Due to the tragic events followed by the virus, Covid- 19 has caused. Most kids are no longer allowed to play outside. This has caused most, if not all to play and be focused more on their substitute for playing with peers, by the form of their phones—ipad, consoles, and for some computer games. Parents now, are more protective with anything that may hurt their children as one of the effects of the long stay the children had to be in house. This time though, since the virus has its vaccine. The restrictions has been slowly lifted but the raft of the technological advancements is still evident. Now, kids no longer play during their recess but are longer concentrated with their phones. With the Tara ML: Tara na’t Makilahok program I hope that more kids will be able to engage in this physical activity to lift their energies and knowledge to the culture of Philippines with its fun games. Objectives: Engage the students to play Filipino games - The Philippines is not only rich with its countries beauty on landmarks and delicious food but also with the memories most Filipino carry with them through the times they played with their friend through the form of Physical games. Promoting exercise through games - The countries games contributes the usage of running, jumping, and even with its intellectual techniques. This is the reason, why most children back then are rather active when it comes to anything that may involve their flexible bodies and their minds are active even in the afternoon. Promoting Social Skills - Due to the pandemic most kids now are introverted or would always be by themselves as they had no actual way of talking to others but the people they were with during the lockdown. This however can still be changed or helped through the games as most games would be done with teams that would go against each other. this will test their capabilities to follow or even the leader of their pact. This can also strengthen their bonds with their classmates Strategies: Playing a promotional video on Filipino games - Teaching the students of the importance of our own games and how it will be beneficial for them. o - This knowledge will not only be beneficial for them now, but also with their future relationship with peers. But of course, right now, this teamwork and sportsmanship training will lessen the stress the coordinators may experience from any of the disagreements that may occur. Can also be by playing a Filipino movie directed with respect or its sense of fun: Ibong Adarna and RPG Metanoia - As a kid, I enjoyed watching different movies starring kids with all the beautiful animations that I could have imagined. Through the movies it will be a glimpse of how enjoyable playing with peers can be. Explaining the games by engaging the MC’s to play - With a fun and active MC this will let the children be more active with the program dedicated for them. To explain the game with the use of the MC will be beneficial to building the trust relationship between the two. Person Involved Grade 1-4 Elementary students of Notre Dame University – Elementary Training Department Students between the ages of 6 to 10 has an important stage to go through with their psychosocial development. In a theory, by Erik Eriksson during the stage of Industry and Inferiority wherein; at this stage that the child’s peer group will gain greater significance and will become a major source of the child’s self-esteem. If initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted by parents or teacher, then the child begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and therefore may not reach his or her potential. TIME FRAME 2 sections per day and will last through the whole week as soon as all are catered. BUDGET 3,000 PESOS for each section That will include the snacks and materials for the games EXPECTED OUTCOME With the proposed project, It will be a success on letting the children play Filipino games but most importantly to let their bodies be active and to let them enjoy with peers and not develop anxiety when faced with different people. This project will also promote leadership and sportsmanship and see some changes through the end of the activity by assessing the day they spent with the Student MC