BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES HISTORICAL BACKGROUND CONCRETE a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock or other aggregates held together in a rock-like mass with a paste of cement and water. ADMIXTURES materials added to concrete to change certain characteristics such as workability, durability and time of hardening. WORKING STRESS DESIGN (WSD) 1. Design - given the load, determine the size an English bricklayer who obtained a patent for Portland cement JOSEPH MONIER a Frenchman who invented reinforced concrete a received a patent for the const. of concrete basins and tubs and reservoirs reinforced w/ wire mesh and iron wire in 1867. DESIGN METHODS: 1. WSD - Working Stress Design, Alternate Stress Design,or Straight-Line Design Ultimate Stress Design or Strength Design 2. Investigation - given the size, determine the load b - 0.45 fc' ( beams/slabs/footings) - 0.25 fc' ( columns) fc' - specified compressive strength of conc. at 28 days curing (MPa) gconc.- unit weight of concrete - 23.54 KN/m 3 Ec - modulus of elasticity of concrete - 4700 fc' (MPa) STEEL : fs - allowable tensile stress of steel (MPa) fs - 0.50 fy ( beams/slabs/footings) fs - 0.40 fy ( columns) fy - yield stress of steel (MPa) gsteel - unit weight of steel - 77 KN/m3 Ec - modulus of elasticity of concrete fc = fc = 0.45 fc' C kd h 1. Crushing of Concrete - when the strain concrete d-kd reaches the ultimate strain of 0.003 mm/mm. steel "fs" reaches the yield stress "fy" 3. Simultaneous crushing of concrete and Yielding of Steel As z Beam Section nAs Transformed Section fc/n T 1. Overreinforced - when failure is due to crushing of concrete. 2. Underreinforced - when failure is initiated by yielding of steel. 3. Balanced Design - when failure is caused by simultaneous crushing of concrete and yielding of steel where: Mc - resisting moment of concrete Stress of Steel fs = Ms (d - kd) n IN.A. where: Ms - resisting moment of steel Stress Diagram where: TYPES OF DESIGN Mc (kd) IN.A. N.A. Compressive force of Concrete C = 1/2 fc kd b h = overall depth of the beam (mm) z = steel covering (measure from the centroid of bar) d = effective depth of the beam (mm) d = h -z As = area of the reinforcement ( square millimeters) fc' = compressive strength of concrete (MPa) fs = tensile strength of steel (MPa) b = base of the beam (mm) n = modular ratio(always a whole number) n = Es /Ec Location of the neutral axis (kd) Tensile force of Steel T = As fs Moment Arm ( jd ) d = jd + kd/3 j = 1 - k/3 S MN.A. = 0 FACTORED LOAD COMBINATION fc - allowable compressive stress of conc. b MODES OF FAILURE IN BENDING PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: CONCRETE: Stress of Concrete DESIGN OF BEAMS FOR FLEXURE 2. Yielding of Steel - when the actual tensile stress of JOSEPH ASPDEN 2. USD - TYPES OF PROBLEMS BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES b(kd)(kd/2) - nAs (d - kd) = 0 kd = -------- (NSCP C101-01) Constant ( k ) k = Moment of Inertia of the Transformed Section 1. U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL 2. U = 0.75(1.4DL + 1.7LL + 1.7 W) U = 0.90DL + 1.3W 3. U = 1.1DL + 1.3LL + 1.1E) U = 0.90DL + 1.1E 4. U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL + 1.7H U = 0.90DL > (# 1) I N.A.= (1/3)(b)(kd)³ + nAs (d - kd)² n n + fs/fc ( For Design Only ) k = 2rn + (rn)² - rn (For Investigation) Only ) Resisting Moment of Concrete: > (# 1) Steel Ratio Mc = C(jd) > (# 1) Mc = fc/2 (b)(kd)(jd) Mc = (1/2)(fc)(kj)(bd²) DL - Dead Load E - Earthquake Load LL - Live Load H - Earth Pressure r = As bd Resisting Moment of Steel: W - Wind Load Ms = T jd Ms = As fs jd - 200,000 MPa CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 1/20 CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2/20 BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES ULTIMATE STRENGTH DESIGN (USD) A. BEAMS (FLEXURAL STRESS) 2. Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beam (Reinforced in Tension/Compression) 1. Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam (Reinforced in Tension Only) b 0.85 fc' C = 0.85 fc'ab a c b 0.85 fc' As' C' C a d d Mn N.A. As d - a/2 b1 = 0.85 - 0.008 (fc' - 30) C. SHEAR STRESS AND DIAGONAL TENSION d' As' fs' C' d - d' Mu2 As2 r fy where If r > rb steel does not yield , proceed to step IV III. r < rb r fy fc' 2 Mu = f fc' bd w ( 1 - 0.59 w ) IV. r > rb (fy = fs) b c Vc =1/6 fc' bd (Resisting Moment) fc' w ( 1 - 0.59 w) fy 2Ru 10.85 fc' r bd 1st STAGE Forces: C 1 = 0.85 fc' ab T = As 1 fs Resisting Moment: ( rb ) rb = 0.85 fc'b1 600 fy ( 600 + fy) Mu1 = f As1 fs (d-a/2) 2nd STAGE S= Forces: C' = As' fs' T1 = As 2 fs (d-d') d-c Resisting Moment: f As'fs' (d-d') f Mu2 = As2 fs(d-d') Mu2 = T = As fy Es = 200,000 fs/Es = d-c If Vs < 1/3 fc' bd ,Smax = d/2 or 600mm If Vs > 1/3 fc' bd , Smax = d/4 or 300mm Av min = bS/3fy TOTAL : T = T1 + T2 Maximum and Minimum Steel Ratio rmax = 0.75 r b rmin = 1.4 / fy Vu = factored or ultimate shear Vc = shear force provided by conc. Vn = nominal shear Avmin = area of steel to resist shear 0.003 c ; fs = 600 d-c c Solve for c by summing up forces along hor. T = C ; a = b1 c 2 600 As (d-c) = 0.85 b1 f'c b c Use quadratic formula to solve for "c" Then, solve for fs and "a" with known "c" fs = 600 A S = As 1 + As2 e = fs/Es Solve for fs from the strain diagram: Av fy d Vs NSCP/ACI Code Specs: MU= MU1 + MU2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Mn d - a/2 Spacing of Stirrups: Mu1 = f 0.85fc'ab (d-a/2) Balanced Steel Ratio As 0.003 c d N.A. 2nd STAGE 2 0.85 fc' C = 0.85 fc'ab a T2 = As 2 fs' fc' r = 0.85 fc' 1 - CECC-3 fy ( 600 + fy) If r < rb steel yields , proceed to step III f = 0.85 Vn = Vc + Vs rb rb = 0.85 fc' b1600 Vu = f Vn As' As fy 0.85 fc' b bd II. Check if steel yields by computing w = T1 = As 1 fs 1st STAGE but should not be less than 0.65 As = f = strength reduction factor r = As I. Solve for r = ratio of tension reinforcement = As/bd rb= balance steel ratio Mu1 As1 For fc' < 30 MPa , use b1 = 0.85 For fc' > 30 MPa , Ru = steel area (As) Mu = factored moment at section, (N-mm) a/2 d - a/2 Mu = f Ru bd A. Computing Mu with given tension Mn = nominal moment, (N-mm) a = b1 c w = FOR SINGLY REINFORCED BEAM fc' = specified compressive stress of concrete (MPa) 0.85 fc' b C a = a = depth of equivalent stress block As = area of tension reinforcement, square millimeters b = width of the compression face of member c = distance from extreme compression fiber to N.A. (mm) d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement (mm) fy = specified yield strength of steel (MPa) T = As fy Elevation Beam Section T As where: d' = thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to center of the bar or wire, (mm) N.A. BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES d-c ; c a = b1c Finally, solve for Mu: M u = f 0.85fc'ab (d-a/2) or M u = f As fs (d-a/2) = 2 Asteel 3/20 CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 4/20 BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES B. Computing the required tension steel area (As) of beam with given Mu IV. Verify of compression will yield. ec b rmax and M umax I. Solve for c rmax = 0.75 0.85 fc' b1600 = fy ( 600 + fy) As' fs' = 600 c - d' c where: es' = fs'/Es c-d If fs' < fy, proceed to step V. es MU= MU1 + MU2 MU = f As1 fy (d-a/2) + If fs' > fy, proceed to step V. 2 M umax = f fc' bd w ( 1 - 0.59 w ) then, proceed to step II. d' C2 = As'fs' (compression steel yields) II. Solve for r C1 NA As' = As2 c 2 r = 0.85 fc' 1 - 1- fy 2Ru 0.85 fc' C2 = T2 fs' = 600 As' fs' = As 2 fy = ____ Reinforced Beam with given Mu. C d As' C d Mu1 d' C' d-d' d-a/2 Mu = f 0.85fc'ab (d-a/2) + T1 = As 1 fy f As' fs' (d-d') T2 = As fy I. Assume Compression steel yield T2 = As 2 fs' I. Solve for As 1 = r maxbd II. Solve for "a" and "c": C 1 = T1 0.85 f'c ab = As1 fy ; a = ____ a = b1 c ; c = ______ III. Solve for MU1, MU2 and As2 of the beam IV. Spacing of stirrups: Spacing, S = Av fy d Vs If S < 25mm, increase the value of Av. either by bigger bar or shear area. Maximum spacing, s: If Vs < 1/3 fc' bd ,Smax = d/2 or 600mm d-d' Mu2 T1 = As 1 fs a/2 d' As d-a/2 As C' a/2 Solve for c by quadratic formula Solve for fs' and "a" Solve for Mu : As' fs' 0.85 fc' a As' fs' 0.85 fc' b c - d' 0.85 fc' b1 c b + As' 600 c = As fy Beam with given As and As' As' If VS > 2/3 fc' bW d , adjust the size 0.85 fc' ab + As' fs' = As fy a = b1 c B. Computing Mu of a Doubly Reinforced b If VS < 2/3 fc' bW d , proceed to IV. [ C1 + C2 = T ] r bd = _________ A. Computing As and As' of a Doubly 2. Vs = Vn - Vc = Vu /f - V c c - d' c From stress diagram. As' = ________ FOR DOUBLY REINFORCED BEAM If Vu < f Vc , but Vu > 1/2 f Vc proceed to to Step V 1. Vn = Vu /f T = As fy (compression steel will not yield) (Solve for Ru) Vu > f Vc , stirrups is necessary, proceed to to Step III. III. Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by the stirrup. d - a/2 VI. fs' < fy, then use fs' Mu = f Ru bd As = a Vc =1/6 fc' bd If If Vu < 1/2 fV c , stirrups are not needed 0.85 fc' V. fs' > fy, then use fs' = fy If Mu > Mumax design as Doubly Reinforced f As' fy(d-d') V. Since fs' < fy, assumption is wrong If fs' < fy, proceed to step VI. If Mu < Mumax design as Single Reinforced II. Calculate the shear strength provided by concrete, Vc IV. Since fs' > fy, compression steel yields Es = 200,000 c - d' fs' = 600 c fc' VERTICAL STIRRUP DESIGN I. Compute the factored shear force, Vu If fs' > fy, proceed to step IV. As Mumax = with considered factored load r fy w = = ________ III. Verify if Compression steel will yield c-d' N.A. r d' BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES If Vs > 1/3 fc' bd , Smax = d/4 or 300mm (fs' = fy) V. If Vu < f Vc , but Vu > 1/2 f Vc As 2 = As' = _______ As 1 = As - As' = _______ Av min = bw S /3fy where S = d/2 or 600mm (whichever is smaller II. Solve for a and c: [ C1 = T1 ] 0.85 fc' ab = As1 fy ; a = ____ a = b1 c ; c = ______ Mu1 = f As1 fy ( d-a/2 ) Mu2 = MU1 - MU Mu2 = CECC-3 f As2 fy(d-d') ; As2 = ____ DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 5/20 CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 6/20 BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES TYPICAL RESISTANCE FACTORS ARE AS FOLLOWS: SHEARING STRESS OF RC BEAMS For members subjected to significant axial tension: SITUATION Flexure, without axial load 0.90 Axial tension and axial tension w/ flexure 0.90 Shear and torsion 0.85 Compression members, spirally reinforced 0.75 Other Compression members 0.70 Bearing on concrete 0.70 Plain Concrete: flexure, compression, shear and bearing 0.65 Vn = Vc + Vs rmax = 0.75 rb To avoid sudden tensile failure : rmin = 0.25 fc' To control deflection: r > fy < 0.18 fc' fy BALANCED STEEL RATIOS 1.4 fy 1. BEAM REINFORCED FOR TENSION fy ( 600 + fy) where: Checking Ductility if r < r , where: r '= rw = As bw d As' bd 1. In T-beam construction, the flange and web shall be built integrally or otherwise effectively bonded together. 2. The width of slab effective as a T-beam shall not exceed 1/4 of the span of the beam, and effective overhanging flange on each side of the web shall not exceed: bw d fy d (600-fy) r < rlim , compression steel yields fs = fy 4. Isolated beams in which T-shape are used to provide a flange for additional compression area shall a flange thickness not less than 1/2 the width of the web and an effective flange width not more than four times the width of the web. b b1 a) 8 times the slab thickness and b) 1/2 the clear distance to the next web Mu = factored moment ocurring simultaneously w/ Vu 3. For beams with slab on one side only, the effective overhanging flange shall not exceed: b2 bw a) 1/12 the span length of the beam, b) 6 times the slab thickness c) 1/2 the clear distance to the next web For members subjected to axial compression: t > bw /2 Mm = Mu - N u rlim = 0.85 b fc' d' 600 + r' choose the smallest t tension steel yields fs = fy For compression steel if Code Requirements for T-beams Vc = 0.30 fc' bw d Vu d < 1.0 Mu 2. BEAM REINFORCED FOR COMPRESSION r = rb + r ' fc' b w d 1 + Nu 14Ag fc' + 120 rw Vu d Mu 1) b = L/4 2) b = 16t + b w 3) b = center-center spacing of beams T - BEAMS but shall not be greater than rb = 0.85 fc'b1 600 choose the smallest For Symmetrical Interior Beam For members subjected to shear and flexure: 1 7 1) b' = L/12 + b'w 2) b' = 6t + b'w 3) b' = S3 /2 + b'w Distance of Stirrups from support: fc' bw d where: Ag = gross area of section in Nu = factored axial load occurring with Vu (- ) for compression, (+) for tension Nu/Ag = expressed in MPa Vc = choose the smallest For End Beam a. 0.50 S from face of column support b. 0.25 S from face of beam support For members subjected to axial compression: Vc = 1 6 1) b = L/4 2) b = 16t + bw 3) b = S1 /2 + S2 /2 + b w 0.30N u Ag Nu/Ag = expressed in MPa Nu is negative for tension For shear reinforcement, fy < 414 MPa. For members subjected to shear and flexure only: Vc = 1 6 fc' bw d 1 + For Interior Beam where: where: CODE PROVISIONS: FOR DESIGN OF SINGLY-REINFORCED BEAMS To ensure yield failure: Vc = 1 6 Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concete: Vn = nominal shear strength of RC section Vc = nominal shear strength provided by concrete Vs = nominal shear strength of the shear reinforcement BY: NTDEGUMA REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN FORMULAS AND PRINCIPLES 4h - d 8 b but shall not be greater than Vc = 0.30 fc' bw d b1 1+ 0.30N u Ag b' b2 b < 4b w b3 t S1 Substitute Mm for Mu and Vud/Mu not limited to 1.0 bw S2 Interior Beam S3 bw' End Beam where, h = overall thickness of member CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 7/20 CECC-3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 8/20