1/18/24, 4:33 PM ☰ Rizal’s concept of Education MUNTING NAYON 31 years Munting Nayon (MN), an online magazine, is home to stories and news about our Filipino compatriots scattered News and Views of the of Filipino Community Community Service Worldwide around the world. MN is operated by Eddie Flores. Last Update: Thu Feb 20 2020 Rizals concept of Education By Renato Perdon Sydney, Australia December 8, 2016 A BOOK WRITTEN WITH VISION AND PURPOSE FOR A CAUSE Domingo P. Herras Rizal taught his boys reading, writing in foreign languages, geography, math & geometry, industrial work, natural study, morals and gymnastics The problem with Rizal is the wealth of materials available for use. One who is TOP 37 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN FEBRUARY IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY Tony San Juan doing a research on Rizal is always https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ 1/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education faced with the problem of selecting the right and the best materials for the purpose. Rizal has been written as a poet, writer, novelist, physician, nationalist, linguist, traveller, and many other works he excelled at. And all this covers a short period of his life. Rizal always considered education as a medicine or something that could cure Crossover Canada REPRESENTS at International Tournaments in the Philippines Emar Sy the problems of Colonial Philippines. He believed in education that is free from political and religious control. He asserted that reform can not be achieved if there is no suitable education, a liberal one available to Filipinos. Rizal was not happy at the University of Sto. Tomas compared with his student days at the Ateneo Municipal. At least, he enjoyed the little freedom students were given in expressing themselves. This he could not find at the Dominican university. In 1893, Rizals idea of education as an instrument of change has not diminished a bit. In one of his letters to https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ Unforgettable SPH Valentines Party 2020 in the Netherlands for the Taal Volcano victims Angel Axinto 34TH PHOTOWORLD ASIA 2020 CONCLUDES 2/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education Alfredo Hidalgo, a nephew, Rizal stated: Life is very serious thing and only those with intelligence and heart go through it worthily. In the same letter, he also told his nephew that to live is to be among men and to be among men is to struggle He concluded that on the WITH EVENTS HIGHLIGHTS Domingo P. Herras battlefield man has no better weapon than his intelligence His leaving the UST to pursue his studies at the Madrid Central University was in conformity with the ideas of Fr. Jose Burgos, one of the three martyred priests of 1872. Fr. Burgos strongly advocated that Filipinos should study abroad because overseas education was considered an essential step to achieving reform. And this thinking he shared with his only brother, Paciano Rizal. First ever Dutch translation of El Filibusterismo launched in The Hague Sir Anton Lutter Why all these reactions? Was Rizal not over reacting? Was he reasonable? Let us look into one of his works to find some answers. Specifically his The Indolence of the Filipinos, an essay he wrote in 1890 which described the education of the masses under the Spanish regime. Rizal said the education of the Filipinos from birth https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ A GLIMPSE OF BARCELONA AND A VISIT 3/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education until the grave is brutalizing, TO SAGRADA depressing, and anti-human. FAMILIA Rene Calalang During the same period, majority of student have grasped nothing more than what the books say, not even what their professors understand of it. In other words, Filipinos were not MALULUBHANG MGA SUGAT Part 5 Rene Calalang allowed to think. Students were subjected to the daily preaching that lowers human dignity, gradually or brutally killing their self-respectthat eternal, tenacious, persist effort to humble the native, to make him accept the yoke and to reduce him to the level of an animal. In the same piece Rizal talked of the Going back to our roots Willie Jose situation in detail. He said, since childhood, they have learned to act mechanically, without knowing the purpose, thanks to the exercise imposed upon them very early in life to pray for whole hours in an unknown language, of worshiping without understanding, of accepting beliefs Is Your Parenting a Success ? Rey Moreno without questioning, of imposing upon themselves absurdities, while the protests of reasons are repressed. This condition, he continued, made the Filipinos accept the ideas that they https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ Light of Hope 4/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education belong to an inferior race and this Bushfire assertion has been repeated to the child and became engraved in his mind Appeal raises $3,686 and finally seals and shapes all his future actions. Marilie Bomediano To ensure that this orientation retained in the childs mind, Rizal observed that the child who tries to be anything else is charged of being vain and presumptuous. The curate ridicules him with cruel sarcasm, his relatives look upon him with fear, and strangers pity ‘Quezon’s Game’ him greatly. There was no chance to go forward, just follow the faceless crowd, Premieres in London was the order of the day. Featuring Live Concert with It is through this scenario that we could better understand why Rizal was Shulem Lemmer and clamouring for a different education, a new idea of teaching the Filipino youth. Rachel Alejandro Rizal believed that even modest education, no matter how rudimentary Michelle Chermaine Ramos it might be, if it is the right education for the people, the result would be enough to awaken their ideas of perfection and progress and eventually, ON THE CRIME OF FRAUD and change would follow. SCAM: WHAT VICTIMS CAN This is the situation how education was acquired during that period. Rizals idea DO Tony A. San Juan of education was therefore the most enlightened. His concept of education https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ 5/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education was felt as early as when he was only 16 years old. In one of his poems, Education gives luster to the Motherland, he dwelt on the excellent conception of education as a means of instilling enchanting virtue and raising the country to the high level of immortality and dazzling glory. The first few lines of the poem are as follows: Wise education, vital breath Inspires an enchanting virtues; She puts the Country in the lofty seat Of endless glory, of dazzling glow. And just as the gentle auras puff Do brighten the perfumed flowers hue. So education with a wise, guiding hand, A benefactress, exalts the human band. This is, I would say, an affirmation of Fr. Burgos influence over the young Critically Acclaimed Holocaust Film ‘Quezon’s Game’ Opens in Chicago and other Theatres in the U.S. and Canada Michelle Chermaine Ramos George and Dolly Poblete celebrate 63rd Wedding Anniversary in Toronto Rizal, mainly, due to the close association of his only brother Paciano Fe Paca- with Fr. Burgos. A VISIT TO Rizals dream of an education for the youth has been embodied in his https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ Taduran OUR LADY OF MANAOAG 6/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education conception of a modern school or CHURCH Colegio Moderno. A working practical, liberal education and a system of Rene Calalang instruction for the youth of the land was envisoned. This school was actually planned to be established in Hong Kong but found reality in Dapitan during his four year exile in Mindanao. In Talisay, a few kilometres away from the town of Dapitan, now called Rizal Shrine, Rizal operated a school following the modern conception he envisioned for his countrymen. FPPF TO HOST 34TH PHOTOWORLD ASIA 2020 Domingo P. Herras Silayan Community Centre Holds January GetTogether in Toronto It was a school fifty years ahead of its time. A school the main purpose of Tony A. San which was to teach the students to behave like men. Agriculture was RAM completely integrated with formal instruction and the development of self-reliance was emphasized. The school was unique. Intelligence was necessary to be part of it. The school existed for more than two years. Rizals students became successful farmers and honest government officials. A Muslim student, became a Datu while another became the governor of Zamboanga. https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ Juan Guardians of Ontario Celebrate Family Christmas Event Tony A. San Juan MALULUBHANG MGA SUGAT - 7/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education Part 4 In brief, Rizals idea or concept of education is determined by the following requirements: 1. The curriculum of a modern liberal education should include either: religion, hygiene, mathematics, the physical, natural and social sciences, literature (Spanish, rhetoric and poetry), languages (Spanish, English, French, German, Chinese and Tagalog), physical culture, and the arts. 2. There should be a weekly accounting by teachers of student progress and conduct, the well-behaved ones to be rewarded with a posting of their names, and parents should be informed monthly of the progress, conduct, and health of their children. 3. The school should insist on accuracy Rene Calalang Filipino Canadian Community House Holds Christmas Luncheon Gathering Tony A. San Juan FILIPINO CENTRE TORONTO: AN URGENT APPEAL TO OUR FELLOW KABABAYANS! and punctuality. 4. Teachers ware to be employed on Tony A. San passing an admission examination on a competitive basis if there are several APCO’s applicants. 5. There is to be no racial discrimination in the admission of students. 6. Gymnastics and swimming are obligatory. 7. Classes would be six hours a day including a total of two hours of https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ Juan Charitable Efforts in the last few months of 2019, is a Winner Richard J Ford 8/13 1/18/24, 4:33 PM Rizal’s concept of Education physical culture and the arts. New Year, 8. Human relations between teachers and pupils should not be ignored. The New Resolutions: teacher should work with the students and be their leader and co-workers as Moving Forward to well as their mentor. 9. Instruction should be practical and a Better You! should stimulate thinking rather than be a parrot like reproduction of book Tony A. San learning. Students should learn by participation in a natural situation. Field work has its place in effective instruction. 10. Education should received substantial aid to make instruction effective. It is not sufficient that there are students to be taught. There must be proper accommodation and equipment conducive to learning. 11. The teacher should have prestige, reputation, moral strength and some freedom of action. Juan BICOL CANADA PICKS NEW SET OF OFFICERS for 20202021, EARL FRANCIS ORIÑO DACARA IS REELECTED PRESIDENT Earl Francis Dacara Like Share Be the first of your friends The Prayer Rey Moreno Tweet No one has ever COMMENTS become poor by giving Faith Ha https://muntingnayon.com/104/104917/ 9/13