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Spanish Comparatives & Superlatives Grammar Summary

Unidad 23
Resumen gramatical 23-1 Profundizar: Comparatives and superlatives
Comparisons are used to describe similarities and differences between people, places,
objects, and situations or circumstances. There are two types of comparisons: those that
compare equal things and those that compare things that are not equal.
Adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs can be used to create comparisons.
Comparative adjectives compare two things, whereas superlatives single out one thing in
a group of three or more.
When comparing two equal things with an adjective, the adjective agrees with the first subject.
Camilo López quiere que el grafiti sea tan reconocido como la ópera y el ballet.
Camilo López wants graffiti to be as renowned as opera and ballet.
Los grafiteros son tan políticos como el mismo gobierno.
The graffiti artists are as political as the government itself.
When comparing two equal things with an adverb, the adverb is invariable; it doesn’t change.
Los grafiteros pintan con pintura común tan fácilmente como con el aerosol.
Graffiti artists paint with regular paint as easily as with aerosol spray.
When comparing two equal things with a noun, the word tanto agrees in gender and number
with the noun that follows it.
López tiene tanta fama como los grafiteros que pintan.
López is as famous as the graffiti artists that paint.
Los artistas buscan tantos seguidores como patrocinadores de arte.
Artists seek as many followers as art sponsors do.
When comparing two equal things with a verb, the words tanto como are used together.
López dirige la compañía tanto como trabaja de guía turístico.
López directs the company as much as he works as a tour guide.
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Unidad 23
Resumen gramatical 23-1 Profundizar: Comparatives and superlatives
When comparing two things that are unequal, use más/menos + ... + que.
An adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Para muchos críticos, el grafiti es más controvertido que las demostraciones callejeras.
For many critics, graffiti is more controversial than street demonstrations.
López dice: “Las respuestas son menos importantes que la manera en que el grafiti está cambiando
la percepción de la gente sobre su país”.
López says: “The answers are less important than the way the graffiti is changing people’s perception
of their country.”
Some adjectives follow an irregular pattern of comparison:
In general, adverbs are invariable. Bien and mal, however, change to mejor and peor.
El arte del grafiti en América Latina se desarrolló más tarde que en Europa.
Graffiti art in Latin America developed later than in Europe.
La regulación en torno al grafiti permite que los grafiteros puedan ejercer su profesión mejor
en Colombia que en otros países que no cuentan esas leyes.
The regulations regarding graffiti allow graffiti artists to practice their profession better in Colombia
than in other countries that do not have these laws.
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Unidad 23
Resumen gramatical 23-1 Profundizar: Comparatives and superlatives
Follow a similar pattern to compare nouns.
López desea que las próximas generaciones de grafiteros tengan más oportunidades que las de ahora.
López wants the next generation of graffiti artists to have more opportunities than those of today.
Follow this pattern to compare verbs.
Con la popularización del grafiti, López trabaja (mucho) más que antes.
With the popularization of graffiti, López works (much) more than before.
To compare specific numbers or quantities, follow this pattern.
Hoy en día hay más de 260 grafiteros en Botogá.
At present, there’s more than 260 graffiti artists in Bogotá.
To compare nonspecific quantities, follow this pattern.
Hay menos prejuicio del que se dice.
There’s less prejudice than what people say.
LingroLearning • www.lingrolearning.com • For more information contact LingroLearning at hello@lingrolearning.com
Unidad 23
Resumen gramatical 23-1 Profundizar: Comparatives and superlatives
Superlatives are used to describe the maximum or minimum quality of something in relation to a
category or group. There are two types of superlatives: superlatives of superiority and those of inferiority.
Bogotá es la ciudad más grande de Colombia.
Bogotá is the biggest city in Colombia.
Bucaramanga es la ciudad menos contaminada de Colombia.
Bucaramanga is the least-contaminated city in Colombia.
The irregular comparative forms are used to form the superlatives:
el/la mejor
el/la peor
el/la mayor
el/la menor
biggest; oldest
smallest; youngest
López quiere desatar la mayor revolución de arte callejero del mundo.
López wants to unleash the biggest street art revolution in the world.
López estudió en una de las mejores facultades de Derecho de Bogotá.
López studied at one of the best Law schools in Bogotá.
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