Let’s Play “The Three Wise Monkeys” COMMUNICATION Because of the advancement of technology and the availability of different communication services, communication is affected by media and information. For instance, a communication strategist as a source of information would focus its efforts to identify the type of medium or media that the receivers are always using. On the other hand, receivers of information should know how to use media in generating the needed information, and at the same time must be critical in analyzing information. To understand this dynamics, the concepts, and nature of communication should be clearly explained and identified. Concept and Nature of Communication Communication is an essential skill that a man should enrich. Through communication, people can express their thoughts, positions, and feelings; individuals can share ideas and view, and exchange. Concept and Nature of Communication Communication transfers information through a medium or media. The intended audience will receive this information and process it and eventually turns it into knowledge that is useful to build and develop people and communities. When simplified, it is the process of sharing messages between human beings. Types of Communication A. According to channels 1. Verbal Communication – the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Types of Communication A. According to channels 2. Non- Verbal Communication – the sending or receiving wordless messages such as gestures, body language, posture, the tone of the voice or facial expressions. Types of Communication B. Based on purpose and style 1. Formal Communication – takes place in professional or formal settings. Its primary purpose is information dissemination to concerning parties that are involved in certain types of official businesses. This abides by set of pre-determined guidelines in delivering a message. Types of Communication B. Based on purpose and style 2. Informal Communication – the most common form of communication, it takes place in our daily interaction with one another such as casual conversation. This type of communication can be used for all purposes.