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Engineering Mathematics 242 Module Framework - Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University Faculty of Engineering
Module Framework
© Copyright reserved: Stellenbosch University
Mathematics 242
This document should be read with the following documents:
 Stellenbosch University Calendar Parts 1 and 11.
 Faculty of Engineering Assessment Rules1
Faculty of Engineering General Stipulations for Undergraduate Modules1
Group 1 ‐ Prof K‐T Howell, Room 1008B, Mathematical Sciences/Industrial
Psychology Building, kthowell@sun.ac.za (Convenor)
Group 2 ‐ Prof J. Gray, Room 1016A, Mathematical Sciences/Industrial Psychology
Building, jamesgray@sun.ac.za
Teaching Assistant: Me Claudia Justus, 21695695@sun.ac.za
Internal moderator: Dr M Hoefnagel
1 Assessment Details
Major assessments (A1/A2/A3) dates are provided at firga.sun.ac.za and my.sun.ac.za
Method of assessment as indicated in the Calendar Part 11
Calculation of final marks (according to formulas in the Faculty of Engineering’s Assessment Rules):
wSM = 10%; wA1 = 40%; w A2 = 50%
SM = average of your best 4 tutorial test marks
2 Language of Tuition
Afrikaans and English
The language of tuition in this module is according to the Faculty's approved Language Implementation
Plan. Please refer to the website of the Engineering Faculty or the "General Information" block on SUNLearn
for the particulars.
3 Module Objectives
Aim: To familiarise the students with infinite series and Taylor series as well Fourier series. To introduce them
to partial differential equations and Fourier transforms.
A student who has successfully completed this module can:
 understand the concepts of convergence and divergence of sequences and series and tests for these,
 understand and determine Taylor and Fourier series,
 solve basic partial differential equations,
 apply Fourier transforms.
Prior knowledge required:
 This module is part of the series of modules in Engineering Mathematics. It relies on knowledge obtained in
Engineering Mathematics 115, 145 and 214.
Available on SUNLearn for modules offered by Faculty of Engineering, in the block titled "General Programme
Information" on the side of the screen
4 Module Content and Schedule
Prescribed textbooks: James Stewart, Calculus (9th Edition) and Dennis Zill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition)
Stewart 11.1 (sequences)
Stewart 11.1 (sequences) – continue and Stewart 11.2 (series)
Stewart 11.2 (series) – continue and Stewart 11.3 (integral test) and Stewart 11.4 (comparison test)
(Selfstudy: 11.5 alternating series)
Stewart 11.6 (absolute‐ and conditional convergence and the ratio‐ and root tests) and Stewart 11.8 (power
Stewart 11.8 (power series) ‐ continue and Stewart 11.9 (representation of functions)
Stewart 11.10 (Taylor‐ and Maclaurin series)
Test week
Zill 12.1 (orthogonal functions) and 12.2 (Fourier series)
Zill 12.3 (Fourier cosine and sine series) and 12.4 (complex Fourier series)
Zill 13.1 (separable partial differential equations)
[and Zill 13.2 (classical PDEs and boundary‐value problems) (how the heat and wave equations arise)] – selfstudy)]
and Zill 13.3 (heat equation)
Zill 13.3 (heat equation) – continues (if necessary) and Zill 13.4 (wave equation)
Zill 15.4 (Fourier transforms)
Zill 15.4 (Fourier transforms) – continue
5 Other Module Specific Information
5.1 Learning opportunities
The learning material is covered during the lectures:
o Group 1 (Afrikaans) in A1001 on Mondays (08h10‐08h45) and Wednesdays (09h10‐09h45)
o Group 2 (English) in S1018 on Mondays (08h10‐08h45) and Wednesdays (10h10‐10h45),
and in the textbook(s) and/or written lecture notes.
During the tutorials (every second Friday between 11h10 and 12h45 in Engineering A303A&B, A503A&B and
A306), students have the opportunity to solve further problems and interact with learning assistants with
regard to aspects that may be unclear. There will be a compulsory (invigilated) tutorial test during the last 30
minutes of the tutorial.
TUTORIAL GROUPS (Please go to the right venue!)
1. A303A: Group 2 (A‐F)
2. A303B: Group 2 (G ‐ Se)
3. A306: Group 2 (Sh ‐ Z)
4. A503A&B: Group 1 & Students with extra writing time
The solutions to the tutorial problems (which will normally be made available one week before the tutorial)
will be available on SUNLearn after the tutorial.
5.2 Study tips
It is important that you understand the basic theory well so that it can be applied. You should therefore first
study the definitions and theorems thoroughly.
Revise each chapter fully after it has been dealt with. Make sure that you do not fall behind, as it is very hard
to catch up later.
In order to determine whether you have mastered the work, you should regularly do a variety of problems
from exercises in the textbook.
Feel free to ask your lecturer for assistance if you do not understand something or are stumped by a problem.
You can also e‐mail the course convenor about a personal issue that need to be kept confidential.
A1 – 2 September 2023, 08h00‐10h00
The test is based on Sections 11.1 – 11.6 and 11.8 – 11.9 from the book of Stewart.
A2 – 14 November 2023, 14h00‐16:30
The exam covers Section 11.10 from Stewart and Sections 12.1 – 12.4; 13.1, 13.3, 13.4 and 15.4 from the book
of Zill.
A3 – 4 December 2023, 14h00 – 16h30
The exam covers the work of the whole semester, excluding Section 13.2 from the book of Zill.