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Art Appreciation: Creativity, Imagination, Expression Activity

ART 002: Art Appreciation
Class number: _________________
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________
Date: __________________________
Lesson Title: Art Appreciation, Creativity, Imagination and
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of appreciation and creativity.
2. Differentiate imagination from expression.
Student Activity Sheets
Productivity Tip: Welcome back to school! Start strong! Train your brain to shift to work mode by setting
a regular time during the day for your lessons. Set an alarm and stick to your working hours.
Good morning/afternoon class, welcome to ART 002 Art Appreciation. Anybody here who can tell
me who knows how to appreciate people or something? The best feeling is when you are appreciated by
other people because they find something good and beautiful in you because you are creative,
imaginative and expresses yourself perfectly. When was the last time you are appreciated and why? Our
lesson for today is about appreciation, creativity, imagination and expression. At the end of the lesson,
you should be able to (1) explain the meaning of appreciation and creativity and (2) differentiate
imagination from expression. Let’s start. Are you ready?
Content Notes
Directions: Read and analyze the lecture (content notes so you can answer the questions that follow.
The term art encompasses a large variety of works, from paintings to sculptures, architecture
to design, and in modern times, digital art. Everyone can appreciate and marvel at art, and
being subjective in nature, different art forms appeal to different people. Art appreciation is
defined as follows:
Art appreciation is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless
qualities that identify all great art. The more you appreciate and understand the art of
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ART 002: Art Appreciation
different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate
and improve your own artwork.
Art appreciation refers to the exploration and analysis of the art forms that we are
exposed to. It can be highly subjective, depending on an individuals’ personal tastes and
preferences, or can be done on the basis of several grounds such as elements of design
and mastery displayed in the piece.
Art appreciation involves a deeper look into the setting and historical implication and
background of the piece, a study of its origins.
Why Art Appreciation is Important?
Art appreciation is extremely relevant for multiple reasons. It is a good way to understand the
history behind the work, and the period from which the piece originated. Artists often reflect
the problems that they face, and the issues of the society in their work. By analyzing and putting
ourselves in the mind of the artist, we can better study how differently society functioned then,
compared to now. We can empathize and relate to the problems they faced on a personal level.
Art is meant to stimulate thought and conversation between its viewers. By reflecting on a piece
of art, we delve into our own experiences and nostalgia, thus a piece of art means something
different to every person that comes across it. Art appreciation helps open up the mindset of
the people, by listening to different perspective es and views as well as interpretations of the
art, it encourages thoughtful conversation and the understanding that there is more than one
approach to everything.
 It is the ability to convey meaning. It involves low level skills such as spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and grammar, but also high level composition skills such as planning,
organization, determining content, and revision to express information effectively.
Today’s society is going through challenging times across the globe and art has contributed
into a reaction towards local, as well as national and international issues. With a range of
talent, artists are painting ideas that many choose to ignore, using their art as their voice
to react to the injustices they see in this world.
Within its nature, art has no rules. There are no guidelines to express yourself. Art is meant
to be the way the artist wants it to be, and art could be a reaction to outrage to established
systems. But just because art could be a reaction to what’s going on, does not mean it has
to be. Different artists have different stories to tell and different ideas to get across
through their art.
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ART 002: Art Appreciation
Art is controversial yet peaceful, simple yet bold. No matter what form art is manifested
— be it through a painting, dance or music — it is up to the artist to choose how they
express themselves, what expressions they’ll share, and which ones they will keep to
 It is the ability to produce and simulate novel objects, peoples and ideas in the mind
without any immediate input of the senses.
 Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived
through the five senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or
events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past. Imagination
manifests in various degrees in different people.
 It is also described as the forming of experiences in one's mind, which can be re-creations
of past experiences such as vivid memories with imagined changes, or they can be
completely invented and possibly fantastic scenes.
 Imagination is a cognitive process used in mental functioning and sometimes used in
conjunction with psychological imagery. It is considered as such because it involves
thinking about possibilities. Imagination, however, is not considered to be exclusively a
cognitive activity because it is also linked to the body and place, particularly that it also
involves setting up relationships with materials and people, precluding the sense that
imagination is locked away in the head.
 It is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The
created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition,
or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting)
Creativity can be matched with imagination: for finding solutions and choosing between
options. It can be applied in different aspects of human activities such as in culinary arts
such as being creative in presenting baked products and interior designing or in simply
rearranging something that can make room for more space in the house such as where to
build some storage areas.
Creativity can also be equated with innovation. Innovation in its modern meaning is "a new
idea, creative thoughts, and new imaginations in form of device or method". Innovation is
often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements,
unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.The process of translating an idea or
invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay. To be
called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a
specific need.
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ART 002: Art Appreciation
Skill-building Activities
Directions: In this activity, you need to answer the questions per number.
1. Frayer Model
Direction: Please fill up your Frayer Model based on the discussion (content notes).
Art appreciation, creativity,
imagination and expression
2. If you were given a chance to express your thoughts through art, what type of art will you use? Why?
Check your answers against the Answer Key found at the end of this SAS. Write your score
on your paper.
Check for Understanding
Directions: Read each questions carefully. On the space provided before the number write TRUE if
the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect
_____ 1. Appreciation is recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
_____ 2. Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.
_____ 3. Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through
the five senses.
_____4. Art appreciation involves a deeper look into the setting and historical implication and
background of the piece, a study of its origins.
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ART 002: Art Appreciation
_____ 5. Art has no rules and there are no guidelines to express yourself.
Check your answers against the answer key found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
Thinking about Learning
Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the question below and
give your honest answer to it.
Did you find this lesson easy/difficult/important? Were you able to meet the learning objectives?
Yes/No/Why? Explain in your own words.
Did you have challenges in today’s learning? How did you overcome those challenges??
FAQs (Frequently Asked questions)
Since we know you have questions about this lesson, we write 2 items and answer it on your
behalf so it will be clear to you. Please read the following questions and the corresponding answers
to it.
Question 1. What is the importance of art appreciation?
Answer: Art appreciation helps open up the mindset of the people, by listening to different
perspectives and views as well as interpretations of the art, it encourages thoughtful
conversation and the understanding that there is more than one approach to everything
Question 2: What are 5 purposes of art?
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ART 002: Art Appreciation
Answer: There are five purposes for visual art: Ceremonial, Artistic Expression, Narrative,
Functional and Persuasive. -Ceremonial art is made to celebrate or commemorate something
important in the culture, in ritual or worship, or in personal life.
Job well done! You have reached the end of this lesson.
Answer Key
Frayer Model
Expression- is the ability to convey meaning
Art Appreciation is a detailed look at a work of
art that combines physical attributes with
through writing, singing. Dancing or acting.
statements based on viewer’s reaction
Imagination is the ability to form a mental image
Creativityis a phenomenon whereby
of something that is not perceived through the five
something new and
Somehow valuable is formed
Art appreciation
Thanks. Thank you.
It’s so nice. This is beautiful.
Dinner was delicious.
This is not so good, change it.
I appreciate this functional art, very nice.
This is trash.
I am grateful. You are a blessing.
This is so ugly, I don’t like it.
Check for Understanding
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
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