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Romans 12:9-21 Exegesis: Love, Service, and Overcoming Evil

‭Romans 12:9-21‬
‭An Exegesis‬
‭Bible Interpretation 2‬
‭October 26, 2023‬
‭Joshua Fuller‬
‭Marks of a True Christian‬‭1‬
‭Romans 12:9-21‬
‭People should hate what is evil and love what is good because they need to overcome evil‬
‭with good.‬
‭Let love be genuine (v.9-13)‬
‭A.‬ ‭Love each other and abhor from evil‬
‭1.‬ ‭Love with brotherly affection‬
‭B.‬ ‭Serve the Lord‬
‭1.‬ ‭Be fervent in spirit and pray a lot‬
‭Bless everyone and live in harmony with each other (v.14-21)‬
‭A.‬ ‭Bless your enemies and don’t curse them‬
‭1.‬ ‭Never repay evil with evil‬
‭a)‬ ‭Honor all‬
‭B.‬ ‭Live in harmony with each other‬
‭1.‬ ‭Live peacefully with all‬
‭a)‬ ‭Weep with those who weep‬
‭b)‬ ‭Associate with the lowly‬
‭Don’t have vengeance (v.19-21)‬
‭Romans 12:9-21 ESV - - Bible Gateway. Accessed October 19, 2023.‬
‭A.‬ ‭Never avenge yourselves‬
‭1.‬ ‭Leave it to God‬
‭a)‬ ‭God will take care of vengeance‬
‭B.‬ ‭Help your enemies‬
‭1.‬ ‭If you help them, you will make them less mad‬
‭C.‬ ‭Overcome evil with good‬
‭Evil is what many people do without knowing. In Romans 12:9-21 it talks about how‬
‭people should hate what is evil and love what is good. When someone does something that is evil‬
‭and it hurts you, you should overcome it with good. Do not overcome them with vengeance‬
‭because you should leave vengeance with God. Some people do not realize that they are doing‬
‭evil. When people curse their enemies or repay evil with evil then that is a sin. If you repay evil‬
‭with good, like honoring all and helping your enemies, then they will get less mad and start to‬
‭become good themselves. Finally, weep with those who weep and associate with the lowly‬
‭because we should all live in harmony with one another and help each other when we are in‬
‭The author of Romans 12:9-21 is the apostle Paul(1:1). Paul was from the tribe of‬
‭Benjamin and was born around Christ’s birth in Tarsus‬‭2‬‭. He was a Roman citizen which gave‬
‭him an advantage over non Roman citizens. Paul probably wrote this book from his three month‬
‭stay in Greece. It was written in around AD 57 because that is the time of his stay in Greece. It‬
‭was during the end of his third missionary journey.‬‭3‬ ‭After writing the letter, Paul sent Phoebe to‬
‭send the letter from Corinth to Rome.‬
‭ acArthur, J. "Bible Introductions - Romans by John MacArthur." Blue Letter Bible. Last‬
‭Modified 7 July 2019.‬
‭Walter Elwell and Robert Yarbrough, Encountering the New Testament, A Historical And‬
‭Theological Survey, 3rd edition, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013), 255‬
‭The recipient of Romans is the christian church in Rome. Rome in Paul’s time was a very‬
‭big empire and had mostly slaves. Paul wanted to go and tell the people about his missionary‬
‭journeys in person but was not able to (this is the occasion of the book). He ended up writing‬
‭letters to them instead. Some people that were converted on the day of the Pentecost probably‬
‭founded the church that Paul was talking to.‬
‭The purpose of the book of Romans was to teach the great truths of the gospel of grace to‬
‭believers who had never received apostolic instruction. Paul’s letter helped the new christians get‬
‭to know him more and it also gave Paul a new chance to share his faith and journeys with‬‭4‬‭. Paul‬
‭wanted to see them very badly but could not end up getting to the new church.‬
‭The function of Romans 12:9-21 in the book of Romans is to help the new church and‬
‭believers to understand that they need to love one another as much as they can and have‬
‭harmony. Paul wants them to be a living sacrifice to God. Paul is almost retelling what Jesus‬
‭said in the sermon on the mount. Paul wants the people to live by principles of heaven and love‬
‭just like what Jesus said during that sermon.‬‭5‬ ‭This goes to show how in tune Paul was with the‬
‭scripture and what Jesus had said and done during his life.‬
‭When you dive deeper into different books and passages in the bible you will start to see‬
‭that there is more meaning than just what the book says. Books in the bible are always in sync‬
‭with each other. For example, the book of Genesis is talked about in Revelation. The first book‬
‭MacArthur, J. "Bible Introductions - Romans by John MacArthur." Blue Letter Bible. Last‬
‭ odified 7 July 2019.‬
‭“Commentary on Romans 12:9-21.” 2020. Working Preacher from Luther Seminary. August‬
3‭ 0, 2020.‬
‭of the bible is still relevant in the last book of the bible and is also still relevant today. Passages‬
‭are the same way.‬
‭In Romans 12:9-21 the first thing it dives into is “loving one another and letting it be‬
‭genuine.” This is one of the most talked about things in the Bible because God says it all the‬
‭time. Paul wants us to be like Jesus and do what he does. When we are like God we are the way‬
‭we are supposed to be made. The fall took that away from us because now we can never be good‬
‭like God. Jesus came to the earth to teach people about him and to show how God truly is. Jesus‬
‭showed us that God was good but also serious and forgiving. Having genuine love is the‬
‭foundation of being a christian.‬
‭A smaller point that this passage talks about is to abhor evil (12:9). Paul wants us to stay‬
‭away from evil and cling to what is good. When we stay away from evil we honor God and show‬
‭him that we are faithful. God sees this and loves us. Clinging to what is good is also something‬
‭that God likes. It goes hand in hand to staying away from evil. We should hate evil. It is what we‬
‭are fighting against and doing evil ourselves can make us enemies of God which is not what we‬
‭Another thing that Paul tells the people is to love each other with brotherly affection‬
‭(12:10). This means that we need to always help out our brothers in Christ and always be by their‬
‭side when it comes to faith. This is another way that we can show love to one another and do‬
‭what the Lord wants us to do. Paul is now giving the people more specific things to do and this is‬
‭one of them.‬
‭Paul tells the people to outdo each other in honor (12:10). He is saying that we need to‬
‭always be honoring each other. When we do this we have to show it. Paul wants them to not just‬
‭help each other but to go farther and honor each other. This can be hard because sometimes we‬
‭do not always want to honor each other. For example, if someone gets into a bigger argument‬
‭with another person and they do not say sorry and forgive each other then it’s going to be hard‬
‭for them to honor each other. People nowadays always have a sense of “one upping” each other‬
‭and trying to be better than each other. We can use what Paul says in this verse to counteract‬
‭what people say when they talk like that.‬
‭The next thing Paul says is to never act slothful in zeal (12:11). He does not want us as‬
‭believers to have no enthusiasm and no drive to follow God. We should always have zeal. If we‬
‭do not have enthusiasm then there is nothing to our faith. It is just boring and does not mean‬
‭much. This is why we must have passion in our faith to the Lord. All the “successful”‬‭6‬ ‭people in‬
‭their faith and teachings had never dying passion for their faith and for the Lord.‬
‭The passage says to be fervent in the spirit and serve the Lord. This helps us realize that‬
‭we need to serve the lord with enthusiasm. We as christians should not serve the Lord expecting‬
‭a reward or expecting God thinking that we are better. We should serve the Lord because we‬
‭want to and have passion. Some ways we can do this is by actually reading the bible and‬
‭generally wanting to read and learn something from it. We can also tell people about God and‬
‭Jesus with enthusiasm. If we go out into the world expecting to tell someone about the Lord and‬
‭practicing for it then when the time comes and we actually have a chance to do it, we are able to‬
‭do it and have enthusiasm.‬
‭Next in verse 12 it says to rejoice in hope. This tells us that we need to always have hope‬
‭and rejoice because of it. We need to have joy in the hope that the Lord’s plans will happen at‬
‭some point and that everything will be fulfilled. We have all to learn the lesson that Divine‬
‭ uccessful as in people that had much faith and did many things to push forward God and the‬
‭story of Jesus to people.(Paul, Jesus, Peter, ect.)‬
‭providence has appointed for us.‬‭7‬ ‭This encourages the people to be joyful and to know that there‬
‭is always hope even in the darkest of times.‬
‭The next part of the verse is telling the people to be patient in tribulation. When we get‬
‭into those dark times we need to have patience and endure. Paul realizes that there will be trials‬
‭and difficult times as a christian. He knows them himself because of all the journeys he has been‬
‭on. He just wants christians to be patient in those trials and encouraged that God’s plan will be‬
‭fulfilled. If we do not do this then our hope will be diminished and we will be defeated.‬
‭We need to pray in those hard times and ask for help from God because he will help us‬
‭through those trials. Praying is one of a christian’s biggest helps, and is one of the most‬
‭important things that the Holy Spirit gives us a better opportunity and understanding to do.‬
‭The next verse (12:13) talks about contributing to the people in need and showing‬
‭hospitality towards one another. Again, Paul is wanting the people to have unity and help one‬
‭another. This is very important to him because he talks about it a lot and is very sincere. Showing‬
‭hospitality is a very good way to show how much other people mean to you because when you‬
‭invite other people into your home with love then they will feel loved. This gives all the‬
‭christians unity with eachother.‬
‭Verse 14 starts the second part of the passage and begins with Paul telling the people to‬
‭bless their persecutors. This is very different from the mindset of most people because if‬
‭someone hurts them then they will most likely get mad and curse the person that hurt them. Paul‬
‭is going against this and wants everyone to bless everyone, even those who persecute you. This‬
‭is something that God would do and adds to the main message that Paul is getting at. We need to‬
‭be like Jesus as much as we can.‬
‭Spence, M, and Joseph S Exell. 1983. The Pulpit Commentary, 360.‬
‭The next verse is another thing that Paul wants the people to focus on and pay attention‬
‭to. That is to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. This is another verse‬
‭about having unity with one another. If we do that then our faith will grow together and we will‬
‭have stronger faith. Rejoicing and weeping are polar opposites which shows that we need to not‬
‭always be with those who are happy and joyful but we also need to be with those who are sad‬
‭and mourning.‬
‭The next verse, (12:16), gives another main message of what Paul is trying to get across‬
‭to the new believers and new church. He wants them to live in harmony. He does not want the‬
‭people to think they are the “chosen one” and stay away from the lowly people. He wants them‬
‭to associate with the lowly. Nowadays there really is not a thing where people are called the‬
‭lowly anymore. Back in Paul’s time there were slaves, beggars, and other sick people that were‬
‭considered lowly. Now though the only people considered lowly are maybe people that are‬
‭picked on and bullied or people that do not have a high financial status. Paul wants everyone to‬
‭be in harmony with each other like Jesus was.‬
‭In verse 17 Paul says to not repay evil with evil but to do what is honorable. Repaying‬
‭evil with evil is against what God wants because all that that accomplishes is causing more‬
‭problems. When we honor even those who hurt us then they will see that we are different and‬
‭that can maybe give us an opportunity to tell them about our faith and Jesus. Paul in verse 18,‬
‭sums up this part of the message. He says to try and live peacefully in all.‬
‭In verse 19 he gives instructions on what to do when people have vengeance. He says to‬
‭give it to God because it is written that God says “vengeance is mine and I will repay.” Paul is‬
‭wanting people to not always want to get back at each other but to instead be willing to give up‬
‭that rage and vengeance to God. And if God thinks that the vengeance is needed then he will‬
‭Finally, in verses 20 and 21, Paul ends the passage and chapter by restating his main‬
‭message which is to love and help all even if they are enemies. In the verses Paul says that if you‬
‭help your enemies then “you will heap burning coals on his head.” He is saying that if you help‬
‭your enemies then their anger will start to go away and the person that was nice to them will help‬
‭them to become better.‬
‭Truly knowing some words in Romans 12:9-21 can really help people to better‬
‭understand what is being said in these verses. The first word that can help us understand the‬
‭passage better is the word “abhor.” This word is very negative and is similar to “hating‬
‭something.” In the context of Romans 12:9, it is there to show how much we should dislike what‬
‭is evil in the sight of God. We should not just dislike it but instead we should detest and hate it.‬
‭Another word that can help us understand the passage more is the word “zeal.” This word‬
‭in context could mean enthusiasm or passion but in the context of Romans 12:11, it is both.‬
‭According to God, zeal involves recognizing opportunities provided by God and adjusting our‬
‭actions accordingly.‬‭8‬ ‭This is what it means in context.‬
‭One last word that can help us better understand the passage is the word “vengeance.”‬
‭This word could mean revenge, punishment, or “getting even.” In the context of the passage this‬
‭word means to get revenge on someone that previously wronged them or somebody that they‬
‭want to help. God talks about vengeance in other older parts of the Bible like Deuteronomy‬
‭32:35 and Leviticus 19:18 so it is not a new thing that people have started doing.‬
‭ odet, Frederic L. 1977. Commentary on Romans. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel‬
‭Publications, 435.‬
‭The theological principle that you can get from this passage is to love everyone and help‬
‭everyone even if they are not nice to you and are your enemy. This is a good theological‬
‭principle because in the Romans 12:9-21 Paul keeps encouraging the people to live in harmony‬
‭with each other, love each other, and help each other as much as possible. If we do this then we‬
‭are doing what God wants us to do and it makes our faith stronger.‬
‭A reflection question that I got from this passage goes as follows. When was there a time‬
‭when I was not loving towards someone and didn’t do anything to honor them but instead fought‬
‭evil with evil. My journal is that a few days ago I was playing basketball with some friends and‬
‭was 1v1ing them. After a little while I started to lose and got mad so I called them things and‬
‭said things that I shouldn’t have said. I never apologized and instead went on with my day like‬
‭nothing happened. An application for me is that the next time I see those friends that I played‬
‭with, I will apologize for what I said and tell them that I won’t do it again.‬
‭Some other people that can apply this theological principle to their lives are people that‬
‭play lots of sports. When someone does something that bothers them and makes them upset;‬
‭instead of getting mad and saying things that God considers evil, they can think about this‬
‭passage and not do the evil things. Instead they can still be loving towards those people if they‬
‭get hurt in the game or lose. They can help them and not be mean.‬
‭One final person that can use this theological principle is a cop. If there is a person that‬
‭the cop is pulling over that is very mean and doesn’t have any respect, instead of lashing out and‬
‭letting that one person ruin the cop’s day the cop can still be loving towards the person and help‬
‭them through what they're going through. If they do this then maybe the person that is being‬
‭mean will calm down and will change the way they are being.\‬
‭ omans 12:9-21 ESV - - Bible Gateway. Accessed October 19, 2023.‬
‭ acArthur, J. "Bible Introductions - Romans by John MacArthur." Blue Letter Bible. Last‬
‭Modified 7 July 2019.‬
‭ alter Elwell and Robert Yarbrough, Encountering the New Testament, A Historical And‬
‭Theological Survey, 3rd edition, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013), 255‬
“‭ Commentary on Romans 12:9-21.” 2020. Working Preacher from Luther Seminary. August 30,‬
‭Spence, M, and Joseph S Exell. 1983. The Pulpit Commentary, 360.‬
‭ odet, Frederic L. 1977. Commentary on Romans. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel‬
‭Publications, 435‬