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Agriculture: Farming Types & Wheat Cultivation

Primary industry
Concerned with obtaining raw material for consumption or further processing
A system with inputs outputs and processes
Natural Inputs: climate temperature and rainfall etc
Human inputs: machines fertilizers and skilled labour etc
1) Small scale subsistence farming:
a) Supplies raw material for the people working on the farm
b) In case surplus is there it is sold for profit or to pay back loans/ invest on farm for
c) Any farm smaller than 5 hectares is small scale
d) Such farmers have to earn income from other sources like carpenter
e) Some inputs are obtained through farming like manure and seeds, others are
transferred with the land
f) Depends on family; men folk work and women can collect water/ help harvest
g) Unskilled labourer on low wages
h) Animals taken care of by women and children
i) Outputs vary; optimum rainfall and no pest attack means high yield
2) Cash crop farming
a) Crops grown for sale
b) Crops which produce high yields are grown for max profit
c) Punjab and Sindh have large farms of wheat rice sugarcane and cotton
d) Farming techniques like chemical fertilizers, HYVs , proper distribution of canal water and
skilled labour and pesticides and insecticides used to maximise profit
e) Processes sped up by tractor thresher anf combine harvester
f) Labour hired; women at cheap rates for cotton picking
g) Produce stored in big warehouses before its sold to wholesaler commission agents and
retailers before reaching consumer- limits farmers profit since it passed through several
hands leading to bad quality
h) Crops selected based on demands prices and favourable govt policies.
i. Uses: manufacture of bread, baked products (staple foods), by products used
to feed livestock
ii. Rabi crop: sown in oct-nov and harvested in April may
iii. Cultivation of wheat: