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Rizal Law & 19th Century Philippines: Historical Context

Historical context of the Rizal Law
This lesson provides a discussion on the historical context and contents of the Rizal
Law and examines the social, political and economic conditions in the Philippines in
the 19th century. Studying the historical context of the Rizal Law allows us to better
understand the contents, rationale and importance of the law. Similarly, studying
the 19th century is helpful in studying the life, works and ideas of Dr, Jose Rizal
because this puts him in the appropriate context.
The following are the learning outcomes we are expected to achieve at the end of
the lesson:
Explain the rationale of the Rizal Law
Discuss the historical context of the Rizal Law
Describe the Spanish colonial government by reading excerpts from selected
works of propagandists
Relate the passage of Rizal Law to nation-building, patriotism and
Examine the economic and socio-political milieu of the 19thcentury
Compare the reactions of Filipinos to the passage of the Rizal Law
I. The Rizal Law
Many Filipino students are curious why they are still required to study the life
and works of Jose Rizal in college despite having studied the biography of Jose Rizal
and his two novels in their high school years. They believe that it might just be a
repetition of the things they have learned and that it would be a waste of their
time. Little did they know that they are mandated by the law to study the life and
works of Jose Rizal not only in high school but also in college and they might not
even have an idea what this law had gone through in order to be passed and
On June 12, 1956, Philippine Independence Day, the Republic Act 1425 (R.A.
1425) also known as the Rizal Law was passed. It is an act “to Include in the
Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, colleges and Universities courses on the
life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. Authorizing the printing and distribution thereof, and for other
Read the contents of the law and answers to the following questions:
a. Why was it passed at time of the Philippine Independence Day?
b. Why only Jose Rizal was selected to be studied?
c. What are the goals or purpose of this law?
d. How will it be implemented?
II. Reactions to the Passage of Rizal Law
At present, the passage of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10354) or popularly known as the R.H.
Law was probably one of the most controversial laws passed due to the opposing
reactions of Filipinos to its passage. There were that anti and pro RH Law who
rallied for or against its implementation. Half a century ago, similar thing happened
to the Rizal Law. According to the historian Ambeth Ocampo (1990), the debate was
so intense that it ended in a fist fight between two hot –headed lawmakers. The
strongest opposition came from the Catholic Church, arguing that the law
would violate the freedom of conscience and religion. They argued that “Rizal
violated the Church’s laws specifically Canon Law 1399, which forbids books that
attack or ridicule any of the catholic dogmas or which defend errors condemned by
the Holy See.”
They also argued that only 25 passages of the Noli Me Tangere were
patriotic as compared to the 120 passages that were anti-catholic. Furthermore,
they pointed out that Rizal retracted his „attacks‟ on the Catholic Church
before he was executed. They maintained that Filipinos could still venerate
him as a national hero even without reading the two novels and that Filipino
students could read other works done by Rizal instead of the two Novels. The
Catholic Church‟ opposition went up to the extent of threatening religious
sanctions to all the supporters of the law. A bishop wrote a letter to Rafael
Palma a biographer of Rizal, sayin g that “we prohibit under the pain of sin and
canonical sanctions the reading, keeping or retention of the same [Noli and El Fili]
whether in original or in translation in the Archdiocese of Manila and Cebu.”
Read the full text of the CBCP‟s statement opposing the Rizal Law in the following
website: http://www.cbcponline.net/documents/1950s/1956-novels_of_rizal.html
Among the prominent „defenders‟ of Rizal Law was Sen. Claro M.
Recto who was the author of the law and fought hard for its passage despite the
threat of losing votes and religious sanctions. He assailed the people who opposed
the law by saying that fighting against the law is like fighting Rizal and
attemp ting to “blot out his memory”. The supporters of the bill maintained that
law would uplift Filipino sense of identity and nationalism especially during that
time when Filipino sense of identity and nationalism was dwindling and the
prevalence of American neocolonialism in the Philippines. After long and divisive
debates, the Rizal Law was passed with certain provisions that served as
compromise between two opposing sides. One of these compromises is the
exemption given to those who feel that their fai th is damaged by reading of Rizal‟s
novels provided, that they file a sworn statement stating as such as stated in Sec.
1o f the Rizal Law.
III. Historical Background of the 19thCentury: Spain and Philippines
Jose Rizal‟s ideas and philosophies in life could be better understood in the
context of his time. The historical context of Jose Rizal allows us to see the
prevailing social, economic, political and cultural conditions of Spanish colonial
regime in the Philippines and how these influenced Rizal.
Conditions in Spain
During the first three quarters of the 19th century, Spain has been in turmoil
especially when it was conquered by France. When the monarchy was restored in
1814, Fernando VII returned to absolutism [absolute power is vested in the monarch
e.i. the king]. When he died he passed his crown to his infant daughter Isabel, under
the regency [a government or period in which a person /regent rules in place of the
king/queen] of her mother Maria Cristina. Civil war broke out when Don Carlos, the
king‟s younger brother was claiming the throne. As a result, revolts between the
Liberals (supporters of Maria Cristina) and Carlists (supporters of Don Carlos)
ensued. In 1886, when Isabella became queen, a revolution against her took place
and she was forced to abdicate. Alfonso XII of Spain became king, which finally
brought Spain into a period of stability and reform.
Social Condition in the Philippines
Events in the Spain had implications on her colonies. The Philippines and
Cuba are two of the colonies that had waged a revolution for total emancipation
from Spain. The political, social, religious and economic changes in Spain during the
latter part of the 19th century have repercussions in the colonies. In the Philippines
Spain has no clear program in uplifting the country’s economy. The Manila-Acapulco
Galleon Trade only served the Spanish and Chinese people in the country but it did
not help the colony as a whole. It only served as a trans-shipment point between
China and Mexico thus benefiting very few Filipinos. Governor-generals initiated
reforms in commerce and agriculture but were not enough to boost economic
In terms of political development, Governor-generals who were assigned in
the Philippines for a short period of time have failed to implement policies that will
promote development, yet they returned to Spain richer. In the cultural and religious
aspects, the colonizers failed to implement effective policies of cultural and
educational advancements. Catholicism was still used as tool for subjugation of the
Filipinos and friars were very influential and powerful that made them de facto
administrators of the colony. Inequalities among social classes, discrimination,
injustices, corruption and slavery were very rampant. These injustices and social ills
suffered by Filipinos became the subject of protest of the Propaganda movement
and served as the „unifying cause‟ of the Philippine Revolution initiated by the
The social conditions in the Philippines during the 19 th century were discussed
by the propagandists. The Propaganda Movement was organized by Filipinos in exile
or studying in Europe. They came from wealthy middleclass families in the
Philippines. The Propaganda movement aimed to expose the worsening conditions
in the Philippines and ask reforms needed to improve the lives of the Filipinos. Three
of the works done by the propagandists exposed the „social ills‟ that were perennial
and extensive.
These works are:
1. Monarchism in the Philippines by Marcelo H. Del Pilar
2. The Distressing Situation of the Philippines by Graciano Lopez-Jaena
3. On the Indolence of the Filipinos by Jose Rizal