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English for Academic Purposes Midterm Exam

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Samar
Zumarraga National High School
Zumarraga, Samar
1st Quarter, 1st Semester
1st Quarter
Name: _____________________________
Section: ___________________
Score: _________
1. All of the following statements are true, except:
a. Management is important to any level in an organization.
b. Management applies to any kind of organization.
c. Management is restricted to any particular organization.
d. Any organization, as long as human and other resources call for
2. _________ are employed to carry out the specific fuctions. These functions are commonly
known as functions of management.
a. Principals b. Teachers c. Managers d. President
3. This refers to the coordinating and overseeing of the work performance of individuals
working together in organizations so that they could efficiently and effectively accomplish
their chosen goals.
a.management b.Leading c.Organizing d.Analysis
4. . This demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing harmonious relations
among the individuals and work groups or teams in the organization.
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
5. Which of the following best describes management functions?
a. Functions needed in order to accomplish the management process of coordinating and
overseeing the work performance of individuals working together in organizations.
b. Harmonious, integrated action of the various parts and processes of an organization.
c. The character of being able to yield the maximum output from a minimum amount of
d. Being adapted to produce an effect that will help the organization attain it aims.
6.. All of the following are managerial functions except:
a. planning b. organizing c. controlling d. evaluating
7. These are professionals tasked with strategic planning for staffing, conducting interviews,
and hiring personnel to foster a productive work atmosphere.
a. Finance Managers b. Human Resource Managers c. Manager
d. Researcher
8. The
primary goal of SWOT analysis is to increase awareness of
the factors that go into making a business decision or establishing a
business strategy. What does the SWOT Acronym stands for?
a. Smart, Weakness, Opportunity, Technology
b. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats
c. Strong, Woman, Overcoming, Threats
d. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Technology
9. PEST Analysis is used to gauge external factors that could impact the profitability
of a company. What does the abbreviation PEST Analysis Stands for?
a. Political, Ecological, Strength, Technical
b. Political, Economic, Social, Technological
c. Political, Energy, Society, Technological
d. Political, Economic, Society, Technical
10. This management function entails influencing or motivating subordinates to do their best
so they could help the organization and at the same time enhance their knowledge and skills
and maximize their full potentials.
a. Leading b. Controlling c. Planning d. Staffing
Which of the statement best describes Organization and Management?
It is about the organization as a whole
It is handling the organization in an effective and efficient manner.
It is about management and the people inside the organization and how it interacts
with the outside world.
d. It is the process of supervising work performance of people working together in an
organization to accomplish goals and objectives.
What is the desired end of the success of organizational management?
a. Popularity b. politics
c. profit
d. propaganda
The following are building blocks for managerial success except:
a. communications b. self-interest c. leadership d. team work
Successful manager is one who:
a. Does not believe in due process
b. Does not listen to the ideas of others
c. Does not want to delegate tasks
d. Inspire their subordinates to do their best in assigned tasks.
Managerial success in this ever-changing business world requires mastery of managerial
roles EXCEPT:
a. interpersonal b. informational c. traditional d. decisional
He is considered as the Father of Scientific Management.
a. Henri Fayol b. Max Weber c. Frederick W. Taylor d. Joseph M. Muran
___________ this management theory concentrates on the manager’s functions and what
makes up good management practice or implementation.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory c. Organizational
Behavior (OB) Approach d. Total Quality Management
_________ this management theory makes use of the step by step, scientific methods for
finding the single best way for doing a job.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach d. Total Quality Management
19. ________ this management theory is a management philosophy that focuses on the
satisfaction of customers, their needs, and expectations.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach d. Total Quality Management
20. ______ the management theory approach involves the study of the conduct, demeanor, or
action of people at work.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach d. Total Quality Management
21. Top level management is typically composed of the following except;
a. Chairman
b. Chief Executive Officer
c. Figurehead
d. Managing Director
22. Why does business organization continue to undergo various changes and not just
practice what they have already implemented?
a. To ensure effectiveness, efficiency and relevance in the world of business.
b. To practice other people’s suggestion.
c. To keep up to date with the current trends
d. All of the above.
23. A collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose in relation to their
organizations mission, vision, goals and objectives sharing a common organizational culture.
a. Organizational Culture
b. Business Organization
c. Cultural Business Dimension
d. Team Structure
24. Why does planning must comes first before organizing?
a. Because planning involves assigning tasks, setting aside funds and focus on bringing
harmonious relationships among people in the organization.
b. Planning must comes first before organizing so that, the organizations goals will be identify
first before organizing them.
c. Planning must come first so that, the different job positions will be filled out first before
d. Planning must come first to be able to influence subordinates to do their best before
25. This management theory concentrates on the managers function and what makes up good
management practice or implementation.
a. Scientific Management Theory
b. Total Quality Management Theory
c. Weber’s Bureaucracy
d. General Administrative Theory
26. In the early 1900’s, Munstenberg proposed administering psychological tests for wouldbe employees that has been applied by the organizations up to present. What could be the
reason for this psycholoigical exam?
a. To adhere compliance to the government.
b. Because he believe that it could help other business as another way of income for other
businesses especially the laboratory clinics.
c. To be able to select and identify the qualified employees that can work effectively and
efficiently in the social system – the business organization.
d. To be able to sort out applicants and discriminate those who are not qualified to work in
the business organization and be able to ban unqualified applicants.
27. Organizations typically have three levels of management with their respective managers.
Which of the following do not belong on its levels of management?
a. Top Level Management- Strategic Management
b. Top Level Management – Corporate Managers
c. Top Level Management – Tactical Management
d. Top Level Management – Middle Level Managers
28. According to Henry Mitnzberg, managerial roles are classified into three types:
a. Interpersonal, Informational. Decision-making
b. Interpersonal. Intrapersonal, Bodily Kinesthetic
c. Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Informational
d. Interpersonal, Informational, Existential
29. Japanese people respect their time and usually comes on time or earlier while Filipinos are
known to come later than the time schedule which they called “Filipino Time” countrys
unique cultural characteristic. What kind of cultural dimension is an example above?
a. Power Distance
b. Time Orientation
c. Time Management
d. Uncertainty Avoidance
29. A cultural dimension that refers to the use of “Sir”, “Ma’am”, “Madam”as an indicator of
power or authority in the business organization. But in some countries, they reject this idea of
using prefixes for they call their colleagues with their first name or last name only. What
cultural dimension is being referred above?
a. Power Distance
b. Power Struggle
c. Power of Authority
d. Feminity – Masculinity
30. It refers to the types of plans wherein it covers the entire organization from strategic plans
down to operational plans.
a. Comprehensive Plan
b. Strategic Plan
c. Tactical Plan
d. General Plan
31. It refers to the plan that establish the organizations overall goals and apply to the entire
firm, they are broad in scope and are the responsibility of the top level management.
a. Comprehensive Plan
b. Strategic Plan
c. Tactical Plan
d. General Plan
32. There are three levels in the planning hierarchy, one of which is being frequently used to
ensure standardization, consistency and of course efficiency. Which level of management that
this plan is frequently being used?
a. Operational Plans
b. Tactical Plans
c. Strategic Plans
d. Comprehensive Plans
33. It Involves assigning different tasks to different people in the organization’s different
work unit according to the employees specialization so that, they will be able to perform
different tasks.
a. Unity of command
b. Division of Labor
c. Span of Control
d. Authority
34. Read the situation below:
Ms. Dimakulangan is working as a bookkeeper in the ABC Company. She took undertime
and made internal arrangement with the cashier whom trust. She instructed her to journalize
and prepare financial report on her behalf and sign it beforehand because she trusted the
capability of the cashier. The cashier cannot decline for she was afraid her superior would get
angry. One week later, it was found out that the report has a huge amount of discrepancy. She
denied the accusations for she was not the one who prepared the said financial report. On the
other hand, the cashier also denied the accusations since she does not sign any document that
proves that she was the one who prepared the said report. Who should be the one to take the
blame and responsibility?
a. The cashier for she was the one who made the report.
b. The bookkeeper because it is her responsibility to prepare the said reports and she should
not have signed any documents without checking the content.
c. None of them
d. Both of them.
35. With the situation stated above, what management principle did the bookkeeper violated?
a. Power Distance
b. Unity of command
c. Authority and Responsibility
d. Division of Labor
36. Successful manager is one who:
a. Does not believe in due process
b. Does not listen to the ideas of others
c. Does not want to delegate tasks
d. Inspire their subordinates to do their best in assigned tasks.
37. Managerial success in this ever-changing business world requires mastery of managerial
roles EXCEPT:
a. interpersonal b. informational c. traditional d. decisional
38. Read the situation below
Ms. Nina noticed that her beauty product soap’s sales is not increasing. With this, she identify
what could be the problem with her soap when her customers claimed that the soap is
effective. She was able to identify that the possible problems may be due to lack of
promotional activities and advertisements and so, she thinks of making partnership with a
known vlogger to promote her products, she also thinks of putting up billboard in the streets
of BGC and may be, display her products in malls.
38. In the eight steps in decision making process, what step in decision making does Ms. Nina
is currently in?
a. Identify the problems.
b. Evaluate decision effectiveness
c. Implement the chosen alternatives
d. Identify the decision criteria.
39. Among the choices to solve her problems with regards to sales, Ms. Nina wanted to partner
with a famous vlogger to promote her products because she estimated that it is more costefficient and has wider coverage. Among the eight-step decision making process, what step
did Ms. Nina took?
a. Identify the problem.
b. Identify the decision criteria.
c. Allocate weights to the criteria
d. Evaluate decision effectiveness.
40. When her product was promoted by the famous vlogger, it became a trending product
that resulted in the increase of sales thus continued partnership with other vloggers and
provide more visibility of the product display at the different online platforms. What step did
Ms. Nina took in this stage?
. Identify the problem.
b. Identify the decision criteria.
c. Allocate weights to the criteria
d. Evaluate decision effectiveness.
41. A management principle that refers to refers to the number of subordinates that can be
managed effectively and efficiently by supervisors or managers in an organization.
a. Span of Control
b. Authority and responsibility
c. Security of Tenure
d. Power Distance
42. Total Quality Management concept was not supported by the Americans at first during
the 1950’s. What makes them change their mind?
a. They try to practice the concept to give it a try.
b. The management concept they were using was a failure.
c.. They were forced by the politician to apply this management concept for a change so they
can imitate the Japanese firms.
d. When Japanese firms was recognized for their quality products, they were forced to give
more serious considerations in the TQM concept.
43. Planning is a process and, as such, involves steps. Schermerhorn gave five steps in the
planning process. Which among the following is the first step in the planning process?
a. Implement the plan and evaluate results.
b. Develop premises regarding future conditions.
c. Analyze and choose action among alternatives.
d. Define your goals, objectives by identifying desired outcomes.
44. A decision is a choice among possible among possible alternative actions like
planning. Which of the following refers to the type of decision making that refers to
repetitive and can be handled using a routine approach?
a. Structured or Programmed Decision
b. Unstructured or nonprogrammed decision
c. Impromptu Decision
d. None of the above
45. A type of decision making that is a more common condition in decising a
a. Certainty Condition
b. Risk or uncertainty conditions
c. Structured or Programmed Decision
d. Unstructured Decision
46. Mr. Patrimonio is a friend of the President of the hotel where he works as a
receptionist. He is partnered with Ms. Delgado in the lobby. Ms. Delgado always
comes to work late that makes him suffer by working and accommodating guests
alone. He reported his partners working behavior to the president which is his friend.
Upon learning the situation, the president summons their supervisor and lashes out
his anger at their supervisor. What management principle that Mr. Patrimonio
a. Span of control
b. Unity of command
c. Authority and responsibility
d.Division of labor
47. The following are the objectives of the unity of command in management
principles EXCEPT one.
a. Arise of conflicts due to confusion about how to respond to an order.
b. Establish an order within the organization to ensure productivity.
c. Duality or multiplicity of command keeps an employee under confusion and
conflicting situation, for instance, “whom” to follow and “what” to follow.
d. Further, a subordinate can also evade orders by playing off one superior
against another, undermining the organizational purpose.
48. Network structure is described as less hierarchical, more decentralized, and more
flexible than other organizational structures. Which of the following is an example of
a network structure?
a. Jollibee Food Corporation
b. Starbucks
c. Avon Cosmetics
d. Chowking
49. The following are the general business environment EXCEPT
a. economic, socio-cultural, politico-legal, demographic, technological and world &
ecological situations
b. economic, socio-cultural, politico-legal, demographic, technical and world &
ecological situations
c. economic, socio-cultural, politico-legal, demographic, technical
d. economic, socio-cultural, politico-legal, technical and world & ecological
50. It is a process which begins with a problem identification and ends with the
evaluation of implemented solutions.
a. Decision-making
b. Planning
c. Organizing
d. Staffing
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Department Head, Senior High School
Approved by:
School Principal II