COLEGIO SAN AGUSTIN - BACOLOD COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS CHAP COUNCIL S.Y. 2023-2024 CHAP DAYS A.Y. 2023-2024 GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Competition is open to all programs under the College of Health and Allied Professions Department. 2. Participants or players must be bonafide students of Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod and are currently enrolled in the 2nd semester of A.Y. 2023-2024. 3. Athletes are required to obtain and submit their respective parental consent forms and shall be collected by their program presidents in a PDF file submitted on or before February 21, 2024 to the specified email address: 4. Players may join in more than one event as long as there will be no conflict in the schedule of the games. 5. Hiring a coach or trainer outside the institution is not allowed. Employees or students of the CHAP Department are the only people permitted to coach the participants. 6. There must be at least one (1) organization officer in-charge for each game. 7. Default time of fifteen (15) minutes shall be strictly enforced. Default is equivalent to zero point. The default team shall pay the officiating fee of the missed game. 8. The tournament managers/heads will be responsible for managing the sporting events. 9. Failure to comply with the rules shall result in disqualification of the violators GUIDELINES FOR BOWLING CHAP Days will be held on March 6, 2024 Location: Lopue’s East Bowling Center Time: 2pm - 5pm Two teams will be formed by each program (Nursing, MedTech, and Pharmacy) and should have 6 players. Lineup will be checked by the facilitators. ➢ One (1) MALE team and one (1) FEMALE team must be made by each program. ❖ Each program must have their own captain. ❖ The sequence of the play involves all players participating simultaneously in their designated lanes, with males and females separated. Each program will have two (2) lanes. ❖ Each player should bring their own socks, NO SOCKS, NO PLAY. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ GAME ● The goal is to knock down all ten pins ● Each frame consists of throwing the ball twice to knock down all the pins ● If you knock down all the pins with the first ball, it is called a "strike" ● If you knock down all the pins with the second ball, it is called a "spare" ● Each game consists of ten frames. If you bowl a strike in the tenth frame, you get two more balls. If you throw a spare, you get one more ball. ● Open frames are frames without a strike or spare ● Scoring is based on the number of pins you knock down. However, if you bowl a spare, you get to add the pins in your next ball to that frame. For strikes, you get the next two balls. COLEGIO SAN AGUSTIN - BACOLOD COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS CHAP COUNCIL S.Y. 2023-2024 Foul line is in effect. If you step over the foul line, any pins knocked down will not count towards your score. ● Ramp Bowling is allowed for those athletes that are not physically capable of rolling a bowling ball. The ramp is for physical disabilities and not to be used to just increase a score. ● Bumpers are not allowed. ● LANE ETIQUETTE ● Every bowler must wear bowling shoes, with the exception of Athletes utilizing a wheelchair. Bowling shoes should not be worn outside or into restrooms. ● Bowl on your own lane ● Don't bowl at the same time as someone else on any lane next to you UNIFORM ● Athletes must be appropriately dressed. One of the most important things a coach can do is have their team in Uniform. Athletes should be dressed in a team shirt (having the same color shirt will do), walking pants (Jeans are acceptable in bowling). HOW TO WIN ● There will be only one (1) game played by each program, with males and females participating in separate sessions. ● The team's ranking results will be determined by the highest total number of pinfalls achieved in one game, consisting of 10 frames. ● In the case of a tie, the score of the last player in the team’s lineup will be used as the tiebreaker. ● For the second tiebreaker, the scores from the last three frames (8, 9, 10) will be added to determine the winners. ● To determine the Overall Champion, the points earned by males and females will be combined for each program.