Cross-training Test your knowledge of terms related to the endocrine system by completing this crossword puzzle. Across 1. Type of cell that makes up most of the pancreas 4. Hormone thought to regulate circadian rhythms 7. Protein compounds made of many amino acids that are connected by peptide bonds 10. Include the ovaries in females and testes in males 12. An essential amino acid found in most proteins 13. Complex chemical substances that trigger or regulate the activity of an organ or a group of cells Down 2. Another name for the anterior pituitary gland 3. Substance from which steroids are derived 5. Another name for antidiuretic hormone 6. Gland located below the sternum that contains lymphatic tissue 7. Body's smallest known endocrine glands 8. Narrow tissue bridge connecting the two lobes of the thyroid gland 9. Another name for the pituitary gland 11. Glands that lie on top of each kidney Match point Match the glands and hormones listed on the left with their characteristics or functions, listed on the right. __1. Anterior pituitary A. Maintains the calcium level of blood __2. Posterior pituitary B. Helps regulate the blood's calcium balance __3. Thyroid C. Produce spermatozoa and testosterone __4. Hypothalamus D. Helps control some endocrine glands by neural and hormonal stimulation __5. Thyroid hormone E. Produces T cells as well as the peptide hormones thymosin and thymopoietin __6. Calcitonin F. The largest of the two regions in the pituitary gland __7. Parathyroid glands G. Embedded on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland __8. Parathyroid hormone H. Produce ova as well as the hormones estrogen and progesterone __9. Pancreas I. Serves as a storage area for antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin __10. Adrenal medulla J. Regulates metabolism by speeding cellular respiration __11. Thymus K. Performs both endocrine and exocrine functions __12. Ovaries L. Consists of two lateral lobes, one on each side of the trachea __13. Testes M. Produces epinephrine and norepinephrine Hit or miss Some of the following statements are true; the others are false. Mark each accordingly. _____ 1. The islets of Langerhans cells make up most of the pancreas. _____ 2. The endocrine cells of the pancreas are called the islet cells. _____ 3. The islets contain alpha, beta, and delta cells. _____ 4. Beta cells produce glucagon. _____ 5. Glucagon raises blood glucose levels by triggering the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. _____ 6. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating the release of growth hormone. _____ 7. Following endocrine gland stimulation, all hormones are released in a similar pattern. _____ 8. When a hormone reaches its target site, it binds to a specific receptor on the cell membrane or within the cell. _____ 9. A hormone acts only on a cell that has a receptor specific to that hormone. _____ 10. The effects of a particular hormone are the same, regardless of the target site. Finish line This illustration shows the major structures of the endocrine system. Label all of the components. Strike out Some of the following statements are incorrect. Cross out all of the incorrect statements. 1. The pituitary gland regulates other endocrine glands—and their hormones— through secretion of trophic hormones. 2. Trophic hormones include corticotropin (which regulates adrenocortical hormones, TSH (which regulates T4 and T3), and LH (which regulates gonadal hormones). 3. By increasing trophic hormones, the pituitary gland decreases target gland hormone levels. 4. The hypothalamus also produces trophic hormones that regulate anterior pituitary hormones. 5. The ability of blood glucose levels to regulate glucagon and insulin release is an example of the hypothalamic-pituitarytarget gland axis. 6. Examples of nervous system regulation of hormone release include the stimulation of the posterior pituitary to secrete ADH and oxytocin.