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Aggression, Sexuality & Sexual Response: Psychology Overview

Do genders differ in levels of aggression:
Aggression is behaviour that is intended to harm another person.
Overt aggression refers to physically or verbally harming another person directly.
Relational aggression: behaviour that is meant to harm the social standing of another person through
activities such as gossiping and spreading rumours.
What are the gender differences in sexuality:
sexuality refers to the ways people experience and express themselves as sexual beings.
Sexuality includes activity that is associated with sexual pleasure.
What is sexual orientation:
sexual orientation is the direction of their erotic interests.
heterosexual is generally sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex.
How do genes influence sexual orientation.
One way genes might influence sexual orientation is through their effect on brain development
Similar to many other psychological characteristics that contribute to individual differences, one’s sexual
orientation most likely depends on a combination of genetic, hormonal, cognitive, and environmental
The three stages of our sexual response:
human sexual response pattern: Masters and Johnson’s model of human sexual response, consisting of
four phases—excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
The excitement phase begins the process of erotic responsiveness; it lasts from several minutes to
several hours, depending on the nature of the sex play involved. Engorgement of blood vessels,
increased blood flow to genital areas, and increased muscle tension characterize the excitement phase.
The most obvious signs of the excitement phase are lubrication of the vagina and partial erection of the
The second phase of the human sexual response, the plateau phase, is a continuation and heightening
of the arousal begun in the excitement phase. The increases in breathing, pulse rate, and blood pressure
that occurred during the excitement phase become more intense, penile erection and vaginal
lubrication are more complete, and orgasm is closer.
The third phase of the human sexual response cycle is orgasm. Orgasm involves an explosive discharge
of neuromuscular tension and an intensely pleasurable feeling. With orgasm comes the release of the
neurotransmitter oxytocin
Following orgasm, the individual enters the resolution phase, in which blood vessels return to their
normal state. A sex difference in this phase is that females may be stimulated to orgasm again without
delay, whereas males enter a refractory period during which they cannot have another orgasm.
A fetish is an object that arouses atypical sexual interest and desire, such as a piece of clothing or body
part, like a foot, that is not usually associated with sexual gratification.
Paraphilic disorders are psychological disorders that involve:
Sexual interests that cause personal distress (beyond that simply resulting from societal disapproval)
Sexual desires or behaviours that involve another person’s psychological distress, injury, or death Desire
for sexual behaviour involving unwilling persons or those who cannot give legal consent
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Pedophilic disorder is a psychological disorder in which an adult or an older adolescent sexually
fantasizes about or engages in sexual behaviour with individuals who have not reached puberty.
Pedophilic disorder is more common in men than women.
A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection that is contracted primarily through sexual activity
including vaginal intercourse and oral and anal sex.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a
sexually transmitted infection that destroys the body’s immune system