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Spinner Probability Worksheet

Which Spinner???
Match a spinner on the left (A-R) to the following description.
There may be more than one possibility for some descriptions
1. If you had to win a game
by rolling a 1, Which
spinner would you use?
7. You roll this spinner 300 times.
You roll about 100 3s and 100
1s. Which spinner is it?
2. Which spinner has a 20%
chance of rolling a 2?
8. Name three spinners if you
rolled them twice and added
the scores you would always
get even numbers?
3. Which spinner has a 1 in 3
chance of rolling a 4?
4. In which spinner are you
twice as likely to roll a 3
compared to a 6
5. If you rolled spinner F 100
times, approximately how
many 1s would you roll?
6. If you spun the spinner H
100 times and added all the
results, what would be a
good estimate for the total?
9. Name a spinner that has 3
equally likely outcomes?
Name all the spinners
that have a 25% chance of
spinning a 2?
On which spinner is it 3
times more likely to roll a 2
compared to a 3?
On which spinners is
there a 25% chance of rolling
a 1 or a 2?
OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: Which spinner on page 1 satisfies all these clues?
If you spin once you can never get a 3.
It is possible have a total of 2 in two spins of this spinner.
The chance of spinning a 2 are the same as spinning a 1
You’ll never spin a 6 on this spinner
There are three numbers on this spinner
The chance of spinning a 5 and 1 are different
If you spin this spinner twice and add you can never get 7
If you spun this spinner 100 times you would probably roll
between 20 and 30 5s
If you add up all the numbers on this spinner the sum is less
than 10
All the numbers have an equal chance of turning up
If you spun this spinner 100 times and added all the results
you would probably get a total near 200
If you spun this spinner twice and added, you could never
get a 5
You can’t make a sum of 10 on this spinner with two spins,
but you can with 3 spins
Its possible to get a 1 when you spin this spinner
It is not possible to spin a sum of 7 in two spins of this
There is less than a 50% chance of spinning a 2
The numbers on this spinner are not equally likely
It is highly unlikely, but possible that after 10 spins your total
would still be 0
If you spin this spinner twice and add you can score a 2
It is possible to get a ten on this spinner with two spins
The chance of spinning a total of 3 in two spins is zero
It is more likely to spin a sum of 5 than 1 in two spins