TYPES OF COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES Annabel B. Escolano Review CREATIVE RECAP Motivation ❖ Have you been to a vacation? ❖ What place have you visited? ❖ If there is one place you would like to travel, what is it and why? OBJECTIVES ❖ Distinguish various types of communicative strategies; ❖ Cite the importance of using appropriate strategies in communication; and ❖ Engage in a communicative situation. Come. Let’s Travel Note: “Must-see places” in the country Sit…Plan…Discover! WORK IN GROUPS OF 6 Do the following: (3 minutes) ➢ Decide on the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot” in the country. ➢ Everyone must be given a chance to speak? ➢ As soon as all the members of the group have presented their choice, you will vote for the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot in the Philippines. (OBSERVE & NOTE THE IDEAS THAT TRANSPIRE DURING THE DISCUSSION.) Answer the following questions: 1. Do you wait patiently of your turn to speak? 2. What are the common communicative strategies did you use in communication? 3. What are some of the difficulties you encountered while talking to each other? 4. How did you work on these difficulties? COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES The use of Communicative Strategies is the hallmark of communicative competence. Being able to use such strategies makes certain not only the achievement of the speech purpose but also the enrichment of the Communication experience for both the speaker and the listener. NOMINATION A speaker carries out nomination to collaboratively and productively establish a topic. When you employ this strategy, you try to open a topic to the people you are talking to. EXAMPLES 1.Do you have anything to say about the most beautiful place in our country? TURN- TAKING TURN- TAKING EXAMPLE TOPIC CONTROL TOPIC CONTROL This means that when a topic is initiated, it should be developed by avoiding unnecessary interruptions or topic shifts. It keeps the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting a response. EXAMPLE TOPIC SHIFTING TOPIC SHIFTING EXAMPLE EXAMPLES ✓The teacher asks you to brainstorm on peer pressure. ✓Deliver a speech about advocacy. ✓Report using the English language only. NOTE: You are typically given specific instructions to follow. EXAMPLES ➢Time is up. ➢Discussing now. ➢Prepare for the presentation. ABSTRACTION 1. Are strategies important in communication? 2. What strategy is most effective in communication? Why? APPLICATION 5 minutes preparation, 1 minute presentation Now that your group has chosen the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot in the Philippines”, make an advertisement promoting the place. EVALUATION ASSIGNMENT Prepare for your speech delivery. See you next meeting… PERFORMANCE TASKS 1. create a short video clip. 2. The video clip must be about the Most Exciting Tourist Spot in the Philippines,