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Reflection on Enneagram typology

Reflec%on on Enneagram typology
Ques%on 1:
I feel like I lead from the thinking and feeling types from the enneagram test. My thinking
style is the analyst, quiet specialist type which is my secondary style and my dominant style
if my feeling style which is the compe%%ve achiever. I possess the quali%es of these two
types as I am a very logis%c person and goal oriented who is compe%%ve when it comes to
certain things however I don’t let my need to achieve things to ques%on authority and bring
down the people around me. I don’t think I lead from the CP Micro Test as my results came
out to be a type 6. Whilst I possess some of the quali%es from type 6 like been a proac%ve
problem solver and hard worker, I don’t find myself to have a rebellious nature nor do I have
a problem with authority figures.
Ques%on 2:
Yes these results do make sense to me. I have learnt how some of my quali%es pertaining to
these types such as how I can easily become detached and disconnect with people in a
group seMng, how my compe%%ve nature can come off as rude or impa%ent to certain
things which can nega%vely impact my group and their percep%on of me.
CP Micro Test
Enneagram Report Page
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This is a summary of the Enneagram types that you chose initially, and the types that you chose as your Primary Type and Secondary Type.
Initially you chose the following Action, Feeling and Thinking Styles.
Your Enneagram Action Style
Enneagram 9: When it comes to working with others, I am most comfortable...
9 SO: Social - Being an integral part of a team effort, even if it takes a lot of work on my part and I did not get the credit.
Your Enneagram Feeling Style
Enneagram 3: When it comes to having a good image...
3 SP: Self Preservation - I do not show off or promote myself too much and instead I do a good job and focus on quality.
Your Enneagram Thinking Style
Enneagram 5: When it comes to relating to others, what is really important to me is...
5 SO: Social - Whether or not I can learn from someone and share deeply about topics I'm very interested in.
Your Enneagram Dominant Style - Your Core
Enneagram 3: When it comes to having a good image...
3 SP: Self Preservation - I do not show off or promote myself too much and instead I do a good job and focus on quality.
Your Enneagram Secondary Style
Enneagram 5: When it comes to relating to others, what is really important to me is...
5 SO: Social - Whether or not I can learn from someone and share deeply about topics I'm very interested in.
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