-22 PART“ A: l”l“kh‘tfi 1—30 oi c,xtxc cu›ii’ita'ticNsio.x i. ;qb pJ {q,Jy. •,›r each qu sti‹›ii in iliis section you ill hear a single leniency. ph g troin ihc t”oiir pictures in y‹iur test book let the ONE picture which show's • hat thc sentence xay3. Then, shady the corrcspt›nding space on yotir answer sheet. 1'OF example, yoti hear: El iiiucliaclio x'a .a currer. ’OU SCC: The correct answer is picture (D), so you w oilld shade the space answ'cr sheet. ( ) 0124501 O. MJ/CSEC 2019 ri( j the lettcr (D) on your (C) tiO ON "I’t3 Tl 1 li N EX'I’ l'AtSE (C) (B) (^) 0I24SOI0/t'dj/cSEC 20t9 PAGE -6- fifiCTfOX llf It zucdg›si: In this sccti‹› i yr›u will)1citrt›vonnnoriiiccmuntsursclu«ti‹›ns FnIlnwEd by «number nf qucstit1nh. Faich aniipuncc•ineiit nr sc•1eciioii will be rcud lwico. For ench quñstii›n, thére is a choice u€four.answers. Sulcct IT\C BF’-ST niiswor gcd »l»td« fhc ñOFFCSynnding spacc on ynur anslvcr sheet. Tl›cm is* mo sample ‹lucstiot lbr ttiis scutinn. 5ccon4 5”oIcctiDn Firsl Selection t7. (A) (a; (C) (D) t8. (A) (B) (C) (**) 19. (A) (D) Hace diez ams Hace doce años Hack veinte ahos Hace'quince años 20. El dn8 de marzo El doce de niarzo fil echo del presents pies El vcintiocho dcl presents ines ]I. (A) (B) (C) (D) Ch%n Gma bras Bog% En la sala En la oficina En la escuela EG la cafeteria 22. (A) (B) (C) M'âs tarde En unahora En media hora (D) M6s temp pp 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2019 (A) (B} En la estaci6n En cl avidri D) En e1 aeropue<o (C) En la aduans -7- siic’i’i‹iN iv instnietions: n ra*’soge lins just bceii read to you (in Spanishj. You may now study the quest ions and make tliltu‘s. You Illust seluct the OEST onswcr rind shade the corresponding letter on ynur answer sheet. There is nn sample question For this section. PAItT A 2J. 14. \VIiy diJ Ad‹›1Fa JcciJc \o izltCt III lhc timc hu• ‹tiJ7 (A) 1t was coo1cr at that hour. (B) It was crowded at Ehc park. (C) (D) JI was gctting dark at that hour. There were Fewer maple at tkc park. PART B 27, (A} (B) (C) (D) 28. By email Chatting online Tal king in person 8y public payphorie 29. At the cafe At the entrance Near the Ferris wheel On his way to the café What did Adolfo do as he met Julia? (A) (B) (C) (D) How didAdolfoand Julia communicate with each othcf? (A) (B) (C) (D) Where was Adol£n when he saw Julia? Greeted her Jumped for jDy Kissed her hand Shouted in excitement Why was Adolfo surprised when he heard the voice behind him? 25. Why was Adolfo nervous? (A) (B) (C) fD) 26. He was not sure that he would be able to recognize her. He did not have enoagh money for th<ir meeting. It was the frst time meeting h*’ in person. He forgot to get his hair cut (A) (B) It was his mother. The voice was loud. (D) The voice sounded frightful. {C) 30. I I wne his ex-girlfriend. What did the person say to Adolfo’? How would Adolfo recognize Jalia? (Aj {B) (C) (A) Shcwou)Jbe wcafirigarc‹Jdrcss, (D) (B) She would have a Rower in her I will buy you a new cc1Jphonc. WcnCC/ lD@«tdFtOthcrcomputcr. You scum very st‹rpriscct to sc« mc in lhc pork. N‹›w I knnw why ynu arc always on lhu• Tntcrn«t. hanJ. {C) Her hair would be short and straight. {D) Her drcss» would have a flnwer pattern. STOP. THJii IS TIJfi. END OP THE LISTENING COMPREIIENSIt3N. Ntl¥Y r:o t›N 'ro -rii r. NEXT PACEAN H WORK“FI IftOUTH THE E F.A DING COMPIt F’sI IPINhION Ah QUICK I.YAN JI AS CAkfiFUl.LYA!fi YCu CAN. Ir vov «aNnn”r ‹HxwE:x zt ‹jur:.s3”lf3N, I:U (4N l'‹› ›”IIt: NEXT ONE. YOU MAY RETURN ro vii«i' qurss tun zA3‘Eit, GO ON TO TJ IE NLXT I'Afifi. 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2019 PART B: lTEhtS 3t—4â READING COM PltElfE,NSIO; f 3fl r›r/«+t/r.‹ lJitfu_ ti_ iq: li.ucli til“llie liilltisving sentences ctiiilnins n hJaiik space. Below each * m nrc l‹›iir clioice,‹. iielcei the rice which illiST completes lhc sentence** shade the Ve me Ie•N'aittia lcmpnino porquc ln ofici'na esté ... hoy. UA The cormct answer is (D), so you will shade the spane with the letter@) on your answer sh 31. No tcngo una blusa roja para piinerme inañana. Por lo tanto, necesito ir a la (A) 3z. o£cina (B) zap'ateria (D) tienda de ropa (C) his&PCBS, yero cstoy seguro ds que . nO las rcc”ord»@, anochs inañana 0I2430!0/MI/CSEC 20I9 Gloria no bene muchos y per eso ella puede ahonxr mueho dinero en el (A) Q) (C) (D) lavandcrfa Ahora recuerdo iodas fas fechas (A) (B) 33. 34. ggstos ahomss sueldos eambios Los hlltigos de Juazi le tr8jeron su fiesta. (A) un wgalo (B) HQexnmun PD› !^* +muncios (.C) t s papsles <0 Ohl TO TH? N-EXT P46- i* v. Al vcryu«sc hx6lanchocadodoscochcs, k h) ( ) theft li lilClltltlti tlO itlllltlt2PJitll Cuando son6 ... enviar 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2019 (D) ,Isabel corti6 a el disparo la alarma GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ! * Nltt'’i'IttN It lIj$tyuctiu\t$i 'l"ltr' }›ttittgix\}›ll lit'li›tt‘ ti‹itilitIltn lull nk shutter jmiit'itlli›y |li‹ii tv‹irxln ii‹'r IcI\ ‹ii.il. 1'n!' c‹icJi I›i‹titk x ›nca ilt«iv ‹tiv Ii›tll‘›r‹tggc•xt ‹I ins vuru. AI\m' rc•‹i‹lIiiy llic j ir›ipri‹pli t‹trelhlIy, 1'hcl›, 1l›a‹lo ‹lie aortistx›ixiItiy xjxtt:u t›lt ¿tttil'‹llIx\ver xl›ruI, fic ... in cnxii «I iiht› j›n1n‹i‹›. y ‹yll‹›l’tl . . . 1t›ily l1‹›ilI1il. t. [A) \›iiilii I. (A) c4t5 The e‹›rrvct uitxt1vr« nm (IT) and (A), q1 y‹1tl tv‹›tiIlt »ltijJa iltc sI›nc* willi like IciI+!r.¥ II.I) «i1‹I (A) ‹›n your a‹txwcr »I1cc•t. En cLiiicicudziiLui« llbn - {1lnIn sef\uzu, vaitga vci” m cstrus pruJ«ttt›x ‹Io urlu ii iiI‹tl yt) tiniu‹›sy rcyfcgP.rIt0J1 cjcmyto«exculcntcs Ie itttuslrc au1tuc 1uc‹il it. InJlgonn. L‹› yt‹1c4 it . cs‹ua urtEsanlos no , . . nun fortunn. v ;O iinn vcrdndero ... I - Oign señoni, si llcvon›os unn ... ilu pono-iios. t,cudnio nos . .. 'I 39. ‹A› a (C) »n (A) xs (B) (D) io. II, 8) dc 42. (C) ¿D) Estd Estiln (A) o (C) (D) u y 01245010fNlJ/CSEC‘ 20I9 dcmnsiado ntucho (D) 43. 1.n. (A) (D) libra zocidn niojnr (cl (O) dorcna muchcdunbm (A) {B) cstbn lt4ccn (B) p«so [C) ticn«n (C) (D) cobo encarga (C) por hon (A) (b) incjc›r (Dl ••uestnn (C) pdnlida \ol ovmtwa GO ON TO THB NBXT PAGE l1 5?tCTIUN If] lnstruvti us: The ci›iix'ctsuliiill heli»v contains hlntik spnces indicating ihai words are * out. 8Q)Cvi))1u Clifil Qtr encli bl«nk spaccibut is I3EST in the contcxi. Then, shade the Korre$QOfidlflQ spin-e on your answer sheet. (A) (s pintadas The correct answers are (B) and (A), sn you would shade the space with the lettfl(s(B) and (A) oit your answer sheet. Hacienda Dlanes - Manuel, quicres acompafiamie al concierto de 5hakira ... noche? 47 — He gustaria mucho, T«ola, pem ... tengo que . . . a mi hermaniio porijue mis padres can a —Ay. ;qué . ! Tengo una entrada extra y esperaba que ‹ ' i eonmigo. Si no pucdes ir xc . oficpré a Julio. A éi ie 4”8- 49. (A) (B) (C) (D) rico nlcgria lâstima chévem 51. (A) (B) puJicr«» yucJcs (C) pue las (B} ssta (Dj esto (Ay al vez ”(B) (C) par suerta dichasamentc dcsafortunadamgnu (D) podiaa (A) (B) jugar hablar Ia3 le (D) 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2019 S3. 50. (C) (D) lA lo (A) ljjl (Cl gusta cncant quisicrn co or o1”ii« t•.x"t rar,f: - 12 8EC3’ION IV cti ti‹l fnlIn›viny sclcctioiis carefully for comprehension, jg„,y tyj t yy is followed fry a ntmt1›cr nl' qu«slionz or iitc‹i‹»ylctc st«lumcnts. Select thc answer that is BEST according to t1›c ir›Ibni›«tio‹› $ivcil i n the scla•ctinn. Thcn, shade th‹ corresponding space oo your answer sheet. There is mo a4ia\ylc *1„^°\i„^ I'm ih”is accllun. xfcr to fk« Disfrute de delici0sox platos en ct nuevo y elegancerestaurante del Hotel La Estrella, situado en el firea del aeropuerio y lucgo descanse toda la noche en su habitacifin a pmeha de ruidos. Duerrña un paco mls por la iriañana ;Usted ya estñ in e1 aéropuerto! Nosotros nos erieargamos de llevarlo a usted y a su SSN TARDANZAS! jSIN TAXISI En este hotel los huésp.edcs bicn no duermori mucho (g) (D) »«i«›,„a« cncucntran mucho mido (A) no hay tardanzns (B) dñoA o (C) (D) ul hotrl e.stâ en el neropucrlo ei hotel n‹i pcoiiitc to entradn dc Para ]os micmbros del club Bslrclla loa (D) GO ON TO Tt Hi NEXT PAGE 0l2450I0/MJ/C8EC 2019 - 13 (b) ftcios 57-60 xlLi- t‹› the li›lI‹›‹vii›g ,pjy;t„„„ ’* - «I '* )› n u clJa ri‹i l« imp‹›rtahanada;.sc rcspiraba M•ii icl« >< .*cnlfu «1m‹›da ahf. Aciihahan Ie dar las nuevc ’l^* '* • *•! *!* s‹i cnErilt›rin, I'.n scg«ida cscuché la v‹›z dc su jcfc: EnonCLs,1agmnCC{ vqy tle vcnir a rñi d08JBCho porquc tcrgo que dictate mas cahasn;uy +izponanWv Mariela colgñ e1 tuléfono y guardñ la cisvista que estaba. icycndo. 37. ¿Cdmo era la oficina de Mariela? (A‘) $B• 59. Pequeña e incorridda Grande e importante Organizada y pequcfla Organizada pero incomoda ¿Qus hacia Mariela cuando .sonñ el (A) Leia (B) Escribfa (C) (D) Se sentâba Se arreglaba ¿Cdmo se sentia Mariela? d0. (A) Encarcelada {B} Pzeocupada (C) (ay Sofocada Cémoda ¿;Qué queria ef jefe? (A) (B) (C) {D) Hacerle up favnr a filariela Escribirle ufia carta'a :Starie]a klamarie la atencion a :4Iariela Que ivtazieia h era a su oficioa END OF‘TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR $¥’O RK O:N THIS TEST. o›ia»olo.'ni;‘cszc zon