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Gang Culture Analysis: Causes and Impact

Undoubtedly, gang culture has been an ever present stepping stone for most attempts to
renovate quality of life from the biggest cities to far corners of the globe. No matter how rigorous
the attempts to address it are, it is crucial for to recognise the root of the problem, from which this
destructive tendency to unite under goals of questionable legality stems. Both texts support the
need to abolish gang culture and provide researches into why particular individuals might join
criminalised groups.
The rst passage argues that the presence of gang activity in select parts of London is an
obstacle to progress and development of the quality of life. What might be the core of this
behaviour is the lack of male role models for the younger generation who were nurtured in
absence of a responsible father. Were there more upstanding men who are able to coaching the
youth, the di erence would be drastic, as no amount of external pressure will be enough to
change the values that are established in people’s psyche in their childhood. Therefore a correct
in uence in the early ears will determine an individual’s behaviour for their life.
The second passage suggests that the main complications caused by gangs is that the decisions
of individuals becomes skewed with delusional invincibility when they act as a part of a collective,
losing discarding any and all responsibility for their choices. What comes as no surprise is that
this is re ected in the three aspects characteristic to gangs that the author presents: deceitful
invulnerability, polarised decision-making and strive for homogeneity. Simply speaking, a
collective often harms its members’ morals and common sense, potentially leading to socially
unacceptable or even unlawful behaviour.
In conclusion, the authors agree that gang culture poses a complication that requires immediate
attention, as it may give rise to unwanted unrest among certain city areas. What this research
means for people in power is that early stages of collective crime should be addressed at its
source in order to fade completely.