・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ Bullying ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ Table of contents 01 What is Bullying? Definition of bullying 02 What are the different types of bullying Different types of bullying 03 How can we stop all forms of bullying Ways we can stop bullying ・GETTING STARTED・ ・01・ What is bullying? ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ WHAT IS BULLYING Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their well-being. These actions are usually intended to make the person feel helpless and less powerful. ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ WHO IS INVOLVED IN ABUSE SITUATIONS? VICTIM A victim who suffers the aggressions And gets bullied ONE OR MORE AGGRESSORS CLASSMATES (SPECTATORS) One or more aggressors who exercise their dominance through abuse. Colleagues who observe the facts and remain silent for multiple reasons. ADULTS Adults who are not sufficiently alert to detect in time the helplessness of the victim. ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ ・02・ What are the different forms? ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ TYPES OF BULLYING A SOCIAL ISOLATION B Either by preventing the young person from participating, or by ignoring their presence and not letting them participate in normal activities among friends or classmates. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature that has the purpose of producing the effect of violating the dignity of the person. ANONYMOUS HARASSMENT By cell phone, email or social networks with threats or offensive words. C D VERBAL INTIMIDATION E PSYCHOLOGICAL INTIMIDATION Insults, name-calling, bad-mouthing, spreading rumors. Threats to provoke fear, to obtain some object or money, or simply to force the victim to do things they do not want to do or should not do. ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ ・03・ REFLECTING ON IT… ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・REFLECTING ON IT・ HOW CAN WE PREVENT IT? We can prevent or stop bullying by: ● Teaching kindness and empathy to others ● Create more opportunities for connection and social interactions ● Inform people about bullying so they can avoid bullying or get bullied ● Observe people and friends behaviour to see if they are having a hard time. ・GETTING STARTED・ ・NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT・ ・04・ Thanks for listening. ・REFLECTING ON IT・