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SimCorp Dimension Dashboards User Manual

User manual
SimCorp Solutions
Based on version 21.04
April 2021
SimCorp A/S
Weidekampsgade 16
2300 Copenhagen S
April 2021
Based on:
SimCorp Dimension® is owned by SimCorp A/S. Copyright © 1994-2021. All
Rights Reserved. Without limiting rights under copyright, no part of this
document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or information
storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose without express written
permission of SimCorp A/S.
The contents of this publication are for general information and illustrative
purposes only and are used at the reader's own risk. SimCorp uses all
reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information. However,
SimCorp does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, factual
correctness, or reliability of any information in this publication and does not
accept liability for errors, omissions, inaccuracies, or typographical errors.
SimCorp, the SimCorp logo, SimCorp Dimension, and SimCorp Services are
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other countries. For a full list of SimCorp A/S trademarks, see
www.simcorp.com/trademarks. Other trademarks referred to in this document
are the property of their respective owners.
Portions of this software are owned by FinancialCAD Corporation and are used
under license. Copyright © 1991-2021 FinancialCAD Corporation. All Rights
are registered and unregistered trademarks of FinancialCAD Corporation, and
are used under license.
Electronic messaging for Collateral Management processes may access the
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access all terms and conditions set forth in the MarginSphereTM service
agreement apply. MarginSphereTM, the MarginSphere logo, and the AcadiaSoft
logo are registered and unregistered trademarks of AcadiaSoft, Inc., and are
used under license.
Additional documentation
For more information about windows and fields, see the Help. In SimCorp Dimension, press F1 for help for the window or SHIFT + F1 for
help on the active field.
Use the Search in the Help.
Document conventions
Examples, images, and dates in this document are for illustration purposes only. Unless specified in the text, they do not represent
recommended settings, actual setups, or available data.
Regional and language settings in your implementation may differ from those shown in this document. When in doubt, see your SimCorp
Some functionality described in this document may not be available to you because they are part of sales modules sold separately or they
are authorised only for selected users.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you are welcome to send them to SCDimension.doc@SimCorp.com.
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How to read this manual
Manual structure
Updates and release notes
Functionality, figures and dates
Definition of dashboards
Dashboard structure
Configuring dashboards
Create and modify a dashboard
Create or apply a layout
Create and modify a canvas
Configure page collections
Save dashboard elements
Working with widgets
Add a widget to a canvas
Configure the widgets view
Configure display types
Configure a chart
Configure a table
Configure a pivot table
Configure a group
Configure a group matrix
Save data in widgets
Create and apply a filter in a widget
Apply conditional formatting
Configure time-dependency fields
Edit tree view data in Excel
Configuring authorisations and permissions
Data authorisation for dashboards
Record-based authorisation for dashboards
Specify permissions for a page collection
Specify permissions for a canvas
Specify permissions for a widget
Specify permissions for a layout
Specify record permissions
Web dashboard configuration
Customise branding in web dashboards
System operation widgets
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Calculation Queues
Trade processing widgets
Optimise start-up time and performance
Configure trade processing dashboard services
Configure a service for alerts
Configure interface options - Trade Processing Dashboard and Alerts
Trade processing widget limitations
Using the Match widget
Using the STP Transaction Monitor widget
Using the Netting Manager widget
Using the Transaction Status widget
Using the Central Trade Manager widget
Using the SWIFT Status widget
Alerts inbox for trade processing widgets
Using the Business Rules Manager
Alert generation rules
Alert rules
Using the Alerts Inbox
Use a filter to subdivide alerts
Process actions and tasks in the Alerts Inbox
Alert Inbox Summary widget
Cash Management widget
Prerequisites for the cash management widget
Configure a cash management widget
Using the cash management widget
Monitor currency exposure
Monitor opening and closing balance
Fund/Portfolio STP widgets
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - Average Execution Time widget
Using the Fund Administration - Figures widget
Using the Fund Administration - Holidays widget
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - Open Alerts widget
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Jobs widget
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Queues widget
Middle office widgets
Prerequisites for the Middle Office widgets
Configure Middle Office widgets
Using the tree node simple single date widget
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Using the tree node single date widget
Using the tree top bottom single date widget
Using the tree node chart single date widget
Using the tree node chart time series widget
Using the tree node table time series widget
Using the tree node chart scenarios distribution widget
Using the tree node table scenarios distribution widget
Asset Manager widgets
Compliance Manager widgets
Using the Today's Pre-trade widget
Using the Rule Approval widget
Using the Rule Fragments widget
Using the Lists widget
Using the Portfolio Lifecycle widget
Using the Rule Definitions widget
Using the Rule Audit widget
Using the Assignment Units widget
Using the Post Trade widget
Trading widgets
Using the Broker Routing widget
Using the Commission Tracking widget
Using the Strategy Routing widget
Terminology list
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1 How to read this manual
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How to read this manual
This manual describes the concepts and procedures that allow you to configure and
view information in dashboards. It is written in sequence, so you can read it front to
back and skip sections which do not apply. It describes each task separately, so you
can refer to any task at hand and find the required information and references to
related topics.
Manual structure
The manual is structured in such a way that you can read chapters two and three to
receive general information about dashboards and how they are configured. You can
read the remaining chapters as a supplement, to get specific information about
specific widgets. The manual contains the following sections:
Definition of dashboards: Defines the general dashboard concept. This in
includes the following:
Definition of dashboards
Describes the dashboard structure
Configuring dashboards: Provides general information about the configuration of
dashboards. This includes the following:
How to configure the different elements of the dashboard (canvas and widget)
How to configure different display types
How to configure authorisations and permissions
Trade processing widgets: Provides specific information about trade processing
widgets. This includes the following:
How to configure trade processing dashboard services
How to configure a service for alerts
How to configure Interface Options
Using the trade processing widgets
Alerts inbox for trade processing widgets: Provides information about how to use
alerts in connection with trade processing dashboards. This includes the
How to use the Business Rules Manager
How to use the Alerts Inbox
Alert Inbox Summary widget: Provides specific information about how to view
information in this widget.
Cash Management widget: Provides specific information about the cash
management widget. This includes the following:
Prerequisites for the cash management widget
How to configure a cash management widget
Using the cash management widget
Fund/Portfolio STP widgets: Provides specific information about the fund and
portfolio STP widgets. This includes the following:
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Middle office widgets: Provides specific information about the middle office
widgets. This includes the following:
Prerequisites for the middle office widgets
How to configure middle office widgets
Using the middle office widgets
Asset Manager widgets: Provides specific information about Asset Manager
widgets. This includes the following:
Using Asset Manager widgets
Compliance Manager widgets: Provides specific information about compliance
widgets. This includes the following:
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP widgets
Using compliance widgets
Trading widgets: Provides specific information about trading widgets. This
includes the following:
Using trading widgets
For more information about collateral widgets, see the Collateral Manager user
Updates and release notes
This user manual is based on SimCorp Dimension release 21.04 and will be updated
regularly, though not with every release.To learn more about updates and changes
in subsequent releases of SimCorp Dimension, consult the more recent Release
Notes document.
Functionality, figures and dates
You may find that functionality described in this user manual is not available to you:
Some functions are part of modules that are sold separately.
Some functions are authorised to individual users only.
When in doubt, contact your SimCorp Dimension support.
Examples, figures, and dates in this user manual, including the screen shots, are for
illustrating purposes only. Unless specified, they do not represent recommended
settings, actual setups, or available data.
Note that your regional and language settings may differ from those shown in this
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2 Definition of dashboards
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Definition of dashboards
A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve
one or more business objectives, consolidated and arranged on a single screen so
the information can be monitored at a glance (Stephen Few, 2004).
In SimCorp Dimension, a dashboard is a single point of entry that provides a high
level overview of the available data. From the dashboard, you can drill down to
identify issues and navigate to underlying windows. Dashboards are easy to use and
are typically tailored to a specific user's role. Dashboards highlight exception
conditions, highlight things that need your immediate attention and provide you with
an at-a-glance overview of the state of your business.
Dashboard is a general term that describes applications which provide timely and
relevant information. They also provide insights into your business that enable you to
improve decision making, optimise your processes and plan your work pro-actively.
Dashboards are employed to serve these general purposes:
Monitoring: To provide anoverview of the system at a glance so you can decide
where your attention or action is needed.
Analysis: To help find the root cause of problems by allowing you to explore
relevant and timely information displayed in an easy-to-consume format.
Management: To provide you with fast access to the places where your action is
needed with the drill-down functionality to underlying applications.
The aim of the dashboard functionality in SimCorp Dimension is to provide different
users with different dashboards, each covering a specific aspect of the trade life
cycle such as validation or settlement, supported by workflows to route exceptions to
the right person or department.
Dashboards provide you with both an aggregated and a detailed overview, with the
possibility to drill down to the underlying application:
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2 Definition of dashboards
Three levels of drill-down are available:
Drill-down from the aggregated level to the detailed level within the dashboard
(red arrow in the diagram above).
Drill-down from the detail level to the underlying application (green arrow).
Drill-down from the aggregated level to the underlying application (orange
Dashboard structure
Each SimCorp Dimension dashboard comprises either a collection of canvases or
just one canvas. Each canvas is divided into a number of tiles. You can adjust the
number of tiles on each canvas. You can place a widget on a tile, and afterwards
resize the widget to cover multiple tiles. A canvas defined in a dashboard in one
manager application can be used in dashboards in all manager applications given
that the user has access permission to the canvas and access to the application. You
add widgets to display data from different business areas in SimCorp Dimension.
The individual widget is updated with data independently of the other widgets in the
same dashboard.
You configure each widget of a dashboard for your specific needs for viewing data
from SimCorp Dimension. You can add widgets from several different business
areas to show, for example, trading figures alongside back office calculations. You
can also specify the set or subset of data that you want to be displayed in the widget.
Furthermore, you can also specify the format of how you want to view the data in the
widget, for example in a table or a chart.
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You can drill down from the dashboard to an underlying window to view data for the
selected configuration. Whether you can modify any user interface setup, is
dependent on the granted layout permissions. Whether you can access, update, or
delete any data is dependent on the permissions that you are granted to elements on
the dashboard.
A dashboard can consist of the following elements, which each are associated
specific access permissions for a user or user group.
Page collection
Since the widget is part of a canvas and the canvas can be part of a canvas
collection, you can only be granted the same or limited access permissions on a
lower level, but never wider access permissions. For example, if you only have
access rights on a canvas, you cannot update a widget on the corresponding canvas
even though you have update rights specified on the widget. However, if you use the
same widget on a different canvas with update rights, then you can modify the widget
in such a dashboard setup.
The following diagram illustrates how the permissions on a dashboard are restricted
by an outer element in the setup.
For more information about how to configure permissions, see Configuring
authorisations and permissions on page 37.
When you have update access rights to a dashboard element, you can edit the
content and setup. However, before you can do this, you must click Edit from the
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2 Definition of dashboards
ribbon to enable the editing mode. All the buttons related to edit actions are then
displayed in the ribbon.
You can easily copy and reuse existing dashboard elements. For example, you can
share a canvas with other users, and they can save this as a new canvas. The new
canvas is identical to the source canvas, including its widgets. The widget
configurations are shared by the source canvas and the copy. Since the copy is a
new canvas, the permissions are not copied. You must define your own permissions
for any new canvases.
When you have delete access rights to a dashboard element, you can delete the
element. However, you cannot delete an element used in another dashboard setup.
For example, a widget used on another canvas cannot be deleted, but instead you
can just remove the specific widget from your canvas.
After an update, you must save your modifications. You can do this after modifying
each element, but also on the outermost element. When you save dashboard
elements, you are automatically prompted to save all changes in one go without
specifying each changed dashboard element. For more information, see Save
dashboard elements on page 17.
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Configuring dashboards
This section describes how to configure dashboards by adding dashboard elements,
creating layout views, and specifying record permissions for these. In addition, you
can read about how to configure widgets and widget display types, and also how to
import and export dashboard elements.
When you start configuring dashboards, you must start adding the outer elements on
which you can add the inner elements.
This means that you must specify the canvas content inside a dashboard and specify
the widgets inside a canvas.
To load the same dashboard configuration, or to easily switch from one setup to
another, you can use different layouts. Typically, you apply a layout as part of the
dashboard configuration. If you start with creating a layout and set this to autosaving,
your configuration changes are automatically loaded for the applicable layout when
you open your application manager.
3.1 Create and modify a dashboard
3.2 Create or apply a layout
3.3 Create and modify a canvas
3.4 Configure page collections
3.5 Save dashboard elements
3.6 Working with widgets
3.7 Configuring authorisations and permissions
3.8 Web dashboard configuration
Create and modify a dashboard
You can add a dashboard to an application manager and specify the related actions
once you have created a new dashboard.
To create a dashboard:
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To add a new dashboard on a layout, select the New Dashboard menu item on
the Show Applets menu.
Due to the design of the individual application managers, the path and naming of
creating a dashboard can deviate from that in your application manager.
You can now continue with adding content to the dashboard by adding canvases and
widgets. You can also apply an existing layout to the dashboard, see Create or apply
a layout below.
The dashboard is empty once created. You must add content by creating a new
canvas or open an existing one.
To modify a dashboard:
Right-click on the tab with the name of the dashboard and select one of the menu
items for the action that you want to do, such as renaming, copying, or deleting
the dashboard, or applying a layout from another dashboard.
Create or apply a layout
When you are working with dashboards, you can use a layout view to easily load a
specific combination of dashboard applets, canvases, and widget data. Once you
have created and saved a layout setup, you can easily display it by selecting the
associated layout.
Whether you can modify any user interface setup, is dependent on the granted
layout permissions.
To create and apply a layout:
1. Create or open a dashboard.
2. Click the
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icon at the bottom of the dashboard.
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3. Select Create new in the displayed window and enter a name for the new
layout, and click OK. Alternatively, select an existing layout view to apply in the
menu on the right.
4. Select Autosave to save the layout automatically whenever changes are made
to the layout.
You can now define the layout by adding the required dashboards and elements, and
positioning them as you like. This also includes layout setup of selected fields,
colours, and so on. You can specify permissions for how and if other users or user
groups can use your layout. For more information, see Specify permissions for a
layout on page 41.
Create and modify a canvas
You must add a canvas to a dashboard and specify the number of tiles that you want
on your canvas. Once you have created a canvas, you can place one widget on each
tile. For more information, see Add a widget to a canvas on page 18.
A canvas defined in a dashboard in one manager application can be used in
dashboards in all manager applications given that the user has access permission to
the canvas and access to the application.
To create a new canvas in a dashboard:
1. From the ribbon, click New in the CANVAS ribbon group.
2. In the New Canvas window, enter a name for the new canvas and specify the
tile size.
3. Click OK. This activates the new canvas in the selected dashboard.
4. Select one of the tiles on the canvas and click the Add Widget icon to add a
widget. For more information about how to do this, see Add a widget to a canvas.
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5. Repeat the previous step for each widget that you want to add to the canvas.
6. Click Save in the CANVAS ribbon group to save the new canvas.
To open and modify a canvas:
1. Click Open in the CANVAS ribbon group.
2. In the Canvases window, select one of the available canvases from the list.
3. Click OK. This activates the selected canvas in the selected dashboard.
4. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon group. This enables editing on the canvas,
and you can now modify the canvas by adding or removing widgets.
5. Click Save in the CANVAS ribbon group to save the modifications that you have
made to the canvas.
Configure page collections
A page collection is a named collection of canvases. Canvases in a collection appear
as different pages where only one page is visible at a time. Whereas a dashboard is
capable of displaying one canvas at a time, the Alternative Investment Manager will
show a collection of canvases. A collection of canvases is called a layout in
Alternative Investment Manager.
Page collections are not used in all dashboards, but are extensively used in applets
available in Alternative Investment Manager, which will be released soon.
You can perform the following tasks when working with page collections:
Adding—You can add one or more pages to a dashboard which make up a page
collection. This can either be a new canvas that you add as a page or an existing
canvas. When adding a new page collection, you are automatically prompted to
add the first page. For more information, see To add a page to a page collection
Copying—You can copy a complete page collection where the copy contains
exactly the same layout elements as the source. The copy contains the same
canvas collections with the metadata of each configured widget. Use the Copy
command on the ribbon. For more information, see To copy a page collection on
the next page.
Deleting—You can delete a page collection with all the contained canvases and
widgets in one go. However, if a canvas is used in another page collection or in a
widget in another canvas, these will not be deleted. For more information, see To
delete a page collection on the next page.
You must click Edit from the ribbon before you can add or remove pages, and make
changes to canvases and widgets of a page collection.
To add a page to a page collection
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1. Click New page in the Page ribbon group for the dashboard. Alternatively, click
icon to the right of the canvas pages on the active dashboard.
When creating a new page collection, you are automatically prompted to add the
first page.
2. Enter a name for the new page in the New Page window.
3. In the Page section, select whether to create a new canvas on the page or to
load an existing canvas on the page.
A. When you select the Use existing option button, you can select an available
canvas from the drop-down list of the ID list in the Existing canvas section.
B. When you select the Create new option button, you must enter a name for
new canvas in the Canvas name field, and specify the required canvas size.
4. Click OK.
The specified canvas is now loaded on the new page.
To copy a page collection
1. Click Save As in the Page collection ribbon group for the dashboard which
contains the page collection that you want to copy.
2. Enter a name for the new page collection in the window and click OK.
The new copy of the page collection is now loaded.
If you copy a page collection, in addition to creating a copy of each canvas, you
also create a copy of each individual widget. This ensures that the included
widgets are not part of any other dashboard page collections, and also means
that you can define specific permissions for the copied widgets.
To delete a page collection
1. Click Delete in the Page collection ribbon group for the dashboard which
contains the page collection that you want to delete.
2. Confirm that you want to delete the selected page collection by clicking OK in
the window which appears. If a widget or canvas is in use in other page
collections, you are warned about this since these objects cannot be deleted.
Save dashboard elements
When edit mode is enabled, you can save changes to dashboard elements whereas
when edit mode is disabled, you can save data changes. For more information, see
Save data in widgets on page 30. When you save dashboard elements, you are
automatically prompted to save all changes in one go without specification of each
changed dashboard element.
To save changes to dashboard elements:
1. In the dashboard ribbon, click the Edit icon to enable edit mode.
2. Add or modify one or more dashboard elements, such as a canvas or a widget.
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3. Click Save in the CANVAS ribbon group. Alternatively, press CTRL+S.
You are automatically prompted to save any changes if you have not saved the
changes before you close a window in edit mode or disable edit mode. When
you click Yes, changes on all dashboard elements are saved. When you click
No, no changes are saved and all your pending changes are rolled back.
Working with widgets
This section describes how you can add widgets to a canvas and how you can work
with widgets and display and view the data.
3.6.1 Add a widget to a canvas
3.6.2 Configure the widgets view
3.6.3 Configure display types
3.6.4 Save data in widgets
3.6.5 Create and apply a filter in a widget
3.6.6 Apply conditional formatting
3.6.7 Configure time-dependency fields
3.6.8 Edit tree view data in Excel
Add a widget to a canvas
When you configure a canvas, you can add a widget in each of its tiles.
To do this, you must enable editing and select an empty tile in the canvas, and then
add the required widget to the tile in the canvas.
Some widget types require that a specific service is running to provide data, such as
the trade processing widgets. For more information, see the section related to a
specific widget type.
To add an existing widget to a canvas:
1. Click Edit canvas in theEDITribbon to display the buttons in theWIDGET ribbon
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type from the drop-down menu.
4. In the Widget Configuration window, you can either select an existing
configuration or create a new one:
A. To select an existing configuration, select a widget configuration from the list.
B. To create a new widget configuration, select (New configuration) and the
associated display type in the UI Type field for a new widget configuration. A
standard widget is now available with a number of pre-configured fields.
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Different default fields are displayed depending on the selected widget data
source, however the Widget ID, Title, Type and UI type fields are common
to all widget configurations:
Widget ID—Allows you to enter your own ID for the widget configuration.
Title—Allows you to enter the display title of the widget on the dashboard.
Type—Displays the widget data source you have selected.
UI type—Displays the display type you have selected. For more
information about configuring display types, see Configure display types
on page 21.
5. Click Save to save and close the configuration window.
6. Repeat the previous steps for each additional widget that you want to add to
your canvas.
SimCorp Dimension now displays the widget and the associated data in the selected
widget tile. You can customise the layout of the widget tile to your requirements, for
example by dragging the widget to another tile, or by expanding the view by dragging
the corners. For more information , see Configure the widgets view below.
Next steps
You can use the right-click menu on the populated data to select the commands
available for the specific widget and data. For example, to view drill-down
information, or to export data. To view additional fields in a grids, use the Select
Fields menu item. You can also place fields in a different order by selecting the field
title and dragging this to another place.
Configure the widgets view
There are many ways in which you can configure the widgets view to customise your
canvas. You can drag the widgets on the canvas and resize them by dragging the
corners or sides of a widget. However, it is also possible to configure the widgets
view from the ribbon. This section lists some of these actions and features of a basic
widget view design.
Use first +/- control to re-size the widget. The widget here has the size over 2x3
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With the second +/- control you can move horizontal line up or down. It is
possible to configure widget without details-view.
When a widget is resized over three tiles width, it is possible to enable a third
level of details:
To create a large widget, but without third level of details, it is recommended to
increase the tiles and keep the widget only three tiles width. To increase tiles,
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use +/- canvas:
To use a full-size view, increase a widget to its full size and adjust the horizontal
splitter with +/-. SimCorp Dimension saves the setting of the splitter for the fullsize view automatically.
Configure display types
You can configure different display types in widgets. This way you can display the
same data in different ways, for example as a table and as a pie chart.
The following topics describe the different display types and how you can configure
Configure a table
Configure a pivot table
Configure a chart
Configure a group
Configure a group matrix
Configure a chart
You can configure range of chart types from Pies to Full Stacked Spline Areas. The
following image will show the full range of types you can select:
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Configure a chart in a dashboard:
1. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon to display the buttons in the
WIDGET ribbon group.
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type (data source) from the drop-down menu.
4. Select Chart as display type in the UI type field in the Widget Configurations
5. Enter configuration data and save the setup. For more information about how to
enter configuration data, refer to: Add a widget to a canvas on page 18.
6. Click the link in the widget, or for existing configurations, right-click the widget
and select Chart Editor... to display the Chart Editor window, which allows you
to configure the chart.
In the Chart Editor, you can edit different data and layout parameters of your
chart, such as Data, Chart area, Legend, Axis, Expansion or Add view in the
section of the dialog highlighted in the following image.
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Some widgets' charts display sum specification types such as 'Count' or
'Application specific' appended the chart ledger's individual explanations. To
hide these from view and optimise the space, clear the Show summary
specification type check box in the Legend section of the Chart Editor
7. Click the Add view button to select chart type. See previous image of Select
chart type.
8. Click OK when you have completed the configuration.
The following image shows a pie chart with Trade Processing - Transaction
Status as the widget data source.
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If a chart does not appear, it might be because data is not available for the
selected parameters.
9. Select the following parameters from the right-click menu to view more
Show Title - Displays the entered title of the chart.
Show Legend - Displays an explanation for the different colour in the chart.
Add annotation - Displays all data labels.
In the widget example below, the above menu items have been selected.
10. Right-click the pie chart and select the Drill Down menu item to see the
underlying data.
Configure a table
The following procedure shows you how to configure a table in a dashboard that
contains the input you require from the widget data source and with the required
To configure a table in a dashboard:
1. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon to display the buttons in
theWIDGET ribbon group.
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type (data source) from the drop-down menu.
4. Select Table as display type in the UI type field in the Widget Configurations
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5. Enter configuration data and save the setup. For more information about how to
enter configuration data, refer to: Add a widget to a canvas on page 18. When
you save your configuration, a table is displayed containing the selected heading
and the default fields for the widget data source.
6. Use the right-click menus of the table to select more fields and to configure the
table according to your requirements. Different configuration menus become
available depending on where you click in the table.
The following example illustrates the configuration of a table with information
from the STP Transaction Monitor window:
After you have configured the table, you can use the right-click menu to make
changes and to view data in underlying windows.
Configure a pivot table
You can use a pivot table to automatically sort, count, total or give the average of
data stored in a table or spreadsheet.
Configure a pivot table in a dashboard:
1. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon to display the buttons in
theWIDGET ribbon group.
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type (data source) from the drop-down menu.
4. Select Pivot as display type in the UI type field in the Widget Configurations
5. Enter your configuration data and save the set up. For more information about
how to enter configuration data, refer to: Add a widget to a canvas on page 18.
When you save your configuration, a pivot table is displayed containing the
selected heading and the default fields for the widget data source.
6. Use the Select Pivot Fields menu item to open a sub-window, which you can
use to select the fields you want to display in the table:
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7. Close the sub-window when you have selected the field. This displays a pivot
The widget example below contains a pivot table with Collateral Manager as
the widget data source:
8. Right-click the top row of the table to use the right click menu and make changes
to the configuration.
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Configure a group
A group is a one dimensional summary table of data. Grouping allows you to
configure tables that group information according to pre-defined parameters. This
allows you to group information about, for example, the number of transactions that
have not been matched.
Configure a group in a dashboard in the following way:
1. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon to display the buttons in
theWIDGET ribbon group.
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type (data source) from the drop-down menu.
4. Select Group as display type in the UI type field in the Widget Configurations
5. Enter configuration data and save the setup.
For information about how to enter configuration data, see: Add a widget to a
canvas. For configuration parameters specific to the group and group matrix
display types see: Configure a group matrix .
When you have saved your configuration, a chart is displayed containing the
selected heading and the default fields for the widget data source.
6. Select the Insert Group menu item from the right-click menu to insert a
grouping field for which you can configure a group.
7. Select the Edit Search Filter menu item to open the Filter Properties window.
This window allows you to configure the filtering of information. Enter a
description of the grouping in the Name section and a field name and domain
value in the following section, like shown below.
8. View the result in a table that contains all the grouping conditions.
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For information about how to add colouring, refer to Apply conditional formatting.
In The rest column you can see the number of remaining transactions that do
not fall into any of the groups that you have defined.
Configure a group matrix
A Group Matrix is a two-dimensional summary table. You use two-dimensional
grouping to configure a table that groups information according to parameters
selected on the vertical axis with parameters selected on the horizontal axis. You
define a data selection for each row and each column. A cell in the matrix shows an
aggregated value for data that fulfils both data selections. For example, you can
group information about transactions that have not been confirmed on the vertical
axis and the Settlement cut off time of the transactions on the horizontal axis.
To configure a group matrix in a dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Click Edit canvas in the EDIT ribbon to display the buttons in
theWIDGET ribbon group.
2. Select an empty tile in the canvas.
3. Click the Add button in the WIDGET ribbon group, and select an available
widget type (data source) from the drop-down menu.
4. Select Group Matrix as display type in the UI type field in the Widget
Configurations window.
5. Enter configuration data and save the setup.
For more information about how to enter configuration data, see Add a widget to
a canvas.
The following configuration details are specific for the group (shows only rows)
and group matrix display types:
Show all row/
Show all column
Select this check box to display the All row/column, which
Always show The
rest row/
Always show The
rest column
A row/column named The rest is always shown if any data is
displays the total number of transactions in the row.
available that does not fall into any of the groups that you
have defined. This row/column displays the number of
remaining transactions. Select this check box to show The
rest row/column even when no information falls into this
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Rename All row/
Rename All column
Enter a custom name for the All row/column.
Rename The rest
row/ Rename the
rest column
Enter a custom name for The rest row/column.
Count unique on
transaction number
Select this check box to count a transaction only once per
transaction number within a group (a horizontal/vertical
grouping of The rest, All, or a user defined group).
Otherwise, the same transaction might be counted several
times if it falls into several categories at the same time.
Minutes before
becoming obsolete
Enter the time interval for updating the widget.
6. When you have saved your configuration, a table is displayed containing the
selected heading and the default fields for the widget data source.
7. Select Insert Group from the right-click menu on the vertical axis to insert a
grouping field. This opens the Filter Properties pop-up window, which you can
use to configure the required filtering. Enter a description for the grouping in the
Description section, and select a field name and a domain value in the following
section, for example:
8. Select Insert Column Group from the right-click menu on the horizontal axis to
insert a grouping field for the horizontal column. This opens the Filter
Properties pop-up window, which you can use to configure the required filtering.
Enter filtering conditions as shown above. The result is available in a table that
contains all the grouping conditions:
In The rest column you can see the number of remaining transactions that do
not fall into any of the groups you have defined.
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Save data in widgets
You can save changes to data in widgets, where it is possible to modify data
separately from saving changes to dashboard configurations.
Currently, saving widget data is only supported in Alternative Investment Manager.
When edit mode is disabled, you can save data changes, and when edit mode is
enabled, you can save changes to dashboard elements . When you save dashboard
elements, you are automatically prompted to save all changes in one go without
specification of each changed dashboard element.
To save data in a dashboard:
1. Ensure that the Edit icon is disabled.
2. Enter or modify data in one or more widgets.
3. Click Save in the DATA ribbon group. Alternatively, press CTRL+S.
You cannot save any data changes if one of the widgets contains invalid data. In
this case you must repair the data in the requested widget before you can save
all of the changes.
You must save all data changes before you can enable edit mode.
You are automatically prompted to save your changes when you have not saved
the changes before you close a window in non-edit mode. When you click Yes,
all changes on data in widgets will be saved. When you click No, no changes are
saved and all your pending changes are rolled back.
Create and apply a filter in a widget
filter icon is located in the upper right corner of each widget header when
filtering is possible. Whenever you apply a filter to a widget, the icon turns blue like
icon. When you hover over this icon, a tool tip displays details about the
applied filter(s). You can apply a filter from the widget header and specify the
required filters for one or more available fields, but also just apply a filter from a
column header. When you apply a filter from a column, a blue filter icon is displayed
in the column header and this is also reflected in the filter icon in the widget header,
which also turns blue.
Filtering only applies to the main section of the widget. This means that you can
apply filters only on data that is displayed here, but not on underlying data to which
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you can drill-down.
To create a filter
1. Left-click the
filter icon, or if other filters already exist, right-click the
icon in the widget header and select <Create new filter>.
2. In the Filter Properties window, enter a descriptive name for the filter in the
Description field, and specify the filter that you want to use.
A. Left-click the operator , such as And or Or, to select another operator from
the list.
B. Click the plus sign to add a new filter selection. This displays the new filter
selection at the bottom of the list of specified filters.
C. Left-click the field name to select the field for which you want to create a filter.
Select the Show selected fields only check box to only view the applicable
fields in the current widget in the list.
D. Left-click the operator and select the operator that you want to use.
E. For your operators that need to filter by a specific value, add one or more
values to the right of each required operator.
3. Click OK.
The data of the current widget is now using the specified filter.
To apply a filter in a widget
1. Right-click the filter icon in the widget header.
2. Select one or more filters from the list.
The data of the current widget is now using the specified filter(s).
To apply a filter in a widget from a column header:
1. Left-click the filter icon in the requested column header.
2. Select an available filter from the list.
The filter icon in the column header turns blue, which indicates that the data of
the current column is using the specified filter.
To edit an active filter
1. Left-click the
filter icon, in the widget header.
2. In the Filter Properties window, modify the active filter selections.
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To remove a filter
1. Right-click the filter icon.
2. Clear one or more filters from the displayed list.
Apply conditional formatting
Conditional formatting allows you to apply colouring to your widgets. Follow these
steps to do this:
1. Right-click on a field and select the Edit Properties menu item. This opens the
Field Properties window for the selected field, for example:
2. Select the Conditional Format tab.
3. Add a conditional formula to show for example green for sells (cash inflow) and
red for buys (cash outflow), for example:
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4. This results in a coloured widget, where green and red are applied to sells and
buys, respectively, for example:
Configure time-dependency fields
With time-dependency fields you can organise data in dashboards based on time
and date in relation to the current time. You can calculate time differences between
different time zones. SimCorp Dimension converts time from the database to the
local user time before comparing time intervals. You can apply time-dependency
fields to all display types and widget data sources. This allows you to, for example,
view the settlement cut off time for your trades. You can also group transactions
according to time as follows:
1. Time to deadline:
A. Number of days from today up to the transaction settlement date.
B. Number of minutes from now up to the custodian cut-off time.
2. Time from:
A. Number of minutes from when the transaction is created up to the current
B. Number of days from the trade date of the transaction up to today.
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Refer to the following examples for an illustration of the use of time-dependency
Grouping transactions according to transaction settlement date.
Grouping transactions according to settlement cut off time.
Calendar conventions
To use reference dates such as the Settlement date of a trade, all trades must
follow the same calendar convention to ensure a meaningful grouping. The following
example illustrates what could happen if this is not the case:
1. A trade is made in a security where Saturday is a business day according the
security's calendar convention. Saturday is the Settlement date for this
2. The reference dates are based on calendar conventions where Saturday is not a
business day.
3. A user has grouped transactions according to Settlement date and watches the
grouping on Friday. Because a transaction is not overdue and does not settle
today or on +1BD or later, the transaction is shown in The rest row/column.
Grouping transactions according to transaction settlement date
It is possible to group transactions according to their settlement date. Follow these
steps to configure this:
1. Create a widget with Group or Group Matrix display type.
2. To insert grouping criteria, use the right-click menu to select Insert Group
where you enter Filter Properties for time intervals. Define the filter for
Settlement date as before today, for example:
Add another Filter Property where Settlement date is tomorrow and the
transaction status is Free deal, for example:
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3. Entering these Filter Properties results in the following summary where
transactions are grouped according to their Settlement date, for example:
The transactions shown in The rest column are those that do not fit into the
defined categories.
Grouping transactions according to settlement cut off time
One way of grouping transactions according to Settlement cut off time is to divide
transactions into those that have Settlement cut off time in less than two hours and
those that have Settlement cut off time in more than two hours.
The following example shows you how to configure a widget that groups transactions
according to Settlement cut off time:
1. Create a widget with Group or Group Matrix display type.
2. To insert grouping criteria, use the right-click menu to select Insert Group
where you can enter Filter Properties for time intervals. Enter a filter for
Settlement cut off time less than 0:00, for example:
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3. Additional Filter Properties results in the following summary where
transactions are grouped according to their Settlement cut off time, for
Edit tree view data in Excel
You can select blocks of cells in a tree view, and then copy the selected data to a
spreadsheet application, where you can modify the data before you paste it back into
source window of the manager application.
To enable block selection:
1. Open a manager application, such as Compliance Manager, and open a
dashboard that contains a tree list.
2. On the Home ribbon, click
Block Selection Tree to enable this
selection type, or alternatively, select this menu item from the Edit menu.
3. Select the desired number of columns and rows that you want to copy and select
Copy on the Tree List ribbon.
4. Open a spreadsheet application, and paste the content into the application.
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5. After modifying the data, you can copy the data in the spreadsheet and then
paste it into the cells in the tree list by clicking Paste on the Tree List ribbon.
You can paste the data into the cells in one of the following ways:
A. Select and paste the data into one cell in the tree list. The row of the selected
cell occurs as the first row of the pasted data.
B. Select and paste data into an area of several selected columns in the tree
list. The selected columns will now contain the pasted data. In case the
copied data consists of additional columns these will not be pasted.
C. Select and paste data into an area of several selected rows in the tree list.
The selected rows will now contain the pasted data. In case the copied data
consists of less rows than the selected rows, the pasted data will be repeated
to fill out the row selection.
You can only paste content into cells which are not read-only.
Configuring authorisations and permissions
This section describes how to configure authorisations and permissions for
dashboards. You use record-based authorisations to control which users should be
allowed to access, update, and delete data.
3.7.1 Data authorisation for dashboards
3.7.2 Record-based authorisation for dashboards
3.7.3 Specify permissions for a page collection
3.7.4 Specify permissions for a canvas
3.7.5 Specify permissions for a widget
3.7.6 Specify permissions for a layout
3.7.7 Specify record permissions
Data authorisation for dashboards
Data authorisation, which you need to view and edit information, works according to
the general principles in SimCorp Dimension. This means that if you are not
authorised to view, for example, a specific portfolio, this portfolio will not be visible in
the widget. If the data for the widget is provided by a service, such as the Trade
Processing Dashboard service, the service user must also have read access to
this information. It is, for example, possible to configure authorisations on:
Authorisations are configured by accessing the windows from Maintenance >
System Access > General Authorisation (role-based authorisation) and userspecific authorisation.
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If a widget configuration references a setup, such as a setup from the Transaction
Status window, you can only specify and navigate to this setup if you have access to
it. If you have access to a specific setup but not to the setup in the underlying
window, the dashboard will open, but if you drill down to the underlying window, this
will either be empty or display an error message (stating that you do not have access
to this setup).
For information about record-based authorisation, see Record-based authorisation
for dashboards below.
Record-based authorisation for dashboards
In addition to data authorisation, dashboards support record-based permissions on
the following levels:
Widget configuration
With record-based permissions, your organisation can define a standard set of
dashboards that are used throughout your organisation. Changes to these can be
controlled. At the same time, individual users can still be granted full flexibility to
create and modify their own dashboards on- the- fly.
You can specify permissions for usage of a dashboard element or a dashboard
layout, to grant different access rights for different users. This way you can, for
example, control that some users only have access to viewing, but are not entitled to
update and delete any data in the dashboard element.
You must be defined as owner, or belong to the specified authorisation profile set as
owner, before you can specify any permission settings.
You must enable edit mode of the canvas before you can configure any widget
You specify permissions in the same way for the various dashboard elements and
the layout in the Record Permissions window.
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How you open this window to specify permissions for the dashboard elements and
the layout is described in the topics for specifying permissions of each dashboard
Specify permissions for a page collection
You can specify record-based permissions on a page collection to grant different
access rights for different users. This way you can, for example, control that some
users only have access to viewing, but are not entitled to update and delete the page
collection. You must be the owner of the page collection, or belong to the specified
authorisation profile set as owner before you can specify any permission settings.
To specify permissions for a page collection:
1. In the dashboard ribbon, click the
button in the PAGE
COLLECTION ribbon group.
This opens the Record Permissions window where you can enter the
permissions for the users of the selected page collection. For more information,
see Specify record permissions on page 42.
You can specify record-based permissions for individual pages in a page collection
to grant different access rights for different users of the page collection. This way you
can, for example, control that some users do not have access to all pages in a page
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Specify permissions for a canvas
You can specify record-based permissions on a canvas to grant different access
rights for different users of the canvas. This way you can, for example, control that
some users only have access to viewing, but are not entitled to update and delete
any data in the canvas. You must be the owner of the canvas, or belong to the
specified authorisation profile set as owner, before you can specify any permission
To specify permissions for a canvas:
1. In the dashboard ribbon, click the
button in the Canvas
ribbon group.
This opens the Record Permissions window where you can enter the
permissions for the users of the selected canvas. For more information, see
Specify record permissions on page 42.
Specify permissions for a widget
You can specify record-based permissions on a widget to grant different access
rights for different users of the widget. This way you can, for example, control that
some users only have access to viewing, but are not entitled to update and delete
any data in the widget.
You must be the owner of the widget, or belong to the specified authorisation profile
set as owner, before you can specify any permission settings.
You must enable edit mode of the canvas before you can configure any widget
To specify permissions for a widget:
1. In the widget header of the relevant widget, click the
configuration sub-window.
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2. Click the
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button in the tool bar.
This opens the Record Permissions window where you can enter the
permissions for the users of the selected canvas. For more information, see
Specify record permissions on the next page.
Specify permissions for a layout
When you create a new layout, you must apply authorisations if you do not want to
permit other users to make changes to it.
To specify permissions for a layout:
1. Click the
button in the bottom right hand corner of the layout and select
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This opens the Layout Permissions window where you can enter the
permissions for the users of the selected canvas. For more information, see
Specify record permissions below.
Specify record permissions
For each dashboard element, you can specify the record permissions the same way
in the Record Permissions window. How you specify permissions here, is
described in the following steps.
To specify permissions in the Record Permissions window:
1. In the Authorisation Profiles section, select the profile for which you want to
specify the permissions.
If the relevant profile is not visible in the window, click the Add... button to
select one or more authorisation profiles for which you want to specify
The authorisation profile that is marked with an asterisk (*) is currently set as
owner of the canvas. As an owner, you can allow another profile to become
the owner by clicking the Change Owner button, and selecting another
authorisation profile.
2. In the Permissions for Selected authorisation profile field, specify the
permission for the selected profile, by selecting the relevant check boxes.
3. To use the specified settings as default permissions for future canvases that you
create, click the Set as Default button and click Yes in the window.
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Web dashboard configuration
This section describes dashboard functionality that is only available for web
dashboards. For information about installing procedures for enabling the SimCorp
Dimension dashboards for the web, see the Enabling Dashboards for the Web
user manual.
Customise branding in web dashboards
You can customise the logo and logo text in web dashboards. You can replace the
SimCorp Dimension logo with a logo of your own choice, for example, with your
company logo, and also personalise the text adjacent to the logo.
To configure a web dashboard branding:
1. Open SimCorp Dashboards in SimCorp Dimension.
2. From the DASHBOARD ribbon, select Configure branding to open the
Configuration Branding sub-window.
The Configure branding button is only selectable if you have authorisation to
perform this task.
3. In the Branding ID field, enter a new ID if you want to create a new branding,
alternatively load an existing ID for a branding that you want to edit.
4. In the Branding title field, enter or modify the text that you want to display after
the logo image in the web dashboard, for example the name of your company.
5. In the Branding image section, click the Browse image button to navigate to
the image that you want to display in the upper-left corner of the web dashboard.
The image will be displayed in accordance with the image settings of the
selected image file, such as with the predefined width and height, but without
6. Select the Use as default check box to enable this branding ID.
7. Save your changes. If another ID was set as the default branding previously, this
will now be disabled and its Use as default check box will be automatically
After you have configured a new branding of your web dashboard in SimCorp
Dimension, your customised logo and text is displayed in the upper-left corner when
you log on to the web dashboard.
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4 System operation widgets
System operation widgets
This chapter shows you how to use the system operation widgets. The widgets are
available in the SimCorp Dashboards window, such as the System Manager, and
any other manager application with a dashboard applet.
The system operation widgets are:
System Operation – Central Selection window
System Operation – SRM(System Runtime Measurements)
System Operation – Batch Job Group History
System Operation – Queues
System Operation – Calculation Queues
The widgets provide you with a convenient way to monitor different types of system
operations data.
Calculation Queues
Use the System Operation – Calculation Queues widget to monitor a running
calculation graph that shows live service queue workload data in your dashboard.
The System Operation – Calculation Queues widget presents the aggregated
workload in five minutes sequences with live input every one minute while indicating
the total number of services running.
The System Operation – Calculation Queues widget needs no configuration and
operates as is on server time. As you can see in the following image, the workload
calculation graph's representation of jobs remaining, queued, waiting, running and
completed is colour coded.
The calculations are shown on a continuous 24 hour scale and Job chunks are
indicated on the left and Services on the right side.
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The System Operation – Calculation Queues widget is part of SimCorp's drive for
elastic capabilities and Service Platform transparency.
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5 Trade processing widgets
Trade processing widgets
This chapter shows you how to use the different kinds of trade processing widgets.
The widgets are for instance available in the dashboard in the Settlement Manager,
that is found under the Settlement > Status > Settlement Manager menu item.
The primary users of the trade processing widgets are back office users but many
other users of SimCorp Dimension will find them useful. The widgets provide a
unique overview of information from many SimCorp Dimension applications and
reports.They allow you to view data from the following windows in SimCorp
Transaction Status
STP Transaction Monitor
Central Trade Manager
SWIFT Status
Netting Manager
In a canvas it is possible to combine widgets from several underlying applications
and to show different setups from the same application. You can configure, for
example, a canvas with six different widgets that contain information from each data
source.This results in a consolidated view in SimCorp Dimension, where it is
possible to select the information that you need and have it all displayed in the same
The data that is displayed in the trade processing widgets is determined by the
options that you select:
The widget data source
The widget configuration (the fields you have selected and the grouping of the
The display type (for instance a pie chart or a pivot table)
The trade processing widgets require trade processing dashboard services to be
running to provide regularly updated information. Refer to the following topics to
configure this:
Configure trade processing dashboard services on the next page: Shows you
how to configure a service to update information in widgets at the required
Configure interface options - Trade Processing Dashboard and Alerts on
page 49: Show you how to configure interface options for services.
Optimise start-up time and performance
The start-up time of Dashboards will be slower if there are many dashboard tabs
and many widgets per canvas. Reduce the number of widgets to optimize the startup
The following precautions should be taken in relation the trade processing widgets:
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Having many transactions in the widgets requires more memory on the computer
running the dashboard and it will therefore take longer to load and update the
widgets. Reduce the number of transactions per widget by doing as much of the
filtering as possible in the transaction status monitor setup. This will make the
widget start up faster and run faster, because you are not carrying a lot of unused
A memory problem can occur in SimCorp Dimension if several (3 or 4)
Settlement Manager installations are opened at the same time. If each
Settlement Manager is configured with many dashboards that contains many
widgets with large data amounts a crash may occur.
Configure trade processing dashboard services
The Trade Processing Dashboard contains a list of items (underlying windows in
SimCorp Dimension) that the server needs to monitor. Servers ensure that
information is updated in the widgets that you have configured. However, the server
does not prepare data before a saved canvas uses a given underlying set-up.
Therefore, you must save the canvas before the server will update it.
To configure services for Trade Processing Dashboards, you need to configure a
job for each of the underlying applications. The jobs listed in the table below are
available for the six trade processing dashboard widget types:
Widget type
Trade Processing - Transaction Status
Trade processing dashboard - Transactions
Trade Processing - STP Transaction
Trade processing dashboard - STP service
Trade Processing - Match
Trade processing dashboard - Match service
Trade Processing - Central Trade
Trade processing dashboard - CTM service
Trade Processing - SWIFT Status
Trade processing dashboard - SWIFT service
Trade Processing - Netting
Trade processing dashboard - Netting service
The server needs to have access to all transactions, portfolios and setups that you
would like to see. If it does not have access to a setup, it will not evaluate it. This
implies that the setup will not be populated/updated.
Services are configured in the Trade Processing Dashboard Service
Configuration window. Use the following steps to configure a service:
1. Create a setup in the Trade Processing Dashboard Service Configuration
window and add the job types in the Job type field:
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2. Enter a time interval for updating information in dashboards in the Time to wait
before looking for new jobs field on the Polling tab. The recommended value
is 5 seconds.
3. Run the service.
When the services are running, data will assimilate in the dashboard that you have
created (provided that there is data in the underlying window that it is pointing to the
configuration). Data will be available within the time interval that you have entered in
the Time to wait before looking for new jobs field. For more information refer to
Configure interface options - Trade Processing Dashboard and Alerts.
Configure a service for alerts
A service must be running to evaluate and execute alerts. Furthermore, a service
must be running for the Trade Processing Dashboards to process the data that the
alerts are based on.
Ensure that the following services are configured:
1. Configure services for the Trade Processing Dashboard in the new Trade
Processing Dashboard Service Configuration window by selecting the six
service types in the Job type field:
2. Enter a time interval for updating of information in dashboards in the Time to
wait before looking for new jobs field on the Polling tab:
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Configure interface options - Trade Processing Dashboard and
Interface options for the Trade Processing Dashboard are configured on the Trade
Processing Dashboard and Alertstab on the Interface Options window. These
options allow you to configure settings for the update of information by servers. You
can configure the options displayed in the following table:
data older
than number
of days
Data that is older than the number of days entered in this field will not be
verification of
Time interval between a complete refresh of data.
The default value is 60. Anything less than 60 is interpreted as 60. A
shown. This refers to the number of days since data in the field was last
changed. A low value will improve the performance of the solution. In a
production environment, this could be as low as 7 days.
value of 0 indicates that data will only be refreshed when the server
starts up or when date changes.
This setting ensures that all possible changes to data will eventually be
reflected on the dashboard. The server updates information when there
are changes to volatile data for each widget but not when static data
An example of this could be that a counterparty is renamed. This
change will not be reflected in the dashboard before the dashboard is
reloaded or verification of data is done, as such a change of data is
considered a static data change. If, for instance, a transaction status
changes, this change is picked up immediately, as that is considered a
volatile data change.
check for new
When a new widget configuration is made, this setting determines the
maximum waiting time until it is picked up and processed by a server.
The recommended setting depends on the particular situation. In a
configuration situation, 1 minute is perhaps preferable. In a production
environment, 4 hours (240 minutes) is probably sufficient.
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Delete closed
alerts after
number of
Enter the number of days after which alerts will be closed.
Trade processing widget limitations
The following differences appear between the fields that are available in widgets and
the fields shown in the underlying windows:
Fields shown in the widget do not always have exactly the same names as in the
underlying window. The reason is that the names have been changed in the
widget to create a uniform naming standard between widget types.
It is possible to select most of the fields from the underlying windows in the
widgets. However, a few of the fields are not available in the trade processing
Some of the fields that you can select in the widgets are not available in the
underlying windows. This implies that you cannot drill down to have more
detailed information for these fields.
If a date has not been entered for a transaction in the underlying window, this
date will be displayed as 01-01-0001 in the widget.
Sum fields
For trade processing widgets, an application specific sum functionality is applied to
most amount fields. The sum functionality adds all numbers together within the
relevant group of data, but only if all numbers are listed in the same currency. This
functionality has been added to ensure that number that are in different currencies
will not be added together.
Using the Match widget
In the Match window, incoming confirmations are matched with transactions in
SimCorp Dimension. Confirmations and transactions that are unable to match can
be manually matched from this window. It is possible to match a transaction without a
confirmation, and if either a transaction or a confirmation appears by mistake, they
can be removed from this window.
You can use widgets with Match as data source to monitor the match status of
The drill down functionality allows you to open a grid with the underlying
transactions, for example to handle unmatched transactions. For more information
about Match, refer to the Transaction Matching user manual.
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Using the STP Transaction Monitor widget
The STP Transaction Monitor allows you to view the progress and status of
transactions as they proceed through the Straight Through Processing (STP)
system. The primary use of the STP Transaction Monitor is to view the condition of
the individual transactions and the underlying auxiliary status jobs.
In the widget for the STP Transaction Monitor, you can monitor the status of
services or transactions. The example below shows a table that contains data from
the STP Transaction Monitor that shows the status levels of different positions:
For more information about the STP Transaction Monitor, refer to the Transaction
Status and Transaction Process user manuals.
Using the Netting Manager widget
The Netting Manager is used by back office personnel to perform netting of
payments (administrative transactions) and/or securities (such as securities lending
trades) within a defined transaction/portfolio/instrument subset.This allows you to
automate the netting process by suggesting securities/payments that are ready for
The following example shows a chart that contains data from the Netting Manager
about the netting status of selected securities. This allows you to get an overview of
securities with the Netting status Ready for netting and drill down to view any
securities that you would like to net:
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For more information about the Netting Manager, see the Netting Manager user
Using the Transaction Status widget
The Transaction Status window allows you to view the status of transactions. It is
possible to select a large amount of fields for this purpose and to use the widgets to
group these fields according to your particular interest. In the widget below
transactions have been group according to Transaction code. This allows you to
find all transactions with Transaction business code WdrMoney. This allows you
to find all transactions for which you need to take action.
Pay attention to the number of transactions in your Transaction Status widgets. A
widget configuration that results in a large number of transactions can slow down the
dashboard significantly. It is recommended that most widgets have fewer than 2.000
records and that at most one widget has more than 10.000 records.
For more information about the Transaction Status window, refer to the
Transaction Status and Transaction Process user manuals.
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Using the Central Trade Manager widget
The Central Trade Manager is a status monitor that communicates trade details
from the investment manager to the broker/dealer. It updates the trading information
which falls within the specified deviations through the match functionality in SimCorp
The Central Trade Manager uses the communication server to send/receive the
different request/response messages. All outgoing messages initiate a match job. To
receive the status changes from the brokers, SimCorp Dimension periodically
requests status information on outgoing messages, which is done by the
communication server.
The widget example below shows a chart that summarizes data from the Central
Trade Manager about the amount of trades that are matched, unmatched and
cancelled. You can monitor the number of transactions at different status levels and
drill down to handle any unmatched transactions:
For more information about the Central Trade Manager, refer to the Central Trade
Manager user manual.
Using the SWIFT Status widget
The SWIFT Status window handles a part of the interface to SWIFT. By using this
window, you can send transaction messages to SWIFT and receive answers. The
widget allows you to monitor the status of the transactions from the SWIFT Status
The example below shows a table that contains data from the SWIFT Status window
about the SWIFT ACK/NAK status of different SWIFT message types. This allows
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you to monitor the status of the SWIFT messages and drill down to view any
messages on which action needs to be taken:
For more information about the SWIFT Status window, refer to the SWIFT Status
user manual.
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Alerts inbox for trade processing widgets
Trade processing alerts provide an operational to do list of trade processing
exceptions and items of importance. Alerts can be monitored for instance in the
Alerts Inbox of the Settlement Manager and provide the following benefits:
Allows you to save time and money associated with identifying exceptions and
provides the means to drill down to those exceptions in order to solve them.
Increases efficiencies in the management and tracking of trade processing
The chart below shows the typical life cycle of an alert, where an alert is created
based on a trade with Match Status MISM in the Central Trade Manager:
Alerts are processed by the servers in the following way:
1. A new alert starts at status Not Started with sub-status New.
2. When the alert is solved, the server sets the status of the alert to In Progress
with sub-status Resolved for 24 hours.
A. If the event that caused the alert does not recur, the server sets the status of
the alert to Finished with sub-status Closed by System.
B. If the event that caused the alert reoccurs while the status is Resolved, the
server sets the status of the alert to In Progress with sub-status Recurring.
If the alert was closed by the user, a new alert will be generated.
The following configurations must be made to use the Alerts Inbox for Trade
Processing dashboards:
Alert generation rules
Alert rules
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Using the Business Rules Manager
For the trade processing alerts inbox, alert rules and alert generation rules are fully
configurable. The Business Rules Manager is the application where you define and
configure the rules that are used in the context of the alerts inbox. Two types of rules
are available for trade processing alerts, each in their own folder:
In this folder you define the rules that will be executed for each alert.
There rules are handled by the alert mail service
In this folder you define the rules that will generate an alert when they are
executed. These rules can either be subject to execution of the alert rules
or you can manage the alerts in the Alerts Inbox. When enabled, the
alert generation rules are handled by the trade processing alert service. If
you select the Simulation check box on an enabled rule in the Business
Rules Manager, the trade processing alert service will only simulate the
execution. If you select the Only maintain created check box, the trade
processing alert service will stop generating alerts.
It is not possible to disable a rule until all the alerts generated by the rule
are closed.
Examples of alert generation rules could be to generate an alert when:
Time to Settlement cut off time it between 0:00 hours and 3:00 hours and
Requested status is Free deal.
Payment amount SC is greater than 75.000 and Requested status is Free
Use the following procedures to configure the different rules:
Alert generation rules
Alert rules
Alert generation rules
Alert Generation is the node in the Business Rule Manager where you define the
rules for the alert you would like to generate. It is divided into two main parts as
indicated in the illustration below.
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In the top part you navigate through the defined business rules based on rule type
and which module they apply to. The bottom part shows details about the currently
selected rule and allows you to change it.
Use the following procedure to create an Alert Generation rule:
1. Select the type of rule that you would like to create (for example Transaction
Status) on the Settlement Manager > Alert Generation node of the Business
Rule Manager and click the Create rule button to create a new rule:
2. Enter a Name and a Description of the rule in the lower left corner of the
window. Make a selection in the Enabled field to put the rule into production:
Not enabled - Select this option if you do not want the rule to be put into
Enabled - Select this option to put the rule into production.
Simulation - Select this option to see how many alerts would have been
generated, based on the existing rule, before committing to it. It is a good idea
to select this option when you create the rule so that you know how many
alerts it will generate before you put it into production.
Only maintain created - When you select this option, the server will no
longer create alerts based on this specific rule but will maintain those alerts
that you have already created
3. Enter a time in the Create after field and a unit (such as Transaction Number)
in the Create per field to define that after x minutes the alert should be created
and for which item type.
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4. Select a setup from the window you have selected (in this case Transaction
Status) in the Setups field and enter a condition for the alert in the field below. In
this example, the alert is initiated if the time until Settlement cut off time is less
than 3 hours:
5. Select a task in the Workflow task field in the bottom right corner of the
Business Rules Manager. If the workflow task has not yet been defined, you
can select the Workflow task field, right click and select Open. The workflow
task should be the same type as the Alert Generation type it relates to:
6. If the rule is enabled in simulation mode, you can use the View simulations
button (from the tool bar in the top of the window) to check how many alerts will
be generated. To allow alerts to be generated, ensure that the Simulation check
box is not selected and that the Enabled check box is (still) selected. Remember
to save the rule each time you make changes.
Alert rules
In the Business Rules Manager the alerts folder is where you define the following
types of rules:
Automatic Email
Send e-mail if an alert fulfils the conditions you have defined.
Automatic due
Set due date on an alert if the alert fulfils the conditions you have
Automatic Assign
Assign an alert to a user if the alert fulfils the conditions you have
An Alert rule consists of three parts (check, examine and execute).
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The Check part determines when the rule is triggered. In this section the rule
name and a description are also specified.
When a business rule is triggered, the Examine part is evaluated on the alert.
If it fulfils the condition specified, the rule is Executed, which in this case means
that an e-mail is sent.
Use the following procedure to create an alert rule:
1. Open the Settlement Manager - Alert folder in the Business Rules Manager
and select the node that corresponds to the rule type you would like to create.
Click the Create rule button to create a new rule:
2. Enter a Name and a Description of the rule in the lower left corner of the
window and fill in information in the following fields:
Max executions - This field can only be changed in connection with
automatic e-mail rules. Any value above zero limits the total number of times
the rule is executed (per alert). Always specify a value (above zero) when On
changes or On changes after time interval is selected in the Check field.
This will prevent you from unintentionally sending an unlimited number of
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Ignore first - Enter a number in this field to skip the first n times that a rule
would otherwise been executed (per alert). If you have selected On changes
in the Check field and you do not want the rule to be executed when the alert
is created, set the value to one.
Enable/Simulation - Select the Enable check box to put the rule into
production (by alert mail service). If it is an automatic e-mail rule, it is
recommended that you initially select the Simulation check box. This implies
that the service will simulate instead of execute the alert. By having the rule in
simulation mode for a period of time, you can verify that the alert service does
not send too many mails based on this rule. You can then deselect the
Simulation check box when you have verified the result.
Check - This field allows you to select when the business rule should be
checked. The following options are available:
Never: Rule is inactive even if the Enabled check box is selected.
On changes: The rule is checked upon any logged change to an alert. A
logged change on an alert is the changes that are visible in the lower pane
when an alert is selected in the Alerts Inbox.
On changes after time interval: The rule is checked at a period of time
after an alert is changed. A time interval must be entered in the field below.
If a new change happens on the alert before the time period has ended, it
will start to wait for a new time interval.
After time interval: The rule is checked at regular time intervals. The time
interval is entered in the field below.
At times: The rule is checked at a specific time(s) each day. Enter the time
(s) in the field below. When using this option you should be aware of the
time zone where the database server is running.
3. Enter a condition for when the e-mail rule should execute in the examine section.
In this example, a condition is entered that states that an e-mail should be
generated when there is an alert on the rule named PML CUTOFF:
4. Enter the following information in the execute section at the bottom right side of
the window:
To and Cc - Use F4 to select user(s) and user groups. If you want to expand
a user group, prefix the group with a '+' sign.
Allow External Recipients - If you select this check box, it is possible to
enter recipients from other domains than the domain of the SMTP user (set in
Miscellaneous Options). If the SMTP user is no-reply@simcorp.com - an
unchecked checkbox implies that it only sends to addresses@simcorp.com.
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This check box is by default not selected. Only a user that has an 'Allow external
recipients' authorisation is allowed to change this.
Sender - Only specify a sender, if you wish to use a different sender than the
one specified in the standard configuration. The standard is the SMTP user
that has been entered in Miscellaneous Options.
Mail body - In this section you can enter both static text and place holders for
runtime values for the accessible properties of the specific alert. The fields
that are available in the Fields picker are the same as those available in the
grid in the Alerts Inbox. To enter a place holder for a runtime value:
A. Place the cursor in the mail body where you would like the place holder to
be inserted.
B. Select the required property in the Fields picker and click the Insert
button. Use the Fields picker to enter place holder(s) for the alert runtime
value. The place holder will be inserted where the cursor is positioned in
the mail body.
Using the Alerts Inbox
The Alerts Inbox is an operational 'To do' list of trade processing exceptions that are
important to the user. It is available as a tab page in the Settlement Manager and in
a number of other applications.
To add the Alerts Inbox applet, click on the Home tab and select the Alerts Inbox
from the drop-down menu of the Show button.
The following picture shows the functionality that is available in the Alerts Inbox.
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Filtering of alerts based on basic and user defined filters.
Grid that displays alerts based on filters selected under item 1.
Header information of a selected alert. It can provide such information as Alert Type,
Rule name and Rule description. The following fields are available:
Date: Last changed time stamp from the top grid.
Last event time: Latest event date from the top grid.
Last event type: Latest event type from the top grid.
Logged action on the selected alert.
Transaction details grid that provides details about the transaction that has caused
the alert selected in grid 2. The default view (available fields) is the same as in the
Trade Processing Dashboard widget.
In the Alert Inbox you can do the following:
Use a filter to subdivide alerts
Process actions and tasks in the Alerts Inbox
Use a filter to subdivide alerts
The Alerts Inbox comes with standard filters that filter out the alerts that the user is
authorized to view. It is also possible to create your own root folder in the filter tree or
to create a folder in an existing folder to organise user defined filters.
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Create a folder
To create a folder, right-click on a folder in the filter pane on the left side of the Alerts
Inbox and select the New Folder menu item:
Create a filter
To create a filter, select the folder where you want the filter. Right-click the folder and
select the New Filter menu item. Enter a Name and Description of the filter. Enter
the filter predicate in the editor:
Process actions and tasks in the Alerts Inbox
You can apply functions to alerts in the Alerts Inbox by using the options that are
available in the ribbon on top or by right-clicking the alert(s):
To manage alert status, responsible user, due date and snooze date, or to
change the priority, and send it as e-mail, or add a comment, use the options in
the Common section:
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Actions on an alert are logged and displayed in the bottom detail view. Alerts that
are no longer relevant are omitted from the alerts overview in the top section. The
transaction detail grid is empty when the alert is closed.
Use the options in the Trade Processing section to identify an alert and the key
details of that alert and to drill down to find more information and view the
transaction/message/netted details that caused the alert:
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Alert Inbox Summary widget
The Alert Inbox Summary widget type enables you to report/display summary
information on the alert data (for example a table that shows the number of alerts that
are new and the number of alters that have been resolved). This widget type is
available when you select Alerts Inbox Summary in the Type field in the widget
configuration window.
Right-click any of the pieces of the pie chart and select the Show the Selected
Alerts in the Inbox menu item to view the selected alert in the Alerts Inbox.
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8 Cash Management widget
Cash Management widget
This chapter shows you how to use the cash management widget. The widget is
available in the SimCorp Dashboards window and any other manager application
with a dashboard applet.
The cash management widget provides you with an easy way to present cash
forecast data for both your bank accounts and your cash buckets in your desired
format. You can then use the drill-down functionality to navigate to the individual
windows in SimCorp Dimension to easily resolve any issues.
The cash management widget provides a high-level, transparent overview of your
available cash:
Saves you time and improves efficiency by providing access to all cash data in
one window.
Improves problem resolution time with greater transparency and drill-down
The data shown in the cash management widget is determined by the options you
The widget configuration (the fields you have selected and the grouping of the
The display type
The following sections explain how to configure and view data in the cash
management widget:
Prerequisites for the cash management widget: Shows you how to configure a
batch job that updates the widget.
Configure a cash management widget: Shows you how to configure the cash
management widget.
Using the cash management widget: Shows you the available information in the
cash management widget.
Prerequisites for the cash management widget
Data in the cash management widget is updated by batch jobs and each Cash
Management setup requires a separate batch job to update it.
To make this configuration:
Select Cash Management - Execute - Save Results in the Batch task field in
the Batch Jobs window and select the setup in the CM setup field as illustrated
in the following picture.
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The batch job triggers an automatic update of data in the Cash widget.
Configure a cash management widget
The Configuration for Cash Management window allows you to configure a
personalized cash widget. To make a configuration, follow these steps:
1. Click the Add Widget icon from the Widget toolbar and select Cash
Management as widget data source.
2. Select a display type in the Widget Configurations pop-up window.
3. Click the configuration button (
) to open a sub-window for configuring the
The only field that is particular to the configuration of cash management widgets
is the Cash management setups field, that allows you select one or more
setups from Cash Management.
4. Click the save icon to display data in the widget.
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Using the cash management widget
The cash management widget provides you with a high-level overview of your cash.
This section will show you examples of two types of configuration:
A Statement type view that provides a good overview, as it allows you to view
Opening balances, transactions for the day and Closing balances across a
selected term structure of future dates.
A Pivot display type that allows you to view the currency balance on different
bank accounts and use the drill-down functionality to investigate details.
Monitor currency exposure
You can use the Pivot display type to configure your cash management widget to
monitor currency exposure.
Settings on the underlying Cash Management setup determine whether amounts in
the Cash widget are shown in portfolio or reporting currency. If you have selected the
Amount in PC check box, in the Settings - Cash Management window, amounts
in the cash management widget will be shown in portfolio currency.
Use the procedure below to make a configuration to monitor currency exposure:
1. Click the Add Widget icon from the Widget toolbar and select Cash
Management as widget data source.
2. Select Pivot in the Widget Configurations pop-up window.
3. Enter configuration data and save the setup.
4. Right-click in the top row of the table and use the Select Pivot Fields menu item
to open a configuration window.
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5. Select Bank account ID as Row Fields and Booking date as Column
Fields.When you save your setup, this configuration allows you to monitor
movements on your currency accounts.
Monitor opening and closing balance
You can use the Group Matrix display type to configure your cash management
widget to monitor the opening and closing balance on particular dates. Use the
filtering and grouping functionality to make a configuration that provides the
information you require:
1. Configure a cash management widget and select the Group Matrix display
type. Use the Insert Column Group menu item to add new columns and the
Edit Column Search Filter menu item to define the conditions according to
which transactions will be added to the group, such as a specific date.
2. It is also possible to use reference dates both in your search condition, and
within the column description. If you also choose a reference date wrapped in
braces for your description, SimCorp Dimension will translate and display the
column description as an actual date in your column header.
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3. Use the Insert Row Group menu item to add new rows and the Edit Row
Search Filter menu item to define the conditions according to which
transactions will be added to the row, such as a specific instrument type. The
subtotal for this group will automatically be calculated.
4. Use the Add Subgroup menu item to enter sub-rows below the main rows. This
configuration provides the widget shown below that monitors the opening
balance and closing balance on particular dates.
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5. Select the View in Cash Management or View in New Cash Management
(new window in Cash Management) menu items to drill-down to the underlying
application. Because results are selected from different setups in Cash
Management, you might need to open a new Cash Management window for
each row. Furthermore, you can use the right-click menu in the underlying
application to open the transaction window.
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9 Fund/Portfolio STP widgets
Fund/Portfolio STP widgets
The Fund/Portfolio STP widgets give you an overview of relevant data and flexible
access to underlying data and processes. It helps you to make better decisions and
optimise processes by showing you at a glance how your business area is doing,
whether you are on track and what important trends you need to be aware of.
Before you can monitor workflows with the Fund/Portfolio STP widgets, ensure that
you are ready to run your workflows in the Fund/Portfolio STP service.
For detailed instructions on how to set up the fund STP service, see the Fund
Accounting Setup and Fund Operations user manuals. For detailed instructions
on how to set up the portfolio STP service, see the Portfolio Figures & STP user
With these widgets, you can:
Monitor critical business processes and activities with metrics that trigger alerts
when specified key figures fail predefined thresholds or targets.
Analyse imminent issues by exploring relevant data from multiple perspectives
and at different levels of detail.
Manage processes for better decisions and optimised performance.
The widgets are available in all manager applications with a dashboard applet
though you may find them particularly relevant in the following applications:
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Fund Administration Manager
Portfolio Administration Manager
Portfolio Group Administration Manager
Calculation Segment Administration Manager
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Where the Portfolio Administration Manager is mentioned, documentation applies
to the Portfolio Group Administration Manager and the Calculation Segment
Administration Manager as well.
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - Average Execution Time widget
The Fund/Portfolio STP - Average Execution Time widget lets you monitor
processing times in an STP workflow.
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund/Portfolio STP - Average Execution Time widget,
configure execution times alerts for STP events. For more information, see the
Portfolio Figures & STP user manual or the Fund Operations user manual.
Using the widget
Use the widget to monitor average execution times per fund or portfolio setup or per
calculation event type based on time values stored in the Avg. exec. time field of the
Fund/Portfolio STP Average Execution Times window which you can open
directly from the widget.
Using the Fund Administration - Figures widget
The Fund Administration - Figures widget lets you focus on the status and trends
of the business side, on where you stand and where you are going.
The Fund Administration - Figures widget aggregates data from the Fund Figure
Viewer application where you configure the fund setups to display and the applicable
time period.
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund Administration - Figures widget, load data and
display figures in the Fund Figure Viewer. For more information, see the Portfolio
Figures & STP user manual or the Fund Operations user manual.
You can select which fund figure line data to display, which makes the widget very
flexible. For example, for funds you can show subscription amounts, redemption
amounts, total net asset value, equity values, accrued fees, or virtually any other
fund figure.
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One prime example is to display assets under management per period, along with
net subscriptions today or during the previous period.
Using the widget
Use the Fund Administration - Figures widget to monitor aggregated data from the
Fund Figure Viewer. Given the required authorisation, you can directly open the
Fund Figure Viewer with the selected setup.
Using the Fund Administration - Holidays widget
The Fund Administration - Holidays widget indicates how many funds have a
bank holiday on the current or the previous calculation day and will therefore not
calculate a NAV.
This widget supports the fund STP workflow, but is not meaningful in the context of
the portfolio dashboard.
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund Administration - Holidays widget, ensure that the
fund definition setups in your STP workflow have holidays configured. For
instructions, see the Fund Administration Setup user manual.
Using the widget
Use the Fund Administration - Holidays widget to see how many funds have a
bank holiday and will therefore not calculate a NAV on a given day.
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - Open Alerts widget
The Fund/Portfolio STP - Open Alerts widget lets you monitor open alert tasks in
the current STP workflow.
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund/Portfolio STP - Open Alerts widget, ensure that you
have set up your STP workflow for the Alerts Inbox. For instructions, see the
Portfolio Figures & STP user manual or the Fund Operations user manual.
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Using the widget
You can display bar charts by alert type, assigned user, and status (whether the
assigned user has acknowledged the alert).
You can show pivot tables which distinguish alerts by type and user and show totals
for each.
This overview shows managers how many exceptions require attention, whether
exceptions are unassigned, and whether exceptions are poorly distributed among
Given the required authorisation, you can directly open one or several selected alerts
in the Alerts Inbox applet in the Fund Administration Manager or in the Portfolio
Administration Manager from the Fund/Portfolio STP - Open Alerts widget.
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Jobs widget
The Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Jobs widget shows STP workflow progress on a
detailed level
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Jobs widget, ensure that you
have configured the STP service. For more information, see the Portfolio Figures
& STP user manual or the Fund Operations user manual.
Using the widget
Display STP workflow progress, for example, how many calculation events have
been processed per event type.
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9 Fund/Portfolio STP widgets
For each event type, you can drill down to the list of individual events to see exactly
which events and funds or portfolios are affected.
Using the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Queues widget
The Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Queues widget displays the overall workflow
progress. You can monitor many funds or portfolios to see whether you are on track
or delayed.
Prerequisites and configuration
Before you can use the Fund/Portfolio STP - STP Queues widget, ensure that you
have configured the STP service. For more information, see the Portfolio Figures
& STP user manual or the Fund Operations user manual.
Using the widget
The widget aggregates data from the actual queue status per fund or portfolio to
show how many of the total number of jobs on the queue are finished and how many
are unfinished. Relative progress of fund or portfolio setups or of calculation events
can be displayed in bar charts. For example, a small bar chart can show progress
across all fund/portfolio setups at a glance:
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Given the required authorisation, you can set up the Fund/Portfolio STP STP Queues widget to directly open the Process Monitor applet or the Queue
Details applets in the Fund Administration Manager or the Portfolio
Administration Manager.
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10 Middle office widgets
Middle office widgets
This chapter shows you how to use the Middle Office widgets. These widgets are
available in the SimCorp Dashboards window and any other manager application
with a dashboard applet such as the Settlement Manager.
There are several Middle Office widgets, and each widget can have several UI types:
Single date widget
Tree node simple
Tree node
Tree node top/bottom
Tree node chart
Time series widget
Tree node chart
Tree node table
Scenarios Distribution
Tree node chart
Tree node table
An example of a default dashboard is shown in the following.
Prerequisites for the Middle Office widgets
The Middle Office widgets allow you to present data from Risk Measurement and
Performance Reports.
To determine which Risk Measurement or Performance Reports the widget
should use, you need to define a Middle Office data source in the sMiddle Office
Data Sources window. This is used as input when you configure your widget.
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To use a Performance Reports setup as the data source in the Middle Office Data
Sources window, the report setup must have the Top-down calculation only
check box selected on the Settings tab in the Calculation options setting.
Configure Middle Office widgets
The different types of Middle Office widgets have different configuration parameters.
The individual input parameters are described in the Parameter descriptions table.
Parameter descriptions
Middle office
data source
Select your data source by pointing at a Middle Office data source
Select the relevant benchmark(s) number. The options available are
configuration ID.
determined by what has been calculated in the specific Risk
measurment or Performance report.
Show analytics
Determine for which node you want the data to be displayed.
For Tree node simple, Tree node and Tree node Top/bottom the
field is greyed out and default value selected. For the remaining
widgets you can choose between Selected node or Sub nodes. If
you selected a node (path) with sub nodes and you have chosen Sub
nodes in your configuration, data will be displayed from these sub
nodes. If you have chosen Selected node, data will only be displayed
from the node (path) you have selected.
Default top
node value
If you have multiple top splits you can enter a default top split value.
The default top split value will be displayed in the top Split directory of
the widget every time you open your dashboard/widget. However,
notice that you can still navigate between the different top splits. This
field will be greyed out, if you do not have multiple top splits.
Top node value
This lets you to show all top splits at the same time. The option is only
available for charts and tables and only valid if you have multiple top
splits and Show analytics for is equal to Selected node.
You can fill in a default path that corresponds to a node in the
Reporting Tree. The default path will be displayed in the path
directory of the widget every time you open your dashboard/widget.
When you select a default path you can still navigate between the
different paths.
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From date
Only relevant for Time series widgets.
You can fill in a default from date or use a reference date. The default
from date will be displayed in the from date directory of the widget
every time you open your dashboard/widget, however, note that you
can still change the date in the directory.
To date
Only relevant for Time series widgets.
You can fill in a default to date or use a reference date. The default to
date is displayed in the to date directory of the widget every time you
open your dashboard/widget, however, note that you can still change
the date in the directory.
Default date
Only relevant for Single date widgets.
Contains a default date or a reference date. The default date is
displayed in the widget date directory every time you open your
dashboard/widget. However, you can still change the date in the
Data frequency
You can choose what frequency to use when displaying data. For
example, if you choose Weekly you will get a data point for every
week. The data frequency will only affect how the data is displayed
and will not change the analytics calculation.
Only relevant for Time series widget and if the data source equals
Risk measurement.
Maximum drilldown dept
Only relevant for the Tree node widget.
Select the maximum drill down depth, to decide how deep down in the
tree data should be shown. The depth number is dynamic based on
the node you are positioned on. The default value = 1.
Show top or
Only relevant for the Tree node top/bottom widget.
Select to see the top or bottom of a given analytic.
Number of
Only relevant for the Tree node top/bottom widget.
Select the number of top or bottom analytics you want displayed.
Analytics for
Only relevant for the Tree node top/bottom widget.
Select which analytics you want to see the top or bottom of.
The following tables show the available input parameters for each widget type.
x means that you can change the settings
Info means that the field is set automatically and you cannot change the settings
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Single Date widgets
Input Parameters
Tree node
Tree node
Tree node
Widget ID
UI Type
Middle office data
Default top node value
Top node value
Default path
Hide search values by
Enable release control
Default date
Maximum drill-down
Show analytics for
Show top or bottom
Number of
Analytics for
Time Series widgets
Input Parameters
Tree node chart
Tree node table
Widget ID
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Input Parameters
Tree node chart
Tree node table
Middle office data source
Show analytics for
Default top node value
Top node value selection
Default Path
From date
To date
Data frequency
UI Type
Scenarios Distribution widgets
Input Parameters
Tree node table
Widget ID
UI Type
Default top node value
Top node value selection
Default Path
Hide search values by default
Enable release control
Default date
Scenario type
Middle office data source
Show analytics for
Tree node chart
Using the tree node simple single date widget
You can use the tree node simple widget for displaying a variety of analytics on a
single node in a tree. From a selected top split, the underlying tree nodes are
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selected. You can drill down the tree to lower nodes in the widget and select a variety
of different analytics to display. In this example the tree node AA INV ST\EQUITY is
displayed for top split AACLA1, AA MODEL GRP.
The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Risk Measurement.
Using the tree node single date widget
You can use the tree node single date widget for displaying a variety of analytics for
an entire tree. From a selected top split, all the underlying tree nodes are available to
view. You can expand or collapse individual tree nodes to arrive at the view you want
and select a variety of different analytics to display. In this example the entire tree
structure for top split AACLA1, AA MODEL GRP is shown. You can also change the
node you are viewing to lower nodes in the tree and view the tree from that position.
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The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Performance Reports.
Using the tree top bottom single date widget
You can use the tree node top/bottom single date widget for displaying the top x or
bottom x number of data points for a particular analytic. You can also change the
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node you are viewing to lower nodes in the tree and view the selected top and bottom
data points from that position. In this example the widget is configured to display the
top 3 data points in the TWR RC column for the tree node AA INV ST.
The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Performance Reports.
Using the tree node chart single date widget
You can use the tree node chart single date widget for displaying a chart or graph of
an analytic on a single date. You can change the type of chart and the displayed
analytic by right clicking on the chart and choosing Show editor.... In this example
the Dirty Value RC is displayed for the bonds node. The check box Show all top
splits is selected which in this example displays all the model portfolios in the setup.
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The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Performance Reports.
Using the tree node chart time series widget
You can use the tree node chart time series widget for displaying the values of
analytics over time in a graphical form. From a selected top split, the underlying tree
nodes are selected. You can drill down the tree to lower nodes in the widget and
select a variety of different analytics to display. You can change the type of chart and
the displayed analytic by right clicking on the chart and choosing Show editor.... In
this example the parametric VaR RC 95% is displayed for all the nodes under tree
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The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Risk Measurement.
Using the tree node table time series widget
You can use the tree node table time series widget for displaying the values of
analytics over time. From a selected top split, the underlying tree nodes are selected.
You can drill down the tree to lower nodes in the widget and select a variety of
different analytics to display. In this example the TWR local and Dirty Value RC are
displayed for all nodes under tree node AA PON AA for a variety of dates.
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The widget is configured as follows and is based on a Performance reports.
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Using the tree node chart scenarios distribution widget
You can use the tree node chart scenarios distribution widget for displaying the
historical P/Ls or historical values, for a single date, as a histogram. From a selected
top split, you select the underlying tree nodes. You can drill down to lower nodes in
the widget and select between historical P/L and historical value in the Chart Editor.
You can also set up custom groupings in the Chart Editor, to define the number of
buckets, of P/L or historical values, to display in the histogram.
Using the tree node table scenarios distribution widget
You can use the tree node table scenarios distribution widget for displaying the
historical P/Ls or historical values, for a single date, as a table. From a selected top
split, you select the underlying tree nodes. You can drill down to lower nodes in the
widget and select the necessary fields in the widget grid.
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11 Asset Manager widgets
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Asset Manager widgets
The Asset Manager dashboard comprises a collection of widgets that summarises
data from the SimCorp Dimension front office solutions.
You can access the dashboard as an applet in Asset Manager or as a standalone
application. You can therefore use the dashboard to give:
High-level information to team leads
A summary to portfolio managers as part of their working day
A summary to portfolio managers while they are travelling.
The Asset Manager dashboard supports both tabular and graphical data views. The
following widgets are available:
Asset Manager - Exposure
You can view portfolio positions on an absolute or relative basis. The widget can
show portfolio allocations in two dimensions to give greater depth of
understanding of your positions. For example, you can view currency against
credit rating.
Asset Manager - Top N Holdings
This widget enables you to see your largest positions by security or issuer, either
on an outright or relative basis.
Asset Manager - Outstanding Orders
You can view a summary or the details of the orders that are presently with your
traders. You can also see the current execution status.
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11 Asset Manager widgets
Furthermore, you can add widgets from other dashboards to the Asset Manager
dashboard. This means, for example, that you can access transaction and confirmed
performance data in Asset Manager.
The dashboard enables you to have both local and remote access to:
Monitor portfolio breakdowns in two dimensions, which gives a clear overview of
high-level position data.
View largest outright, relative, and risk positions, and thus immediately identify
outlying positions.
View key information for outstanding orders.
View portfolio post-trade compliance and thus enable prompt corrective action.
Include widgets from other dashboards and therefore gain access to reconciled
Middle Office analytics and transaction history.
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Compliance Manager widgets
Compliance Manager has a configurable dashboard, just like a number of other
"Manager" solutions in SimCorp Dimension. You can choose which compliance
widgets you want to see in the dashboard and you can position them as you wish.
If you currently use the Alerts Inbox applet to manage your compliance failures and
data exceptions, it is recommended that you also set up and add a number of Alert
Inbox widgets to your compliance dashboard.
Using the Today's Pre-trade widget
The Today's Pre-trade compliance widget displays a summary of the pre-trade
compliance results for transactions and orders that have been checked during the
current business day.
Furthermore, you can drill down into the underlying statistic to view the details behind
the total numbers.
Using the Rule Approval widget
The Rule Approval compliance widget displays information about rules in
Compliance Manager that are awaiting approval. You see a summary of the number
of rules that you amended and have therefore asked others to approve, and you see
the number of rules for approval by you.
In addition to a summary of the approval statistics, the widget provides you with a
preview of the rules that require approval. From this preview pane, you can open the
rule for review and go directly to the rule itself in the Rules applet.
This widget is only relevant if your organisation uses Compliance Manager’s rule
approval workflow.
Using the Rule Fragments widget
The Rule Fragments widget provides an overview of the number of fragments in the
Rules applet in Compliance Manager. In addition to displaying the current total
number of fragments, this widget provides a grouped breakdown of rule fragment
amendment activity over selected periods of time. For example, you can see rule
fragment changes made today, yesterday, and within the last week.
As with other Compliance Manager widgets, a preview pane displays the details of
the fragments that correspond to the displayed statistic.
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12 Compliance Manager widgets
Using the Lists widget
The Lists widget provides an overview of the number of lists in the Rules applet in
Compliance Manager. In addition to displaying the current total number of lists, this
widget provides a grouped breakdown of list amendment activity over selected
periods of time. For example, you can see list changes made today, yesterday, and
within the last week.
As with other Compliance Manager widgets, a preview pane displays the details of
the lists that correspond to the displayed statistic.
Using the Portfolio Lifecycle widget
The Portfolio Lifecycle compliance widget provides a breakdown of the number of
portfolios grouped by their current life cycle status (as defined in the Extra
Information sub-window of the Portfolios window).
Using the Rule Definitions widget
The Rule Definitions widget displays statistics that relate to the number of rules in
Compliance Manager and their associated status. In addition to showing a statistic
for the total number of rules for each rule status, you can split these statistics into the
total number of rules per hierarchy source, for example, total number of active global
rules and total number of draft legal set rules.
As well as providing a summary of the rule totals, this widget has a preview pane to
display the rules that correspond to the high-level statistics displayed. From there,
you can open the rule to view it or go directly to the rule in the Rules applet.
Using the Rule Audit widget
The Rule Audit compliance widget provides an overview of the number of rules that
have been amended and the number of new rules created over a selected set of time
periods (Today, Yesterday, and Last week).
In addition to providing a summary of the rule totals, this widget has a preview pane
to display the rules that correspond to the high-level statistics displayed. From there,
you can open the rule to view it or go directly to the rule in the Rules applet.
Using the Assignment Units widget
The Assignment Units widget provides a high-level overview of the total number of
current assignment units in Compliance Manager. As well as displaying a breakdown
of the total numbers by assignment unit type, you can extend the breakdown to
group by the current location of these assignment units in the Hierarchy, for
example, total number of pending portfolios.
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Using the Post Trade widget
The Post Trade widget provides an overview of the latest post-trade compliance
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13 Trading widgets
Trading widgets
Three widgets are available for the Order Manager dashboard. They offer an at-aglance view of what is happening on the trading desk(s). The widgets are as follows:
Broker Routing
Commission Tracking
Strategy Routing
The widgets provide you with:
An overview of how the trading desk(s) executed the orders
The value of trades executed by each broker
Information about the algorithm used for algo trading
The ability to monitor the total commissions that are paid to each broker, which
includes tracking against commission.
Using the Broker Routing widget
Use the Broker Routing trading widget to get an overview of all the orders that are
routed to selected brokers. You can view the data as a group, pivot or chart UI type.
When you select a broker, the grid shows the corresponding transactions. To open
the associated dealer window to view the transaction details, right-click a transaction
and select Open Transaction.
The following picture shows the chart view.
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When you choose to view data in a pivot, you can configure the reporting table
(columns, rows, and data).
To see changes in broker routing patterns over time, configure the number of
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13 Trading widgets
Using the Commission Tracking widget
If you trade equities or exchange traded futures and options, the Commission
Tracking widget enables you to monitor the commission paid to brokers, which
includes tracking against organisational commission targets. Both step-outs and
commission sharing agreements are taken into account.
The Commission Tracking widget shows all commissions by default. To restrict
this, select the Show commissions with targets only check box in the widget's
configuration window.
Using the Strategy Routing widget
Use the Strategy Routing widget to gain an overview of all the orders that are made
with a certain strategy and to drill down to the individual transactions. You can view
the data as a group, pivot or chart UI type.
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14 Terminology list
Terminology list
This section defines the terms used in connection with dashboards.
Collection of one or more widgets, placed according to user
An applet that can show a canvas with widgets.
Display type
The graphical display of information in the widget (such as a pie chart or
a pivot table).
A named configuration of the visual components in a manager
application. The highest level of user interface configuration. Determines
the number of available dashboards and the canvasses available in
Page collection
A named collection of canvases.
A selection of fields and transaction data in a transaction window in
SimCorp Dimension. You select setups for the Trade Processing
Area of the canvas where the widget is placed.
A configured area of the dashboard that shows specific information. The
lowest level configurable component. This is the link between the user
interface (how you observe information on the screen) and the
underlying business data (what you observe on the screen).
The way you have selected to view information in the widget, for
example the fields from SimCorp Dimension and the grouping of this
Widget data
The source of the underlying information that is shown in the widget, for
example Transaction Status or STP Status.
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Alert Generation
Alert Inbox Summary widget
Alerts Inbox
Asset Manager
Assignment Units widget
Compliance Manager
Average Execution Time widget
Broker Routing widget
Order Manager
Business Rules Manager
Cash Management widget
Central Trade Manager widget
Commission Tracking widget
Order Manager
Compliance Manager
Assignment Units widget
Lists widget
Portfolio Lifecycle widget
Rule Approval widget
Rule Audit widget
Rule Definitions widget
Rule Fragments widget
Today's Pre-trade widget
Compliance Manager widgets
Conditional formatting
Configure a chart
Configure a group
Configure a group matrix
Configure a pivot table
Configuring a table
Configuring dashboards
Configuring interface options
Configuring services
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55, 61
Display types
Figures widget
Fund/Portfolio Holidays widget
Fund/Portfolio Inbox widget
Fund/Portfolio STP Jobs widget
Fund/Portfolio STP Queue widget
Group matrix display type
Group summary table
Lists widget
Compliance Manager
Match widget
Order Manager
Broker Routing widget
Commission Tracking widget
Strategy Routing widget
Portfolio Lifecycle widget
Compliance Manager
Post Trade widget
Rule Approval widget
Compliance Manager
Rule Audit widget
Compliance Manager
Rule Definitions widget
Compliance Manager
Rule Fragments widget
Compliance Manager
STP dashboard
STP Transaction Monitor widget
Strategy Routing widget
Order Manager
SWIFT Status widget
Time dependency fields
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Today's Pre-trade widget
Compliance Manager
Trade processing widget limitations
Trading widgets
Transaction Status widget
tree node chart single date widget
tree node chart time series widget
tree node simple widget
tree node single date widget
tree node table time series widget
tree node top/bottom single date widget
Add to canvas
Asset Manager
Broker Routing
Commission Tracking
Compliance Manager
Rule Approval
Rule Audit
Rule Definitions
Rule Fragments
Strategy Routing
Today's Pre-trade
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