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Научная статья

г. Ростов-на-Дону
Донской государственный технический университет
г. Ростов-на-Дону
Донской государственный технический университет
Don State Technical University
Don State Technical University
Иностранный язык как средство повышения профессиональной компетентности
A foreign language as a means of improving a student's professional competence.
В данной научной статье рассматривается роль иностранного языка, в рамках
происходящих экономических, политических и социальных изменений. Также говорится о
значение дисциплины «Иностранные языки», как о средстве повышения профессиональной
компетентности студентов, обучающихся в неязыковых вузах. Помимо этого, в статье
освящены навыки, которыми должен обладать современный высококвалифицированный
This research article examines the role of foreign language in the current economic, political
and social changes. Also it is said about the importance of the discipline "Foreign languages" as a
means of improving the professional competence of students studying in non-language universities.
In addition, the article highlights the skills that a modern highly qualified professional must possess.
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, образование, знание, деятельность, студент.
Key words: foreign language, education, knowledge, activity, student.
Changes taking place in all spheres of social life: economic, political, social, and spiritual, as
well as technological development are contributing to the transformation of education. Modern
companies and organizations need highly qualified specialists with both professional knowledge and
soft skills. Also the knowledge of foreign languages is one of the significant skills when applying for
a job. That's why knowledge of foreign languages is becoming more and more important in today's
Such a discipline as "Foreign languages" is becoming an integral and important element of
education in non-linguistic universities. This subject contributes to the formation of human
personality, opens doors for successful realization in the multicultural world. According to the state
educational standard of the third generation for higher education, a high school foreign language
course focused on professional and communicative activities is provided. Mastering a foreign
language helps university graduates successfully compete on the labor market, mainly in such fields
as law, management, tourism, etc.
In order to fulfill the requirements of the federal state educational standard, professional
foreign language training is necessary. Improvement of different approaches, methods and forms of
teaching allows achieving high results not only in increasing students' knowledge level, but also in
stimulating cognitive activity and forming professional and general competencies, which allow a
specialist to use acquired knowledge in his/her working activity in the future.
In the framework of modern education, the priority is the ability of students to carry out
business, professional and interpersonal communication in various fields of science, culture and
technology in the studied foreign language. One of the most important tasks of teachers is not only to
teach students basic reading and writing skills, but also to teach them communicative competence.
Thus, various changes in all spheres of society lead to the fact that a foreign language becomes
a means of increasing students' professional competence. Moreover, knowledge and application of a
foreign language allows professionals to reach a new level, improving their professional qualification.