Study Task 3 - Judaism Question 1 Which of these is NOT true about Abraham? ● Migrated from the region now known as Iraq ● Lived around 1260 BCE ● Migrated to a region now known as part of the West Bank. ● Migrated to a region the Bible calls Canaan ● Thought that God had instructed him to migrate to his new home area ● Was the owner of herds of sheep and goats, cared for my worker familes Question 2 Which of these is NOT true about Moses? ● He hurriedly left Egypt after murdering a fellow Jew ● After fleeing Egypt he settled on Mountain called Horeb or Sinai, when he tended flocks and then married his boss's daughter. ● He is said to have been found as an infant floating in a basket on the Nile. ● He was Jewish and was said to have been raised in the royal palace. ● Freud wrote a book titled Moses and Monotheism. Question 3 Which of these is not true about the Exodus? ● Moses readily accepts God's request for him to go back to Egypt. ● Moses hears God's voice from a burning bush. ● Moses returns to Egypt and it takes 10 plagues before the Jews are allowed to leave. ● The Hebrews' escape through the Red (or Reed) Sea was later taken to be a great miracle worked by God. ● The Hebrews wandered in the wilderness (desert) for years, and some murmumed about the hardships. Moses' men killed some of the dissenters. Question 4 Which of these is NOT true about the Biblical name for God. ● When reading the Bible aloud, Hebrews say Adonai (Lord) or haShem, the Name. ● The final edition of the Torah incorporates one story tradition that uses YHWH a lot, and therefore scholars call it the J source. ● The Christian denomination known as Jehovah's Witnesses take their name from the name of God as translated in the King James (English) version of the Bible. ● The name was revealed first to Abraham. ● The Biblical Hebrew spelling is YHWH, without vowels. This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 No one knows for sure what the original meaning of the word YHWH or how it was originally pronounced. Question 5 Which of these is NOT correct about King David? ● He had the former priests of Jerusalem killed and replaced them with Hebrew priests. ● He made treaties with foreign power and married to seal them. ● He had a grand palace built for himself. ● He had the ark brought into the city and housed in its tent. ● He had successful diplomatic relations trade with other nations. Question 6 Which of these gives the wrong thing that is celebrated. ● Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Zealots. ● Purim celebrates how Jews in Persia were saved from a plot to kill them. ● Passover celebrates the sparring of Hebrew families from the last plague, and also the exodus events. ● Rosh Hashanah celebrates the new year. ● Sabbath celebrates the God's creation and resting on the 7th day. ● Sukkoth commemorates the Hebrews time in the Wilderness and also is a Fall harvest festival. Question 7 Which of these is not true about the Talmud. ● Both men and women were encouraged to study the Talmud, which promoted high literacy rates among Jewish males and females. ● Whereas priests were the leaders of the Temple, rabbis were the leaders in Talmudic studies. ● It contains the Mishnah and the Gemarah. giving legal rulings on applying Torah laws to everyday life. ● There is a Babylonian Talmud and a Jerusalem Talmud, each giving the rulings from the Rabbinic court in that region. ● The Talmud is organized under six topics, with the kosher regulations found in the topic on Women. Question 8 Which of these is not correct about Mainomides? ● He lived in Berlin in the 14th century. ● Jews refer to him as Rambam, short for Rabbi Moses ben Maimon. ● He wrote The Guide for the Perplexed to help Jews with questions about being modern and Jewish both. This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 ● In The Guide to the Perplexed, he helps Jews understand that the Biblical phrase that humans were created in the image or likeness of God doesn't mean that God has a human-like body. Question 9 Which of these is not correct about the Expulsion of Jews and the Spanish Inquisition? ● Those Jews who chose to convert went on to embrace Christianity wholeheartedly and were left alone by the Spanish government after that. ● The Muslims as well as Jews were required to either convert or leave Spain. ● Many Jews who left Spain were welcomed into the Ottoman Empire. ● The expulsion happened in 1492, the same year that Columbus sailed. Question 10 Which of these is not true about Jewish mysticism? ● Having flourished in earlier times, Jewish mysticism is no longer practiced? ● The most important Jewish mystical text is called the Zohar. ● Jewish mystics refer to God with names such as 'Infinite' or 'Without End'. ● Many Jewish mystics follow a tradition called Kaballah. ● Jewish mystics tend to understand Creation as an emanation of the Infinite down through the world, often using the Tree of Life as a symbol of the emanation. Question 11 Which of these is not true about Hasidism? ● The Besht put great emphasis on study of the Talmud, as the way to live a Jewish life. ● The followers of the Besht came to be known as Hasidim, meaning Pious Ones. ● Today there are sizable Hasidic communities in Israel, New York City, London and Toronto. ● The Besht was admired for his simple piety. ● The name The Besht is short for Baal Shem Tov, Master of the Good Name. ● Like Jesus, the Besht was said to be able to cure illnesses. Question 12 Which of these is not true about the modern branches (varieties) of Judaism? ● After Ultraorthodox, the next most conservative branch is known as Conservative. ● Most Ultraorthodox Jews refuse to vote in Israeli elections. ● The most liberal branch is called Reform, and its rabbis are not recognized by the Israeli government. ● The Orthodox name is modern, but its followers are keep traditional Jewish pracices. ● The Hasidic and other very conservative Jews are known as Ultraorthodox and they have a lot of influence in Israelite politics. This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 Question 13 Which of these is not correct about kosher food laws. ● Edible land animals include all four-legged mammals except pigs. ● The Biblical book Leviticus defines which animals are edible or not. ● Edible air animals must have two legs and be able to fly. ● Edible water animals must have scales and be swimmers. Question 14 Which of these is not correct about the prohibition of mixing meat and dairy? ● It is OK to eat a meat dish, and then after leaving the table, eat a dairy food, such as ice cream. ● The kosher rules against mixing meat and dairy go back to a Torah commandment prohibiting cooking baby goat meat in it's own mother's milk. ● Many Jews avoid use separate plates and cookware for meat or for milk. ● The Biblical term for 'baby goat' in the commandment was taken to mean all kinds of meat, but not the flesh of fowls. Question 15 In the lecture slides I mention some social and political implications (outcomes) that arise from keeping kosher. Which of these is not correct? ● Keeping kosher makes it easier for Jews to mix with non-Jews. ● Some scholars suggest that keeping meat and milk separate supports the practice of having distinct male and female roles. ● Mary Douglas has argued that social groups that want to have a strong social separation between themselves and other groups tend to have strong food restrictions. ● Mary Douglas has argued that social groups that want to have a strong social separation between themselves and other groups tend to have restrictions on sexual behaviour. Question 16 Which of these is not correct about Zionism? ● When Jews started to move to Palestine in the mid 1800s, Palestine was an independent State with a majority Muslim population. ● The pogroms and persecutions gave some Jews the fear that Jews could never count on government protections unless they lived in a Jewish controlled region or state. ● The founder of the Zionist movement was Theodore Herzl. ● After it was revealed that Dreyfus might have been framed by the military, he was retried and found guilty again, but he was eventually pardoned an awarded the Legion of Honor. ● The name 'Zion' refers to Jerusalem, but was taken more broadly as referring to the region of ancient Israel. This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 Question 17 Which of these is not true about the Holocaust? ● Unfortunately. no Jews survived the death camps to tell their story. ● At least 5 million Jews were killed, along with many Gypsies and homosexuals. ● Special death camps were built, with connecting rail lines. ● Hitler's 'Final Solution' plan was to kill all Jews in territory that he controlled. ● Despite all the evidence and thousands of visitors to some of the former death camps each year, still today there are 'Holocaust Deniers.' Question 18 Which of these is not correct about the origin of the word ghetto? ● It originated as a term for a region where Jews herded sheep and goats. ● The original ghetto was in Venice, and it referred an area that had been a foundry. ● Jews in Venice were only allowed to live in the ghetto and couldn't go out at night. ● Jews in Venice could only be sellers of jewelry and used clothing. ● Because move Jews moved in, and families expanded, the ghetto became an overcrowded place where people lived in poverty. Question 19 Which of these is not correct about the modern state of Israel? ● In 1950, the State of Israel adopted legislation called the Law of Return. It gave exiled Palestinians the right to return to Israel. ● The day after the declaration of the modern state of Israel, the new country was attack by forces from Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. ● The state of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948. ● Several wars have been fought between Israel and one or more of the surrounding nations. Which of these is not correct about the Black Hebrew Israelites? ● As the name implies, all members are African Americans. ● In 2019 they staged a protest against some boys in a Roman Catholic high school, but the boys were later found not to be at fault. ● Most members believe that African Americans descent from a lost Hebrew tribe. ● Some associated groups are Christian, others more Jewish in practice. Which of these is not correct about Sephardic Jews? ● Trace their ancestry back to Germany. ● Trace their ancestry back to the Mediterranean region. ● Include Jews who went to the Mediterranean region after being expelled from Spain. ● Have somewhat different worship patterns and customs than Ashkenzaim. This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 This study source was downloaded by 100000856690904 from on 01-23-2023 20:05:54 GMT -06:00 Powered by TCPDF (