HW7 1) Export the store_openings table from a CSV file to a table in the TablesPractice geodatabase 2) 3176 stores in the attribute table. 7/1/1962 in Rogers AZ was the oldest store to open. The newest store was opened Moundsville WV 1/31/2006. 3) No because the metadata only goes from 1962-2006. 4) Create a table that lists each state and the number of stores that it contains. Which state in this table contains the most stores? How many does it have? In addition to answering the question, capture a screenshot of your table. Texas has the most with 315. Using frequency tool, frequency field strstate, summary field storenum 5) Determine the number of stores per 100,000 people in each state using the Pop2014 field. Which state has the most stores per capita? Which has the least? (Hint: in a joined table, only the target fields may be calculated). In addition to answering the question, capture a screenshot of your table. Joined the pop2014 using join field tool to the store frequency table. Join states to the stores table with stores as the target. Used calculate field tool to divide frequency / population (pop2014) * 100000. Arkansas (AR) has the most store per capita with 2.70421. California (CA) has the lowest store per capita with 0.417103 6) Create one layout with one data frame and both layers on same map. You can use # of stores per 100k as opposed to per capita, if desired. No screenshots, just one PDF map with standard map elements (title, legend, north arrow, scale bar, sources, name). See example map here Could not work out. 7) Use a chart to examine the correlation between Pop2010 and the number of stores in a state. Capture the chart and refer to it in a brief discussion that covers these points: How good is the correlation? Which state has a much higher number of stores than one would expect? Which two have much lower numbers than expected? Can not do this. Know I must go to display XYdata but it is not working. 8) Create a table that contains the minimum and maximum opening date of stores in each state. Capture the table. Which state has the earliest minimum opening date? Which has the latest maximum opening date? Created new table using summary statistic. Kansas has the earliest minimum 1/1/1974. Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico have the lastest maximum date 9) Find a table on the internet that includes a field that allows it to be joined to a spatial data set. Format the table so that it can be read in ArcGIS, and create a thematic map showing data from the table. Please include your table in your file upload. Upload it as a csv, xlsx, txt or dbf file. You do not need to explain the dataset or draw any conclusions. Just be sure to cite your tabular data source on the map. Please include a legend, title, north arrow, scale bar, and data sources on your map and export it as a pdf. You could even include a graphic of your table on your map, like this. See pdf.