Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Introduction

Human Computer Interaction
Lecture 1
• Answer what is the significance of Human
Computer Interaction (HCI)
• Describe a formal definition of HCI.
• Brief overview of the topics that we will
discuss in this course
Traditional Computers Era
• When computers first appeared on the commercial
scene in the 1950s, they were extremely difficult to
use, cumbersome. Reasons for this were:
– They were very large and expensive machines, so that by
comparison human labor was an inexpensive resource.
– They were used only by technical specialists, due to which
little was known about how to make them easier to use.
Computers are everywhere
• None of after mentioned conditions about
computers holds today: computers have become
much less expensive, computer users come from
every walk of life.
• Traditional notion of computers has been changed.
Computers are no more just on your table. They are
everywhere, at everyplace and in everything.
• Look around yourself and you will see examples such
as ATM, cell phone, remote control, calculator,
watch, photocopier, toaster, air conditioner, medical
equipment, VCR …. There is an endless list.
Computer invasion
• Now, just about everyone, young or old, able or
disabled, skilled or unskilled, is using or is directly
affected by computers in one way or another.
• It means that interaction with them is also
increasing. What about if this interaction is difficult
and cumbersome?
• Have you ever used a hammer whose head is not
properly fitted into the arm?
Computer invasion (Cont.)
• Machines are leaking into every aspect of lives.
• So now the concept of life, without computer is same
as concept of life without electricity, and obviously it
is hard to live without electricity as well as with
• Conclusion: Run for your lives---invasion has begun--the computers are invading.
Computer invasion… Ups and Downs
• As computers are penetrating in our daily life, it has
some results.
• The bright side of this invasion is:
– Computers are enabling new discoveries
– Leading to efficiencies
– Making our life easy and convenient
• On the not so bright side the result is:
– Computers are annoying us (Really?).
– They even kill a few of us(What?).
Change your thinking about computers
• Computers annoy us, so in turn, we will be tempted
to kill our computers; but we can’t live without
computers. So we will have to think about them.
• We will have to think how we can make them better.
We need to fundamentally rethink how human and
machines interact.
• We will have rethink because the fault for our
problems lies not with our machines, but with us.
Plane crash incidence
• In December 1995, American Airlines Flight 965
departed from Miami on a regularly scheduled trip to
Cali, Columbia.
• While landing, the pilot needed to select the next
radio navigation fix, named “ROZO”.
• Unfortunately, instead of “ROZO”, the pilot selected
“ROMEO”, 132 miles to the northeast.
• The plain headed over to wrong direction, that is
Plane crash incidence (Cont.)
• Following indications on the flight computer, the
pilots began an easterly turn and slammed into a
granite peak at 10,000 feet.
• One hundred and fifty two passengers and all eight
crewmembers on the plane died. Four passengers
survived with serious injuries.
• What do you think about the reason for incidence???
Plane crash incidence (Cont.)
• It was due to the fact that computer indicated falsely
when wrong navigation fix was selected.
• There should have been some mechanism to indicate
that a wrong navigation fix has been selected.
• COMPUTERS MAY KILL US. So, change your thinking
about the interaction of computers with humans.
Role of HCI
• Here comes the role of HCI. Human designed the
interfaces that we may hate.
• Human continue to use machines even as the
awkward interfaces annoy them.
• HCI plays a role to bridge up the gap between the
interfaces of machines and human understanding.
Formal Definition of HCI
• “Human-Computer Interaction is a discipline
concerned with the design, evaluation and
implementation of interactive computing systems
for human use and with the study of major
phenomena surrounding them”
Learning Goals
• Upon the successful completion of this course, you
will be able to:
– Understand the importance and significance of human
computer interaction
– Understand human characteristics and computer system
characteristics affecting the human computer interaction.
– Understand how to design effective user interfaces
– Evaluate user interfaces with different techniques.
Main Topics
Interaction devices
Interaction paradigms
User-Centered Design Approaches
User Behavior
Interfaces Designing
Usability Principles
Design Evaluation approaches
Main Topics
Usability Testing
Universal Design
User Support
Adaptive Help System
Cognitive Models
Task Analysis
Ubiquitous Computing
Reference Material
• Human Computer Interaction (3rd Edition)
• Lecture Slides provided by Instructor