Equine Unit- Industry Project Choose an equine service, breed specialty or performance/competition organization that you are interested in- see me for ideas! You may work in pairs or on your own! Choose a way to teach the class about your topic; include visual examples, teaching materials and a written summary for the class to keep. Using the following rubric; research your topic to make sure that you can answer the following questions: Important information an Industry professional would need to Possible know: Points 1. Formal title or name of professional, organization or 5 discipline. 2. Relationship with licensing bodies or other professional 5 organizations. (Are they a part of a larger group). 3. What is the history of this organization? (Date formed, 5 motivation). 4. Primary responsibilities of officers of the organization, 5 i.e. what is their mission statement? 5. What activities/services do they provide focused on 10 reaching their mission? ( i.e. Jockey Club-registrations, races, etc). 6. How would the public access this organization or 10 services? How many people/horses belong/are involved? 7. What are their standards? (Breed characteristics, 10 Sportsmanship, Licensing competencies, etc.) 8. Choose an interesting aspect of your topic and describe 10 it in detail; giving examples and visuals. (i.e. Stakes races; the Kentucky Derby). 9. Presentation: Include descriptions, pictures and visuals 20 (see me for the separate slide or poster rubric if you use this). Plan on approx. 10 min for the presentation, sharing 1-8 above. 10. Handout: Develop a takeaway for your class including 20 the details from 1-7 above (see library for color printing please). Possible Points: 100 Your points