pitz? Asts1 nit, Lewis Acid - Lewis Base period ceptor (etcrete r uB a EN "it> He? Hi: Molecular Orbital Theory orbitals Atomic Lewis Acid - Lewis Base Interaction combine to form Mo's Anti-Bonding MO (A LA LB t :B * BF3 IzB NHz t LB Ge- :NAy e- Hypovalent (C-deficientspecies) molecule W 1S H I' - Metal Cations Nat, Alst, Mg2+, having Int to 3rd vacant period or d-orbital (species withcentral atom below) belonging a ~ xe-deficiency lewis BeCIG CCly +4 +2 Silly BE, Y Y · BEz Lewis Acid - ~ Bond L I Sich +4 +3 2 os < BBs ofcentral atom 12 not < BIg a I 2 na= no -> atom (Due to back All bonding) NO odd for tendency (same group size of LB no [7 - in of e-present BNO in ABM Bonding Mo Stability length e-species (nb na) ofe-present (pairede-) cunpaired e) LA 2 donation no = Magnetic Behaviour Comparison of Lewis Base Character electron Is nb Y ofsurrounding Er H Paramagnetic Diamagnetic BeCIa> CCly Exception:BF, <B11y ↳B a ABNO order=1 Energy Bond the Bond 15 stability ofbond Bond strength Comparison of Lewis Acidic Strength · I -15 Bo ·species in stability < stability Betz, BeClz, BE, AICly (60-7 <4 3 (ye-) (6e7 · in BNO Adduct Types of Lewis Acid · e- is 100- ofc-<14 and let Paramagnetic - No a ~* 2Pz a *cpu nex 14 * 2py ~* 2Pz a 21 D 2p · * 2py ↓ Trick 2s* 2 25 Trick 7 x Ne-x 14 2121 *is* is 0 25 "est 2s (x2py xcpy) %<pz = (**2px x*2py) Ys *2P2 * = - 2p jxzy 2p *2Py 25 BNO ABNO I t · 1S IS + ye -S 02:He- 2121 2 -7 r t B ⑧ ris 2 1221 2Pz x 2 Px * *cpu e overlap ve - 8x2ee 15 overlap = 2 ~15 ↑ s* - is =7 is *is* 2s (12px x2py) (x24 xEy) = = - (F2n x2py) Fiz "est = (* px 2Pz * 2Pz x*py) = *22 = * - 30 1(1) = - na) I(10 = - 1) 2 = Trick · If eis added in BMO OR e- is removed ABMO B0 + 0.5 ↑ · Ifeis added Cg. 82 in ABMO (150) Bond Bond & 02(14e-) 3.0 1.5 02(180-) - ↑ = 02's02 02 O length:OO:*** On 0 - hybridisation sp 0.5 1.0 = > order: " 02 Eg. Becke Be honge) (Titue 12 bonds bane hate unpair ↑I Krane 180 X I Ch G.S C 2.5 B0 BMO Bu Hybridisation C from removed = = 02(17e) stability is or 252 - Es 2p2 1 1! 25 24 · 1 ↑ v1L * L ↑L H H H only for species Quotient Ch spsp sp2 B sp3 bond hybridisation -> ↑ ↑W 2p 25 ↑ ↑ single central with pain Consider B atom Fe's -> - A 2p 25 sp3 Truck: Valid B2 I T ↑ sp2 H F 120B Total valence e's in molecule Trigonal F Remainder 2 2 Sp lone ↑L pair &180 Linear 12 AV 120' 3 4 sp2 sp3 Trigonal Planar Tetrahedral - sp3 710928' CH4 C Es 5 6 F sp'd sp3 d sp3d TBP 1203790 octahedral Pentagonal Bipyramidal hybridisation I ii. " or or I I or i in 12 ! I 10928" ....................... sp3 72 M - Tetrahedral (non-planar) I Planar hybridisation sp3ds hybridisation sped PC15 P * ↑L 4 * (eqbond/xanial I 3d GS i P 35 . - . 4 - - . . - so Cl . . I - Ch P Cl equatorial (P-(1) car · enternal become and longer of11 atoms the anial bond shell electron this assumed to be formed by the combination of Ch & CL Px + + (stPutBy+day dazy) + Pair = - - = Py) 2 de · sp3d SFG hybridisation -____,#All positions sp3d i s+pn+ py+daryz ............ Pz, d2 octahedral If a will be are same geometry. in eg. contains lone molecule different CH4 sp3 and bond te ! N Tetrahedral . . . . . . . . . . valence Ifthe molecules contain no lone pair and all the bonds are ofsame type then, it will have the same geometry as produced by hybridisation · ((s orbitals withlobes formedbow the axis lying blow the anis will be be · °z P to the - It is assumed x equitorial. than be repulsion Theory (VSEPRT) Acc, different pairs present in the theory central atom exert shell of repulsion over each other. Repulsion blu different e-pairs follows the order Ip-1px (p-bp bp-bp As no of bond, repulsion o (E) (=)> ( ) ( 3x(-) (-) Valence to repulsion blue pairs the ((,dzz) -> CL minimise can used L 120 sp3d To Bonds CL anial spd p-canial" -90 2 -> ---------.3d ,-3p.. -- ...--- F7 Pyramidal 1070 LH -C-H 10928' (HNH= = Hy0 pair angle then its also geometry sp3 Co H Bent-shape 104.59 KHOH= Bond Angle reputsion ofactual geometry Determination Determine the · and calculate · Draw the · Place by's on central the atom hybridisation. geometry pair and as H predicted by multiple bonds and at consider the will be the actual lone in pair shape, the shape ofmolecule repulsion (sp) -> linear -> BeCl, CO2 are call positions of H0 2 2pp+0lp 2) no of Ho =3 no. = 36p · 0lip + remaining no. of 4) · 3) no (Bent eg. SO2 o · S 0 H C lip 10928' H CL I P - --+ LFSF I F 3bp+ 21.p etc. Ch F 2bp+ · Tetrahedral T-shape F : I 3P XeFe " -2 linear (180) Planar " I H - E CHy, CCly, Silly Ion-planar) r F B + Ch planar F . of10 =4(sp3) 4bp · non I · ③ olp 4bp+4p (SFy) F A 120 + (sp3d) 5 = TBP Ch Ch Az 1 HO Ch equivalent) · 2bp 1." Ip 5bp angular y-shaped or H H104.50 Ch · bent eg:BC1s, Allly CL yes. angle bond 2lp + Co B Ch = up-bp repulsion, 4 H 2bp & is 107 N-H - Trigonal Pyramidal hybridisation. manimum i <H N · not Do ofIp's its same lone position. · no. (hir, 36p+1c.p · -> + · sp3d 6bp + 0lp E F F -> SF6 S F F F 790 5bpt · *s ⑳***I⑦ Bis 3.p ↑ Bent rule "If a F F Be · 4bp + 2 1.p I -e %.S-character ofthe orbital" Angle with SY2 s strong repulsion blw up-L.p and Ifhyb 1p x repl 2 104 B · B ⑰ If hybridisation is same up and (ioz.) 1909. is also Bent Rule Electronegativity EN 15 sp> 50% Greater and are of sp2 33.33% the higher orbital an be for throughsingle will bond preferably a its closer more will orbital to BA in which bonds. The element having surrounding having lows more character atoms are electronegativity (low EN) win of Bulky H20 (120 surv atom 0 X ~ 2 CH3 size 2 ~ 2 ja nucleus electronegativity. molecule withorbitals be the diff biff SA 25% will bonded %s-character sp3 x ys-character Acc. to Bent Rule 2 - 2 H CH3 steric hindrance AD U20 x FzO Y H2O -3 H20. NHy <CHy BA not exist molecules does p3 pair 31 I 2 CCly (109:28') (120) lone same be S-character. Belly BC1Y 1 (180) very up-bp, - orbital will possible due to ⑬ an multiple bonds always S⑦④π?). orbitals y. repulsion not is attached to and x BA F sip a Bond Planar Square F · pair present in F the as high lone non-planar ① 2 · stated be atom EN more it will decrease pyramidal square E E also can H of (A SA same Valence Bond Theory long Attraction Repulsion Range ............ H Anis passing fora teeof sen H.......... H Inter- nucleic Anis INA -------- -- the orientation and shape through nucleus. orbitals ofatomic H spherically symmetrical s-orbital: H H t CA &B - I t 5 Attractive force I t NA NB force NA- eB NA- NA-CA CA B B A Repulsive AB B) Up - - C at pt - These dominates Repulsion dominates Attraction - are eB attraction B: these NB are not charges, signs ofwave p-orbital Repulsion ↓ my ↓ e-wave - nodal orbitals nature + manimum bow will become bondednuclei plane other -> formationblu -> one unpaired e-each vacant orbital and filled "whichprobability - is zero. 42=0 ↓-orbitals · one plane two atoms by overlapping of atomic having in of finding orbitals e-density the two each function(4) occurs a overlapping wave into atoms Bond As result of the oftwo nodal z ↓ uZ yz opposite sign ofwave function P2 py, il B Concept ofoverlapping The penetration of atomic bothlobes have dumb-bell shape pu, function one fully- · double opposite dumb-bell lobes have samesign orbital. > of wave functions. plane Types of Overlapping 1) · Anial/Head When the on orbitals overlapping overlap withtheir ercloud anis. ·--bond are formed due to anial overlapping. lying along the intermolecular As p-orbitals (i.e lobes lie directionally are in extentwill be a direction) certain higher Y esseplup For differentshells also < 2p<bp < 15-25 Is-Is 3s..... up...... As bondstrength a Entent ofoverlapping strength of 2 boud comparison S-S ⑦ oft-bonds s -p S p p D - overlapping number increases size Y 23-25 y 1s-3p X comparison ofand a of oforbital bond 35-25 35-35 15-4p up-up strength ⑳ 68 Inter-nuclear - repulsion orbitals increases, the internuclear also yes and effective 3p-3pX sp-2px 5 and the shell same the size distances 23-25 x Is-2py comparison of so res. <25 Is For As the shell -> concentrated more Y hence overlapping becomes less Fajan's Rule to compounds is Application 100% conic or 100% covalent ② · · covalentnature covalent charge & nature cation a size · on Polarising power polar If · ofcation in = Met FO a molecule Covalent( & Mnet 0 non-polar Unet= molecule bonds all does not contain lone o and the pair. CL Cl Ch C114 C B CL CL CL same are B(ly Unet 0 = Cl Becky, P115, B11s, CCly, SEg Muet=0 contains or diff molecule the up If types ofbond then Met may or may not be zero 302 i S 1 CD O H Mnet FO xkt Lit Nat Lit Polar <Ng2+ (Nat CovalentCharacter Fajan's Rule lill*MgCl< AIC, d Dipole Moment(U) u qxd = > - I distance q ↳ Charge Unit:Debye 1D 3.33 x = 10-30 (m - q Representation Cl - Less EN EN Y move ENH EN H Unet FO Polar CL Ch 20 - Co H - Polar Unet FO lattice Energy Energy required, Nat (g) (1 + when - mole I (g) of an NaCl Energy required ↓ 1. E Ifa largee LiCk<NgCy AICIs (s) ionic lattice is formed from its constituentions.