CHAPTER 4 Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and Life Abroad Rizal’ first professor in Ateneo was Fr. Jose Bech With a little knowledge of Spanish and an externo (non-boarders) he was place in the Carthaginian Empire and the other group was the Roman Empire. Best in rank - Emperor 2nd rank - Best Tribune 3rd rank - Decurion 4th rank - Centurion 5th rank - Standard Bearer On his fourth year in Ateneo, Jose Rizal was inspired to study hard and to write poetry by one of his professors, Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez, a great educator and scholar. Rizal had the highest affection and respect for Father Sanchez, whom he considered his best professor in Ateneo. Rizal's formal lessons at the Ateneo gradually gained him proficiency both in the art of rhetoric and in the art of independent thinking. He expressed his ideas on the value of education in his poem “Through Education The Country Receives Light" (Por la Education Recibe Lustre la Patria). He stressed that responsible education instills in the youth, noble ideas and sublime virtues. Learning infuses truth, and discipline brings peace, glory and tranquility to the nation. Education at Biñan, Laguna Jose Rizal led a frugal and methodical life in Biñan. His time was wellbudgeted from 4 o'clock in the morning such as hearing mass, eating time,studies and leisure time at times he played in the street with friends and other boys when there was the moon.He concentrated on his studies diligently and he excelled inSpanish, Latin and all subjects. Education at the Ateneo The Jesuits system of education was more advanced. Its discipline was rigid and the methods are varied. It promoted physical, culture, humanities and scientific studies. It also establishes vocational courses in agriculture, commerce and mechanics as a religious institute, its primarily purpose was to mold the character and the will of the boys to comply more easily with the precepts of the church. the students hear mass before the beginning of the class, which was opened and close with prayers. “Through Education The Country Receives Light" (Translation from Spanish to English was by Dr. Frank C. Laucbach) There were other poems written by Jose Rizal while in Ateneo as inspired by Father Sanchez to make full use of his God-given talents in poetry and to open his mind to the rich influence to the world’s literature. In 1874 Rizal wrote literary pieces. 1. Mi Primera Inspiracion ( My first Impression) - It was poem dedicated his mother on her birthday. He was 14 years old when he wrote the poem. He felt overjoyed, at that time, because his mother was released in prison. 2. Al Nino Jesus ( To the Child Jesus) 3. A La Virgen Maria ( To the Virgen Mary) 2. El Embarque: Himno A la Flota de Magallanes ( The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet) In 1875, Rizal wrote literary pieces. 3. Y Es Espanol: Elcano, Primiero en der la Vuelta ( And he is Spanish: Elcano, the First to Circumnavigate the World) 4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo ( The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo) In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics - religion, education, childhood memories and war. 1. La Tragedia de San Eustaquio ( The Tragedy of St. Eustace). This poem recounts the tragic story of St. Eustace. 2. Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo ( In memory of my Town) - A tender poem in honor of Calamba, the hero’s natal town. 3. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Education ( Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good education) This poem shows the importance of religion in education. For Rizal education without God is not education at all. 1. Felicitacion (Felicitation) 4. Por La Education Recibe Lustre la patria ( Through Education the country receives light) - It was poem which reflects his highest regard for education. Education had signigicant role which plays in the molding of nation, the attainment of its progess and welfare. . 2. Colon y Juan II- this poem related how King John II of Portugal missed fame and riches by his failure to finance the projected expedition of Columbus to the New World. 3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune)- This is the tragic life of Columbus 5. Ed Cautiverio y el Triunjo: Batalla de Lucena y Prison de Boabdil ( The captivity and the Triumph : Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boabdil, the last Moorish sultan of Granada. 6. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada ( The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarch into Granada). This poem relates the victorious entry of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into Granada, Last Moorish stronghold in Spain. 4. Un Dialogo Alusivo a la Despidida de los Colegiales ( A Farewell Dialogue of the Students)- This was the last poem written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a poignant poem of farewell to his classmates, the joy, pain and memories they shared together in the institution. Rizal’s studies at Ateneo He excelled in all subjects and won five medals at the end of the school term. He proudly offered all his excellent ratings and medals to his parents, a way to repay them for their sacrifices and love. He was considered as the most brilliant Atenean of his time, he was truly the pride of the Jesuits. During his stay at the Ateneo, Rizal’s grades were all A year later, in 1877, he wrote more poem. It was his last year in Ateneo. Among the poem written that year were: 1. El Heroism de Colon ( The Heroism of Columbus)- This poem praises Columbus, the discoverer of America Excellent(Sobresaliente). On March 23, 1877, he received his degree of Bachelor of Art with honors.His scholastic records at the Ateneo from 1872 to 1877 were as follow. Rizal’s Studies at the University of Santo Tomas(UST) 1882 For higher studies, after graduation from Ateneo, he pursued his studies at the University of Sto. Tomas. The Bachelor of Arts course during the Spanish times was equivalent not only to the high school and Junior Courses today. His mother Teodora was opposed to his son’s pursuing higher education in Manila because she was reminded of the fate of intelligent Filipinos like the priests GOMBURZA. Don Francisco believed of the great future that awaited his son whose intelligence was among the best during that time. During his first year at UST he studied simultaneously at Ateneo taking up he simultaneously at ateneo taking up vocational course leading to the title of “perito agrimensor” with grades of “Excellent” but was not given the because he was still 17 years old. He finally decided to take up medicine with the advice of Fr. Pablo Ramon the director of Ateneo de Manila with the intention and desire to cure Dona Teodora’s failing eyesight. Literary works of Rizal in University of Santo Tomas (UST The following are the literary pieces Rizal wrote during hid UST days: Year 1879 1. A La Juventud Filipino (To the Filipino youth) Year 1880 2. El Consejo De Los Dioses Other Works 1. Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma - a poem composed by Rizal for Manuel Fernandez and which disclaimed by the latter on the night of December 7, 1897. 2. Junto Al Pasig (Beside Pasig) A drama played by Ateneans on the occasion of the feast of Immaculate Concepcion on December 8, 1880. 3. A Filipinas (To the Philippines) A sonnet written in 1880 to praise the Philippines for its beauty and to encourage Filipino artist to glorify the Philippines through their art works. 4. AI M.R.P. Pablo Ramon, Recto del Ateneo, en Sus Dias. A poem wrote by Rizal for Father Pablo Ramon who had been so kind and helpful to Rizal.