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The Mad Doctor - The Homebrewery

The Mad Doctor
here comes a time in every naïve scholars
life where they attempt to stave of the very
forces of nature themselves. Whether its
the ever marching decay, the uncertainty of
death, or the impossibility of life itself these
subjects no matter how studied or sought
after never seem to have an answer… that
is not one perceivable to those of a sound mind.
An Artificer who specializes in the resurrection of the
dead in their own twisted way, they create abominations
out of the scavenged parts of fallen foe and friend alike
to further their own nefarious research.
A Knack for Necromancy
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
prepared after you reach particular levels in this class,
as shown in the A Knack for Necromancy spell table.
These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they
don’t count against the number of artificer spells you
A Knack for Necromancy Spells
Artificer Level
Cause Fear, Witch Bolt
Wither & Bloom, Ray of Enfeeblement
Life Transferance, Lightning Bolt
Death Ward, Storm Sphere
Mass Cure Wounds, Awaken
The Creature
Your companion, neither loyal or faithful, as it
understands neither nor the concept of betrayal and
lacks the feelings that could stir such responses. This is
your first successful attempt at grafting the dead
together to create life.
At 3rd level, you learn to create life. The Creature is an
undead class NPC created its stats are determined by
rolling 4d4 and removing the lowest roll for a maximum
of 12 or a minimum of 3. When creating your Creature
flip a coin to decide its Gender, then give it a name.
Once created, your creature acts as you servant out of
combat and can act upon request as a DM controlled
NPC. inside of combat The Creature is a Player
Controlled NPC that has its own Initiative. The creature
can be given Weapons and items to use during in and
out of combat. The creature us unable to communicate
properly during its early life and to understand it you
must make an INT to understand them. On a failed
check the creature becomes enraged. this penalty goes
away once the creature reaches a certain INT and WIS
threshold determined by the DM. The creature must be
watched constantly for at any moment it can wander or
get into trouble as dictated by the DM. The only stat that
may Increase naturally is WIS, it is gained from social
interaction and is dictated by the DM.
Waste Not Want Not
Your knack for knowing the use for items discarded
applies to the remains that you encounter on your
At 3rd level, you learn to imbue your creation with the
remains of others. you can scavenge body parts from
dead humanoids to add to your creature to give it
bonuses and upgrades. when scavenging parts you roll
1d20 to determine the quality of the parts the benefit
gained from higher quality parts is determined by the
Scavenge muscle tissue from creatures will increase
Scavenge joints/tendons from creatures will increase
Scavenge Major organs (bones, heart, lungs, ext.)
will increase CON.
Add grey matter from freshly dead humanoids will
increase INT.
Mold and sculpt the face of you creature using that of
another creature will increase CHA.
Scavenging from a creature with 4 or less in a
respective stat doesn’t increase their stats, 5-8 gains
1d4 increase for the respective stat, 8-12 gains 1d6, 1316 gains 1d8 , 17-20 gains 1d10, 21 and greater gains
Occasionally your creature will gain specific skills,
talents, or abilities based on those grafted to it
determined by the DM.
Occasionally your creature will gain certain ideals or
morals based on the qualities of the grey matter
added to theirs also granted by the DM.
scavenged parts can grants bonuses even if the
grafting fails biased on the DM discretion.
Efficiently Engineered
your knack for scavenging begins to transcend the
species barrier as your yearn for knowledge grows.
At the 5th level you gain the ability to chose 2 additional
creature types to be able to graft onto your creation, you
gain another one creature type at 9th and 15th level
Abnormally Anomalous
you soon realize you are not bound by the limits of any
specified anatomy and soon go about the creation of
your own.
at the 9th you the ability to graft and control additional
parts not already on your creature to grant further
movement, bonuses, and abilities.
you may add additional arms up to 4 that will grant
multi-attack biased on the DM’s discretion..
you may add wings proportional or larger to gain the
ability of flight.
you may add gills for underwater breathing.
you may add the torso of your creature to a wound of
another biased on the DM’s discretion.
you may add additional sets sensory organs such as
eyes, ears, and noses for further bonuses biased on
the DM’s discretion.
you may add tails.
Ingeniously Integrated Infusions
At the 9th you gain the ability to add artificer infusions
to The Creature.
Synthetic Sentience
The final step to creating true life a soul, the steps and
knowledge to create a Synthetic soul are in you grasp
you only have to rend the parts from those who stand in
you way.
At the 15th level you implant a devise into the heart of
the creature the devise cost 10,000 gold, it allows of the
use of the spell soul cage once every long rest.
To achieve a Synthetic soul you must kill and use soul
cage on 5 creatures with high combat rating or of great
importance dictated by the DM, these 5 creatures must
also be the same creature type as those chosen in the
Efficiently Engineered Evolution Feature as well as a
Once a Synthetic soul is processed you must go about
the prosses to graft it too you creature. To properly graft
the soul you must build a tower laboratory fastened with
a lighting rod at the very top that connects and powers
the machinery within, it cost 15000 gold and takes 120
days to build.
A constant lightning storm will be present in the
location of you tower for some unknown reason.
Once created you must preform the experiment. to do
so lightning must strike the lighting rod on the tower
while the creature is hooked to an operation table below
along with the machinate present in the lab. Once done
you must roll 1d20 to determine the success of the
experiment with any thing less then 12 being a failure
that causes one of the 5 souls present in the soul cage to
be destroyed, on a 1 the creature dies and the body is
completely destroyed and becomes unable to be
scavenged (you may however create a new creature and
start the process again). on a success the creature
becomes a living being with free will and no longer is
classified as undead, you also may no longer change the
parts present in the creature.
Upon the success of the first experiment you may make
a new creature that is of the specified romantic
attraction of the first creature created in an attempt to
provide a romantic partner
In addition due to the technical marvel of you tower you
may cast necromancies and healing spells without
expending a slot as long as you are within the premises
(this only applies to you)
You may also employ the use of artificially made
servants within your tower that posse the same
statblock of an imp along with the classification of
undead these servants protect and guard your tower
from threats