Uploaded by Juan Carlos Marroquin

Space Exploration: Expense or Pursuit?

Marroquin Lemus
Juan Carlos Marroquin
ENGL-100 - Written Composition
Mary Carter
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Space Exploration: A Frivolous Expense or a Fundamental Pursuit?
Americans tend to believe that space exploration is an unnecessary spend for our society. Many argue that
we should not be thinking about getting out into space when we have problems on Earth. However, while
the significant financial investments in space exploration may appear extravagant on the surface, a closer
examination reveals that many of our modern technological advancements and solutions have emerged as
byproducts of space exploration, ultimately demonstrating that such expenditure yields substantial
long-term benefits for society, innovation, and global progress.
Disputes are done regarding the elevated costs of this exploration, transforming space exploration into no
other than a money pit for many. Arguing that these vast investments could have better use addressing
current issues, such as poverty, health, and education. Yet that does not represent accurately what is
happening. Since the beginning of space exploration, it was discovered that it was an efficient drive for
science and technology. The new challenges called for innovative approaches. The cost of launches drove
designers to make spacecraft computers lighter, smaller, and with the highest performance and
dependability. In other words, it was this constant overcoming of challenges that led us to where we stand
now. Today we have more computing power every day in the palms of our hands than a full building of
computers had less than fifty years ago. This scale of contribution of technological advances is without
any precedent in history and it would not have been possible without the help of space exploration. For
example, one of the essential instruments in modern medicine is the MRI scanner, the algorithms used to
create images of the body's internal organs originated from processes that NASA developed to enhance
pictures taken of the moon's surface.
Marroquin Lemus
In addition to such technological advancements, governments around the world increasingly cooperated in
the operation of complex space missions, demonstrating the power of international partnerships and
overall what a unified world can accomplish. Space exploration is opening paths of international
cooperation and strengthening diplomatic links among countries.
Another concern is the environmental issues that may occur as a consequence of said exploration. Getting
things into space is not an easy thing in terms of energy, and it requires tons of fuel and resources.
However, that’s precisely the reason why space exploration development should be a focus of our society,
space exploration allows us to speed up our research and advance our efforts in energy efficiency and
optimization much faster than any other field would allow us to. By directing resources to space
exploration in the long term we would improve our energy efficiency in all areas of human activities,
from transportation to electricity delivery. The environmental concerns that could be caused by rockets
and their developments are nothing compared to a century of using low-efficiency and energy-wasteful
devices on Earth. We as humans depend on energy for our survival, and research that allows us to make
better use of it is a fundamental need.
Some argue that space exploration diverts resources from critical moral and ethical issues, such as
alleviating suffering or addressing social injustices, making it an unjust priority. Ethical concerns are
valid, and addressing social injustices is of paramount importance. However, space exploration should not
be viewed as mutually exclusive to addressing these ethical issues. Scientific and technological
advancements resulting from space research have the potential to improve the quality of life for
marginalized communities. For instance, space technologies have enabled more accurate weather
forecasting and improved disaster response, helping to mitigate the suffering caused by natural disasters.
Moreover, the sense of wonder and unity that space exploration fosters can inspire cooperation and a
global perspective in addressing social injustices and humanitarian crises.
Marroquin Lemus
Skeptics question whether the economic benefits of space exploration, such as job creation and
technology spin-offs, outweigh the enormous investments made by taxpayers. While it's true that space
exploration requires substantial funding, it's important to recognize the economic value it generates.
Space agencies, by their nature, foster innovation and create jobs in various sectors, from engineering to
manufacturing and research. Additionally, the technology spin-offs from space exploration have yielded
substantial returns on investment. For example, advancements in robotics, telecommunications, and
materials science have found applications beyond space missions, boosting our economy and enhancing
our daily lives. The economic benefits may not always be immediate, but the long-term advantages in
terms of economic growth and innovation are significant.
Indeed, the opportunity cost of spending billions on missions to distant planets may be too high, taking
away resources from other worthy endeavors. While it's important to make wise budgetary decisions, it's
equally essential to consider the long-term dividends of space exploration. Investments in space missions
expand our understanding of the universe, inspire future generations, and foster international
collaboration. These intangible benefits contribute to our society's progress and the advancement of
human knowledge, which, in the long run, can be seen as an investment that enhances our civilization as a
Critics argue that the practical benefits of space exploration, such as finding habitable exoplanets, are
speculative and do not offer immediate solutions to Earth's problems. Indeed, the direct practical benefits
of space exploration may not always be immediate, but this perspective overlooks the long-term value of
exploration. The search for habitable exoplanets, for example, contributes to our understanding of the
universe and the potential for life beyond Earth. This knowledge has the potential to shape our future and
guide us in addressing critical issues like environmental sustainability and resource management.
Marroquin Lemus
In conclusion, space exploration, despite its apparent cost, offers substantial long-term benefits. It drives
technological innovation, fosters international cooperation, and advances energy efficiency. The economic
and societal advantages far outweigh the initial investment, while inspiring future generations and
expanding our knowledge of the universe. Space exploration is not a frivolous expense; it is a
fundamental pursuit that enriches our society and propels us toward a brighter, more innovative future.