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IOP PUBLISHING NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/19/45/455609 Air-assisted growth of ultra-long carbon nanotube bundles Xuesong Li1,3 , Xianfeng Zhang2 , Lijie Ci1 , Rakesh Shah2 , Christopher Wolfe2 , Swastik Kar1 , Saikat Talapatra2,3 and Pulickel M Ajayan1 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA 2 Department of Physics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901, USA E-mail: lmfe2005@gmail.com (X Li) and stalapatra@physics.siu.edu Received 11 July 2008, in final form 25 August 2008 Published 9 October 2008 Online at stacks.iop.org/Nano/19/455609 Abstract We report an air-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method for the synthesis of super-long carbon nanotube (CNT) bundles. By mixing a small amount of air in the vapor phase catalyst CVD process, the catalyst lifetime can be dramatically increased, and extremely long dense and aligned CNT bundles up to 1.5 cm can be achieved. Electron microscopy characterization shows that the injection of air does not damage the CNT structures. Further, we have estimated that individual ultra-long CNTs can carry moderate current densities ∼105 A cm−2 , indicating their possible use in nanoelectronic devices. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version) years have seen tremendous progress in synthesizing bulk CNT architectures [6–18]. Currently, the most popular method used for CNT growth is chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [19–21] since this approach provides enough flexibility for controlling two main aspects of CNT growth: growth rate and growth duration. Using this method, individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can grow up to 4 cm at a high growth rate of 11 μm s−1 [13] and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) up to ∼10 cm within 10 h [14]. However, for growing dense aligned CNTs (ACNTs), the growth rates are much lower, typically between several microns to tens of microns per minute [7, 10–12, 16–18, 22]. Typically, the growth rates of CNTs decrease with reaction time increase and consequently ACNT growth terminates after a certain time. Some researchers attributed the growth termination of ACNTs to the lack of diffusion of carbon—the carbon source is increasingly blocked by the ACNT film height increase [7, 23, 24]. However, in some other cases it has been shown that vapor can freely diffuse through the as-grown CNT forest to the substrate surface to initiate the growth of a new ACNT layer [25–27]. In these cases ACNT growth termination is attributed to catalyst deactivation, due to the graphitic encapsulation of the catalyst particle with amorphous carbon [28–31]. This graphitic encapsulation detrimentally 1. Introduction Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), because of their extremely appealing physical properties, show promise for various applications ranging from vacuum microelectronics to biological sensors. It is also envisioned that there are technologies [1–4] which will need macro-architectures fabricated using CNTs as building blocks. Since these architectures (for example thick CNT films and fibers) possess superb properties, such as high strength, low density, high specific surface area, and excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, they are considered as potential engineering materials for developing applications in a variety of fields, such as composites, field emission display devices, electrochemical sensing and electrochemical energy storage devices. Recently it was also reported that metallic CNTs or long dense CNT bundles (∼1 mm) are expected to outperform copper in terms of failure current density, power dissipation, and on-chip signal transfer delays as far as their use as nanoscale interconnects are concerned [5]. Further advantages of growing long vertically aligned CNTs are that small bundles of requisite diameters can then be easily separated from the parent CNT forest, which then forms microscopic multifilament wires for electronic applications. Thus, the past few 3 Authors to whom any correspondence should be addressed. 0957-4484/08/455609+07$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 X Li et al Figure 1. (a) Photograph of the 1.5 cm long densely aligned CNTs (growth parameters: g0 = 200 sccm, gair = 5 sccm, CFerrocene = 0.02 g ml−1 , v = 0.12 ml min−1 , T1 = 250 ◦ C, T2 = 800 ◦ C, t = 15 h) and SEM images of different parts of the film: (b) bottom, (c) middle, and (d) top, respectively. Scale bars: 1 μm. affects the availability of its surface to hydrocarbon precursors and subsequently deters CNT formation. When the catalyst particle is completely encapsulated, CNT growth terminates. Adding an optimal amount of oxidizer such as water [12] or oxygen [15] has been proven to effectively increase catalyst lifetime to keep CNT growing. In this way densely aligned SWNTs can grow up to 2.5 mm [12] and MWNTs up to 7 mm [16] by catalytic deposition of ethylene on pre-deposited catalyst. In the present work we show that the growth of aligned MWNTs by vapor phase catalyst CVD can be greatly enhanced by mixing a small amount of air during the growth process. By optimizing the growth parameters, 1.5 cm long densely aligned MWNTs can be produced. The oxygen in air serves as the oxidizer that can maintain catalyst activity for a very long time. We also tested the failure current densities of small bundles of these long ACNTs in ambient conditions. (catalyst precursor) and xylene (carbon source) at a determined concentration (CFerrocene ) was injected into the evaporator by a syringe pump at a constant rate (v ). The ferrocene/xylene vapor was carried by Ar/H2 at an optimal rate (g0 ) into the furnace tube. In this particular work a small amount of air (gair ) was mixed in the reaction environment to help maintain the catalyst activity. The reaction time was controlled by adjusting the feeding time of the ferrocene/xylene solution. Densely aligned MWNTs were grown on SiO2 substrates. The as-grown samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Raman spectroscopy. Electrical measurement was performed by the two-terminal current–voltage method. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Characterization of the as-grown long aligned MWNTs 2. Experimental details Figure 1(a) shows a photograph of the extremely long aligned MWNT block up to 1.5 cm grown at 800 ◦ C for 15 h. Different parts (bottom, middle, and top) of the nanotube block were examined by SEM (figures 1(b)–(d)) and TEM (figures 2(a) and (b)). Compared to the uniformly pyrolyzed carbon coated CNTs grown by normal CVD (without air) we previously reported [22], here the coatings vary along CNTs: the CNTs close to the substrate (bottom part) are very clean and the upper portions are coated with more and more pyrolyzed carbon. CNT diameter distribution was analyzed based on TEM images by counting more than 100 tubes (figure 2(c)). The average outer diameter of the bottom CNTs is 35 nm, A typical xylene–ferrocene injection CVD system was used here for CNT growth [21] (horizontal tube furnace with glass tube 4 feet in length and 1.8 inch in inner diameter). The growth process was similar to that reported previously [22]. A mixture of Ar/H2 (85%/15%) was fed into the system at a flow rate of 300 sccm for ∼20 min to purge out the system. In the mean time, the evaporator (for catalyst and carbon source solution evaporation) and the tube furnace (for CNT growth) were heated to the desired temperatures (T1 and T2 , respectively). Then the solution of ferrocene 2 Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 X Li et al 0 Figure 2. TEM images of (a) bottom and (b) top parts of the 1.5 cm long densely aligned CNTs, and (c) diameter distributions of bottom and top CNTs. The inset in (a) is the high resolution TEM image showing good graphitization of the air-assisted CVD grown CNTs. similar to our previously reported results [22]. However, the pyrolyzed carbon shell coated on the top CNTs is much thinner than that grown in normal CVD within equal growth time (i.e. 100 nm versus >400 nm for a 15 h growth). This can be explained as follows. In the absence of air, the catalysts easily lose their activities. The hydrocarbons accordingly thermally decompose and CNTs are evenly coated with pyrolyzed carbon. On the other hand in the presence of air, catalysts can retain their activities for a longer time. As a result, the hydrocarbons surrounding the lower portion of CNTs are decomposed catalytically for the use of CNT growth instead of forming pyrolyzed carbon coatings (initial growth process). Although thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons can still occur far from the catalysts for a long period of growth (in the middle and top portion of the CNTs), because of oxygen etching, the coating rate of pyrolyzed carbon is slow compared to that without air. The gradient of pyrolyzed carbon coatings from the top through to the bottom also provides evidence of the base-growth mode since the fresh CNTs are at the bottom. The high resolution TEM image (the inset in figure 2(a)) shows that the graphitization of the air-assisted grown CNTs is comparable to that grown by normal CVD (although the crystal structure is somewhat defective, it is the nature of the CVD method, no matter whether the normal CVD or the airassisted CVD) [22]. Raman (532 nm laser wavelength) spectra also showed that CNTs grown by the two methods have similar Ig /Id (the ratio of the intensity of the graphitic-like G peak to that of the disorder-induced D peak) values: 2 for nanotubes and 1.4 for pyrolyzed carbon coatings (figure 3). This is because amorphous carbon is more active than CNTs and Figure 3. Raman spectra of ACNTs grown at 800 ◦ C: (1) no air, 30 min; (2) 5 sccm air, 5 h, bottom; (3) no air, 5 h; (4) 5 sccm air, 5 h, top. hence oxygen prefers to react with amorphous carbon rather than CNTs. This graphitization similarity indicates that mixing an optimized amount of air does not damage CNT structures. 3 Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 X Li et al Figure 5. (a) Temperature effects on ACNT growth kinetics. (b) Arrhenius plot of CNT growth rate. Figure 4. (a) Air flow effects on ACNT growth kinetics. (b) Air flow effects on average outer diameters of CNTs. Growth parameters: g0 = 200 sccm, CFerrocene = 0.01 g ml−1 , v = 0.11 ml min−1 , T1 = 250 ◦ C, T2 = 770 ◦ C. 0.01–0.05 g ml−1 , v = 0.11 ± 0.005 ml min−1 , T1 = 170–300 ◦ C. For other temperatures the values shift slightly but keep wide ranges. This wide growth window makes it easier to achieve super-long aligned MWNTs. 3.2. Air flow effects Figure 4(a) shows the effects of air flow rate on the growth kinetics of the aligned MWNTs. When no air is injected, CNT growth shows an obvious lengthening–thickening process. In the lengthening process, catalysts are active and CNTs grow at a constant rate. In the thickening process, CNTs stop growing in length and their diameters are increased by being coated with pyrolyzed carbon. When an optimal amount of air is injected, catalyst lifetime is dramatically increased, and hence the CNT lengthening process can extend to a very long time. The longest experiment we carried out is for 15 h, and there was still no obvious decrease in CNT growth rate. The amount of air also affects the thickness of the pyrolyzed carbon coatings on CNTs, as shown in figure 3(b). When there is no air, the CNTs are uniformly coated. In the presence of air, the bottom CNTs are always fresh without coatings no matter how much air (since the plots are similar for the case of air = 1 sccm and 2 sccm, only one is shown in figure 4(b)). However, the thickness of pyrolyzed carbon coated on upper CNTs decreases with the increase of the air amount. It should be noted that with the introduction of air the optimum growth parameters become wider than that without air. For example, the optimized values for T2 = 770 ◦ C are: g0 = 100–400 sccm, gair = 2–10 sccm, CFerrocene = 3.3. Growth temperature effects Figure 5(a) shows the data for the best CNT growth results obtained at different temperatures. With growth temperature increasing, more air was required to maintain the catalyst activity. The lengthening–thickening process appears again at 830 ◦ C, though 10 sccm air has been injected. This could be due to the fact that hydrocarbons tend to be easily pyrolyzed at higher temperatures, and the pyrolyzed carbon encapsulates the catalyst particles and terminates CNT growth. The CNT growth rate can be determined from the slopes of the plots in figure 5(a). The activation energy can be estimated from the Arrhenius plot similarly to the reported method [32]. The growth rate of CNTs is expressed by v = A[C]sat exp(−E act /RT ), where A is a constant independent of temperature, [C]sat is the saturated concentration of carbon in γ -Fe, and E act is the activation energy. The Arrhenius plot of ln(v/[C]sat ) versus 1/T is shown in figure 5(b). The linear fit gives a value of E act , 145 ± 2 kJ mol−1 , which is close to the data reported by other groups [31–33], suggesting that the diffusion of C atoms in metal catalyst particles would be a ratedetermining step for CNT growth in the present system. 4 Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 X Li et al Figure 6. (a)–(c) SEM images of typical bundles used for two-terminal room temperature electrical transport. (d) Cyclic current–voltage measurement of a long CNT bundle showing the I –V characteristics (at 8.75 V) and the breakdown (at 9 V). The inset in (d) shows a 40 μm CNT bundle after breakdown. Note that the CNT bundle breaks in the middle and not at the contacts. 3.4. Failure current densities of long ACNT bundles at high temperatures caused by Joule heating (see later), were able to carry a nominal current density of ∼103 A cm−2 . However, in a carbon nanotube bundle, the nanotubes occupy only a fraction of the total volume, and this has to be taken into account while calculating the actual current density in the individual carbon nanotubes. Assuming that the nanotubes occupy about 7% of the cross-sectional area (estimated using a CNT lattice with 40 nm diameter CNTs having a separation of 120 nm), we calculated that the individual tubes in these long CNT bundles are capable of carrying current densities ∼105 A cm−2 before they break down. Typical resistivities (ρ ) of these bundles were found to be ∼0.8 μ cm (in comparison the MWNT yarns have reported ρ of ∼0.185 μ cm). This increase in resistivity could be due to residual oxidation of the nanotubes due to the usage of air during the growth process. At low biases (V < 3V ), the I –V curves are approximately linear, indicating low-resistance Ohmic contacts, with a resistance of RRT = 456.6 . With increasing bias, we see that at around V ∼ 3 V the I –V curves begin to show nonlinear behavior. We attribute this to the rise in temperature of the bundles due to currents in excess of a few mA (ohmic self-heating). The nonlinearity increases with the increase in current, and the value of resistance just prior to breakdown was noted as Rbd = 345.8 . By varying the sample temperature (280 K < T < 300 K), we found that the sample had a negative temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of d R/dT ≈ −0.28 K−1 . Assuming that this value remains more or less constant, the approximate sample temperature could be estimated to be T = 296 K+(d R/dT )−1 . (Rbd − RRT ) = 691.7 K = 418.6 ◦ C. Past works [38] on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) have shown that in multiwall carbon nanotubes, oxidation degradation indeed onsets at T = 410 ◦ C. From this, we conclude that the breakdown seen in our carbon nanotube bundles is triggered by the onset of oxidation of the tubes at T = 410 ◦ C, and perhaps is also further assisted by electromigration damage of the oxidized carbon. This is also consistent with the fact that the nanotube bundles In many applications, multi-filament wires are preferable over monofilament ones of the same diameter, due to improved flexibility, mechanical strength, and fatigue characteristics. In high-frequency electronics, this architecture distributes the current over individual filaments, rather than conducting near the surface of a single filament. The multi-filament architecture obtained from the long ACNTs is superior to ‘ropes’ [34] or ‘fibers’ [35] reported before, since every individual carbon nanotube runs end-to-end in the bundles. In the past, short carbon nanotubes (up to a few microns in length) have been demonstrated to be resilient against electromigration failure, conducting high current densities [36] (up to 109 A cm−2 ) due to their ballistic charge conduction process. However, these experiments were mostly performed in vacuum and on short (∼μm) nanotubes. At larger length-scales ( L mean free path), scattering events give rise to finite resistances. At higher current densities, this would give rise to significant heating of the nanotubes which may lead to decomposition/breakdown of the carbon nanotubes, especially if they are used in applications in ambient conditions such as sensors and antenna technologies. Hence, we have tested the failure current densities of small bundles of these long MWNTs in ambient conditions. Figure 6(a) shows a typical bundle isolated from the parent MWNT forest of diameter ∼40 μm. Figures 6(b) and (c) show the structural integrity and alignment at the individual nanotube level even after mechanical separation from the parent forest. Figure 6(d) shows the breakdown cycle (in air) of a typical device of length ∼1.5 mm, which failed at about 9 V carrying about 25 mA of current. The inset is an SEM image of the breakdown region in the middle of the bundle. Past work has shown that such current-driven Jouleheating causes centimeter-long MWNT yarns to degrade and finally break down in vacuum at nominal current densities of ∼104 A cm−2 . [37]. In comparison, our MWNT bundles, which break down in air due to a possible onset of oxidation 5 Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455609 X Li et al break down at the middle (inset, figure 6(d)) and not at the contacts. Using an approximate value of 50 000 nanotubes in our bundle, the maximum current carried by each nanotube was found to be ∼0.5 μA. We expect that in vacuum, this value would be much higher. The average nanotube has a resistance of ∼22.8 M. As mentioned before, this is due to the diffusive nature of transport in the long MWNTs as compared to the ballistic transport reported for short (few 100 nm) nanotubes, which have been shown to have quantum resistances as low as h/4e2 ∼ 6.5 k. 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The wide optimum CVD growth window provides flexibility for the synthesis of long CNTs. Their current carrying capabilities indicate their potential use as components in advanced nanotechnology based systems. Acknowledgments The authors (X Li, L Ci, S Kar, and P M Ajayan) acknowledge financial support from the NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for directed assembly of nanostructures and the Rensselaer Interconnect Focus Center, New York. S Talapatra acknowledges the financial support provided by the Office of Research Development and Administration at SIUC through faculty start-up funds and a seed grant. 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