5Cle Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and surroundings clean, especially to avoid ilness or the your of preventable diseases. It is a spread that helps process people learns about the things and that practices prevent sickness and promote good health. It enables people to situation, empowers them to plan and act to understand their prevent diseases. It is the basic concept of cleaning, grooming and it is the first step to good health. Besides that it is consider as one of the most important part of our daily lives at home and at workplace which help us to protect ourselves and keep us with good health. Concept and Definitions of Personal Hygiene The term 'personal hygiene' is often confused and equated with personal cleanliness. The cleanliness is certainly a part of personal hygiene, but the scope of personal hygiene is much Wider. It is the science of preserving and promoting health mainly through the active efforts of an individual. It is practiced through sanitary habits and healthy way of lite. ersonal hygiene is primarily within the scope of an individual. According to the American Heritage Dictionary "Hygiene is defined as conditions and practices that promote and preserve health." Personal hygiene is important in our daily lives, as it Keeps the body clean, prevents embarrassment and helps prevent the spread of infection. Fersonal hygiene involves properly caring for your body by keeping it clean and healthy while allowing you to look and feel your best. and Physiral Educariom Health Yoga for It is also way highly effective infection. a illness and yourself from be Personal hvgiene may maintaining deanliness you to Peromai Hogiene protec Care of Eyes Wash eyes often with cold water descrnbed as the primciple the xtemal * and grom mg hold the book Sit straight while reading and from the eyes. Shdy in a about 12 inches away o body p r o p e r l y lighted room washing hande viruses and fungal fa habits 1s to these Also will help bodies. Der our from good away and activity. nal mental health good about ourseh protect o u r feeling to keep us hygiene /ie d hygiene will help of different inchudes habits 1e, Never read in a moving veicle. Personal hygiene which keep bactera, and brushing teeth Moreover clean hands while Use a clean towel and touching the eyes Get eyes checked at least each person is Personal hygiene their or own that habits and they as Everybody has it says, personal. have been taueha standards have learnt from of and continuance that they good can help and healthy personal habitsGood promotion and feel good about yourself. to promoting good risk of infection and you want to minimize your overall health, folow these basic personal hygiene habits: ears sharp matchstick, hair pin or object. damage the with a This may eardrum. Do not let water enter the ears. Never shout loudly into anyone's ears. Loud noise can cause damage. health. Aspects of Personal Hygiene hygiene contributory factors that make up personalnail There are manyones care hair care, oral care, main being washing, with the Intection and Preventing wound care, deansing ofpersonal utensils also enhance f our any other you ward off illnesses personal hygiene is essential such as washing your hands and Personal hygiene habits teeth will help keep bacteria, brushing and flossing your And there are mental as well as viruses, and illnesses at bay. helps you g0od body hygiene physical benefits. "Practicin8 for is important your mental feel good about yourself, which hair and health. People who have poor hygiene-disheveled and the like clothes, body odor, bad breath, missing teeth, discrimination. face often are seen as unhealthy and may an ears Care of Ears: Never clean essentially Proper groomin. others. It is health. by has three parts-the outer ear, the The outer e a r catches middle y e a r and the inner year. e a r and fromn middle to the them sounds and sends n e r v e s change the the there. to the i n n e r ear. lere, The hear. middle e a r sound into "impulses' for u s to maintains body balance. Ears: The mainly leads that all people has their is tha in this subject, than others, this will important point better it ainly but s o m e people do hygiene m. culture, society and family depends o n year eye speNialist. their Personal will sutter from discriminati mental problems. But the most not take care those who do bad breath odor and dothes, body to and this will once in a () Nose: The Nose help us to smell. When we smell1 something the gas touches special nerve cells present in the upper part in our nose. They send a special smell message' to our brain. Care of Nose: Blow nose regularly but gently to keep nostris clean. Do not pick the nose. Do (w) put anything into the nose. Tongue: Our tongue helps us to speak, eat and taste. Tiny bumps cover the surface of the tongue. Inside not these bumps are the taste buds. These help us to taste food which is sweet, salty, sour or bitter. We must cean our tongue regularly with a tongue ceaner. Health, Yoga and skin is the largest sen (p) Skin:The the whole body. has never e Physical Edi EAwcan organas t endingsCoNh feel pain, pressure, touch ete. Pore whichhhhepa to help the wastes to come out the body. Care ofSkin: Cean the skin . with soap and water However, there may be times when this d ery day possible, for example, when camping or there is a shortage ofpeople vwater,are swim or a wash all over with a wet sponge or cloth will do. the happens, a Wear clean cdothes to protert the skin from Use cream and oils to keep it health this etion ()Trim Your Nails: Keeping your tinger and toenail trimmed and in good shape will prevent problenme such as hang nails and infected nail beds. Feet that are cdean and dry are less likely to contract athletes foot. (oi) Brush and Floss: Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brnuish your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums. The bacteria that builds up and causes gum disease can go straight to the heart and cause very serious valve problems. Unhealthy gums also can cause your teeth to loosen, which makes it difficult to chew and to eat properly To maintain a healthy smile, visit the dentist at six month intervals for checkups and cleanings. (oii) Wash Your Hands: Washing your hands betore Preparing or eating food, after going to the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after goes a long way toward preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Keep handling garbage, hygiene product, like an alcohol-based sanitizing 8e, handy for when soap and water isn't available. a Personal Hygiene (ix) Sleep Tight: Get plenty of rest- 8 to 10 hours a night so that you are refreshed and are ready to take on the day every morning. Lack of sleep can leave - you feeling run down and can compromise your body's natural detenses, your immune system. (x) Changing into Clean Clothes: Dirty clothes should be washed with laundry soap before wearing them again. Hanging clothes in the sun to dry. T..e sun's rays will killsome disease-causing germs and parasites (xi) Turning Away from other People and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when coughing or sneezing. If this is not done, droplets of liquid containing germs from the nose and mouth will be spread in the air and other people can breathe them in, or the droplets can get onto food Importance of Personal Hygiene For most people, good hygiene is so much a part of their daily routines that they think little about it. They bathe, they brush their teeth, visit the dentist and doctor for regular checkups, and wash their hands when preparing or eating food and handling unsanitary items. lo keep those you care about healthy and safe, help them learm, and be sure that they are practicing g0Od personal hygiene. Good personal hygiene includes keeping all parts of the hair washing and body clean through regular bathing, wound care, and good handgrooming, tooth and mouth care, level of personal washing techniques. Maintaining a high hygiene will help to increase self-esteem and confidence, while minimizing the chances of developing imperfections. Effects of Hygiene on Health A lack of personal hygiene can cause many health problems. to regularly are more susceptible feet or toenail as jock itch, athlete's ungus intections such cause fungus fungus infections. A lack of oral hygiene can People who do infections such not as bathe oral thrush. Those who fail to wash their Health, Yoga and Physi 20 are m o r e prone to getting virus hands regularly infections from others. Bed bugs are a common al Educo or Educat bar ctetiu proble wh regular cleaning are lackin; and hygiene good () Physical Efects: Many diseases, includi common cold, can be transmitted thr lu and. and gh con contacthe washing your Simply with contaminated frequently can cut down on the spread of skin. hand disease. are not () Social Effects: People who properly the risk of being shunned or even groomed ridicu habits cule with bad run hygiene Children may get picked Problems such as body odor may also causeed person on on of the Person sex. A person who is properly groomed and to lack confidence around members opposite bathes regularly is more likely to exude confidence. She alsotypically have more friends and be more successwill on the job and in her relationships. Ci) Psychological Efects or Problems: Many times a lack ot personal hygiene is caused by depression, a job lossof or the death of a loved one. LDepressed or grievine individuals sometimes forgo regular bathing or grooming. Other times, depression can be hormonal or physiological, which can also bring about similar bad hygiene practices. subconscious when a These problems are often person temporarily stops conducting his life in a rational way. (iv) Emotional Effects: Poor can affect an personal individual's ability to obtain or hygiene keep a job, make himn a target of bullying, alienate those close to him and embarrassment. Engaging in good personal hygiene not cause practices only may also make you feel helps prevent illness but better about yourself by boosting your confidence and self-esteem. Role of teacher's in the development of health and good hygienic habits. Imparting health education to students the duty of teachers. is Teachers can play an an integral part o important role Personal Hygiene educating students about how to adopt a healthy lifestvle Imparting health education in childhood goes a long way in helping the students to cultivate healthy habits based cm r e rhealth education. Healthy habits have positíve infhence on their conduct and attitude. The child develops in toa sensible and responsible citizen and becomes instrumental in creating a healthy society. A teacher is supposed to perform many tasks that involve various responsibilities. However, if primary teachers concentrate their attention on aspects which are absolutely essential at the primary level, they will bring significant change not only to the lives of the students, but tothe lives of their families and the society and will be able to bring noticeable change in their overall lifestyle. Personal hygiene and principles ofHealth Washing Hands: Children should be taught to wash their hands with soap and water after defecation and before having meal. If soap is not available, they may use ash which is normally avalable in homes in villages. Children should bathe everyday in clean water and with soap in order to prevent skin diseases, scabies, itching. Children should brush their teeth regularly in the morning and before retiring to bed at night. They may use brush, or salt and oil for cleaning teeth. .All clothes including inner wares and bed sheets, towel should be washed and kept clean. Do not share clothes with others. Wash your hair at least your once in a to them regularly. week and apply oil D o not walk barefooted. Always wear footwear when you step outside your home. Do not spit in the open. This may spread gems if you are affected with any infectious disease. Coveryour mouth with hand or handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze. Keep your fingernail clean and cut them once in a week. Health, Yoga and Physica sducation Cleanliness of water and food F e t c h water cooking from tapped a for drinking and hand pump. This will protect water source, covered well, water in a clean Store drinking diseases. from children rinsed and cleaned utensil should be This pot/utensil. with should be kept covered () pots Earthen regularly. do not touch the water the fingers that c a r e Take lid. a Use a ladle for the from pot. water while drawing for at least 100 Water should be boiled water. drawing Food should be minutes to make it safe for drinking. to bees and and should never be exposed covered kept for spreading infection. germs which are responsible latrines. Do use closed Clean Environment: Always a water not defecate in the open, particularly nearby will be contaminated body otherwise the water bodies like diarrhea, leading to water borne diseases typhoid, jaundice and polio. vomiting dysentery, Dispose rubbish in the waste container only. Prepare soak pits for disposal of used water or develop home / school a kitchen garden in the premises of your utilize the used water. Do not dispose water in the open. It becomes a breeding place for mosquitoes to spreading diseases like malaria, falaria (elephantiasis). Exercise What do you understand by the term persona hygiene? What are the effects of hygiene on health Define and personal hygiene? Write in detail aspects an importance of personal hygiene. Explain the of teacher's role in the health and development good hygienic habits among childre of