A Report on Noise in communication system Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of M.Tech In Electronics and communication Under the Supervision of Prof. Pravin Chandra By Ashish Kumar (05316412819) To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University GGSIPU, Golf Course Rd, Sector 16 C, Dwarka, Delhi-110078 Certificate This is to certify that the term paper report entitled ”Noise in communication system” submitted by Ashish Kumar in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree M.Tech ECE at USICT, GGSIP University, Dwarka, Delhi, is to the best of my knowledge, a record of the candidate’s own work conducted under my supervision. Date: Supervisor 1 Declaration This is to certify that the term paper report titled “Noise in communication system” which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree M.Tech. in Electronics and communication to USICT, GGSIP University, Dwarka, Delhi, comprises only my original work, and due acknowledgment has been made in the text to all other material used. Date: Ashish Kumar 2 Contents 1 Definiton of Noise 6 1.1 Time-Averaged Noise Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Noise in linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.3 Naturally occuring noise........................................................................................... 10 References 11 3 List of Figures 1 2 Natural Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noise Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 8 Abstract The purpose of a communication system is to convey information from a source point to a destination point, which may be separated by a few metres or by thousands of kilometres [1]. This chapter helps the readers learn how to determine noise power and signal-to-noise ratio at various points in a communication system. It begins with a discussion on the physical sources of noise, which includes quantitative estimates of noise level. The chapter builds on the foundation of Gaussian noise to discuss the important concepts of white and narrowband noise before proceeding to a treatment of system noise calculations, including noise power, noise temperature, and noise factor in single- and multiple-stage systems. The impact of noise in various analogue and digital transmission systems is discussed, which equips us to make an informed choice of modulation technique in each situation. 5 Introduction 1 Definiton of Noise Noise can be defined as any unwanted signals, random or deterministic, which interfere with the faithful reproduction of the desired signal in a system. Stated another way, any interfering signal [2], which is usually noticed as random fluctuations in voltage or current tending to obscure and mask the desired signals is known as noise. These unwanted signals arise from a variety of sources and can be classified as man-made or naturally occurring. Man-made types of interference (noise) can practically arise from any piece of elec- trical or electronic equipment and include such things as electromagnetic pick-up of other radiating signals, inadequate power supply filtering or alias terms. Man-made sources of noise all have the common property that their effect can be eliminated or at least minimised by careful engineering design and practice[3, 4]. Interference caused by naturally occurring noise are not controllable in such a direct way and their characteristics can best be described statistically. Natural noise comes from random thermal motion of electrons, atmospheric absorption and cosmic sources. [?]. Figure 1: Natural Noise 6 1.1 Time-Averaged Noise Representations In forming averages of any signal, whether random or deterministic, we find parameters which tell us something about the signal. But much of the detailed information about the signal is lost through this process. In the case of random noise, however, this is the only useful quantity[2]. Suppose n(t) is a random noise voltage or current.[?]. We now define the following statistical quantities of n(t): 0 50 100 150 200 0 Time t [ms]n(t) 0 50 100 150 200 Time t [ms] mean n(t) T= 5 ms T= 50 ms T= 400 ms The mean value of n(t) will be refered to as n(t), T or En(t). It is given by: n(t) = En(t) = T = limT→ 1 T ! T /2 T /2 n(t)dt where n(t) is often referred to as dc or average value of n(t). For practical calculation of the mean value, the averaging time T has to be chosen large enough to smooth the fluctuations of n(t) adequately. Fig. 4.1 shows the averages n(t) calculated by sliding a window centred at t and extending from t T/2 to t + T/2 over n(t). It is seen that for small averaging time T = 5 ms there is still a considerable amount of fluctuation 7 present whereas for T = 400 ms the window covers the whole time signal which results in a constant average value [5]. Figure 2: Noise Dominance 8 1.2 Noise in linear systems When designing and characterizing communication systems, noise is an important parameter which must be accounted for. In general, the different physical noise sources in addition to other man-made noise sources contribute to the total noise in the system. In the following, noise in linear time invariant (LTI) systems is investigated. Overview// The power spectral density shall be used to describe noise. Knowing that random noise tends to have rapid fluctuations, we assume a noise voltage n(t) having the auto-correlation function: Rn( ) = No 2 ( ) (4.22) where ( ) is the impulse function. Thus, Rn( ) is zero for all = 0, which indicates completely uncorrelated noise signal except for zero time shift. Taking the Fourier transform of Rn( ) the power spectral density is: Sn(f) = FRn( ) = No/2 [Watt/Hz] (4.23) The power spectral density is constant for all frequencies, thus it contains all fre- quency components with equal power weighting. This type of noise is designated as white noise in analogy to white light. The factor of one-half in (4.23) is necessary to have a two-sided power spectral density. 9 1.3 Naturally occuring noise Natural radio noise in telecommunication systems is both picked up by the antenna as well as generated within the system itself. The first effect can be accounted for by the contribution which it makes to the antenna noise temperature. Attenuation due to water vapor and oxygen, clouds and precipitation is accompanied by thermal noise, lightening and other atmospherics which further degrades the applicable signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, extraterrestrial noise of thermal or non-thermal origin may be picked up by the receiving antenna. This section gives an overview of the different types of naturally occurring noise and defines appropriate quantities for modelling the effect of this noise. To start with, we state Planck’s radiation law, which is the the basis for other types of noise. Planck’s Law In 1900, Max Planck found the law that governs the emission of electromagnetic radi- ation from a black body in thermal equilibrium [Planck, 1900]. A black body is simply defined as an idealized, perfectly opaque material that absorbs all the incident radia- tion at all frequencies, reflecting none. A body in thermodynamic equilibrium emits to its environment the same amount of energy it absorbs from its environment. Hence, in addition to being a perfect absorber, a blackbody also is a perfect emitter. The essential point of Planck’s derivation is that energy can only be exchanged in discrete portions or quanta equal to hf, where h is Planck’s constant h = 6.626 × 1034 J s and f is the frequency in Hertz. Then, the energy of the ground level (or state) is 0, of the first level hf, of the second level 2hf and so on. In general: Ev = n · hf for v = 0, 1, 2 ... (4.36) where v is the level or state number. Given the number Nv of energy quanta (in Planck’s publications these are referred to as energy elements) occupying level v results in an energy of vNvhf for that level. The total energy is obtained by summing up over all states, thus Etot = N0 · 0 + N1hf + N2 · 2hf + N3 · 3hf + ... (4.37) Now according to quantum mechanics, the probability of occupying an energy level goes down with eE/kT where k = 1.38 × 1023 J K1 is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, and E the excess energy. Then, the number of energy quanta N1 at the first level is given by the number at ground state N0 multiplied by the probability ehf/kT . Similarly N2 = N1ehf/kT = N0e2hf/kT and so on. The total number of quanta is : Ntot = N0 ( 1 + ehf /kT + e2hf /kT + e3hf /kT + ... ) (4.38) To determine the average energy, we divide the total energy by the total number of energy quanta. The expression can be simplified to give: E(f) = hf ehf /kT 1 (4.39) Using the density of modes we find Planck’s law for the black body radiation. Ex- pressed in terms of the brightness of the radiated energy from a blackbody this is given by: Bf (f) = 2hf 3 c2 1 ehf /kT 1 (4.40) 10 References References [1] H. V. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation. & Business Media, 1994. Springer Science [2] S. O. Rice, “Mathematical analysis of random noise,” Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 282–332, 1944. [3] J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering. 2001. Prentice Hall, [4] C. E. Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication,” Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 379–423, 1948. [5] W. Yang and H. Li, “Characterization of noise in communication systems,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE, 2017, pp. 1–6. 11