01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University MG5547 - Marketing Communications View Online Dorothy Yen 1. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac.uk/en tity 2. Pelsmacker P de, Geuens M, van den Bergh J. Marketing communications: a European perspective [Internet]. Fifth edition. Vol. Always learning. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=502436&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac.uk/en tity 3. Belch GE, Belch MA. Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective. 10th ed., Global ed. [S.l.]: McGraw-Hill Education; 2014. 4. Crane A, Matten D. Business ethics: managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Fourth edition. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press; 2016. 5. 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Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=cm7ly9cu9w&S=AC_T_ B&C=European Journal of Marketing 20. Harvard business review. Available from: 3/8 01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=cm7ly9cu9w&S=AC_T_ B&C=Harvard Business Review 21. International journal of advertising. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0265-0487 22. Corporate communications. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=A_T_ B&C=corporate communications 23. Journal of marketing research. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0022-2437 24. Journal of consumer research. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0093-5301 25. International journal of market research. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=A_T_ B&C=International Journal of Market Research 26. Journal of advertising research. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=A_T_ B&C=Journal of Advertising Research 4/8 01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University 27. Journal of advertising. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0091-3367 28. Journal of the academy of marketing science. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=A_T_ B&C=Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 29. Journal of marketing. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0022-2429 30. Journal of marketing communications. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=1352-7266 31. Journal of marketing management. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0267-257X 32. Journal of retailing. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=A_T_ B&C=Journal of Retailing 33. Campaign. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=cm7ly9cu9w 5/8 01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University &S=AC_T_M&C=Campaign 34. Marketing. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=T_M &C=Marketing 35. Marketing business weekly. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9 W&S=A_T_B&C=Marketing+business 36. Marketing week. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=I_M& C=0141-9285 37. PR week. Available from: http://cm7ly9cu9w.search.serialssolutions.com/?V=1.0&N=100&L=CM7LY9CU9W&S=T_M &C=PR+week 38. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 39. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 6/8 01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University 40. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 41. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 42. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 43. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 44. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 45. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. 7/8 01/23/24 MG5547 - Marketing Communications | Brunel University uk/entity 46. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 47. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 48. Fill C. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation [Internet]. 6th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson; 2013. Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/browse/open.asp?id=485113&entityid=https://idp.brunel.ac. uk/entity 8/8