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Project Management Quiz: Key Concepts & ROI

DECS 744
Project Management
Week One In-Class Quiz
(Open Notes, Open Book, no internet)
Fall 2023
John E. Ettlie, Ph.D.i
NAME____Amelia Genus_____
1. A) What is the “old school” of Project Management?”_On time, on
budget, on specification______________________________.
B) What is the “new school” of Project Management?”____Old School +
incorporating the customer’s needs/desires (customer satisfaction)__.
2. Calculate the expected value for profitability (ROI) of these data forecasts
for a new film being considered by Ettlie/Ettlie Productions called “Night
of the Cartoons.”
25% 40% 10% 25%
15% 20% 20% 37%
0.25*15 + 0.4*20 + 0.1*20 + 0.25*37 = 86.68
3. In Chapter 2 of the text book, P. 41, the concept of phase gate model is
introduced used by firms typically for what kind of projects?__high risk,
high cost, or scarce resources_______.
4. In the case from the book, “A Day in the Life,” what was the critical
activity (behavior) demonstrated by this project manager which illustrates
how modern (new school) project managers strive for success?___Her
efforts to hear and understand the customers views and assuring them
that their needs would be brought back to the team___.
5. Name two good (not self-report) single-indicator measures of customer
satisfaction. Make sure these are not concepts but metrics=numbers (e.g.,
not, “loyalty, or “good will,” or “customer survey”). f
1)__increase in stock prices___________
2)___high customer reviews__________.
6. In the textbook Chapter 1l (p. 13-14), the concept to Agile Project
Management is introduced and is revisited in Chapter 15. What was the
motivation and in what industry did Agile PM
originate?_Motivation__traditional project management processes
couldn’t be applied to new project scopes or new technologies (e.g.,
software development) ________Industry__software__________.
7. In Chapter 1 of the text book (p. 7, and p. 9) the authors distinguish
between a project and a program. What is the difference?__a program is
a group of projects that accomplish a similar goal___.
8. In Chapter One of the textbook (p. 10) the authors plot the project life
cycle (Figure 1.1) and note that the greatest effort and time in a project
occurs in (pick one) 1) defining; 2) planning; 3) executing and 4)
9. What is the empirical (observed from data) of the relationship between
customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty? (You may draw the curve or
describe it in words.)____an “S”-curve _gradually increases at the
beginning before spiking and leveling off at higher values___.
10.Why is the empirical relationship between customer satisfaction and
market share when there are multiple firms in an industry? (You may
draw the curve or describe it in words.) __competitors result in a gradual
loss of market share, as competing firms increase the trend of customer
satisfaction vs market share decreases_____________________.
Copyright ©2023 John E. Ettlie, all rights reserved, no part of this material may be reproduced in any form
without written permission of the author.