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Say NO: Obsessed with Work & Mental Health

How To Become So Obsessed With
Work People Start Questioning Your
Mental Health.
By The Elite.
That's it. That's all there is to it. If you can say NO to everything you're
going to reach crazy levels of success.
This applies at every single level of success from the very beginning of
the journey, right up to running a $1 trillion market cap company.
There's so many rules and productivity systems and the problem with
them is it's too much to remember. You need a really simple concept you
will never forget. Something you can wake up every day, pick up your pad
beside your bed and read the words "JUST SAY NO" and it sets the tone
for the day.
So what does this mean in practice?
For those of you not making any money, it means you say NO to, Netflix,
sleeping, eating junk, watching YouTube, watching TikTok, reading Twitter,
You create your 3-5 year plan(not 1 year. We over estimate what we can
do in a year, and underestimate what we can do in 3-5. Be patient.)
If you don't know what you can do yet and have very little skills, then just
make a very modest, easy to achieve 6 month plan instead that will move
you somewhere better than you are.
Break it down into smaller quarterly chunks.
Take your first quarter. Plan out a week.
Take your week and write down 3-5 things you need to do today.
Really important to pick ONLY things that will move you towards your
goal. Fuck being productive.
Don't try to be productive. Only focus on moving closer to your end goal
and get stuff done as fast as you can. Do the minimum to get the task
Now, just say NO to everything else.
This is how people go from $50k/mo to $500k/mo.
Saying NO to JVs. NO to creating a second business. NO to that person
who wants to talk to you on Facebook about business for an hour. None of
that shit will help you.
If it's not directly checking off the 3-5 tasks on your daily task list, say
NO. Don't let your mind convince you that what you're doing is helpful.
It's not. Chatting with people about business, watching business videos or
engaging in the mental masturbation of planning something out in mass
detail is not going to make you money.
These just feel good and give you easy dopamine hits.
You need to get your dopamine hits from checking off tasks on your daily
list and moving towards your end goal.
Hint: You never want to reach that end goal. Keep moving it so you never
reach it. You'll fuck up your dopamine if you let yourself celebrate a big
win. Just keep moving the goalposts forward. You get dopamine from the
Most people misunderstand dopamine.
Here's why games like World of Warcraft are so so
In a game do you ever really want to reach the end so badly that you feel
like you're going to be happy if you get there? Do you project your
happiness to completing a game? Nope.
The fun in the game is the journey, and the way games like WoW are
setup is to give you lots of little rewards. Level 2, level 3, level 4, new
weapon, new gloves, new boots.. Now let's level up our Skinning skill a
bit, now we'll work on Leatherworking.. Tick tick tick, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Dopamine dopamine dopamine.
Dopamine isn't meant to be a reward for achieving an end result. It's
actually setup to keep you ON the journey.
If you're out picking berries the dopamine hit is not when you finish and
get home. You start with your empty basket and head out. You get
dopamine hits as you get closer and closer. You get dopamine hits as you
put each berry in. As the basket fills up, you're getting little dopamine
--Here's the trick. Once you've completed the mission, you want to trigger
serotonin, not dopamine. You do that by feeling appreciation. That means
after you've got your basket full of berries and you get home, you
BREATH, relax, and try not to feel a high from it.
Just sit back and appreciate the work you've done and the end result you
got. You'll get a serotonin hit and your dopamine pathways will be ready
to continue the next day without a big drop from the end result not living
up to your expectation.
Manage expectations. Don't expect anything from the end result. There is
nothing there. Just feel appreciation for the journey and the work that got
you there, and what you have now. A quiet, calm appreciation.
When you're playing a game you do say NO to everything naturally. You
just focus on your current mission easily because it's set up to give you
the little dopamine hits. You aren't in the middle of a WoW quest
gathering wolf skins or whatever you're doing and decide "Hey, I'm going
to stop this and go and watch a video on how to gather bear skins", or
"I'm going to watch a video on how to raid at end-game".
You just gather your wolf skins. With each skin you get, a little dopamine
Setup your day with just your essential tasks and say NO to everything
that doesn't involve completing task 1. Once you've done it, check it off
and enjoy that dopamine hit.
Repeat for task 2, then 3, then 4, then 5.
At the end of the day you'll have this feeling of satisfaction. You said NO
to everything in your day and only checked off your tasks.
If you do this every day you build up more and more momentum and
energy and you'll find it hard to get distracted. It'll feel sickening. You'll
become addicted to the dopamine of checking off those tasks.
(This is the addiction you want). This is why some people are absolute
workaholics and cannot switch off. They just want to be checking off
tasks, all day, all week, all month. They're addicted. They can't go to a
beach and relax. They want to check off some fucking tasks on the list.
To quote Jordan Peterson, this is the guy that if you send him out into the
woods with just an axe he'll start chopping down trees all day.
All you have to do is say NO.
As you make more and more money, you'll get more distractions, more
opportunities, more offers. It's the same old crap disguised differently. It's
just Netflix in another form pretending it'll help you.
Just focus on 1 thing. Your mission. The 1 thing you picked and did your
long term plan for. That's the only thing you need. If it doesn't move you
closer to that goal, say NO.