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Ben & Jerry's Promotional Strategy Analysis

To: Professor Kunapuli
From: Isabella Morrow and Warren Mullinnix
Date: October 18th, 2023
Subject: Ben & Jerry’s Theory Application
Boone and Kurtz Ch. 13 Objectives of Promotional Strategy
Ben & Jerry’s takes great care in their Marketing and Brand Identification. This analysis
addresses the different promotional strategies Ben & Jerry’suses.
Concept Identification:
Boone and Kurtz (B&K Chapter 13, p. 345-346) State the 5 objectives of promotional strategies
within business. Differentiate Product, Provide Information, Stabilize Sales, Increase Sales, and
Accentuate Product Value. This theory application will cover all 5 concepts and connect them to
Ben & Jerry’s. The text suggests that marketers often pursue multiple promotional objectives at
the same time, this is true of Ben & Jerry’s as they are continuously pursuing \different
promotional strategies.
Concept Application
1. Differentiate A Product
Ben and Jerry’s did plenty throughout its career as a business to differentiate its product from
other competition. First, they added extra flavor to their ice cream. This made their ice cream’s
flavor stronger than the competitors. Secondly, they weren’t afraid to be unique with their
flavors.​They always came up with new fun ideas for ice cream which set them apart from
companies with regular flavors.
2. Provide Information
Ben & Jerry’s has always been extremely transparent with its customers. They have an
easy-to-use website to provide information about the company, its products, and its history.
Another way the company provided information to their customers was by responding to all of
the letters that were sent to them. If customers had questions or suggestions, Ben and Jerry would
respond accordingly.
3. Increase Sales
Ben and Jerry’s were always looking for ways to increase their sales. The primary way they
accomplished this was by expanding their facilities and space in correlation with their sales
increase. They started in a gas station and built larger plants as demand increased.
4. Accentuate Product Value
Ben and Jerry’s has always been a business for the people! Helping small businesses and
charities is a prime component of the company. The giving and kind-hearted nature of the
company adds value to the product for many people. With everything else equal, customers will
choose the brand that makes them feel like a better person in the end.
5. Stabilize Sale.
When Ben and Jerry's was first getting started in the Gas station, they ran into the problem of
losing sales during the winter months. They decided to do an annual promotional event called
“Fall Down.” This not only raised community awareness for Ben and Jerry’s but kept them afloat
during the slower season for Ice cream sales.
Integration with Other Concepts
Ben and Jerry’s stages In new product development directly tie into their objectives of
promotional strategy, Each of their new products tries to differentiate them further from
Ben and Jerry’s marketing approach supports the objectives of the promotional strategy concept.
They have continuously developed their marketing strategies as they have matured as a company
over time and fulfilled each of these objectives in the process.
Works Cited
Lager, Fred. Ben and Jerry’s: The inside Scoop: How Two Real Guys Built a Business with
a Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor. Crown, 1994.
Boone, Louis E., and David L. Kurtz. Contemporary Business. The Dryden Press, 1988.