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Marketing Strategy Course Syllabus Spring 2024

Marketing 5750 session EMWA
Marketing Strategy (Hybrid-Synchronous course)
Spring 2024
Instructor information
Instructor: Diogo Hildebrand, PhD
Office: VC 11-298
Office hours: Wednesday 12:00PM – 12:45PM or by appointment
Email: diogo.hildebrand@baruch.cuny.edu
Class information
Class time: Monday and Wednesday 2:30PM – 3:45PM
Class location: Mondays: Zoom, Wednesdays: B - Vert 9-150
1. Course description
This is a capstone course in marketing. The goal of this course is to bring together all of
the fields of marketing while focusing on tools and strategies to optimize short- and
long-term marketing decisions in organizations. Strategic marketing involves developing
the organization’s competitive advantage, determining which customers your
organization should serve, and how the organization can and should respond to
2. What is an Hybrid-Synchronous (H-S) course?
The H-S course emphasizes and empowers student-focused learning by pairing
the best of face-to-face and online teaching. It is composed of an equal
proportion of face-to-face classes and online instructions.
Unlike hybrid courses, in H-S courses the online instruction is synchronous, in
other words, students will attend the class virtually using Zoom at the scheduled
3. Learning Goals
After completing this course, students will be able to:
1) Analyze consumer behavior and attitudes to identify market opportunities.
2) Analyze company resources, industry, and competitive activity, and learn how to
react to competitive pressures.
3) Analyze positioning strategies and create effective positioning statements.
4) Make optimal marketing mix decisions.
5) Determine the key marketing goals and indicators of goal progress and achievement.
6) Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in a variety of settings
and contexts.
4. Pre-requisites
MKT 3600 or IBS-BBA Plan & ZKTP/ZICK stdnt grp & (completion of 105 credits) &
(Pre/Coreq: MKT 3605) & (Pre/Coreq: MKT 3620 or IBS-BBA plan or BPL stdnt grp)
& (ZK4L/ZK4P stdnt grp: details at https://bit.ly/4000-level-bus-courses)
5. BBA Learning Goals
(Put an X in the appropriate box)
BBA Learning Goals
Analytical Skills
Part of
Part of
Minimal Part
of Course
Not Part of
Technological Skills
Communication Skills: Oral
Communication Skills: Written
Civic Awareness and Ethical DecisionMaking
Global Awareness
6. Required reading
The course will be based on the readings available on a course pack designed
specifically for this course, in addition to multimedia materials assigned in advance of
Components of course pack:
 Marketing Reading: Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation
 Marketing Reading: Competitive Strategies
 Marketing Reading: Segmentation and targeting
 2 cases
 1 simulation
Cost of course pack: $52.40
To obtain access to the course pack, please use the link below and follow the
instructions on the website.
7. Course assessment:
Group project: 60%
 The group project involves the development of a written plan and playing a
simulation game.
 Groups will be assigned at the beginning of the semester.
 The final grade of the group project will be allocated as follows:
Written plan: 30 points
Presentation to the board: 20 points
Questions as a board member: 10 points
Response to board’s questions (graded by students): 10 points
Group performance on the simulation: 10 points
Peer assessment of contribution to project: 20 points
Exam: 35%
 The exam will have multiple-choice questions and, possibly, some short-essay
Participation on communications module: 5%
 Students will watch a training video and will participate on a session with a
communications fellow outside class time.
8. Assignments and learning goals:
Course Learning Goals
BBA Learning Goals
Group Project
 Analyze consumer behavior and attitudes to identify
market opportunities.
 Analyze company resources, industry, and
competitive activity, and learn how to react to
competitive pressures.
 Analyze positioning strategies and create effective
positioning statements.
 Make optimal marketing mix decisions.
 Determine the key marketing goals and indicators of
goal progress and achievement.
 Communication skills:
 Communication skills:
Individual case
Group case
 Analyze consumer behavior and attitudes to identify
market opportunities.
 Analyze company resources, industry, and
competitive activity, and learn how to react to
competitive pressures.
 Analyze positioning strategies and create effective
positioning statements.
 Make optimal marketing mix decisions.
 Analyze consumer behavior and attitudes to identify
market opportunities.
 Analyze company resources, industry, and
competitive activity, and learn how to react to
competitive pressures.
 Analyze positioning strategies and create effective
positioning statements.
 Make optimal marketing mix decisions.
 Communication skills:
 Communication skills:
9. Policy regarding make-up exams
Students who miss the midterm or individual case will receive a grade of 0. Students
who anticipate will have to miss the exam/individual case or end up missing for
unforeseeable causes may replace the exam/individual case with a 10-page written
project, if adequately justified.
10. Policy regarding attendance
Students are expected to attend both face-to-face and online-synchronous classes.
Students with 3 or less absences in the semester (excused or not) will earn a 2.5%
extra credit towards the final grade.
11. Classroom Environment, Appropriate Behavior, and Etiquette
All Baruch students are expected to, at all times, conduct themselves in a
professional, responsible, and mature manner that reflects positively on themselves,
the college, and the university. In this course, all students are expected to always
show the utmost respect for their fellow classmates, professor, and guests. We also
expect students to attend class sessions, come prepared to actively participate in
discussions, and refrain from behaving in a distracting or disrespectful manner at all
Here are some additional points regarding the online teaching environment:
 You do not have to turn on your video or speak in class.
 Download the most updated version of Zoom.
 Login using the CUNY Zoom login and credentials.
o https://bctc.baruch.cuny.edu/smart-classrooms/documentation-anduser-guides/zoom-login-with-cuny-credentials/
You will have to register for the class before the first class. This has to be
done only once in the semester.
12. Code of Conduct
Students are expected to fully abide by the principles of academic integrity.
Academic Dishonesty, includes (but is not limited to) cheating, plagiarism, collusion,
sabotage, and falsification of records. Please consult the Academic Honesty
guidelines: https://provost.baruch.cuny.edu/academic-affairs/teaching-andlearning/academic_honesty/
Any student work flagged as dishonest will receive automatically a 0 (zero
grade) on the activity and will be reported to the Dean of Students Office.
13. Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities may receive assistance and accommodation of various
sorts to enable them to participate fully in courses at Baruch. To establish the
accommodations appropriate for each student, please alert me to your needs and
contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, part of the Division of
Student Development and Counseling. For more information contact the office in
NVC 2 271 or at (646) 312 4590.
14. A Word on Email...
I will typically respond to emails within 2 business days. If you have questions
about any assignments or coursework, please plan ahead and email me before
the due date. If I do not respond within 2 business days, please resend the
However, know that the answers to many of your questions can be found in this
Please treat our communications the way you would when you are
communicating in the business world. Don't send emails that start with "Yo Prof”
or that are riddled with typos from dashing off a quick thought on your
14. Dealing with difficulties…
At Baruch, we acknowledge that as a student, you are balancing many demands.
During the semester, if you start to experience personal difficulties or stressors that
are interfering with your academic performance or day-to-day functioning, please
consider seeking free and confidential support at the Baruch College Counseling
For more information or to make an appointment, please visit their website at
https://studentaffairs.baruch.cuny.edu/counseling/ or call 646-312-2155. If it's
outside of business hours (Monday-Friday 9-5pm) and you need immediate
assistance, please call 1-888-NYC-WELL (888-692-9355). If you are concerned about
one of your classmates, please share that concern by filling out a Campus Intervention
Team form at https://studentaffairs.baruch.cuny.edu/campus-intervention-team.