect factor value is: G 0.85 Enclosure classification is partially enclosed building 40 d) Internal pressure coefficient: the internal pressure coefficient value that corresponding to partially enclosed building is GC pi 0.55 Step4: Determine velocity pressure coefficient, Kz or Kh Due to the building is in exposure category B, the value of , and zg can be taken as: o o 7 zg 365.76 m Velocity pressure coefficient: 2 o 4.6 If z 4.6 m K z 2.01 zg o z 4.6 m z zg K z 2.01 zg 2 Thus, by following the equation above corresponding to different values of z according to building level and with the assist from MathCad Prime, the value of velocity pressure coefficient, K z , are determined as shown in the Table 4.6. Table 4.6 Velocity pressure coefficient z (m) 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 4.2 Kz 0.869 0.813 0.746 0.659 0.576 For the value of K h , it can be found by using the z 19.4 m (height of building), which is K h 0.869 e) Step5: Determine velocity pressure qz or qh Velocity pressure: qz 0.613 K z K zt K d Ke V 2 Table 4.7 Velocity pressure z (m) 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 4.2 Kz 0.869 0.813 0.746 0.659 0.576 41 qz (kN/m2) 0.871 0.815 0.748 0.661 0.577 The values of q z , at different height from the ground of each building story can be calculated using the equation above and are indicated in Table 4.7. f) Step6: Determine external pressure coefficient, Cp or Cn Wall pressure coefficient: L 11.35 0.362 o Aspect ratio: B 31.35 o External pressure coefficient for windward wall: o External pressure coefficient for sidewall: C p,windward 0.8 C p, sidewall 0.7 o External pressure coefficient for leeward wall: According to ASCE7-16 (Figure 27.3-1), the external pressure coefficient for leeward wall can be get doing linear interpolation that corresponding to the value of . Cp,leeward 0.5 Roof pressure coefficient (flat roof): h 19.4 1.709 o Ratio: L 11.35 o Roof angle: 0 h 19.4 A B 31.35 304.095 m 2 2 2 o Reduction factor: RF 8 , the reduction factor for roof pressure coefficient can be found by doing linear interpolation between value indicated in ASCE7-16 (Figure 27.3-1). h 1.3 RF 1.04 o From 0 , Roof pressure coefficient: C p , windwardroof 1 2 0.18 0.18 h 0.7 o Form h , Roof pressure coefficient: C p , windwardroof 2 2 0.18 o C p, windwardroof 2 0 g) Step7: Calculate wind pressure, p, on each building surface Wind pressure on windward walls: Pz qz G C p, windward qi GC pi 0.871 0.85 0.8 0.871 0.55 Pz max 0.871 0.85 0.8 0.871 0.55 0.113 2 Pz max 1.071 kN m 1.071 Table 4.8 Wind pressure on windward walls z (m) 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 4.2 Kz 0.869 0.813 0.746 0.659 0.576 qz (kN/m2) 0.871 0.815 0.748 0.661 0.577 pz (kN/m2) 1.071 1.034 0.988 0.929 0.872 With the same procedure and different value of z, Kz, and qz, wind pressure on windward wall can be calculated as shown in Table 4.8. 42 Wind pressure on leeward walls: Pz qh G C p,leeward qh GC pi 0.871 0.85 (0.5) 0.871 0.55 Pz min 0.871 0.85 (0.5) 0.871 0.55 0.849 Pz min 0.849 kN m 2 0.109 Wind pressure on side walls: Pz qh G C p, sidewall qh GC pi 0.871 0.85 (0.7) 0.871 0.55 Pz min 0.871 0.85 (0.7) 0.871 0.55 0.997 2 Pz min 0.997 kN m 0.039 Wind Loads in Ultimate Limit State (Input in ETABS) Wind loads can be calculated automatically and quickly in ETABS with the help of diaphragm function. Just some wind load parameters as indicated in Table 4.9, that needed to insert in the wind load pattern tab in ETABS. Table 4.9 Ultimate limit state wind load parameters for ETABS Wind Parameter for ETABS in ULS (W) Wind speed, V 43.87 m/s Exposure type B Ground elevation factor, Ke 1 Topographical factor, Kzt 1 Gust factor, G 0.85 Directional factor, Kd 0.85 Wind Loads in Serviceability Limit State (Input in ETABS) The same procedure is applied for wind loads in serviceability limit state design. Parameters for inputting in ETABS are almost the same as ultimate limit state design, just a change for the value of basic wind speed V. For the serviceability limit state design basic wind speed is chosen at the returning period of 20 years, which shown in Table 4.10 with other wind load parameters. Table 4.10 Serviceability limit state wind load parameter for ETABS Wind Parameter for ETABS in SLS (Wa) Wind speed, V 32.45 m/s Exposure type B Ground elevation factor, Ke 1 Topographical factor, Kzt 1 Gust factor, G 0.85 Directional factor, Kd 0.85 43 4.2.4. Load Combinations Load Combinations for Ultimate Limit State Design In ultimate limit state design, the load combination resulting from dead loads, live loads, roof live loads, and wind loads can be generated as twelve combinations as indicated below: o o o o o o o o o o o o U1: U2: U3: U4: U5: U6: U7: U8: U9: U10: U11: U12: 1.4D 1.2D+1.6L 1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 1.2D+L+1.6Lr 1.2D+L+W 1.2D+L-W 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W 1.2D+L+0.5Lr-W 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.5W 1.2D+1.6Lr-0.5W 0.9D+W 0.9D-W The combination that produced highest factored loads will be taken to design of structural members. Load Combinations for Serviceability Limit State Design In serviceability limit state design, the load combinations are used for checking the drift of the building due to the effect of wind loads. According to ASCE7-16, the combinations for serviceability limit state are generated into two which is: o o Drift1: D+0.5L+Wa Drift2: D+0.5L-Wa 4.3. Structural Modeling in ETABS 4.3.1. Defining Gridline and Stories To begin generating the model in ETABS, the user must first define the initial unit, preferences, properties, and definitions. The fundamental code chosen for use in the design is ACI 318-19, and the SI unit is the general unit used in Cambodia. The grid line is then required to be created for the convenience of precisely modeling each structural element according to the specified architectural plan. Grid lines can be created by entering each grid line spacing dimension into the grid data system in ETABS, as shown in Figure 4.1. After carefully studying the building's layout, the grid line is formed in accordance with the architectural plan's grid line. In addition, a reference plane named "Cored Grid" is generated for modeling elevator columns. The story data, as illustrated in Figure 4.2, is then required to be appropriately created in accordance with the elevation of the building as shown in the architectural plan. Figure 4.3 depicts the final outcome of the DALORA Hospital project's grid line and story data. 44 Figure 4.1 Grid Line system data Figure 4.2 Story data of the building 45 Figure 4.3 Defined grid line of DALORA Hospital project 4.3.2. Defining Material and Section Properties Choosing the appropriate materials for the project is crucial to producing a model that is ready for study. A designer should be attentive while choosing the materials because accuracy is essential to producing the best design. If we design the structure irresponsibly, it may have an impact on other people and cost the designer a lot of money. Material characteristics can be defined based on the materials selected during structural member pre-dimensioning. These materials are illustrated below: Figure 4.4 Defining material properties 46 o o o C30: Concrete compressive strength of 30MPa. SD390: Steel yield strength of 390 MPa (for main reinforcement bars). SD295: Steel yield strength of 295 MPa (for confinement bars). The method for defining material in ETABS can be done by go to Define menu > Material Properties and then add new materials, modify parameters and requirement needed for each material as shown in Figure 4.4. After carefully defining material properties, section properties can be generated by selecting the proper materials that those sections required. Figure 4.5 is an example of defining section properties in ETABS. Figure 4.5 Defining section properties in ETABS 47 4.3.3. Modeling of Structural Members After carefully establishing material properties and section properties based on the selected crosssections in structural member pre-dimensioning, structural member modeling may be simply generated on the specified gird line and story data. Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 display the end result of 3D view and floor plan of DALORA Hospital’s structural modeling. Figure 4.6 Structural modeling of DALORA Hospital 48 Figure 4.7 Ground floor plan of DALORA Hospital 4.3.4. Stiffness Modifiers Stiffness modifiers in ETABS are parameters that reduce some cross-sectional properties such as area, inertia, torsional constant, and so on. They are typically used to decrease the rigidity of concrete sections in order to simulate cracked concrete behavior. Two models with various stiffness modifiers are produced in the practical design of a structural system. The first model is the ultimate limit state cracked model (ULS cracked model), and the second is the serviceability limit state cracked model (SLS cracked model). Table 4.11 specifies the stiffness modifier for the ULS and SLS cracked models. Table 4.11 Stiffness modifier values Members Slab Beam Column SLS 0.35Ig 0.5Ig Ig Figure 4.8 Stiffness modifier in ETABS 49 ULS 0.25Ig 0.35Ig 0.7Ig 4.3.5. Checking for Sway or Non-sway Model checking begins once the model has been completely modeled in accordance with the defined grid line and story data, pre-determined members, all the loading requirements, and the stiffness modifier of each element of this project. After reviewing the model to ensure no errors or warnings, the model may be run as a linear first-order analysis to obtain the necessary data for determining whether the frame is sway or non-sway. By following the procedure of checking sway or non-sway of the frame stated in section 3.4.2 (Chapter 3), the results in summary in Table 4.12 and Table 4.13. Table 4.12 Stability index in X-direction Story height lc (m) 4 4 4 3.2 4.2 1.5 Pu (kN) Vus, X (kN) 0 -X (mm) QX Sway or Non-Sway 376.98 4041.47 9882.88 15793.53 20759.07 26502.98 -9.05 -46.57 -82.05 -111.80 -140.20 -156.15 0.94 0.95 1.55 1.32 2.34 0.80 0.010 0.021 0.047 0.058 0.082 0.090 Non-Sway Non-Sway Non-Sway Sway Sway Sway Table 4.13 Stability index in Y-direction Story height (m) Pu (kN) Vus, Y (kN) 0 -Y (mm) QY Sway or Non-Sway 4 4 4 3.2 4.2 1.5 376.983 4036.749 9873.43 15779.36 20740.17 26479.36 -14.55 -114.58 -209.62 -289.78 -376.77 -425.69 2.73 3.06 4.96 4.57 8.02 2.61 0.018 0.027 0.058 0.078 0.105 0.108 Non-Sway Non-Sway Sway Sway Sway Sway According to Table 4.12 and Table 4.13, the result show that this has sway columns from ground floor to first floor. So, slenderness effect for sway case will be checked to verify the need of linear second order analysis due to P-Delta effects. The procedure of checking slenderness effect of a selected column, C30x40, on the ground floor is indicated as the following: b 0.4 m h 0.3 m - Width of column: Depth of column: - Length of column measured center-to-center of the joints: Lc 4.2 m Unsupported length of column: Lu Lc 0.3 m 3.9 m - Unbraced length ratio of column: - Upper column and beams dimension show in Table 4.14: Lu 0.929 Lc 50 Table 4.14 Upper column and beams dimension - Width Depth Center-to-center length Upper column bc ,up 0.4 m hc ,up 0.3 m Lc ,up 3.2 m Left beam bb ,up ,l 0.2 m hb ,up ,l 0.3 m Lb ,up ,l 2.6 m Right beam bb ,up , r 0.2 m hb ,up , r 0.3 m Lb ,up , r 4.2 m Lower columns and beams dimension show in Table 4.15: Table 4.15 Lower column and beams dimension Upper column Width bc ,low 0.4 m Depth hc ,low 0.3 m Center-to-center length Lc ,low 1.5 m Left beam bb,low,l 0.2 m hb,low,l 0.3 m Lb,low,l 2.6 m Right beam bb ,low,r 0.2 m hb,low,r 0.3 m Lb,low,r 4.2 m - Concrete compressive strength: - Radius of gyration: - f c 30 MPa h 0.087 m 12 Concrete modulus of elasticity: Ec 25742.96 MPa Relative stiffness of column and beam: b h3 EI c Ec 0.70 16218.06 kN.m 2 o Designed column: 12 bc ,up hc3,up o Upper column: EI c ,up Ec 0.70 16218.06 kN.m 2 12 bc ,low hc3,low o Lower column: EI c ,low Ec 0.70 16218.06 kN.m 2 12 bb ,up ,l hb3,up ,l EI b ,up ,l Ec 0.35 4054.51 kN.m 2 o Upper left beam: 12 bb ,up , r hb3,up , r EI b ,up ,r Ec 0.35 4054.51 kN.m 2 o Upper right beam: 12 b h3 o Lower left beam: EI b ,low,l Ec 0.35 b ,low,l b ,low,l 4054.51 kN.m 2 12 b h3 o Lower right beam: EI b ,low, r Ec 0.35 b ,low, r b ,low, r 4054.51 kN.m 2 12 EI c ,up EI 8929.58 kN.m o ic ,up c Lc Lc ,up o ic ,low o ib ,up o ib ,low r EI c EI c ,low 14673.48 kN.m Lc Lc ,low EI b ,up ,l Lb ,up ,l EI b ,low,l Lb ,low,l EI b ,up ,r Lb ,up , r 2524.79 kN.m EI b ,low, r Lb ,low,r 2524.79 kN.m 51 ic ,low - A: low - B: up - Base on the k factor alignment chart for sway frame as shown in Table 4.16: k 2.56 klu 115.28 22 Slenderness ratio: r - ib ,low ic ,up ib ,up 5.81 3.53 The column is Slender according to the estimated slenderness ratio. Thus, the P-Delta option in ETABS, as well as column meshing, are necessary in order to obtain the magnified moments for the final column design. 4.3.6. Second-order Effects Consideration Second-order effects in ETABS can be easily calculated by enable the P-Delta options, iterativebased on loads. The iterative P-Delta load case input in ETABS is 1.2D+0.5L as shown in Figure 4.9. Furthermore, in order to get p-small delta effects, columns can be meshing to several segments as illustrated in Figure 4.10. Figure 4.9 P-Delta option in ETABS 52 Figure 4.10 Column meshing in ETABS 4.3.7. Checking Model and Running Analysis After the modeling of all members and input all the requirements mention above, checking model is needed in order to make sure that the model has no any warnings or errors as shown in Figure 4.11. Then the model can be running the analysis and the required results from the analysis can be used for further design of structural members. The final analysis model is shown is Figure 4.12. Figure 4.11 Analysis messages after running analysis in ETABS 53 Figure 4.12 DALORA structural mode after running analysis 4.4. Slab Design 4.4.1. Flexural Design of Slab Slab can be design to resist flexure by taken the biggest positive and negative moment from finite element analysis from ETABS. Moment’s diagram is shown in Figure 4.13. Figure 4.13 Moment’s diagram from finite element analysis. - Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Steel yield strength: f y 390 MPa - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec 25742.96 MPa 54 - Steel elastic modulus: Es 200000 MPa - Bottom rebar diameter: DBb 10 mm - Top rebar diameter: DBt 10 mm - Clear cover: - Thickness of slab: cc 20 mm t 120 mm - Design bending moments per 1m width: M neg 10 kN.m m M pos 9 kN.m m 0.9 - Strength reduction factor: a) Top reinforcements: b 1m - Design width of slab: - 0.05 f c ' 28 0.05 30 28 0.85 1 0.85 0.836 7 7 Maximum strain at the extreme concrete compression fiber: cu 0.003 Maximum reinforcement ratio: f ' cu 30 0.003 max 0.85 1 c 0.85 0.836 0.02 f y cu 0.005 390 0.003 0.005 - Shrinkage reinforcement ratio: shrinkage 0.0018 - Effective depth: d t (cc - DB ) 95 mm 2 Factored moment: Mu M neg b 10 kN.m - Reinforcement ratio: 0.85 - Required reinforcement area: As.req max bd , shrinkage bd 307.507 mm 2 - Maximum spacing: smax min 2t , 450 mm 240 mm - Used rebar area: As.DB - Number of rebar per 1m length: nt fc ' 4M u 1 1 fy 1.7 f c 'bd 2 DBt2 4 0.0032 78.54 mm 2 As.req As .DB 3.915 4 b ,10 mm 240 mm Required top rebar spacing: st ,used max smax , nt 1 - Used top rebar spacing: DB10@200mm b) Bottom reinforcements: - Factored moment: M u M pos b 10 kN.m - fc ' 4M u 1 1 fy 1.7 f c 'bd 2 0.0029 - Reinforcement ratio: 0.85 - Required reinforcement area: As.req max bd , shrinkage bd 276.039 mm 2 - Maximum spacing: smax min 2t , 450 mm 240 mm 55 DBt2 78.54 mm 2 - Used rebar area: As.DB - Number of rebar per 1m length: nt - 4 As.req As . DB 3.515 4 b ,10 mm 240 mm Required rebar spacing: st ,used max smax , nt 1 Used rebar spacing: DB10@200mm 4.4.2. Shear Design of Slab Factored shear force, Vu , can be taken from the result of finite element analysis in ETABS as shown in Figure 4.14. Figure 4.14 Shear diagram from finite element analysis - Factored shear force: Vu 20 kN - Effective depth for shear design: d t (cc DBb - DBb ) 95 mm 2 d dl d shear s 90 mm 2 Strength reduction factor for shear design: 0.75 - Concrete shear strength: Vc 0.17 f c ' bw d 83.802 kN DBb ) 85 mm 2 d t (cc Vc 75.421 kN - Maximum allowable shear demand: Vmax Vc 0.66 f c ' b d shear 409.149 kN - Since Vu Vc , shear reinforcement is not required! 4.4.3. Checking Slab Deflection a) Instantaneous Deflection - Moment due to dead loads: - Moment due to live loads: - M D 5.7 kN.m M L 5.7 kN.m Moment due to dead+live loads: M D L 7.08 kN.m Portion of sustained live load: 30% 56 - Elastic deflection (Taken from ETABS): e , D 5.52 mm e , L 1.76 mm e , D L 7.28 mm e , sus e , D e , L 6.048 mm - Beam slab dimension: b 1m t 120 mm L 4.2 m - Clear cover: Deformed bar diameter: cc 20 mm - Effective depth: - Number of tension rebar: Number of compression rebar: DB d t cc 95 mm 2 DB d cc 95 mm 2 nts 5 nc 5 - Area of tension rebar: As nts - Area of compression rebar: - Strength reduction factor: 0.9 - Modular ratio: nmr - Gross moment of inertia: I g - Modulus of rupture: f r 0.62 f c ' 3.396 MPa - Distance form centroidal axis of concrete section: Yt - Cracking moment: M cr - Distance to neutral axis: B b 327.77 m nmr As r nmr 1 As 0.871 - DB 10 mm DB 2 392.699 mm 2 4 DB 2 As nc 392.699 mm 2 4 fr I g yt Es 7.769 Ec bt 3 14400 cm 4 12 8.15 kN.m nmr As r d 2 2 d B 1 1 r 1 r d C 0.022 m B Moment of inertia of cracked transformed section: b C3 2 2 nmr As d C nmr 1 As C d 1982.699 cm4 3 Effective moment of inertia due to dead loads at mid span: M 3 M 3 4 cr cr I e,mid , D min I 1 I , I g cr g 14400 cm M M D D I cr - t 60 mm 2 57 - - Effective moment of inertia due to dead+live loads at mid span: M 3 M 3 4 cr cr I e, mid , D L min I 1 I , I g cr g 14400 cm M M D L D L Effective moment of inertia due to dead loads (using mid span value): Ie, D Ie,mid , D 14400 cm4 - Effective moment of inertia due to dead+live loads (using mid span value): Ie, D L I e,mid , D L 14400 cm4 - - - - Immediate deflection due to dead loads: Ig i , D e, D 5.52 mm I e, D Immediate deflection due to dead+live loads: Ig i , D L e, D L 7.28 mm I e, D L Immediate deflection due to live loads: i , L e, D L e, D 1.76 mm Since i , L 1.76 mm L 11.667 mm , instantaneous deflection is Acceptable! 360 b) Long-term Deflection - Bending moment due to sustained load: M sus M D M L 6.114 kN.m - Effective bending moment of inertia due to dead load at mid span: M 3 M 3 I e, sus min cr I g 1 cr I cr , I g 14400 cm 4 M M sus sus - - Immediate deflection due to sustained load: Ig i , sus e , sus 6.048 mm I e , sus Time dependent factor for 5 years or more: 2 A Compression reinforcement ratio: s 0.004 bd Factor: 1.657 1 50 Long-term deflection due to creep and shrinkage: longterm D i , sus 10.024 mm - Total long-term deflection: total longterm longterm 0.7 L 11.256 mm - Since total longterm 11.256 L 17.5 mm , long-term deflection is Acceptable! 240 58 4.5. Beam Design 4.5.1. Hand Calculation Design of Beam Beam B25x50 is chosen as a sample of hand calculation procedure. It is the side beam which locates on first floor as shown in Figure 4.15. Figure 4.15 Beam B25x50 on First Floor Flexural Design of B25x50 a) Material Properties The material properties for beam design are specified as follow: - Beam width: Beam height: b 250 mm h 500 mm - Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Steel yield strength: f y 390 MPa - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec 25742.96 MPa - Steel elastic modulus: - Deformed bar diameter: Es 200000 MPa DB 16 mm - Stirrup dimeter: dstirrup 10 mm - Stirrup yield strength f yt 295 MPa - Aggregate diameter: dagg 20 mm - Concrete clear cover for beam: cc 40 mm - Minimum rebar spacing: - Assume tension-controlled section: sh 30 mm 0.9 - Effective depth: d h (cc dstirrup DB 20) 414 mm 59 dt d b) Factored bending moment taken from ETABS The factored bending moment used for the design of beam B25x50 is taken from the load combination U 8 1.2D L 0.5Lr W , as shown in Figure 4.16 which has the maximum value about: Mu 101.60 kN.m Figure 4.16 M3 moment of B25x50 c) - Verification of Beam to be Singly-Reinforced or Doubly-reinforced Beam f ' 4M u Reinforcement ratio: 0.85 c 1 1 ' 2 fy 1.7 f c bd 0.85 30 4 101.60 1 1 390 1.7 0.9 30 0.25 0.4142 0.0071 - Minimum reinforcement ratio: - f c ' 1.4 30 1.4 , max 0.25 , 0.004 fy fy 390 390 ' 0.05 f c 28 0.05 30 28 0.85 1 0.85 0.836 7 7 Maximum strain at the extreme concrete compression fiber: cu 0.003 - Strain in steel reinforcement: - Maximum reinforcement ratio: f ' cu 30 0.003 max 0.85 1 c 0.85 0.836 0.02 f y cu 0.005 390 0.003 0.005 Since min 0.004 0.007 max 0.02 , thus beam will be designed as singly-reinforced beam! min max 0.25 - d) - y fy Es 390 0.002 2 105 Singly-Reinforced Rectangular Beam Design Required reinforcement area: As.req max bd , min bd As.req max 0.0071 0.25 0.414,0.004 0.25 0.414 739.59 mm2 - Used rebar area: As. DB DB 2 4 60 3.14 162 201.062 mm 2 4 - Amount of rebars needed: n As , req As 739.59 3.678 5 201.062 So, the amount of rebar used in tension zone is: 5 DB16 ! e) Verification of Design Strength of Beam - 3.14 162 1005.31 mm 2 4 4 As . pro f y 1005.31 390 Depth of equivalent compression stress block: a 61.501 mm 0.85 f c 'b 0.85 30 0.25 Provided reinforcement area: As. pro n DB 2 4 Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis: c a 1 61.501 73.591 mm 0.836 Figure 4.17 Tension Reinforcement of Rectangular Beam B25x50 Cross-section dt c 414 73.591 cu 0.003 0.014 c 61.501 f 390 y y 0.002 Es 2 105 - Tensile strain in tension reinforcement: t - Strain in steel reinforcement: - Since t 0.014 0.005 , the beam is tension-controlled section! 0.9 - a Design moment: M n As. pro f y d 2 M n 0.9 1005.31 30 0.414 - - 61.501 135.235 kN.m 2 Since M n 135.235 kN.m M u 101.60 kN.m , thus the design is SAFE! Minimum rebar spacing: 4 4 smin max DB, 25 mm, d agg max(16 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm 26.667 mm 3 3 Rebar spacing for the first layer with 3 rebar: 61 s b 2cc 2d stirrup n DB n 1 250 2 40 2 10 3 16 s 51 mm 3 1 Since s smin , the spacing of rebar is acceptable that allow the aggregate go through while concrete pouring in the construction site. Shear Design of B25x50 a) - Material Properties Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Concrete elastic modulus: Ec 25742.96 MPa - Stirrup yield strength: f yt 295 MPa - Steel elastic modulus: Stirrup diameters: Es 200000 MPa - Concrete cover for beam: Amount of stirrup leg: - Strength reduction factor: 0.75 Design for shear reinforcement Factored shear force from ETABS: Vu 109.70 kN Shear strength attribute to concrete: b) - Vc 0.17 - - - d stirrup 10 mm cc 40 mm nleg 2 f c ' bw d 0.17 1 30 0.25 0.414 96.372 kN Since Vu 96.372 kN Vc 72.276 kN , thus shear reinforcement is required! Shear strength attribute to shear reinforcement: V Vc 109.70 72.276 Vs u 49.895 kN 0.75 Required shear area per meter length: A Vs 49.895 Av .s v 408.539 mm 2 m s f yt d 295 0.414 Provided stirrup area: Av , pro nleg 2 d stirrup 4 2 3.14 102 157.08 mm 2 4 - Required spacing: Av , pro 157.08 sreq 380 mm Av , s 408.539 - Since Vs 49.895 kN 0.33 f cbw d 0.33 30 0.25 0.4142 187.075 kN - Thus, the maximum stirrup spacing is: d 414 smax min ,600 mm min ,600 mm 207 mm 2 2 - Take stirrup spacing as: sstirrup min sreq , smax min(380 mm, 207 mm) 207 mm s stirrup 200 mm 62 Design for Combined Shear & Torsion a) - Check whether torsion can be neglect or not Factored Torsional Force: Tu 10.88 kN.m Area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section: Acp b h 250 500 125000 mm 2 - Outside perimeter of the concrete cross section: pcp 2 b h 2(250 500) 1500 mm - Threshold torsion: Tth 0.083 f c' b) - Acp2 pcp 0.083 1 30 1250002 4.736 kN.m 1500 Since Tu 10.88 kN.m Tth 0.75 4.736 3.552 kN.m , torsional reinforcement is required! Check limitation on cross sectional dimension: Aoh b 2cc d stirrup h 2cc d stirrup 250 2 40 10 500 2 40 10 Aoh 65600 mm2 - ph 2 b 2cc d stirrup h 2cc d stirrup 2 250 2 40 10 500 2 40 10 ph 65600 mm2 2 - Vu Tu ph 2 bw d 1.7 Aoh 2 Vc 96.372 0.66 f c 0.75 0.66 30 3.41 MPa 0.25 0.414 bw d 2 c) - - 2 109.70 10.88 65600 1.999 MPa 2 250 414 1.7 65600 2 V T p V Since u u h2 c 0.66 f c , thus beam section has Adequate size! bw d 1.7 Aoh bw d Design for combined shear & torsion (stirrup) Stirrup area required for shear per meter length: A Vs 49.895 Av.s v 408.539 mm 2 m s f yt d 295 0.414 Permitted 45o for non-prestressed members Transvers torsional reinforcement requirement area per meter length: A T / At , s t u tan s 2 Ao f yt Where Ao 0.85 Aoh 0.85 65600 55760 mm2 10.88 kN.m At Tu / 0.75 At , s tan tan(45o ) 440.954 mm 2 m s 2 Ao f yt 2 0.056 295 - Transverse reinforcement for combined shear and torsion: Av 2 At - s 408.539 2 440.954 1290.446 mm2 m Minimum reinforcement: 63 b b s max 0.062 f c w , 0.35 w f yt f yt 0.25 0.25 2 , 0.35 Av 2 At min s max 0.062 30c 296.61 mm m 295 295 Required area of stirrup: Av 2 At min - Av 2 At req - Provided stirrup area: Av , pro nleg - - d) - - s max Av 2 At s , Av 2 At min s 1290.446 mm 2 m 2 d stirrup 2 3.14 102 157.08 mm 2 4 4 Required spacing of stirrups: Av , pro 157.08 s 121.725 mm 120 mm Av 2 At req s 1290.446 Maximum spacing: p 1140 smax min h ,300 mm min ,300 mm 142.5 mm 8 8 smax 140 mm Used stirrup spacing for combined shear & torsion: DB10@100 mm Determine transverse reinforcement Required longitudinal torsional reinforcement: T ph cot 10.88 0.75 1.14 cot 45o 380.238 mm2 Al ,req u 2 A0 f y 2 0.056 390 Minimum longitudinal reinforcement: 0.42 f c Acp A f yt t ph fy fy s Al ,min min f yt 0.42 f c Acp 0.175bw ph f fy fy yt Al ,min 0.42 30 0.125 295 440.954 1.14 357.081 mm 2 390 390 min 0.42 30 0.125 0.175 0.25 1.14 295 609.434 mm 2 390 295 390 Al ,min 357.081 mm2 - Used longitudinal torsional reinforcement area: Al max Al , req , Al ,min max 380.238,357.081 380.238 mm 2 Instantaneous Deflection of B25x50 a) - Material properties The values of moment are taken from serviceability limit state (SLS Crack Model). Moment due to dead loads: M D 63.52 kN.m Moment due to live loads: M L 10.53 kN.m Moments due to dead+live loads: M D L 63.52 10.53 74.05 kN.m b 250 mm Beam dimension: 64 h 500 mm L 6.05 m - Clear cover: - Half spacing from 1st to 2nd layer: shf 20 mm - Deformed bar diameter: DB 16 mm - Stirrup diameter: dstirrup 10 mm - - Effective depth from extreme compression fiber of tension steel: d 414 mm Effective depth from extreme compression fiber of compression steel: DB d ' cc d stirrup 58 mm 2 Number of tension rebar: nt 5 Number of compression rebar: nc 3 - Area of tension rebar: - Area of compression rebar: - Strength reduction factor: - Net tensile strain: - Modular ratio: - b) - - cc 40 mm - - DB 2 5 t 0.014 E 200000 nmr s 7.769 Ec 25742.96 Instantaneous deflection Gross moment of inertia: bh3 250 5003 Ig 2603416.667 cm 4 12 12 Modulus of rupture: f r 0.62 - 3.14 162 1005.31 mm 2 4 4 DB 2 3.14 162 As nc 3 603.186 mm 2 4 4 0.9 As nt f c ' 0.62 1 30 3.396 MPa Distance from centroidal axis of concrete section: h Yt 250 mm 2 Cracking moment: f r I g 3.396 2603416.667 M cr 35.374 kN.m yt 250 Distance to neutral axis: b 250 B 32.009 m nmr As 7.769 1005.31 r C C nmr 1 As 7.769 1 603.186 0.523 nmr As 7.769 1005.31 r d 2 2 d B 1 1 r 1 r d B 2 0.523 0.058 2 0.414 32.009 1 1 0.058 1 0.058 0.414 32.009 65 - C 0.126 m Moment of inertia of cracked transformed section: b C3 2 2 I cr nmr As d C nmr 1 As C d 3 I cr 0.25 0.126 3 3 0.126 0.058 - 2 7.769 1005.31 0.414 0.126 7.769 1 603.186 2 I cr 83339.715 cm 4 Effective moment of inertia due to dead loads at mid span: M 3 M 3 cr cr I e,mid , D min I g 1 I cr , I g M M D D 35.37 3 35.37 3 I e, mid , D min 2603416.66 1 83339.71, 2603416.66 63.52 63.52 Ie,mid , D 113922.274 cm4 - Effective moment of inertia due to dead+live loads at mid span: M 3 M 3 cr cr I e, mid , D L min I g 1 I cr , I g M M D L D L 35.37 3 35.37 3 I e ,mid , D L min 2603416.66 1 83339.71, 2603416.66 74.05 74.05 Ie,mid , D L 102642.95 cm4 - Using the mid span value: Effective moment of inertia due to dead loads: Ie, D Ie,mid , D 113922.274 cm4 - Effective moment of inertia due to dead+live loads: I e, D L Ie,mid , D L 102642.95 cm4 1 16 - Coefficient for fixed support beam: a - Immediate deflection due to dead loads: M L2 1 63.52 6.052 i,D a D E I 16 25742.96 113922.27 c e, D i , D 4.955 mm - Immediate deflection due to dead+live loads: M L2 1 74.05 6.052 i,D L a D L E I 16 25742.96 102642.95 c e, D L i , D L 6.411 mm - Immediate deflection due to live loads: i , L i , D L i , D 6.411 4.955 1.456 mm 66 - L 6.05 16.806 mm 360 360 Thus, the instantaneous deflection is Acceptable! Since i , L 1.456 mm allow Long-term Deflection of B25x50 - Portion of sustained live load: 30% Bending moment due to sustained load: M sus M D M L 63.52 0.3 10.53 66.679 kN.m Effective moment of inertia due to dead load at mid span: M 3 M 3 cr cr I e, sus min I g 1 I cr , I g M sus M sus I e , sus 35.37 3 3 min 66.67 2603416.66 1 83339.71, 2603416.66 66.67 I e, sus 109778.291cm4 - - Immediate deflection due to sustained load: M L2 1 66.67 6.052 i , sus a sus 5.398 mm E I 16 25742.96 109778.291 c e , sus Time dependent factor for 5 years or more: 2 A 603.186 0.006 Compression reinforcement ratio: s b d 250 414 2 1.549 Factor: 1 50 1 50 0.006 Long-term deflection due to creep and shrinkage: longterm i , sus 1.549 5.398 mm 8.359 mm - Total long-term deflection: total longterm 1 i , L 8.359 1 0.3 1.456 9.379 mm - Since total 9.379 mm allow L 6.05 12.604 mm , long-term deflection of the beam is 480 480 Acceptable! 4.5.2. Beam Design in ETABS Flexural Design of Beam B25x50 ETABS has the strong ability to design the beam automatically and faster. As a results from the design in ETABS, the required area for longitudinal reinforcement is As , req 724 mm2 , as illustrated in Figure 4.18. The value of As , req , from ETABS is then input in beam design spreadsheet in MathCad Prime in order to find the required amount of rebar. The procedure is shown as following: - Required rebar area: As , req 724 mm2 - Diameter of rebar: DB 16 mm 67 Figure 4.18 Beam design in ETABS DB 2 201.062 mm 2 - Area of rebar: As .DB - Number of rebar: n - Provided rebar area: As . pro n - Gross area of beam: 804.248 mm 2 4 Ag b h 0.15 m 2 - Rebar percentage: As , req As As , pro Ag 4 3.377 5 DB 2 0.536% Combined shear and Torsion Design of Beam B25x50 The transverse reinforcement required area for combined shear & torsion is Av s 1640 mm2 m , as shown in Figure 4.19. Since ETABS does not differentiate the required area of combined shear & torsion and longitudinal reinforcement area, using the result of transverse reinforcement from ETABS will not receive the accurate results. Thus, finding stirrup spacing can use the hand calculation method. 68 Figure 4.19 Transverse reinforcement required area in ETABS 4.5.3. Beam B25x50 Discussion & Summary According to the design of beam B25x50 by hand calculation and ETABS, we can conclude that ETABS and hand calculation give similar result which is acceptable for further detailing of the beam. Table 4.16 show the beam B25x50 cross-section with determined reinforcement. Detailing of beams along gird line G are illustrated in Figure 4.20. Table 4.16 Beam B25x50 cross-section Support Cross-section Top Bars Side Bars Bottom Bars Stirrup Mid Span 250x500 5DB16 2DB12 3DB16 DB10@100 Cross-section Top Bars Side Bars Bottom Bars Stirrup 69 250x500 3DB16 2DB12 5DB16 DB10@200 Figure 4.20 Detailing of beams along gird line 4 70 4.6. Column Design 4.6.1. Colum Design in ETABS It is desirable to use as few column sizes as possible for the same story as it ensures consistency and provide appreciable savings in formwork and labor costs. So, in this project there are only 3 different sizes of column due to the location of the columns whether they are side columns or middle columns and because of the span between columns. Those three sizes of column are C30x30 (300mm x 300mm), C30x40 (300mm x 400mm), C30x50 (300mm x 500 mm). Also, for economical perspective, column size is changing to all C30x30 from first floor due to lesser of floor levels which result in less amounts of axial forces acting on columns. From this regard, the construction will be easier and faster because only one size of column is using and also reducing some amounts of loads acting on the foundation. The cross-section and steel reinforcements distribution in columns will be shown in Table 4.17. Table 4.17 Column cross-section and its provided reinforcement area Colum Size (mm) Reinforcement Area (mm2) Provided Reinforcement Ratio (%) C1(300x300) 1609 1.79 C2(300x400) 1609 1.34 C3(300x500) 2011 1.34 Column Cross-section 4.6.2. P-M Interaction Diagram For a given reinforced column cross section, a large collection of pairs of axial loads and bending moments are calculated using different value of, c , which is the depth of the neutral axis and corresponds to different combined loading conditions of axial force and bending moment. The resulting pairs of axial loading capacity, Pn , and bending moment capacity, M n , from assuming different values of depth of neutral axis, c, are plotted to generate a P-M interaction diagram. The generated P-M interaction diagrams 71 are modified with three factors to account for accidental moment, tie or spiral column, and failure in brittle or ductile manner. Three P-M interaction diagrams will be generated for the three reinforced column cross sections, then the most critical combination of loadings of each column type will be checked with their corresponding P-M diagrams. P-M Interaction Diagram in ETABS of C2 (300x400) The P-M interaction diagram of column, C1 (300x400), generated by ETABS for both 2-axis and 3-axis directions are shown below in Table 4.18 and Table 4.19, respectively. The selected column is the critical 300x400 side-column which located on the ground floor to mezzanine floor. Table 4.18 P-M Interaction diagram of C2 in 2-axis direction C2(300x400) Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pn Mn2 Mn3 (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m) 1896.13 0 0.00 1896.13 0 55.24 1763.66 0 87.57 1485.43 0 112.40 1185.50 0 129.15 853.37 0 139.59 746.14 0 152.84 528.79 0 158.43 206.19 0 120.63 -245.40 0 55.02 -564.69 0 0.00 P-M3 Interaction Diagram Table 4.19 P-M Interaction diagram of C2 in 3-axis direction C2(300x400) Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pn Mn2 Mn3 (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m) 1896.13 0.00 0 1896.13 -40.11 0 1752.82 -64.55 0 1463.01 -82.46 0 1148.87 -93.55 0 785.06 -98.24 0 648.66 -103.82 0 416.65 -104.66 0 99.01 -76.12 0 -340.55 -30.88 0 -564.69 0.00 0 P-M2 Interaction Diagram The shown P-M interaction diagrams are generated from combined axial force and bending moment that included design strength reduction factor, . The blue dots inside each P-M interaction diagram are the sets of imposed combined axial force and bending moment from different factored load combinations. The blue dots that lie close to the boundary of the diagram are the result from the huge factored axial load and bending moment from the critical load combination. If the blue dots fall outside 72 the diagram boundary, it means the column fail to support such load and it must revise the design. The selected column is the most critical one of its types, located on lower story of the structure, therefore highcapacity ratio is expected and should be of no concern. Meanwhile, other columns area experiencing lower capacity ration meaning they are functioning more conservatively. Figure 4.21 Interaction diagram for section C30x40 The most critical load combination acting on the selected column, C2 (300x400), is the combination U7=1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W as shown in Figure 4.21. The details of its factored load and capacity ratio can be found in Table 4.20. Table 4.20 Summary of factored loads and capacity ratio of C30x40 Combo U7: 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W C1 (300x400) Pu (kN) Mu2 (kN.m) 908.55 -29.06 Mu3 (kN.m) -50.04 D/C Ratio 0.623 P-M Interaction Diagram by Hand Calculation For verification of the consistency and correctness of ETABS, P-M interaction diagram is also plotted by hand calculation using MathCad Prime. The process of plotting the diagram is by using the pure axial forces and bending without the consideration of strength reduction factored, . Few load combinations are selected for the interaction diagram plotting, including the most critical combination. The values of the design axial load and bending moments for both 2-axis and 3-axis direction are shown in Table 4.21 and Table 4.22. The critical load combination and another load combination for the verification of P-M interaction diagram are: The critical load combination for this column is U7: 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W, which has the value of factored axial force and bending moment as following: o Pu 908.75 kN o M u 2 29.06 kN.m o M u 3 50.03 kN.m Another selected load combination for P-M diagram plotting is U11: 0.9D+W, which has the value of factored axial force and bending moment as indicated below: o Pu 546.71 kN 73 o o M u 2 21.66 kN.m M u 3 33.71 kN.m Table 4.21 Values of design axial force and moment in 2-axis direction Point Pn-2 (kN) Mn-2 (kN.m) Mn-3 (kN.m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2917.13 2917.13 2696.64 2250.78 1767.49 1207.79 861.28 462.94 110.01 -378.39 -627.43 0.00 -61.70 -99.30 -126.86 -143.93 -151.13 -137.85 -116.29 -84.57 -34.32 -0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 4.22 Values of design axial force and moment in 3-axis direction Point Pn-3 (kN) Mn-2 (kN.m) Mn-3 (kN.m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2917.126 2917.126 2713.321 2285.281 1823.851 1312.874 990.707 587.5442 229.0963 -272.6704 -627.432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84.9818 134.7296 172.9259 198.6997 214.7496 202.9432 176.0374 134.0306 61.132 0 The procedure of plotting P-M interaction diagram is conducted by putting all values of Pn2, Mn2, Pn3 and Mn3, separately as matrix function in MathCad Prime. After that there is a function “Insert Plot” in MathCad Prime that can use to produce the interaction diagram automatically by just setting the parameter Pn2 as Y-axis and Mn2 as X-axis. And so on, the same procedure is applied to Pn3 and Mn3 diagram. After getting the P-M interaction diagram of (Pn2, Mn2) and (Pn3, Mn3), the values of (Pu, Mu2) and (Pu, Mu3) from different load combinations are inserted as point into the diagram of (Pn2, Mn2) and (Pn3, Mn3), respectively. The P-M interaction diagrams for the combination U7: 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W are shown in Figure 4.22 and Figure 4.23. 74 Figure 4.22 P-M Interaction diagram in 2-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U7 Figure 4.23 P-M Interaction diagram in 3-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U7 75 The cyan lines are the line that connect from point (0, 0) to point (Pu, Mu2) and extended further more until it reaches the outer surface of diagram (Pn2, Mn2). Then, the projection line drew from the intersection point of cyan line and outer surface of the P-M diagram parallelly to Mn2-axis and reach the Pn2-axis. The value from the projection line on the Pn2 axis is the value of design axial force Pnx-2 due to the factored axial load Pu. The same procedure is applied on the (Pn3, Mn3) interaction diagram in order to get the value of design axial force Pny-3 due to the factored load Pu. The summary of the values of Pnx-2 and Pny3 are shown in the Table 4.23. Table 4.23 Summary values of Pnx-2 and Pny-3 for combo U7 U7: 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W Pnx2 (kN) 2816 Pu (kN) 908.75 Pny3 (kN) 2620 The mathematic calculation below is the procedure using the Reciprocal Load Method in order to find the design axial force Pn resulting from the combined axial force and biaxial bending moments. - Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Steel yield strength: f y 390 MPa - Column dimension: b 300 mm h 400 mm - Gross area of column cross section: Ag b h 300 400 120000 mm 2 - Rebar diameter: Amount of rebar: - Area of reinforcement bar: - DB 16 mm n8 DB 2 Ast n 1608.495 mm 2 4 0.65 Strength reduction factor: Strength of concentrically load: P0 0.85 f c Ag Ast f y Ast 3646.297 kN - Since Pu 908.75 kN 0.1 fc Ag 234 kN , use Reciprocal Load Method! - Design strength Pn: Pn - 1 1 2161.965 kN 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pnx 2 Pny 3 P0 2816 2620 3646.29 Capacity Ratio: D C - Comparing the capacity ratio result with ETABS: o ETABS result: D C ETABS 0.623 o - Pu 908.75 0.647 Pn 0.65 2161.965 My result: D C Hand 0.647 Calculation of error: D C Hand D C ETABS 0.647 0.623 0.037 3.7 % D C Hand 0.647 The P-M interaction diagrams for the combination U11: 0.9D+W are shown in Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25. 76 Figure 4.24 P-M Interaction diagram in 2-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U11 Figure 4. 25 P-M Interaction diagram in 3-axis direction of C3x40 for combo U11 77 By following the same projection line procedure as applied with the load combination U7, the values of Pnx2 and Pnx3 resulting from the combination U11 can be received as indicated in the Table 4.23. Table 4. 24 Summary values of Pnx-2 and Pny-3 for combo U11 U11: 0.9D+W Pnx2 (kN) 2761 Pu (kN) 546.71 Pny3 (kN) 2489 Then, by applying the same mathematic calculation procedure using Reciprocal Load Method, the design axial force Pn resulting from the combined axial force and biaxial bending moments for U11 can be found as following: - Strength of concentrically load: P0 0.85 f c Ag Ast f y Ast 3646.297 kN - Since Pu 546.71kN 0.1 fc Ag 234 kN , use Reciprocal Load Method! - Design strength Pn: Pn - 1 1 2042.048 kN 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pnx 2 Pny 3 P0 2761 2489 3646.29 Capacity Ratio: D C - Comparing the capacity ratio result with ETABS: o ETABS result: D C ETABS 0.413 o - Pu 546.71 0.412 Pn 0.65 2042.048 D C Hand 0.412 My result: Calculation of error: D C ETABS D C Hand 0.413 0.412 0.0024 0.24 % D C ETABS 0.413 The summary result of column, C2 (300x400), from ETABS are shown in the Table below. ETABS Concrete Frame Design ACI 318-19 Column Section Design Level Mezzanine Floor Unique Element Name C22 457 Column Element Details (Summary) Station Section ID Combo ID Length (mm) Loc C30X40 8DB16 U7 1.2D+L+0.5Lr+W 78 0 4200 LLRF Type 0.528 Sway Special Section Properties b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm) 300 400 58 27.3 Material Properties Ec (MPa) f'c (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa) 25743 30 1 390 235 Design Code Parameters ϕT ϕCTied ϕCSpiral ϕVns ϕVs ϕVjoint Ω0 0.9 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.85 2 Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3 Design Pu kN Design Mu2 kN-m Design Mu3 kN-m Minimum M2 kN-m Minimum M3 kN-m Rebar % % Capacity Ratio Unitless 908.5586 -29.063 50.0421 22.0235 24.7491 1.34 0.623 Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors Cm Factor Unitless δns Factor Unitless δs Factor Unitless K Factor Unitless Effective Length mm Major Bend(M3) 0.330473 1 1 1 3700 Minor Bend(M2) 0.269047 1 1 1 3700 Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3 Shear Vu kN Shear ϕVc kN Shear ϕVs kN Shear ϕVp kN Rebar Av /s mm²/m Major, Vu2 22.6138 148.7952 0 0 0 Minor, Vu3 12.8303 145.117 0 0 0 4.6.3. Determining of Column Lap Splice Length ACI318-19 (Section provides the method for calculating the lap splice length as the following procedure: - Concrete compressive strength: fc 30 MPa - Steel yield strength: f y 390 MPa - Normal weight concrete: e 1 t 1 1 - g 1 - Development length: f y t e g ld max DB, 300 mm 542.50 mm (ACI 318-19, Section 2.1 f c Lap splice length: lst max 1.3 ld , 300 mm 705.25 mm (ACI 318-19, Section - Selected lap splice length: 750 mm 79 4.6.4. Colum Detailing The cross-section and elevation detailing of column C2(300mmx400mm) area shown in Figure 4.26 and 4.27. More detailing of other columns can be found in Appendix C. Figure 4.26 C2(300mmx400mm) column cross-section Figure 4.27 Elevation detailing of C2(300mmx400mm) 80 4.7. Checking Building and Story Drift 4.7.1. Overall Building Drift Drift (lateral deflection) of concern in serviceability checking arise primary form the effects of wind. According to ASCE7-16 (Appendix CC.2.2), drift limits in common usage for building design are on the order of 1/600 to 1/400 of the building or story height. In this project, the drift limit of 1/400 is chosen for the story drift checking. The overall building drift can be generated automatically in ETABS. Those values are shown in Fig.4.28 and Table 4.25. Table 4.25 Story Response Values of building drift Story Roof Terrace Second Floor First Floor Mezzanine Floor Ground Floor Base Elevation m 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 4.2 0 -1.5 Location Top Top Top Top Top Top Top X-Dir mm 5.034 5.748 4.975 3.678 2.872 0.622 0 Figure 4.28 Diagram of building drift Overall building drift: overall 14.28 mm Allowable overall building drift: allow H 19.4 1000 48.5 mm 400 400 81 Y-Dir mm 9.472 14.279 12.725 9.818 7.785 1.98 0 Since overall allow OK ! 4.7.2. Inter-Story Drift Story drift is the lateral displacement of one level relative to the level above or below. Story drift ratio is the story drift divided by the story height. According to ASCE7-16 (Appendix CC.2.2), drift limits in common usage for building design are on the order of 1/600 to 1/400 of the building or story height. In this project, the drift limit of 1/400 is chosen for the story drift checking. Values of story drift taken from ETABS are shown in Table 4.26 and Figure 4.29. Table 4.26 Story response values of story drifts Story Roof Terrace Second Floor First Floor Mezzanine Floor Ground Floor Base Elevation (m) Location 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 4.2 0 -1.5 Top Top Top Top Top Top Top X-Dir Y-Dir 0.000163 0.000197 0.000325 0.000376 0.000582 0.000415 0 0.000405 0.000389 0.00073 0.000929 0.001382 0.00132 0 Figure 4.29 Diagram of story drift 82 Allowable Story Drift (1/400) 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Chapter 5: Conclusion In conclusion, as the project comes to an end, it can be assumed that all the project deliverables have been successfully completed and presented satisfactorily. As the aim of this project was to design reinforced concrete structure of DALORA hospital with an objective to design only superstructure of the building including slabs, beams, and columns, and also provide construction drawing of each structural member. The design and calculation are mainly based on ACI318-19 and ASCE 7-16 with the help of structural analysis software ETABS, hand calculation using MathCad Prime, and also using RCM ACI Builder to confirm the consistency of hand calculation. The original restriction of this project was the limitation on structural analysis software, which only employed ETABS as the major analysis program, whereas two or more software should be used in a design to compare the results in order to produce a safe and accurate design. However, each structural members have been designed accurately to meet the strength and serviceability requirements, and properly in accordance with the architectural plan. Some members required smaller cross-section and reinforcements, but for the convenience in real life construction only few typical cross-sections and reinforcements are used the design. Furthermore, all of the required detailed drawings of each structural component were successfully prepared in accordance with the code requirements and may be used in real-life construction. Furthermore, in order to apply this design project to real-world construction, a few other structural components, such as stairs, footings, and foundations, must be constructed by simply taking the reaction force at the pin support of each stump column to produce the design in ETABS or any specific analysis software specialized in those respective structural members. On a personal level, an immeasurable amount of knowledge and experience was obtained during the duration of the project. For instance, in order to create the design spreadsheets, I undertook extensive research on the design of various structural components in all of their potential configurations, which was really beneficial to me academically. Furthermore, the practical experience of finishing a structural design project from start to finish, traveling through all of its phases and challenges, has tremendously increased my insights as a future engineer. Another significant benefit I received from this project was the ability to use structural design software such as ETABS, RCM ACI Builder, and MathCad Prime. All of these aspects have given me a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence in implementing any kind of structural design I may confront in the future. Among the many advantages, the most pleasant part of this project for me was the experience of working through an independent cycle of work. I created my design tools from scratch and then used them to develop an actual end product. This was motivating to me because it indicated that every step I took during the project, resulting in the final structural drawings, was a result of my original efforts. To summarize, I cannot emphasize how beneficial this experience has been for me enough. I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to work on such a project and with my professional supervisor, Dr. Sophy Chhang, whose incomparable guidance has unquestionably broadened my horizons as a structural engineer to far greater extents. 83 APPENDIX AARCHITECTURAL PLAN OF DALORA HOSPITAL 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 APPENDIX BFLOW CHART OF THE DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS FLEXURAL DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR BEAM f c, f y , DB, d stirrup b, h, d , M u 0.85 fc' 4M u 1 1 f y 1.7 f c 'bd 2 0.05 f c ' 28 1 0.85 7 max 0.85 1 f c ' cu f y cu y min max 0.25 f c ' 1.4 , fy fy min min max max Singly Reinforced Beam Doubly Reinforced Beam As.req max bd , min bd As DB 2 n 4 91 As , req As FLEXURAL DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR BEAM f c ' , f y , Ec , Es , DB, d stirrup b, h, d , d t , M u , n As. pro n a y fy Es DB 2 As. pro f y 0.85 f c 'b , s 4 ,c a 1 d c d c cu , t t cu c c t y y t 0.005 t 0.005 (Compression Controlled ) (Transition Controlled ) (Tension Controlled ) 0.65 0.65 0.25 t t 0.005 y 0.005 y a M n As. pro f y d 2 SAFE Yes 4 smin max DB, 25mm, d agg 3 b 2cov er 2d stirrup n DB s n 1 Mn Mu s max s, smin 92 No Revise design SHEAR DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR BEAM f c ' , f yt , d stirrup b, h, d , Vu , 1 L' Vu1 L Vu1 Vu 2 Vu , d ( L ' d ) Vu1 L' Vc 0.17 f c ' bd Vu , d Vc Vu , d 0.5 Vc 0.5 Vc Vu ,d Vc Shear reinforcement required No shear reinforcement required Minimum shear reinforcement required b b Av ,min s max 0.062 f c ' , 0.35 f yt f yt 2 d stirrup Av , s nleg 4 Av , s max Av , s , Av ,min s b b Av , s Av ,min s max 0.062 f c ' , 0.35 f f yt yt Vs Vud Vc sstirrup Av , s f yt d Vs Vs 0.33 f c' bd Vs 0.33 f c' bd d smax min ,300mm 4 d smax min , 600mm 2 sstirrup min sstirrup , smax 93 TORSIONAL DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR BEAM f c ' , f yt , d stirrup b, h, d , Tu ,Vu ,Vc Acp x0 y0 pcp 2 x0 y0 Tth 0.083 f c' No Acp2 pcp Yes Tu Tth Neglect Torsion 2 Vu Tu ph V c 0.66 f c 2 bw d 1.7 Aoh bw d No Yes - Transvers reinforcement for combined shear and torsion. Longitudinal torsional reinforcement. 94 Revise beam cross-section COMBINED SHEAR & TORSION DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR BEAM Av Vu Vc s df yt At T / u tan s 2 Ao f yt Av 2 At s s Av 2 At min b b s max 0.062 f c w , 0.35 w f yt f yt Av 2 At A 2 At max v , Av 2 At min s s s s nleg d stirrup Av 2 At s p smax min h ,300mm 8 sstirrup min s, smax 95 CHECKING INSTANTANEOUS DEFLECTION FOR RECTANGULAR BEAM f c ' , f yt , Ec , Es , DB, b, h d , M DL , M LL , M DL LL n Es Ec Section at left support Midspan Section at right support Find Ie for DL and DL+LL Find Ie for DL and DL+LL Find Ie for DL and DL+LL I g , I cr I g , I cr I g , I cr f r 7.5 f c ' f r 7.5 f c ' f r 7.5 f c ' M cr fr I g M cr yt fr I g yt I e,left I e , mid M L2 i , DL a DL E I c e, DL Midspan value or Simple Average or Weighted average M L2 i , DL LL a DL LL E I c e, DL LL M cr Revise design i , LL allow Yes SAFE No 96 yt I e,right i , LL i , DL LL i , DL fr I g CHECKING LONG-TERM DEFLECTION FOR RECTANGULAR BEAM i , DL LL , i , DL , ', 1 50 ' total i , DL LL i , DL total allow No Revise design Yes SAFE COLUMN DESIGN PROCEDURE f c, f y , Ec , Es , DB, d stirrup b, h, Ag , Pu , , K As , req As Pu 0.85 f cAg K f y 0.85 f c DB 2 4 n As , req As As , pro n g DB 2 As , pro Ag 97 4 1% g 8% Yes No Acceptable sx sy b 2c 2d stirrup n DB n 1 h 2c 2d stirrup n DB n 1 smin Revise design X Direction Y Direction 1.5 DB max cc 4 d agg 3 SHEAR DESIGN OF COLUMN f c ' , f yt , d stirrup b, h, d , Vu , 1 N Vc 0.17 1 u 14 Ag Vu 0.5 Vc Shear reinforcement required Vs Vu ' f c bw d Vu 0.5 Vc No shear reinforcement required Vc 0.66 f cbw d d Vs 0.33 f cbw d smax min , 600mm 2 d Vs 0.33 f cbw d smax min ,300mm 4 98 smin max 48d stirrup ,16 DB, bw s smin smax Av , s s smin smax Vs s f yt d stirrup b s b s Av ,min max 0.062 f c ' w , 0.35 w f yt f yt b s b s Av ,min max 0.062 f c ' w , 0.35 w f yt f yt Av , s max Av , s , Av ,min Av , pro nleg 99 2 d stirrup 4 Av , s 100 99 No. Date 1a A B C2 C1 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 C2 C1 C1 C1 3500 B C1 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 1800 C1 C2 C2 Company C C2 C2 C2 C1 C 6050 2450 6050 D C2 C2 C2 C1 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 C1 C2 C2 C1 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE STUMP COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 C2 C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F C1 C2 C2 C1 Signature 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G C1 C2 C1 C3 G C1 H SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 C2 C3 C1 C1 C1 I I COLUMN STUMP COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : C1 C2 C3 H Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 1 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering APPENDIX C STRUCTURAL DETAILING OF DALORA HOSPITAL 101 No. Date 1a A 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) Revision B C2 C1 C1 C2 C1 C1 C1 3500 B C1 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 1800 Company C C2 C2 C2 C1 C C1 C2 C2 C2 C1 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E C1 C2 C2 C1 1:120 3500 3500 SCALE Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Signature GROUND FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN D C2 C2 C2 D Name and position C2 C2 1800 Drawn by: 6050 2450 6050 Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F C1 C2 C2 C1 Date 3500 3500 G 3500 3500 C1 H 3500 3500 SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 C2 C3 C1 C1 C1 I I COLUMN LEGEND : C1 C2 C3 H GROUND FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: Site Location: C1 C2 C3 G 4200 2600 11000 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 1 2 3 4 2 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 102 No. Date 1a A B C2 C1 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 C2 C1 C1 C1 3500 B C1 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 3500 3500 1800 C1 C1 C1 6050 2450 6050 C1 C2 C2 C2 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E C1 C2 C2 C1 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE 1:120 F F C1 C2 C2 C1 Signature MEZZANINE FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN D Drawn by: C2 C1 C1 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University Company C C2 C2 C2 C1 C 3500 3500 Date G C1 C2 C3 G C1 H SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 C1 C2 C3 C1 C1 COLUMN I I MEZZANINE FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : C1 C2 C3 H Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 4200 4 A 11000 Sheet 3 Scale 1:120 Owner: 1 2 3 4 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 103 No. Date 1a A B C1 C1 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 3500 B C1 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 1800 Company C C1 C1 C1 C1 C C1 C1 C1 6050 2450 6050 D C1 C1 C1 C1 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E C1 C1 C1 C1 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature FIRST FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 C1 C1 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 C1 C1 C1 C1 Date 3500 3500 G C1 C1 C1 G H H SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 C2 C3 C1 C1 C1 I I COLUMN FIRST FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : C1 C1 C1 C1 Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 4 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 104 No. Date 1a A B C1 C1 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 3500 B C1 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 1800 C1 C1 C1 Company C C1 C1 C1 C1 C 6050 2450 6050 D C1 C1 C1 C1 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E C1 C1 C1 C1 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F C1 C1 C1 C1 Signature SECOND FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 C1 C1 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G C1 C1 C1 G H H SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 C1 C2 C3 C1 C1 COLUMN I I SECOND FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : C1 C1 C1 C1 Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 5 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 105 No. Date 1a A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar): fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR COLUMN : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 C1 C1 Company C C1 C1 C 6050 2450 6050 D C1 C1 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature TERRACE FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 C1 C1 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G G H H SECTION 300x300 300x400 300x500 COLUMN C1 C2 C3 I I TERRACE FLOOR COLUMN LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 6 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 3 106 1a A Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 Company C 1800 B-02 B25X50 2450 6050 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 6050 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 D 30550 30550 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 E E 1:120 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature GROUND FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 B B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 C B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B B-01 B25X30 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 2550 B-01 B25X30 1650 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 Date 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 G G H H SECTION 200x400 300x500 B-01 B-02 I I BEAM B-01 B25X30 GROUND FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 LEGEND : Site Location: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 7 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 3 107 1a A Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 Company C 1800 B-02 B25X50 2450 6050 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 6050 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 D 30550 30550 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 E E 1:120 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature MEZZANINE FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 B B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 C B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B B-03 B25X45 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 2550 B-01 B25X30 1650 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 Date 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 G G H H SECTION 200x400 300x500 B-01 B-02 I I BEAM LEGEND : 3500 B-04 B25X55 B-04 B25X35 3500 B-01 B25X30 MEZZANINE FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: Site Location: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 8 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 3 108 1a A Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) Company C 1800 B-02 B25X50 2450 6050 C1 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 6050 C2 D 30550 30550 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 E E Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang 3500 F F Signature 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 1:120 Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE FIRST FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 B B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 C B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B B-03 B25X45 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 2550 B-01 B25X30 1650 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 Date 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 G G H H 3500 3500 I I SECTION 200x400 300x500 BEAM B-01 B-02 LEGEND : FIRST FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: Site Location: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 9 Scale 1:120 Owner: B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 4200 2600 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 3 109 1a A Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 Company C 1800 B-02 B25X50 2450 6050 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 6050 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 D 30550 30550 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 E E 1:120 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature SECOND FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 B B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 C B-03 B25X45 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B B-01 B25X30 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 2550 B-01 B25X30 1650 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 Date 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 G G H H 3500 3500 I I SECTION 200x400 300x500 BEAM B-01 B-02 LEGEND : SECOND FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: Site Location: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 10 Scale 1:120 Owner: B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 4200 2600 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 3 110 1a A Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) C1 Company C 1800 B-02 B25X50 2450 6050 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 6050 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 D 30550 30550 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 E E 1:120 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature TERRACE FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 B B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 C B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B B-03 B25X45 3500 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 2550 B-01 B25X30 1650 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 Date 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 3500 G G H H 3500 3500 I I 200x400 300x500 B-01 B-02 TERRACE FLOOR BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: SECTION BEAM LEGEND : Site Location: 3500 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-02 B25X50 B-01 B25X30 3500 B-01 B25X30 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 11 Scale 1:120 Owner: B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 B-01 B25X30 4200 2600 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 111 No. Date 1a A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR (Confinement bar) : fy = 295MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR BEAM : C = 40mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B C B25X30 C1 Company C 1800 B25X30 6050 B25X50 B25X30 B25X30 2450 6050 B25X30 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE ROOF BEAM LAYOUT PLAN Drawn by: C2 1800 D B25X30 Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F Signature 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G G H H SECTION 200x400 300x500 B-01 B-02 I I BEAM ROOF BEAM LAYOUT Plan name: 3500 3500 LEGEND : Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 12 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 112 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature GROUND FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I GROUND FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 13 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 113 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE 1:120 F F Signature GROUND FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I GROUND FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 14 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 114 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE 1:120 F F Signature MEZZANINE FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 H 3500 3500 I I MEZZANINE SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 15 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 115 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 Company C C C1 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 3500 3500 F F Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE Signature 1:120 MEZZANINE FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 H 3500 3500 I I MEZZANINE SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 16 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 116 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 Company C C C1 6050 2450 6050 D D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature FIRST FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I FIRST FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 Sheet 17 Scale 1 2 3 4 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 117 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature FIRST FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I FIRST FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 18 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 118 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 Company C C C1 C2 D D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE Signature SECOND FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL 1800 Drawn by: 6050 2450 6050 Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I SECOND FLOOR SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 1 2 3 4 19 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 119 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE 1:120 F F Signature SECOND FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I SECOND FLOOR SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 20 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 120 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: 1:120 Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE TERRACE SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F Signature 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I TERRACE SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 21 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 121 No. Date 1a DB10@200 A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature TERRACE SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 3500 3500 Date G G H DB10@200 DB10@200 H 3500 DB10@200 3500 I I TERRACE SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 22 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 122 No. Date 1a A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 B25X50 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 DB10@100 3500 E E Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: 1:120 Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE TERRACE SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 DB10@100 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 F F Signature 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H H 3500 3500 I I ROOF SLAB TOP REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 1:120 Scale Owner: 4200 4 A 23 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 123 No. Date 1a A 3500 3500 Revision 4. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF ROUND BAR : fy = 235MPa 3. STEEL YIELD STRENGTH OF DEFORMED BAR : fy = 390MPa 2. CONCRETE CYLINDER COMPRESSION STRENGTH : f'c = 35MPa (Cylinder) 1. CONCRETE COVER FOR SLAB : C = 20mm NOTES : 1 2 11000 4200 2600 4200 3 2550 1650 B B 1800 C1 Company C C 6050 2450 6050 D 30550 30550 3500 DB10@100 3500 E E 1:120 3500 3500 Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE F F Signature TERRACE SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Drawn by: C2 DB10@100 1800 D Paragon International Designed by: University 3500 3500 Date 3500 3500 G G H H 3500 3500 I I ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 3500 3500 4200 2600 11000 1 2 3 4 Sheet 24 Scale 1:120 Owner: 4200 4 A 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 8DB16 8DB16 Revision DB10@150 CENTER DB10@250 CENTER Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Signature 40mm Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position CLEAR COVER 30MPa DB10@250 8DB16 40 220 40 300 TOP & BOT MAIN BARS CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE -0.05m to +4.15m COLUMN2 GROUND COLUMN (H=4.2m) LEVEL 40mm FLOOR CLEAR COVER 30MPa DB10@150 8DB16 40 220 40 300 TOP & BOT MAIN BARS CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE LEVEL COLUMN2 STUMP (H=1.5m) -1.55m to -0.05m FLOOR Paragon International Designed by: University Company 40mm CLEAR COVER DB10@250 DB10@250 30MPa CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS 40 220 40 300 CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE -0.05m to +4.15m LEVEL COLUMN1 GROUND COLUMN (H=4.2m) FLOOR GROUND COLUMN SCHEDULE 40mm CLEAR COVER DB10@150 DB10@150 30MPa CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS 40 220 40 300 CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE LEVEL COLUMN1 STUMP (H=1.5m) -1.55m to -0.05m FLOOR STUMP COLUMN SCHEDULE 40 220 40 300 40 220 40 300 40 320 400 40 40 320 400 40 CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS Date 40mm 30MPa DB10@250 DB10@250 10DB16 40 220 40 300 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE -0.05m to +4.15m COLUMN3 GROUND COLUMN (H=4.2m) LEVEL 40mm 30MPa DB10@150 DB10@150 10DB16 40 220 40 300 FLOOR CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE LEVEL COLUMN3 STUMP (H=1.5m) -1.55m to -0.05m FLOOR 40 420 500 40 40 420 500 124 40 SCHEDULE OF COLUMN RE-BARS 1:20 Scale Owner: 25 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 8DB16 TIE Revision Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Signature 40mm Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Drawn by: Paragon International Designed by: University Company CLEAR COVER 40mm CLEAR COVER 30MPa DB10@250 CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c DB10@250 CENTER 8DB16 DB10@250 TOP & BOT MAIN BARS 8DB16 DB10@250 40 220 40 300 30MPa CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS +11.35m to +15.35m SECOND COLUMN (H=4m) 40mm 30MPa DB10@250 DB10@250 8DB16 40 220 40 300 40 220 40 300 COLUMN1 LEVEL +7.35m to +11.35m COLUMN1 FLOOR FIRST COLUMN (H=4m) LEVEL SECOND COLUMN SCHEDULE CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE +4.15m to +7.35m LEVEL COLUMN2 MEZZANINE COLUMN (H=3.2m) FLOOR FLOOR FIRST COLUMN SCHEDULE 40mm CLEAR COVER DB10@250 DB10@250 30MPa CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS 40 220 40 300 CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE +4.15m to +7.35m COLUMN1 MEZZANINE COLUMN (H=3.2m) LEVEL 40 FLOOR 40 220 40 300 40 220 40 300 CENTER TOP & BOT MAIN BARS CENTER Date +15.35m to +19.35m 40mm 30MPa DB10@250 DB10@250 8DB16 40 220 40 300 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: 40mm 30MPa DB10@250 DB10@250 10DB16 40 220 40 300 TERRACE COLUMN (H=4m) Site Location: CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE TOP & BOT MAIN BARS COLUMN1 LEVEL FLOOR TERRACE COLUMN SCHEDULE CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c TIE +4.15m to +7.35m LEVEL COLUMN3 MEZZANINE COLUMN (H=3.2m) FLOOR 40 420 500 40 320 400 40 40 220 40 300 125 40 220 40 300 MEZZANINE COLUMN SCHEDULE Sheet 26 Scale 1:20 Owner: 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date CLEAR COVER B-01-(250X300) DB10@120 - 2DB16 DB10@90 - BOTTOM BAR STIRRUP Revision BEAM SCHEDULE FOR FF CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c LINK REBAR 4DB16 - 40 40 Approved by: Checked by: Paragon International Designed by: University Studied by: Drawn by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Signature Date 40 40 40 40 - DB10@200 5DB16 2DB12 3DB16 250 MIDDLE - DB10@200 5DB16 2DB12 3DB16 250 MIDDLE ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 40MM CLEAR COVER 40MM Company 30MPA - DB10@100 3DB16 2DB12 5DB16 250 B-02-(300X500) CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c LINK REBAR STIRRUP BOTTOM BAR SIDE BAR TOP BAR SECTION SUPPORT 30MPA - 4DB16 2DB16 250 40 SECTION LOCATION BEAM MARK 40MM - DB10@100 3DB16 2DB12 CLEAR COVER 40 40 5DB16 250 40MM TOP BAR 250 40 40 B-02-(300X500) 30MPA LINK REBAR STIRRUP BOTTOM BAR SIDE BAR TOP BAR SECTION SUPPORT CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c MIDDLE BEAM MARK SECTION LOCATION 30MPA SIDE BAR SECTION SECTION LOCATION BEAM MARK BEAM SCHEDULE FOR MF 40 - CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c SUPPORT - DB10@90 STIRRUP 4DB16 40 220 40 300 LINK REBAR DB10@120 2DB16 BOTTOM BAR - 2DB16 250 40 - 40 4DB16 250 40 MIDDLE TOP BAR 40 B-01-(250X300) SIDE BAR SECTION SUPPORT 40 220 40 300 BEAM MARK 40 220 40 300 SECTION LOCATION 40 420 500 40 BEAM SCHEDULE FOR GF 40 420 500 40 40 420 500 40 126 40 220 40 300 40 420 500 40 SCHEDULE OF BEAM RE-BARS Sheet 27 Scale 1:20 Owner: 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date BEAM MARK CLEAR COVER 127 B-01-(250X300) 40 CLEAR COVER Revision BEAM SCHEDULE FOR TERRACE Studied by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Drawn by: Paragon International Designed by: University Company Signature CLEAR COVER LINK REBAR 40MM - - CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c STIRRUP CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c DB10@120 DB10@90 STIRRUP BOTTOM BAR SIDE BAR TOP BAR SECTION 30MPA 4DB16 2DB16 BOTTOM BAR LINK REBAR - 2DB16 - 250 40 SECTION LOCATION BEAM MARK 40 40 Date 30MPA B-02-(300X500) 40MM 40 40 40 250 40 MIDDLE - DB10@200 5DB16 2DB12 3DB16 250 MIDDLE - DB10@200 5DB16 2DB12 3DB16 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: DB10@100 3DB16 2DB12 5DB16 250 SUPPORT 40MM - DB10@100 3DB16 2DB12 CLEAR COVER 4DB16 250 40 40 5DB16 250 40MM TOP BAR 40 40 B-02-(300X500) 30MPA LINK REBAR STIRRUP BOTTOM BAR SIDE BAR TOP BAR SECTION SUPPORT CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c SIDE BAR SECTION SECTION LOCATION BEAM MARK BEAM SCHEDULE FOR SF BEAM MARK SECTION LOCATION 30MPA MIDDLE - - CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c SUPPORT DB10@120 DB10@90 STIRRUP LINK REBAR 4DB16 2DB16 BOTTOM BAR 40 2DB16 250 - 40 - 40 4DB16 250 MIDDLE TOP BAR 40 B-01-(250X300) SIDE BAR SECTION SUPPORT 40 220 40 300 40 220 40 300 40 420 500 40 40 420 500 40 SECTION LOCATION 40 220 40 300 40 220 40 300 40 420 500 40 40 420 500 40 BEAM SCHEDULE FOR FF 1:20 Scale Owner: 28 Sheet 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 128 No. Date - DB10@90 - STIRRUP Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: BEAM MARK Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Signature CLEAR COVER CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c LINK REBAR STIRRUP BOTTOM BAR SIDE BAR TOP BAR SECTION SECTION LOCATION Name and position 4DB16 Paragon International Designed by: University Company 40MM CLEAR COVER Revision 30MPA CONCRETE STRENGTH, f`c LINK REBAR DB10@120 2DB16 BOTTOM BAR - 2DB16 250 40 - 40 4DB16 250 40 TOP BAR 40 MIDDLE SIDE BAR SECTION B-01-(250X300) 40 220 40 300 SUPPORT 40 220 40 300 BEAM MARK 40 - DB10@100 3DB16 2DB12 5DB16 250 Date 40 SUPPORT 30MPA B-02-(300X500) 40 - DB10@200 5DB16 2DB12 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 40MM 40 3DB16 250 MIDDLE 40 420 500 40 SECTION LOCATION 40 420 500 40 BEAM SCHEDULE FOR RF Sheet 29 Scale 1:20 Owner: 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date 4 D 129 Revision 1100 3500 11DB10@120 3500 2DB16 Company 10DB10@90 2DB16 10DB10@90 1100 F 10DB10@90 2000 700 1:100 10DB10@90 Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position SCALE 3DB16 Signature 3500 11DB10@120 14DB10@100 2DB16 BEAM DETAIL GRID 4 3500 11DB10@120 3500 11DB10@120 2DB16 Paragon International Designed by: University 10DB10@90 E 2DB16 10DB10@90 2DB16 2DB16 10DB10@90 C 2DB16 11DB10@120 B 2DB16 2DB16 2DB16 Date 10DB10@90 G 6050 4350 2DB16 3500 10DB10@90 D ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: 700 14DB10@100 2000 3DB16 11DB10@120 2DB16 Site Location: 10DB10@90 13DB10@200 1750 2DB16 2DB16 10DB10@90 3DB16 10DB10@90 A H Sheet 30 Scale 1:100 Owner: 4 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 130 No. Date Revision 4200 500 750 100 Company 300 16DB10@250mm 4200 500 1:40 Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Signature COLUMN C1 DETAIL SCALE 3DB16 2DB16 Paragon International Designed by: University 750 750 100 750 16DB10@250mm 3DB16 300 Date 3DB16 2DB16 3DB16 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: Sheet 31 Scale 1:40 Owner: 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering 131 No. Date Revision 4200 500 750 100 Company 300 16DB10@250mm 4200 500 1:40 Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Signature COLUMN C2 DETAIL SCALE 3DB16 2DB16 Paragon International Designed by: University 750 750 100 750 16DB10@250mm 3DB16 Date 400 3DB16 2DB16 3DB16 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: Sheet 32 Scale 1:40 Owner: 33 Sheet No. Paragon International University Architectural Engineering No. Date Revision 4200 500 SCALE 16DB10@250mm 1:40 Studied by: Drawn by: Approved by: Checked by: Dr. Sophy Chhang Dr. Sophy Chhang Suysoklin Uth Amara Team Name and position Signature COLUMN C3 DETAIL Paragon International Designed by: University Company 300 3DB16 2DB16 4200 500 16DB10@250mm 3DB16 750 100 750 750 100 750 132 500 Date 3DB16 2DB16 3DB16 ROOF SLAB BOTTOM REBAR DETAIL Plan name: Site Location: 1:40 Scale Owner: 33 Sheet 33 Sheet No. References [1]. 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