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Battletech Alpha CasualTech

A set of guidelines for casually playing Alpha Strike.
So you want to play Alpha Strike but unsure how to run games in a fair and equal way? Well this little
guide will help you along. Remember to visit http://www.masterunitlist.info and use the Alpha Strike
builder found under “force” to help make your forces easier for free.
Step 1; Find another player and agree on an Era:
Since there are lots of different eras in Battletech it is important to choose which one you and your
opponent are going to draw your units from when building your list on the Master Unit List. For Example;
John and Mark both decide to play Late Succession War so both will select that era to draw units from.
Step 2; Determine game size:
So you know which era you are playing now it’s time to set a maximum PV to build your list to. Below are
some recommended tiers for playing;
1. 110 BV - Skirmish - This tier is recommended
4. 700 BV - Invasion - This is where it starts
only for playing 4v4 succession wars games
getting large. Clan players must bring up to
as clan players will be at a disadvantage. I.S
three stars of units Minimum (15), I.S players
players must field a full lance (4 units).
must bring a minimum of four lances (18) of
2. 300 BV - Battle - This is the lowest tier that
clan players are recommended to play in as
units and Comstar/Word of Blake players must
field up to three Level II’s (18) of units.
you will be able to field a full star of capable
5. 1000 BV - All Out - This is the largest game
warriors and units. Clan players must field a
tier available, Clan players can bring up to 5
full star (5 units) minimum and I.S players
stars of units (25), I.S players can bring up to 7
must field two lances (8 units) of units
lances of units (28) and Comstar/Word of
minimum. Comstar/Word of Blake must field at
Blake can bring up to 5 Level II’s (30) of units.
least a full level II (6 units).
3. 500 BV - Assault - This is a solid mid tier for
big scale battles. Clan players must bring two
stars (10 units) minimum, I.S players must
bring three lances (12 units) of units and
Comstar/ Word of Blake players must field at
least two Level II’s (12 units).
After you have figured out what era you are playing and what size you are playing, choose a faction to
play for that Battle and draw units from their Master Unit List page in the appropriate era. E.G Ben is
playing Clan Invasion and chooses his Sword of Light regiment, so he draws units he has from the Free
World’s League section on MUL of the Clan Invasion era he then selects a 300 BV game to play.
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Step 3; Play the game:
Simple as can be; play your game and enjoy. 4x4 ft tables are recommended up tand be sure to plop
down plenty of terrain/buildings. Players can also choose to play a scenario from the Alpha Strike;
Commanders edition (Page 126) and use rules such as forced withdrawal.
When playing the game; a few things to note for certain eras/specifics can be found below;
1. Wolf’s Dragoon players must use
Lances (4 units) when playing games
in the any succession wars era, any
games set during or after the Clan
Invasion the player has the choice of
using Lances or Stars (5 units).
2. Comstar players can use Lances
when playing in the Succession Wars
era if they choose, normally Comstar
must use Level II’s (6 units) but they
can choose Lances if they want to not
blow their cover.
3. Clan players must always pay for a
Skill 3 Pilot for their Battlemechs
where applicable, if your force is a
Second Line or Solahama unit then
this rule need not apply. (Just
remember Second Line and Solahma
units don’t get all the good toys).
4. Steiner and Davion players playing in
the Clan Invasion and FedCom civil
war era can choose to use the
FedCom list or their individual lists.
5. Clan technology is often expensive;
Clan Players can opt to replace up to
two Mechs per Star with either; Two
squads of Battle Armour per single
Mech or Two Combat
Vehicles/Aerospace Fighters per
single Mech.
7. The Late Succession Wars era is the
“3025” era and is strictly Introductory
Rules Level as shown in the image
8. Most other Eras will be played using
the Standard rules level. Advanced
rules such as artillery are allowed but
special ammunition are not. Thunder,
Inferno, Flakk, Armour piercing rounds
are still allowed.
9. No House or Mercenary force was
ever made up entirely of Clan Mechs;
not even Wolf’s Dragoons, salvage
one or two Clan Mechs you like but
don’t overdo it.
10. If you’re unsure of a rule or how to
use certain units (artillery, aerospace
etc) ask for a friendly game to learn
the rules for those units. Always let the
other person know and make sure
they’re ok with it.
6. “UNIT” refers to;
A Mech,
A squad of Battle Armour,
A single Combat Vehicle,
A Single Aerospace Fighter.
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House Rules;
1. If you want to proxy models that is fine but if you want to proxy more than one model, E.G if
you want to bring two Marauders you have to own at least one Marauder. This scales up the
more you proxy. This does not apply to infantry/battle armour squads, combat
vehicles try and use something roughly the right size.
2. If you have played a few games and want to suggest something or give feedback
➡ then DO IT!!!! You can usually find me (Tony) in the shop or you can send me
a Discord message (Just obviously let me know who you are, usernames are
3. 3D Printed models are allowed but don’t abuse it. You’ll be asked to leave if you
do something ridiculous like bring 10 Timber Wolves.
Optional Things; things to make it more interesting.
Unit Rosters: If you want to challenge yourself; create a roster of miniatures you own and only draw
from that roster. E.G if you have a lance Consisting of a Marauder, Archer, Valkyrie and Stinger,
challenge yourself to only use those mechs (obviously using whatever variants). Furthermore; you can
also choose to have destroyed units “unavailable” for their next battle, they could be being repaired or the
pilot is recovering to add a challenge to your games.
Adding Character: If you have a favourite Mech or you’ve fielded one that’s survived lots of battles or
pulled off some wild moves give that Warrior a name! Creating your own narrative is a key part of the
Battletech Universe and it’ll help you to immerse yourself into the game. Pilots who stay alive and score
kills can earn special abilities through literally surviving battles and living to tell the tale about it.
Ask Questions: Many other people in the shop have been playing Battletech for well over a decade and
have gained great knowledge, wisdom and stories they would love to share. Don’t be afraid to ask them
or even ask for book recommendations or cool things to look up. Battletech takes place over an
extremely detailed and scientifically reinforced setting stretching well over 500 years; major events shape
the course of history but equally important is the individual and how they make it in the 31st and 32nd
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