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Understanding the Self: Philosophical Exploration

NAME: Mallari Raizen A.
SUBJECT: Understanding The Self
ACTIVITY: Do you truly know yourself?
Answer the following questions about your "self" as fully and precisely as you can
1. How would you characterize your "self"?
Answer: I would describe myself as a role model. Growing up has taught me that not everything
is as it appears in fairy tales. I'm the eldest of seven siblings, and I'm responsible for all of them
while my parents' work. As the eldest, I'm meant to be a role model for my siblings.
2 . What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your "self"?
Answer: I distinguish myself from the crowd because of my ability to think critically. We all have
special abilities, and mine makes me feel special..
3. How has your "self" transformed itself?
Answer: Contrary to popular assumption, no one is perfect, including myself. I made a lot of
mistakes and failed a lot of times, but I feel it was because of these experiences that I
4. How is your "self" connected to your body?
Answer: I am definitely linked to my body by a mind, heart, spirit, emotions, and other
connecting ligaments. In order for the body to function properly, these components must be
linked to one another. Every emotion I experience inside translates and manifests itself in my
5. How is your self related to others selves?
Answer: My self is, for the most part, tied to others in a significant sense through connection.a
6. What will happen to your "self" after you die?
Answer: I'm not sure, but I believe our selves might go on when we die.
What will happen to your
self after you die?
Easy or difficult to
Because the only thing
that I know when we die
is what would happen to
our body but not to our
Were you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which questions did you find
easiest to answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?
Can one truly know the self? Do you want to know about the self?
Answer: Self-knowledge makes you independent of the opinions of others.Independence and
self-awareness is also linked to confidence. By knowing who you are and what you stand for in
life can help to give you a strong sense of self-confidence. In order to be yourself, you have to
know yourself.
1. Socrates - Socrates said that an examined life is necessary for us to know our purpose and
value. He believes that reality is divided into two dichotomous rounds, the physical realm and
ideal realm. He also said that self is the essence of the soul.
2. Plato - Just like Socrates, Plato also believes that reality is divided into two dichotomous
rounds, Plato introduces the concept of tripartite self, the reason, physical appetite and
spirit/passion. Reasons means for Plato is the divine essence, it helps us to understand eternal
truth. Physical appetite an example of physical appetite is hunger and sexual desires while spirit
passion an example of it is your emotions. This are the concept of Plato on self.
3. Augustine - He infused Christianity to the knowledge of the Greeks. He said that body is the
spouse of the soul because we are created with the image of God. St. Augustine said that
knowing God is equal to knowing ourselves.
4. Descartes - He said that self is Cogito Ergo Sum meaning I think before I am. Descartes said
that no one ever doubt his existence because of our ability to think. He also said that self is a
thinking entity and as physical body. He believes in the body mind dualism.
5. Hume - Hume said that there is no self. He acknowledged that all of the sense experiences
are just a impressions and ideas. We can't sense ourselves because they are just impressions
and ideas, as what Hume said.
6. Kant - Kant disagree with Hume, there is self because the mindorganizes our experiences. He
said that salf is a product of reason. The mind is the organizing principle. The mind constructs
7. Ryle - Ryle said I act therefore I am and he said that to eliminate the body mind dualism. He
also said that self is the same as bodily behavior. According to him, the way we act is the same
on how we see ourselves.
8. Merleau-ponty - Ponty said that self is embodied subjectivity. The mind and the body are
intertwined. Both the mind and the body are part of creating who you are.