. Ability to reason, plan, solve problems and comprehend ideas to deal with unexpected Spatial uncertainties " Ability to learn and adapt by ugpgrading your internal system so that you are able to respond to quener Wortd in an Visualising the on experience and knowiedge Naturalthiegsst Undeeng rstanding ard reading Intra-Personal Understanding According to researchers, inteliigence is the 'ability to perceive or inter intormation, and to retain it as knowies nature Musical yoursel, what to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context. you feel and what you want pitch, tone rhythm and Timbre Types of Intelligence Linguistic Based on the skilis the intelligence is divided into difterent types: Finding the right words to . Intrapersonal Inteligence: It's the ability to understand yourself. what are your feelings and what you wang Gandhi and M Types i Intelligence express what your strengths and weaknesses your goais and your motivation. For example, Mahatma you mean things, making proving them Bodily-Kinesthetie an ability which designers architects, engineers possess. It's the ability to visualize the world in 3D F Coordinating your Smind with your exampie, Leonardo Da Vci and LM Pei are some famous people with high visual intelligence. body Interpersonal Sensing people's Naturalist Intelligence: It involves how sensitive an individual is towards nature. It's the ability to personaities Mathematical bypothesis and Teresa had the capacity to know themselves . Spatial Intelligence: It is the atbiiity to create. visualize, retain and retrieve well-constructed imaaes h understand living things and care for nature People with this type of inteligence are gardeners, veterinary doctors, zookeepers etc Charies Darwin, Steve Erwin, John Muir are some notable naturalist intelligent Logical Quantifing feelings and motives Tacdon qUestons ol wty we Ive and Wy We de g) Decision Making . Musical Intelligence: It is the skil of composing, performing and appreciating musical patterns. They have a atility to recognize tone rhythm and timbre They remember things by turning them into lyrics or rhymes Fen Hae you faced a situation in life, where you have to choose one thing over the other? When you're spoiled Dchoice in life, decision making becomes difficult Whenever you are doing any kind of work you will have exampies are singers music composers instrument players choices and at that time you need to choose one over the other What you choose will be based on " Logical-Mathematical intelligence: It's the ability to quantify things, analyzing problems logically, making Herent hypottee and sotving them They think in terms of cause and effect For example, Pascal, Newton was bom try tactors,like time frame, people involved. place, etc. on what nmaking is the process of comparing our different alternatives and coming to a conclusion igical mathematical peopie want to do. It is a process of selection which is more satisfactory than other options Our brain plays "Eistential Intelligence: It involves thinking philosophically and tackling the questions as to why we live an youmportant role in making all types of decisions to deal with different problems in life de Ttey have the abitity to use intuition, thought to understand the people and the world around them he are the phicsophers yoça or meditation instructors of the society. For example, Gautam Buddha had ths av How do You Make Decisions? unconsciously. Everything we do is to doing. conscioushy or decisions every day, starting fromwesaying no easy formula for the right there's but small, or " InterpersonalIntelligence: Irs the ability to sense other people's feelings and motives. It's how you reia be big may get availability of decisions. The choices that itine our past experiences and reasons, on based action others and manage reiationships Some people are very friendly while others are introverts. It is the ao Seision, We form opinion and choose the then choose a course measure ail the perspectives and to understand lite and death Wemake understand ard irteract with the people around you They are good psychologists, consultants, sales ntiction omatiothatn For any decision, the best possible way is to seems reasonable. and poiticiars of the society For esarmpie Ronald Reagan a farnous politician, Oprah Winfrey a famous tale show uses ther skills to interact effectively with the people. It'sthe skil " Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence: t's the atbility of a person to coordinate your mind with your body to use motor slis and the body to solve problens or create sormething, like dancers, playersfinding the tigh " inguistic Intelligence: It's an atiity to understand, speak and write. It includes words to erpress through speech or written words They are the people with debatingwho sk havenhig and narrators For exampie, William Shakespeare, Agatha Christie are farnous inguistic inteligence 122 Touchpad Artfical Iriteligerice X people ATask around with whole evening playingwith his tricks She enjoyed the was a great hit trom her friends Magician Ria got a lot of giftsentertained all the kids, and the chocolate specially crafted tor her us read the given short story on how to makea decision. abirthday party. em At the there was Clown eof Ria'se party cousins had joined from outside India thday who hera and had qifted Introduction to Al 123 UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO AI Learning Outcomes What is lntelligence? Decision Making "How do Machines become Intelligent? What is not AI? - Domains of AI " Types of Intelligence " What is Artificial Intelligence? " Applications of AI Around Us " Al and Related Terminologies " AI Ethics Long time back humans designed machines to reduce their work. Any tedious task can be done by machines. With the time these machines are made smart so that along with sharing the load of tedious tasks, the machine can think and take small decisions. Which technology has helped in making the machines smart with decision making power? The answer is Artificial Intelligence. In this chapter, we will study the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence. term 'Artificial Artificial intelligence is an approach to make machines which can think and make decisions. The Intelligence' consists of two words: Artificial and Intelligence. Artificial means not natural, it's man-made. the Intelligence means ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. To understand further, let's explore term intelligence. )What is Intelligence? or art. You cannot be nsimple terms, Intelligence is how good you are in languages or science or music may be good in aturally skilled at the same things that include your school subjects, music, sports etc. Youlearning and using at ports with perfect body coordination but not in mathematics. Your friend may be good ability to learn and analysis. Your wurds and languages. May be the other friend is good with numbers and data knowledge and skills you gathered EStand these will depend on your skills and qualities. Then using this apply therm to your life. Intelligence has the following features: around you and the surrounding environment yto communicate and interact effectively with the people nat you can recoanize, understand and then respond in terms of your actions. to run away to a safe place. Similarly, if you meet tell you will intelligence your snake a if you see EKample, eDody known your intelligence will tell you to greet the person warmly. Introduction to AI 121 decisions in many involved in major ey are z more and more travel freely and many more becoming can who loan, Algorithms are hired, who gets the amplify inequality. Let us understand this who is decide Swith theke helping to biased it could actually algorithns are flawed or industries, They things l below. women's salons if you few examples given qives you a listing of 'Salons near my house", it search engine is trained to osearch forrs " f you search for The collection. shirt men's shirts, it gives brands of search for t salons for womr AITask 1 Beside getting the answers through Alexa or Siri do you know any other use of AI which may not be good for a primary school? kid in shirts for men voice. All the virtual assistants havea female to be hi.. used for hiring employees was found In 2015, Amazon realized that their algonithm imnortant uses of Al which can actually turn out to be ethically correct for a kid in primary school. women. tools. legal system for using bias ad-targeting " In 2019, Facebook has to face country's of designing Al models that should no Now most of the companies have understood the importance or developers intentional or unintentional preferences It cho due to algorithm writing, data provided designed to work for the welfare of the society Video Session ATask Watch this video, Have you seen any other Al bias system around you? Explain in short. Visit httpsl/www.youtube.com/watch?y=yoUWKXVYO90 or scan the QR code and answer the following question. What did you learn from this video? At a Glance " In simple terms Intelligence is how good you are in languages or science or music or art. Al Access Al is used on " Decision Making is the process of comparing our diferent alternatives and coming to a conclusion on what exacty bigger, faster and more expensive machines. Al is a privilege you want to do. take advantage of this new which only few people ca widened with the rapid technology.of This has created a gap between these two classes of peop advancement technology. AI for Kids Children today are growing up in available eto them which out of a world surrounded by Al The information is t of understan ethical usage of Al for holistic curiosity vill provoke them to do source of all types need unwanted things. Theyy to development Nowadays when nthe school has of Alexa or Siri or shifted to may take to get the online platforms due to COVID Cortana alsousego to get the aniswers of the questions for his pandemic aHechild recommendations answers may That way we can say he assignment. is a is losing out sInart kid in terms of advantagebut the main using the term basis. objective of education best of his on a b to at the school technology level which willthenot be in his favor 136 Touchpad Artificial Intel igence-X Artificial Inteligence is the science and engineering of making inteligent machines. Machines become intelligent with the algorithms that are fed into them by developers Machine learning is a subset of Al which uses statistical methods to enable machines to improve with experience called neurons earning is a subset of machine learning that is inspired by the functionality of our brain cells hich led to the concept of artificial neural networks. the cience is the domain of artificiat intellioence that processes the given data to find solutions or predict ucomes for a problem statement. ComputertVISion is the domain of artificial intelligence that makes a computer analyse and understand an image or dndeo by collectinga information from pires uses algorithms to understand, anaanguage Processing is the domain of artifcial inteligence where a machine e, and interact with humans using natural language. AA ethics is a system of moral principles and techniques intended for the development and responsible use of A! technology. Introduction to Al 137 smartphones come with a new security Face Lock in Smartphones: Nowadays It uses the front camera to detect the phones. recognition to lock and unlock unlock it matches the input face with the save it Once it is stored, every time to systemof of t features theustaing features alalrready e st in it. recognize lamp posts and to tell tho Self-driving Cars: CV is used in self-driving cars to dif erence sell-driving cars to identi.,ce bebet pedestrians and stop signs. Image classification technique allows Companies like ethe is and what all obstacles are, when to stop or keep driving on the road. building self-driving cars Unusual behavior Detection: CV is used to identify faces in CCTV ootage and also in real a Tesla and Googte help identify and track unusual activities or behavior. ime airpots Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural language is the language used by humans to communicate with each other by writing or to Brainy Fact -0 Roval Bankkof Scotland uses NLP based text oven through emails,surveys and call center the reasons for structure and provide quidelines to make models which can comprehend, break down and separate io details from text and speech, For example Twitter uses NLP to identify and filter out terrorist languages loi tweets Amazon uses NLP to understand customer reviews and improve user experience. analytics to extract important it for dissatisfaction and useconversations. further The trends from company then analyses customer the data tofeedback find out impraverment. ()ATEthics us alot of really great new Alis giving labs into the tereal ot of the research world Natural Language Processing is the domain of artificial intelligence where a machine uses aloor understand, analyse, and interact with humans using natural langquage. The types of data t h o s by NLP are text and speech. It combines the fields of linguistics and computer science to decipher lse omer AiTask applications and it's providing benefit in every field of our more and more people are lives. As Al moves becoming aware of some ethical concerms etus discuSs some of the ethical issues related to Al Case Study: Self-driving cars Scenario 1 teanine that we are ln the year 2030. cars which are just a concept in de People like us are buying them for easeSelf-Driving today's time are now on and are using it for our daily transits Of-course because of all the leatures which this car has. is expensive. Now, let us one day your ather is going to the office in assume, his self drising car, He is sitting in the back seat as the car is driving itself. ot was so sudden that the car is only able to make either Suddenly, a small boy comes in frant of this car The incident of the two choices: Go straight and hit the boy who has come in front of the car and injure him severely. 2 Take a sharp right turn to save the boy and smash the car into a metal pole thus damaging the car as well a injuring the person sitting in it. With the help of this scenario, we need to understand that the developer af the car goes through all such dilemmas whle developing the car's algorithm. Thus, here the morality of the developer gets transferred into the machine as what according to him/her is right would have a higher priority and hence would be the selection made by the Some of the real-time applications of NLP are: " Autocorrect Feature: It uses NLP to give you suggestions and correct your spellings in a document. Gogt also has the feature of auto-sentence completion, where it uses AI to predict the next word to compl machine you were in the place of this developer and if there was no other alternative to the situation, which one of the two nould you prioritize and why? the sentence. For example, if you write "Good, based on the system clock it will predict "Morning "Afternoon" " Plaqiarism Checker: It uses NLP to search through the web and find any cases of published may match your work line by line and warn you for documeio the same . Email Filters: Yaur mails in Gmail accounts are categorized under three heads "Primary "Social' "Promotions". It uses NLP to identify certain phrases fron the mails and categorize them. The maiD "Span" also foliow the same concept . Chatbots: They are software applications that use NLP to communicate with humans speech. Smart assistants like Alexa and Siri Us3t understand the speech pattern of the instrUC execute thern,. Cenario 2: De held Ihe person who bought this car 12 The 32 Touchpad Artificial Inteligence-X assume that the car has hit the boy who came in front of it. Considering this as an accident, who should responsible for it? Why? Manufacturing Company Introduction to Al 133 o Unemployment 3. who The developer who came 4. The boy developed the in front of car's algorithm the car and injured. got severely livps easier and helping us in doing our tasks. has led to the increase in the number making our despite noloyment all the world. Al is advancing and the lives of people by working for unen their tasks of but at the cost of the livelihood of some skilled d and unskilled labourers. ol doing some across improving them1and and Weknowthat: Sel-drivennvehicles wll replace the human driver in the future. the robots can be used for vaccinating the patients. attached Ito patients' bodies can be easily monitored with alesserr number Al-enabled devices .In hospitals . replacina the humans at Chatbots are countries courier and delivery some . In of nurses. customer care services. people are already being replaced by drones and robots. eand industries, the tasks done by labourers are replaced by Al robots and machines. All the above individual'ss data. Data plays a very importa Data Privacy accessibility of an information privacy, is the data that is generated by the use of gadoet as of amount known the Also times, safeguard the personal domain of AL In recent protection policy in order to in almost every applications is huge. Organizations eamples chow that technology is the biggest challenge in todays time. It should be used to benefit the society and not destroying it by creating jobs use data AiTask your face, browsinn hle collected from the user like details about legally to keep a trck Applications need a lot of data which is collected is data your preferences etc. This your geographic location, contact list. shopping cart filling, preferences and to identify you. This also nr tivities. your number of visits, your and notifications according to our choices, recommendations ou with customized computer then it asks you for n o this tedious and heavy loaded task. Give reasons 1 Do you think the manager is doing right by employing labourers to do this kind of work? applications is ethical in nature permissions to these apps and websts for various permissions. It is always advisable not to give these world unknowingly. You y: get the work done at construction sites 2 List two advantages and disadvantages ofusing Al to customers. smartphone or on your by ai Whenever you download an app on your ways. Most of the time, the data collected permissions to access your system's data in different the application z as the users agree to it by clicking on "Allow when otherwise you may end up making your data easily avallable to the whole For example, Whats: for alternative applications which are of similar usage and keep your data private. you may floor to different floors At a bia construction site 10 labourers are required to take bricks and mortar from ground machines to il 20 The manager of the company believes in giving jobs to labourers and not installing Al enabled your private data so in case you do not wish to share your personal information, then collects Telegram. Do not install Truecaller as it also works in the same direction of collecting your data. Were to understand that the data which is collected by various applications is ethical only if the app ora nes User agrees to it AReboot 1 Why AI related apps collect so much of the data? Brainy Fact new data every millisecond. We make 40k search When we use the Internet. we all contribute to creating searches per year. 15% af all new Google searches quernes on google each second. whichamountsto 1.2 trillion have never been typed before. Why is it not ethical to share your data vith the whole world? AL Bias our values so the risk is that AI can be ekdctly think the way we do, it doesn't necessarily share hal from icious against us, Al systems can develop biasness and this can be problematic Any bias can transfer the time of giving the data to e developer to the orat algorithm the designing of machine either at the time he Al model. 134 | Touchpad Artificial Intel igence-X Introduction to Al 135 sub parts. Al, machchine learnine evolution of machine next the is bigger Learning Deep Al is a other beles.. each given table learning are the subset of us take help of the difference between the two let the understand In order to Machine Learning learning and picture and machine deep learning are its learning and dy: Following are sormne of the applications of data science that we see around us: ,Recommendations: -pata science is implemented in thelogic data is small, When the size of the does not a deep learning algorithm perform well as a deep learming of algorithmn needs large amounts data to understand perfectly. Data Dependency Machine Learning algorithm can easily yu with smaller data set. hnology, hospitality, automobiles, durables, Ypparels ete. PriceGrabber, Price Runner, Junglee, Shopville, elTime are some examples ot price comparison websites ker Forecasting: Al uses data sciences to predict the weather monitoring the hail, tornadoes or tsunami Learning algorithms can w Deep Learning algorithms are heavily Machine machines as well. dependent on high-end machines. Hardware Dependency reater precision. Satellite imagery and Al is used to predict how different factors are used to affect climate low end change. solving a problem utire Deep Learning algorithm solves the When we are problem end to end. Problen Solving Approach traditional machine learning algorithm t Brainy Fact - generally recommended that we first brei down the problem into different sub patt a5% of Amazon's revenue is generated using integrated recommendations into nearly every type of and solve them individually and then final hasing process. ourch combine them to get the desired result. Execution Time e-commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart. It is aso Netflix and Spotify recommendations. consumers choices of product, the e-commerce provide suggestions related websites on the Based products. They use data science for targeted advertising. The type of movies and the music that a user of generally the e of to is basis the watches recommendations by the websites. sor listens tng Websites: Data Science is used in predicting the price of products or services based on Price customer'ss demand, seasonal trends, prices of competitive market and many other factors in almost everywhere Deep Learning Parameters behind Usually, Deep Leaning algorithms Machine Learning algorithms take much les: take a long time to train because time to train. there are many parameters making the training time longer than usual. )Domains of AI Computer Vision (CV) Computer Vision is the domain of artificial intelligence that makes a computer analyse and understand an do millions of nage or a video by collecting information from pixels. It focuses on developingq techniques that alculations in order to recognize patterns and to have the same accuracy as the human eye and understand of the content of digital images such as photographs and video to qive the desired output. It uses the concept inage classification, object detection, video processing and so on. Some of the applications of computer vision Based on the data given to Al system, it can be classified into 3domains: Data Science. Computer Vision (Cthat we come across in our daily lives are: and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Let us learn about them in detail. Data Science Data Science is the domain of artificial intelligence that processes the aiven data to find solutions or p the outcomes for a problem statement. The type of data that can be used is numeric and alphanumerte with data systems and processes, in which the system numerous data, maintains data sets otu meaning/sense out of them, The information extracted collects through data be used to make a decision abous DATA SCIENCE S any image by theassification: Google Lens is an application with google that can be used to identify by identifying an object in images, detection of object concept the It uses world. the real from Fopicture picture with your phone using Google For if you unaware of aflower name in your garden, click a S e, Lens exampl application and it are ategorization 130 Touchpad Artifical Inteligence-X the will reveal its name along with the description. categorize the photos on your phone under your Phone: Smartphones use CV to Photos inexample, in the photos folder it will show you all the "Cakes" if you try to search for For in it. Introduction to Al 131 of different Pctures categories. with cake exceed ite its Chatbots Interacting with customers can be time-consuming and stressful. Chatbots are taught to com with the customers using Natural Language Processing (NLP) ensuring maximum customer satit oriqinal that far wOrs anutation power, intelligent systems can With now be nd enhance productivity, conception. incredible advances made in dota deployed to toke over a variety of collection, processing dno tosks, enable connectivity -Nii Aayog: National Strategy for Intelligence IA) is the software Artificial engine that drives the Fourth industrial husinesses and political processes. Its impact can In its Revolution. alreocy of embodied form and for caring it robots, the will gocking soon be driving cars, but t also presents young and elderly. It holds the promise of solving society, facing some of the most sues challenges such as pressing "black inscrutable end potentialjob displacement. As rapid box algorithms, unethical use of data odvances in machine learning (ML) increase the scope and scale of AIS dealoyrmernt across all aspects of daily life, and os the technology itself takeholder collaboration is con learn ond change on its own, multirequired to optimize Artfcial homes. heseen inwarehousees Intelligence accOuntability, transparency, privacy ond impartiolity toocreate trust -World Economic Forum Whatis not AI? We see technology around us in our daily lives. Everything that is automatic is not always Al. There's a thin aeth for an integrated vision Al is not a well-defined technology and no untversally agreed definition aviett It i rather a cover term jor techniques associated with dato analysis and pattern recognition, Al is not new technology, having existed since the 1950s. While some markets, sectors and individual businesses are that divides the technology that uses Al or not. The machine that is trained with data and has the capaciy b aNe odyanced than others, Al is still at a relatively early stage of on their own but are simply acting upon the set of instructions: ond improvement development, so that the range of potential make decisions or predictions is Artificial Intelligent. Here are few examples that are not Al as they do not thini nolicotions, and the quality of most existing applications, hove ample margins left for further development Automatic washing machine: The washing instructions are fed by humans in an automatic washing machire You have to select the type of fabric, quantity of detergent, time duration of rinse and other features in orderts run the machine. It works on the instructions and options selected by us to perform. . Air conditioners or remote-control fans: These are examples of Internet of Things (loT) where you haveto -European Artificial Intelligence (A) leadership Humans learn from their past experiences and machines follow instructions given by humans. What if humans can train the machines to learn from past data and do what you instruct them to do, that too faster and with KCuracy. With Al it is possible for machines to learn from the experience. The machines are just the responses instruct the "on' and "off switches. It is dependent on humans for instructions, and has no processing capat based on new input thereby performing human-like tasks. Let us understand different terminologies which are of its own. oten used with Al. Remote control toys-cars: They are remote driven cars and do not have its own processing. The performaK of the toy is controlled by the person with the remote control. Machine Learning " Smart TV: It is a TV with internet connection that allows browsing and using OTT platforms. It is not using A: enine Learning isa subset of Al which uses statistical methods to enable machines to improve with experience. is one o It is the science of getting process any data. It displays the information based on the data provided. of the most popular technigues to build A systems across the globe. problems. It provides us statistical tools to to interpret, process and analyse data in order to solve taplore the data. (2)AI and Related Terminologies Artificial Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making machines intelligent. It is the developn Inteligence of computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligenced decision making. learning from experience, solving complex problems, etc. It has become an important our lives and in society asa whole. Different organizations have defined it in various forms. Some or ue Machine Learning as follows Deep Leaning (The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human u such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages) Diction) Loxford Al refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking, perceiving, learning. problem has and decision making. Initially conceived as atechnology that could mimic human intelligence, Al 128 Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X eyoved Deep Learningsubset tp Learning is a cells called functionality of our brain that is inspired bya the implementing neural networke learning machine process of of networks. It is which led to the concept teu ons ndimensional data t s of artificial neural and form solutions. insight gain to Introduction to Al 129 desharing Apps Like Digital Assistants Uber Ifor matching drivers and reduces rider and driver riders, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri are some very common examples of the voice assistants whicha are f arrivdl part of our digital devices. They use Natural Langquage Processing in Alto interact with a phone call, play music for you, search for some favorite food or restaurant. humans. They can mak route cancellations,optetiCmization, driver onboarding, predicting the estimate Uber Al based Games omletely Google Maps Google Maps uses Al to predict traffic along your route whether heavy or light, an estimated travel time ad an estimated time of arrival. It also assists you by providing alternative light traffic routes with all possibl revolutionized the gaming world. It helps in atively based on the taste of the human playing the games enhancing the graphics and act intelliqently or calculation of estimated arrival time. Google Maps Healthcare Rsused in Preferred Recommendations healthcare to monitor the physical and mental health of its users. It has helped in reducing the task Netfix Armazon, Spotify, YouTube etc show us M monitoring required by doctors and nurses in critical care units. It has also helped the doctors in on the basis of what we ike. It helps recommendations connect with people of your preference on social media y o gnany litesaving operations. platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagran. also send us customízed notifications based on our preferences on our online shopping platforms. N n 126 Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X Introduction to Al 127 While the party was mid-way Ria realized that her Special Chocolate was missing. and she raised the issue vÙth her parents. Parents decided that instead of spoiling the party, if the magician can do some trick, ,which can make finding of the chocolate fun instead of spoiling the party. S)whatis Artificial Intelligence? edictingthe future isn't magic, its artificial Magician was an intelligent person, so he called all the children around him and said that we will play a tricktolicialIntelligence is the take out a special gift from someone's pocket, which we will gift it to the birthday girl. He told all the k down in a circle around him, They all sat, except 3 kids who were hesitant. He comforted them and told sit next to each other and join the game. He went around asking kids to enact based on his questinne s n o what they enacted. After going around, he covered all the kids except the 3 kids who joined later and ased questions. He asked Joseph what he likes to do the most, perform it with action and he would guess. Joseph made the of flying with onene hand and the magician replied that he likes to fly a plane, and he was right. Next, he asked Robin what he would like to become, showing it with action. Robin enacted the action of shnel. in the crawling position, and the magician guessed he likes to join the armed forces and he was correct again Next, he asked Angel what one activity she does on the weekend and she likes it most. Angel acted as ifshe u drawing. and the magician guessed that she liked painting. Then the magician ended the game and said that now he is going to pull out a special gift from someone's pockat and he went to Joseph and asked him to put his hand in his pocket and pull out what is in there. Soon after Joseoh had the Special Chocolate in his hand, but it was slightly open from one side. He made Joseph gift it with his own hands to Ria and everyone clapped. Then the parents asked the magician how hee found it was Joseph, to which the magician said that the kid who would have picked the chocolate, couldn't have been able to resist eating it. While he asked the questíons to the kids he tried to see into their mouth and chin area to see any traces of chocolate, and he found one under the chin of Joseph. The above scenarios show that it's the information Make Your Choices which helps humans make good decisions. You are given the option of choosing one hamper out of the given three options. lst has sample papers of the upcoming exams, the 2nd has reference books and 3rd has free coaching vouchers. Choose wisely and decide wnin option yoU WOuld go with and why? Sarnple Paper intelligence" science and engineering of -Dave Waters making intelligent like humans. The behave It is a machines. This intelligence that are incorporated technique of getting is built machines with using machine is complex algorithms and human-like intelligence to artificially oconclude, a when it can accomplish tasks mathematical functions. derstanding it, ,analyzing it, learningintelligent from iit, and on its own like finally improving i collecting data, )How do Machines become Intelligent? work and nahines to do. Adorm1ttasks as we eeberome intelligent with the that are fed into them by developers. mtion that makes them tntelligentalgorithms They are trained with to the desired output, An intelligent machine has the ability to antits environment and then adjust its achieve actions based on it what senses, If you see around yourself you will Snd many such machines that use AI hsimpler terms, we can summarize as follows: Data Algorithm AI Machines Where data is the information needed for training artificial intelligence systems and algorithms are needed to analyse data which will help in making predictions. (9)Applications of AI Around Us nave been using AI enabled applications for quite some time now. Let us study about some of these pications in detail. Soogle Search Goongle search Sometimes, it also suggests AI. It responds to our search in a more accurate way. is powered by to display a list according byeects our typed sentences It even catches incomplete words or sentences byour preferred search history. Google fefuyly GoeleSaHct 124 Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-X Introduction to Al 125