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Part Condition Assessment Methods

Methods for Assessing Part Condition
To evaluate the condition of parts, mechanisms, or engine elements and determine
maintenance needs, thorough testing is essential during defect surveys. These tests
employ physical and technological inspection methods.
Physical Inspection Methods:
Includes X-ray, gamma-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic, luminescent, and color tests. These
methods detect defects such as slag inclusions, cavities, gas pores, and cracks in
castings, forgings, welded joints, and finished articles.
X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Ultrasonic Inspection:
Primarily used for detecting internal defects in metals.
Magnetic Inspection:
Identifies subsurface and surface defects.
Luminescent and Color Inspection:
Detects surface defects.
Advantages of Physical Procedures:
Relative simplicity, high sensitivity, accuracy, and the ability to detect defects without
dismantling units or connections in many cases.
Technological Inspection Methods:
Consist of visual inspection (with varying magnification levels), dimensional
measurements, chalk-kerosene and magnetic-kerosene methods, electrolytic etching,
tightness tests, etc.
Preliminary Operations before Defect Survey:
Hull Side:
Removal of marine growth, paint, and mill scale from shell plating.
Cleaning of holds.
Drying, cleaning, and gas-freeing of tanks.
Opening of manholes.
Necessary dismantling work.
Machinery Side:
Dismantling and cleaning parts to remove dirt, oil, scale, deposits, corrosion
products, insulation, and other substances.
Understanding Wear Concepts and Terminology
Conceptual Differentiation:
Refers to two distinct concepts:
1. Progressive change in dimensions of rubbing surfaces due to
friction, caused by surface particle removal or plastic deformation.
2. The process leading to wear, denoted as the "wearing process."
Wearing Process:
• Defined as the progressive change of surface dimensions of machine parts
resulting from friction.
Wear Resistance:
• Indicates a material's ability to withstand the wearing process under given
service or test conditions.
Absolute Wear:
• Reduction of weight or dimensions in wearing tests.
• Can be specified by the method used for measurement, such as "by weight
measurement" or "by height measurement."
Linear Wear:
• Wear measured by dimensional changes along the normal to the rubbing
Wearing Intensity:
• Ratio of absolute wear of a sample (or part) in wearing tests to the path
traversed during rubbing.
• May be average or instantaneous if wear progression is not constant.
Wearing Rate:
• Ratio of absolute wear of a specimen (or part) in wearing tests to the
duration of the test.
• Qualifiers such as "average" or "instantaneous" indicate non-constant
progress of the rubbing process.
Importance of Wear Assessment:
Knowledge of wear magnitude and distribution on rubbing surfaces is crucial for:
• Assessing part condition before repairs.
• Determining methods to inhibit the wearing process.
Methods for Determining Wear Magnitude
1. Weighing Method:
• Used for investigating wear in lightweight parts in laboratory conditions.
• Weighing is done before and after testing using analytical or industrial
• Linear wear is determined by the loss in weight, assuming uniform
distribution over the rubbing surface.
• Unsuitable when wear results from both particle removal and plastic
2. Contamination of Lubricating Oil:
• In cases where dismantling the machine is undesirable, wear can be
assessed from metallic impurities in the lubricating oil.
• A sample of the oil is burnt, and chemical and weight analysis determines
the metallic content (wear product).
• Most wear products are suspended in the oil and carried away with it.
3. Use of Radioactive Isotopes:
• Wear products in the lubricant are assessed using labeled atoms or
radioactive isotopes.
• The metal content in the oil is measured by the intensity of radiation
emitted by the radioactive element entering the oil with wear products.
• Radioactive isotopes facilitate checking for wear in machine parts,
determining the effects of various factors, establishing optimal working
conditions, improving machinery design, and organizing maintenance
routines and spare parts production.
4. Micrometric Measurements:
• Wear assessment is performed using micrometers or other indicating
instruments with scales.
• Detects wear in various parts of the rubbing surface, including
measurements with mechanical contact devices or sensitive instruments
like pneumatic or contact transducers.
5. Profilography:
• Provides a graphical record of wear distribution over a small part of the
rubbing surface.
• Measures the reduction in height of roughness peaks and recurrence of
contours of troughs, revealing wear within the range of surface
The acceptance of work done on the hull in its construction or - repair, the
assessment of how far the work corresponds to the requirements of the Soviet
Register and the technical specifications, and also the survey of defects before
repairs require tests for watertightness and continuity of contact between parts.
Tests for watertightness are carried out according to the requirements of the
Soviet Standard Methods and Standards for Testing Hulls, and according to
Rules of Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Steel Ships of the Soviet
Ship Register Tests for Watertightness of Hulls of Sea-Going or Harbour
Vessels). According to these Rules and the Soviet Standard, the parts of the
ship, from the point of view of testing procedures and standards, are divided
into two groups:
(1) ballast and other compartments which contain water under service
conditions, fuel tanks, and also Kingston valve chests, cisterns, hollow rudders,
and propeller (Kort) nozzles;
(2) all remaining compartments, superstructures, hatch coamings, chain
lockers, hawse pipes, and chain pipes.
The parts of the ship belonging to the first group are tested by flooding them
with water under pressure or with compressed air; those belonging to the
second group are tested by completely filling them with water, or by playing a
jet of water under pressure over the surface; alternatively, by wetting the seams
with kerosine, or blowing compressed air over them.
Using water in tightness tests, the water may be poured in or formed into a jet
under pressure, or a non-pressurized stream may be used. The structure under
examination is considered tight if the checked surface does not show signs of
moisture, running drops, or leaks, and, in the case of tests under a head of
water, the level of the water remains unchanged.
In freezing weather conditions, warm water is used for pouring into the tested
structures, and for pouring over seams hot water is employed. This is necessary
to ensure that external surfaces of the compartments should be above freezing,
that no “sweating” should occur, and that the water seeping through the cracks
should not freeze.
The Soviet Register permits the use of anti-freeze solutions instead of heating
the water.
To induce hydrostatic pressure in the flooded compartment, a pressure column
(or tube) is erected on the deck which covers the compartment; this column
should be at least 50 mm in diameter. Alternatively, a flexible hose of sufficient
rigidity may be used.
In accordance with the foregoing, the following points should be observed in
tightness tests by flooding:
(1) the duration of the test is determined by the time necessary for inspection,
but should not be less than one hour;
(2) there should be no ullage space in the flooded-compartment;
(3) the pressure head should be read from the highest point in the compartment
to the water level in the pressure pipe;
(4) the order of flooding (every other compartment, or in chequered pattern)
should take into account the consequent additional stresses in the hull and on
the building berth. When the tests are done on a floating ship, the draught
should not exceed the full-load draught;
(5) in deck compartments where water dripping may occur (wash basins, baths,
showers, kitchens, etc.) the junctions between the bulkheads and decks, and
the lower parts of the bulkheads are subjected to the flooding test with the
water level reaching the height of the coaming, the test lasting at least 30 mm .
The test should be performed after all the piping has been installed and before
Testing by water jet under pressure is done using a fire hose. The pressure
should be sufficient to ensure a jet height not less than 10 m. The hose nozzle
should be not more than 3 m away from the site under test. Welded seams are
tested from either side, and riveted seams from the non-caulked side. Vertical
seams are tested directing the jet from below upwards.
Testing for tightness by compressed air is done by filling the compartment with
compressed air or blowing compressed air over the tested surface with the use
of a hose. The checked surface is wetted with a soap solution and if no bubbles
appear during the test, the structure is considered to be tight.
In freezing weather conditions, testing is done only if it is possible to heat the
structure to a temperature above 0∘ C, and using a nonfreezing and noncongealing soap solution. When the ambient temperature is not less than −5∘ C,
it is permissible to wet the seams with a soap solution heated to 60 − 80∘ C.
The air pressure in air-flooding tests is taken as half the water pressure
prescribed in the above-mentioned Soviet Standard or Rules. of the Soviet
If the decking is not sufficiently strong and the prescribed pressure cannot be
used, the pressure should be found by calculation, taking into account that the
stress in the weakest part of the structure should not exceed 0.6 of the yield
point of the material. The lowest testing pressure for sea-going ships should not
be less than 0.25 atm.
Two manometers with safety valves are installed in the tested compartment or
tank. The air is fed through a reduction valve.
The duration of the test depends on the time necessary for inspection, but
should not be less than 1hr. When compressed air is blown over the surface, the
pressure in the air hose should not be less than 4-5 atm. The air jet is directed
right against the seam, and with riveted constructions the jet is played on to the
non-caulked side. The end of the hose is fitted with a nipple for the pneumatic
nozzle, which should not be further than 100 mm from the seam. Surface
blowing tests should be performed only in the case of short and straight seams.
Contact continuity tests can be carried out for fixed or movable joints.
With fixed joints (for example, between a shaft with a pressed-on sleeve) the
contact test is made by tapping with a light hammer. A wooden or hollow sound
will indicate discontinuity.
With movable joints (e.g., between a valve plate and its seating, between a
plunger valve pair, etc.) the contact can be tested using paint, kerosine or
compressed air. When using paint, one part is lightly smeared with a sticky
contact paint and is turned against the mating part. The imprint on the mating
part shows whether correct contact is achieved. When using kerosine, there
should be no leak between the mating parts. With compressed air, lack of
tightness is shown by the pressure drop or air blow-by.
When checking the quality of material of ships’ parts and installations, defects
are found which arise in the course of manufacture and subsequent thermal
Defects of this type include bright spots, sand inclusions, hair line cracks,
laminations, double skin, cavities, etc.
Bright spots occur in forgings and reveal themselves by a characteristic silvery
lustre; in the majority of cases they take the form of thin threads and represent
non-metallic inclusions which stand out in relief on a darkened acidic
background when the metal surface is etched. Bright spots impair the
mechanical properties and the uniformity of the structure. The presence of a
large number of bright spots on the surface of such parts as rotors, shafts, disks,
etc., makes their rejection necessary.
Sand inclusions appear as a result of contamination of the metal by slag in the
melting process. The sand particles fall out during machining, and cavities are
left behind. The presence of such defects is particularly undesirable in parts
which work in rubbing contact.
Hair line cracks are narrow (sometimes invisible) cracks on the surface of the
metal. Such defects are detected by the magnetic kerosine tests described
above, or by etching the polished metal surface. In the latter case, owing to the
stronger acid attack on the edges of the cracks, they become visible as thin
Laminations in the metal result from the presence of gaseous and shrinkage
cavities in ingots, which have not been eliminated by rolling. This defect may be
dangerous, and can be observed in fire tubes and walls of boiler furnaces. As a
sign of this defect, bulges occur in the affected areas of the boiler, although no
deformation is observed on the opposite side.
The defects are detected by thorough cleaning of the suspected zones,
examining them with a magnifying glass, and cutting out samples for tests.
To find the laminations, one edge of the sample is polished and etched with
a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid.
The bright spots, sand inclusions, etc., are chiselled out until a depth is reached
where the shavings do not show a split. Then another examination is made.
Double skin in steel or cast iron parts is detected magnetically. To find internal
defects in the form of cavities, laminations, etc., use is made of ultrasonic flaw
detectors of various types, produced in the U.S.S.R.
Timely and complete detection of defects in parts having a whitemetal lining is
important, since it makes it possible to eliminate the defect and prevent the
failure of the machine.
When conducting a defect survey, an external examination is made, special
measurements are taken, and tests and analyses are carried out.
In a number of cases, to determine the character and extent of the defect in the
whitemetal lining, measurements of parts in rubbing contact are necessary.
To test the type of whitemetal and its conformity with technical specifications, a
chemical analysis is necessary. The structure of whitemetal is found by
metallographic analysis.
The defects that can be found in parts having whitemetal linings (bearings,
eccentric hoops, sliders, stern-tube bushings) include thickness reduction of the
lining due to the wearing process, cavities, cracks, separation of the lining,
fissures, scoring marks, change of structure (coarsening of the grain).
Reduced thickness of the whitemetal can be found by direct measurement, or
by drilling check holes which show the thickness of the lining.
Pits can occur singly or in agglomeration, forming shallow rashes and pores. Pits
are detected visually.
Cracks can occur singly or in agglomeration, and can be on the surface or go
right through. They are also detected visually.
Whitemetal lining separation is detected by sound, by rebound of metal filings
under impact, by chalk-kerosine testing, or by oil bubbles squeezed out when
the lining is pressed on.
Scratches and scores are detected visually.
Structure changes are determined by metallographic examination.