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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Strategies to close
enterprise deals in
the U.S. and retain them
Arjun Pillai
Karthik Sundaram
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
The U.S. enterprise market
bought $139B worth of
software in 2023 and projected
to grow by 5% CAGR
There are typically 4-6 buyers
for every purchase decision
A buy decision takes anywhere
from 6 to 18 months
Subscription software is under
increasing scrutiny by the CFO
for ROI metrics
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Position your product to
answer their problem
• Use active voice
• Deliver a message to their most pressing problem
• Sell ONE solution to their pain point
• 7 words or less on the website home page to reinforce the
positioning message
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Build a progressively technical
content arsenal
• As customers dig deeper, feed them product-level content
relevant to their problem—videos, data sheets, battle cards,
whitepapers, etc. Most buyers want to find as much about
your product as possible before revealing their intent
• Assume all content will be shared so make it shareable
without gating
• Content download is NOT a lead opportunity, but a nurturing
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Be proactive about Security
and Code Audit
• If your product is going to consume their internal data, be
sure your product has the required security and code audit to
build confidence right out of door, not as an afterthought
• SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 are a must. Get them ASAP. The earlier
you start, the easier it is to get it.
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Make UX an intrinsic part of
your marketing mix
• Investing in design and cognitive workflows are important as
prospects explore your freemium offers
• If it doesn’t make sense or offer stickiness of value, they will
simply drop off
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Hang out where your
champions are
• There are many user groups where your prospects and
possible champions are hanging out–Slack groups, Discord
• Engage in discussions, and more importantly, learn about
customer problems
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Engage with partners early on
• Build tech integrations with partners wherever possible.
Midmarket and Enterprise customers love mutually working
tools. They won’t even know how to assess the depth. In their
mind, it’s binary. Either integration exists or it doesn’t
• Most US companies will not be comfortable allowing your
code to run on their ecosystem out of the box, partners can
help ease these fears
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Create partner revenue
• Even though SaaS premise is thought as self-service, buyers/
users are not going to be software operators
• System Integration partners can play a key role only if
they see revenue opportunities in your product—sales,
implementation, maintenance
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Leverage conferences to create
your in-person events
• It will be difficult to meet prospects during conferences.
Smart entrepreneurs we have worked with create their own
mini-events and bring partners and champions to the event
• Use events as a learning platform instead of trying to sell. You
can always sell later once you KNOW their problems
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Demo to the problem, not your
• Be as informed as possible about the context for the demo,
and sharpen the flow to deliver value to their problem, not
show off your features
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Ask the difficult questions.
(It’s OK, unlike in India)
• Who all should be part of this decision?
• Is there an established budget already?
• Are you looking at other vendors?
• What is your timeline?
• Can I demo it to the rest of the decision makers?
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Sell with the CFO in mind (aka
tougher questions)
• CFOs are increasingly questioning the SaaS spend metrics
and are cancelling renewals
• The better prepared you are to show stickiness, ROI, and
other metrics, better are chances to close the sale
• Upfront annual fee collections are dead. Be prepared to
invoice every month and sustain cash flow
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Multi-thread deals
• Almost all deals have 4+ decision makers. Make sure you
know all of them during your sales cycles
• Build content, engagement sequences, and intent mapping
threads across all decisions makers
Image rights: Gartner, B2B journey
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Build urgency into your
communication, demos, and offers
• Trigger conversations around changing regulations,
competition transformation, opportunity loss and so on, from
industry insights to shorten the “Why Now” delays
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Ride on the shoulders of giants
• Invest in building a phenomenal group of advisors (you have
to be generous with equity and commissions) who have sold
similar products, or are hugely networked in your space
• Be prepared to pay upfront fees, no one works for free
• School and college alumni are great resources to provide
introductions for the right context
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Build Social Proof
• Give discounts to earlier customers in return for testimonials
and case studies. Built social proof
• Once you get a few of them to be your champions, use
them as reference for your later fund raises or big enterprise
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Invest in PMM and Customer
• Indian startups ship features and improvements rapidly, but
don’t communicate this well with existing customers. Buyers
love fast paced solutions since it is proof that they made the
right call by choosing you
Image rights: https://www.writingbyryan.com/3-joys-of-product-marketing/
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Support > Low price
• If you expect buyers to be satisfied with your low price and
a poorly developed community forum as the only form of
support, be prepared to be disappointed with churn. Your
only USP is absolutely amazing support
• Offer proactive user training sessions and distributable
packages. Your champions would love it
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U.S. Enterprise GTM for SaaS Startups
Arjun Pillai is the Co-founder and
CEO of his 3rd start up, DocketAI,
building out the next generation
sales engineering product. His
prior companies include Profoundis
(founded in Kerala and sold to Full
Contact in Colorado), and Insent
(acquired by Zoom Info.) He is a
frequent speaker and publisher
on topics related to SaaS, product
development and marketing, and
customer-centric thinking.
Karthik Sundaram is the CEO of
Purplepatch Services, the B2B
digital marketing agency driving
content, context, and conversions
for SaaS products, IT Services,
and cross-border venture-backed
companies. He is a frequent
publisher on SaaS marketing, B2B
intent science, and digital demand.
He was an investor and sales
enabler in both of Arjun’s previous
As full disclosure, both authors look significantly older in real life. We both share
a passion in helping start ups, cross-border ventures (especially from India), and
the belief that sales happens when a prospect is able to trust the founder (the
technology, not so much!)
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