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TECH19014 Commercial Prints & Standards Course Outline

Sheridan Course Outlines
Commercial Prints & Standards
I: Administrative Information
II: Course Details
III: Topical Outline(s)
Open in Word
Retain during the course and for future use when applying for credit at other educational institutions
Section I: Administrative Information
Program(s): Electrical Engineering Technic, Electrical
Program Coordinator(s): Dan Hammond
Course Leader or Contact: Mark Bodrozic
Version: 20190506_00
Status: Approved (APPR)
Section I Notes: This course is delivered in a classroom
setting. It consists of 4 hours of classroom time per week.
Total hours: 56.0
Credit Value: 4.0
Credit Value Notes: N/A
Effective: Spring/Summer
Prerequisites: TECH10065
Corequisites: N/A
Equivalents: N/A
Pre/Co/Equiv Notes: N/A
Section II: Course Details
Detailed Description
In this course the students learn to interpret electrical codes,regulations and commercial
construction drawings. This skill and knowledge enables the student to plan and layout the conduit
runs of lighting and power systems for a commercial building. The student learns to use
information from drawings and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) to independently
complete a material estimate for commercial installations.
Program Context
Electrical Engineering Technic
Program Coordinator(s): Dan
This required program core course will provide students with the theoretical
framework that they will apply in Electrical Construction Skills Training 2 and will
expand on the concepts learned in Residential Prints and Standards from
Semester 1. This course will lay a foundation for the further study as an
Electrician apprentice.
Electrical Techniques
Program Coordinator(s): Dan
Same as Above.
Course Critical Performance and Learning Outcomes
Critical Performance:
By the end of this course students will have demonstrated the ability to compile a material take
off of a simple commercial power and lighting system based upon of commercial construction
drawings and minimum requirements in full compliance with the CEC codes and regulations.
Learning Outcomes:
To achieve the critical performance, students will have demonstrated the ability to:
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Sheridan Course Outlines
1. Interpret symbols representing types of construction materials such as: columns, grids,
test holes, ceiling finishes, wall finishes and pipe shafts.
2. Analyze types of drawings such as: reflected ceilings, grounding and bonding systems
and 3-phase panel directories.
3. Identify groups of drawings typical of a set of commercial drawings such as Structural,
Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical.
4. Locate information in the OESC (Section 12) regarding conduit and tubing installations.
5. Calculate conductor sizes for lighting and power circuits using information in the OESC
(Section 4, Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5A and 5C).
6. Calculate conduit sizes using the OESC (Tables 8, 9 and 10).
7. Determine size of bonding and grounding conductors using the OESC (Section 10, Tables
16 and 17).
8. Plan conductor sizes for various motor feeds according to the OESC (Section 28, Tables
27 and 28).
9. Calculate box fill using the OESC (Section 12, Tables 22 and 23).
10. Draw and label a 3-phase panel schematic.
11. Design and draw a conduit layout for multi-motor feeds.
12. Prepare an electrical material take-off for power and lighting circuits.
Evaluation Plan
Students demonstrate their learning in the following ways:
Evaluation Plan: IN-CLASS
Quizzes (8 @ 10%) 80.0%
Prints Project
Evaluation Notes and Academic Missed Work Procedure:
All missed and late work in this course is subject to the rules and regulations laid out in the
Procedures and Practices Student Manual for the program of study.
Provincial Context
The course meets the following Ministry of Colleges and Universities requirements:
Essential Employability Skills
Essential Employability Skills emphasized in the course:
Communication Skills - Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written,
spoken, visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills - Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate
and solve problems.
Interpersonal Skills - Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and
contributions of others.
Information Management Skills - Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from
a variety of sources.
Numeracy - Execute mathematical operations accurately.
Communication Skills - Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that
ensures effective communication.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving - Apply a systematic approach to solve problems.
Interpersonal Skills - Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to
effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.
Information Management - Locate, select, organize and document information using
appropriate technology and information systems.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
PLAR Contact (if course is PLAR-eligible) - Office of the Registrar
Students may apply to receive credit by demonstrating achievement of the course learning
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Sheridan Course Outlines
outcomes through previous relevant work/life experience, service, self-study and training on
the job. This course is eligible for challenge through the following method(s):
Challenge Exam
Notes: Section III: Topical Outline
Some details of this outline may change as a result of circumstances such as weather cancellations, College and student
activities, and class timetabling.
Instruction Mode: In-Class
Professor: Multiple Professors
Ontario Electrical Safety Code, Code book edition is laid out in the Procedures
and Practices Student Manual
Electrical Wiring Commercial, Mullin, Filice, Maltese, Palazzolo, Marchetti,
Simmons, Nelson Canada, 7th Edition, ISBN 9780176570460
Applicable student group(s): Electrical Techniques, Electrical Engineering Technician
Course Details:
Topic 1
Introduction to Course
Discussion of Course Outline and Evaluation Plan for the course
Introduction to Electrical Safety Code (OESC) Rules that apply to a
commercial installation and the Units to be covered in Electrical Wiring Commercial (EWC)
Topic 2
OESC Handouts for Services and EWC, Unit 2
Code assignment for calculating the size of service for a commercial building
Topic 3
OESC Section 4 and prints handouts
Code assignment for lighting and power circuits
Prints handouts for lighting and receptacle branch circuits
Review of Code assignments and prints handouts to prepare for Quizzes 1 and 2
Topic 4
OESC Section 10 and prints handouts
Code assignment for bonding and grounding
Prints handouts for lighting and receptacle branch circuits
Quiz #1 Service Handouts and Code Section 4 - 10%
Quiz #2 EWC, Unit 41 - 10%
Topic 5
OESC Section 12
Code assignment for conduit and tubing installations
Topic 6
OESC Section 12
Code assignment for conduit and tubing calculations
Review of Code assignments and prints handouts to prepare for Quizzes
3 and 4
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Sheridan Course Outlines
Topic 7
Quiz #3 OESC Section 10 - 10%
Quiz #4 Prints EWC - 10%
Topic 8
OESC Section 12
Code assignment for per cent (%) fill method of determining conduit sizes
Prints assignment for calculating conduit sizes
Topic 9
OESC Section 12
Code assignment for per cent (%) fill method of determining conduit sizes
Prints assignment for calculating conduit sizes
Review of Code assignments and prints handouts to prepare for Quizzes
5 and 6
Topic 10
OESC Section 12
Code assignments for calculating box fill
Quiz #5 OESC Section 12 - 10%
Quiz #6 Prints EWC - 10%
Topic 11
OESC Section 28
Code assignment for calculating conductor sizes and overload and overcurrent protection for
Prints assignment for calculating conductor sizes and overload and overcurrent protection for
motors shown in EWC drawing set.
Topic 12
OESC Section 28
Code assignment for calculating conductor sizes and overload and overcurrent protection for
Prints assignment for calculating conductor sizes and overload and overcurrent protection for
motors shown in EWC drawing set.
Topic 13
Review of Code assignments and prints handouts to prepare for Quizzes
7 and 8
Topic 14
Quiz #7 OESC Section 28 - 10%
Quiz #8 Prints EWC - 10%
Sheridan Policies
All Sheridan policies can be viewed on the Sheridan policy website.
Academic Integrity: The principle of academic integrity requires that all work submitted for evaluation and course credit be
the original, unassisted work of the student. Cheating or plagiarism including borrowing, copying, purchasing or collaborating
on work, except for group projects arranged and approved by the professor, or otherwise submitting work that is not the
student's own, violates this principle and will not be tolerated. Students who have any questions regarding whether or not
specific circumstances involve a breach of academic integrity are advised to review the Academic Integrity Policy and procedure
and/or discuss them with the professor.
Copyright: A majority of the course lectures and materials provided in class and posted in SLATE are protected by copyright.
Use of these materials must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy, Use of Copyright Protected Work Policy and Student Code
of Conduct. Students may use, copy and share these materials for learning and/or research purposes provided that the use
complies with fair dealing or an exception in the Copyright Act. Permission from the rights holder would be necessary otherwise.
Please note that it is prohibited to reproduce and/or post a work that is not your own on third-party commercial websites
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Sheridan Course Outlines
including but not limited to Course Hero or OneNote. It is also prohibited to reproduce and/or post a work that is not your own
or your own work with the intent to assist others in cheating on third-party commercial websites including but not limited to
Course Hero or OneNote.
Intellectual Property: Sheridan's Intellectual Property Policy generally applies such that students own their own work. Please
be advised that students working with external research and/or industry collaborators may be asked to sign agreements that
waive or modify their IP rights. Please refer to Sheridan's IP Policy and Procedure.
Respectful Behaviour: Sheridan is committed to provide a learning environment that supports academic achievement by
respecting the dignity, self-esteem and fair treatment of every person engaged in the learning process. Behaviour which is
inconsistent with this principle will not be tolerated. Details of Sheridan's policy on Harassment and Discrimination, Academic
Integrity and other academic policies are available on the Sheridan policy website.
Accessible Learning: Accessible Learning coordinates academic accommodations for students with disabilities. For more
information or to register, please see the Accessible Learning website (Statement added September 2016)
Course Outline Changes: The information contained in this Course Outline including but not limited to faculty and program
information and course description is subject to change without notice. Any changes to course curriculum and/or
assessment shall adhere to approved Sheridan protocol. Nothing in this Course Outline should be viewed as a
representation, offer and/or warranty. Students are responsible for reading the Important Notice and Disclaimer which applies
to Programs and Courses.
Copyright © Sheridan College. All rights reserved.
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